• Published 15th Jun 2021
  • 2,135 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond In The Rough - Deltorix

A boy named Jake get separated from his family but gets a new one. That being the crystal gems, Can Jake rise to the position of a leader at the age of 16, or will he and his new friends be destroyed by a strange yet familiar enemy?

  • ...

Chapter 13

’Well, today’s the day, I start school today because Miss Cheerilee had me go. Frankly, I don’t mind, it’ll just be annoying having to deal with another thing here in Equestria.

I looked up from my journal and saw Pearl getting my school supplies, as well as some unnecessary items, and putting them in my school bag. I chuckled and shook my head.

‘I think Pearl is confused about how school works, but that's fine. I'm sure things will work out. I'm just hoping I can make some male friends.’

I closed my book and put it in my gem before getting up and walking up to Pearl. “Pearl, thank you for your help but I don't think I'll need a life preserver or a can opener.”

“But Jake, you never know when these might be of use yet!” Pearl said. “What if you take a trip to the ocean? O-or-” I gently put my hand over her mouth.

“Pearl, calm down, please. Even if there is a trip to the ocean I can just stay in the shallows or call Ship to bring me what I need.” I shook my head and lowered my hand. “If it will make you feel better you can talk with Twilight while I'm at school. She can tell you how school works.”

Pearl would have said something but nodded her head. “Alright, sorry I’m just a bit used to getting worked up over small things.” She said.

I chuckled and smirked. “I have noticed. Well, I'm gonna grab some lunch then head to school.” I waved at her as I walked into the temple and headed into the burning room to find the replicator. I popped the bubble and programmed in a lunch box then added something to eat and packed it away in my backpack.

That’s when I noticed my backpack was orange with the straps being blue, I shook my head and said. “Deoxys.” In a flash, my backpack was now Deoxys, who was giving me a pout.

“Why did you try to disguise yourself as my backpack?” I asked with a smile and chuckle.

“It was Pearl's idea!” Deoxys said. "Well also mine, but well, we were worried something might happen while you are at school.”

I chuckled and patted her shoulder. “The worst that can happen is I get bullied because I'm new. I have lived through years of school. I know what to expect, but if you really don't feel comfortable you can stay in town and speak with Twilight about the school.”

Deoxys nodded her head. “Okay, but the first sign of trouble I’m heading straight to the school.” She said.

I sighed but smiled softly. “Alright, just don't hurt anyone unless they are a legitimate threat and not just someone acting tough or someone that hasn't even touched me.” I put my real backpack on and start heading out of the temple.

“Bye Jake!” Pearl said. “Have a good day at school.”

I waved at her before I stepped onto the warp pad and warp to town. Once there I started running to get to the school. “I hope the kids there don’t drive me nuts.” It wasn't long before I found the red schoolhouse and walked up to it with some kids hanging out around the playground.

“Hi, Jake!” I heard Sweetie Belle say to me, as she and Scootaloo walked up to me, well more like fly in Scootaloo’s case.

I smiled and waved. “Hello Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo. How are you two doing?”

“We’re doing good.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Good? I’m doing awesome! I can finally fly like Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo said, hugging me. “And I have you to thank for it!”

I blushed lightly and chuckled patting her back. “You are welcome, don't mention it.” I looked at Sweetie Belle for help.

“Come on Scootaloo, let go.” Sweetie Belle said, then in a tone like Raritie's. “You’re embarrassing the poor dear.”

I crossed my arms after Scootaloo let go and shook my head. “I just don't want to make my girlfriend jealous.”

“Aww, that’s so sweet of you.” Sweetie Belle said, and then a bell rang. “We should get to class soon.”

I chuckled and started walking to the classroom still having a light blush. “So what are Equestrian schools like?” I asked them as we entered the classroom.

“Well, we learn about math, history, geography, and all that boring stuff.” Scootaloo said.

I chuckled and smiled. “Well, I hope there are a few classes on magic.” I said mostly to myself as I looked around for an open seat.

“Jake Diamond.” I heard Cheerilee say to me. “You’ll be sitting next to Applebloom.” She pointed at a seat next to filly who had a yellow fur coat and red mane, with a bright pink bow in her mane, and she wore a simple T-shirt and overalls.

I nodded to the teacher before I walked over and sat down after taking my backpack off. I could hear some students snickering and whispering about me but I ignored them. ‘Here we go, time to deal with the bullies.’

“Howdy, I’m Applebloom.” The filly next to me, Applebloom, said to me.

I smiled softly and nodded my head. “I am Jake, I hope this isn't rude but are you related to Applejack?”

“Yep, she’s my big sis.” Applebloom replied with a proud smile.

I chuckled and smiled. “Well, it is nice to meet you.” I told her before Cheerlee told us to quiet down.

“Now class, we have a new student, Jake would you like to tell the class about yourself?” She asked with a kind smile.

I stood up just as all the teenagers looked at me. “My name is Jake, and I am a gem-human hybrid, me and my family moved to the area recently, and I am planning on causing a lot of changes.” Then I sat back down.

Cheerilee nodded her head. “Alright class, I want you all to be nice to Jake.” She said with a kind smile.

“Yes, Miss Cheerilee.'' The class replied, she nodded her head and began the lesson. We started with some math and I did well as I have already learned this kind of math.

As I was working I heard someone making a 'pssst' sound to get my attention but I ignored them. This continued till someone threw a paper ball at me. “Hey! Don’t you dare ignore me!” I heard whoever was trying to get my attention whispered at me.

I rolled my eyes and made a bubble shield around me and my desk and stayed in it till lunchtime.

When lunch came I headed out of the classroom, but as I was leaving, two fillies walked next to me. “So you’re the new kid huh?” A bright pink filly with a purple mane and tail that had a white streak in it, she wore a bright yellow sundress that had four purple gems said to me.

“Yes, I am the new kid.” I told her as I dug into my backpack. “Who are you?”

