• Published 11th May 2019
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Avatar the last fire bender, book two air - phantom ghost hunter

The avatar story continues as Flash learn air bending get ready.

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The Guru

With Timber he had just woke up and said "what's that smell?"

Stygian then said "just some stew would you like some?"

Then Timber said "smells great id love a bowl".

Stygian gave him a bowl of stew and then said "you seem different somehow".

Timber then said "we have a new apartment and its the grand opening of you tea shop things are looking up".

Over with Flash he and Shining had just arrived at chameleon bay and Flash said "you haven't seen your father in two years you must be excited".

Shining then said "nervous would be more like it".

Then Flash said "don't worry he will be happy to see you".

Shining then said "what about you are you nervous to meet this Guru?"

Flash then said "not at all I'm ready to master the avatar state I'll do whatever it takes" then Shining got down and Flash said see you in a week yip yip".

A few minutes later shining was down in the camp and everyone was looking then one of them came up and said "Shining good to see you".

Then they moved out of the way of his dads tent and Shining went into it were his dad was looking at a map the guy next to him nudged him and pointed to Shining and he said "Shining".

Shining then said "hi dad" and then they hugged.

Back in Canterlot the air leader said "Look Smokey the mist mane warriors are here to protect us I must say its been a difficult week for me my trusted adviser was a trader".

The lead Mist mane warrior then said "I hard when you can't trust the people closes to you".

The air leader then said "but there is good news as we speak the generals are planning an invasion on the earth kingdom this summer on the night of the blood moon".

The lead mist mane warrior then said "really that sounds like a brilliant plan".

Back with Flash he was flying to the eastern fire city and when he made it he met up with the guru and said "um hello your guru Sandal wood right?"

Sandal wood then said "indeed I was a spiritual brother of your people and a close friend of Smart cookie".

Flash then said "in your note you said you could help me control the avatar state how?"

Sandal then said you must gain balance in your self before you can balance the world and the first step begins with this drink up" as he handed flash a cup of something.

Flash drank it then spat it out and said "ugh taste like grape and lime juice".

Sandal then said "that's because it is" as he drank some "yummy".

Over with Rainbow and Scoots they were in a metal box headed to there parents when rainbow got an idea. Back in Canterlot the mist mane warriors were actually Gloriosa and her friends and Gloriosa said "we have a rare opportunity girls".

Then Night glider said "Sunset gets to were makeup that's not depressing for once".

Sunset then said "very funny".

Gloriosa then said "I'm talking about concurring the whole air nation for one hundred years the earth kingdom has climbed away at Canterlot mountain but now were are at the top and we can take it our selves".

Night glider then said "wow your so confident I like that about you".

Then Gloriosa said "we can take the city the key is the shadow bolts who ever controls the shadow bolts controls the city".

Back with Flash the Sandal said "In order to master the avatar state you must open all the chakras Flash tell me all you know about chakras".

Flash then said "what are chakras?"

Sandal then said "oh I guess we will start with the basics chakras are pools of energy that flow throw the body like this these pools of water but things can fall into the pools blocking the flow but if we open the parts that block it the stream can flow". Later they were in a cave and sandal wood said "there are seven chakras that flow threw our bodies and each one has a certain job blocked by a certain emotion be warned opening the chakras is an intense Esperance and once you start you can't start until all seven are opened are you ready".

Flash then said "I'm ready"

Sandal then said "we will start by opening the earth chakra located in the base of the spine it deals with survival and is blocked by fear what are you most afraid of let your fears become clear". Flash then saw earth king Glad mane and was scared then Sandal wood said "Flash your vision is not real you are concerned for your survival but you must surrender those fears let your fears flow down the creek". Flash then took a breath and opened his eyes and the vision was gone "you have opened your chakra" later they were near a water fall and Sandal said "next is the..."

Flash then said "water Chakra?"

Sandal then said "brilliant maybe one day you will be a guru too this chakra is dealt with pleaser and is blocked by guilt now look into your mind what do you blame yourself for".

Flash then looked back and said "I ran away when I should have stayed".

Sandal then said "except reality these things happen or you will let them cloud and poison your energy if you want to be a positive influence on the world you need to forgive yourself" Flash then took a breath and smiled.

Back with Shining his dad said "this bay leads directly to the bottom of Canterlot mountain and we've been using these tangle mines to stop earth kingdom ships from getting threw".

Then anther guy said "your father invented tangle mines himself".

Shining then said "destructive buoyant and..." he then smelt it "and terrible smelling".

Night light then said "very observant these mines are filled with skunk fish and seaweed when a ship detonates the mine the seaweed tangles up the propeller and the foul smell forces people to jump ship I call it the stink and sink".

Shining then laughed and said "good one dad".

Then the guy from earlier said "you are definitely your fathers son".

Anther guy then came over and said "night light four earth kingdom ships have just been spotted".

Night light then said "Capper, wild you two get these mines loaded the rest of you prepare for battle".

Shining then said "Dad what about me?"

Night light then said "weren't you listening I said the rest of you prepare for battle".

Shining then got up, nodded and went with the other's Back in Canterlot with Timber Stygian said "when we came to the city as refuge's I never would have thought that I would end up having my own tea shop follow your passion Timber and life will reward you".

Timber then said "congratulations uncle you disserve it the Jasmin dragon will be the best tea shop in the city now lets make these people some tea".

Back with Flash Sandal said "next is the fire chakra located in the stomach".

Flash then said "I think my fire chakra would like to eat something other that grape and lime juice".

This chakra deals with willpower and is blocked by shame "what are you ashamed of?"

Flash then remembered how he lost his temper in the desert and said "I hurt people because I got mad".

