• Published 15th Jun 2021
  • 2,136 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond In The Rough - Deltorix

A boy named Jake get separated from his family but gets a new one. That being the crystal gems, Can Jake rise to the position of a leader at the age of 16, or will he and his new friends be destroyed by a strange yet familiar enemy?

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Chapter 12

As I woke up, I noticed a few things, one was the odd weight on my chest, and two was the gentle snoring I was hearing, I looked and saw that it was Star, who was asleep on me. A smile on her face as she cuddled closer to me.

I chuckled softly and smiled as I watched her and my chest warmed up again. ‘She is beautiful.’

She let out a yawn as she began to wake up, opening her eyes and looking at me, then she blushed when she saw I was awake. “M-morning.” She said shyly.

I chuckled and smiled. “Good morning Star, as nice as this is, we should get up before someone sees us.”

“Too late.” I heard Applejack say, looking over I saw she had a smirk on her face. “Enjoy yer little cuddle time?” She teased.

I blushed, sat up quickly, and laughed nervously. “Oh um hi Ms. Applejack, um we weren't doing anything I promise.”

Applejack laughed a bit. “Relax Jake, ah’m not suspectin' ya of doin' somethin'. So don’t get all worked up.” She said with a smirk.

I sighed in relief and smiled a bit. “Thanks, is anyone else up?” I ask as I help Star sit up.

“Nah, just me, due to livin' on the farm, ah’m always an early riser.” Applejack said, heading to the kitchen. “Want anythin ta eat?”

I yawned and nodded. “Sure, I’ll help.” I stood up and walked into a closet before changing my clothes to my normal set and came out.

“Alright, Star, do ya want to help?” Applejack asked her, who shook her head no in response.

I looked over at Star and smiled softly before I looked back at Applejack. “She most likely does not have experience with food as changelings as far as I know don't eat physical food.” I told her as we headed into the kitchen.

“Ah see. Maybe Ah’ll teach someday if she wants.” Applejack said. “Hmmm, how does pancakes sound?”

I rubbed my chin. “Sounds good, in fact, I'll use my replicator to get us any supplies we might need for special pancakes. How does chocolate chip pancakes sound?”

“Sounds good ta me.” Applejack replied, handing me the Replicator, “Good thing ah grabbed this before going in the kitchen, something told me we would need it.”

I chuckled and set it on the table before I started making everything we would need and I finally realized something. “Hey, I just noticed where was Spike for the sleepover?”

“Hmm, no idea, ah think Twilight might know.” Applejack replied.

I shrugged and waved off the thought. “Meh, I was just wondering because of you know, me being part gem.”

“Ah, you worried about him trying to eat ya or something?” Applejack asked. “Well ya don’t have to worry, Spike’s a good kid, he wouldn’t even think about it.”

I looked at her as I started mixing some stuff. “You may know that but I don't know him yet, and the only other dragon I know was trying to eat some of my people.”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about Spike. Trust me, when you get to know him, you’ll see he’s a lot nicer than that other dragon.” Applejack said, helping me with the pancakes.

“Maybe, I want to give him a chance but it's hard to make up for the first impression of a species.” I told her as I started to pour the mix into a pan. “Say, there is something I noticed I want to ask but I'm a bit worried it is rude or taboo to talk about.”

“Well now you got me curious, what did you want to ask?” Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

“Well, I noticed that there are more females of your species around than males, in fact, the only guys that I've seen so far are Spike and that Blueblood pony.” I told her as we started cooking the pancakes.

Applejack seemed to think for a moment before shaking her head. “Honestly, I don’t know why ponies are like that, it’s always been like that for me.” She replied, flipping a couple of the pancakes. “But let me ask you this, how come there are more girl gems and you being the only male gem I’ve seen?”

I chuckled and nodded. “I understand your confusion, but I'm technically the only gem with a gender, the others appear female and use female pronouns, but all gems except for myself are technically genderless. Their gem is their real form and their bodies are just hard light.”

“I see.” Applejack said, sounding confused while putting some finished pancakes on a plate.

I smiled as I poured out more and started setting the table. “Do you know any guys around my age? No offense to you or the others but I would like some guy friends, you know?”

“Hmmmm.” Applejack said, thinking. “Well, there’s Spike once you get to know him, but other than him I can’t really think of anypony else.”

I sighed and nodded. “I guess I'll check the school when I end up going.” I said as I flipped the pancake.

“Don’t worry Jake, I’m sure you’ll find some guy friends to hang out with.” Applejack said with a kind smile.

I nodded then turned to add the last of the pancakes as Twilight and Rarity walked in. “Oh hello you two.”

“Hello, Jake.” Twilight said, yawning a bit. “So what’s cooking?’

I smirked, finished setting the table, and said. “Chocolate chip pancakes.” I then moved over and sat down as Star walked in and sat near me.

The others sat down at the table as well, and I smiled as I pat Applejack’s back. “Yep, Ms. Applejack here made them while I bugged her.”

“You helped me out, Jake.” Applejack said, smiling at him.

I stuck my tongue out at her. “Nope, you did it all on your own miss Applejack.” I lied as I sat at the table.

I saw her roll her eyes. “Sure ah did.” She said. “But enough of that, let’s eat.”

We all started to eat and while we did I looked at Twilight. “Hey Ms. Twilight, where is Spike?”

“Oh, he went on a trip to Canterlot.” Twilight said, eating her pancakes.

“Ah I see, probably a good thing. I plan on taking the school paperwork to the teacher today, so if you head to the castle before me, could you tell Peridot one of the things I want next is a vehicle for me and the gems to get around quickly to areas that don't have warp pads yet.” I asked Twilight as I ate.

“Sure, it should be no problem for us.” Twilight said with a smile.

I chuckled a bit. “Especially after what we watched last night, you should have an idea of how a car works.”

