• Published 12th Mar 2020
  • 1,173 Views, 18 Comments

10 New Heroes - Darth Severus

Spike always admired Ben Tennyson, and wanted to be like him. Now he gets that chance, but is he ready?

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It's Hero Time!

Spike woke up early in the morning. He left a note on the fridge that said, "Going out to see if I can find Ben. My phone's on." before walking out of the house and getting on his bike. He started pedaling into town but stopped when he heard screaming. He could see an angry arachnichimp, but it wasn't Ben as Spidermonkey, it was a completely different individual.

He rode his bike into an abandoned warehouse and activated his Omnitrix and chose the first alien that showed up on the reel. As he changed into a new alien he called out, "Pumpka-Boom!"

He flew out into view and threw a Jack 'o Bomb at the Arachnichimp, who caught it and juggled it before throwing it back at Pumpka-Boom. As it exploded, Spike had already thrown another one to counter, "Think Spike, he's half-monkey, half spider, there's got to be something I can use against him." He looked at the web that the Arachnichimp had spun around the square and got an idea.

The Arachnichimp followed his movements as Spike used his webbings to hide Jack 'o Bombs in egg sacs, causing him to hoot angrily before trying to get the bombs out of the egg sacs before they went off. Though he didn't know it, none of the bombs were attached to actual egg sacs.

As the Arachnichimp gathered all the disguised Jack 'o Bombs, Spike laughed, "Trick or treat!" before the bombs went off in the webbing, causing the Arachnichimp to get tangled in the sticky webbing.

Suddenly, a voice said, "Thanks for the help, but we'll take care of it from here." before Plumber trucks showed up and arrested the struggling Arachnichimp. As Pumpka-Boom flew down, the man said, "Thanks for the help, whoever you are." the man didn't notice the Omnitrix symbol on Pumpka-Boom, and said, "It's good to see that not all aliens are bad."

Spike internally sighed in relief as the man thought he was an actual alien. "Yeah, it was just the right thing to do. Nobody deserves to get harassed and endangered like that. I'm out for now, but if you need help, I'll be there." before flying back into the alley where he left his bike. As he turned back to normal, he got back on his bike and pedaled into town, where new crews were already covering the arrest.

The newslady said, "And so, ever so early in the morning, an Arachnichimp has been arrested by the Plumbers, thanks to a helpful alien called Pumka-Boom stopping the Arachnichimp's rampage. We're here with a word from Max Tennyson. Mr. Tennyson, can you speak on behalf of the Plumbers as to who Pumpka-Boom is?"

Max shook his head, "No, I can't. Pumpka-Boom is not a member of the Plumbers, just a good alien samaritan choosing to do the right thing. We have Pumpka-Boom to thank for this arrest."

As Spike watched the news reporters asking Max about Pumpka-Boom, he sighed in relief that everyone thought Pumpka-Boom was just an alien doing the right thing. He continued to pedal through town before seeing the Tennyson house. However, there was a massive crowd of paparazzi and reporters trying to talk to Ben, so he just kept pedaling.

When he got home, his sister met him in the living room and forced him in front of the TV showing Pumpka-Boom stopping the Arachnichimp, "Care to explain this?"

Spike gulped, but said, "I have no idea who that is, there's plenty of aliens in town who could have chosen to do the right thing."

Twilight rolled her eyes saying, "And you didn't answer your phone because? I'm not stupid Spike, I know it's you."

Spike groaned, "Ok, fine! I saw that Arachnichimp causing trouble and I couldn't just stand there!"

Before Twilight could say anything, their mother spoke, "That's enough you two. Spike did the right thing, and everyone thinks it was just a good alien squating on Earth. There's no harm done, and your father and I never told Spike not to try and help people using his Omnitrix, we told him to keep a low profile, which he did, he wasn't discovered."

Twilight Sparkle sighed, "Ok mom, I get it."

Spike sighed in relief, "Does that mean?"

Night Light walked downstairs, "No, you're not in trouble. You protected people like we would have wanted you to. But still, don't make a habit of this, we don't want anyone knowing you were Pumpka-Boom, understand?"

Spike nodded, "Yes dad, I understand."

Meanwhile at Plumber HQ...

Max was going over the street camera footage that caught the fight between the Arachnichimp and Pumpka-Boom before calling, "Ben, come in here for a minute."

Ben walked over, "What's the matter, Grandpa?"

Max pointed out that Pumpka-Boom had an Omnitrix symbol on him, "That's not you though, you were on the other side of town when this happened."

Ben rubbed his chin, "You don't think that this has to do with those stolen blueprints do you?"

Max sighed, "I'm not sure, not yet at least. But nobody besides us has seen this footage, and I'm going to keep it that way for now. If a random kid has an Omnitrix and is using it for good, I want them to have the privacy that we don't have anymore."

Ben nodded, "Yeah, I get that. I wish I had my secret identity back sometimes."

Max nodded, "Don't we all?"

And so, Spike just had his first battle for good with the Omnitrix, and nobody knows he has an Omnitrix. Well, almost nobody. If Max and Ben figure out who Spike is, what will happen? Will they ask him to join the Plumbers, or will they tell him to stay out of these matters and leave it to the professionals? Only time will tell.