• Published 15th Jul 2019
  • 658 Views, 5 Comments

Power of the Dragonflame: The Resurrection of Torch - Mystic Mind

Lord Torch is back from the dead, and with the help of a secret cult of Necromancers, threatens the destruction of Equestria with his undead dragon army.

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Act 1/Chapter 1: The Crystal Cathedral

“Crystal Central Station, every creature!” cried the guard as the train rolled to a stop with a hiss. Wafting away the vented steam with her wings, Princess Twilight Sparkle stepped out of the first-class carriage.

“Twily!” From the platform’s far end, Shining Armour galloped over to Twilight and threw his hooves around her in a tight hug. “So glad you made it!”

“Good to see you again, big brother,” Twilight said, reciprocating. It had been seven long months since her last visit to the Crystal Empire – an event that was becoming increasingly rare over the past decade, thanks to her ever-mounting duties as one of Equestria's most recognisable leaders. One look at Shining armour showed little in visible ageing. He looked almost identical to the day Flurry Heart was born!

Then again, Twilight still looked young, despite her longer hair and crown worn to any important visits. If Rarity was to be believed, now that she was well into her thirties, she could expect her first grey hairs any day now!

“How's everything on this side of the wall?” Twilight asked.

“Hectic, that’s for sure,” Shining replied with a light sigh. “Between Flurry Heart and the new fortifications, it’s been long day after long day. I’m lucky to have a sister with such impeccable organisation skills like yours, otherwise I might never get to see you!”

Twilight chuckled and waved a hoof in dismissal, blushing. “You really should give yourself a break, Shining. Ever since the siege, we’ve had the longest period of peace in Equestrian history!”

“As if I could forget…” Shining glanced up at the walls. Numerous heavy cannons satidly. On a clear day like this, he could easily lead tours around the base of the walls, naming every black powder weapon along the way.

In peacetimes, tourism was an easy way to generate extra cash for the imperial citizens. This, of course, came with the addition of battle re-enactments to educate the knowledge-hungry populace of how their newest Alicorn came to be.

But no recreation could ever replicate the true horrors of the battlefield. Shining’s home city had been half obliterated by the time the Phantom Stallions were finally defeated, and that was only the climactic battle at the end of months-long defence.

Nowadays, with the power of five nations by their side, such conflicts became relics. For the sake of Flurry Heart—whom was far too young to remember the siege—Shining wanted more than anything for wars to be that; historical endnotes to educate and, if necessary, entertain.

It was an idealistic fantasy, one that many would consider childish, but Shining had a sneaky suspicion that, in their heart of hearts, every creature desired the same.

“Shining?” Twilight cocked her head. “Is something on your mind?”

Shining shook his head. “No, it's nothing important. I was just thinking, we sure could've used those cannons during the siege.”

Twilight's expression dropped. “Are you sure you're okay, big brother? War sure as heck take a toll on anyone’s mind.”

“I'm a soldier, Twilight,” Shining snapped back, though he only noticed the bitterness in his tone when Twilight flinched. “I mean, I've been Captain of the Canterlot Guard for a long time, Twily. Yeah, memories of the siege hurt, but I can deal with it, like I always do. Besides, you've got enough on your plate already, what with running the friendship school and all.”

“Yeah, but...” Twilight hesitated, unable to hide the worry in her expression.

“Don't sweat it, Twily,” Shining placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. “I know how much you care, but I'm fine, really. Let’s just head to the cathedral already. Cadence and Flurry Heart are already waiting.”

“Wait, cathedral?” Twilight stared blankly at Shining.

“Of course,” Shining replied. “Don't you remember? It was still under construction last time you came, but now it's complete.”

“Wow, it really has been too long...” Twilight rubbed her head. “Spike was right. I really do need a vacation from school business. “

“Then you're in for a real treat!”

The cathedral was only a short walk away from the station. It had been built from the ruins of buildings destroyed during the siege, though by the sheer splendour of its architecture, no pony without prior knowledge would've guessed. On the surface, the cathedral looked to be crafted from a single, giant block of crystal, each corner marked by four, rectangular towers that dominated the city skyline. Its broad arches were enough to make any creature look small by comparison, dazzling all whose eyes were drawn toward its shimmering stained-glass windows.

Each window depicted a moment in recent Equestrian history. From the reformation of Princess Luna, to Twilight's ascension to Alicornhood—and, of course, the final battle that culminated the siege of the Crystal Empire; depicting Stellar Shine as he obliterated the metal dragon with a single blast of holy magic—it was all here, in a breath-taking array of colours.

Towering above it all was the central spire, which spiralled up to narrow point that stopped just shy of the lower district's walls. From her point of view, Twilight could just about recognise the symbols carved at the tip: cutie marks. Specifically, the cutie marks of her and her friends, in addition to the shooting star of Stellar Shine, and a dragon's claw wrapped around the crystal heart to represent Spike.

“Impressive, isn't it?” said Shining, though Twilight didn't respond. To think that such a gigantic structure could be built in the span of a single decade was simply mind-blowing. All she could do was stare, slack-jawed at the perfect still life depiction of the Elements of Harmony in action.

“I think you broke her, Shining.”

If any voice could break Twilight from her stupor, it would be her sister-in-law. “Cadence!” She called, galloping over to Cadence to perform the same greeting dance they had done since they were fillies. Only this time, there was an extra pony who wanted in on the fun.

“Hey, Aunty Twily, look what I can do!” It took a moment for Twilight to recognise the curly-haired filly bouncing up and down in front of her, but there was no way she'd ever forget Equestria's only Alicorn child, especially not one that shared the mane colour of her mother and the coat of her father.

“Wow, Flurry Heart!” Twilight smiled. Flurry had gone through quite the growth spurt since the last time she saw her. At only ten years old, she'd shot up to nearly half the height of her mother. “You've grown so much, I hardly recognised you. So, what did you want to show me?”

Flurry cleared her throat and bowed. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake...”

Twilight gasped, partly from how cute Flurry looked doing her old foal-sitter's dance, but also from the great sense of pride she felt at the tradition being passed down. “Clap your hooves and do a little shake!”

The two ponies mirrored each other's movements exactly, even down to the number of flank-wiggles at the end of their song – which, of course, got them both giggling. “So, how'd I do?” asked Flurry with bated breath.

“You were perfect!” Twilight pulled her niece in for a big hug. “I'm sorry it took so long to visit. How are your friendship lessons coming along?”

“Well...” Flurry rubbed a hoof against her leg, averting her gaze. “Besides when the Cake twins come to visit? I don't really have many friends my age. Every creature treats me like royalty – and yeah, I kinda am. But I don't want them to be so formal all the time. Sorry to disappoint you, Aunty Twily.”

Twilight crouched down and held Flurry's cheeks between her hooves. “Don't worry, you're not disappointment, trust me. When I first became a Princess, it was super awkward to suddenly hold all this authority over every pony else. I can't say it was easy, but if I can make new friends after becoming a Princess? Then so can you.”

Flurry sighed. “I guess I'll just have to keep trying, huh?”

“I know you can do it,” Twilight ruffled Flurry's mane. “Even as a baby, you were always super friendly to everypony. So, here's a little tip from me to you: learn how other creatures like to play, and just be yourself. Once they get to know the real you, not just a title, then you'll find how much you have in common.”

“Thank you, Aunty Twily,” Flurry bowed gracefully. “So, we're having our meeting inside the Cathedral, right? Let me tell you, if you think it's pretty on the outside? Just wait 'till you see what Stellar Shine did with the inside!”