• Published 15th Jun 2021
  • 2,135 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond In The Rough - Deltorix

A boy named Jake get separated from his family but gets a new one. That being the crystal gems, Can Jake rise to the position of a leader at the age of 16, or will he and his new friends be destroyed by a strange yet familiar enemy?

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Chapter 6

Hey there journal, it has been a crazy week, let's see, first I meet another Displaced, her name was Gwen and she is an Omnitrix user, the sad thing is she snapped a long time ago and started hurting ponies, but a part of her was able to see what she was doing and let her princesses turn her to stone to calm down, after my visit I got her token which is a working Omnitrix! So cool, anyway I also managed to send her a smaller copy of Ship so she wouldn't be so lonely and hopefully she can get better.

I look up from my journal and look over the forest and see a purple dot, a orange dot, and a blue dot heading this way from town. 'Huh, I guess we will have company today.’ I look back at my book and continue writing.

After that whole adventure I asked the gems to continue to study what they wanted but also try and reinforce some of the castle as I noticed it was falling apart. A few days later Applejack came to see me looking like she hadn't slept in weeks. She asked me if I still wanted to work and said her farm needs all the help it can get so I and a few of the gems went to help, turns out Applejack made a bet with her brother that she could clear the whole grove of apple trees by herself, and worked herself to near death. Fortunately Twilight got through to her and she agreed that she does need help, so me, Pearl and Garnet helped her and the other girls pick apples for a whole day.

I smile and pick up an apple and take a bite out of it thinking back to how much fun it was even though it was hard work. I looked over and saw Ship taking a nap. “Hey, Ship we have a few ponies coming, mind telling Pearl?”

He lifts his head and nods. “Ship!” Then hops out of the room then I continue writing.

After the Apple buck incident, things were a bit quiet besides Amethyst driving the ponies nuts with her pranks, then a griffon came to town and she was kinda mean from what I was told, even left during one of Pinkies parties. Thankfully I was at the castle training my powers for this whole incident. After that though, what came next was just annoying this arrogant blue unicorn came to town as part of a traveling magic show, she put on a pretty good show it was only when she started inviting ponies up to the stage just to embarrass them when things got annoying Twilight seemed to be nervous while her friends were getting aggressive.

I tap my chin thinking back and frowning at the result.

She told this story about how she defeated this giant space bear and unfortunately two of the younger audience members got it in their heads to go wake up said space bear to watch the fight in person! Ugh, me and the gems helped keep ponies from getting hurt as he came through town and it turned out that Trixie lied about defeating such a creature but thankfully Twilight had the knowledge and magical power to take care of the problem. Things should have been alright from there but then the whole town turned on Trixie blaming her for the attack! I was so mad I turned a bright pink and gave them a piece of my mind. Unfortunately by the time I finished and the townspeople were ready to apologize to Trixie she had already fled town I don't know where she went. I just hope that she's safe and she's able to recover from losing her wagon. And that catches up on what has happened, and it seems Twilight is coming over so until next time.

I close my journal and use it in my backpack before getting up and looking out the window to see Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash standing at the front door with Pearl. So I jumped down to meet up with them.

“So what are you up to?” She asked me, an accusing glare on her face.

“Nothing much, a bit of training, some writing, and lots of construction work to keep this place from falling apart.” I say with a smile completely ignoring Rainbow Dash's glare.

“Just like I explained earlier when you rudely barged in.” Pearl said to the mare.

I look to Twilight. “So what brings you to our home, miss Twilight?” I ask while putting my hands behind my head and leaning back starting to float a little but mostly just slowly falling back.

“Well, I just got a letter from Princess Celestia that says that a thief with the same characteristics that you described of a gem was stealing technology from Manehattan.” Twilight said, handing me the letter.

I take the letter and read through it and frown. “This could be bad...Pearl please go ask the others who wants to come along on a gem hunt.” I look back at Twilight. “Thank you for telling me this, we will find out if this is a gem or not.”

“And just how do you plan on getting there smart guy?” Rainbow Dash says smugly.

“We will use the wor...p..pads...that don't exist here damn it." I facepalm and groan.

“We really need to find a way to build those.” Pearl said, just as annoyed as me.

I rub my chin trying to think. “Do you know any other way we can get there then?” I ask Twilight.

“Well I can think of a few ways, but our best bet would be teleporting, but that might leave completely exhausted.” Twilight replied.

I shake my head. “None of us know how to do that or even know if we can.” I say to her and groan. “If only we had Greg's van.”

“I mean I teleport us, not everyone here teleport.” Twilight said. “And who’s Greg?”

I blink and rub my neck. “An old friend of the crystal gems, anyway if you think that's the best way to get there.”

“Oh! Jake, what about that old-fashioned train I saw near the town?” Pearl speaks up with a smile.

“Hey! That train is like totally new!” Rainbow dash says but we ignore her.