“I am Diamond Tiara and this is Silver Spoon.” Diamond Tiara said, pointing at the filly next to her, Silver Spoon had a grey coat with her mane and tail being a lighter shade of grey, and she wore blue glasses and a purple short-sleeved shirt with pink skirt.

I nodded as I pulled out a lunchbox “Well it is nice to meet you, but just so you know, I don't like being hit with paper balls.” I told her then I stepped around her and walked over to the tables and found an empty one.

“Well, maybe you should have answered me when I was trying to talk to you.” Diamond Tiara said. “It is rude you know.”

I frowned and looked up at her. “Well sorry but I was focused on my work.”

“Whatever, anyway, how about you hang with us?” Diamond said. “You’ll be hanging with a popular group.”

“That depends on what type of popularity this group is, because if you're popular because you bully everyone around you, then no thanks. I'd rather get shattered than be a part of a group like that.” I told her and then opened in my lunchbox getting ready to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

“Hmph, you’ll be sorry you said that. Come in Silver Spoon.” Diamond Tiara said, walking away, Silver Spoon following her, both had their noses up in the air.

I shook my head. “I don't see why she is upset, I only said I don't want to be a part of a bullying group.” I then take a bite out of my sandwich.

“Ah don’t pay her no mind.” Applebloom said, sitting next to me.

I looked over and smiled a bit. “Hello Applebloom, how are you?” I asked as I ate my sandwich.

“I’m doing good.” She replied before asking. “What about you? How’s your first day?”

“Surprisingly well so far, the math and science classes were easy, but the history and magic classes are a bit tricky.” I told her as I finished my sandwich.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. School isn’t exactly one of my favorites but I still gotta go to it.” She said as she ate her lunch.

“Oh I don't mind school, it is annoying people like bullies that bug me.” I told her as I got out an apple and took a bite.

“Yeah well, the only two around are Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, they like to pick on others for their own sick amusement.” Applebloom said with a frown.

I shrugged and added. “I am used to bullies, not much they can do to me.” I smirked and gave her a pudding cup. “I am gonna practice with my magic. You can have my dessert.”

“Yes!” Applebloom said, taking my pudding cup with joy, before she looked at me confused. “Wait, you can use magic?”

I nodded and pulled Gwen’s spellbook out of my gem before I started reading it. “A bit, I'm just learning spells but I can make shields easily.”

“Like you did in class? Miss Cheerilee wasn’t too happy about that.” Applebloom said, watching me.

I shrugged and said. “Then she should stop other students from throwing paper balls. But yes, I can also make these.” I hold my hand up and make a hexagonal shield in front of me.

“Whoa!” Applebloom said, looking at the shields with awe.

I smiled softly and chuckled. “I can also do this.” I made the hexagonal shield move to be a platform and stood on it and moved it up making me fly in a way.

Some of the other students saw me and were staring at me in awe. Scootaloo flew up to me. “Dude I didn’t know you could fly!”

I chuckled and hopped off the shield, slowly falling down to the ground. “Not so much flying as, falling with style.” I said with a small smirk.

The students stared at me in shock as I landed on the ground. “Whoa.” Applebloom said. “That was awesome!”

I shrugged and smiled. “It's not that big of a deal.” I rubbed the back of my head.

“Are you kidding?! It is a big deal 'cause it’s awesome!” Scootaloo said.

“I suppose it can be seen as a big deal, but check this out.” I made a bubble shield around myself and then made it grow spikes.

“Awesome!” Scootaloo said.

“Yeah!” Applebloom said, nodding her head.

I smiled then popped the bubble and then breathed in as I started to glow pink and rush around the whole playground within a few seconds. “ta-da!”

They all started telling me how awesome that was and many other things. I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head. “Thanks, but enough of me showing off, you all should enjoy your lunch before-” I am cut off as the bell rings. “That...”

I heard a few groans as they started to head back to class. I shook my head with a smile and headed back to class and calmly did my work for the rest of the day till the final bell rang and Cheerilee told me to stay after class.

“Now Jake, do you know why I had you stay after class?” Cheerilee said.

“I'm not sure, but probably because I'm new or because my grade on the history work was bad.” I took a guess.

“No, it’s because of that shield you made during class.” She replied, a stern look on her face.

I blinked confused. “What about it?” I asked, honestly confused.

“Well for one, you interrupted my class when you did that.” Cheerilee said as she crossed her arms.

“Oh I didn't know, I was focused on my work, I didn't want to be distracted by whoever threw this.” I pulled out the paper ball and gave it to her.

She looked at and sighed as she held the bridge of her nose. “Who threw it?”

“I don't know, I just know it came from behind me to the left. I don't give bullies or attention hogs what they want, I just ignore them hence why I put up a bubble shield.” I told her.

“I see. I’ll find out who threw it, but you are not allowed to bring up any more bubble shields. Understand?” Cheerilee said.

“You mean in class right? Because I still need to practice my powers.” I told her.

“Outside of school is fine, but not during class.” Cheerilee replied. “That is all, you can go.”

“Ok, thank you Miss Cheerilee.” I said then grabbed my backpack and left. As I walked through the town I saw it was completely empty. “Ok, this is odd.”

I then felt hands grab me and pull me from the street and into a dark building, I made bubble shields around my fists and the glow was enough to see Pinkie and Twilight. “Pinkie, Twilight?”

“Shhhhh!” Pinkie said. “She’s here!”

“Who is here? And why are you two hiding in a dark room?” I ask, confused.

“Um, not just them dear.” Rarity said from the dark room before Twilight made her horn glow more, revealing the rest of Mane 6 and Deoxys.

I crossed my arms and let my shields fade. “That still doesn't answer my question of who you are hiding from.”

“Her….” Pinkie said while she brought me to a window, outside was a single figure digging in the ground, of course I knew who it was, the cloak was a bit obvious.

