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Chapter 5: Sunset Shimmer and Sunlight Blaze: The next generation of heroes

6 month had passed from both Sunlight and Sunset Shimmer, being trained each on their sides. On his side, Sunlight had went through a six-months long intense training. A time during which he didn’t stop improving, at a point where Batman ran out of idea. During the first month, Sunlight had been trained to martial arts by Batman and Black Canary. Karate, Judo, Krav Maga, Brazilian and regular Jiu-Jitsu, Aikido, Jujitsu, Ninjutsu, Muay Tai and other secret arts only known by a few masters around the world. (Let me just say Sunlight was after this rude training an ass-kicking machine). He aced the exam with success when he beat the crap out of 10 professional martial fighters in less than 3 minutes. Also, during the first month, Sunlight had got the chance to talk to his sister via a magic communication device.

The second month, Batman trained Sunlight to endure physical pain. For a whole month, he was beaten by electric rods, metal bars, needles, whips, (If you ask, yes, Catwoman did the whipping part) hammers, blades, ultrasounds and almost every type of weapons who could be used to hurt someone. That was torture for Sunlight and many time, was close to give up and die, but Batman was here to heal him in a heat chamber. The result of a whole month of intensive beating had made Sunlight almost immune to the pain and made him able to ignore it in fights. He had to pass the exam of the month, who was to resist 1 hour of torture without yelling once. Sunlight passed it with extreme difficulty.

The third month, Batman worked on Sunlight resistance to cold, ice and cold water. Each day for 30 days, Sunlight had to stay, from 6 hours the first week to 12 hours the last one, in a cold room where he almost died many times of hypothermia. If that was not for his will to be strong, to protect Sunset Shimmer and a talk with her, he would have let himself die. (This is saying how hard that was for him) The result, thought, was that Sunlight had sharply improved his cold resistance. The final exam was to send Sunlight in one of the coldest region of the world and let him here for an entire day. He nearly died but succeeded this test too.

The fourth month, Batman trained Sunlight to resist psychological and emotional tortures. Of all the training, this one was the hardest Sunlight had to endure. Batman made him test hallucinogens gas and serums, isolated him in a dark room, showed him terrifying images who almost succeed to scar Sunlight But, most of all, to resist to anger, rage, fear, sadness and useless distractions. Then, on the last day, the exam was to resist for 8 hours watching Joker horrible crimes while being on the effects of a hallucinogen serum in a dark room. If Sunlight turned off his head, he would fail, but he didn’t turn the head once.

The fifth month, Batman trained Sunlight to adapt in almost every type of places, like roofs, public places, toxic waste factories, military hangers, in high heights and in extreme meteorological conditions. The goal of this training was to made Sunlight able to fight efficiently anywhere. There was no exam at the end of the month, instead, Batman allowed Sunlight to have a long week of break.

The sixth and last month, Batman had send Sunlight training with Raven, Zatanna, Dr Fate and John Constantine, who were all skilled magicians. Sunlight learned to master his teleportation, which he never used since he was in Canterlot, but also magic tricks, some forms of exorcism, curses and magical transmutations of objects and magical beams. Not to forgot, Sunlight had been also trained everyday since 6 months, in his free time, to wield and master archery and swordsmanship, use hi-tech gadgets such as his rocket boots, blade gauntlets and hooks and how to drive motorcycles and jets. (This is why Batman asked him if he could private himself of sleep; Sunlight didn’t slept once in 6 months, thank to his special ability to convert heat into energy, which supressed his fatigue). He passed 3 exams this month: One on magic, the second on weaponry and the last one to get his official driver license. He aced all 3 of them, making Batman proud.

Now, on Sunset side, she had also endured a nightmare during the 6 months she had been training with the amazons. But unlike Sunlight, she only been trained on mastering swords, lassos, shield, bows, spears, maces and ride horses ( which was a little bit ironical for her). She took two months to master swordsmanship, 2 others for mastering spears and lassos and only one to master a bow, a mace and horse-riding. And on the last month, the Amazons taught her many languages and upgraded her mental abilities with a magical gem. When she was finally ready, she had to pass an ultimate exam of the Amazons and if she succeeded, she would be made one of them and blessed by the gods. The exam was to beat Wonder Woman herself in a fight, who gave Sunset a run for her money. The fight lasted 6 hours and ended on Wonder Woman's victory. She thought she had failed, but queen Hippolyta told her:

“The goal of this exam was not to win, but to prove you have the Amazons fighting spirit. You proven yourself worth of making you one of us...”

Sunset was healed by Cinder, then brought to a magic altar. The queen pronounced words in an ancient language and when she had finished, Sunset was stroke by a bolt of lightning and she was transported to another place. She woke up and saw in front of her Athena, the goddess of light, courage (and 100 other things).

“You have been worthy of this honor, Sunset Shimmer. You have a pure heart and a quality not everyone have: Forgiveness. You had worked hard to be what you are today, so accept these gifts.”

