• Published 15th Jun 2021
  • 2,136 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond In The Rough - Deltorix

A boy named Jake get separated from his family but gets a new one. That being the crystal gems, Can Jake rise to the position of a leader at the age of 16, or will he and his new friends be destroyed by a strange yet familiar enemy?

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Chapter 4

Pearl said it would be good practice for me to write down my thoughts now and then, and I agree with her I look up as Pearl is telling Amethyst to put the books back in the temple, then continue to write.

So in the past few days I have learned a lot from Pearl, I learned that the gems are from a year after Steven met White Diamond, so they are from after the end of ‘change your mind’ but before the movie. I also learned how to make holograms like Pearl but I still can't seem to get mine to act once they are separated from me, I also learned how to store items in my gem though I've only stored things that I can go without losing just in case I can't get them back out. And lastly, I've been trying to learn how to summon my gem weapon. Yes, I can use my other shields but I feel the rose shield is stronger and more iconic than the Diamond ones.

I heard Pearl give a shout as I see Ship had morphed into a suit of armor around her and is making her do some ridiculous dance moves while Amethyst watched, laughing at Pearl's misfortune. I shake my head with a smile and continue to write. Well tonight is the night Nightmare Moon returns, me, the gems, and Daring have come up with a plan and if nothing unexpected happens then everything should work out like the file says it will.

“Jake we need to get ready hurry up!” I hear Amethyst yell out.

I nod and write one last thing. Before I go, I want to add that I met this nice Zebra named Zecora, she is a wonderful person, too bad Her choice of clothes makes me blush every time I see her. Hopefully, we can be good friends, she even saved me from Amethyst’s bad choice of berries to eat. So long for now.

I close the notepad app on my tablet and get up and set it in my backpack. “Ok is everything ready? Sunset will happen any minute.” I ask Pearl.

Pearl nodded, “Yes, everything is ready, even despite Ship and Amethyst's pranks.” she said as she gave the two a stern look.

I pat Pearls back. “I'm sure they are just trying to help you relax a little, you have been putting a lot of pressure on yourself. This isn't homeworld Pearl, you don't have to do everything, and everything doesn't have to be perfect.”

“I know Jake, but it’s just been a bit stressful, with us in this new world, with creatures that Earth thought were just myths, and the fact we are about to fight a god of sorts!” Pearl said, then let out a sigh.

I nod and smile softly. “I know what you mean, it is a bit scary, but remember we are only going to be slowing her down not trying to beat her. Also, remember what I said she is suffering from an organic form of corruption. The six ponies coming tonight will take care of that, we just need to keep them safe.”

Pearl nodded, “Right, but uh, do the notes Rick left have any info on what she can do? So we are much more prepared.”

I hold out my phone to her. “As far as I've read, she is extremely powerful magically, cold-hearted to those she sees as ‘sun lovers’ and in some worlds deadly with a scythe, and lastly in most worlds, she specializes in ice magic. But feel free to go over the notes again.”

“Thanks.” she said, taking the phone and looking over the notes again.

I look over at Ship and Amethyst playing and chuckle. “Those two seem to be getting along great.”

“Well can you blame them? The two are more like kids than anything, besides Steven, she didn’t have anyone else to play with her.” Pearl said as she looked over to the two with a smile.

I take a deep breath then let it out slowly to keep calm as this always seems to happen, Pearl referring to me as Steven while she is distracted. “That is true, how well is Garnet? I know she is back together but can she hold herself together now that Ruby and Sapphire have studied this world a bit?”

“She is...doing alright, though she is keeping herself from looking into the future, it’s making her nervous not knowing what’s going to happen, but she doesn’t want to show it.” Pearl replied.

I nod understanding a bit. “It must be new for her, not being able to see the future.” I sigh a bit hoping things get better for her. “At least she has us, and herself er...Ruby and Sapphire um...ugh talking about fusions are confusing!” I fell back into a chair.

“You’ll get used to it.” Pearl said with a small laugh.

I tap my chin as that brings up an old fan debate I used to have. “Speaking of fusions, I have two questions about it right now, first is there a limit as to how many gems can fuse together at once? Assuming they all can harmonize that is, and second, what happens if two or more gems try to fuse when their gems are in the same location? for example you and Peridot, or blue and yellow diamond.”

“Well, every single gem can fuse as long as the gems don’t overlap for the first one and for the second, gems with the same gem placement can’t fuse because of where their gems are.” Pearl explained.

I nod at the explanation. “I see, well that's good to know I suppose. Well seeing as everyone here has their gem in a different place we don't have to worry about that problem anytime soon, then again I doubt we would need Obsidian for anything here.”

“I agree.” I looked and saw Garnet walk up to us. “I don’t need future vision to know Obsidian won’t be needed for this mission.”

I smile and offer a fist bump to her. “Good to see you again Garnet.”

Garnet smiled as she fist-bumped me, “It’s good to be back.”

I smirk and point at her glasses. “After this is over I want you to teach me how to make glasses like that, well minus the prescription.”

