• Published 11th May 2019
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Avatar the last fire bender, book two air - phantom ghost hunter

The avatar story continues as Flash learn air bending get ready.

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City of Secrets

Flash and his group were on a train heading into the city when Twilight said "don't worry Flash will find him".

Then Shining said "hey don't jinx it we might be attacked by some kind of earth kingdom fork or something".

Rainbow then said "you haven't been doing cactus juice again have you?"

Shining then said "hey weird stuff tends to happen to us" then a big guy sat between them while sucking on a pineapple.

Then Flash said "Its a big city he could be anywhere".

Shining then said "he's a giant dragon how could they hid him" then they got to the upper part of the city and when Shining saw how big it was he said "oh never mind".

When they arrived at the station Scootaloo said "what do ya know were back in the city".

Twilight then said "what's wrong with that".

Then Rainbow said "its just a city of rules you will get sick of it soon".

Flash then took out his dragon whistle and blow it then said "I'm coming for you buddie" then twilight walked over and put a hand on his shoulder and he said "he's here I can feel it".

Then a woman with a creepy smile came up to them and said "hi I am Angel wings I will be your guide while you are here you must be the avatar along with Twilight, Shining, Rainbow and Scootaloo".

Shining then said "Good we need to talk to the air leader right away we have important information about the earth kingdom that he needs to see".

Angel wings than said "great lets begin our tour then I will show you your new home" then turned around.

Shining then said "maybe I wasn't clear we have to see the air leader about the war".

Angel wings then said "your in Canterlot now everyone is safe here" Later they were in a carriage and Angel wings said "this is the lower city were the newcomers live and also were the blacksmiths and carpenters live people that work with there hands".

Twilight then said "why are all these poor people blocked off from the rest of the city".

Then Flash said "this is why I never came here its so different then what the elders taught me".

Over with Timber his uncle came up next to him carrying flowers and said "I just want our new place to look nice incase someone brings home a lady friend".

Timber then said "I don't want to make a life here".

Stygian then said "life happens wherever you are now come on I got us some new jobs and we start later today".

A little ways behind them was Comet and he said "look at them earth benders living under everyone's nose's we have to do something".

Then Dinky said "I thought we were starting over".

Comet then said "we are and that is why once I have the evidence I need I will alert the authorities and let them handle it".

Dinky then said "well okay".

Back with Flash Angel wings said "this is the upper city home of the shopping center and university".

Shining then said "ya we met a guy Canterlot university he took us to a giant library where we got information that the air leader has to see!"

Angel wings then said "isn't history fascinating look this is on of the oldest building in the upper city town hall".

Then Shining said "is that woman deaf she seems to only hear ever other word I say".

Scootaloo then said "its called being handled get used to it".

Back with Timber he and Stygian they were at there new job and the guy who owned the place said "well you both look like tea servers how do you feel?"

Stygian said "we feel great".

The boss then said "well then here have a cup of tea while I get thing ready" as he poured tea into two cups then went to the back.

Stygian took a sip then winced and said "this tea is nothing more then hot leaf juice".

Timber then face palmed and said "uncle that's what all tea is".

Stygian then said "how could a member of my own family say something so horrible" then he grabbed the tea pot and said "we will have to make some major changes around here" as he dumped the tea out the window but didn't notice comet was watching them.

Back with Flash Angel wings said "this is where the more important people live".

Twilight then said "what's behind that wall?"

Shining then saw strange guys in black robes and said "and who are those guys?" as he pointed to them.

Angel wings then said "inside is the royal palace and those people are agents of the shadow bolts the authority of Canterlot".

Flash then said "ya can we see the leader now".

Angel wings then said "oh no one doesn't just pop in on the air leader". Later they arrived at a building and Angel wings said "here we are your new home" later inside the building she said "isn't it nice I'm sure you will enjoy it here".

Shining then said "we would enjoy it more if we weren't staying so long is there anyway we can see the air leader sooner".

Angel wings then said "the air leader has a lot on his hands running the finest city in the world but he will see you as soon as time permits".

Later at night with Timber he and his uncle were at there new apartment and stygian said "would you like a pot of tea?"

Timber then said "we worked in a tea shop all day I'm sick of tea".

Stygian then said "what being sick of tea is like being sick of breathing now where are our spark rocks to light the coal and heat up the water".

Outside Comet was watching them and said "there not there old man your going to have to lava bend".

Stygian then walked away for a minute then came back and said "the neighbors let me borrow there's very nice people as he lit the coal".

