• Published 11th May 2019
  • 604 Views, 25 Comments

Avatar the last fire bender, book two air - phantom ghost hunter

The avatar story continues as Flash learn air bending get ready.

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Lake Laogai

Shining, Rainbow ,and Scootaloo were sitting around when Twilight and Flash came in and Twilight said "guys we found a printer for the lost Scale poster".

Shining then said "well lets do it".

Later Flash was flying over head dropping flyers while the others were putting up posters. With Timber he and his uncle were working in the tea shop and then one of the costumers said "so your the genus behind this incredible brew I hope your boss pays you well".

Stygian then said "good tea is its own reward".

Then the guy said "but it doesn't have to be the only reward how would you like to have your own tea shop?"

Stygian then said "my own tea shop this is a dream come true for me".

Then the owner of the shop came over and said "what's going on are you trying to take my tea maker?"

The guy then said "sorry pal but that's business for you" then Looked at stygian and said "The tea shop is yours to do whatever it is you like compete creative freedom and I'll provide you with an apartment in the upper city".

Stygian then said "I even get to name the shop" he then handed the tea pot he was holding to the boss and shook hands with the guy then looked at Timber and said "nephew did you hear this man wants to give us our own tea shop in the upper city".

The guy then said "that's right young man your life is about to change for the better".

Timber then said sarcastically "excuse me while I try to contain myself" then walked outside and found one of the flyers Flash was sending out.

Later with Flash he had returned to the house they were staying at and he said "I just finished dropping the flyers has anyone come with news about scale".

Twilight then said "Well its only been a day you need to wait a little longer".

Flash then sat down and two minutes later there was a knock on the door Flash went over and opened it to see it was Angel wings who said "hello Flash, Twilight, Shining, Rainbow, and Scootaloo".

Shining then said "what happened to you did the shadow bolts throw you in jail?"

Angel wings then said "jail no the shadow bolts are our protectors I simply took a short vacation to lake laogai"

Twilight then said "but they replaced you with a woman who also said her name is Angel wings".

Angel wings then said "I'm Angel wings".

Flash then said "why are you here".

Then Angel wings took out one of there flyers and said "handing out flyers and putting up posters is not permitted within the city not with out clearance".

Shining then said "we can wait around for permission on every thing".

Angel wings then said "you are forbidden by the rules of the city to put up more posters".

Then Flash got mad and said "We don't care about the rules and were not asking permission we are going to find Scale on our own and you should stay out of our way!" as he slammed the door.

Shining then said "that might come back to bite us".

Flash then said "I don't care from now on we do whatever it takes to find Scale".

Then Scootaloo said "ya lets brake some rules" than she and Rainbow broke three windows with air bending.

Later with Caballeron he said "I'm upset with your work with the avatar and his friends Angel wings I had hoped you would be able to control the situation".

Angel wings then said "I'm sorry but they don't trust me anymore I don't think I can keep working like this".

Caballeron then said "Angel wings The air leader has invited you to lake laogai".

Then Angel wings eyes grew and she said "I am honored to accept his invitation".

Caballeron then said "good now go await further orders" she then left "if the avatar continues to search for his dragon it could disrupt the balance we worked so hard to achieve It could even cost us control of the air leader".

One of the Shadow bolts then said "shall we take care of them".

Caballeron then said "no its much to dangerous to confront him directly lets see if we can still handle this quietly".

Back with Timber his uncle was packing things and he said "I was thinking about names for my tea shop how about the Jasmin dragon its poetic and has a nice ring to it".

Then Timber show him the flyer and said "the avatar is here in Canterlot and he's lost his dragon".

Stygian then took the flyer and said "we have a chance for a new life here but if you stir up trouble you will ruin all the good things happening to us".

Timber then said "good things that are happening to you have you ever thought that I want more than to live in an apartment and a job serving tea".

Stygian then said "there is nothing wrong with a life of piece and prosperity I suggest you start thinking about what it is you want from life".

Timber then said "I want my destiny".

Stygian then said "what that means is up to you".

Back with Flash the group was putting up posters and Shining said "will spilt up and cover more ground Rainbow, Scoots why don't you two just come with me".

Rainbow then said "why you think we cant put up posters" she then took the brush put glue on the wall then slapped a poster on then said "its upside down isn't it will just go with shining".

They spit up and Twilight was putting posters on a wall when comet came and said "twilight" She then looked around and saw him with a gasp and he said "I think I can help you" Twilight then attacked him with water bending but he said as he pulled out his hook swords "twilight I've changed" as she pushed him into an ally.

Twilight then said "tell it to some other girl Comet" as she threw ice at him.

Comet blocked the ice with his hook swords and then said "I don't want to fight you I'm here to help" then he put down his hook swords and reached behind his back but Twilight then trapped him with ice shards.

Then the others came up and Shining said "Twilight what is it?"

Twilight then said "Comet is back we can't trust anything he says".

Then Shining said "But we don't even know why he's here".

Twilight then said "whatever it is it cant be good".

Comet then said "I'm here to help you find Scale" as he reviled he was holding one of there flyers.

Flash then said "Twilight we have to give him a chance".

Comet then said "I swear I've changed I was a troubled person and I let my anger get the better of me but I don't even have the gang now I've put all that behind me".

Twilight then said "your lying".

Then rainbow went up to him and placed her hand on his chest then said "he's not lying".

Shining then said "how can you tell?"

Rainbow then said "when someone lies there heart rate and breathing increase Scoots and I learned how to sense these changes he's telling the truth".

Flash then said "Twilight we don't have any leads if Comet says he can take us to scale we have to trust him".

Twilight then sighed and said "alright but were not letting you out of our sight".