“So you can make yourself look cooler or because you just want to try?” Garnet asked me.

I shrug and smile. “A bit of both, nothing wrong with looking cool especially for a badass entrance.”

“True.” Garnet said, “Alright, I’ll show you how when this is over.”

“Cool.” I notice the sun is going down. “Alright everyone the sun is setting which means we must be ready, remember the plan and if anything goes wrong call out for help do not try to be a hero.”

“You got Jake.” Amethyst said, “Hopefully we’ll get to see some action!”

“Ship ship!” Ship said as he bounced to me.

I smile and pet Ship. “I know you want some action but I’m hoping we won't have to fight at all…” I paused for a moment then chuckled. “I guess I am a bit like Steven after all.”

“And that’s not a bad thing.” Pearl said, her hand on my shoulder as she handed me my phone.

I smile and take my phone back, sliding it into my pocket. “Oh small change of plans though, last time Daring was here she brought up a good point that we are leaving the town undefended, on the off chance Nightmare moon has any plans for the town while the rest of us are busy, I want Ship to defend it.” I looked down at him. “Think you can handle that?”

Ship morphed into a suit of armor, then into a giant cannon, then back to normal, “Ship ship!” he replied, saluting.

I chuckle and nod. “Just be careful not to destroy the town while protecting it, we don't want them thinking you're a monster too.”

Ship gave a nod, “Alright, we have someone defending the town while we help the ponies get the Elements. We are good to go then?” Pearl asked me.

I nod and put a hand out and they smile and each one put their hand over mine. “Yeah, we will make it through this, we are the crystal gems, now let's go protect this new world!”

Each one of them nodded their heads, smiles on their faces. We each go to our positions throughout the castle as Ship also flies off to the town. I waited next to the spheres that are supposed to be the elements of harmony for what felt like hours, and when I checked my phone I groan in annoyance as it has been hours but then it suddenly gets brighter I look up and see the moon no longer has the shadow of a unicorn's head on it. “Showtime.”

I stand up and take a breath and calm my thoughts and watch the doorway waiting and after another few hours, I hear hoof steps. “They should be up ahead, come on everypony!” an unknown voice calls out.

“Great! Now Nightmare Moon will be done for and the sun will come back up!” I heard another voice say.

Soon six young-looking mares come into the room from the stairway, two unicorns, one mare was white with purple curling hair and blue eyes, wearing what seems to be a silk shirt with a low v-cut, and tight jeans that don't look that comfortable to me. The other is a lavender mare with a light purple streak through her dark purple hair, purple eyes, and wearing what seems like a school uniform that has a dress shirt, and a skirt that goes down to her knees.

The next two to come in are two earth ponies, the first is that orange farmer that I met a few days ago wearing the same outfit, while the second is an all pink mare with sky blue eyes, puffy hair, and a bright smile, she is wearing jean overalls and a blue shirt underneath.

And lastly two Pegasus’s? Pegasi? The first is a light blue and she seems to be wearing a tracksuit and has rainbow-colored hair and violet eyes. The second is butter yellow with pink hair that hides half her face, she is wearing a deep green colored sweater and a blue skirt.

They all freeze in place once they spot me standing between them and the elements of harmony. “Who are you?! What are you?! How did you get here?!” the lavender mare, from Rick’s notes tell me her name was Twilight Sparkle.

I nod slightly to myself then say. “My name isn't important right now, just get the elements now, before Nightmare shows up.” I step to the side and keep an eye on them.

“How do we know you don’t work for her?” the light blue pegasus, Rainbow Dash I believe, accused me, flying up to me, “How did you know we would come for them if you weren’t working for her? Explain that!” Now I see why Rick labeled her as annoying in his notes.

I close my eyes and use my breathing to keep myself calm, then I look at her and the others. “Let's see, there is a thousand-year-old evil alicorn on the loose that wants to bring out eternal night, and the only things that can stop her are in my home, I may not have known who was coming for the Elements of harmony but I knew someone would.”

Then I wave my arm to the stone orbs. “And I've moved away from them for you so either get them or maybe you want to keep talking till Nightmare moon shows up?”

Rainbow Dash was about to say something, but the earth pony, Applejack, grabbed her and pulled her back, “Don’t be picking fights with others Dash, besides, he’s telling the truth.”

I smile at Applejack. “Thank you miss, but you all should hurry before Nightmare shows up.” I tell them all and see something move past a window and frown.

“Right, I’ll just try to use a spell to find the spark, but I need total silence.” Twilight said as she walked up to the pillars.

“Come on y’all let's let her concentrate, that means you too youngin.” Applejack says then tries to pull me along but I keep myself planted in place.

“Go, I'm staying.” I told her not taking my eyes off of the window I saw movement from.

“But she said she needed silence. And I need to keep an eye on you in case you’re lying.” Rainbow said.

I don’t move but I do hold a hand up and make a bubble shield around myself. “I said, I'm not going, I can be quiet now either wait here quietly or leave the unicorn is working on her spell.” I say just loud enough to be heard but quiet enough to not disturb Twilight.

