• Published 15th Jul 2019
  • 659 Views, 5 Comments

Power of the Dragonflame: The Resurrection of Torch - Mystic Mind

Lord Torch is back from the dead, and with the help of a secret cult of Necromancers, threatens the destruction of Equestria with his undead dragon army.

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Act 1/Chapter 8: Powerslave

Dear Princess Twilight,

I wish I could say everything was going smoothly here in the dragon lands, but unfortunately, it is not. For a time, it looked as though everypony was settling into a regular routine, and while many dragons were less than friendly with us, it was a manageable difference.

In the span of a single month, that has all changed. Garble, who had previously shown only minor antisocial tendencies, has attacked our village and killed one of my closest friends, Rain Dancer.

This has hit everypony hard, most of all her partner, Hazy Spark. The two were inseparable, the kind of couple you’d expect to see on a Hearts and Hooves Day card. But now, with Rain Dancer’s passing, something inside Hazy has changed.

Hazy has convinced the good ponies of my village to seek retribution against Garble, as well as any dragons they see as complicit in the murder.

Now, as ponies I once called friends are crying out for blood, I’m terrified of where this will lead. I don’t know what Lord Ember thinks of Garble’s actions, if she even knows at all, as all my attempts to contact her have failed.

I want more than anything to ensure the safety of my friends and neighbours. But by that same token, I don’t want to undo all the hard work you’ve done to forge Equestria’s alliance with the Dragonlands. Most of all, I’m afraid of what Hazy has become, and what it means for them going forward.

If being a student at your Friendship School taught me anything, it’s that the cycle of violence is never ending. That is what scares me the most: that Hazy’s actions will simply incinerate a massive powder keg.

For now, all I can do is stay by Hazy’s side and do everything I can to preserve our friendship. That is why I must ask— no, beg you to intervene, before it’s too late. If any pony can help to resolve this crisis, it’s you.

As a final note, I feel it pertinent to add that, just prior to Rain Dancer’s death, Garble made a bizarre announcement about Ember’s father, Torch, usurping the throne. As we both know, this is impossible, since Torch is long dead. Yet I cannot say with any certainty whether Garble was either lying, or simply insane.

If you have any contact with Lord Ember, please inform her of our situation, so that, hopefully, Garble can be brought to justice without falling victim to mob violence.

I hope that this letter finds its way to you, and that you can prevent this problem from escalating further.

Signed, your faithful student,

Peridot Pop.

With one last stroke, Peridot finished the letter. Placing the quill back into the ink bottle, she rolled it up and sealed it with a small ribbon.

“Peridot,” a light-blue unicorn groaned as she entered her study, rubbing her eyes. “Are you done with your letter yet? I want to go to bed.”

“Don't worry, Dew Drop,” she replied. “I just finished. Think you can stay awake long enough to send it?”

“Sure, go for it,” Dew yawned again, and in a zap of magic, the letter was gone. “What's the big rush, anyway? We’re not taking on the big dragons or anything.”

“Shh, keep your voice down,” Peridot trotted over to the window and pulled it shut. “Look, I know I'm acting a little paranoid, but you saw how much Hazy's changed. If we're to salvage any friendship between ponies and dragons, we need help from Princess Twilight.”

“Do you think it's possible? I mean, Hazy's pretty set on revenge.”

“That's what I'm afraid of,” Peridot's ears drooped. “Hazy needs serious help, and nopony can help them while tempers are hot. That's why I need to keep this letter a secret. If Hazy finds out, things could get ugly.”

“My lips are zipped,” Dew gestured across her mouth. “Pinkie Promise. But if I'm honest, I don't wanna fight either. I just understand Hazy's point of view, is all. We need to stand up to terrorists, and we can't rely on the Princesses forever.”

“Normally, I'd agree,” Peridot sighed. “But this situation is bigger than just one dragon, and we’re already in way over our heads.”

“I guess we'll just have to see what happens,” Dew let out another long yawn, her heavy eyelids fluttering. “For now, let’s get some sleep. Who knows? Maybe it'll all blow over by tomorrow.”

“I hope your right, Dew,” Peridot looked up at the bright full moon through her window. “I really do.”

Two days later, the citizens of the Dragon Land colony made their move. They travelled in small groups of three or four, each taking a different path through the ashen forest to avoid suspicion. Only when they reached their point, an old cabin on the east side of the lake, did they gather together.

Silver and Peridot stood either side of Hazy. Neither said a word, their grim expressions conveying plenty. Silver was one of the only ponies, besides Dew Drop, that knew about Peridot’s letter. It was a long shot, but Peridot still spared frequent glances to the sky in hopes of the Princess' timely arrival.