“You mean Zecora?” I asked, still confused as to why they were hiding.

“Yes, they’re freaking out for no good reason.” Twilight said, shaking her head,

“No good reason?! Does protecting your kin count as no good reason?” Applejack asked, holding Applebloom close to her. “Why as soon as my little sister saw Zecora riding into town, she started shaking in her little horseshoes.” She said, shaking Applebloom.

I shook my head and shrugged. “I don't see what the big deal is, she is one of my friends.” I said and then turned to leave.

“One of your friends?! How can you be friends with her?! She’s sinister.” Rainbow said, then Fluttershy and Pinkie said she was mysterious and spooky. I just rolled my eyes.

I looked back at them and tapped my foot upset. “And what exactly makes her so sinister, and spooky? I'll give you that she can be mysterious but that's a cool thing, not a bad thing.”

“Jake, she lives in the Everfree! I know you and the other gems live there, but you live in the old castle! Where it is much safer.” Rarity said, then she fainted when she looked out the window, I looked and saw that Zecora had pulled her hood down. “And those stripes are ghastly!”

I looked at her flatly and sighed. “Then I suppose I'm even worse not having any fur at all?” I asked her, then pointed at the window. “She is a Zebra, a genetic cousin of ponies, her fur pattern can't be helped the same way your fur pattern can't be helped.”

“But we haven’t seen her around these parts bef-” Applejack was interrupted by Twilight,

“That’s because she came from a faraway land.” She said, shaking her head. “Can you believe this?” She asked me.

“I know right? And I thought humans were bad, I mean Zecora even helped me learn what plants are safe to eat in the Everfree.” I told Twilight then I looked at Applejack. “And just so you know, she lives in the Everfree forest because it's full of rare plants that she uses for her herbal medicines, she is a herbalist.”

“And how do you know that? For all you know that could be her cover so she can do her evil...stuff.” Pinkie said, getting in my face. “Oh, she’s so evil I even wrote a song about her!”

“Oh for buck's sake, here we go.” Rainbow said, facepalming.

“She’s an evil enchantress! She does evil dances!” Pinkie sang while dancing, I rolled my eyes just before Pinkie grabbed my face. “And if you look in her eye, she’ll put you in trances! Then what will she do? She’ll mix up an evil brew! Then she’ll gobble you up in a big tasty stew! Sooo...watch out!”

I backed away from Pinkie and rubbed my face. “That is a catchy song. I'll give you that but completely...almost completely wrong. The only thing somewhat right about that song is that enchantress part, and it's not because she is evil, it is because of what she wears...or more like how little she wears.” I said, blushing lightly.

“Thank you Jake, besides, what have you seen her do exactly that deems her evil?” Twilight said, then the rest of the Mane 6 began explaining what she does when she comes into Ponyville, with Twilight making sarcastic sounds. “And how is exactly any of this bad?”

I shook my head and leaned on the wall. “I suppose I should stop coming to town then if that's how you treat beings that are similar to ponies. I shudder to think what you would do to me considering I'm not any kind of equine at all.”

Everyone was shocked after I said that, and then they looked down sadly. “Sorry Jake, guess we were being a bit mean.” Applejack said.

“Darn right you were.” I said, sighing. I looked around with a smirk not seeing Applebloom around anymore.

“Well, I guess we better apologize to her.” Rarity said.

I nodded and said. “That would be a good idea, oh I should speak to her about those hunting lessons.” I said mostly to myself.

“Hunting lessons?” Fluttershy asked.

I nodded and showed my teeth. “I need meat to stay healthy, I can use a device to create artificial meat but it tastes weird. Something's off and I may have to have Peridot take a look at it but I don't want her to accidentally break it.”

“O-oh, I see. A-and I understand.” Fluttershy said. “Most of my animal friends need meat in their diet as well, so I understand that you eat meat as well.”

I nodded a bit then said. “Thanks, but don't worry I don't need it all the time and I only plan on hunting monsters that are….wild I suppose is the word I’m looking for.”

Fluttershy nodded her head. “Hey! Where’s Applebloom?!” Applejack asked, looking around.

I smirked softly and pointed out the open door. “Maybe she went out to be the only grown woman in town and be nice to Zecora.” I look over to Twilight. “No offense.”

Before Twilight could say anything, Rainbow got in my face. “You mean to tell us you just watched her walk out?! And didn’t do anything?!” She shouted, nearly making my ears ring.

I rubbed my ears trying to stop the ringing before I said. “First off, I did not see her leave. Second off, don't yell in my ears like that. And third, even if I did see her leave, she isn't my sister and Zecora isn't dangerous. Why would I stop her?”

Rainbow growled as she glared at me. “We gotta get to Applebloom before something bad happens to her!” Pinkie said while holding her head in panic.

“We have ta find ma sister!” Applejack yelled before running out of the building. Soon everyone ran after her including me and Twilight.

“Twilight I have a bad feeling, I just hope ponies are better about this kind of thing than humans are.” I said as we ran.

“I hope so too, 'cause frankly, this is ridiculous!” Twilight said, groaning as we ran to the Everfree.

Soon I saw Applebloom and Zecora. I stopped before I stepped into a flower bed. “Hey, Zecora how are-” I was cut off by Applejack and Rainbow yelling at her as they kicked up the flower bed then Twilight pulled me close to her as they got more rowdy. I frowned as Zecora faded into some fog warning us about the flowers and I looked down at them.

“You keep your creepy mumbo jumbo to yerself ya hear?!” Applejack shouted at Zecora, the others agreeing with her while me and Twilight looked at them angrily.

“Beware, beware!” Zecora said, then disappeared.

’She does know how to make an exit.’ I thought to myself, just as Applejack started scolding Applbloom, I sighed and shook my head before bubbling one of the flowers before leaving the flower bed. “I'm going home, come get me if you decide to grow up.” I look up at Deoxys who is floating high above us. “You can do whatever you want.”