“The train could work but it will take too long to get to Manehattan, by the time we get there the thief might have left the city.” Twilight said.

I rub my chin and think. We can take the train back, we will teleport, Pearl, go get who wants to come along but tell them they will have to go into their gems, it should make things easier on Miss Twilight.”

“Right.” Pearl said, leaving the room,

“While she does that, I’m gonna prepare for the massive headache and nausea that will come.” Twilight said,

I think and frown. “ I want to say I'll help but I can't guarantee my healing powers will work.”

“I’m sure I’ll be alright after we get there. And maybe after a bit of rest.” Twilight added, just as Pearl came back with Amethyst and Deoxys.”

“Sup dude, Pearl told us what’s going on.” Amethyst said,

I smile. “Good, I'll hold onto your gems while we teleport so there is less mass for Miss Twilight to teleport.” I say to them and turn to Twilight. “Just give us a moment and we will be ready.”

“Alright, take all the time you need.” Twilight said, immediately covering Rainbow's mouth, most likely stopping her from saying anything bad.

I nod and turn to the gems and hold out my hands. “Whenever you are ready.”

They nod and Pearl is the first as she starts to glow and is pulled into the gem on her forehead and I catch her. Next is amethyst as she glows and is pulled into her gem much faster. “Don't take too long ok kid!” and last was Deoxys who looks nervous but turns into light and is also pulled into her gem and once I have all three in my arms I step over to Twilight.

“Fascinating, would you mind if I studied you later?” Twilight asked as I got closer to her.

“Maybe, just keep in mind they are people just like you, whenever you're ready.” I say as she puts a hand on my shoulder and Applejack and Rainbow dash grab her shoulders then in a bright flash we are teleported.

The next thing I hear is a loud boom as we arrive and are thrown away from the destination point. “S...sorry it was harder than I thought.” Twilight said, holding her head.

I set the gems down and walk over and gulp hoping this works as I lick my fingers and rub her forehead under her horn. “Ew, what the hay are you doing!” Rainbow yells.

“I have healing spit, so I’m using it on her.” I said, just as Twilight let go of her head.

“Hey, my headache is gone now.” she said, then let out a sigh of relief, “Thank goodness, I was not wanting to spend my day with a headache.”

I smiled seeing it worked then looked to the city. “So this is manehattan?”

“Yep, a pretty big place, and kinda one of the busiest.” Applejack said,

I nod and rub my chin. “Sounds like home, so where were the break-ins?”

“From the letter, we aren’t too far from the location.” Twilight said, going in one direction, while we followed her.

I look around seeing what the city looks like as we walk through its streets till we come to a store. I look inside to see it is a cell phone and tablet store to my shock. “You guys have this kind of tech?”

“Well yeah, what did you expect? All of Equestria not having phones or something?” Rainbow asked me,

I shrug and say. “Well, I've only seen Ponyville and that old castle. Can you blame me for thinking you guys are still in the steam age?”

“You have to admit, he’s got a point there.” Twilight said, “Anyway, this is the place.”

I look over to Pearl. “Pearl could you look around for clues and take Deoxys with you, she seems to be able to see things we can't, Amethyst will be with me and the ponies.”

Pearl nodded as she and Deoxys began searching the area,

I look to Twilight. “Miss Twilight would you mind helping me question the store owner? They would most likely feel more comfortable with you nearby.”

Twilight nodded her head, “Sure, anything I can do to help.” she replied as we inside.

As soon as we walk inside a male unicorn comes up to us with a broom. “I'm sorry but we are closed please come back in a few days.”

I hold up a hand. “We aren't customers, we are here to ask about the break-in last night. Did you see who broke yourself? And if so could you tell us about them?”

“Well I didn’t really see them, only just a rough outline of them, got a weirdly shaped helmet or something, it was shaped like a triangle, and I think I also saw something shiny on their forehead.” the stallion explained.

My eyes widen at the description and then I rub my chin thinking to myself. ‘Could it really be her?’ I look up at him. “Thank you for the information, did you see which way they went?”

The stallion shook his head, “Nope, sorry, but they just disappeared. Couldn’t even find any footprints.”

I rub my chin looking down. “Huh, well thank you, I'll see what I can do sir.” I turn and walk to the front door and look for Pearl.

“I saw that look you got, you know who did this don't you?!” Rainbow accused me.

“I have an idea of who it might be, but I'm not fully sure yet.” I tell her as I spot Pearl and Deoxys around the corner and head to them.

“Jake, you’re not gonna believe this but we found some sort of claw marks on these walls as if something was trying to climb them, or hide from someone.” Pearl said, pointing at the marks on the walls.

“I also found faint traces of a strange electrical field.” Deoxys added.

I look at the marks noticing they are rounded and not sharp. “I think I know who it was but I want to make sure.” I turn to Deoxys. “Can you track the energy?”

