• Published 12th Mar 2020
  • 1,173 Views, 18 Comments

10 New Heroes - Darth Severus

Spike always admired Ben Tennyson, and wanted to be like him. Now he gets that chance, but is he ready?

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Albedo's Spy Mission

Spike was training in the Plumbers HQ with Rainbow Dash, "You ready for this?" he asked

Rainbow Dash nodded as she stretched, "Yeah, come at me!"

Spike smiled and activated the Deltamatrix before turning into Crocduster. As Rainbow Dash stood up and got ready, he said, "It's clobberin' time!" before absorbing pollutants and getting ready to fire an energy beam from his mouth.

As Spike fired the beam, Rainbow Dash dodged it with her speed. As she ran in circles around Spike, he got dizzy before saying, "That's not gonna work on me!" before absorbing more pollutants and releasing them as miasma.

As Rainbow Dash got caught in the miasma, she coughed before spinning in place to create a vortex to blow it away.

Meanwhile, as they were training, Albedo was watching them from a ventilation shaft. He growled, "Stupid kid. He has no idea what the Deltamatrix is capable of." He thought about what Tirek had told him and moved through the vents to where there was nobody to hear him and activated his communicator, "Tirek, it's me. I found the Deltamatrix, it's in the hands of a ten-year-old named Spike. It doesn't look like he's figured out the true power of it though. What do you want me to do?"

Tirek thought for a moment, "Continue to observe him, and if you get the chance, use your Ultimatrix to get it back from him. I may be the universe's most wanted criminal, but I'm not going to kill a kid because of a screwup on my goons' part. Even I have some principles."

Albedo nodded, "If you say so." before hanging up and saying to himself, "Poor kid... I can't believe Tirek forced me to make such a weapon. Then again, what else was I supposed to do? Tirek's no ordinary thug, he's a criminal mastermind. It doesn't surprise me he's got the death penalty on 12 systems. Where did I go wrong?" before crawling back to watch Spike. "Still, the kid sure knows what he's doing with the Deltamatrix. Maybe... No, I can't think like that right now."

As Spike transformed back to his normal self, he panted, "Damn Rainbow Dash, you gave me a run for my money in that sparring session."

Rainbow Dash was panting as well, "I was about to say the same thing about you. I haven't had a rush that big since the Wonderbolt tryouts."

Spike collected himself and smiled, "Yeah, come on, let's get going." before going to pick up his bag. What he didn't know is that Albedo had planted a bug on Spike's bag, everything that was going on, Albedo could see and hear it.

As they started walking out, Ben called Spike over the communicator, "Spike, we've got a situation! If you're with any of the girls, hurry to the museum, there's a bunch of Forever Knights there, and I'm busy with Khyber!"

Spike nodded and replied, "On it!" before rushing out the door and getting on Rainbow Dash's motorcycle as she got on as well before rushing to the museum. When they got there, Spike hid behind a wall and got ready to transform. "Let's see, I'll go with Fusion Mode! Echo Echo and Spidermonkey should do!" before transforming and saying, "Echo Monkey!" and running to get to the fight, where Rainbow Dash was using her new plasma blaster.

As Rainbow Dash saw Spike's new form she said, "Sweet! Good combo!"

Echo Monkey smiled, "Thanks, now let's do this!" before creating clones of himself to make a circle around the Forever Knights and shooting webbing at them from all directions. "Well, that was easier than I expected."

Rainbow Dash holstered her plasma blaster and said, "Yeah, that really was a good combo using Echo Echo and Spidermonkey.

Spike smiled, "Yeah, but I've got to go before the Deltamatrix times out. See ya!" before shooting webbing to get out through a window and returning to where he left his bag.

Albedo couldn't believe what he saw as Spike turned back to normal, "What!? He already figured out Fusion Mode!? Great, this doesn't make things any easier, especially if he realizes that fusions like that one are still able to use Ultimate forms. I'll have to think about this before I do anything. If I tell Tirek, he's not going to be happy, so I'm not telling him, yet at least."

And so, Albedo contemplates on how to get the Deltamatrix back from Spike. And apparently, Albedo was forced to create the Deltamatrix under the orders of Tirek, an intergalactic wanted criminal. Tirek doesn't want to kill Spike to get the Deltamatrix back, but how long will the sentiment last?

Comments ( 7 )

nice chapter.

Albedo nodded, "Tirek's no ordinary thug, he's a criminal mastermind. It doesn't surprise me he's got the death penalty on 12 systems."

is that a starwars reference

I can’t wait for the next chapter

Hoping for a Spike and Ben hero team fight.

this is good more please

I hope this story continue

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