“How did you know I was up here?” Deoxys asked as she flew close to me, “Also, why were they being so hostile to Zecora? Because they were being stupid?”

I pointed at the ground. “First off, I saw your shadow when I looked at the flowers. Secondly yes, most of them think Zecora is evil because she lives in the forest.” I groaned and rubbed my face. “The only one that was using her brain was Twilight.”

Deoxys nodded her head. “I see.” She said and we continued to walk or fly in Deoxys' case for a few minutes in silence until she spoke again. “Want me to beat some sense into them? Especially Rainbow?”

“Is your answer to everything always violence?” I asked her.

“Yes. Yes it is.” she replied.

I tapped my chin and said. “Not this time, but I can understand why you think like that.” I looked at her as I walked. “You were originally made as a weapon, so you must have been programmed to think like one, but you are a crystal gem, so you are free to choose who you want to be.”

“I know Jake, I just like to fight really, but I am also planning on…..” Deoxys looked a bit embarrassed about what she was gonna say next.

“Planning on what?” I asked her as we got closer to the castle.

“Starting a bakery.” She whispered, but I barely heard it.

I smiled and chuckled softly. “That sounds like a great idea, maybe you can check the town for a bakery that you can learn from.” I said with a smile as we crossed the bridge.

She smiled slightly. “T-thanks.”

I smiled and gave her a thumbs-up. “No problem, I believe in letting you guys grow as people. Now, I need to see Peridot, but if you want after that we can spar.” I grinned softly.

“Sure, that sounds like fun!” Deoxys said, flying away. “I’ll be in the library when you are ready to spar.”

I chuckled and stepped into the lab, calling out. “Peridot, sorry about this but I need your help. Zecora, a friend of mine warned me about this flower but the ponies I was with pulled me into the flower bed so I was exposed, please check it out and see if it is dangerous.” I said holding up the bubbled flower.

A small explosion was heard followed by smoke as Peridot came walking out of it, coughing as she did. “Does anyone...knock anymore?!” She asked, annoyed. “What’s...this I hear...about a flower?”

I covered my nose with a hand and floated the bubbled flower to her. “A friend of mine gave me a warning about this flower but I was exposed. Would you mind checking to see if it's dangerous but do your best to keep it isolated, if it can affect gems I don't want you being affected.”

“Alright, I’ll see what I can find out.” Peridot said, taking the flower. “Now please, if you wouldn’t mind, I need space in order to examine this flower, also I advise you keep your distance from others. In case this might be contagious.”

I rubbed my chin and nodded. “Right good idea, I better go get Deoxys, she was over the flower bed too, though I'm not sure if she was exposed or not she was floating pretty high.” I waved at Peridot and rushed out of the lab as soon as I was out I bubbled myself.

I ran down the hallway and called out. “Deoxys, stay away from everyone till Peridot says otherwise!”

She poked her head out of the library as she looked at me. “How come?” She asked me

I stopped near her and sighed. “Those flowers that me and the ponies were around could be dangerous and you were floating over the flower bed so the pollen could've gotten on you while they were kicking it up. I'm already sure that I'm covered in pollen which is why I bubbled myself. I have Peridot looking into the flower now but for now, isolate yourself if possible.”

Deoxys nodded her head and proceeded to leave the castle. “I’ll head somewhere where I know the pollen won’t get on anyone else.” She said.

I frowned and followed. “How will we be able to find you once Peridot finds out if it's safe?”

“I’ll know when it’s safe for me to come back.” That was all Deoxys said as she flew out a window.

I sighed and rubbed my face. “Damn, well better go tell the others.” I spend a few minutes looking for everyone but just find Ship and Pearl. “Hey, I am glad I found you two.”

“Jake? Why are you in a bubble?” Pearl asked me, Ship just tilted his head in confusion.

“I got exposed to a flower that could possibly be dangerous. I have Peridot running some tests on it now and I'm isolating myself so I don't infect any of you guys.” I then remember something and ask. “Pearl, do you still have your phone? If you do please have Ship link with it so he can make it so we can call each other. I am sure he doesn't want to be our messenger forever.”

Pearl nodded her head. “I do, and I hope Peridot will find something about the flower soon.” Pearl said as she pulled her phone out of her gem.

“Me too, Twilight and her friends were also covered by the pollen, possibly Deoxys too.” I told her and shook my head then sighed. “Would you mind using the replicator to make me some pillows and a blanket? I'll be sleeping outside the temple just in case.”

Pearl nodded her head. “Sure, just let me find the darn thing first, Amethyst took it not that long ago for who knows what.” Pearl said while rubbing her forehead.

“Ship ship.” Ship said sadly, pawing at the bubble shield.

I shook my head. “Knowing her she is just making mountains of food.” I looked down at Ship and smiled sadly. “Sorry buddy but I can't risk getting you sick, you can stay near me but outside the bubble alright?”

“Ship.” Ship said, nodding.

I smiled softly and sat down in my bubble. “So Ship, have you been having fun?”

Ship nodded his head happily. “Ship ship!” He said hopping up and down.

I chuckled and smiled. “That's good, how do you like gem tech? It must be new to you right?”

Ship nodded his head again, changing into a Limb Enhancer and then into a Flask Robonoid. “Ship ship!” He said happily.

I smirked and asked. “Think you could give the blueprints for the replicator to Peridot, with a message to work with Twilight to make one the ponies can copy.”

“Ship ship!” Ship replied, nodding his head.

“Thank you Ship, hmmm maybe you could upgrade Peridot's limb enhancers to make phone calls, that way we can call her whenever we need to.” I said as I laid down.

Ship nodded his head just as Pearl came back with the Replicator.

“Hey Pearl, thanks for getting that, I will most likely make a bigger bubble around it and then pop the first...if I can do that.” I said scratching my cheek.

“Well, you never know until you try.” Pearl said, smiling.