She nodded her head, “Yes though it’s faint so it might be a bit difficult.” she said,

I nod and look at the ponies. “Me and the gems can handle this, go get some rest.” I then turned to Deoxys. “Ok lead the way.”

Deoxys nodded and began to fly in one direction, me, Pearl and Amethyst following, we went through many twists and turns, occasionally stopping when Deoxys lost the trail, after all that, we eventually found ourselves at some sort of warehouse, though it looked to be abandoned for a long time.

I look at them and say. “Ok, if my theory is right we don't need to fight, but just in case I'm wrong be ready, Pearl and Amethyst are upfront with me.” I start heading to the doors of the warehouse.

“And what about me?” Deoxys asked me,

“You will be behind us, but not hiding, we don't want to spook her.” I say and then push the doors open and look around hearing something bang in the warehouse. We enter the warehouse and I look around and then call out. “Peridot are you here!?”

Pearl looks at me in shock. “You think she is here?”

I nod. “Yes, how I have no clue though.” I continue listening for any response.

I didn’t get any so we went in, walking by large stacks of abandoned crates, what was in them I have no idea, but someone obviously did, if the opened or smashed crates that littered all over the floor were any indication.

“Geez, somebody needs to learn how to pick up after themselves.” Amethyst said, I shook my head but stopped when I heard something, the others heard it two as they immediately went quiet, following the noise we eventually arrived at what looked like a workshop, many different pieces of tech covered the table and the floor around it, then the noise appeared again.

“Peridots log 2-3-4, so far my more than legal activity has caught the attention of the law enforcement of this world, which means I may need to pack up or destroy everything in my workshop.” I looked and saw Peridot with limb enhancers, or what looked like them anyway.

I chuckle and smirk. “Well that is definitely Peridot and it seems to be the same one that we know.” I whisper to the gems, then I say louder. “ Peridot of the crystal gems please come out your friends are here.”

Peridot in response let out a shout as she looked around, “Friends? Prove it!”

I tap my chin then look to Pearl and wave her forward. “Well how about the fact that I look like Steven, and Pearl and Amethyst are here with me? And the fact I know you used to work for Yellow diamond till you called her a clod.”

Peridot still looked around with a glare, before sighing, “Alright I believe you, only the Crystal Clods know about that.” she said,

I smile and see her come out from around the corner. “Hello Peridot, my name is Jake, and you already know Pearl and Amethyst.” I say pointing at them.

“Jake? But you look like Steven.” she said, giving me a confused look, “Did you perhaps hit your head and gained the human term, amnesia?”

I shake my head. “It's a long and complicated story but to put it in gem terms, think of me as a different cut of Steven, I have all of his powers and look like him but I don't have his personality.”

“I see.” Peridot said, holding her chin in thought,

I look her over and smirk. “I see you got your limb enhancers back, so what were you trying to do with all this stuff?” I ask while looking over at the tech.

“I was hoping to make a few things to help me survive in this world, like a communicator to contact any other Crystal Gems that are here, a few, ahem, weapons to fend off the much more vicious locals on this planet.” Peridot explained,

I nod in understanding and say. “I see, well thankfully we have a home base to live, you're welcome to join us but I do ask that you don't attack the locals. Obviously you can defend yourself if they attack you first but nothing lethal please we're trying to make a good name for ourselves.”

Peridot scoffed. “Obviously, I wasn’t referring to the equines, I was talking about the bigger, monstrous ones, specifically the flying reptiles that eat gems!”

“Oh! Yeah they will be a problem but as long as we stay out of their territory we should be safe, but we should find a way to travel faster.'' I rub my chin and then look at Peridot. “You wouldn't happen to know how to make warp pads would you?”

“Uh, no. But my Limb Enhancers should have the information we would need.” Peridot said as a screen appeared with blueprints to Wap Pads.

I nod my head with a grin. “Well, if you want to be a part of our group would you mind working on some stuff for us? Warp pads are on the top of the list. Basically, you'd be the leader of our research and development squad.”

Peridot froze after I said that, then she gave a big smile with stars in her eyes, “Me?! Leader?! Of research and development?! YES!!” she shouted happily.

I smile and hold up a hand. “I'm glad you will join us but keep in mind, first, we don't have that much funding yet so supplies will be limited. Second, at the moment you are the only member of the R and D team. and third, anyone that joins gets respect, it doesn't matter if they are a gem or a pony, I don't want a repeat of the whole incident at the barn between you and Pearl.” This made both blush lightly.

“Don’t remind me, and also, darn it.” Peridot said, frowning, “oh well, I’m still the head of Research and Development.”

I smile seeing everything is settled. “Good, now then let's take this stuff back to where you stole it, then after you apologize we can head home.”