The next morning with Flash Twilight had walked outside to get the morning paper when she looked at it she saw something that gave her an idea then ran inside and said "guys I know how were going to see the air leader according to this paper the air leader is having a party for his pet bear".

Flash then said "you me platypus bear?"

Twilight then said "no it just says bear".

Scootaloo then said "you mean armadillo bear?"

Then shining said "or skunk bear?"

Rainbow then "gofer bear?"

Then Twilight said "it just says bear".

Rainbow then said "this place is weird".

Twilight then said "the palace will be packed we can slip in with the crowd".

Scootaloo then said "won't work".

Then Twilight said "why not?"

Rainbow then said "well no offence to you simple country folk but a real society crowd would spot you a mile away you've got no manners".

Twilight then said "what I've got no manners nether of you two are lady fancy fingers".

Scootaloo the belched then said "we learned proper manners and choose to leave them you never learned anything and its a little to late".

Then Shining said "but wait you learned it maybe you could teach it to Twilight you three can slip in there then let me and Flash in".

Rainbow then said "meh what the heck its worth a shot".

Later at night Back with Timber Comet was watching from outside when Dinky and Cheese came over and Dinky said "you know I think you going overboard with this".

Then Comet said "if you don't want to help me I will get the evidence on my own".

Inside the shop Stygian and Timber were serving tea when comet came in and said "I'm tired of waiting these two are earth benders!" as he pulled out his hook swords "your going to have to defend yourself".

Then Timber pulled out twin katanas and said "you want a show I'll give you a show".

Back with the others Twilight, Rainbow, and Scootaloo were dressed for the event and at the entrance and Rainbow held up her family document and said "I believe this will do".

The guard then said "no invitation no entry step out of the line please".

They did so Then Twilight saw a guy who looked important so they went up to him and Twilight said "excuse me sir but our family is already inside but my cousin here lost our invitation she and her sister are both blind can you help us".

The guy the said "I am honored come with me" when they got inside he said "its beautiful isn't It by the way I am Caballeron I'm a minister now where is you family I'd love to meet them".

Twilight then said "oh I don't see them yet but I'm sure will run into them soon".

Then Caballeron said "please it would be dis honorable to leave you three young ladies without finding your parents first".

Outside Shining said "where are they looks like we need a backup plan".

Flash then said "how about we slip in with those guys" as he pointed to men and woman going in with food.

Shining then said "good idea".

Back with Timber he was fighting Comet who said "you must be getting tired using those sword come on earth bend"

Then Stygian said to Comet "son please think about what your doing".

Then Timber kept on battling him.

Back with Flash Shining said "keep an eye out for the leader".

Flash then said "I don't know what he looks like".

Then Shining said "you know tall and regal looking"

Rainbow then said "Wow you guys made it".

Flash then said "Rainbow how did you find us?"

Then Scoots said "we know your breathing anywhere".

Then Twilight came up and said "Guys".

Shining then said sarcastically "Thanks for letting us in".

Twilight then said "sorry but the guy who escorted us in wont let us out of his sight"

Shining then asked "what guy?"

Twilight then looked and saw he was gone then Angel wings came over and said "what are you doing here you have to leave now or we will all be in big trouble".

She then tried pushing them but Shining said "now until we see the leader".

Angel wings then said "you don't understand you must go" as she pushed them again causing Flash to spill tea on a lady.

Flash then said "sorry let me help" as he air bent her dry his sleeve ripped and she saw the mark on his arm.

The lady then said "No one said the avatar would be here then many people in the crowd looked and Angel wings frowned.

Shining then said "you keep there attention while I look for the leader".

Flash then said "watch this everybody" as he fire bent him self into the air and on to a table where he water bent drinks into the air everyone was in aw.

Back with Timber the shadow bolts had arrived and one of them said "stop drop your weapons".

Comet then said "arrest them there earth benders".

Stygian then said "this poor boy is confused we are just refugees".

The owner of the tea show then said "this man trashed my tea show and attacked my employees".

Then one of two nearby guards said "its true sir we saw the whole thing he attacked the best tea maker in the city".

Stygian then said "oh your to kind" Then they arrested Comet.

Back with Flash they carried in the air leader on a large covered chair but then the shadow bolts got Flash and his friends and took them into the back where the saw Caballeron who said "you know it was a bad idea getting into the party Angel wings take them home".

Then a woman who looked nothing like angel wings came in and twilight asked "what happened to angel wings?"

The woman then said "I'm angel wings".

(To be continued)

Author's Note:

Well that took some time but here it is also should I do the tales episode let me know in the coments but for now ghost out.