I nodded and held my arms out while closing my eyes and focusing. Soon a second bobble appears around the one I am already in. “Ha! I did it, now to just.” I popped the first bubble and pulled the replicator towards me. “Thank you Pearl.”

“No problem Jake, though I wonder how long you are going to be in there.” She said, sitting down.

“Well, how about you check Rick's notes, maybe this is an ‘episode’, just look up when Zecora comes to Ponyville.” I said as I took my phone out and sent her copies of the notes.

She nodded her head as she pulled out her phone and began to look through the notes, after a few minutes she began to speak. “I found the information, and you are right, we are currently in an ‘episode,’ Bridle Gossip, basically this is the first time Zecora made her appearance in the show, and those blue flowers are called Poison Joke.” Pearl said with a small frown.

I raised an eyebrow. “Poison joke? Geez sounds like something a prankster would name. What does it do?” I asked Pearl as I started making pillows with the replicator.

“Well, see for yourself.” Pearl said, showing me pictures of the Mane 6 with some interesting new features, Twilight's horn had dark blue dots on it and was limp. Applejack was tiny, Rainbow kept crashing into stuff, Rarity had a bad hair day, and so on.

I tried not to laugh but I snickered. “I shouldn't laugh but that is just too funny.” I shook my head. “So who knows what it will do to me, and we don't know if it will affect Gems, hmmm after Lapis and Bismuth appear I think I should show all the main Crystal Gems, the Steven Universe TV show, movie, and final season.” I looked at her to see her reaction.

Her eye twitched a bit, but she seemed otherwise calm. “Yes, well I would be lying if I said I wasn’t curious about those things as well.” She said, looking over the notes again.

I smiled softly. “Just keep in mind the show was made for a young audience, so there might be some differences between your memories and what happens in the show, not only that but it was focused on Steven's experiences. so it won't show things that he wasn't around for.”

“I see. Well, thank you for telling me.” Pearl said.

I nodded and said. “I’m gonna get some sleep, can you show Peridot the notes on this point in time. It could help her find what she is looking for.” I laid down and sighed.

“I will.” She replied, standing up, “Come on Ship, let’s let Jake sleep.”

“Ship ship.” Ship said sadly, not moving.

“He can stay, he is worried about me, plus he can call you if something happens.” I said with a smile.

“Ship ship! Ship ship!” Ship said happily while bouncing up and down. I chuckled and shook my head before I closed my eyes.

Location:unknown. 3rd POV

In a dark room that is lit only by a single light source in the center, there are five ponies sitting at a table. Each hid their faces and changed their voices. One of these mysterious ponies pushes an envelope to the center of the table. Once it is flipped open with blue magic reveals a picture of Jake, along with a close-up of his Omnitrix.

“As you all may know this….child….wears a very powerful item, an item that shouldn’t belong in his hands.” The mystery pony said causing the others to agree in anger.

“This device, what can it do exactly?” A second voice asked.

“It can make one turn into these.” The first voice said, placing pictures of Jake in his different alien forms. “This device lets one turn into these monsters, this one here is strong enough to fight a dragon.” They said, showing the picture of Humungousaur.

“Fascinating, how could such a power tool be in the hands of a child? How shall we retrieve it for the crown?” A third voice said.

“It will be simple my friends, we just pry it off his wrist, by any means necessary.” The first voice said.

All the ponies laughed as if they had already won then the second voice said. “What of the boy’s guardians? I hear he is growing an army.”

“We won’t have to worry about them, we’ll have the device before they can even do anything, but I do have a minor backup plan for when they do try to stop us from getting the device.” The first voice said.

“And what of the false ones? Do you have a plan for if they get involved?” The fourth voice called out.

“Yes, if they get involved then we could be exposed before the true one can take their place.” The fifth voice said.

“Indeed, so we’ll have to get that device before that happens then.” The first voice said.

“Very well, then I vote we capture the boy and take the device.” The second voice said.

“I vote to sow the seeds of distrust among the nobles and the commoners alike so they will turn on him making it easier for us to ‘arrest’ him and ‘confiscate’ the device.” The third voice said.

“All in favor?” The first voice asked the others, receiving a chorus of ‘ayes,’ they nodded their head. “Good, soon that device will no longer be in the hands of a mere child.” There are chuckles then the light goes out.

Jake’s POV

I am woken up by Ship making a loud siren-like sound. “Gah!” I sit up and pant looking around feeling strange.

“Ship ship!” Ship said, bouncing up and down to get my attention.

I look down at Ship. “What's wrong Sh…” I grab my throat. “My voice, what’s wrong with me?”

Ship bounced up and down again, morphing into the communicator that lets me call Rick, but instead of calling him, it instead flashed, blinding me. “Gah!” I cover my eyes. “Why did you do that?” I ask Ship in a feminine voice.

“Ship!” He replied, a holographic screen popping up and I froze, cause the image was that of Rose Quartz.

I blush and look down at myself and see the signature dress and body shape of Rose Quartz. “Oh, you have got to be kidding me…” I sigh and rub my face. “Ship please call Pearl and tell her that the poison Joke has taken effect and to brace herself.”

“Ship ship!” Ship said, changing back. “Ship ship.” He said, looking at me curiously, his nub-like paws on the bubble shield.

I sigh and put my hand on the bubble on my side. “It is still me, Ship, please do what I asked.”

Ship tilted his head and then nodded his head. “Ship ship.” He said, a beep coming from him which probably meant he just sent the message to Pearl. “Ship ship.”

“Thank you Ship.” I said and then sighed as I leaned on the bubble.

“Ship ship.” He said, pawing at the bubble, most likely trying to get to me. “Ship ship!”

I tilt my head. “What are you trying to do? Try texting me what you want.”

“Ship.” He said, another beep came from him and then from my phone.

I read the message and sighed. “Thank you Ship but I will not risk you getting infected like I was.” I smile and run my hand on the bubble’s wall where Ship is. “I'm sure there will be a fix for this soon.”