“B-but do I have to? What if we get ambushed? What if the flying reptiles come?!” Peridot asked,

I raise three fingers. “First, the ponies won't attack us for no reason, they are mostly pacifists.” I dropped a finger. “Second, the dragons don't live anywhere close to here, but if they show up we can work together to scare them off.” I dropped another finger. “and lastly if you stay here eventually the ponies will send their cops in and try to arrest you.”

“Alright, you make very good points.” Peridot said, then stood up straight, “Lead the way please.”

I looked at a sad Deoxys blink as I turned around. “Oh right and this is Deoxys, she is new and from this universe.”

“Hi.” Deoxys said, waving,

“Interesting, I have never seen a gem like you before.” Peridot said, looking at Deoxys

“Well, like I said she is from this universe, and trust me when I say we are gonna need to step up our game to protect this world.” I say as we leave the warehouse. I look back and add. “Because homeworld exists here and there are even more Diamonds than back where you're from.”

Peridot stared at me wide-eyed, “WHAT?!” she yelled out,

I cover my ears from her yell and frown. “Yeah, but we only have to hide this planet from them they don't know where it is.'' I look to Deoxys. “right?”

“Right.” she replied, nodding her head.

I look back to Peridot. “Look at it this way, if it comes to actually fighting you could come up with ways of fighting them without destroying them.” I pat her shoulder. “Now let's head back.”

“Alright, lead the way, Jake.” Peridot said,

We head back to the store with Peridot carrying all the stolen tech in a forcefield from one of her arms. Once we get there I pat her back and gently push her toward the grumpy unicorn. “Um, here is your inferior technology back organic.”

I facepalm and groan. “Peridot try to be nicer.” I looked at the store owner. “I’m sorry sir, she doesn't interact with people that often. Please forgive her.”

“It’s fine, I’ve dealt with rude ponies before, what’s another?” he said,

I chuckle a bit and nod. “Thank you for being understanding.” I grab Peridot’s arm and start to leave.

“Now hold on, her rude behavior isn't a problem but she still stole and destroyed my merchandise, who is going to pay for it?” he asks.

I groan and reach into my pocket and pull out the last of the bits Daring gave me. “I’m sorry sir this is all we have left.'' I give him fifty bits.

The stallion looked at the bits then sighed, “Alright, this will do, just make sure she doesn’t do it again.”

I nod. “Yes sir, it won't happen again, and I'll try to pay back the rest, just send the bill to the golden oak library in ponyville, under the name Jake.”

The stallion nodded, “Alright, you’re good to go then.”

I smile and say. “Ok, let's go, Amethyst mind going to find Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack?”

“Sure dude, I'll be back in a flash!” she then ran out of the store. I shake my head and the rest of us walk out of the store, I look to Peridot as she speaks up.

“So where are we staying at?” she asked me, “Somewhere with suitable defenses I’m sure.”

“In a way, we set up a temple in the middle of a forest the ponies are afraid of, and it is also in the middle of an old castle we are repairing...hmm maybe you could make some of those little robots to help with that.” I start mumbling to myself as I think that over.

“Hmmmmm, I believe I can help with the Flask Robonoids.” Peridot said, “And the location does sound like it’s well hidden, but just for our protection I will build ourselves some defenses.”

“That is alright with me, but I do want warp pads to be on top of your list, that way we can set up a few to get from our home to the nearby town easier.” I say. I look over as I hear wings flapping and see Amethyst with the ponies coming back.

“Who is that?” Twilight asked me, pointing at Peridot.

I wave a hand toward her. “This is Peridot, she is a crystal gem like the rest of us.”

“Was she the one stealing?” Rainbow asked, giving the gem a glare, who glared back at her.

“For your information, I was only stealing to protect myself, and call others any of my friends who might have ended up here as well.” Peridot said,

Rainbow’s glare gets sharper and she flies right into Peridot's face. “So you are a criminal! And we caught you!” I slap my face and groan as they start to fight.

I look to Twilight. “What is the plan now, miss Twilight? She already Apologized to the store owner and I gave him the least of my money.”

Twilight held her chin in thought, “Well, she can at least do some community service to make up for her crime.” she said,

I hold up a hand. “I plan on paying for what she took, no need for her to be punished. I was referring to how are we getting home?”

“Right sorry, I thought that was what you meant, well I’m still a bit exhausted after teleporting us here, I think we should just take the train home.” Twilight said,

I nod but then say. “That sounds like a plan but can you afford it? I mean there is..” I turn around and count everyone. “Eight of us here.”

“Sure I can.” Twilight replied.

“Alright if you're sure.” I look over at the others watching Rainbow arguing with Peridot. “Hey everyone we are leaving, and Peridot please stop fighting with the rainbow pony she is just overprotective of her friends.”

“She started it!” Peridot said angrily.

“Yes I know, and yes she is annoying but unless she actually hits you, ignore her.” I tell her then walk up to Rainbow and frown. “As for you, I think you need to be out in time out miss Dash.” I hold my hands out and make a massive bubble around her and push it over to Applejack.

