• Published 31st Mar 2019
  • 2,561 Views, 196 Comments

My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - The Friendship Chronicles - Hotspot the 626th

The mystery of the world. That neverending adventure. And new friends to meet you at every stop. The journey of the new Straw Hat Pirates has only just begun!

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Episode 7

Lord Arceus Arrives

The Pokémon of Lively Town rejoiced at their triumph and celebrated for the rest of the day. Riolu had returned with the items Ampharos requested, along with Audino as medical back up. However, by the time they arrived, the Ultra Beast was vanquished, and everyone was utterly exhausted. Audino quickly got to work in helping everyone's recovery. Using both a variety of Berries and her attacks that provided healing, the group was soon back on their feet and hooves within a short time.

Of course, having just saved the town from a significant threat, the Pokémon of Lively Town threw a celebration for the group. By the time evening began, the Pokémon had already decorated the town festively and prepared all manner of entertainment and food. Never the group to turn down a party, the Straw Hat Pirates showed these creatures how the ponies like to party.

Luffy ate to his heart’s content along with the recovering Snorlaxes of Berry Grove. Zoro drank and shared alcohol with his fellow sword wielders, whom most could only barely handle the hard cider. Usopp, Chopper, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Spike played games with Pikachu, Eevee, and Riolu. Franky brought out his guitar and played it along with many other Pokémon that could perform musical sound. Applejack and Sanji hanged around the chef Pokémon, watching how they cooked up the various berries. The rest sat around with the members of the Expedition Society conversing mostly with Ampharos and Mawile. Everyone was having a great time.

Then, a newcomer appeared. It was a little white creature shaped somewhat like a star, at least at the head. It floated over from the Expedition Society building, looking as if it had just awakened. The members of the Expedition Society were amazed at the sight of this new Pokémon, whom the Straw Hat Pirates did not know. Mawile quickly explained to them.

“This is our final member, Jirachi. He’s a Mythical Pokémon and our astronomer.”

Once the Pokémon Jirachi arrived at the group and became fully awake, it greeted its friends and fellow members. It then noticed the company they were keeping and appeared surprised. It talked to Ampharos and Mawile for a moment before approaching the group smiling.

“Hello!” spoke a voice through the ponies’ mind. “I’m Jirachi. Thank you for helping my friends against that Ultra Beast.”

All the ponies there were shocked. “W-What the…?” said Nami confused.

Twilight, however, was quick to understand. “Telepathy,” she concluded evidently.

Jirachi nodded. “Correct!”

“But how can we understand you and vice versa?” asked Twilight.

“Oh, this isn’t the first time I’ve communicated with ponies. It has been a while though, like, centuries.”

Again, the ponies were shocked. Besides the royal Alicorn family, none of them had ever heard of any other being that was as long-lived. Robin was especially intrigued. She wanted to ask questions, especially ones about that exact time, but the Mythical Pokémon appeared to have something in mind for the group.

“You guys deserve a gift,” said Jirachi surely. “How about I grant you all a special ability?”

“What do you mean?” asked Twilight.

Jirachi did not say – via its telepathy – anything. It closed its eyes, began to hum, and started floating above the group. Everyone watched – the Pokémon too – as the little creature began to glow a brilliant white. The whole party began to witness the Pokémon; and then, Jirachi’s body revealed something strange: a third eye. It was seen only for a second before a bright light blinded everyone. The brightness only lasted for a second before fading away. Everyone quickly looked back to see the Pokémon floating back down to the group, its third eye now closed. Once at head level to the ponies, Jirachi opened its eyes and smiled.

“All done!” spoke the Pokémon cheerfully.

The group of pirates gasped. “You can talk?!”

Then, all the Pokémon around them gasped. “You can talk?!”

Also, for a second time… “You can talk too?!”

Immediately, Jirachi explained what it had done to the group: the whole group. It had granted all of them the ability to communicate with all Pokémon and be understood by them in turn. It amazed the group, and they all gratefully thanked the creature for its gift. Most of the Pokémon were thankful as well except Ampharos and Mawile were a bit shellshocked. After all, they had taken the time to learn Ponish just for this occasion. In the end, their feelings of regret faded into amusement as open communication with their new friends reached a new zenith of intrigue. Every Pokémon wanted to talk to one or all of the pirates.

However, it would not last long.

“Hey!” a shout interrupted the conversations, and everyone looked over to the stage. There on it were a troupe of Pokémon. There was a Meowth, Mime Jr., Cacnea, Wobbuffet, Arbok, Chimecho, Ludicolo, a Stuful and Bewear, and three Whismur and a Loudred.

The Meowth then spoke again, “Dat’s enough yappin’! It’s time for the Poké-party Dance!”