“Yep! That movie gave me so many ideas!” Twilight said while having stars in her eyes. “And I can’t wait to show my notes to Peridot, I’m sure she’ll agree that these designs are amazing.”

I rubbed my chin. “Hard to say how she will react, but I don't want you both becoming obsessed with one project ok?” I told her as I finished my plate.

“One project? We’ll most likely be building a ton of stuff all in one day!” She replied as she looked through her notes.

I chuckled and started cleaning my plate. “Well keep in mind I don't have any funding yet, so don't use up everything, then again we have a replicator.”

“Is the Replicator your answer for everything?” Applejack asked me with a teasing smirk.

“You would rely on it too if you had limited supplies.” Star said as she walked up to Me.

I shrugged and said. “Hey, it's free to use and I do have some money coming in eventually.”

“That’s good to hear.” Rarity said, with a nod before taking a dainty bite of her food.

I nodded and finished cleaning my plate. “Alright, I'm gonna head out.” I told them but the door opened and in came Spike with a scroll.

“Hey, I Have a message for Jake!” He called out and I poked my head around the corner.

“For me?” I asked surprised.

“Yeah.” Spike said, handing me the scroll, I took it and read it.

Dear, Jake Diamond

I am writing to you to inform you three of your gems appeared within my castle last night. They say they don't know how they got here and their names are Pearl, Topaz, and Topaz. Please come and get them as they are making some of my guards and the nobles uneasy.

sincerely princess Celestia.

Ps. Speak to me about these warp pads, I wish to know more about them.

“So what did it say?” Star asked me as she leaned over my shoulder.

“I need to go to Canterlot, Ms. Twilight if you want to come with me to the castle go get ready please.” I told her then bubbled the replicator and tapped the bubble sending it to the temple.

“Alright, I’ll go with you.” She said as she stood up and used magic to pull a few items to her. “Want me to teleport us there?”

I smirked and lifted my arm as I turned my omnitrix on. “Nah I got us covered.”

“Don’t you dare.” Twilight warned as she took a step back.

I smirked and pressed down on the Omnitrix transforming and when the light died down I looked myself over. “Huh, my pegasus form. I wonder what I'll name it, meh I'll think of that later.” I picked up Twilight and smirked as I flapped my wings and flew out the open door heading to the castle.

“Jake!” Twilight shouted as she held on tighter. “I could have just teleported us there!”

“Yeah but that's boring, plus I need some experience with my different forms.” I told her as we flew over the forest.

Twilight held on to me even tighter as we did. Soon we land at the entrance to the castle and an Amethyst and Skinny come out. “Oh Ms. Twilight, it's good to see you again. Who is this?”

I set her down and chuckled as I tapped the Omnitrix and changed back to myself. “It's just me, can you go find Pearl, Peridot, Garnet, and Deoxys please.”

“Sure thing Jake.” Skinny said, heading back inside the castle.

I sighed and looked at Twilight. “I forgot to ask for one of those robots, mind getting it Twilight?”

“Sure.” Twilight said before running into the castle. I pulled out my phone and checked it, going through my videos, and found all the ones with the gems I think are at Celestia’s castle.

“Let’s see, the Pearl could either be Blue or Yellow, or maybe it’s Volleyball, as for the Topaz’s it could be those two who were with Aquamarine.” I said to myself while looking over the information.

Just as I finished gathering the videos, the gems and Twilight came out looking ready to go. “Ah hi everyone, we found three more gems. We are going to Canterlot, and Peridot and Twilight will be talking with Celestia about the warp pads.”

“Do I have to?” Peridot asked, annoyed.

“Of course you do.” Deoxys said, “It’ll let the princesses trust us more easily.”

“Not just that, but if she gets interested in our tech maybe she will support us with some royal funds. That would make getting some things easier than just using the replicator for everything.” I added then looked around seeing everyone and Ship came over next to me. “Ok if you are all ready, we can either have Ship take us or Twilight teleport us.”

“I think I’d rather take Ship.” Peridot said, Deoxys nodded her head as well. I nodded and looked at Ship.

Ship barked happily before changing into a large green and black ship that looked like a box with two engines on its sides. “SHIIIIP!”

“No matter how many times I see him do that, I’ll never get tired of it.” Twilight said with awe in her voice.

I chuckled and nodded as we got on and strapped in. Ship took off and headed right for the castle. “Yeah, he is amazing, in fact.” I held my arm out and my Omnitrix scanned Ship. “Now I can be kinda like him.”

“Ship!” Ship said excitedly.

I chuckled and patted the wall. “My upgrade form isn't fully like you Ship, you can keep anything you fuse with, I won't be able to do that.”

“Wait, your Upgrade form isn’t able to turn into stuff like this?” Twilight asked, gesturing to the transformed Ship.

I wiggle my hand in a so-so gesture. “When I'm like Ship I'm more organic than he is, so I can't save the blueprint of what I fuse with, but if there is enough material and I can picture it in my mind, I can change the tech I fuse with into what I need.” I explained to her.

“Amazing!” Both Twilight and Peridot said, stars in their eyes.

“What else can your Upgrade form do?” Peridot asked me.

“Well, if I remember correctly, I can fuse with technology, upgrading it, making it stronger, faster, or into a weapon if I need to. I can fire an energy beam out of my 'eye', and I can sort of melt in a way, kinda like Ship, and use that to dodge any incoming attacks.” I explained to her.

“Incredible!” Twilight said as she wrote down what I said.

I nodded and smiled. “Yeah, but there is one weakness, because I'm living metal electricity can really hurt me.” I told them then saw Canterlot Castle coming up.

“Really? Well, I guess it makes sense.” Twilight said, holding her chin in thought.

I nodded then Ship started to land in front of the castle. “Yeah, if you want later I can show you more of my forms, but first we need to meet these new gems.”