“Hey! Let me out of this thing!” Rainbow shouts angrily, punching and kicking the bubble.

I look at Applejack with an innocent smile. “Miss applejack do you mind carrying her?”

“Sure thing.” Applejack replied, “Besides, she was starting ta get on my last nerve.”

I smile and leave the bubble with Applejack and walk over to Twilight and Peridot joins me and is scratching her chin. “Fascinating you do possess the same powers as Steven. Seems you were telling the truth.”

“Um, what is she talking about?” Twilight asked me,

I rub the back of my neck as we head for the train station. “She is referring to the leader of the crystal gems before me, he...he and I have the same powers, it would probably be more accurate for me to say I am a copy of him physically.”

“I see.” Twilight said,

I look over to Peridot and say. “If you have any questions, go ahead and ask, I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability.”

“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” Peridot said,

I nod and look ahead as the train station comes into view. “Hey miss Twilight, think you could help me make an appointment with whoever is in charge of ponyville?”

“Sure, but why?” Twilight asked me,

“Well, we will eventually be putting something in your town to help us get to it faster and I want it out of the way, but also want it to be legal so ponies won't try to remove it.” I tell her before she steps up to the ticket seller.

“Oh, well I’m sure she will help you out.” Twilight said to me, “Eight tickets to Ponyville please.”

He smiles and nods giving her the tickets after taking her bits. I wait for her to come back then say. “That's good, and I appreciate this.”

“No problem, what are friends for. We are friends right?” Twilight asked me.

I smile and hold out my hand. “Sounds good to me, though I am surprised you want to be friends with me considering I'm younger than you.”

“Hey, friends come in all shapes and sizes.” Twilight replied, “Doesn’t matter how young you are, a friend is a friend.”

I smile at that and nod. It isn't long before the train pulls up and we all get in, but I laughed when the conductor wanted to put Rainbow in with the luggage. We all get out seats, Applejack with Rainbow Dash, Amethyst, and Deoxys together near the windows, and me, Twilight, Pearl and Peridot sit together. Then I get nervous when Twilight pulls out a scroll and quill.

“What ya doing?” I asked the mare, hiding my nervousness.

“Well I thought now would be a good chance for me to ask you some questions about your species.” she says with a big smile that makes a squeaking sound.

“Oh, alright.” I said, letting out a small sigh, 'Why was I so nervous?’

She smiles and gets ready to write. “Great, let's see, the first question I have is where are you from?”

Before I can answer, Peridot speaks and tells the truth. “We come from a planet far away from here in another galaxy and if what Jake has hinted to we are also from a completely different reality.”

Twilight stared at me in shock as I facepalmed, “You’re from another planet?!” Twilight shouted, thankfully none of the other passengers heard, but Applejack and Rainbow did.

I sigh and nod. “Yes, we are, though I wanted to keep that private till we could tell this country's leaders.” I say adding a small glare to Peridot.

“Whoops.” Peridot said, “In my defense, you should have let me know before we got on the train.”

I sigh and nod. “Yeah, I should have, anyway.” I look back at Twilight. “Yes we are aliens.”

“That is amazing!” she said excitedly, smiling so big another squeak sound was heard.

I blush a little and rub the back of my neck. “Yeah I can see why it's such a big deal, but please keep this quiet till we settle in and tell your leaders.”

“Oh don’t worry, we won’t say a word. And I’ll make sure Rainbow Dash doesn’t either.” Twilight said, then got in my face, “What is your planet like? What level of technology do you guys have? Do you guys have leaders who move your sun and moon?”

I quickly cover Peridot's mouth before she can say anything, then I think for a moment before answering. “Well..let’s see, in order of your questions, when you ask about our planet, I assume you mean the original homeworld of all gem kind, it is not a nice place or at least it wasn't before Steven helped it become more peaceful.”

I let go of Peridot's mouth and continued. “As for your second question, Pearl or Peridot would be better to answer that, and gems do have leaders but they don't move any suns or moons, as where we are from all of them move on their own thanks to gravity.”

I rub my neck shyly as I show my gem. “I am technically one of our leaders known as a diamond.”

Twilight let out a gasp, “No way! All this time I’ve been talking to one of the leaders of an alien race!”

I chuckle nervously. “I know it is a big thing but honestly my political power ends with the crystal gems, besides the homeworld I am supposed to rule is in a different reality.”

“Oh.” Twilight said, a bit disappointed but continued asking me questions, “So what are the Gems like? Are they a peaceful race or something?”

“I have a few questions for you as well.” Peridot said, “First off, what is the local area like? Second, what is the planet like as well? Third, How do the ponies get by on such primitive technology?”

Twilight seems to be surprised but she clears her throat and answers. “Well, where we are headed to is a small town called ponyville, it's a nice small farming village that is located next to the Everfree forest. It is a peaceful place..most of the time, and it is where me and my friends live.”

