• Published 12th Mar 2020
  • 1,172 Views, 18 Comments

10 New Heroes - Darth Severus

Spike always admired Ben Tennyson, and wanted to be like him. Now he gets that chance, but is he ready?

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The Mysterious Toy Watch

Spike was heading home from school. It was an early dismissal on account of another alien attack. Of course, Ben 10 had been on the case, and sent the alien to the Null Void. Still, the school had been badly damaged during the fight, and it would take a while to repair said damages. "Man, Ben 10 is so cool! I wish I could be like him." before seeing a toy store. He saw a toy Omnitrix in the window, it was the last one in stock, and he rushed in.

When he brought the Omnitrix up to the cashier, she looked confused at the box and said, "Strange, this doesn't seem to be one of our products... I doesn't even have a barcode... You're a good kid, you come here often, so just take it. If it doesn't have a barcode, I can't look up the price, and I've never seen this toy on the shelves before."

Spike felt guilty about getting the toy for free and put a $10 on the counter, "I appreciate that, but I can't just take something without paying, it goes against my principles."

The cashier smiled, "What a sweet boy. Have a nice day!"

As soon as Spike got home, his sister Twilight looked up from the TV and said, "I heard about your school Spike, you're not hurt are you?"

Spike shook his head, "No, I'm fine, it was the east wing that got destroyed, my classes are in the west wing. Besides, Ben 10 was there."

Twilight sighed, "Yes, I'm aware, but I honestly don't see why everyone praises him, he's caused plenty of trouble in town with these alien criminals."

Spike rolled his eyes, "You just have no appreciation for what superheroes go through." He went up to his room and opened up the box of his new toy. He looked at it and said, "The cashier wasn't kidding, this doesn't look anything like Ben's Omnitrix… Maybe it's limited edition?" before taking it and putting it on his left wrist. Suddenly, he felt a pinch on his wrist, but ignored it.

As the Omnitrix pinched down on him, Spike realized he couldn't get it off. "What the heck!? Is this toy broken or something?" suddenly, a silhouette showed up on the toy and part of it rose up and Spike was confused, but pressed down on it.

Suddenly, his body started changing. He could feel his skull getting longer in the back, his body growing a tail and claws, and a weird feeling inside his mouth. He looked into a mirror and screamed in terror, "I'm the Xenomorph from Alien!? Wait... that means... THIS ISN'T A TOY, IT'S A REAL OMNITRIX!?"

Twilight Velvet ran up to her son's room and burst in, "Spike, you were screaming, what's-" before shrieking in terror of the alien that stood in front of her, "Honey, get the gun, there's an alien in the house!"

Spike widened his eyes and said, "Mom, no, it's me, Spike!"

As Night Light came up holding a shotgun, with Twilight behind him, Twilight Velvet stuttered, "S-Spike...? But... what happened?"

Night Light kept his gun ready, "Don't believe him honey, he probably did something to our son and knows about him."

Spike held his hands up, "No, dad, it's really me! I bought a toy Omnitrix from the toy shop downtown, and when I put it on, it turned me into this!"

Before Night Light could fire, Twilight asked, "If you're really Spike, you have to prove it. What's Spike's favorite cereal?"

"Lucky Charms with Ben 10 alien marshmallows."

Twilight nodded and then asked, "How does Spike like his cheeseburger?"

Spike answered again, "Double bacon cheeseburger cooked medium rare, with caramelized onions, lettuce, chipotle mayo, ketchup, no pickles and grilled pineapple."

Twilight asked a final question, "What's Spike's biggest fear?"

Spike groaned, "Amusement park mascots..."

Twilight nodded, "It's him, we're the only ones who know all this stuff."

Night Light lowered his gun and stared in disbelief at what happened to his son, "Spike, what the hell happened?"

Spike looked at himself in the mirror and said, "I... I think that the Omnitrix I bought in the toy store wasn't just a toy..."

Twilight raised an eyebrow, "You're saying a toy store sold you a real Omnitrix? But humans don't have the kind of knowledge needed to make one, and the creator is on his home planet, even Ben hasn't heard from him."

Spike had an idea, "That's it, Ben! Maybe he knows something about this!"

Twilight Velvet thought for a moment, "Well, it's the only lead we've got right now. I'll see if we can get into contact with him. But how do we change you back to normal?"

Spike told her, "If I remember correctly, the Omnitrix times out after a while-" and all of a sudden, a deep beeping sound went off and Spike turned back to normal, "Speak of the devil. Thank god, I don't think I could ever be seen in public as a Xenomorph."

Twilight rolled her eyes and said, "Just don't go spreading rumors that you're Ben's sidekick."

Spike chuckled, "With his cousin at his side, I doubt he needs me as a sidekick."

Night Light nodded, "But still, keep this on the low, we don't want the paparazzi knocking at our door."

Spike nodded, "Ok dad, I promise I won't tell anyone. If anyone asks, it's just a toy and I'm an uber-fan of Ben."

Night Light nodded again, "Good, we need to keep it that way until we figure this out."

A few hours later...

Spike was looking at his new Omnitrix and thought to himself, "They never said I couldn't be a superhero, and it's not like anyone will know if I'm careful... Still, how does a toy shop end up selling a real Omnitrix?" before getting on his computer and searching, "Omnitrix Knockoff." and looking at the first article that came up, "Cerebrocrustacean Professor claims to have created Nemitrix, knock-off version of Omnitrix. Nemitrix confirmed as destroyed by Ben 10."

Spike thought to himself, "If a Cerebrocrustation created a knockoff, maybe somebody he worked with created a knockoff." before seeing another article, "Robbery at Tennyson household, nothing of value reported stolen, no signs of forced entry, no motive, and no suspects." Spike's eyes widened when he read the second article, he knew he had to find Ben, he had to know something about this Omnitrix that he got.