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Chapter 2: Sunlight and Sunset meet the Teen Titans

Starfire brought Sunlight and his sister in the living room where the other members of the team were playing video games or reading.

“Everyone, i present you the two new recruits of our team!” she said.

“Hi, everyone, my name is Sunset Shimmer, she said. I know it’s a strange name, but this is mine.”

“Not the strangest i have heard, said a boy wearing a blue armor. Welcome in the team!! My name is Jaime, aka Blue Beetle.”

“Hello, said another girl. My name is Wonder Girl aka Cassandra Sandsmark, but you can also call me Cassie. Nice to meet you”

“The silent girl in the corner is Raven, said Beast Boy. We don’t know her real name. She use dark magic and have a bad, but really bad temper. But what is your name, pal?”

“Sunlight Blaze, he answered. My hero name is Sunblast. And this is my pet, Cinder, she is a phoenix”

“A phoenix? Said Beast Boy. The mythical bird? Where did you find one?!”

“Let’s just say i came from a place full of magic and magic creatures” he answered.

Beast Boy took the form of a phoenix and tried to talk with Cinder

“Hey, beauty, he said. You know you are hot?”

Cinder slapped him with her wings.

“Oh, you have attitude, said Beast Boy, i like it.”

“Please try to make less noise, said Raven. I am trying to read.”

“So, allow us to explain our powers and where we came from, said Starfire. Me, i am an alien from the planet Tamaran, I was exiled and came to earth in order to find a place to live where i soon became the leader of the Teen Titans. And about my powers, I can use green energy to make lasers and explosives blasts. I can also fly and have super strength.”

“I was a normal young boy, said Blue Beetle. Until the day this thing in my back, an alien, connected to my body and gave me this amazing armor. I can use it to shot energy beams, replaces the hands by lames and multiple weapons and many other cool stuff an alien armor can do. I can also fly and the armor itself is almost indestructible.”

“My past have nothing interesting, said Cassie, so i will pass directly to my awesome superpowers. I have the sames power than the Amazons: Flight, super strength, super speed and super fighting abilities.”

“You already know me, said Beast Boy. So instead, i will present Raven. When she was young, her father, Trigon, who is the most evil being of the universe and a conqueror of thousands of worlds, killed her mother and destroyed her homeworld. She ran away to find a safe place and avoid her father, and found it with the Teen Titans. For her powers, she inherited the dark magic powers of her father but she also inherited of her mother’s pure heart and kindness. So she is not really evil.”

“To finish, Starfire told you my name, said Damian. My backstory is very dark: I am the son of Batman, but i was raised by my grandfather Ra’s al Ghul, the leader of an organization called the League of Assassins. Like you can deduce by their name, this league formed me to become one of them, to become an assassin. Then i turned against the league when i discover the truth about my father being Batman. I didn’t want to join him at first, but some dramatics event forced me to join him and then, the Teen Titans. I have no powers, like Batman, but my skills are a thousand time better than an normal grown men.”

Sunlight took the talk.

“I was abandoned as a kid by my parents, he said. A rich family found me, adopted me and raised me like their son. I discovered one day that i was special, gifted in magic and so, i learned magic at a school. But my parents wanted me to do other things like studying mechanic, sciences, Fashion, how to cook and make martial arts. But then i learned the truth one day that i have been adopted and in the same time, learned about the existence of my sister, the girl who is with me right now. Oh, also, i dreamed since i was young to use my powers to save the world and there i am!! To explain my powers, i can use elemental magic, i can teleport, i can create magic barriers, have healing magic and super healing abilities. But what actually make me special is my ability to absorb any form/source of heat to boost my magic. In the contrary, if i use to much magic or in my case, heat, i will faint of hypothermia, Ice and cold are two of my weaknesses.”

“You absorb fire, uh? Said Starfire. My energy blasts are mostly made of fire and heat”

She shot a laser at Sunlight, who absorb the green energy in his hands. The other titans were amazed, except Damian and Raven.

“Do you have a limit? Said Damian. A limit of absorption?”