She is writing or drawing something as she speaks. “As for the planet itself, we don't know everything about it yet but we do know that Princess Celestia raises and lowers the sun and moon every day and night.”

I clear my throat and butt in. “Well for the past thousand years that was the case but now her sister Princess Luna is back and is going to start moving the moon.”

“Two beings capable of moving celestial bodies of that size? impossible, it's not scientifically possible.” Peridot says with a dismissive wave of her hand making her ‘fingers’ float past Twilight’s view.

“It is very possible. They are the princesses of the sun and moon for a reason, they are very powerful Alicorns, which are considered gods.” Twilight argued,

“Please, the only way for them to move such great celestial bodies is if they were actually smaller in size.” Peridot said,

I look between Twilight and Peridot and get a great and terrible idea. “Say Twilight I was wondering, how would you like to be a part of the crystal gem’s R&D team?” I ask, trying not to smirk.

“Really?!/Are you crazy?!” both of them said at the same time,

“She can’t join!” Peridot said to me, getting in my face before Twilight pushed her away,

“Of course I’ll join! The chance to work with new possibilities of technology is something I have always dreamed of!” she said happily.

I smile and then point to Peridot. “But she is the one in charge, so you have to listen to her when it comes to gem tech.” Then I point to Twilight. “And Twilight will be our magic expert.”

They look at each other then Peridot speaks up. “But she will know nothing about our tech and it will slow me down!”

“Hey I am a fast learner and could be helpful!” twilight says.

“Hey listen, both of you, Peridot we need a local to work with because there may be some materials that can only be found on this world, and she would probably know more about them than us, second she may be able to get us some royal funding since she's the student of one of the princesses.”

I turn to Twilight. “As for you, I will warn you now Peridot is very professional and will try to do things by the book. She doesn't have much experience working with other people and will most likely complain a lot until you can catch up with her but once you impress her you'll be on her good side.”

“I highly doubt that.” Peridot said, “I don’t have a good side.”

I look at her with a flat look. “Three words, Lapis, and meep-morps.”

Peridot opened her mouth to say something but closed it with a growl. “Alright you got a point there, but I still won’t like working with her.”

“Just give her a chance, trust me when I say, I see both great and terrible things from the two of you.” I say with a smile.

The two glared at each other but eventually both let out a sigh, “Alright, I’ll give her a chance, but only one chance and that’s it.”

“Fair enough, and Twilight I would like to get a few basic magic books when we get to town please.'' I ask her as I lean back and pull my whole backpack out of my gem and open it and pull out my Tablet. “Peridot you can BORROW my tablet if you want but I want it back later.”

“But of course Jake.” Peridot said though I had a feeling I might need to have Ship put a tracker in it in the future.

I nod and sit back to relax but then remember something and speak up. “Don't watch any videos on that till you are at the temple ok?”

“But why?” she asked me, tilting her head in confusion.

“Because there will be a lot of questions after you see what I'm talking about, and I want to show all the gems.” I say then close my eyes for a nap.

“Jake. Wake up, we’ve arrived at Ponyville.” I heard Deoxys say as I opened my eyes.

I yawn and stretch as I stand up. “Alright, I'm up, I'm up.” I look around seeing everyone getting up and ready to leave the train. “That was a nice nap, where is Peridot?”

“She got off as soon as the train stopped.” Pearl said,

I raise an eyebrow. “Please tell me you at least have Amethyst following her, I trust her and all but I don't want her getting lost.” I follow everyone out and off the train.

“Don’t worry she is just waiting for us.” Deoxys said, and sure enough, Peridot was leaning against the station, tablet in hand.

I smile and am about to say something when I hear someone say. “There you are! We have been looking for you all day.” I turn and see Daring in her disguise next to an older-looking mare with a whitish-gray coat and a white and purple mane.

“Oh um hello miss D...A.K. Yearling, sorry I had to take care of something but it's handled now.” I say with a smile.

“It's better, anyway I’d like you to meet someone.” she said, “This is Twilight Velvet.”

Twilight Velvet steps forward about to say something but then Twilight Sparkle butts in. “mom? What are you doing in ponyville?”

Twilight Velvet rolls her eyes with a smirk. “Sweetie, it's rude to interrupt somepony. Now then, as my friend said I am Twilight Velvet.” She shakes my hand and I smile.

“Nice to meet you, so you’re Twilight's mom?” I asked her,

She smiles and nods. “Yes I am. I am a bit surprised you two know each other but this is a small town, but my friend miss A.K. Yearling told me you have a few stories you wish to sell here in Equestria?”

I nod and grin then look to Peridot. “Hey Peridot, I need my tablet back for a bit.” I hold my hand to her. After some hesitation, she gives it back to me and I turn back to Twilight Velvet. “Let's go talk about it.”