Sunset returned on the Amazon Island, changed. She was wearing a warrior armor red, gold and white, holding a sword and a shied of the same colors. The patterns on her armor where phoenix-like and the symbol of Sunset Shimmer's cutie mark was on both the sword, shield and the woman breastplate. (So you can make an image, She have the same armor patterns as Wonder woman but with shades of gold, red, white and yellow) She learned she could make appear and disappear her weapons and the armor magically, by a simple thought. So like that, her and Sunlight were both ready to finally face the outside world. For now, Sunlight was relaxing on his bed, reading books and watching television. Then, Batman finally announced to Sunlight that he will be able to see his sister today. That new made him full of joy as he jumped off the bed. They arrived one hour later at the Hall of Justice where all the main member were present. His sister was also here and both hugged each others and talk about what they did the last months. Then, Sunlight asked a question to Batman:

“Why we are allowed to see each other now?”

“Because, you and your sister will now be able to defend yourself and the world against the menaces threatening it, answered Batman. Today, Me and all the heroes present, have the honor to make you official auxiliary members of the Justice League.”

“This is a great honor, said Sunset. But what auxiliary mean?”

“That mean you are the backup of the Justice League for important missions if the things get difficult” said Flash

“Like sidekicks?” said Sunlight.

“No, answered Wonder Woman. You are not sidekicks and you will receive your own missions.”

“But not as dangerous as me and the elder members of the league do” said Batman.

“Beside, that make you official superheroes now!! Said Hal. Congratulation, young heroes”

During a ceremony, the two were made official members.

“Where will we stay? asked Sunset. I mean, where will we live, now?”

“This is your choice” answered Superman.

“You can stay at Themyscira if you want, said Wonder woman. Or if you want to stay close of your brother, you can follow him wherever he goes. Beside, Sunlight, have you decided yet?”

“Metropolis, he said. Metropolis is more big and radiant of positivity, and after passing 6 months in one of the darkest city on earth, i need a bit of light. Don’t be offended, Batman, if you need my help, i will come.”

“And you, Sunset?” asked Wonder Woman.

“I need to be closer of my brother, she said. Not too much, but close enough to see him each day.”

“There is maybe a way you and your brother can be close in Metropolis, said Superman. My cousin, Kara, or as we call her, Supergirl, want a roommate in the chamber she rent. You will love her, she is kind and positive and being with you will make her happy. I will present you to her and then let you take your decision.”

Then he looked at Sunlight.

“For you, Sunlight, he said. Well, the building my cousin live in have a lot of chambers to rent. But have you the money to pay a rent?”

“No” said Sunset.

“In fact, yes, said Sunlight. I was keeping it for later but...”

He get out of his bag a purse. Sunset immediately recognize the purse containing his gold bits

“In this purse is 5000 gold bits, or coins, if you prefer. All i need to do is open a bank account, convert the gold into money and depose it in our accounts.”

“Ours?” said Sunset.

“This time, i will share with you, said her brother. So, where is the the main bank in Metropolis?”

Superman stay silent for a while.

“Lex Luthor have the control of every bank in metropolis, he said. Opening an account will put you at risk of being exposed”

“Instead, said Batman, i already opened an account for you two. Luthor may control Metropolis banks, but i control Gotham ones. Let me just a few minutes to tell my financial agents to transfer in each your accounts 12 and half million dollars. After that, i will take the gold and convert it into money in my account. Like that, Luthor won’t be able to use your account data to detect you. I will give you the information of your accounts later.”

He left the room with Sunlight’s purse, after he told him how to use it.

“So, we need to live a normal life beside our lives of superhero?” asked Sunset.

“We will need a cover, a work" said Sunlight.

“Metropolis have tons of places to work for, said Superman. I heard you were talented for many things, Sunlight.”

“Yes, he answered. I am hesitating between a job in the cooking or the fashion domain.”

“Me, said Sunset, Well, i don’t know yet.”

“That will not be simple to find a work, said Batman. You need first to have the requirements for it.”

“Sure, said like that, we won’t be able to work before a long time.”

“You said your talent was to encourage others and cheer them, right, Sunset?” asked Superman.

“My cousin Kara work as a cheerleader for the sport team representing Metropolis. She could help you to find a job in it. She told me all you need is to pass two exam. For you, Sunlight, My reporter friend Jimmy who work at the Daily Planet told me yesterday that one of his friend left his job of fashion designer because of the stress and the boss want a new employee to replace him. If you are interested, i give him a call and he will call the boss in question. I am sure there will be a lot of rivals here, so this is to you to beat them and get the job. So, what are you thinking about it?”

Both of them agreed with the propositions of Superman. So, Clark passed a call to Kara and told her he found someone who wanted to share a chamber with her and another call, to Jimmy. 2 hours later, Sunlight had already rent his chamber and was presently with Jimmy in front of the building the boss of his friend own.

“There you go, said Jimmy. I wish you good luck”

“This job is in my pocket, he said. I’ll see you in 6 hours with the application!”

Sunset, on her side, had already met Supergirl and they became friends, talking for 2 hours. Then, she explained to Sunset she asked for the job that one of her cheerleader friends had to leave for familial reasons. They needed someone to replace her.

“All you need to do is to have the best note at two exams: Gymnastic and Cheering, she said. That won’t be easy for you because this place will be convoluted by other girl. I will be able to get you a place for the qualifications but you will have to make the rest to get the job.”

“I am ready, she said. One of my closest friends is the queen of cheering and i learned a lot from her!”

This is on these words than both of them would try to got a job.

Author's Note:

Why 6 months? well, this is the time it took for each of them to master everything their teachers taught. Being siblings, both have the same fast learning faculty and willpower to pass them. Also, i said 6 months, this is to make an approximation. In real time, that could have took more than that ( extra days)