The mares looked a bit frightened but left, they gave me one last look before closing the door. Not long after that do the stone elements start to glow and lift off the ground for a moment only to fall down as a window breaks open and Nightmare moon flies in along with someone else.

My eyes widen when I see a gem in their chest and clench my fists. “Well well well, seems you found the elements, too bad they won't work for you little pony” Nightmare said to twilight then looks at me and frowns pointing at me she simply says. “Kill.”

And the gem flew at me with amazing speed and slammed me through a wall making me roll around in my bubble.

3rd POV

The Everfree once was quiet, now the air was filled with the sounds of large creatures stomping through the forest, moving past the tree line, the stone golems looked at the town of Ponyville, one thought in their blank minds, destroy. The largest let out a roar as they charged towards the town, the ponies seeing them began to panic as the golems charged, until…..

“Ship!” The golems stopped as they looked where the sound came from, seeing Ship just standing in front of the town. “Ship ship!” he said, his single eye glaring at the golems, the golems looked at each other confused before one stomped towards Ship, raising its fist and prepared to pound Ship with it. Only for a clawed hand to grab the stone fist, the golem watched as Ship morphed into a large mech, not as large as the Golems but still bigger than any of the ponies in town, “Ship!” Ship said, his other hand changing into a blaster he destroyed the golem with one shot.

The rest of the golems let out a roar as Ship made a ‘come at me’ motion with his hand, multiple weapons appearing on his body, before charging at the golems, both forces met as Ship either pounded or blasted, turning them from giants to pebbles in seconds, and any damage the golems did was healed by Ships regeneration.

The town ponies watched the battle, shocked and awed, Ship using a blade he cut a golem in half before blasting it, then was cut in half by the larger golems sword, before stomping on him, the leader let out a roar as he pointed at the town with his sword, charging forward, before hearing a strange sound as he looked where it was coming from, seeing Ship flying at it, then stabbed its head and with a single move, cut it in half, watching as the two pieces fell to the ground.

The ponies in town let out a cheer, most of them anyway, while others were worried their defender might attack their town instead, after the battle was over Ship stood on top of a large pile of rocks, his weapons disappearing, he then heard movement and looked and saw a small filly looking at him, he tilted his head then pat the filly on the head, then pointed at the town, “Ship.” he said, the filly nodded her head, then began to head back to the ton, but not before she handed Ship a small flower.

Ship gave a happy bark in reply, before putting the flower in a small compartment then looked towards the forest, ready to face whatever else comes out.

Jakes POV

After I stop rolling I look up to see the new gem flaring down at me. I pop my shield while making a small hand-sized hexagonal shield and start spinning it like a saw blade. “I don't know who you are but we don't have to fight, just stand down and let's talk.”

I try to talk things out but this gem fires some kind of beam from its face and I jump out of the way and throw my spinning shield at her and it cuts one of her legs. I look closer and see her eyes are completely yellow. ’ok so either she is corrupted, damaged, or being mind-controlled no matter what I have to poof her before she can kill me.’ I think to myself.

The mysterious gem glared at me as her leg regrew, she then changed as she became sleeker, thinner as she sped towards me with speeds I thought were nearly impossible, she rammed into me as we flew through the castle, slamming into walls and such, we stopped in one room as I went flying the moment she stopped, slamming into the wall while some cracks formed from the impact, I glared at the gem. “Jake!” I looked and saw Pearl and Amethyst, both shocked.

I groan as I pull myself off the wall and pop my neck and start glowing pink. “Good news, bad news, and worse news, what do you guys want to hear first?” I say glaring at the mystery gem.

The gem glared at me as well as it charged at just as Amethyst said, “How about all of them in that order?”

I make a big hexagonal shield just in time as the evil gem slams into it and the shield cracks. “Good news, the mares got to the elements.” I drop the shield and jump at the evil gem and punch her in the face, making her fly back into an empty bookshelf.

The gem got back up, and changed again, this time she was bulkier and bigger than the other forms. The gem crossed her arms and a shield appeared in front of her as she charged at me, ramming into me and causing us to crash through the wall.

“Jake!” I hear Pearl and Amethyst call out and look up to see the mystery gem standing over me, her arms lifted like she is trying to smash me. I roll to the left just as her arms come down and smash the stone floor easily. I try to sweep her legs but as I swing my leg under her I see she is floating.

’What the hell?! Since when could a gem float...besides steven.’ I think to myself as I flip onto my feet and back up next to Amethyst and Pearl. “Pearl, you would know more about other gems, do you recognize this one?”

“No, I have never seen a gem like this before.” Pearl replied, just as the gem charged again, causing us to dodge her.

After coming to a stop from my roll I heard Amethyst ask. “You said there was bad news, what was it?”

I make some hexagonal shields and throw them at the gem. “Bad news is gems exist in this universe, and the worse news is she is under Nightmare moon's control.” my shields hit her and knock her into the wall but before we can press the attack she charges right at me forcing me to block with my bubble shield again.