“Sure, is there somewhere you wanted to talk?” she asked me,

I shrug and point to the town. “How about the library? It's quiet, calm and a bit private.”

Twilight Velvet nodded, “Sure.” she said,

I smile and turn to Pearl. “Pearl please show Peridot around and teach her what you've learned about this country while I am talking with Miss Velvet.” I take a step but then turn back and walk backward. “Oh and Peridot make a list of whatever you need to make the warp pads.”

“Alright.” Pearl and Peridot both said, before walking away.

I smile and after putting my tablet away I put my hands in my pockets as I follow both Twilight's to the library. “So you seem awfully young to be a writer, do you even have your mark yet?” Miss Velvet asks me.

“I looked at her confused, “Mark?” I asked her,

“Your cutie mark dear.” she explains while showing me her mark on her shoulder. Three purple stars in a triangle. “It represents your special talent.”

I shake my head. “My people don't get those ma'am.” I lift my shirt just enough to show my gem. “I am what's known as a gem.”

“Interesting.” Twilight Velvet said,

I shrug and see the tree ahead. “Yes I suppose it is. So you help miss Yearling with making her stories?”

“Well I Write the stories that Yearling comes up with, so I am the writer but I’m not the one who comes up with the stories.” she replied.

I nod and rub my chin. “Well I have a few stories that would be good as books but at least one series that would be best as a comic book, or tv show if you guys have television.” I say as we enter the library.

“I can’t wait to hear about them.” Velvet said,

I smile and pull my Tablet back out of my gem and open up my saved tv show. “Then I'll start with a show called, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.” I start the first episode and turn it to face her.

After the episode ends I close the screen and smile at her. “As you can see it is a team of five teenagers that are given powers to protect the world from evil. Any questions?”

Velvet held her chin in thought, then shook her head, “Not that I can think of.”

I nod and smile. “If you have a way to copy data I can give you the whole first three seasons of the show, of course I don't mind if you change a few things like turning the humans into ponies or any other number of beings.” I told her.

She nodded her head as she pulled out a tablet and cord, “With this, I can link to your tablet and copy the data.”

“Cool, I just hope it works.” I give her my tablet. “If you want you can copy the files on what's called Star wars too. They are long movies and a few tv shows but they are super cool.”

“Alright, I’ll take your word for it.” Velvet said, connecting the two tablets with the cord, and after a few minutes, she handed me my tablet back.

I take my tablet back and set it down. “So what else do we need to talk about, or are we done?”

“Well, we could have a friendly talk if you want.” Velvet suggested,

“Sure, do you want to ask any questions of me?” I ask as I look over then chuckle seeing Twilight sparkle fangirling over Daring.

“Oh, just a few like how are you doing and such.” Velvet said, “Also, who were those fur women that were with you? Your guardians or is one of them your mother?”

I scratch my neck. “Well yes, they are my guardians more so the tall one with a gem on her forehead. As for how I'm doing I am fine so far just getting used to a new ...country.”

“I see, from the way you said country I get the feeling that it was so sudden to be here?” Velvet asked,

I nod and sigh. “You can say that, me and the gems just suddenly found ourselves here, more specifically the old castle in the forest nearby and that's where someone we both know found us.” I say looking at Daring as a hint.

Velvet nodded her head, “I see.” she said, “It must have been quite shocking to find yourself in a new location all of a sudden.”

I nod and close my eyes. “There was a bit of panic for a bit but then we set up a home and I met some new friends.”

“That’s good to hear, making new friends is a great way to handle being in a new place.” Velvet said, smiling.

I nod smiling. “It is, thankfully Miss Yearling told me about you and set this meeting up so I can start making bits. Speaking of, out of curiosity what kind of pay well each of us get?”

“Hmmm well, normally I take 60% of the income from the sales but seeing where you are living and you have so much material to convert and sell, then how about I give you 75% while I take 25%?” she tells me and offers me.

I nodded my head, “Alright.” I said,

She smiles and shakes my hand and she looks at her phone. “Oh dear, I need to get back to Canterlot, I'll send the first copy of the stories I finish here first.” she turns to twilight. “Twilight sweetie be a good girl I have to go now.” she then gets up and waves as she leaves Yearling following shortly after.

“Well, I’m gonna head back home.” Jake said, walking out of the library.

“Wait for me Jake, I want to speak with Pearl a bit before nightfall.” twilight says as she follows me.

“Alright.” I said as we continued to walk towards the Everfree, Twilight looking nervous.

“I still don’t understand how you can stand living in this place, it’s unnatural.” Twilight said,

“Maybe to you, but everywhere I've been is like this.” I start saying then put a bubble shield around us as a cockatrice walks by and glares. “Minus the monsters.”

Twilight shuddered, “I’m not gonna get used to looking at it without it turning me to stone.”

I rub my neck. “Yeah I can see how scary it would be, thankfully my shield seems to filter out its harmful magic.”

