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Chapter 4: Transit

Sunlight and his sister had left the Titan Tower since a couple of day, due to the bounty Luthor put on their head. They were actually in the Hall of Justice, in company of Superman and Cyborg.

“I have good and bad news for you, said Cyborg to the two recruits of the teen titans. The good new is that Lex Luthor is indeed the one who put a bounty on you.”

“And the bad news?” asked Sunset.

“Now, after Deathstroke failure, Lex Luthor raised the bounty to 50 000 000$. Be sure that not only mercenary will be after you with that amount on your head”

“Why i am with him, so?” she asked.

“Your bounty is at 5 000 000$” said Cyborg.

“He hate us that much?” said Sunlight.

“Luthor hate losing, said Superman. He can't accept defeat. Did you knew that the bounties he put on me reached many billions of dollar?”

“Wow, that much?” said Sunset.

“For Lex, said Superman, vengeance doesn’t have a price. He will do anything to get rid of his enemies. I regret i put you two in that situation.”

“I don’t regret it, said Sunlight. I acted like a hero would do and i’ll face the consequences, even if the consequences are a serious bounty on my head. I am afraid he also want to hurt my sister and also Cinder.”

“Your pet? Why?” Asked Cyborg.

“Phoenixes feathers have the power to bring dead peoples back to life or heal any type of wounds. I am pretty sure they would sold for billions on the market and i don’t want it to happen.”

“Indeed, that would be catastrophic if a villain used these feathers for his own gains”

“Plus, the phoenixes are machines of destruction, said Sunlight. Just one of them is enough to reduce a whole city to ashes and they are a unlimited source of fire and heat. This is why i keep him with me.”

“You are kidding, Right? Said Cyborg. Told me your kidding.”

“He isn’t, said a woman. Phoenixes are technically divinities, each of them have more energy in them than a Sun. ”

“Damn, and you have one of them as a pet? Asked Cyborg, surprised. Oh, and hi, Wonder Woman!”

She walked and stopped in front of Sunset.

“I will bring you with me to Themyscira, said the woman. You will be protected from Lex up here”

“Is this that island only populated by women?” she asked.

“Yes, Warriors to be exact” she answered.

She then looked at Sunlight.

“I am sorry if you can’t go with us, said Diana to Sunlight. But only women are authorized on our island. But trust me, we will protect your sister like if she was one of us.”

“I trust you, he said. I know she will be safe with you. But promise me i will be able to speak with her sometimes”

“I promise” said Wonder Woman.

Sunlight gave to Sunset his phoenix Talisman.

“Take my pet and this with you, he said. You'll need them more than i will”

He told to Cinder that his sister will be her new master and ordered her to protect Sunset Shimmer at all costs. Cinder didn’t asked questions and landed on Wonder Woman’s bracelet. Sunset made a last hug to Sunlight.

“Why giving me your phoenix? She asked. This is dangerous for you to live without her!!”

“Your security is all that matter for me, said Sunlight. Plus, i can heal myself with magic, Goodbye, Sister...”

Then Diana brought her and Cinder out of the Hall of Justice.

“What about me, now? Asked Sunlight. Where do i will have to go?”

“I’ll bring you with me to Gotham, said Batman. Luthor will never expect to find you in one of the most dangerous town in the world. But we will have to slightly change your costume...”

“Batman will protect you, said Superman. Even Luthor doesn’t know the location of the Batcave.”

“Damian told me you have some potential, said Bruce. He also told me Deathstroke had to play safe to have a chance against you. I will train you so you can defend yourself if the same situation happened again.”

Sunlight smiled and 2 hours later, he was back in the Batcave. Batman showed him his room and where he could find the kitchen, bathroom and training room. Batman also revealed his true identity to Sunlight. But Sunlight told him he knew that was him from the beginning.

“How?” he asked.

“My mask is not just decoration, he said. It is magic and allow me to see trough any obstacles, secrets or illusions”

“So, i suppose i can trust you” said Batman.

“I imagine this is something you don’t tell to everyone, said Sunlight. Who else know about your identity outside of the Justice League, your family and almost every ally you have?”

“Only 5 villains in the world know my identity, said Batman. Catwoman, Deathstroke, Bane, Red Hood and the Joker”

“Wait, asked Sunlight. So why they didn’t revealed your identity yet?”

“I am billionaire, Sunblast, he answered. I have the means to defend myself if they reveal my identity. So they will probably wait to kill me first before doing it. Talking of it, i have to warn you: Luthor won’t stop to just bounties in order to kill you. He will do the job himself if he had to do so. This is what happened with Superman, aka Clark Kent. Also, allow me to present two friends of me: Flash, Green Arrow, you can show yourselves”

Sunlight saw two men, one in a red costume and the other, in a green one, appeared from the shadows

“I am The Flash, said the speedster. My power is, like my name say, super speed. I am the fastest man on earth! My powers come from the Speed Force, an extradimensional force and source of energy!”

“Mine is Green Arrow, said the other man. Green is the color of my costume and Arrow is because like you can see, i use bow and arrows.”

“These two are two of my best teammates during important missions. Flash is the protector of Central City and Green Arrow is the protector of Starling City. And before you ask, i think he already know your names”

“Really? Said Flash, tell me, Young hero, what are the names of me, Batman and Green Arrow?”

“Bruce Wayne, billionaire playboy and president of Wayne Enterprises, he answered. Your name is Barry Allen and his name is Oliver Queen.”

