• Published 12th Mar 2020
  • 1,173 Views, 18 Comments

10 New Heroes - Darth Severus

Spike always admired Ben Tennyson, and wanted to be like him. Now he gets that chance, but is he ready?

  • ...

Friendly Little Secret

Spike was going with Twilight to meet with their friends. Spike asked his sister, "Are you sure I should tell them about the Deltamatrix? I mean, it's not that I don't trust them, I'm just being careful."

Twilight nodded, "Yes, you can tell them. They deserve to know too."

Spike sighed, "Fine, but if this goes sideways, I blame you."

As they arrived at their normal hangout, Mr. Smoothie, Spike sat down with a cotton candy smoothie in his hand. As the girls arrived, he said, "So, do you guys remember that news report about Pumpka-Boom?"

Rainbow Dash, the athlete of the group took a sip from her pineapple-coconut smoothie and said, "Yeah, that little dude was strong."

Rarity nodded, "Indeed, and very cute too."

Spike blushed when Rarity called Pumpka-Boom cute and stuttered until he got the words out, "Well, Pumpka-Boom wasn't just a random alien doing the right thing. It was me."

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and laughed, "Yeah right! What, did you find an Omnitrix somewhere? Good one squirt!"

Spike lifted his hoodie's left sleeve up, revealing the Deltamatrix, "Not an Omnitrix, the Deltamatrix."

As he showed them the Deltamatrix, Rainbow Dash started coughing as she started to choke on her smoothie, and it coming out of her nose. As she cleaned herself up with a napkin, she asked, "Where'd you find that!?"

Spike chuckled as the smoothie shot out of Rainbow Dash's nose and said, "Believe it or not, I bought it in a toy store. But when I tried to play with it, I turned into a Xenomorph. Hell, my dad nearly shot me because of that."

Fluttershy shuddered when Spike said he turned into a Xenomorph once, "I can't believe those things are real... I had nightmares for a week when Applejack chose Alien for our movie night."

Applejack sighed, "Ok, I admit that was a bad idea, but I was always with you to help you through them."

Fluttershy kissed Applejack's cheek, "And that's the only reason I'm not mad at you anymore."

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat, "On the subject of the whole Deltamatrix thing, does that mean you're working with Ben 10?"

Spike nodded, "Yeah, he invited me into the Plumbers."

Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow, "I didn't know Ben was a plumber, can you give me his number? We busted a pipe at the Sugar Cube last week and haven't been able to get it fixed."

Twilight sighed, "Not that kind of plumber Pinkie, the ones who fight alien criminals."

"Oh! Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie Pie said nodding her head.

Rainbow Dash twiddled her thumbs, "So Spike, if you work for the Plumbers... do you think you can put in a good word for me?"

Everyone looked at Rainbow Dash like she was insane, but suddenly realized, she wasn't the only one who wanted to join.

Spike sighed, "Yeah, come on." before getting up and calling Ben, "Hey Ben, it's Spike. Listen, I've got some friends who want to join the Plumbers with me. I can vouch for them, they're great in a fight, and they're my best friends."

Ben responded, "Sure, I can talk to Grandpa Max about getting them in. Meet me at the HQ in an hour with them, and we'll get started."

Spike sighed in relief, "Thanks Ben." before telling the girls that Ben would help. They headed to the Plumbers HQ, and when they saw Ben, they walked over, "These are my friends Ben. I trust them with my secret identity, and with my life."

Ben smiled, "Well if you're that faithful in them, they're definitely Plumbers now. Follow me, we have to do some procedural stuff, it's boring but quick." before leading them to a room that looked like a doctor's office.

As the girls saw the examiner, Rainbow Dash went first, and the examiner looked at the blood test results and said, "Well Ms. Dash, I'm not sure how to say this but... it seems you're DNA is a mixture of human and Kineceleran DNA."

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened as he told her this, "Are you saying I'm part alien!? ... AWESOME!"

The rest of the group facepalmed, of course, Rainbow Dash would find being part alien cool. Spike said, "It would explain why she's so fast. I mean, Rainbow Dash's top running speed is 25 MPH, that's not normal."

Rainbow Dash thought, "Yeah, I always thought it was just me being awesome, but it is kind of weird that I can run that fast."

After the others had gone through their exams, they all passed with flying colors. As Spike showed the girls around the building, Pinkie Pie asked, "So Spike... can we see some more aliens? Pretty please?"

Spike chuckled lightly, "Sure, let's go into the training room." before leading them to the room he was in the other day when he became Fire Hazard. He activated the Deltamatrix and asked, "Should I just go with an alien, or should I enable Fusion Mode?"

Applejack tilted her head in confusion, "Fusion mode? Are you saying you can become a fusion of two aliens?"

Spike nodded, "That's exactly what I'm saying. The other day when I was here, I fused Heatblast and Water Hazard into Fire Hazard. I can show you a fusion if you want, or a normal alien."

Rarity spoke, "I'd like to see a fusion, but perhaps we should start out small, so I say go for a normal alien."

As the others voiced their agreement with Rarity, Spike nodded, "Let's see... Here's a new one. It's hero time!" before slamming down the transformation button and as he turned into a new alien he named it, "Crocduster!"

As the others looked in awe of Spike's new form, Twilight checked the ALDB, the Alien Lifeform Database and said, "Be careful Spike, that's a Nilinian Aggrillidae. It says that they're aggressive, powerful, stubborn, and think any problem can be solved through violence."

Spike scoffed, "That's not true, sometimes you need to be very violent."

Twilight kept reading, "It also says they're not too bright, and that their main source of energy is pollutants in the air and water. They absorb pollutants into the vents on their back and release it in a cloud of miasma from the vents on their arms and as a beam of energy from their mouth."

Spike thought for a moment, "So... no power demonstration?"

The girls all said at once, "Absolutely not!" Causing Spike to look down in disappointment.

Spike groaned, "Might as well turn back to normal if I'm not going to test Crocduster out." before pressing the Deltamatrix symbol and turning back to normal.

The girls sighed in relief as Spike turned back to normal, and Twilight said, "Well, the six of us have to get to our training, we'll see you later Spike." before the six girls walked off to get ready for training.

And now, Spike's best friends know his secret, and have joined the Plumbers to help Spike fight evil aliens. However, little do they know that there are new enemies rising, both on Earth and far out in the galaxy.