Just as we stepped out, two royal guards walked up to us. “Jake Diamond?” One of them asked.

I nodded and Ship changed back into his base form. “Yeah, that's me.”

“Good, come with us, the princess told us you were coming.” The guard said before they turned around and headed back into the castle.

I nodded and waved everyone to follow me. “That's good, everyone here is coming with me.”

The guards nodded their heads and proceeded to lead us to the castle, though we did get some looks from some of the nobles.

I smirked and flipped them off just for fun and Pearl slapped my back. “Jake that's rude, Geg told me what that means.”

The nobles glared at me, then walked away, noses in the air. “But it did the trick of making them go away.” Deoxys said, trying to hold back a smile.

I smirked and crossed my arms in victory making Pearl groan and cover her face. “Like I care what they think, they probably just sit around trying to get as rich as possible. But enough about them, it seems we are here.” I say as the guards open a large door.

“Wonder what gems we will meet.” Pearl said while rubbing her chin.

“The note said it is two Topazes and a Pearl.” I told her as we headed inside and saw Celestia and a sleepy-looking Luna.

“Ah Jake, it is good to see you again.” Celestia said, Luna just gave me a tired wave.

I smiled and waved back. “I came as soon as I got the note from Spike, and I brought Peridot and Twilight to help explain the warp pads, speaking of can we set one up in town while we are here?”

“You may.” Celestia said, nodding her head.

“Sweet, you can let Peridot know where it can go while she explains how they work. Now where are the three new gems?” I ask looking around.

“They are waiting in another room as to avoid making the nobles nervous.” Luna tiredly said.

I nodded and frowned. “I see, well what shall we do first, meet them or speak about the Warp pads?”

“I believe you should meet them, the Warp Pads can wait a bit.” Celestia said with a soft smile as she stood up.

I nodded as she and her sister started walking down from their thrones. “Sounds good, shall we go meet them now?”

“Yes, follow us.” Celestia said as she and Luna led us into another room.

I looked over as we entered and I saw Volleyball also known as Pink Pearl who was the same height as Pearl, she had pink hair with twin buns on either side of her head, an equally pink dress, and her left eye was replaced by cracks, her gem was on her stomach, and the two Topazes. The Topazes were big, both wearing an orange and brown suit with an orange helmet and visor, their gems on opposite sides of their heads, that kidnapped Steven. “Huh, that is interesting.”

The three Gems turned and looked at us as we entered, I waved and smiled. “Hello there, my name is Jake and we are the crystal gems, do you know about us?”

“We fought you before, didn’t we?” One of the Topazes asked while scratching her head.

I shook my head but smiled. “It's complicated but think of me as a different cut of Steven.” I told her.

The two Topazes nodded their heads. I smirked and said. “Well, I and the gems here are finding all gems that appear on this world and are offering them a home, if you want you can join us.”

“A place to stay does sound nice.” Volleyball said softly.

I smiled and nodded. “Great, Pearl can tell you about the place while me, Peridot, and Ms. Twilight speak with Princess Celestia.”

“Yes now come on you three, the princesses are waiting.” Pearl said as she gestured to the door.

I nodded and leaned close to Pearl before I whispered. “Just a heads up, that Pearl was Pink’s before you.”

I saw Pearl go a bit wide-eyed before she started talking to the three new gems. I sigh hoping she can handle that news, then head back to the princesses. “We are back.”

“How did the meeting with the new gems go?” Celestia asked me.

“So far things are looking good, I know who they are and they did agree to come with us.” I told her and looked over to Luna. “Why do you seem so tired?”

“My sister rules the day while the night, so when it’s morning I sleep.” Luna said before yawning and covering her mouth with a light blush.

“I see, well I'm sorry we are keeping you up.” I said to her as Peridot walked up and her fingers spun around turning into a large screen.

“It’s fine. Now let’s talk about these Warp Pads.” Luna said, just as Peridot started talking.

“As you can see on my screen, a warp pad is used to transport a gem from one pad to another and can even be used to travel to another planet, given both have a galaxy warp pad.” Peridot said showing images on her screen.

“So this Galaxy Warp lets one travel to other planets as long as both of them have one?” Celestia asked,

Peridot nodded while showing them a much bigger warp pad. “Yes, if two planets have a galaxy warp, gems can travel from planet to planet.”

“I don't plan on letting Peridot make one if you're worried Princess.” I told her.

“Oh, I wasn’t worried about that. I was only curious.” Celestia replied.

I nodded a bit before Peridot continued. “It would not take long to make a new warp pad and I only require an area of a few feet of space to place them.”

“Well we can give a few good locations of where to put your Warp Pad, but I would ask Twilight as well if I were you, she has lived in Canterlot before.” Celestia said with a soft smile to Twilight.

“I see, then I will ask Ms. Sparkle.” Peridot nodded and closed her screen.

“Is there anything else you would like to ask?” Celestia asked us.

I tapped my chin and then asked. “Well, would you mind if we put a base on your moon, Luna?”

Luna thought about what I asked, then responded. “I don’t mind. But why?”

I pointed to the sky. “Well, if we have a moon base we could use it to find gems, I'm sure if Peridot and Twilight work together they could make a way to scan for Gems.”

Luna nodded in understanding. “Very well, I’ll let you make a Warp Pad on the moon. And if you need my help or have questions I’ll be happy to answer or help.”

“I appreciate that princess, thankfully we have Ship to get us there and once a warp pad is put on it the gems can start making the base. Of course, the hard part will be getting air up there.” I told her.

“Well you don’t have to worry about that, there’s already air on the moon, otherwise I wouldn't be here right now.” Luna said, confusing me a bit.

I blinked in surprise before shruging. “That actually makes sense. Do you two have any questions?”