“How?” asked Flash.

“Magic...!!” said Sunlight with a mysterious voice.

“I forgot you are a magician, said Barry. I read all the information on you and i have to say, you have some cool powers!!”

“But here, in Gotham, said Batman. He will need to use his brain and his physical abilities to defeat villains.”

“Maybe i can make him battle some meta-humans, said Flash. That would be good for him to acquire experience.”

“I can maybe teach him how to use a bow” said Oliver.

“Not a bad idea, Oliver, said Batman. And no, Barry, i am not going to expose him to the world, with that bounty of 50 millions$ on his head.”

“50 millions? Said Flash. Let me guess, Lex Luthor?”

“Yes, And Luthor is a dangerous man, a psychopath and a genius, said Bruce. So count on me he will not let you alone until he got is revenge. He never forgot an enemy. Oliver and I will train Sunlight and you, Flash, well you are here for comic relief”

“Comic Relief? He said. Oh come on!! I can beat Superman in a race and travel through time!! I can at least teach him how to mock his enemies and make good puns”

“Be ready, Sunlight Blaze, said Green Arrow, because you have lot of training waiting for you. When we will be finished with you, you will be a ass-beating machine.”

Meanwhile, at Themyscira, Sunset Shimmer was greet by the Amazons and their queen, Hippolyta. Diana explained her that a man of the name of Lex Luthor, was after her and wanted her head. When she heard that, Hippolyta immediately accepted Sunset and offered her a place to rest.

“This is the Amazons duty to protect any women from the evil hands of mankind, said the queen. She can stay here as long as it’s necessary.”

Diana also presented her the phoenix. Sunset told to the queen it was her pet.

“She is a female, said Sunset. Her ancient master gave her to me.”

“Be sure your pet will be well treated, say Hippolyta. Phoenixes are a symbols of power, of purity, like us!”

Diana led Sunset to her room so she could change her clothes.

“Hum, is that armor really necessary?” she asked to Diana

“Yes, she said. Because you will have the honor to be trained by us, Amazons, to become a warrior.”

"Hum, i hope that my brother is fine on earth" she said

Diana didn’t want to tell him he was in one of the most dangerous place on earth.

“He is with Batman, she said. So i know your brother will be safe. He really care for you. I feel it in his heart. He would give his life if that could save you. He remember me of Steve. And i know you want to be here for him. After your training, you will be able to protect him and defend yourself.”

[Return to Gotham]

Sunlight had removed his armor and fought hand to hand with Batman/Bruce for hours

“You need to focus, said Bruce. This is hard, i know, to put aside all of your bad thoughts...But this is vital if you want to win a fight. How could you be able to defend your sister if you can’t defend yourself?”

Sunlight suddenly felt a burst of rage and punched Batman right in the guts, with all the force gave by his dragon bracelets, sending him dozens of meters away. Barry Allen and Oliver were stupefied and stood silent. Sunlight calmed down and excused himself. He healed bruce with his magic.

“This is the result of what happen when you focus your energy, said Batman. Rage is an emotion who amplify magic powers, especially fire. You need to be in a constant state of controlled rage in your fights, to be at your best”

“I understand, said Sunlight. I have to be strong physically but also emotionally if i want to protect the people i love. I am ready to continue.”

“For the moment, that will be everything, he said. This is Oliver who will be your coach for the rest of the day. Told me, do you need to sleep?”

“Well, i suppose with enough light and heat to convert into energy, i could stay awake as long as i want.”

“For that, don’t worry, said Batman. I will do what it will take when the moment will come...”


Sunset trained to sword fight with Diana for now 3 hours.

“Hum, she said to Sunset. You are really good at this!!”

“I practiced the art of fencing for many years, she answered. I already know a lot of techniques”

“Follow me, Sunset, said Diana. I want to show you something.”

She showed her a beautiful view of the beach and the ocean.

“This is beautiful, said Sunset. Your island is a paradise...”

“Our island is also called by humans the Paradise Island” said Wonder Woman.

“I know this is maybe out of context like question, said the young woman, but do all the Amazons except you hate men, if so, why?”

“My sisters and my mother see them as inferior peoples because of their flaws and lust for women, she answered. But i know all men are not like that. I joined the Justice League because the men who form it are not the monster my mother thought they were. I also dream to change the mentality of my sisters about all men being evil and vulgar.”

“Nothing is impossible, said Sunset. But that will require a lot of energy and efforts”

“I am immortal, she said. Even if that take me thousands of years, i will not give up”

They stayed silent, side to side, looking at the...Well...The sunset (what?)

[Metropolis, Luthor Corps H.Q)

Lex Luthor was sit in a comfortable chair, drinking a fancy drink and reading a journal. Suddenly, one of Luthor employee entered.

“Mr. Luthor, he said. Mr. Lawton is arrived”

“Let him in...” said Luthor.

A man with an impressive armor and equipped of many guns entered.

“I heard you never miss a shot..., said Lex. I have a mission for you.”

He showed to the man the image of Sunlight and what he was looking like.

“I want him dead, he said. Whatever is your price, i will pay it if you bring me his head”

“I will ask 100 millions, said the man. I will find him and kill him with one clear shot in the head.”

“I count on you, Do not deceive me, Deadshot!” said Luthor

Deadshot left the office and Luthor continued to read his journal.