All the Straw Hat Pirates wore the same blank expression upon hearing the cat. “The Poké-what?” they all asked.

On cue from Meowth, both the Mime Jr., the Ludicolo, and the Cacnea stepped forward and held their arms in the air. They both began to glow, and immediately, music started playing from nowhere.

“Yeah!” Meowth exclaimed playfully.

As the song began, the Pokémon around Meowth started to grunting to the tempo. At the same time, the same glow on the three Pokémon dancing soon started to covering everyone including the Straw Hat Pirates. Everyone immediately stood up and commenced nodding their head to the beat like the Pokémon on stage. No one could fight this notion which made a few members of the group scared.

“What’s happening?!” shouted Usopp confusedly.

“Alright!” Pinkie Pie yelled out with excitement. “A song! I love those!”

Rarity then asked the question on everyone’s minds, “Why can’t we move?”

“It’s Teeter Dance,” Ampharos explained, while also under its effect. “It makes you wanna dance!”

“Really?!” replied the group shocked.

“Just enjoy it,” Mawile said begrudgingly. “It’ll only last for a little while.”

“Everybody,” shouted Meowth as he twirled a baton. “Let’s go!”

“Wooooobuffet!” announced Wobuffet. Moreover, from there, the Pokémon on stage began to sing and dance while everyone else just danced.

Here's your ticket,
Hit the floor and kick it!

Meowth: No sense stayin' in a chair, no!

Chorus: Music, pumpin',
Now the joint is jumpin'!

Meowth: Slidin' and glidin' through the air!

Meowth: Now's the time for shakin',
For turnin' 'round and wakin'
The sleepyhead that's in your bed; the fun is for the takin'!
Forget about the snoozers,
'Cause snoozin's for the losers,
Since everything is lookin' up then let's party down!

Every single Pokémon
That knows what is goin' on
Is there to sing and shake that thing until the break of day, hey!
Check out the way my friends are spinnin',
It keeps us all a-grinnin',
And giddy in a Pokémonic way.

Chorus: Here's your ticket,
Hit the floor and kick it!

Meowth: No sense sittin' this one out, yo!

Chorus: Don't be tardy,
Join the Poké-party!

Meowth: Time for the Poké-party dance!

Through the song, and even after the singing ceased for a while, Pokémon and pirates continued to dance with complete synchronization. Never had any of the ponies, Minotaur, baby dragon, or elephant dance in such a way. Many of them were disturbed by their inability to control their movements along with what dance moves they miraculously knew. Others, like Pinkie Pie, were far more willing to lose themselves to the beat and dancing, even if it was not their own.

Then, the music shifted tone. It became more formal and downbeat. The response from the crowd soon matched that as Pokémon and pirate began to pair up suddenly. Among those that had paired up were Sanji and Applejack, both blushing. Zoro and Scyther, both doing so begrudgingly. Pinkie Pie and Ampharos were greatly enjoying dancing together. Robin and Mawile were completely straightfaced while dancing. Luffy was very confused as he danced with one of the Snorlax. Nami and Rarity, while also baffled, were at least okay with their partner. Fluttershy was happy enough to dance with Funkfreed. Chopper was downtrodden as he wanted to dance with Fluttershy but got stuck with Pikachu.

However, soon, the music picked back up to its original tone and everyone separated. Everyone still had to dance the same moves as before, but now, they were less embarrassing than what occurred earlier. Soon, the Pokémon troupe on stage began to sing again.

Chorus: Here's your ticket,
Hit the floor and kick it!

Meowth: No sense stayin' in a chair, no!

Chorus: Music, pumpin',
Now the joint is jumpin'!

Meowth: Slidin' and glidin' through the air!

Meowth: Now's the time for shakin',
For turnin' 'round and wakin'
The sleepyhead that's in your bed; the fun is for the takin'!
Forget about the snoozers,
'Cause snoozin's for the losers,
Since everything is lookin' up then let's party down!

Every single Pokémon
That knows what is goin' on
Is there to sing and shake that thing until the break of day, hey!
Check out the way my friends are spinnin',
It keeps us all a-grinnin',
And giddy in a Pokémonic way.

Chorus: Here's your ticket,
Hit the floor and kick it!

Meowth: No sense sittin' this one out, yo!

Chorus: Don't be tardy,
Join the Poké-party!

Meowth: Time for the Poké-party dance!

The song ended, and all the Pokémon went into a roar of cheer. Most of them had very much enjoyed the dance and song. As for the pirates, all of them collapsed either tired or utterly embarrassed.

