• Published 11th May 2019
  • 604 Views, 25 Comments

Avatar the last fire bender, book two air - phantom ghost hunter

The avatar story continues as Flash learn air bending get ready.

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Journey to Canterlot part one the serpents pass

With Timber he and his uncle were headed for Canterlot to hide. Over with Flash they were swimming when Shining said "okay I've found our path from the looks of it there's only one path called the serpents pass".

Rainbow then said "are you sure thats the best way?"

Shining then said "Its the only way we have to get to canterlot".

Then a man called "excuse me but your going to canterlot as well?"

They looked and saw a couple and Twilight said "yes so your going to?"

The man then said "yes my name is Sunburst and were trying to get there before my wife Starlight has her baby".

Shining then said "great we can all travel threw the serpents pass together".

Starlight then said "the serpents pass!? why take that deadly path?"

Flash then asked "do you know anther way?"

Sunburst then said "you should come with us to the hidden port they take people to canterlot on boats and its hidden so the earth kingdom can't find it".

Twilight then said "that sounds great".

Later they were in the hidden cave and Flash went up to the lady at the desk and said "excuse me we would like five tickets for the boat to canterlot".

The lady then said "passports please".

Flash then said "no one said we would need passports".

The lady then said "no passports no tickets besides" she said looking at ring tail "no animals on the boat".

Rainbow then came up and said "stand aside my name is rainbow dash and I will need five tickets please" as she placed a document on the desk.

The lady then said "oh the golden seal of the winged tortoise it is my honer to serve anyone of the wealthy dash family".

Rainbow then said "It is your honer you see my sister and I are both blind and these three are our escorts".

The lady then said "but the animal".

Scootaloo then said "Is our seeing eye ferret".

Then the lady said "usually its only one ticket per passport but this document is so official I guess its worth five tickets" as she stamped them and gave them to Rainbow.

As they walked away Shining said "man we scammed her good".

Then Shining was grabbed by a female guard who said "passport and ticket please".

Shining then asked "did I do something wrong?"

The guard then said "oh I know your type handsome, makes muscles at himself in the mirror, and travels with the avatar".

Shining then raised an eyebrow and asked "have we meet before?"

The guard then said "you don't remember me well maybe you will remember this" then she kissed him.

Shining then said "Cadence! its you".

Cadence then hugged him and said "Shining its great to see you again".

Later when they meet up with the others and had Cadence up to speed Sunburst and Starlight came over and Sunburst said "Avatar! Please you have to help us!"

Flash then said "Whats wrong?"

Starlight then said "someone just robbed our tent we lost everything our money, our passports, our tickets everything
its all gone".

Flash then said "Well there's no way that lady will help so there's only one option we will guide you though the serpents pass".

Later Shining said "I can't believe you sold our tickets".

Scootaloo then said "I cant believe your still complaining about it".

Then Cadence ran over to them wearing her makeup and Mist mane warrior dress and said "wait I'm coming with you guys".

Shining then asked "are you sure you want to Cadence I mean the serpents pass is incredibly dangerous I mean I know your a skilled warrior but only if your up for it".

Cadence then said "of course I'm up for it".

Later they arrived at the pass and Shining said "so this is the serpents pass I thought It would be more bendy like a serpent I guess they misnamed it".

Meanwhile on a boat headed for Canterlot Stygian said "I never would have thought I would return to the place of my biggest military failure" then he brightened up and said "as a tourist" as he put on a hat.

Timber then said "look around were not tourists were refugees" he then slurped soup from a bowl he had then spat it out "ugh I'm tired of eating rotten food and sleeping in the dirt".

Then a voice said "aren't we all?" Timber and Stygian turned around and saw a guy with yellow skin and blue hair "my name is Comet tail and these are my freedom fighters Dinky and Cheese sandwich here's the deal I hear the captains eating like a king while us refuges have to feed of of his scraps".

Stygian then asked "what kind of king is he eating like?"

Comet then said "the fat happy kind so you want to help us liberate some food?"

Timber looked at the the paper bowl he was holding then threw it in the water then said "I'm in".

Back with Flash and the others they were walking along the pass when Shining looked to the side and said "hey aren't those earth kingdom ships what are they doing here?"

Then Cadence said "from what I hear the earth kingdom has control of the east side of the river and that they don't want anyone finding out about something big there working on over at the other side".

Then some rock gave away and fell into the water Twilight then said "they spotted us run" as they started shooting lava rocks at them Flash used his air bending to blow the lava back.

Later at night with Timber he and Comet had made it into the captains quarters and had snatched chickens and pies then they got out quickly on a line that cheese shot up later they had given some of the food out and then started to eat Stygian then said "so your Dinky right I can't put my finger on it but that name sounds like I have heard it before".

Dinky then said "Okay".

Back with Flash they had set up camp and were resting but the next morning they were on there way again then they came up to a gap in the pass Twilight then said "Flash give me a hand" as they started to water bend a bubble and walk under water with everyone then right as they made it to the other side something came out of the water.

when they saw it Shining said "I Think I know now why they named it the serpents pass".

Flash then said "everyone run!" and they did so as Flash was shooting fireballs at the serpent.

Then Later everyone had gotten away and then they could see the mountain top city of Canterlot but starlight then got down in pain and Shining said "what's wrong?"

Starlight then said "the baby's coming".

Shining then said "what right now that's not good".

Twilight then said "don't worry I've helped my grandmother deliver many baby's back home Flash, Shining we need towels and warm water, Rainbow, Scoots see if you cane pitch a tent Cadence give me a hand".

Later it had happened and Rainbow said "So do you want to go see the baby or just sit around out here?"

Then Shining said "sure" as they went inside.

Then they all went in and when Flash saw the baby he said "I have to say I've been having a hard time lately but you've made me hopeful again".

Starlight then said to Sunburst "I now know what to name our baby Sunlight Hope".

Sunburst then said "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl".

Later Cadence was heading back and Shining said "Cadence your leaving?"

Cadence then said "I only came to help you guys get through the serpents pass but now I need to get back o the other mist mane warriors also Shining I have to tell you..."

Shining then stopped her and kissed her full on the lips at first her eyes were open but they soon closed at the kiss over with Flash he said "well I'm gonna go ahead and look for Scale".

Twilight then said "good luck".

Flash flew up to the mountain then looked over and said "oh no" as he saw a giant machine with huge legs climbing the mountain "looks like scale will have to wait a little longer"

Author's Note:

Wow sorry that took so long but here it is anyway ghost out.