The gem changed again, this time into that other form, the one that seemed to make her stronger or something as she blasted my shield, managing to crack it. ’Damn it, just how strong is she?!’

Pearl comes in with her spear and manages to stab the gems back but she just turns around and backhands Pearl away. To my surprise, her face starts to glow before she fires some kind of beam at Pearl. “Pearl move!”

Pearl heard my shout and rolled to the side, dodging the beam from the gem, and threw her spear at her, successfully hitting her, the spear stabbing through the gem's shoulder, but the gem didn’t seem to care as she tore it out as her wound healed.

“Geez, she is more resilient than peridot. Amethyst, me, and Pearl will try to hold her go get Garnet. We may need someone stronger to deal with her.” I tell her then make some bubbles around my fists and run at the gem and punch her back knocking her towards Pearl.

Pearl used her spear and hit her, sending the gem to me and I hit her again, me and Pearl kept hitting her like some game of tennis or something. Until the gem changed into that bulkier form as she summoned a shield, blocking my attack, and she grabbed my arm and threw it at Pearl.

My eyes widen as I can't move and I end up knocking into Pearl. “Ouch, Pearl are you ok?” I ask as I get off her and help her up.

“Yes, but this gem is far stronger than anything I have ever seen.” she said, looking at the strange gem who just gave us a blank glare.

I nod and sigh before patting her shoulder. “Here is the plan, when Amethyst and Garnet get here, me and Garnet will keep her busy while you and Amethyst fuse, two fusions and a diamond should be enough to take her down.”

Pearl nodded her head, then grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side just as the gem slammed her fists into the ground where I just was, and before we could do anything, the gem was about to land a blow when suddenly….

“I don’t think so!” Garnet said as she stopped the fist by grabbing it with her gauntlets, “Back off!” Garnet then punched the gem in the face, sending her flying into a wall.

I smile and nod to Pearl then step up next to Garnet. “I'm gonna assume you know my plan so let's do this.” I rush at the gem with Garnet right by my side and we both deliver a team punch that sends the gem through the next three walls. I look down at my fist in shock. ’Holy crap am I really that strong?’

I was brought out of my thoughts when the gem got back up, I saw that she was wearing a face mask, if the damaged pieces falling off her face was any indication, she gave me and Garnet a glare as she charged at us, grabbing me and Garnet by the necks and slammed us into the wall.

I grab her arm and gasp for air and I notice a bright light come from across the room and smirk. “B-big m-mistake attacking us.”

The gem just tilted her head to the side just as a giant hand grabbed her and threw her away, I fell to the ground, breathing hard as I looked up and saw Opal.

I rub my throat and smile. “Nice to meet you Opal, ready to kick some butt?” I say standing up and getting into a fighting stance.

“I’m always ready.” Opal said, combining Pearl's spear and Amethyst’s whip into her signature bow as she fired at the gem, just as she got up, sending her flying again.

I nod and me and Garnet rush the gem and keep her on the defensive. I punch her towards Garnet, Garnet punches her up into the ceiling and then Opal fires an energy arrow at the gem and it goes all the way through her.

The gem falls to the ground and weakly stands up looking shaky before she starts to change again looking sharper and she flies straight at me with her arm pulled back to impale me with it. I summon a shield and make it grow a spike and she rams right onto it. I look up to see her swell up like a balloon and poof. I quickly drop the shield and catch her gem before it hits the ground. “Holy cow, we did it!”

“Indeed we did.” Garnet said, “Now go check on those ponies, we’ll deal with the gem.”

I nod and offer the gem to Opel then ran off. Once I hear the voices of the mares I follow them to the top of a tower and as I enter the room I see the six of them standing in front of Nightmare moon with stone fragments spinning around their necks.

I see Twilight look back and she smiles. “And this strange colt represents the element of courage.” She looks around but nothing happens before she stares at Nightmare. “Together they helped me get through every one of your challenges.”

Nightmare looked scared. “But it didn't work! The sixth Element didn't appear, the spark didn't work!”

“But it did, a different kind of spark.” Twilight turns to face the other mares. “I realized it when I heard your voices calling out when I realized you all are...my friends!” Just then there is a bright light above her as a star-shaped crystal slowly floats down over Twilight's head then each of the floating stone fragments around the other’s necks come together forming necklaces and they all start floating up together before a rainbow beam is fired at Nightmare.

Nightmare Moon watched in fear before her horn started to glow, most likely trying to teleport away, but before she could, the gem me and the others were fighting appeared behind her and wrapped her arms around her, keeping her in place. “What?! No! You are supposed to be under my control!” Nightmare Moon said, just as the rainbow beam hit them both.

I cover my eyes with how bright it got. When I look back I see the mares laying on the ground barely conscious, the gem knocked back into its gem and a blue mare that I realize is Luna surrounded by metal armor shards.

I walk up and look her over seeing she is in a dress of some kind but she is breathing then when I look at the armor I get a cold feeling so I bubble each piece. By the time I finish and have them all floating next to me, the mares start to come around.