“Alright, let’s go over the plan one more time,” Hazy whispered, unrolling a map beneath her hooves. “Garble always stops for a drink at exactly twelve noon, right when the sun reveals a ring of smoke in the lake's centre. Is that correct, Sand Steamer?”

“Absolutely,” spoke the grey stallion, the same pony who'd sparked cries for revolution at the village meeting. “I've been keeping tabs on him. Nasty piece of work, he is, but incredibly predictable. It’ll take at least six Pegasi to stop him escaping, but if we can manage that, he won’t stand a chance.”

“Well, we have eight.” Hazy gestured to the Pegasus team, all of whom saluted in response. “Once they're in place, us unicorns will combine our magic into a single spell. On my mark, we’ll all teleport together, surrounding Garble in a tight circle. He won't know what hit him!”

“Look, there he is now!” Sand Steamer pointed toward the lake, and sure enough, Garble had just landed. Kneeling over the edge of the lake with his back turned to the forest, he was wide open for Hazy’s attack.

“If we’re going to attack, we’d best make it quick,” suggested Silver. “I have a gut feeling that Garble’s up to something. Perhaps it’d be better if Peridot and I to stay behind. We can act as lookouts, just in case.”

Hazy narrowed their eyes at Silver, leaning in so close their muzzles almost touched. “You're not planning to stab us in the back, are you?”

“N-not at all,” Silver gulped, unable to hide the nervous quiver in his voice. “It's just a backup plan in case things go wrong. I don't want more ponies to get hurt because of Garble, after all.”

“Hazy, please,” begged Peridot, placing a hoof on Hazy's shoulder. “We want to help you. Let us keep a lookout, and we won't get in the way.”

“Fine,” Hazy huffed, smacking away Peridot's hoof. “Everypony, get in position. We've wasted enough time already.”

At their command, the Pegusi took off, catching the warm air currents beneath their wings to lift them into position with minimal effort.

“On my mark.” Magic crackled on the tip of Hazy's horn, joining with the other unicorns to create a faint circle of magic around their target. “In three... two... one... now!”

“What the...?” Garble snapped up to see a group of five angry ponies, each one brandishing farm tools as weapons. An earth pony lunged forward, swinging their spade in a wide arc.

Garble leaned back to dodge, but lost his footing, stumbling into the next attack. A second earth pony slashed his rake downward, the prongs grazing across Garble’s shoulder. Twisting his body, he flapped his wings and tried to get airborne. But no sooner did his feet leave the ground, a pair of pegusi dived toward him, pelting him with rocks.

Then the unicorns stepped up their game. Blasts of arcane brilliance shot from every direction, searing the earth as it did his flesh. Like the physical attacks, these spells were wild, unfocused shots. But they didn't care. For every strike they scored against Garble, the mob sustained twice as many injuries from friendly fire – though this did nothing to slow the rate of attack.

Their eyes shone with a toxic combination of fury, hatred, and recklessness toward Garble; a fact that he found almost amusing. In any other life, they would have made perfect dragons.

The fight lasted less than three minutes before Garble gave up. Tripped over by a rake, he fell face first into the dirt.

“I give, I give!” His plea for mercy fell on deaf ears, as the ponies just kept slamming their weapons into him again and again. “Please, I surrender! I’m sorry! I learned my lesson, I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t kill me!”

Hazy stepped forward and stomped on Garble’s head, grinding his face in the dirt. “You killed my marefriend, you crushed my people’s dreams, and now you beg for mercy?!” Crackles of arcane energy flashed across Hazy’s horn, merging together into a solid ball of magic.

“Hazy, stop!” Peridot yelled, rushing to Hazy’s side. “This isn’t like you. You… you’re not a killer. I know you’re not.”

“You think I’m bluffing?” Hazy pumped more magic into their horn. “Garble must pay for what he did! He'll be an example to every dragon in this Celestia-forsaken land: don’t mess with ponies and expect to get away with it!”

“Hazy, that’s enough.” Silver Soil stepped forward, somehow remaining calm in spite of the extreme situation. “Look around you. How many ponies have you hurt because of this? Is this what you want?”

Indeed, many of Hazy's fellow townsponies stood injured, covered in cuts, bruises and burns from the scuffle. But they remained focused on Garble. “I… but… Garble! He—”

“It’s okay, Hazy,” Peridot stepped over Garble and pulled Hazy into a tight hug. Their magic aura vanishing, Hazy collapsed into Peridot's forelegs, crying. “We’ll be okay. I’ve sent a letter to Princess Twilight, she’ll sort everything out.”

Silver now turned his attention to Garble. “I don’t know what’s going on in that messed-up head of yours, but this ends now. Leave, now; you’ve been given a second chance, I doubt you’ll get another.”

Garble didn’t reply. Instead, he simply sat up, giving every pony a good view to watch see the dark purple aura enveloped him, healing all his wounds.