“Interesting, you are just full of surprises aren’t you?” Twilight asked me.

“I suppose, the first time it happened I didn't even know it had harmful magic.” I say as we continue walking and then I look at her. “Say twilight can you tell me about Celestia?”

Twilight smiled after I asked, “She’s the most amazing pony ever known! She’s kind, caring, and always provides us with the sun.”

I nod and rub my chin. “She does sound nice but I mean as a leader what is she like? Does she talk things out with other leaders or does she um...handle them before they become a problem?”

She taps her chin thinking for a while before she smiles. “Well I know she has maintained peace for a thousand years, so she must be good at taking care of any problems before they come up.”

I pale a little as I picture a black ops assassin squad under her control but shake my head and snap out of it as we come up to the castle. I see Pearl and Peridot arguing about something. “I'm telling you we need to focus on the supports before we start cleaning!”

“But the castle is so filthy! Can we clean up room by room?” Pearl says in a whining way.

I speak up, breaking them up. “I agree with Peridot, no point in cleaning a room if it collapses on us.”

“Yes, thank you Jake.” Peridot said, then looked at Pearl smugly.

I roll my eyes and flick Peridot’s arm. “Just because I agree with you doesn't give you the right to be rude, plus you and I need to talk. Did you make that list?” I ask as Twilight moves over to Pearl and they start talking.

“Ah yes, the list, I have right here.” Peridot said, pulling out a piece of paper and handing it to me.

I look it over and see a lot of it seems like advanced technology, probably what is what's available on this planet. “Damn it. I don't think this world has the tech we need.”

Twilight looks over and then comes over reading over my shoulder. “Huh I don't know what those are but thanks to the descriptions I think we can use magic for most of that.”

I heard Peridot scoff, “Magic? Please everyone knows magic isn’t real, science is much better and more realistic.”

Twilight glares and then she smirks as her horn lights and lifts Peridot off the ground and spins her around slowly then sets her down. Then twilight's horn glows even brighter as she lifts up all the rubble around the entrance then it flies around the wooden door before all fusing together to its original state, almost like new. “Magic is real, from simple levitation to complete transmutation and restoration.”

Peridot shook her head. “Please, I can do the same thing with science.” Peridot said, her limb enhancer changing and shooting a beam at Twilight, she began to sin the mare and finally put her down. "Besides, one can easily do that if they unlocked more of their brain power, it’s called telekinesis brainpower."

I get between Twilight and Peridot as they start to butt heads. “Hey hey! I said Twilight is in charge of the magic side of the R&D team, and you should at least give her a chance, if her magic can replace some tech then all the better. Besides this world is unlike any that any gem has come across before, call it manipulation of energy, or any other number of things if it makes you feel more comfortable but what Twilight does is incredible considering she's doing it without the help of technology.”

Peridot crosses her arms. “Fine.” she said.

I look between Peridot and Twilight. “How long do you two think it would take to make what you need to make a warp pad?”

“Hmmmmm, at least a day." Peridot said. “But if we keep arguing then a week.”

I sigh and cross my arms. “Look, I want you to work together, science and magic working together can do amazing things. So here's what is going to happen, Peridot you are gonna listen to Twilight when she talks about magic, study it in your spare time if you have to understand it with a scientific mind set.” Then I look at Twilight. "Twilight, I ask you to not try to fight with Peridot, you have to understand we come from a world where science is everything and magic is extremely limited.”

The two glared at each other, then Peridot held her hand out. “I shall agree to Jake's suggestion if you are willing to do the same.”

“Of course I will.” Twilight replied, and grabbed her hand and the two shook hands.

I sigh in relief. “Good, now that that is settled I'd like you two to start right away.” I say then remember something and look to twilight. “Oh um and your friend spike I’m sorry but keep him away from our home.”

“Why?” She asked me.

“Well, remember how they go into their gems? Well, I don’t want him to accidentally eat one of them if they are in their gem.” I answered. “I’m not saying he will, it might happen though.”

Her ears folded down and she looked upset at first then thought about what I said. “R-right, I guess it's better safe than sorry. I'll be sure to tell him.”

I smile and smirk then look at Peridot. “Well have fun with your project, and don't overwork her. Keep in mind she is organic and will need sleep and food.”

“Yes yes yes. I know very well how organics work.” Peridot replied. “Follow me Twilight.” With that, the two left.

I sigh and smile weakly at Pearl. “I wonder if Steven ever had trouble keeping up his smile.” I joke lightly and chuckle then say. “If it's not too much trouble can you find a spot for a warp pad near the temple that is also well defended from wildlife and clean it up so it will be ready when they finish one?”

“Sure.” Pearl said, nodding her head.

“Great, I am gonna go have some lunch then maybe practice with the Omnitrix some.” I wave and head to the temple door, my gem glowing and the door opening.