“Huh?” Twilight sits up looking confused.

“I guess you weren't just spitting a bunch of hooey, I guess we do represent the element of friendship.” the orange mare said.

“What I want to know is, why do you have those?!” Dash said, pointing at the bubbled pieces of armor.

I look at her then at the bubbles surrounding me. “I’m keeping us safe, something feels off with these pieces of armor, so I'm quarantining them within bubbles.”

“And how do we know you ain’t lying?!” Dash said as she flew up to my face,

I glare at her and make a fist, but before I can say anything else there is a bright light and a tall woman walks in from the window. The crystal gems also come into the room but from the door. “Later, skittles.” I say then walk over to my friends with the bubbles following me.

“Wait who are you?” I heard Twilight ask me,

I turn to face her and notice everyone is looking at me. “My name is jake…” I look down then smile back at them. “Jake Quartz Diamond.”

“Well thank you for your help Jake.” the tall woman said, from Rick's notes her name was Celestia.

I smile at her and say. “You are welcome, your highness, but I believe you should be speaking with your sister right now.”

The six mares with necklaces and a tiara all yell at once. “SISTER!?”

Celestia winced a bit from the yelling, but walked over to Luna, Luna starts to get up and when she looks up and her eyes widen when she sees her sister then she spots me. I give her a thumbs up and smile.

Luna smiles back as she looked to her sister, just as the gems walked up to me, “So we won right?” Amethyst asked me,

I nod and look at Amethyst. “Yeah we won, a bit more violently than how Steven would have solved it but I feel happy with our win, by the way, how did you free the new gem?”

“We didn’t. We didn’t even have a chance to bubble her to help her before she reformed and just flew off.” Pearl said,

I nod in understanding. “Well, she is knocked out and back in her gem over behind Luna over there.” I point over to the gem still on the ground.

“Well, what are we waiting for, let’s grab her before she comes back and attacks us again.” Amethyst said,

I sigh and nod. “Yeah but I don't want to trap her, you didn't notice it but she was being controlled by Nightmare moon, she will be free now, and keeping her in a bubble wouldn't be right.” I start walking towards the gem but the blue mare with the rainbow mane flies in front of me glaring.

“And what are you doing huh?” she asked me, then grabbed the gem, “I remember this! This thing is evil. So it should go to the princess-” the gem glowed as Dash dropped, and soon the strange gem was back, looking at each of us.

I step closer and wave at her. “Greetings you are free of Nightmare moon’s control, what is your name?” I also push the rainbow mane mare back.

The gem didn’t respond, just stared at me, “Um, can you talk?” I ask her, she didn’t respond again, she just kept staring at me, ‘Wonder what she is thinking.’

??? POV

I stared at the boy in front of me, seeing the dark pink energy. I didn’t know much of this boy, but he is troubled. “Um hello? Can you hear me at all?” he asked me, then in a blink of an eye, I pulled him in for a hug.

He helped me, now it is my turn to help him. No matter the cost.

Jakes POV

I am surprised by a sudden hug from her. I look up at her face and gently push against her. “I get that you're happy to be free but please say something.” I said to her, she just tilted her head in response before keeping me in a hug.

I sigh and look behind me as much as I can. “Pearl please help.”

“Right, I’m coming-” Pearl interrupted when the gem gave her a glare, her hand glowing as she shot a small beam that went by Pearl and hit the wall behind her, I can tell that was a warning shot.

I frown and lift my hand up to her face. “Hey! She is my friend, do not hurt my friend or I will put you in a bubble.”

She looked at then looked back at the gems, then the glow around her hand went away as she continued to hug me, which meant that she listened to me. I let out a sigh of relief,

I wiggle a bit till I manage to turn around and frown when I see a few of the mares giggling at me. I look to Pearl and grumble. “Pearl, do you know of any gems that don't speak? Do you have any ideas of how to get her to let go of me?”

“Sorry Jake but I don’t know of any gems that don’t speak.” she said as she walked to us and grabbed the gems arm and tried to free me, only to our surprise, her arm split into two tendrils, one was in Pearl's hands, while the other was still wrapped around me, “uh, well it looks like she doesn’t want to let go. Oh dear, I’ll try my best to get you free.”

I frown in both annoyance and confusion. “Listen I don't know who you are or if you can even speak, but I want you to let go of me right now.” my pink glow starts coming back as I get ready to get myself free.

But the gem let me go before I could do anything. I look at her and see she had a look of worry on her face as she looked at me. I relax a bit and cross my arms thinking for a moment then look at her. “You can obviously understand me so if you have the ability to speak but are just choosing not to please not your head up and down.”

The gem looked at then shook her head no, which meant she can’t speak or she just refuses to answer, I’m hoping for the former. I sigh and look back at the gems. “This is strange, I don't even know her name.” I look back at her and scratch my chin. “Ok let's try this, if you can understand me fully then-” I look over as I hear Ship coming.

“Ship ship!” he said as he hopped into the room, then jumped into my arms.