The two of them shook their heads no, causing me to nod my head. “Well if that's all let's set up the Canterlot warp pad and get our new friends before heading ho-'' I am interrupted as I feel something hit the top of my head. “Ow!” I looked down to see a wooden game controller.

I frowned and grabbed it hearing a voice like Rick's token. ‘I am Deltorix the gamer, if you seek a friend, ally, or simply wish to trade skills, simply say 'send invite' and I may come. What you want to do with the skills I offer will determine what skills I will teach you.’

“Huh, this is a token, maybe I'll call this guy in a bit.” I said to myself.

“What was that?” Luna asked as she looked at me with worry. “We saw something fall on your head, are you alright?”

I looked over to her. “It is a token, it is how displaced contact and meet each other.”

“Oh, a Displaced Token? For who exactly?” Celestia asked while raising an eyebrow.

“Someone named, Deltorix. He called himself the gamer.” I told her while looking at the token.

“The Gamer? What an odd title.” Luna said with a confused frown.

“I agree, but let's move on to making that warp pad, do either of you wish to watch?” I asked the princesses.

“Yes, we do.” Celestia said with Luna nodding her head in agreement. “It would give us a first look at how these Warp Pads are made.”

I looked at Peridot and Twilight. “Ok you two, pick a spot, and let's make a warp pad, and Garnet could you go get Pearl and our new friends?”

Garnet nodded her head as Peridot and Twilight started talking about a suitable spot for the Warp Pad. While they talked I looked at the princesses and said. “I hope the new gems didn't cause any trouble.”

“They didn’t, the three of them were calm and quiet the entire time we waited for you.” Celestia said with a soft smile.

“I see, well I am glad about that.” I told them just as everyone came into the room while Peridot and Twilight made their choice of where to put the pad.

“Alright, me and Peridot have found a suitable spot for the Warp Pad, it’s gonna be a bit away from most of Canterlot's buildings, but still close enough for any emergency.” Twilight told us.

I nodded with a smile. “That's fine, let's get going.” I pointed forward and started walking, only to come back when no one followed me. “Um which way?”

Twilight laughed a bit. “Follow me.” She said and proceeded to lead us to the Warp Pad spot, which turned out to be at some sort of old library.

“Ah, your old home.” Celestia said softly with a smile.

I looked around and nodded. “Seems like a good spot, ok Peridot set it up.” I patted her back.

Peridot nodded her head, pressing a few buttons on her limb enhancer, and soon a Flask Robonoid rolled over and drilled into the ground, once it was done, it began to fill it up with the liquid that would make the Warp Pad.

After just a few minutes the warp pad is finished and I wave over it. “Ta-da!” I smiled at the princesses. “And now the third warp pad is made.”

“Hmm, interesting.” Celestia said, looking at the Warp Pad with a curious expression.

I looked over to Pearl. “I am going to Ponyville to do some stuff and summon this displaced, take care of everyone please, and don't forget Ship.” I then step onto the warp pad and wave to the princesses as I activate it and head to Ponyville.

Once I reached Ponyville, I stepped off the Warp Pad and looked around. I then pulled out the wooden controller and said. “Send Invite.”

After a few seconds, what looked like a computer window popped up with a picture of a door on it. The door then became three-dimensional, then it opened up and a male dragon walked through it. He was crimson red, had spikes going down his back, had jet-black horns, amber eyes, and a piece of armor on his shoulder. “Hello, as you may have guessed, I’m Deltorix, you can call me Del for short. Who are you and when in the timeline are we?” After he finished talking the window behind him cracks up and then shatters into pixels.

“I’m Jake, as for when we are, I’m guessing you mean when we are in the show, well Twilight's sleepover just happened last night if that helps.” I told him, looking back at his eyes.

“Ah, early season one, good to know. So need some help or just wanted to hang?” He asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Just to hang really.” I replied then started walking.

He nodded and smirked. “Alright, judging by your outfit I'd say you're a Steven universe displaced, am I right?”

I nodded my head in response. “Yep. So what’s it like in your Equestria?”

He wiggled his hand. “It is like the show for the most part except for some more...darker elements, but it is a fine place.” He then started floating and smirked. “But for now, how about some power-sharing?”

“Power sharing?” I asked him. “What does that mean?”

“It is a part of being a displaced kid, we normally give each other some powers and some extra training. That or we try to kill each other over ideals.” He shrugged and pulled a notebook and threw it to me. “Read this and tell me if you want any of those powers.”

I opened the notebook and read through it surprised at how many powers are listed.

Size Control: can control your size but can only shrink to 2 feet and can only grow as big as your natural size.

One man band: can play any song on any instrument, even vocals.

Flame Breath: can breathe fire.

Winged Flight: flying with wings.

Bind: create magical rope that ties up a target.

Observe: information from looking at an object and saying observe also works with people.

I.D. Create and I.D. Escape: Create/enter and destroy/exit an illusionary space called instant dungeons this space at the lowest level is a mirror copy of the physical world without the people in it you can move around inside the space and exit and you’ll be in the same spot that you exited in the real world useful for sinking into enemy strongholds and gathering information at higher levels you can create fake monsters to train with inside these illusionary spaces even create time dilation.

Claws of Fury: sabe your hand/claw into someone.

Sinister Slam: grabbing a person's head and slamming them into the ground or a wall hard enough to create a crater.

Slice and Dice: scratching the target enough to leave claw marks.

Meditate: comes to mind and recovers magic and any other energies that you use faster.

Teach: enables you to pass on any abilities you have to others by simply saying teach the skill you wish to teach and then the person's name example, “ teach person A Earth bending” person A would then be able to not only earth bend but the basic information would be put into his head along with creating a new energy network if that network is needed.

Life Drain: drain the life out of someone this can either age them rapidly or weaken them.

