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Chapter 8: Reunion

Sunset and Sunlight where both arrived at Gotham. Batman opened to them the doors of the Wayne Manor and led them to his cave.

“So, why did you call us in the middle of the night, Batman?” asked Sunset.

Batman was looking at them seriously.

“I called you because i have two girls with me who pretend being your friends” he said.

“Friends? Said Sunlight. Show them to us.”

Batman led them to the training room where they saw Fluttershy petting a bat and Rainbow Dash, running around the room.

“No way!! Said Sunset. Rainbow Dash?! Fluttershy?!”

“Sunset!!” said both of them.

They hugged each other for a long moment and cried of joy. Batman was happy for them but didn’t show it.

“I am so happy, but so happy to see you girls!!” said Sunset.

“We are happy too!!” said Rainbow Dash.

“What about me?” asked Sunlight.

They hugged him.

“That’s better, he said. How in the world did you two get in this dimension?”

“First, you two need to tell us what happened to you” asked Rainbow Dash.

“If you tell us what happened to our world in our absence!” said Sunset.

Sunlight made a summary of how him and Sunset landed in this world and what they did.

“Now, Me and Sunlight are part of the greatest superhero team of this universe!!” said Sunset

“Wow!! Awesome!! Said Rainbow Dash. After what you lived, i am tempted to stay here too!!”

Fluttershy explained to them their costumes and how they got in this universe.

“So, Discord opened you a portal to this world? Said Sunlight. Hum, something told me he is the one who sent me and Sunset here.”

“That mean that if he is the one who brought us here, said Sunset, that mean he could also make us return home!!”

“Exactly, said Fluttershy. This is why we came here. To find you and bring you back home!! Our friends are so worried for you!!”

“As soon as we noticed your absence, said Rainbow Dash, We started to search in Canterlot for you two. We also prevented Princess Twilight of your absence and her too organized a research around Equestria. That lasted weeks and we were about to give up...and accept the fact that you could be dead...”

“...Then, continued Fluttershy, Discord appeared out of nowhere and told us he knew where you were. We asked why he didn’t told us that before and answered he wanted to make the things dramatics. He then sent me and Rainbow Dash in this world.”

“So now, Today, you return home!!” said Rainbow Dash.

“Wait a minute, said Sunlight. You forgot me and Sunset built a live and a reputation in this world!! We can’t just leave it like that!!”

“What about the lives you have in your homeworld?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“I don’t care, said Sunlight. I am fine here, i found my home in this world. I am not returning back in your world.”

“And you, Sunset?” asked Fluttershy.

“I...Really want to leave this world and come back with you, she said. But...Sunlight is right. We made a live in this world too. But i also miss you, girls, i want to return with you, but if i do that, i would have to leave my brother here, alone...”

“Come on, Sunset!! Said Rainbow Dash. Don’t be stubborn!! You know like us that your place is with us and your friends. And you, Sunlight, why do you want to stay in this world anyway?”

“I am happy in this world!! Said Sunlight. I can live here to life i always dreamed of!! I wanted to be a superheroes and now, i am one of them and i...Never felt so good since. I won’t give up this life for a boring one like in your world!”

“Fine, if you don’t want to return with us, you will stay here forever until your death, said Rainbow Dash. Sunset, you have to decide now!! Or you choose your friends and you return home, or you choose your brother and we never saw each other again!! You lived almost 2 decades without your brother, you can live the rest of your life without him!!”

“I...I can’t!! She said. I love you, girls, i miss you and you love me. But i also love my brother and i don’t want to leave him a second time! If he wants to stay here, then i will stay with him!!”

“They already have enough heroes to defend them!! Said Rainbow Dash. How can you be hesitating between us and him!! We are your friends, your family, Sunset!”

“Sunlight is also of my family! She said. This is easy to say for the girl who had his parent cheering for her during all her life!! I never had a true loving family!! As much as i love you, girls, you can’t replace a real family!! You and the others have siblings, you have a family, I have none, except Sunlight!! You have parents who love you and care for your needs, Fluttershy have her brother and her parents!! Rarity have her sister Sweetie Belle, Applejack have also a little sister, but also a big brother and a grand mother! Pinkie pie have her sisters Maud, Limestone and Marble and finally, Twilight have her brother Shining armor and her parents who love her! Between my friends and my family, my choice is done: I choose my family!!”

Rainbow Dash’s heart broke when she heard that. She immediately lost her calm. Fluttershy was silent.

“Fine, said Rainbow Dash. In this case, i think we should leave, Fluttershy.”

“That’s it? Asked Sunset. You’ll just leave and let me here? If you were really my friend, Rainbow Dash, you would stay to my sides in this world.”