“Ship.” Ship said sadly, just as Pearl walked into the room.

“Jake, I got a message from Ship saying…...that……” She froze when she saw me, going wide-eyed.

I sigh and look down. “Yeah… I'm still Jake, damn you must be going through hell.”

Pearl stuttered a bit before she managed to say. “I think I need to s-sit down.” She then fainted, just when Garnet walked into the room.

“Jake I saw Pearl head in this…….” She stopped talking when she saw me, and then looked at the unconscious Pearl, who was being poked by Ship.

“Gernet, I am Jake, to make a long story short I'm under the effects of something called Poison Joke, please get Peridot.” I said slowly hoping I didn’t confuse her enough that she splits.

“Ok.” She said, walking away to get Peridot.

I sigh slightly relieved I didn't split her. I then look at Ship still poking Pearl. “You having fun Ship?”

“Ship!” He replied, still poking Pearl, this time with a stick, well twig, he got from nowhere.

I start to laugh a bit, almost a giggle but then I cover my mouth and groan. “Ship, can you access Peridot’s data?”

"Ship ship.” Ship said, turning into a Limb Enhancer and a screen popped up. Then a few words started to appear, ‘What do you want to know?’

“Check to see if you can be affected by poison Joke, if you aren't affected then you can be my hazmat suit. if that's ok with you.” I told him and looked down the hallway.

After a few minutes, words began to form on the screen again. ‘I cannot be affected by Poison Joke, nor can anyone be affected after it has already affected someone.’ it said, ‘No one else is at risk of getting infected with Poison Joke pollen.’

“Well that's good, thank you Ship.” I say as I try to pop the bubble but it just wobbles. “Huh?” I tried again but it didn't pop. “Um...Ship, I need A gem unless you can pop this bubble.”

“Ship.” He said, changing into a mech, and tried to pop the bubble, he used drills, swords, lasers, hell, he even had missiles aimed at the bubble, but bubble shields have survived harpoon guns, so…..I better stop him before he destroys the castle.

“Whoa Ship! Maybe don’t blow up the castle?” I said to him, he tilted his head before he changed back and moved over to me, holding the same twig he used to poke Pearl with. “Well, looks like-” He poked the bubble shield and it made a small pop sound and it was gone.

“Ship ship!” Ship said happily, waving his twig around.

I start laughing and pet Ship. “Good job to you and your stick of destruction.”

“Ship ship!” Ship said happily.

I pet Ship’s head. “Alright, you can either stick with me or keep poking poor Pearl.” I said with a chuckle.

Ship looked between Pearl and me, thinking of who he should stick with, and then he hopped over to me. “Ship ship!”

I smile and pick him up before taking a few steps, tripping over the dress I'm in, and groan. “Damn dress.” I set Ship on my shoulder and lifted the dress enough that I wouldn't trip on it and start walking.

After a few minutes of walking, I eventually ran into Peridot and Garnet, Peridot staring at me wide-eyed.

I sigh and shake my head. “I am Jake, the poison joke affected me.” I move some pink hair out of my face.

“I-I know, it’s just that this is the first time I’m seeing Rose Quartz if it is still you.” Peridot said, shaking her head, “Anyway, why aren’t you in your bubble?”

“Ship access your notes and according to your notes after I've been affected I can't spread the affliction, only the pollen can.” I said then I shook my head. “Did you find a cure?”

“Uh, no. Unfortunately, I have not found a cure for this Poison Joke.” Peridot said, frowning. “I work with machines, not plants. So I have no idea how to fix this. Or this.” Peridot pointed her thumb behind her, and Garnet carried in Deoxys, except her arms and legs were really long and floppy, including her neck.

“Hi.” She said.

“Oh wow, that is unexpected. Then I suggest we go find Twilight and the others. In your opinion, do you think the warp pads would still work for us in this condition?” I ask Peridot.

“Well that is a possibility, but just to be safe, let’s have one of the unaffected Gems go with you, I still need to learn more about this plant. So I’m sorry to say I cannot accompany you.” Peridot said.

“I understand Peridot, if the Ponies have anything on this plant I'll be sure to give you the notes.” I told her then I looked at Garnet. “Think you can help us get to town?”

“Sure, I needed to get out of the castle anyway.” Garnet said, smirking. “And I doubt you would be able to carry Deoxys while making sure you don’t trip.”

I frown and roll my eyes. “Yeah yeah, laugh it up, Garnet.” I shake my head and head for the warp pad then stop and look at Peridot. “Oh, and Pearl fainted.”

“Why am I not surprised.” Peridot said, rolling her eyes. “I’ll be sure to put her on a bed until she wakes up. You just get to the ponies and find out more about this plant.”

“Right, good luck Peridot.” I then follow Garnet to the warp pad.

“Jake, don’t you think we should visit Zecora for this? She does know a lot about the forest, plus she did warn you about Poison Joke.” Garnet said to me.

I rub my chin and then nod. “Yes, let's go see her.”

“Good decision.” Garnet said as we exited the castle. “We really need to set up a Warp Pad near her place.”

I think about it. “I guess it might work, I mean you guys had a warp pad just outside the temple in the palm of the temple’s outer statue.”

Garnet nods as we walk into the forest. “Yes, perhaps you should ask her after she fixes you.”

“Yeah, good idea.” I said, nodding my head. “You seem to be much calmer about this than Pearl.”

Garnet smiles. “Yes well, I have been able to see a few minutes into the future now, and saw this coming.”

I nodded my head. “I see, guess it was a bit of a shock when you saw it huh?” I ask her,

“Yes it was, but I was able to see the conversation between you and Peridot, so I knew that there would be a cure.” She said as we started coming up to Zecora’s tree hut.

“Ship ship!” Ship said, hopping over to Zecora’s hut and pawing at her door.