Magic Arrow: create arrows made of magic that launch towards a target stronger forms of the spell can be created where the arrows spin to do more damage, explode, or even have an elemental effect such as lightning.

Shadow Clone Jutsu: able to create clones of yourself that are fully capable of doing everything you can do but are destroyed after one hit but all the information that they learned will be transferred to the original.

Dragon mail: the spell spike used to send letters.; note requires fire breath.

Blade-geyser: an ability from Darksiders by hitting the ground with your fist creates blades that shoot up from the ground around you damaging any nearby enemies, this skill is powered by wrath and can only be recharged by hitting opponents.

Stone-skin: a skill from Darksiders, this covers your body in a stone-like second skin that increases your defense; the skill is powered by wrath which can only be recharged by hitting opponents.

Stasis hollow: this skill is from Darksiders, this ability gives you cold resistance and a frost damage boost to your attacks, this skill is powered by wrath and can only be recharged by hitting opponents.

Flame hollow: this skill is from Darksiders, visibility gives you heat resistance and burn damage boost to your attacks, this skill is powered by wrath and can only be recharged by hitting opponents.

Swordsmanship: The ability to use a sword correctly.

Marksman: the ability to use any projectile weapon correctly.

Dream Magic: able to control your own dream and enter the dream world the same as Princess Luna.

Death Beam: A concentrated beam of ki That is fired from the finger.

Earth bending: The ability to control earth through martial arts movements.

Water bending: The ability to control water through martial arts movements.

Air bending: the ability to control air through martial arts movements.

Fire bending: The ability to control fire through martial arts movements.

Esper telekinesis: The psychic ability to move things with your mind.

Spiritual pressure: a way to release your spiritual energy in the Area around you that will make it difficult for anyone with less spiritual energy than you to move.

Force Push/Grab/Pull: The most basic ability of the force with this you will be able to push objects grab objects and pull objects towards you. (this also includes people)

Fire: The basic Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts fire spell.

medical ninjutsu: A technique that uses chakra to repair the human body.

Ki ball: the ability to create a ball of concentrated ki that is explosive.

Kamehameha wave: translated it means turtle devastation wave, this ability is a two-handed technique where you fire a beam of ki at a target.

Water bending healing: uses water bending to repair physical and spiritual damage to a person.

Intimidating Roar: allows you to let out a thunderous roar that will intimidate and possibly scare off weaker enemies.

Ki flight: allows you to fly using the power of ki.

Blacksmithing: allows you to forge metals and other materials into weapons armor or anything else that can be made out of metals.

Detect bloodlust: warns you if someone’s bloodlust is aimed towards you.

Sense danger: warns you when there is danger nearby.

magic recovery 1: recover magic by walking.

Mana Recovery 2: recover magic by fighting.

Mars Bane: allows you to do a four-hit combo.

God’s Arms: allows you to use any two-handed weapon with one hand minus weapons that need two hands such as bows.

Alchemy: The basic ability to deconstruct and reconstruct matter. (Note you will still need to use transportation circles as you will not get the transmutation circle free version)

Ki sense: allows you to sense ki from others.

Ki stealth: the ability to hide your ki from others who can sense it.

Construction: the ability to build any form of building.

Seismic sense: A technique originally developed by the blind badgermoles, skilled earth benders can sense vibrations through the ground, "seeing" by sensing their surroundings and making a mental image of it. It allows for a 360-degree field of "vision", outside of normal line-of-sight. To operate, the user needs direct contact with the ground, preferably without something like shoes in between. The technique is only usable on surfaces the user can bend. Being blind, Toph constantly used this technique to navigate the world; she described it as "kind of like seeing with my feet". seismic sense is so acute that the user is capable of sensing even ants moving about, can identify people by the way they walked, and can almost always tell if someone is lying by sensing his or her physical reactions, such as breathing and heart rate.

Ki healing: The ability to heal wounds. Uses your ki to heal the target’s wounds, and can restore one's complete health and energy within seconds.

Force healing: This is a power that uses the Force to accelerate the natural healing process rapidly.

Illusion magic: can cast simple illusions

Metal bending: lets you bend impure metal

Magic stealth: the ability to hide your magic from those who can sense it.

Spiritual stealth: the ability to hide your spiritual power from those who can sense it.

Wrath stealth: the ability to hide your wrath from those who can sense it; note requires Wrath energy.

Esper stealth: the ability to hide your esper power from those who can sense it; note requires esper energy.

Chakra stealth: the ability to hide your chakra from those who can sense it; note requires chakra.

Thunder Punch: Fists become covered in Lightning, which allows him to punch right through an 8 in. thick steel wall, but must have a ton of energy to do it, or can simply punch the air to launch lightning bolts.

Thunder Kick: Able to kick a robot’s head 10 ft. into the air, and can send lightning at an opponent if he wishes to.

Iron Tail: The user's tail becomes as hard as iron, sharp too, and can cut through solid rock; note requires a tail.

Gate of Oblivion: Only meant for those who are experienced with magic, this spell summons several runes and is strong enough, if used incorrectly, to destroy half a mountain.

I looked over the abilities and made my decision. “Swordsmen, meditation, fire, dream magic, illusion magic, the force, both I.D.s, water bending, magic arrow, and bind.” I said, listing off the abilities that I thought were useful.

I watched him scratch his chin. “Alright sounds easy enough.” He then held a hand over my head. “Teach Jake, swordsmanship, meditation, fire, dream magic, illusion magic, force push/grab/pull, instant dungeon create, Instant dungeon escape, water bending, magic arrow, and bind.” His hand glows then I feel a burning pain throughout my body as a surge of information fills my head.

“Ow..” I said, holding my head in slight pain.

“Yeah I should have warned you, it can hurt when getting an energy network.” He told me while putting his hand on my head as blue energy covered it.