“No, i can absorb any amount of heat i want, but i can’t keep it inside me for long, he answered. If i keep too much energy in me for a long time, it will kill me and causing a magic explosion who can, depend of the quantity absorbed, cause a lot of destruction or just made me uncontrollable, going berserk, to make it short.”

“This ability could be useful to the team, said Starfire. Now, Talk about you, Sunset Shimmer”

“Well, she said. To make short, i was also adopted at my birth like my brother, Sunlight. But unlike him, which the path was full of light, mine was just darkness and hatred. That made me doing questionable things and took bad decisions. The result got me banned from my homeland. So, i went full wickedness, rejecting my hate on others and terrorizing them. Then, i put the hand on a powerful magical relic who turned me into a demon. But i was defeated by someone who became my first best friend. After that, i searched redemption and found it, but i never stopped afterwards and still continued to fight bad guys and villains corrupted by powerful magic. Like Sunlight, i possess knowledge of magic but if his power his fire, mine is psychic.”

“So, That conclude the presentations, said Starfire. Now, this is the time to visit your new home, follow me.”

Starfire showed them their rooms and after, showed them the kitchen, the laboratory, the W.C, The living room and finished by the Training room of the tower.

“This is our training chamber, said Starfire. You can use it whenever you want. I heard you know martial art, Sunlight so here you will be able to use it”

She after brought them back to the living room. Suddenly, the tower alarm started to ring.

“This is the emergency alarm, said Robin. That mean a villain or many villains are attacking the town. Like you two are new, you will be come with us on the battlefield.”

“Bad news, everyone! Said Starfire. The city is attacked!! Talia al ghul, Blackfire, Cinderblock, Terra, Cheetah, Jynx, Dr Light and Brotherblood are back!!! Teen Titans, let’s go!!”

Starfire and Wonder Girl used their flight ability to leave the tower, Beast Boy turned into an eagle, Blue Beetle opened his wings, Raven opened a portal which Robin and her used, Sunlight activated his rocket boots and magic wings and Sunset activated used her flight ability. The team soon arrived to face the villains.

“Mother, said Damian, with a arrogant smile. How surprising to see you again, always trying to bring me back in the league of Assassins?”

“Your place is with us, not with them, she answered. I will force you to join me, whether you like it or not”

“Well well, sister, said Blackfire. Guess who’s back!! This time, i will beat you!!!”

“Bring it on, Blackfire!! Answered Starfire. I will beat you once more!”

“Raven, Beast Boy, said Terra. I waited years to have the occasion to take my revenge on you!!”

“You are not a villain, said Beast Boy. You worth better than that!!”

“She chose her side, B.B, said Raven. For me, she is a foe, so let’s fight her!”

“DIE!!!!” yelled Terra.

“Cheetah!! Said Wonder Girl. So, you are not chasing Wonder Woman anymore?”

“She is out of my reach for now, but you, you are not!!!” she said aggressively

“I am not scared of you!” said Cassie.

“Well, hello, Jaime, said Jynx to him. Remember me?”

“Yes, you tried to charm me and force me give you my beetle” he answered.

“This time, i will kill you instead!!” she said.

Sunlight found himself facing Dr. Light and Cinderblock

“So, my opponents today are Bulb Man and Blockhead, he said. Not bad for the first day!”

“Bulb Man? Said Dr. Light. My name is Dr. Light!!”

“Dr. Light? That name suck, said Sunlight. Should i expect you to have some kind of light powers”

Sunset detected Brotherblood trying to take control of her mind. But she resisted and rejected him out of his head.

“So, you are a psychic, he said by telepathy. How interesting!! You have a lot of potential i could help you unlock. But i know you will refuse so i will force you instead!”

The battle was long, difficult and violent. But the Teen Titans were having the advantage. Robin knocked out her mother with a powerful kick in the back of the head, Raven had immobilized Terra, Starfire beat her sister, Wonder Girl had also knocked out cheetah, with the help of Starfire once she had defeated Blackfire. Sunlight had make quick work of Dr. Light by absorbing the his rays, discovering that not only he could absorb heat, but light as well. He used the energy to blast him with a radiant beam. Cinderblock was more difficult and Sunlight had to be helped by Cinder and Blue Beetle, who was helped by Raven to took Jynx down. Sunset was still struggling against Brother Blood and was loosing against him. But the intervention of both Damian, Raven and Sunlight saved her. The police arrived soon after to arrest the criminals and the Titans returned to the tower.