“Ship calm down, you’ll get to see her.” Deocxys said, trying to grab the Galvanic Mechamorph, but only managed to make her arm flop around, kinda like a fish out of water.

I walk up to the door and knock. “Deoxys is right, we can wait a few moments.” Then the door opens to show Appleboom. She looks up at me and blinks confused.

“Who are y’all?” She asked us while hiding behind the door.

“We are friends of Zecora, who are you?” Garnet asked her. “Or better yet, is Zecora home?”

“Your friends of hers?” Applebloom asked surprised then opened the door all the way and I saw Zecora working on something in the large pot.

She looked over at us. “Ah, the Crystal Gems, what brings you here?” She asked as we went inside. “And who is this? A friend of yours?” She asked looking at me.

I blush and look down. “I am Jake miss Zecora, I got exposed to a Poison Joke.”

“Ah, yes, how unfortunate that you were exposed to such a thing, but I must ask. Why didn’t you come to me sooner rather than later? You heard my warning did you not?” She asked as she walked over to her pot.

I shrug and say. “I didn't understand the warning fully, I asked Peridot to study the flower and I took a nap. Next thing I know I'm like this.”

“I see, but still, you should have come to me if you were confused about my warning. But the past is in the past, you came here for the cure yes?” She said, and I could tell she already knew the answer. “Because I nearly have it ready thanks to Applebloom’s help.”

“That's great because I don't want to be like this for much longer.” I told her.

“We just need one more ingredient and young Applebloom will retrieve it for us.” Zecora said.

“Sure thing Zecora!” Applebloom said happily, then walked out of the hut.

I chuckle as I watch her leave. “Sorry about the ponies Zecroa, I was trying to talk to them about how they were treating you.”

“I thank you for that, it has been quite annoying how they treated me, did you know the pink one wrote a song about me?” She said, rolling her eyes. “It is ridiculous, I can’t put anyone under a trance when they look in my eyes, nor do I dance, and I am certainly not evil.”

“Oh I know, she sang it, and the only thing remotely true is the enchantress thing, and that's only on single boys.” I said with a soft smirk aimed at her.

Zecora blushes. “Have you looked in the mirror lately?” She asked with a smirk of her own. “Cause I’m pretty sure you’ll get more attention than me.”

I groan and cover my face. “Zecora, I know you didn't know but this is the form of the original owner of the gem in my belly. She gave up her body to give birth to her son.”

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know.” She said.

“It is fine, I know you didn't know.” I wave it off then lean on the wall and sigh. “So how does this cure work?”

“It is like a bath, you just soak until the effects of the Poison Joke disappear.” Zecora said.

“Huh, that is interesting, mind writing down the recipe?” I ask her. I then notice Garnet move away from the door.

“Of course-” Zecora was interrupted when the mane 6 barged in, still under the effects of Poison Joke.

“What the hell?!” I said as I straightened up and they started yelling and destroying stuff. “What in the world is wrong with you all!?” I try to make a bubble shield but it doesn't work.

“Where is Applebloom?!” Applejack-I mean Appleteeny shouted to Zecora. “Y’all better tell right now!”

I stomp up to Zecora, grab Appleteeny off of her head, and glare at her. “Applebloom is fine, but because of you and your friends the cure for the poison Joke got destroyed along with a lot of Zecora's belongings!”

“Actually, that wasn’t the cure Jake.” Zecora said, frowning at the pot. “That was just some soup I was making while the cure was being made.” That’s when Applebloom came back.

“Alright Zecora, I got what you….” She saw the mane 6 and the destroyed hut.

I nod to Zecora then give Appleteeny to one of her friends and cross my arms. “I believe you all should apologize to someone.” I said to the mane six.

“Sorry Zecora. Guess when we saw what happened to us, we kinda jumped to conclusions, even me.” Twilight said.

“It is fine young pony, we all must make mistakes to grow.” Zecora said as she started to gather things. “But I’m afraid I am unable to finish the cure as I am missing an important ingredient that can only be found within Ponyville, but every time I go to town all the shops are mysteriously closed.”

“Well, we can help with that, consider it a part of our apology.” Rarity said.

Pinkie tried to say something but all that came out was spit and mumbles, gross. I groaned and leaned on the wall. “So I’m going to be stuck like this longer?”

“And how exactly have you been like that? We’ve been like this all day!” Rainbow said, flying upside down.

I cross my arms and frown. “I took a nap and woke up like this.”

“So we kinda had to deal with this a lot longer than you.” Rainbow said, crossing her arms before she suddenly crashed into the floor and then the ceiling. Her upper body sticking out of the roof. “Ow.”

I snort softly. “Maybe, but at least none of you are gender-swapped. At least as far as I can tell none of you are male.” I smirk then add. “Well maybe Rainbow was a boy before and now she is a girl.”

The girls all looked at Fluttershy, and she nervously said. “It’s only my voice that got swapped.” She said in a guy's voice.

I shrug and say. “Still better than having everything change, especially if you're changing to your parent.” I then hold up a hand and try to use any magic and frown. “Not only that but all my gem powers and magic are gone.”

“That’s horrible!” Aplebloom said. “You have awesome powers! Now they’re gone!”

“By the way, weren’t you in a bubble earlier? How exactly did you get out if your powers were gone?” Garnet asked me.

I look to Applebloom first. “I don't think they're gone permanently just until I'm cured.” Then I look at Garnet. “Believe it or not, Ship poked it with a stick and the bubble popped. I nicknamed the stick of destruction.”

“Ship! Ship!” Ship said, waving said stick in the air. “Ship!”

I chuckle and pet Ship. “And that's the stick. So let's get to Ponyville so we can all get cured.”

They all nodded and walked out of the hut, Zecora grabbing her cloak and putting it on and we proceeded to walk to Ponyville, after an hour of walking, getting the twins who own the spa to calm down and help us, we eventually were relaxing in a spa bath, the cure having washed away the effects of the Poison Joke.