“What in Eque—”

Garble slammed his fist into Silver’s gut and he keeled over, gasping for air.
When Hazy looked up, Sand Steamer was standing next to Garble, his eyes glowing with purple magic. A black cloak now shrouded his form, strange markings manifesting on his face.

Then the sky exploded.

Dozens of dragons shot out from the trees, blasting the remaining Pegusi out of the air. Hazy recognised two dragons in particular: Fume and Charcoal. They landed in front of them, displaying the same smug grin as Garble had the day he murdered Rain.

Charcoal stepped forward, grabbing Peridot by the scruff of her neck.

“No, please!” Hazy begged, grabbing Peridot’s leg. “I give up! You’ve won! Just don’t kill any more of my friends!”

“Oh, really?” Garble rubbed his chin. “What were you saying about mercy before?”

“Let me go!” Peridot swung her hooves wildly, unable to reach Charcoal. “You won’t get away with this! Princess Twilight will be here any minute now.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem.”

Hazy’s jaw dropped. A dragon of inconceivable size, dwarfing every other creature in sight, landed before her. Despite being covered from head to toe in obsidian, Hazy knew it could be none other than Torch: father to Ember and former Dragon Lord.

“Excellent work, Night Twister,” said Torch, addressing the unicorn Hazy had known as Sand Steamer. “You’ve proven yourself invaluable yet again. I’m impressed.”

“It was no trouble at all,” Night Twister looked at Hazy with a mocking grin. “They were so easy to manipulate once their lover was out of the picture. It was child's play, really.”

“You mean…” Peridot gasped, pointing her hoof at Night Twister. “Traitorous scum! When I get my hooves on you, I’ll—”

“You’ll what?” Night Twister smirked. “Charcoal, do me a favour and break her hooves. I think they’re rather important to her.”

“No!” Hazy cried. They tried to cast a spell, but it was no good. In the rush of combat, they’d overextended themselves. Helpless, Hazy watched in horror as Charcoal grabbed Peridot’s right hoof in his claws, then twisted, breaking her wrist in a bone-crunching snap.

Peridot clamped her mouth shut, stifling a scream. She refused to give the traitor the satisfaction of her pain.

“Well, look what we have here,” Garble jeered, walking up to Peridot. “This little pony thinks she's made of stronger stuff. How about we put that to the test?”

“Go buck yourself.” Peridot spat in Garble's face then chomped down hard on Charcoal's fingers. The black dragon recoiled, losing his grip and dropping her.

Peridot tried to limp away, but Garble easily outran her, stomping on her back and pinning her underfoot.

“Peridot!” Hazy rose to intervene, but Fume blocked their path, staring down at them with blank, pupil-less eyes that sent shivers down their spine.

“Looks like we've got a fighter on our hands, boss,” Garble looked up at Torch. “Think we should kill her?”

Torch pondered the question for a moment, but ultimately shook his head. “No, keep her alive, for now. I want her to see what we do with rebellious ponies.” He looked down at Hazy and grinned. “Night Twister, Fume, you know what to do.”

Fume grabbed Hazy by the back of her neck with both claws as Night Twister approached, the beginnings of a dark spell flickering on the tip of his horn. “Wait, what are you doing?” they tried to wriggle free, their limbs shaking as panic set in. “You're one of us! Why are you serving the dragons? Somepony, anypony, help me! I don't want to die! Please, help! Please!”

But no one did. All the villagers were either too badly injured from the dragons' ambush, or too afraid of Torch to lift a hoof. With Silver still struggling for breath, Peridot watched in horror as Night Twister tapped his horn against Hazy's.

“No! No! Stop—” The spell connected, releasing a flow of purple magic between the two. As the curse took hold, Hazy went limp, the colour draining from their coat.

When Night Twister stepped away, Peridot gasped in horror. Hazy just sat there, blankly staring into space. “What did you do to my friend?!” she snarled.

“Exactly what will happen to you if you don't comply,” said Night Twister. “Don't worry, I know you'll take good care of your friend. If we are to fuel Lord Torch's army against Equestria, we need every healthy unicorn we can get.”

Some of the townsponies tried to escape, but there was no point. The dragons had them surrounded, and as they clamped their chains around everypony's legs, Peridot couldn't help but reflect on how different everything had been just a month before. Where once there was a thriving colony of ponies, now there would be an abandoned, burnt out town, its citizens shipped off to who-knows-where to become slaves – and there would be plenty more to come.

As she was shackled and pulled her to her hooves, Peridot took one last look at the sky. In light of how easily they'd all been manipulated, she realized how foolish it was to wish for a saviour that would never come.

It didn't matter if Twilight got her letter or not, the result would be the same. The ponies of the Dragonlands had lost, enslaved to a power that transcended death.