“Like you said, family is more important than friends!!! She said. I am choosing my real family!! Because you are no family to me!!”

These word were the ones who crossed the line. Sunset, Fluttershy and Sunlight were silent and shocked by what she said. Rainbow Dash realized her mistake but it was too late. She just lost Sunset’s friendship by saying that.

“I am no family to you, uh? Said Sunset, sad. Well, in that case, just leave!!”

“I..am sorry, Sunset, said Rainbow Dash. I...”

She slapped her in the face and ran away, heartbroken and angered. Fluttershy followed her while Sunlight was staring with disappointment at Rainbow Dash.

“What, do you want to slap me too, Sunlight? She said. You can, i was a dick to you and Sunset...”

“That’s okay, he said. I know you regret these words. But you forgot she never had, like you and me, parents who loved her and cared for her needs. She was driven to madness because of it. And yes, i know you and your friends are the ones who brought the light in her heart, but i am the one who really illuminated it! If you had to make the choice of choosing between your friends and your family, knowing that you’ll never see one of them again, what would be your decision?”

“I...don’t know, she answered. I...I think i never had to make this choice in my life and...”

She realized what Sunlight wanted her to realize.

“...And i forced her to make that choice, she said. I know what i have to do! Discord! Can you bring me back!!? I need to talk with my friends!!”

Discord opened a portal in which Rainbow Dash passed through. She ask him to reunite all her friends near her. She told them if they wanted to come with her in the world where Sunset and Sunlight were in.

“I know this is not an easy choice” said Rainbow Dash.

“I am going with her, said Rarity. She is family!! And my business is not as important as my friends.”

“Me too, said Applejack. I am sure my family will doing good without me. Though, i am sorry for them.”

“I am going with you, Dash” said Twilight.

“And me too!!” said Pinkie Pie

“And for what is about your lives here, don’t worry about that, said Discord. I am a omnipotent magical being. If you don’t plan to come back, i could make your family and everyone else forget about you, like if you never existed. Or i could, if you decide to come back, reset your lives before Sunlight and Sunset disappeared, with no memories of your past adventures in this world, like if that was a dream”

“You can do that?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“I can do everything!! Said Discord. Nothing is impossible to do for me!”

“So do it, Discord, said Twilight. At least, our families won’t suffer from our absences...”

“What about if a bad guy with an evil magic came while we are gone?” asked Rarity.

“I can deal with that..., said Discord. Now, just join them!! And before you leave, there is costumes for each of you, coming with relics to help you. You’ll need it, trust me”

Discord teleported all of them in the world where Sunlight, Sunset were, then disappeared. Sunlight was surprised to see everyone here. After a short reunion, they decided to give a visit to Sunset. Rainbow Dash entered in the room where Sunset was. She was not happy to see her.

“I am sorry, Sunset, she said. I regret what i said...I thought about it and made my choice. I am staying with you in this world, even if that mean abandoning my life at Canterlot.”

“Really? Said Sunset. You would stay here with us? What about the others...You...We can’t leave them alone...”

“You won’t have too, Darling!!” said Rarity.

“Rarity? Said Sunset. You are here too?!”

“Not only her, Sugarcube, said Applejack. I am here too!”

“And me too!!!” said Pinkie Pie.

“I am here too, Sunset, said Twilight. We will stay with you as long as needed, even if it is a decade...”

Sunset was crying, but this time, that was because of the emotion. She hugged them all.

“I promise we will return back in our world one day, said Sunlight. After all, every adventure have an end!!”

“The more important is that we will be together, said Twilight. And i want to learn everything about this world too!!”

Sunset hugged once again all of her friend, Sunlight included. She was now totally happy and she had recovered her determination.

“Hey, Batman, asked Sunlight. Told the Justice League than new members will join them!!”

“Before, we have to find a place for them to live and a job” said Batman.

“I know, said Sunset. There is plenty of free rooms to rent where me and Sunlight live. They can rent them!!”

“And what about the money? Asked Sunlight. I doubt you have that much on you”

“We can give them some of our money, she said. We are 8 and me and you have each 12 millions dollars in our accounts. So, if i divide mine by 4 and you too, that will made 3 millions dollars each.”

“I am agree with that, he answered. So, Batman, after you open their accounts, can you please put in each of them 3 millions dollars?”

“Sure, but that will take some times, said Batman. So while this is the night, i propose you to rest in my Manor. Tomorrow, everything will be done. And also, i saw and heard everything that happened during the last minutes, but don’t worry, what happen in the Batcave stay in the Batcave...”

This is in this happy ambiance that the chapter end. I know the end is a little bit easy or cliché, but hey, i just followed my instinct of storyteller!! Beside, that was in my intention to include the rest of the Mane 7 to gave me more adventures ideas.