• Published 15th Jul 2019
  • 656 Views, 5 Comments

Power of the Dragonflame: The Resurrection of Torch - Mystic Mind

Lord Torch is back from the dead, and with the help of a secret cult of Necromancers, threatens the destruction of Equestria with his undead dragon army.

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Act 1/Chapter 4: Hurt and Inspiration

Hazy Spark sat atop a cliff behind the church that overlooked the town. Their hooves were still shaking, but their breathing had returned to normal.

“Hey,” said a soft voice from behind, nearly making them jump. “Relax, it's only me.”

Hazy looked over their shoulder to see Rain land. A gentle smile grew across her face. “Hey, Rain,” they said despondently. “Sorry I ran away. I'm a coward as always.”

“We both know that's not true,” Rain sat next to Hazy and draped them in her wing. “I should've said something sooner. Social anxiety is one heck of a chore to deal with, huh?”

Hazy just nodded.

“Sorry to say this, love, but I don't fully get what's worrying ya,” Rain continued. “Everypony in this village respects you as a mage. That includes Silver, despite being overly critical sometimes.”

Hazy sighed. “I don't know, Rain. You know I've been working my butt off to get that growth spell right. I wouldn't have travelled all the way to Canterlot to learn it otherwise. I've had so many sleepless nights stressing over it, but no matter what I do, it doesn't work the way I want it to.”

“But you've progressed in leaps and bounds,” Rain’s voice sang with enthusiasm. “Doesn't matter if it ain't perfect, your hard work has paid off. That's what I love about you, Hazy; you’re an enby who always strives for the best, even when the pressure gets too much.”

“I love you, too,” Hazy leaned over and kissed Rain on the lips. “I've never done well with deadlines. I was lucky to have Twilight Sparkle as a mentor. It's amazing how much she can do, even with her busy life as the Princess of Friendship. You saw the look Fume gave me when Peridot suggested the deadline. What if I don't meet her expectations? What if something else goes wrong?”

Hazy groaned and rubbed their temple. “I can't deal with judgemental ponies, let alone dragons. How I ever passed the GSU, I'll never know.”

“Hey, if anypony's gonna judge you, they'll answer to me first!” Rain flexed her biceps. “I don't care how big they are, if they're badmouthing you, I've got ya covered. I didn't move all the way from Manehatten for nothin'! Even if your spell does go wrong, we've got so much leftover, they won't know the difference! Peridot offered a week 'cause that's how much faith she's got in ya. It doesn't mean you've failed if ya take longer.”

Hazy's eyes began to tear up. “How? I'll sour the village's reputation if I don't perfect this spell! Everypony’s relying on me to get on the dragons' good side. I'm not like Princess Twilight. I'm no good at inter-species friendship.”

Rain pulled Hazy in close. “If only Princess Twilight could hear ya say that, she'd have a heart attack! Where do ya think the verb 'Twilighting' came from?”

Hazy sniffled. “I... kinda did wonder about that, yeah.”

“I went to Twilight's friendship school, remember? I've seen plenty of her legendary freak outs. But she still became a Princess, and still helps ponies with friendship problems to this day. Heck, I wasn't even the best student, but I still met you, y'know? If we can work together, both as a couple and through farming, then I know everything will work out fine.”

“I guess so,” Hazy closed their eyes and rested their head on Rain's shoulder. “I love you, Rain.”

“I love you too, Hazy,” Rain gave Hazy another kiss. “Wanna move to the church roof and watch the sunset together?”

“Yes, please,” Hazy smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. Hoof in hoof, the couple teleported over.

“Stupid ponies and their stupid carrots,” Garble sat on a steep hill, grumbling to himself as he kicked a loose boulder. “Can't believe Ember makes me hang out with those losers. She shouldn't even be Dragon Lord!”

“Oh, I quite concur.”

Garble shot to his feet, ready to torch the eavesdropper. To his surprise, the speaker was a pony, but not one like the villagers he'd been forced to associate with. This one was covered in a dark cloak, his face obscured behind his hood.

“You have five seconds to tell me what you want,” Garble growled. “Or else, you're toast.”

“Ah, you must be the infamous Garble I've heard so much about,” the grey one lowered his hood, revealing himself to be a sickly-looking Unicorn. “Tell me, what would you give to serve the Dragon Lord?”

“I've served the bitch calling herself 'Dragon Lord' enough for one day!” Garble emphasised the air quotes and bared his teeth, preparing to blast the condescending fool to smithereens.

“Oh, no, no, no, I don't mean Ember,” the unicorn grinned. “I mean the true Dragon Lord, who rightly forbade his daughter from competing in the Gauntlet of Fire.”

Garble narrowed his eyes at him, holding a lick of fire steady in his mouth. “What are you talking about? He died over ten years ago.”

“That is indeed the case,” he chuckled. “But, oh, how times have changed. I'll cut straight to the point; Lord Torch has returned from the grave. He is no longer a slave to the power of death, but rather, death is his power to command.”

Garble relaxed, letting his fire dissipate. “I'm listening,” he crossed his arms. “How do I know this isn't a prank?”

“Allow me to demonstrate.” Catching a small lizard in his magic, he squashed it beneath his hoof. Then, stepping back, he gestured to the mess of splattered guts before him. “We can both agree that this lizard is dead, yes?”

“Oh, really? I had no idea,” Garble sneered, tapping his foot impatiently. “Obviously it's dead, what's your point?”

Closing his eyes, the unicorn conjured a stream of dark purple magic to envelop and seep into it. At first, nothing happened, but after a couple of seconds the magic began to take effect. The lizard’s blood turned from pools to streams, flowing back into the exposed, ruptured veins which now sealed themselves back. Organs expanded, stretched and smoothed out, invisible hands placing them behind muscle and skin. Bones snapped back into shape.

Just like that, it was as good as new, skittering around as if nothing had ever happened. Garble's jaw dropped.

“This is the power of necromancy, my friend,” the unicorn said with a twinkle in his eye. “However, there is one fatal flaw.”

As soon as the Unicorn cut off his magic, the lizard collapsed. “We need a regular supply of magic to maintain the dark rebirth – or Undeath, to use a common pony vernacular. That is why Lord Torch requires unicorns like me.”

Garble cocked an eyebrow, but he couldn't deny his curiosity. “Why are you telling me this? What do you have to gain?”

“There's a simple explanation for that.” he lowered his head, and before Garble could react, he blasted a beam of magic straight through the middle of his stomach. “Dragons have forsaken their rightful place above ponies, and we will stop at nothing to restore that.”

Garble clutched his wound, but he could do little to stop the bleeding. “What... what was—” he coughed up a thick pool of clotting blood. “What was that for?”

“It's simple, really,” the Unicorn grinned as Garble collapsed. “You will either serve us and become stronger than ever before, or you will be exterminated. Torch's dragon flight has no room for weaklings.”

“Alright, alright,” Garble wheezed, his vision going dark. “I'll join... already...”

The unicorn stood over Garble as he breathed his last breath. “An excellent choice. My name is Night Twister; welcome to the Cult of the Dragonflame.”