“It’s fine.” I said softly as my headache went away. “So do you want to meet some of my friends or take a walk around Ponyville?”

He shrugged a bit. “Sure, it would be interesting.”

“Well, the Gems and I are currently living in the castle in the Everfree, so we can take a walk around Ponyville first then meet them later.” I said, as we started walking, or I was, he was floating along.

“Sure, and you're lucky most displaced that I’ve met get displaced alone.” He rubbed his chin. “I’m gonna do a bit of training while we walk around.” Then his eyes changed to a deep blue while his iris became a six-pointed star.

“What kind of training involves your eyes changing?” I asked him, the ponies giving Del a few glances but otherwise didn’t seem to mind the dragon.

He looked around. “Huh, an anthro Eqiuestra, every world I've been to has been like this so far.” Then he looked at me. “Well, my powers let me make any of my skills stronger simply by using them. My eyes are a special skill that I created that allows me to do various things and they gain experience and level up just by having them active.”

“Cool, so what do you do in your Equestria?” I ask him.

He looked up and chuckled. “At the moment I am trying to uncover a state secret.” He looked around again and then frowned before in a flash of light he was in red wizard-looking armor. “Seems dragons wear clothes here.” He said pointing over to Spike.

“So?” I said, shrugging my shoulders.

“Not counting my shoulder piece, I was naked. I personally don't care but I don't want to make the ponies uncomfortable.” He told me as he continued to follow me.

“So, I noticed one ability that seemed to be more powerful than most of the other abilities, Gate of Oblivion, mind telling where you got that?” I asked him, waving at Rarity who waved back with a smile.

He chuckled and made an image of Rick. “I got it from this guy, he is a friend of mine I met a while ago.”

“Rick? You know him? He helped me get used to living in Equestria when I first arrived, even taught me to control my anger a bit.” I said, looking down a bit.

“Ah, yeah he is a nice guy. I helped him fight off a god of chaos the last time I saw him.” Del said as he continued to look around town then I watched him use one of his powers to catch a yellowish earth pony’s bag of groceries.

“So do you usually trade powers with another Displaced when you meet them?” I ask him, raising an eyebrow.

“I do yeah, in fact, I would like to get a few of your powers, and I can get some from some training.” He told me with a small smirk.

“Really? How would you get my powers?” I asked him, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

“Well, when I take someone into an instant dungeon and they face the monsters inside, sometimes a skill book will drop that is a skill that they naturally have.” He explained to me by adding some video examples with his magic.

I nodded my head in understanding, “Cool.” I said before asking. “Well if that’s how you get a new ability, then do you want to head to this instant dungeon now or wait until after you meet my friends?”

He rubs his chin thinking. “How about after, then they can join us.”

“Alright.” I said, then looked to the Everfree. “Well, we can head there now, Twilight and some of my friends should be back at the castle by now.”

“Cool, want to get there fast or slow?” He asked me as he started walking towards the forest.

“Either way is fine.” I replied with a shrug.

“Alright, fast way it is.” In a flash of light, there is a set of golden claws on his hand and he holds it over to me. “Think of where you want to go and swing them down.”

I nodded my head and took them, then thought about the castle and swung them down, a portal opened that looked like a swirling storm. “Alright, here we go.” He went through.

I followed right behind him, going through the portal, and ended up at the castle in the Everfree. “These things are pretty useful.” I said, looking at the golden claws before returning them to him.

“Thanks, I was thinking of getting some more items like that, ever heard of Xiaolin Showdown?” He asked me.

“Can’t say that I have.” I replied, then noticed that Skinny and Amethyst were currently talking.

“Ah, well to make a long story short, it's a show about four kids trying to find magic items before bad guys, and this is one of them.” He told me wiggling the golden claws before they disappear in a flash of light.

“Cool.” I said then I waved a hand over at the gems. “Anyway, over there is Amethyst and Skinny, but you can already tell that’s them.”

Del rubbed his chin and looked Skinny over. “Huh, Jasper sure did slim down didn't she?”

“That’s not the Jasper you are thinking of, she is a different cut of Jasper.” I told him while shaking her head.

“Ah, I see sorry about that, my mistake.” He said with a shrug.

“It’s fine. Want to go say hi?” I ask him. “Then again, they might try and attack you, the last dragon they met tried to eat them.”

He scratched his chin then smirked and put his hands together and in a puff of smoke he looked like a red earth pony. “There, problem solved.”

I blinked and shrugged. “Cool, well let’s go over there and say hi.” I said, walking towards the two gems.

Once we got closer Del waved and said. “Hello, my name is Del, and I have an offer for all the gems in this castle.” Then he grins a bit, but just enough to seem like he is planning a prank, not something malicious.

“Yo dude.” Amethyst said, Skinny waving a bit.

“Hey Amethyst, can you go get everyone please?” I asked her, she nodded and ran off and Del chuckled with a smirk. “What's so funny?”

“Oh just thinking of the look of their face when I do what I have planned.” He said with a smirk.

Pretty soon, everyone had met up with me and Del. “What’s with all these constant interruptions?!” Peridot asked annoyed.

“Hello everyone, I have an offer for you all. I have a way for you to train against artificial monsters or in this case artificial gems, so any of you that wishes to practice their fighting simply stay here and those who don't may leave.” He said while tapping at the air in front of him.

“Artificial gems? How is that possible?” Pearl asked with a confused frown.

“Think of them as hard light copies, they will act like enemies in a video game, knowing only to attack, but they will just turn to pixels once defeated, they aren't alive.” Del explained to her while still tapping the air.

Most of the Gems started to think about it, and then Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Deoxys, and the two Topazes stepped up. “We’d like to do this training.” Deoxys said with a soft smile.

“Alright.” He grabbed me and said. “Young Jake, he is going to be in the training as well. Now everyone grab onto each other and me.”