“What is it boy?” I asked him, and just before he could respond, the yellow pegasus with a pink mane flew up to us and looked at Ship. Fluttershy was her name I believe.

“Oh my goodness, I have never seen a creature like you before!” she said,

I chuckle and smile petting Ship. “This is Ship he is a galvanic mechamorph dog.” I told her. then looked down at him. “I see your back, did you do a good job protecting the town?”

“Ship ship!” Ship said happily, then a small flower appeared from his head as he played a video of a filly giving it to him.

I chuckle and smirk. “Good boy, now why don't you show this nice pegasus what you can do, just be gentle.” with that I set Ship down and turn to the new gem and then continue where I left off. “As I was saying before, if you can fully understand me then I would like you to write down your story and give that to Pearl here.” I wave at Pearl. “That way I can know a bit about you.”

The gem nodded her head, though it was as if she seemed to be a bit hesitant when she did as if she was afraid. As she does I turn to face the ponies and frown that the one named rainbow dash according to Rick’s notes, keeps glaring at me. I step forward and clap my hands. “Well, congratulations on saving the world now please leave our home we have a lot of cleaning up to do.”

This got Celestia to raise an eyebrow, but before she can say anything Rainbow dash gets in my face again. “Your home!? What makes you think this your home?! How do we know you just aren’t waiting for us to leave so you could-” before she could say anymore, the gem had grabbed Rainbow Dash and lifted her up to eye level as she glared at her, causing the pegasus to freeze.

My eyes widen and I grit my teeth. “Hey! Set her down gently, she is just annoying. She hasn't hurt me, as far as I'm concerned she isn't a threat.” I tell the gem getting up next to her.

She looks at then back at Rainbow then gently put her down, then Rainbow flew back to the others, I look at the gem with annoyance, ’I swear this gem is way too overprotective.’ I thought to myself. ’I need help, but nobody here has encountered her before, I need help from someone who has been around someone who….’ I snapped my fingers when I had an idea, “I know just the guy to help me out, but I don’t want them to know, it’s bad enough one of them doesn't trust me or the gems.”

“Um, who are you talking to dude?” Amethyst asked me.

I looked at her, “I was, uh kinda talking to myself, but I have an idea who can help us out with our mysterious gem problem, but I can’t call him in front of them, otherwise some argument about I’m calling an invasion fleet or some stupid bullshit like that.” I said to her.

She nods then smiles and flexes her arms. “Want me to show them the door?”

Pearl walks up and shakes her head. “Amethyst that is incredibly rude! Besides they are the only people around for miles jake needs some kind of interaction besides us.”

“That is true, it is very boring here. “Garnet said. “And Daring and Zecora don’t count as he hardly ever spends time with them.” Garnet added when Amethyst was about to speak.

“Fine, so what? We just hang around and talk with them?” Amethyst asked.

Just then the pink earth pony pulls all the ponies into a group hug. “You know what this calls for?!” she asks excitedly and before anyone can answer her she yells out. “A PARTY!” and Suddenly all of us the ponies, the gems, and myself are all transported to the center of the town.

“What just happened?! How did we get here?!” PEarl asked, looking around, “We were just in the castle, how did we move from there all the way to here?!”

I put a hand on her back to calm her down. “Pearl, remember what the notes said, this place is filled with magic, one of them probably teleported us and even if they didn't remember one of the rules in Rick's notes ‘never question the pink one’.”

“Right, i-it’s just, it happened so fast I didn't even have time to even blink!” she said, then looked at Pinkie,

I nod a bit unnerved myself and look at pinkie as well, she turns to us and waves with a smile. “I agree...she reminds me of uncle grandpa.” I mutter to myself but Pearl hears me.

“Who?” she asked me, then shook her head, “No, if he is similar to her, then I really don’t want to know.”

“No you do not, let’s just say it was an adventure your tv show counterparts had with a reality-warping humanoid, that Pearl almost went crazy trying to understand what was happening, so my advice...do not question the pink one.” I tell her then smile as I walk over to the food table but the new gem flies over and sticks by my side making me sigh.

“Haha! Jakes got a fan.” Amethyst laughs as she eats a cupcake.

I roll my eyes and look up at my mysterious friend. “I wish I could understand you, for all I know you want to take me back to homeworld as a pet.”

I then realized that saying Homeworld was probably a mistake as she seemed to look terrified of the mere mention of said planet.

I watch her as I ask. “Do you work for homeworld or are you an off-color?” I ask then hold up a hand. “ Lift your right hand if you are an off-color, and your left hand if you work for homeworld.”

She seemed to think about then lifted her right hand, which meant she was an off-color then slightly raised her left, which meant she probably worked for Homeworld. I raise an eyebrow and rub my chin. “That is odd, no offense to you but the homeworld I know wouldn't let a off color work for them.”

I look up at her. “Ok, these are serious questions, first, how many diamonds are there? Second, do they know about this world? Third is it your job to report this world to them, add on to that, do you intend on telling them of this world? And forth what Dimond if any do you serve?” I ask her then wave Pearl over to translate her writings.