Later he had lead them to a large building and he said "this is the place I heard about".

Flash then said "there's nothing here".

Then Twilight said "if this is a trap".

Comet then said "I told you I work nearby I heard some guys talk about how they had some big fiery lizard I figured it must be Scale".

Scootaloo then said "he was here" as she held up a dragon scale.

They went to her and Flash said "we missed him".

Then a guy with a broom said "they took that thing yesterday shipped him out to some island bout time I've been cleaning up scales and various droppings all day".

Flash then said "What island?"

"Forman said some rich royal type bought him on whale tail island probably for a zoo or something or could be the meat be good".

Flash flinched and said "we have to get to whale tail island um where is that?"

Then shining pulled out a map and said "far very far" he put down the map and said "here it is its near the south pole almost all the way back home".

Twilight then said "Flash it will take us weeks just to get to the tip of the air nation then will have to find a boat".

Flash then said "I don't care we have a chance to find Scale we have to try".

Then the guy with the broom said "must be nice to visit an island I haven't had a vacation for years".

Twilight then said "don't you have more droppings to clean up".

He then said "okay I got it no more need for old sweepy".

Twilight then said "your right Flash right now we need to find Scale".

Shining then said "okay lets get moving"

Comet then said "I'll come with you".

Twilight then said "we don't need your help".

Later they were walking down town when Dinky and Cheese came out behind them and saw them then Dinky said "Comet!"

Twilight looked back and saw them then said "I thought you said you didn't have you gang anymore".

Comet then said "I don't".

Dinky then hugged Comet and said "we were so worried how did you get away from the Shadow bolts?"

Twilight then said "The Shadow bolts!?"

Dinky then said "He got arrested a week ago".

Comet then said "Why would I be arrested I've been living in the city peacefully".

Then Rainbow and Scoots put the hands on there chests then gave each other a confused look before Rainbow said "this doesn't make sense there both telling the truth".

Twilight then said "but that's impossible".

Shining then said "no its not Rainbow and Scootaloo can't tell who's lying because the both think there telling the truth Comet has been brain washed".

Later at night a Shadow bolt was walking through town when someone in a blue mask ran into he chased after him into an ally then thought he saw him so he air bent so hard it nocked the head of but he saw it was just a scarecrow then the real guy in a mask dropped behind him and held a sword at his neck then said "if you don't want to end up like that guy you will do what I say".

Back with Flash they were all in a room and Twilight said "The shadow bolts must have sent comet to mislead us and that janitor was part of there plan to".

Flash then said "I bet they have Scale here in the city maybe he's in the same place they took Comet were did they take you".

Comet then said "I don't know what your talking about".

Flash then said "we need to find a way to jog his memory".

Then Twilight said "try to think of something from your pasted that triggers you emotions like the earth kingdom remember what they did to your family".

Comet tried but then said "I can't its to painful".

Twilight then said "maybe this will help" as she used her healing abilities on his head he then remembered.

Comet then said "yes I remember they have a secret base at a lake".

Then Shining said "wait remember what Angel wings said she went to lake laogai".

Comet then said "yes that's it lake laogai".

The next morning they arrived at the lake and shining said "so now what" as he leaned on a tree branch but the branch then moved and then a rock moved reviling a tunnel.

Flash then said "nice work shining".

They went in carefully and Comet said "come on I think there's a room up ahead big enough to hold Scale".

With Scale the door to the room he was in opened and a guy in a mask came in and said "now I've got you".

Then stygian walked in and said "what do you know the blue spirit I wonder who's behind that mask Timber".

Timber then took off the mask and said "what are you doing here".

Then Stygian said "I could ask you the same thing so you captured the avatars dragon what do you plan to do".

Timber then said "I will use him to find the avatar its my destiny".

Stygian then said "is it your destiny or a destiny someone chose for you?"

Timber then said "stop it uncle I have to do this".

Stygian then said "I'm begging you prince Timber its time to look inward and begin asking yourself big questions who are you and what do you want?"

Back with Flash they reached a big room but there was nothing in it until Caballeron appeared and said "you have made yourselves enemy's of Canterlot capture them".

Then many Shadow bolts appeared and attacked but they fought back Caballeron tried to get away but Comet and Flash chased after him. When they had him cornered he snapped his fingers and comet started to attack Flash and Flash said "Comet what are you doing?"

Caballeron then said "he doesn't have a choice attack him".

Flash then said "comet I'm your friend look into your heart".

Caballeron then said "take him out" but then comet stopped and broke free from his control then threw one of his hook swords at him but he moved out of the way and shoot a strong gust of air at him that sent him flying into a wall then he ran away.

Then the others came in and Twilight tried to heal him she said "this isn't good".

Dinky then said "you guys go find scale will take care of Comet".

Then Twilight said "We can't leave you here".

Then cheese said "there's no time just go will take care of him he's our leader".

Then they ran out and found the room were Scale was but he was gone then shining noticed something about the chains they weren't opened they were broken by a metal bender they got outside but were soon trapped by Shadow bolts then Flash noticed ring tail was acting weird and said "Ring tail what is it" ring tail then pointed to a shadow coming from the sun and they saw who it was "Scale!" Scale then shoot fire and took out most of the air benders then Caballeron said I can handle you my self as he jumped up to kick him but Scale got his leg in his teeth and throw him into the water then spat out a shoe then the gang when up and hugged him Flash then said "I missed you so much buddie".

They then escaped on Scale then Timber and his uncle came out and Stygian said "you did the right thing" then Timber took out his mask and Stygian said "leave it behind" and Timber threw it into the water.


Author's Note:

Well thats anothor one down please leave your thoughts in the coments but for now ghost out.