They all did just that, grabbing onto each other and Del as well, he grinned and then called out. “I.D. create!” The whole area changed to be the sky temple from the TV show and we are surrounded by corrupted gems. “Round one, corrupted gems.”

We immediately started fighting the corrupted Gems, bubbling my fists and punching a Centipeetle away from me, then made a hexagonal shield with spikes to block another corrupted Gems fist before sending the spiked wall at it, successfully defeating it.

I heard a roar and looked behind and immediately brought up my shields to block a corrupted gem trying to bite me, it kept clawing and biting the shield until a beam went through its chest, once it disappeared, I saw that Deoxys was in her Attack Form and was the one who helped me. “Thanks!” I said to her, and she nodded and proceeded to fight more corrupted, I cracked my knuckles and charged at a corrupted gem, and soon, all of the corrupted Gems were defeated.

Deltorix clapped his hands as he floated above us all. “Well done now give me a moment.” He crossed his fingers and copies of his dragon form appeared and they flew down and started collecting bits, potion bottles, small crystal shards, and a book. “Now, if any of you picked up any of these bits I ask you to give them to me, as they are counterfeits and could destabilize your Equestria if you were to use them as legitimate money.”

“Aw man, I was hoping I could keep them for my room.” Amethyst said, handing Del what would have been two hundred bits.

“Sorry, but I don't want to let any of this fake money get out.” He told her then all the clones disappeared in puffs of smoke and he floated up higher. “Next round, sorry Garnet, force fusion experiments.”

I could see Garnet freeze a bit before nodding her head. “I know they aren’t real, so I don’t have to worry about them.” She said softly, most likely to reassure herself, as well as Ruby and Sapphire.

Soon they all start coming from the entrance to the arena, then more of them climb over the walls to get into the area and there are about a hundred of them. “Oh and after these guys you get a surprise.”

I nodded my head, wondering what Del had in store for us, just as the Forced Fusions Experiments- 'Damn that’s a mouthful, think I’ll just call them FFE’s.' -charged at us, I saw the two Topazes fuse and knocked some FFE’s away with her weapon, I made a spiked wall and sent it at the experiments, successfully hitting a few.

“Nice hits!” Del called out as he watched.

“Thanks!” I said, then bubbled my fists while making spikes on them and punched a few more FFE’s, one of them managed to grab me and was about to hit me until one of Garnet's gauntlets came flying in and punching the FFE away from me before exploding.

After a few minutes, but it felt like hours, we eventually defeated them, with Amethyst getting herself poofed when she tried to fight an FFE that had a ton of arms by herself. Del dropped down and picked up Amethyst. “I will watch over her while you face-” The whole arena started to shake before a massive hand lifted up into the sky. “That, have fun everyone.” Then he flew back into the sky.

We watched horrified as the massive arm lay on one side of the arena then a second arm lifted up before a massive body came up out of the clouds. It was a mix of many colors and looked like it had no skin and showed its muscles. It had no nose, patchwork hair that was multicolored as well, and worst of all when it roared at us I saw its teeth were arms.

It raised its fist and sent it towards us, we all began to run in different directions as it slammed its fist right where we were, I popped up the dial on my Omnitrix, looking for the one alien that could match the Cluster, I looked and saw Deoxys was flying pretty fast towards the Cluster, an energy ball in her hands and when she got close to it, sent it flying. When the energy ball hit the Cluster, there was a large explosion.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Del. “Hey, I noticed your Omnitrix let me give you a new DNA sample.” He pulled out something like my Omnitrix and held it over my Omnitrix. “Omni badge, give this Omnitrix Saiyan DNA.”

“Thanks, but for this, I need something a bit bigger.” I said, finding the alien I wanted and slammed my hand down on the dial, in a flash I was now Way Big, like my other transformations, Way Big was different in color, the usual white body was blue while the red was yellow and the black stripes were pink.

“Way Big!” I shouted, then after making sure I didn’t crush anyone, I began to fight the Cluster.

The cluster roared at me as it then threw a right punch at me. I managed to grab its fist and deliver a right hook to its face, then still holding the arm, I kept punching it in the face over and over again.

It wailed in pain then opened its mouth wider and light started forming in its maw with most of the arms adding to the ball of light. “Uh-oh, looks like it's gonna fire its laser.” Del said.

“That meme is so old!” I shouted, giving the Cluster an uppercut just as it fired its laser, then before it could try again, I ripped its arm off.

The cluster stumbles back and roars in pain. “Nice work it is down to a thousand life points, finish him off.” Del said before making lots of clones.

I nodded my head and crossed my arms and fired a laser at it, cutting it in half, another beam hit the Cluster and I looked and saw that it was Deoxys who was firing the beam.

Then as the Cluster broke into pixels all of Del’s clones rushed over the side where the Cluster was. “Good work everyone, now for the final round, and Jake you may want to change back.” Del said as he made a countdown appear over our heads showing we had less than a minute.

I nodded my head and pressed the Omnitrix symbol on my chest and was back to normal, I could see that everyone including me was tired. “What else are you gonna send at us?” I asked Del with a worried frown after we rested for a short bit.

Del smirked and the countdown hit zero. He pointed to the entrance and out of the fog walked different colored versions of Garnet, who is black and purple, Amethyst, who is black and white, Pearl, who is black and red, and Steven who is wearing a black shirt with a red star, all with their weapons out and glaring at me and the gems.

“Oh, you have got to be joking.” I said, ducking under Steven's shield and sent a few hexagonal walls at him, I could see Garnet was charging at her double, both had their fists pulled back and when the two were close to each other, sent them flying, but their fists connected and they kept trying to land a hit on the other, the scene reminded me of Steven and the Gems fighting against Lapis water clones of them.