Once they recovered though, the party continued. The troupe even continued dancing and singing, but without the use of Teeter Dance to control everyone else to dance. Franky and Luffy also joined them as Franky strummed his guitar and Luffy taught everyone his weird dance with chopsticks placed between his nose and lower lip while holding out a basket. It quickly became a hit among the Pokémon who quickly copied the Earth pony. Pokémon and pirate both laughed at the sight but enjoyed the entertainment very much, and the party continued well into the night.

Eventually, Lively Town had at last fallen asleep. The music was over, the lights all out, the food and drink consumed, and every creature was now sleeping where they collapsed. It was the same for even the Straw Hat Pirates and the Expedition Society members. Most of them remained resting in the streets while a few had turned in early back to the Thousand Sunny; they were Nami, Twilight, and Rarity. But not all were napping; in fact, there were still three creatures awake at the moment.

Ever the night owl, Robin had remained firmly active to ask her questions eventually. It appeared Mawile was similar in her night routines, and Jirachi simply was not tired yet. When she found the moment, she asked the two to join her in front of the plaque where she and her crew met the Tapus. There now, with only the three of them, Robin began to ask her questions.

“This plaque,” she mentioned with a gesture, “it is written in a language I am all too familiar with, but why is it here? What is the Pokémon’s connection to the Poneglyphs and the Void Century?”

In the morning, the third day, the Straw Hat Pirates prepared to leave the continent of New Earthia. All the Pokémon of Lively helped them out by gathering supplies for their journey across the sea. It was Pokémon’s way of showing gratitude to their friends for protecting their home and fellow Pokémon. The group received whole barrels full of Berries, one of every kind. Sanji was most appreciative for this as he wanted to experiment with these fruits. Soon, they were all ready to leave, but they still had to say good-bye to all their new friends. Now being able to talk to them, the two groups had significantly bonded between each other. Zoro had especially done so with the group of Pokémon practicing the way of the sword. Still, they were especially close to Ampharos, Mawile, and Team Indigo.

“Do you really have to go?” asked Pikachu glumly. “You could join my team, and help Pokémon all over New Earthia.”

“That would be fun,” Luffy said, now having second thoughts.

Twilight politely interceded. “Sorry, Pikachu, but we have family back home to see, and from what I recall about your leader, he doesn’t sound all too friendly to ponies.”

“Well, don’t let that stop ya from visiting again,” Ampharos stated happily. “The fact that Lugia let you through in the first place shows that you all are definitely worthy of our friendship.”

“Lugia?” asked the two blood siblings.

Mawile explained, “He’s the Legendary Pokémon that oversees this part of New Earthia and is the guardian of the current. Nothing comes in without his good graces.”

Twilight then had a moment of epitome. “So, the creature that rescued me, Luffy, and Nami was this ‘Lugia’ Pokémon.”

“Maybe,” Ampharos said with a shrug. “It’s hard to tell without proof.”

Luffy then shouted, “Hey, Nami!” when the orange-mane Pegasus showed herself he then followed up with a question. “Do you still have that weird feather?”

“Yeah!” Nami flew down and revealed to the Pokémon the oddly shaped silver feather Luffy had once found on her. To the group’s surprise, all the Pokémon marveled at the sight.

“That is indeed Lugia’s feather,” Mawile confirmed with certainty.

“Astonishing!” Ampharos exclaimed joyfully. “This is clear proof that your arrival was more than just happenstance!”

While the Straw Hat crew was confused over what their friend meant, they soon had little time to delve into it. Suddenly, the wind began to pick up from inland, catching everyone off guard. On the wind, mighty cries, roars, and screeches echoed with great ferocity. The wind began to die down and everyone quickly recovered, but they all soon noticed the presence of many.

“Holy!” shouted Rainbow Dash in shock.

In the skies and the town, many beings had arrived. They all varied in size and appearance, but all of them looked dangerous. Among them, floating in the center of the group, was the white equine creature with the gold wheel on its abdomen. It glared down upon the group, along with the others, with vicious anger.

“Who are all these guys?!” shouted Nami frightenedly.

Jirachi nervously answered, “Its Lord Arceus, and many of the Legendary and Mythical Pokémon!”

And those of with Arceus: Landorus, Tornadus, Thundurus, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virivion, Keldeo, Cresselia, Darkrai, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini, Suicune, Entei, Raikou, Reshiram, Zekrom, Latios, Latias, and Rayquaza.

“What are they all doing here?!” shouted Munchlax in a panic.

Clenching his teeth mad, Ampharos pulled out an armband and a bow, each holding the same kind of stone with a DNA helix pattern. “I didn’t expect to have to use these,” he muttered.

The Light Pokémon then turned to his friends. “Go! Now!” he shouted.