Sandal then said "you need to stop being ashamed you had no control people get mad all the time" Flash the took a breath "Hmm that chakra less like a flowing creek and more like burping dragon".

Flash then burped and said "taste like grape and lime but strangely something else apples?"

Sandal then shrugged his shoulders Back in Canterlot the shadow bolts were watching the girls while hiding and sunset said "I'm tired of wearing this girly outfit I don't know how anyone can fight in this".

Night glider then said "maybe that's why it was easy to bet the mist mane warriors and take there cloths".

Sunset then said "how much longer do we have to serve the air leader? if I have to clean up one more bear dropping I'm gonna throw up".

Princess Gloriosa promised we would go back to the earth kingdom as soon as we capture the avatar we just have to wait".

Sunset then said "shush do you want the whole palace to know were from the earth kingdom".

Then the shadow bolts left and Gloriosa came out and said "good work girls I'm sure the Shadow bolts will deliver the message".

Back with Flash Sandal said "the fourth chakra is the air chakra located in the heart and deals with love and is blocked by grief lay all your grief out in front of you". Flash then saw all the people he lost and the disappeared "they have moved into greatness but life is a great form of energy It swirls all around us the fire citizens love for you has not left this world it is still inside your heart and is reborn in the form of new love" as Flash saw Twilight in the vision "let it flow"

Then Flash smiled and said "can I have some grape and lime juice please".

Later Sandal said "the fifth chakra is the sound chakra located in the throat it deals with truth and is blocked by lies the ones we tell ourselves".

Flash then said "I never wanted to be the avatar".

Sandal then said "you cannot lie about your own nature you must accept that you are the avatar" Flash then took a breath and smiled Sandal then said very good Flash you opened the chakra of truth" later Sandal said "the sixth pool of energy is the light chakra located in the center of the forehead it deals with insight and is blocked by illusion the greatest illusion in this world is the illusion of separation thing you think are separate by difference are actually one in the same".

Flash then said "like the four nations".

Sandal then said "yes we are all the same but we live as if divided".

Then Flash said "were all connected everything is connected".

Sandal then said "that's right even the separation of the four elements is an illusion if you open you mind you will see that all the elements are one all parts of the same whole even cold air is still air just thicker".

Back with Rainbow and Scoots they started to blow air and it got colder so cold they were able to brake open a hole in the box and Rainbow said "alright we rule".

Back in Canterlot Twilight said "what do you think ring tail a cup of tea before heading back to the leader" she went in and gasped when she saw who was working there it was Timber and Stygian and she ran back to the palace.

Back with Flash he said "this is the last chakra isn't it".

Sandal then said "yes once you open this chakra you will be able to go in and out of the avatar state at will and you will be in complete control of the it".

Flash then said "lets do this".

Sandal then said "the final chakra is located in the crown of the head it deals with pure cosmic energy and is blocked by earthly attachment what is it that attaches you to this world?" Flash the closed his eyes and saw Twilight sandal then said "now let all of those attachments go let them flow down the river".

Flash then said "what why would I let go of her I love her?"

Sandal then said "you must let her go or you can't let the pure cosmic energy flow".

Back in Canterlot Twilight ran up to the Mist mane warriors and said "thank goodness your here Cadence something terrible is going on the earth kingdom has gotten into the city I just saw prince Timber and his uncle we have to tell the air leader right away".

Then she got up and said "don't worry I'll be sure to let him know". Twilight then saw eyes and discovered it wasn't Cadence right when Night glider jumped over her and chi blocked her "So Timbers in the city to I think its time for a family reunion".

Back with Flash he said "okay I'll try" then closed his eyes and saw twilight disappear then saw a giant version of himself with glowing eyes and the mark on his arm was glowing to he went up to it but while in it he saw a vision of Twilight in danger and came out of it and said "Twilight is in danger I have to go".

Sandal then said "no Flash if you leave now you won't be able to go into the avatar state at all".

Then Flash jumped down onto Scale and flew away back with Rainbow and Scootaloo the two guys taking them heard a metal clanking sound and went back to see a large hole in the box that looked cold and Zephyr said how did they do this?"

Then they were pushed into the box and rainbow said "its not a trick" as she and scootaloo used cold bending to freeze them "We are the greatest air benders in the world don't you to idiots ever forget".

Then they got away on air scooters Zephyr then said "now what do we do?"

Fire streak then said "after our bodies thaw I think we should sent a letter to Mr. bow hot hoof and tell him we quit".

Zephyr then said "agreed".

Back with Shining Night light said "you ready to go knock so earth kingdom heads?"

Shining then said "this means a lot to me dad I will make you proud".

Night light then said "Shining I have been proud of you for years now and I became even more proud when I learn you were traveling with the avatar".

Shining then said "really?"

Then night light said "why do you think I trusted you to look after the tribe while I was gone".

Then they were about to get on the ship but then Scale landed with Flash and Shining said "this cant be good news" Later they were flying back to Canterlot.

Back in the city to shadow bolts were taking Gloriosa to Caballeron's cell and she said "what is going on these two snatch me from my room and drag me here is this anyway to treat a mist mane warrior?"

Caballeron then said "but your not a mist mane warrior are you princess Gloriosa of the earth kingdom?"

Gloriosa then said "what do you want?"

Then Caballeron said "I want to make a deal in return that I regain control of Canterlot and theirs something I need the air leaders trust".

Gloriosa then said "why should I help you?"

Caballeron then said "because I can get you the avatar".

Then Gloriosa said "I'm listening".

Back with Timber they received a letter from the palace stygian red it and said "I can't believe it".

Timber then asked "what is it?"

Stygian then said "great news we've been invited to serve tea to the air leader".


Author's Note:

Wow that wasn't easy but I got it please leave your thoughts in the comments but for now ghost out.