I bubbled my fists again charging at my double and tried to hit him but he kept blocking my attacks with his shield, I then had to duck under his shield when he tried to hit my head with it, and swept his legs from right under him, causing him to land on his back, just when I was about to land a hit, the Amethyst double wrapped her whip around me and began to spin around. I was then sent flying straight at the pillar, but thankfully Deoxys had grabbed me before I could hit it.

“We are getting our asses kicked.” She said, then pointed at the still fused Topaz fighting the Pearl double, who had upgraded her spear to a trident, I looked and saw that the doubles, minus Steven, had all upgraded their weapons, the Garnet now had spiked knuckles while the Amethyst had that mace whip.

“Oh, I forgot to mention I made sure to make them as strong as possible, oh and look at that they can even fuse together.” Del said as the clone Pearl and clone Amethyst fused into a clone Opal.

“Oh come on!” I said, Deoxys dodging the fusion's arrows with ease until the Garnet double appeared from out of nowhere and punched her in the face, causing us to fall to the ground. “Ow.” I said, then got up, just as the doubles charged at us, I looked around and saw Pearl, Garnet, and the no longer poofed Amethyst, then had an idea, “Guys fuse into Alexandrite!” I said to them.

“Uh-oh, you shouldn't have said that so loud.” Del said and when I looked at him confused he pointed back at the clones as they all started to dance together, even Steven.

“Oh, now that is just cruel.” I said, as all of them glowed and the giant form of Obsidian stood in front of us, letting out a roar as she tried to stomp on us, luckily we all managed to avoid her and hid behind a pillar, I looked at the three. “You have to fuse right now, I’ll try and hold her off until you do.” I said, popping up the dial again, and quickly chose Humungusaur, in a flash I was now the giant lizard and was charging at Obsidian, who was still a bit taller than me.

“Oooo good choice hope this fight goes well.” I heard Del say as I grabbed Obsidian's leg and started lifting her.

I then slammed her on the ground and continued to do so over and over again and then threw her towards a pillar. The clone slowly stood back up and roared as she formed each of the gem weapons then slammed them together forming the handle of her sword.

“Oh boy, I hope that thing isn’t sharp enough to cut through Vaxxasaurian hide.” I said, gulping as she made the blade hilt. She opened her second mouth and bit down on the sword handle then slowly pulled out a full blade that was red hot.

“I think she is taking this seriously now. Want me to step in and end this?” Del asked.

I saw a slight glow and soon Alexandrite stood next to me. “Nope, pretty sure we got this.” I said, then charged at the large fusion, just as she tried to swing her blade at me but I simply ducked under it and punched Obsidian in the gut, while Alexandrite used my back to jump up and deliver a kick to her face.

Obsidian stumbled back and swung her arms trying to keep from falling backwards into the endless sky. She got her balance by stabbing the sword into the ground, then roared and blasted me with lava.

Or she would have if I hadn’t moved to the left and rammed my shoulder into her, sending her falling off the Sky Temple, I watched as she roared as she fell, and then she disappeared through a cloud. "How do you like that?!” I shouted down at her.

There was a small boom and a few Deltorix clones flew down there. “Good work everyone, time to power down as that was the last challenge.” Del said with a bit of a grin.

I nodded as the Omnitrix timed out and I was back to normal, I then fell on my back, exhausted, and I saw Alexandrite unfused and Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst too were on the ground.

Del floated down and smiled. “Well done everyone. Well, time to go home.” He clapped and the world cracked and shattered like glass and we are back where we started. “So does anyone want anything else?”

“Not that I can think of.” I said, getting up.

He nodded then seemed to get serious as he pulled out a red dagger. “I've decided to give these to each displaced I meet. It is a dagger made of a material called demon stone, it's extremely deadly. A single cut is hard to heal even with the healing factor or magic and it absorbs magic making it even harder to heal with magic and is the only weapon I can think of that is capable of killing a God.” He said as he held the dagger out to me.

I stared at it wide-eyed. “W-why would I need this?!” I asked him, shocked that he would give me such a weapon.

“Just in case a specific alicorn decides you are a threat.” He said, frowning. “Celestia and Luna both sometimes attack their displaced.”

“But they trust me and haven’t once tried to harm me or my friends, and I would hate to break their trust if I had this.” I said, gesturing to the red dagger.

Del shrugged while still offering it to me. "This is just a safety net, it doesn't have to be used against the sisters.”

I hesitantly reached out and grabbed the knife and looked at it, I then put it in my pocket and nodded to Del. “Thanks….though I’m sure I won’t need it.”

He smiled a bit. “No problem, and it is just in case, so if that's all we have to do, how about ya send me home.”

“Sure.” I said nodding my head. “Our contract is complete.”

Another golden window opened and Del waved at us. “Well, good luck my new friends, stay safe, and a bit of a heads up, after the Grand Galloping Gala a reality warper will be set free.” Then he walked through the door and it cracked up and shattered.

“Will...that isn't ominous.” I said blinking.

“Really? I didn’t think it was that ominous!” Amethyst said, sarcastically. “Dude literally said a reality warper will appear after some Grand Galloping Gala!”

I look over at her with a raised eyebrow. “I was being sarcastic Amethyst. But yes that is worrying I'll have to look through Rick's notes.” I scratched my chin.

“Please do, I do not want to deal with a reality warper.” Pearl said, shuddering. “Just imagine what kind of destruction they'll cause.”

I nodded and stood up. “Alright let’s head inside, Pearl please go check on the satellite just to be safe.” I then head to the temple.

“Right, I just have to find out where Ship ran off to.” Pearl said, looking around while I saw the little Galvanic Mechamorph playfully hiding in a bush, the green on him making him blend with the leaves.

“Ship.” He said quietly, wanting me to keep quiet, I chuckled with a smile and shook my head.