The gem shakily tried to write as best as she could, she handed Pearl what she wrote as she read it the the gem continued writing, “There are eight Diamonds, most of them, including Yellow, Blue and White Diamond, don’t know about this world, but the others do, my job was to be….” Pearl stopped reading and just stared at the paper,

“Well, what was her job?” Amethyst asked, and Pearl responded with something that made me kinda fearful.

“A weapon,” the gem handed her the next page, “I was supposed to serve under Blue Diamond as she ordered my creation, but I was created as an off-color, and was sentenced to be shattered.” that is when I saw the tears in the gems eyes.

I walk up to the gem and hug her. “Well, I guess you found a new home if you want to stay, we are the crystal gems, we fight for a gem’s right to be whoever they want to be.” I step back and offer a smile. “Mind telling us your name? And why do you seem to care for me so much? I mean I would think you'd be terrified of me.”

The gem wiped away the tears and wrote again, then she handed the paper to Pearl, “She doesn’t know her name or what kind of gem she is, as for why she cares for you so much, well, she says it has something to do with your energy being corrupt, she said she saw a dark pink energy and a lighter shade of pink energy, saying that she would do anything to make that energy go away cause it was bad and that you helped her.” Pearl said, “Well that answers a few of our questions, but not all of them, I think you should call whoever you were going to call before we ended up here if we need to get more answers.”

I nod and whistle for Ship. “Ship ship!” Ship said as he hopped over to me, and I can see that the gem was looking at him curiously.

“Alright SHip, I remember Rick said he had a communicator he let you absorb and copy, do you think you can turn into that boy?” I asked Ship, who nodded happily, “Alright, but let’s wait till we find a secluded spot, too many prying eyes.”

I rub my chin watching pinkie get the party really going and the two Alicorns off at a table alone then grin. “Say, Amethyst why don't you go show that Pink pony how gems party.”

Amethyst grinned, “Aw yeah! Now that is something I’m good at!” she said,

I smirk softly. “And now we have a distraction.”

“Clever move Jake.” Pearl said to me, then to Amethyst, “Alright Amethyst, go ahead and party.” that was all Amethyst needed to hear before she ran off into the crowd.

I smirk seeing her already getting everyone's attention. “Alright the rest of us need to go somewhere out of sight, and you're coming with.” I grab the gem’s arm and start walking to an alleyway.

Once we were hidden from everyone, I looked to Ship, “Alright boy, now change.” I said to him,

“Ship ship!” Ship said, then morphed into a ball-like shape, the ball top half opened up as a contact list was shown on a floating screen, there were only two numbers, so I clicked on the first one, after a few seconds, Rick appeared on the screen.

“Hello?!” he said, then ducked under something, “Whoever it is I’m a bit busy here! So make it quick!”

“Hey it's me, Jake, sorry to call you in the middle of whatever is happening but I kinda got a problem here.” I say to the screen and watch it move around as he continues to fight someone.

“Jake! Long time no see man! How’s it-whoa!” Rick dropped his communicator and all I saw was mud, I heard lightning and water? in the background then the screen showed Rick's face again, “Sorry about that, anyway what’s the problem?”

I turn the screen enough to show the new gem as I explain. “Well, the good news is Nightmare moon is defeated, the bad news is there are Gems in this universe, and here is one of the new gems, she can't speak, and we don't know what she is other than what she has told us through writing.”

Rick went wide-eyed, “Dude, I know what she is, she is Deoxys from Pokemon, though Deoxys doesn’t look like that, tell me what she told you.” Rick said, dodging a torrent of water and we heard something snap and fall. “Shit, Tia ain’t gonna be happy about this.”

“Well, she told us that she was made to be a weapon and that there are eight diamonds in this universe.” I tell him then look at Pearl if she wants to add anything.

“She also is able to change her form, though we thought it was shapeshifting, but each form she changes into seems to give her different effects.” Pearl said, Rick nodded his head,

“I see, eight diamonds is gonna be a problem, but from what you told me she definitely fits the description of Deoxys, sending info now.” Rick said, then an image appeared of the gem, except it was different, then the name Deoxys appeared as it changed into the similar forms the gem changed into with a description of each one, Defense Form was the bigger, bulkier one, Speed was the thin and slender one, and Attack, then info went away as Rick appeared again, this time a bit soaked as sparks flew off his body, “Alright, I also add in some other things, Deoxys is one of the Legendaries in Pokemon, and they are considered gods in the franchise, which means it would make sense for her to be a weapon.”

I frown and listen to Rick. “Do you have a way that would let her speak?”

“Well I do, but you won’t need it, Deoxys is a Psychic-type, which means in time, she’ll talk to you through your mind, but if you really want it, the communicator comes with a translator, so she’ll be able to talk to you until she learns her psychic abiliti-” Rick was hit by a blast of water and dropped the screen, the communicator rolled a bit until it stopped and showed…

“Rick you asshole!” Lapis said angrily as giant hands made of water appeared and were sent towards Rick, who was off-screen and we couldn’t see what happened but we heard the pain shouts so we got the idea, a bolt of lightning struck the ground in front of Lapis as Rick grabbed the communicator again.