“They were very hard to beat this time!” said Beast Boy.

“But thanks to everyone, said Starfire, we won this battle. You did a great job, Sunblast, you too, Red Light...”

“Bah, said Sunlight. I didn’t do that much.”

“Playing the modest, uh? Said Beast Boy. I saw you beat the crap out of Dr Light. You literally....light him up!!”

Everyone cringed at Beast Boy pun.

“Get it? He said. Dr Light? Fire? Light up?”

“We can rest now, until the next emergency” said Starfire.

Then, the team divided between the girls and the boys. Raven, Cassie, Sunset Shimmer and Starfire in the girls group and Damian, Jaime, Beast Boy and Sunlight in the boys group. Beast Boy was playing video games with Jaime, Raven was reading a book, Starfire was talking by webcam to Dick Grayson, and Cassie and Sunset were talking about their mentors and how they respected them. Damian and Sunlight were in the training room.

“Show me how you fight, he asked to Sunlight. You have this magic suit on you, so i deduce you prefer long-ranged fights rather than hand to hand combat”

“I learned a couple of martial art, he said. But if what you told about you being trained by assassins and Batman is true, then i don’t stand a chance” said Sunlight

“At least, you are smart enough to know when you are disadvantaged” he said.

“But in a magic combat, said the young adult, I would destroy you”

“Maybe, said Damian, maybe not. Let’s just fight. Don’t worry, i will go easy on you!”

“Don’t hold back, he answered. I can take a lot, trust me”

Damian and Sunlight began to fight. Meanwhile, Sunset had defeated both Beast Boy and Blue Beetle to a video games.

“I won again!!” she said.

“Wow, you are a real beast at video games!” said Beast Boy.

“Well, i have a natural talent for that, said Sunset. Girls are also good at video games!”

“I begin to like her!” said Jaime.

Sunset left the living room and got on the top of the tower. Since she was arrived in this world, she was worried for her friends, who were still at Canterlot, Not knowing where she was and why she left them so suddenly. Raven, surprisingly, join ed her.

“Being teleported in another dimension, like that, is hard” she said to her.

“Did you read my mind?” asked Sunset.

“Yes, a little, but i also felt the sadness in you heart. Also, you told me you became a demon once. I am myself half-demon..., Do you love books?”

“Yes, she answered. Not as much as video games, i will be honest, but i always love reading some good books”

She sighed.

“I wish one day i will see them again” she said

“I am sure you will, said Raven. But for now, you have us”

“And my brother, she said. But still, my friends will miss me”

The two stayed silent, side to side.

Meanwhile, Damian and Sunlight had stopped fighting. Both were exhausted.

“You defend good, said Damian. You should not underestimate your capacities”

“Same for you, said Sunlight. I never thought a young teenager would be so tough and hard to fight...”

Sunlight left the training room to head in direction of the kitchen. Damian followed him.

“That fight made me hungry” said Sunlight. I am in for Alfredo pastas!”

Soon after he finished to cook, Starfire and Beast Boy joined Damian and him.

“Hum, that smell good” said Beast Boy.

“You are lucky that i made Alfredo pastas for everyone, he said. Serve yourselves!”

Everyone took their plate, even Raven and Sunset, who had just arrived.

“This is delicious, said Starfire. You really have talent for cookingt”

“The best pastas i ate in my life!!” said Beast Boy.

“Like those of my mother” said Jaime.

“They are still better than Alfred’s ones, said Damian. No puns intended”

“I hope Batman didn’t not heard that one, said Raven. Beside, they are really good”

“My brother is the best...said Sunset. The best cook, i mean”

The group continued to eat and talk, like a family, which remembered to Sunset her discussions during the lunchtime at C.H.S with her friends.

Author's Note:

In this timeline, i will include all villains, whether they are dead or alive. So, expect to heard the names of villains who were killed in this story.
Also, i suppose in the DC universe Animated movies timeline, The Teen Titans have the same enemies as in other media(Like T.T Go or the original Teen Titan series) so many of them will be used.