I come up for air after jumping in and look around seeing myself in a mirror, I see I’m back to looking like Steven. “Thank goodness I'm back to normal.” I said then get out of the water.

“Yep, no more Appleteeny, just regular ol’ Applejack.” Applejack said, getting a bucket that she had to use when she was small off her foot.

I blush lightly and turn away from the girls as they are in bikinis. “Well, as fun as this has been I should get back to the temple after Deoxys is fixed.”

“Which we can do.” Deoxys said, flying over to me, no longer affected by Poison Joke, she did a few spins in the air. “So good to fly normally again.”

“I bet, let’s head back. See you ladies later.” I wave and leave the spa.

“So, what are we going to do when we get back to the temple? We are still going to spar right?” Deoxys asked me as we walked through Ponyville.

I rub my chin and nod. “Yeah, I think I'll ask Peridot to get the robonoid ready and while she is doing that we can have that match, what do you think Garnet?” I ask.

“Hmmm.” She said, most likely thinking. “Actually, we should head to Manehattan, something is happening there but I don’t know what. It’ll also give us a chance to set up a Warp Pad there as well.”

“Oh? Well alright, I’m sure I can have that match with you after Deoxys.” I said then smirked as I started running. “Last one to the temple has to interrupt Peridot's work!”

Deoxys immediately flies past me with Garnet hanging onto her. “Bye Jake.” The two said, before speeding away. I stare after them, forgetting that Deoxys' Speed Forme is much faster.

I frown and smirk as I start glowing pink and run faster and catch up staying ahead of them just barely. “Nice try!”

Deoxys smirked as she went faster, the three of us trying to get past the other, I could see the castle in the distance and also saw that I was gonna be the first one to reach it. “Ship now!” Deoxys said.

“Ship!” Ship said, forming a jetpack on Deoxys' back, letting her, Garnet, and Ship beat me to the castle.

My eyes widen and I groan. “Ship you traitor!” I yell as they rush off.

Once I reached the castle, I saw two Gems smirking at me while a Galvanic Mechamorph bounced up and down happily. “Ship ship!” He said.

I skid to a stop and frown. “Traitor.” I say to Ship then shake my head. “I guess I lost.”

“Yep, now you have to interrupt Peridot from her work!” Deoxys said.

“Yeah yeah, I know. I’ll handle it, and while I do, get any other gems that want to go.” I said then head to the lab and remember to knock on the door.

“Come in.” I heard Peridot say and I entered the lab. “Glad to see someone is listening when I say to knock first. What do you need Jake?” She asked me, still studying the Poison Joke flower, but it looked like she got more.

“Well first off, be careful with those flowers. Deoxys was exposed and she became all floppy and long but we managed to cure her and myself here are the notes.” I give her the paper. “Secondly, I came to ask if the robonoid is ready to make another warp pad.”

Peridot nodded her head. “It’s always ready to make Warp Pads, where are you planning on making one this time?” She asked me, looking over the notes.

“Manehatten, Garnet saw we needed to go there.” I said and looked around before finding it and picking it up. “Oh when you get a chance maybe make some of these things with a laser, I am hoping to bring one to school for show and tell.” I chuckle.

“Why would you need a Robonoid with a laser? Better yet, why bring a Robonoid that could have a laser to school?” Peridot asked me.

“First, they could be used for security and have three settings, stun, capture, and kill. Secondly, I would basically show off your cool tech and maybe get us some investors. There are at least two kids that seem to be rich, if they tell their family maybe they will want to give us money so we can mass-produce them.” I told her with a smirk.

Peridot held her chin in thought before she nodded her head. “Very well, we could use the money, can’t rely on the Replicator forever, eventually it will break.” She said.

“True, hopefully you and Twilight can find a way to copy it.” I said then waved at her. “Good luck with your work.” I leave the lab and find the warp pad.

Waiting for me were Garnet, Deoxys, Ship, and Amethyst. “Hello Jake.” Garnet said. “Ready to go?”

“Yeah, give me a few minutes and I'll have the new warp pad set up, Garnet which way is Manehatten?” I ask as I activate the Omnitrix and turn the dial to XLR8.

“It is exactly a long way from here, we’ll need Ship to take us there, otherwise you’ll time out before you’re even a quarter of the way there.” She said.

I sigh and turn the Omnitrix off. “Damn, alright Ship it is.” I pet him and then smirk. “Just be careful with your stick of destruction.”

“Ship ship!” Ship said, waving said stick in the air, before a small gust of wind knocked it out of his nub-like paw and into the forest, he sat there for a few seconds, staring at his empty paw, and then his face turned into a sad emoji face.

I chuckle and pet Ship's head. “Don't worry buddy I'm sure you can find a better one.”

“Ship.” He said, still having the sad emoji face.

I pick him up and hug him. “Aww poor guy, tell you what I’ll help you find a new toy to play with after we get back, how does that sound?”

Ship nodded his head. “Ship ship!” He said.

“Alright, now how about giving us a lift to Manehattan?” I ask him as I set him down.

Ship nodded his head before jumping into the air and turning into his ship form. “Ship!”

“Alright everyone, let’s get on board then we can get going.” I walk into Ship and take my seat.

After everyone boarded Ship, he closed the hatch and took off into the air, and after a few hours of flying to Manehattan, Ship spoke in a panicked tone. “Ship!”

“What's wrong, Ship?” I ask as I sit up.

“Ship! Ship!” He said, forming a window for us to look outside, when we did, we saw a huge tower of water near Manehattan.

I blink in shock then say slowly. “Well, either this world has creatures that can control the water, or we found Lapis.” I then looked at Garnet. “This what you saw?”

“Yes, though I have no idea if it is Lapis.” Garnet said, looking at the tower of water. “But it does look like her work.”

“Well, I'm sure Peridot will be happy to have her friend back.” I said as Ship moved in for a landing.

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