“I get you're pissed at me, but I’m the fucking phone!” Rick said to Lapis, though he regretted it if the look on his face was any indication. “Oh shit, um, is there anything else you needed to know before my certain imminent death?”

“Nope, good luck, take it from a guy who lived with two mothers and an older sister, never piss off a woman.” I say with a smirk.

“I’ll be sure to remember that…..if I survive.” Rick said, “See you later, I hope.” then a large fist of water hit Rick and the communicator’s screen showed static.

“Well, that was interesting to watch.” Garnet said,

“Welp...he is doomed.” I say jokingly then turn to this Deoxys. “So I guess your name is Deoxis if you want it.”

Deoxys seemed to think about it then nodded her head, giving a smile as well. “Ship ship!” SHip said as a small hatch opened on the communicator, revealing a small collar with an emerald on it.

I look down at Ship then pick up the collar. “Huh, this must be the translator Rick mentioned.” I hold it up to Deoxys. “Here, try it on so we can finally hear your words.”

Deoxys nodded as she took the color and put it on her neck, then the emerald glowed as a voice spoke from it, “Sentient life form detected, beginning translation process.” the voice said as the gem glowed a bit before beeping, “Translation complete, you are now able to speak freely, have a nice day.” Then the emerald stopped glowing.

“That was weird.” Garnet said,

I shrug and say. “Rick probably programmed it to say that, go ahead and give it a try D.”

“Um, does it work?” Deoxys said, her voice was soft and quiet, “Hey it works.”

I smile and chuckle. “Great, now that you can talk, would you like to join the crystal gems? It would mean you would help us fight homeworld if they come for this planet, and I am technically a diamond.”

“You’re a diamond? Which one?” Deoxys asked me,

I lift my shirt showing my gem. “I would technically be pink diamond.”

“Pink Diamond? I never heard of her.” Deoxys said,

“I'm not surprised, it's very complicated but I inherited this gem and its powers. It's a part of me just as your gem is a part of you even though I'm part organic.” I tell her as I look down at my gem.

“Is something wrong?” Deoxys asked me,

I shake my head. “No, it's just...new for me.” I force myself to smile. “But you didn't answer my question, do you want to be a crystal gem?”

Deoxys nodded her head, “Yep!” she said, enthusiastically.

I chuckle and smile. “Alright, whenever you want, just add a star to your form we crystal gems all have a star somewhere on us.” I tell her then someone slams onto the ground when I turn to look I see Rainbow Dash.

“I knew you were trouble! You are making an army of these things!” she yells and flares her wings.

Deoxys immediately moved in front of me, changing into, from what Rick showed me, her Attack Form, her arms splitting into two sharp tendrils as she glared at Rainbow.

I sigh and put a hand on Deoxys’ shoulder. “Stand down, look we are an unknown to them of course they will be suspicious of us but do not attack them or look threatening at them unless they actually hit one of us understand?”

Deoxys looked at me then glared back at Rainbow before she sighed, “Ok.” she said as she changed back, still glaring at Rainbow.

I then step forward. “Look we aren't making an army it's just there are very few of our kind on this pl...in this country.”

Rainbow still glared at us, though I can tell she sorta believes me,

I am about to say something when Luna seems to find us as well then she smiles and walks up to me and we are about the same height. “Thank you young colt, you gave me the strength to fight the nightmare by visiting my dreams.” Then she surprised me with a kiss on my cheek.

I slightly blushed but smile, “It was no problem, I’m just glad to help out.” I said,

Luna smiles with a light blush so light I may have just imagined it. “It is a simple reward for one so brave, but why do you and your friends hide from the party?”

“They were just trying to help me out a bit, I couldn't talk so they tried to help me find other ways of communicating.” Deoxys said,

Luna looks at Deoxys and thinks for a moment then her eyes widen. “You are the golem we found on the moon just before our freedom!”

I step in front of Deoxys. “Yes but she is free of nightmares control, and she isn't a golem, she is a person just like you and me.”

Luna nodded, “I see, but I must for your forgiveness for controlling you.” Luna said to Deoxys,

Deoxys instead of answering, just hugged Luna, “You are forgiven.”

I smile seeing this heartwarming scene, then I notice Celestia is watching from the corner of the building. I tilt my head as a way to invite her but she smiles and shakes her head then leaves.

“I still don't trust you or your freaky golems.” Rainbow said before flying off.

Luna looks upset but I hold a hand up. “It's fine, if I was in her shoes I wouldn't trust someone right away either. How about we head back to the party before Amethyst destroys it?”

“I think that is a good idea.” Luna said, nodding her head, “So Amethyst is the small purple one right?”

I nod but make an uncertain face. “She is, but I think her size is a touchy subject to her, but I can't remember completely.” The gems and Luna start heading back to the party but I look up at the sky and frown.

“Jake, are you coming?” Pearl’s voice snaps me out of it and I turn to them and follow.