The Straw Hat Pirates did so immediately. They all hurried onto their ship as the Pokémon around them began to flee except the members of the Expedition Society and the Way of the Sword Pokemon. Taking the lead, Ampharos then tossed the bow to Mawile, who caught it and placed it on her head where her second mouth was connected. Ampharos put the armband on his arm. The stones began to glow and the two Pokémon were suddenly encased in a pink orb. The casing then bursts and reveals two new but similar Pokémon: Mega Ampharos and Mega Mawile. The pirates were utterly amazed by their transformation while hurrying to set sail. These Pokémon stood between the Legendary and Mythical Pokémon and their friends, much to the chagrin of Arceus.

“Move aside,” commanded the Alpha Pokémon severely.

Mega Ampharos remained defiant. “We won’t allow you – any of you – to hurt our friends!”

“Please, listen!” shouted Jirachi, floating up to be more clearly seen, “These ponies are-”

“Trespassing!” roared Arceus furiously. He then commanded out, “Rid them from our lands!”

The Legendaries and the Mythical Pokémon roared out in readiness. From the town, a pack of canine-like creatures following one that was larger and silver charged forward. It is Silvally and Type: Nulls. Above them, a squadron of purple and red flying saucers followed as well: they are Genesect. They were the vanguard, and would not stop until they accomplished their mission.

Immediately, the two Mega Pokémon and the Sword Pokémon attacked the pack of canine-like Pokémon. Jirachi and the rest of the Expedition Society attempted to stop the Genesect. Together, they were able to repel the group.

“Kokoo!” To the Pokémon and pirates’ surprise, Tapu Koko also joined in repelling the attack. As it turned out, it had grown to trust them after all.

Unfortunately, seeing their comrades getting defeated prompted the other Legendaries and Mythical Pokémon to attack. The group of regular Pokémon and Tapu Koko tried their best to hold even one back, but they could not match these Pokemon in strength. It would appear that they would catch their friends and likely destroy them.

“Almost there,” Twilight said painstakingly.

Currently, Twilight Sparkle and all the other unicorns were around the mechanism that absorbed magic and giving it thus. Having noticed how dangerous the situation was turning, the Straw Hat first-mate had requested that all the unicorns pour their magic into it to hopefully escape with teleportation. Zoro abstained from doing so to protect the ship. The others agreed quickly and gave as much as they could. Usopp and then Rarity were the first to finish before Robin next. Twilight was the last but had to be careful as she was the one who had to cast the spell.

However, the Legendaries and Mythical Pokémon were already upon them, and Twilight was not yet ready to cast her spell. Would this be the end for the Straw Hat Pirates?

Suddenly, a mighty current of water began to lift the Thousand Sunny. Not only raising the ship but also forcing back the now confused Pokémon. The stream stopped but then carried the vessel out to sea. As it did, the melodic call that the pirates had heard before arriving in New Earthia echoed through the torrent.

Immediately, Luffy and Nami looked over the railing. Neither one could see the Pokémon, but they finally knew what it was. “Lugia…”

The Legendaries and Mythical Pokémon were soon back to attack the group. Before they could strike, attacks of fire, ice, and lightning struck them first. The Straw Hat Pirates looked up to see three birds, each representing one of those elements, flew past them and attacking the other Pokémon. Right behind them, the group then saw many, smaller Pokémon floating down to help those birds. Many of them were cute in appearance; yet, they all could repel the much larger Pokémon from attacking them. It was astonishing.

“Pokémon really are interesting creatures,” Robin commented amusedly.

Spike then added, “But dangerous too!”

“I hope we get to see them again someday,” Luffy said with a smile. A sentiment shared among his entire crew. He then turned to Twilight, who looked ready.

“Twi, get us outta here!”

“You got it!” Twilight then twisted the nod and placed her hoof on the dome. “Emergency Escape, Magical Teleportation!”

The Thousand Sunny immediately became immersed in magic, various colors mixing since four sources of magic were donated. A second later, the entire ship vanished off the top of the water tornado.

Noticing the boat’s disappearance, the creature controlling this torrent ceased doing so. Before the water column could collapse, it swam up the stream and revealed itself to all the Legendaries and Mythical Pokémon around; it was Lugia.

Greatly angered, Arceus floated over and approached the Legendary Pokémon. The fighting all stopped as every Pokémon focused on these two individuals. Once close enough, Arceus stopped before the birdlike Pokémon and demanded only one thing of it.

“You will explain this, Lugia.”


Author's Note:

Teeter Dance! Teeter Dance! Tee-ter Dance!

Oh man, that was a close one. Who knows what ALL those Pokemon would've done to the Straw Hat crew. Though, I wonder where they teleported to?

Where would you go if such a situation was occurring?