• Published 15th Jul 2019
  • 660 Views, 5 Comments

Power of the Dragonflame: The Resurrection of Torch - Mystic Mind

Lord Torch is back from the dead, and with the help of a secret cult of Necromancers, threatens the destruction of Equestria with his undead dragon army.

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Act 2/Chapter 3: Dominion of Deceit

The Lunar Guard had made a narrow escape. From here, Moonlight could only hope the coming guards would not suppress the slaves’ newfound hope.

The tunnel ahead of her was wider than the first, and dimly lit. Only a scattering of torches every few meters existed to stave off the darkness, plenty for the infiltrators to work with. Every time a patrol came through, Sulphur and Smoky would position themselves in front of a torch, casting a long shadow for the bat ponies to blend in to.

It didn’t take them long to reach the guards’ quarters: a long hallway of small chambers securely locked behind thick iron doors. It was more reminiscent of a dungeon than anything a creature would call cosy. Looking through the small, barred windows in each door, Sulphur and Smoky found the rooms to be unoccupied.

A quick breath of fire from Sulphur made short work of the first lock, reducing it to a small pile of molten metal at Spectre’s hooves.

“Not what you’d call inconspicuous…” he muttered. At first glance, the chambers didn't contain anything noteworthy. A small pool of lava for a dragon to bathe in, a pit filled with miscellaneous plunder, and a single mound of melted rock that likely served as a personal storage area.

Moonlight investigated the mound first, cracking it open with one good kick and spilling the contents over her rear hooves. Hidden amongst the pile of crude weapons and a light armour, she found her prize: a letter, sealed with a dragon's head emblem made from purple wax.

“Aha!” Breaking the seal, she hastily unfurled the scroll, only for her expression to drop upon reading its contents. “Of course, it's written in draconic,” she grumbled.

“Let me take a look,” Sulphur picked up the scroll, pulling it open between his claws. Then, he grinned. “Looks like we hit the jackpot, friends! Says here this dragon’s headed for some serious sunshine in the southern deserts, and he ain’t alone.”

“Is that where they're all going?” asked Spectre.

“I doubt it,” Moonlight shook her head. “They won’t put all their eggs in one basket, they’re smarter than that. Best check the other chambers and see if their notes corroborate.”

“Coast is clear for now,” Smoky said from the doorway.

The next three rooms were identical to the first, right down to the written orders concerning the 'desert horde'. The fourth letter, however, issued the dragon to participate on an altogether different war front.

Sulphur's eyes went wide. “I don't believe it...”

“What? What’re they planning?” asked Moonlight.

“They want to attack Griffonstone!”

Spectre titled his head to one side. “Griffonstone? Why there, of all places? I don’t recall Griffons ever giving a dragon any gruff…” he paused. “Well, no more than any other creature.”

“Griffons may not be friendly, but they have changed in recent years,” Sulphur explained. “They’re a staunch ally of Equestria now. I suspect Torch sees any non-dragon creature as the enemy.”

“Does the letter say anything else?” Moonlight prompted.

“Only that this one’s part of a drop team. Beyond that, they're to occupy Griffonstone and await further orders.”'

“Wait, did you say 'occupy'?” Spectre rubbed his chin.

“Yeah, why?”

“You know the train line that runs up to Griffonstone, right? Well, where else does that line connect to?”

Sulphur thought for a moment. “Well, there is Yak Yakistan...”

“Further than that.”

Moonlight's eyes went wide. “The Crystal Empire! They want to succeed where Moonshadow failed.”

“Fat chance!” Smoky scoffed. “Have you seen how much firepower the Empire has these days? They'd be blown to bits before you can say 'see you in Tartarus'!”

“Good point, Smoky,” added Sulphur. “There's one other thing that bothers me. Why would they need Griffonstone first? Undead dragons don’t tire, why don’t they fly straight to Canterlot?”

“That, and how they're using slave labour...” Moonlight trailed off, the answer dawning on her. “What if it's not to do with the dragons at all?”

Spectre gave her a quizzical look. “What’re you talking about? Why wouldn't it be the dragons?”

“That's just it, they're not in control. Whether he thinks it or not, Torch is just a puppet Dragon Lord. It's the necromancers who hold the real power!”

“You mean they ain't undead?” asked Sulphur.

“I can't say for sure, but I think they're living ponies. They need food, water and rest just as much as we do. That's why they use slaves, because otherwise, they wouldn't have the resources to keep the unicorns alive. From what Twilight described, they need unicorns as living batteries to power their necromancy.”

“How ironic,” Sulphur chuckled. “When you break it down, they're no different to the ponies they hate so much.”

“Think we should grab a few more plans?” Spectre asked. “Just in case there's another war front we don't know about?”

“There's no time!” Smoky cried, bursting into the room. “Patrol's coming, get in position, quick!”

Grabbing the note, Spectre stuffed it into his saddlebag and vanished into the shadows with Moonlight. Likewise, Smoky and Sulphur made a hasty exit, standing to attention outside the room.

General Fume had arrived. At first, they didn’t recognise her. Her wings had been picked clean of all skin and muscle tissue, but her lanky frame and purple scales still made her recognizable, even to dragons who only knew her in passing, or as part of Garble's crew.

Leaning over, Fume eyed the melted locks with suspicion.

“You!” she snapped, shooting Smoky an icy glare. “Mind telling me what all this is about?”

“W-well, you see, the thing is,” Smoky gulped, racking his brain for a viable excuse. “We didn't wanna make a fuss or anythin', but we were ordered to check on the new recruits.”

“Yeah! That's what it was,” Sulphur added. “They refused to come out, the lazy bastards, so we busted in their doors and dragged 'em out with our own two claws! I tell ya, they sure did get a move on after a good old-fashioned butt-kicking.”

For several tense seconds, Fume maintained her hard stare. “And you're sure you didn't just forget where your orders were?”

“Well... I mean... we... sorta...” Smoky made a show of stuttering. Better to follow the superior's half-truth if it meant getting rid of her sooner.

“Alright, you got us,” Sulphur sighed, throwing up his claws. “We're sorry, general. Brain's still not fully recovered from our ressure—”

Before he could finish, Fume lashed out, swiping her claws across their faces. “Consider this your first and only warning!” Fume growled. “Laziness will not be tolerated! Not by you, or any other dragon. Lord Torch gave you the gift of undeath, and he can just as easily take it away. Got it?”

“Yes ma'am!” Smoky and Sulphur said together.

“Good. Be glad you got off lightly.” With her reprimands delivered, Fume turned away. But as she was about to leave, a faint glimmer of metal flashed in the corner of her eye.

Spectre had dropped his shadow meld too soon.

Shoving the two living dragons aside, Fume burst into the room, coming face to face with the Lunar Guard. “Intruders!” her voice boomed through the halls. “Guards! Kill the spies!”