• Published 31st Mar 2019
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My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - The Friendship Chronicles - Hotspot the 626th

The mystery of the world. That neverending adventure. And new friends to meet you at every stop. The journey of the new Straw Hat Pirates has only just begun!

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Episode 3

A Lively Introduction!
Welcome to the Town of Monsters

“Did that thing just talk pony?”

That was the question on all the Straw Hat Pirates’ minds – while Nami vocalized it – as they all stared dumb and confused at the creature in front of them. Moments ago, they had been fighting against four powerful beings that were capable of taking on many of them together — even giving Luffy, their strongest fighter, a hard time despite an advantage. The whole battle ceased when two more creatures, different from the ones they were fighting, intervened. These newcomers – a tall, yellow giraffe-sheep and an imp with a large ponytail like a flytrap – were not only able to convince the Straw Hat Pirates’ opponents to stop their attack but also approach them with little fear. And then, the most shocking event occurred; the giraffe talked like a pony.

Het even spoke again. “Hel…lo, poniessss,” the creature said again, only slightly better sounding.

Not many of the Straw Hat Pirates wanted to respond. They thought it was both unusual and slightly creepy. Much to their surprise, some did talk back.

“Hi!” replied Luffy cheerfully.

“Luffy!” shouted most of his crew except Pinkie Pie.

The pink mare also greets the creatures. “Hiya!” she said cheerily.

“Pinkie!” the same group shouted now towards the Earth Pony.

Regardless, the response from both ponies made the talking creature joyous. It then spoke in, what they assumed to be, its native tongue to its partner. The monster, its tone sounding feminine, spoke back in her language. They appeared to finish speaking to each other as both looked back at the group. The tall creature then began to talk again in their language.

“Wel…back, ponies! Mine name…is Amp-or-ros, and wel…back too Liver Town!”

None of the Straw Hat Pirates understood what the creature said. Everything it said sounded broken and wrong, which confused most of them.

Noticing this, the tall creatures partner stepped forward. She too began to speak, “I’m sorry for our leader’s poor language skills. We’ve only recently been able to…” she seemed to have some difficulty finding a word, “interpret your language.”

The tall creature let out a chuckle. “Sore-ee,” he replied bashfully, having understood his partner's words.

Again, everyone was speechless. Not only had one of these creatures learned their language, but another did and was more fluent in speaking it. They had never had such an encounter before.

The imp creature, noticing the silence, thought it would be best to continue. “I am Mawile, and this the leader of the Expedition Society, Ampharos.”

“Hiya!” greeted Ampharos cheerfully.

Before anyone could speak further, the yellow being that had fought Luffy began to crow with disdain. Ampharos immediately rushed over to the creature and began to speak in his native tongue again to the beast. Not only the yellow creature but the others with it joined in speaking out, potentially against whatever it was he and Mawile were attempting to do with the Straw Hat Pirates. For the moment, none of the pirates made any quick actions less they incur the wrath of those four creatures. Sensing these worries, Mawile approached the group slowly with a friendly smile

“Please forgive the Tapus,” she told the group apologetically. “They are our guardians, and they only thinking of our town’s best interests.”

Of course, none of the group understood what Mawile meant, despite speaking their language. She thus began to explain to the group; firstly, by pointing to the four creatures communicating to Ampharos. “Those are the Tapus. The yellow one is Tapu Koko. Pink is Tapu Lele. The red is Tapu Bulu. And finally, Tapu Fini is the purple one.”

“What are they?” asked Twilight immediately. “And for that matter, what are you and…Amp-far-ros? Exactly?”

“Oh, I guess a more proper introduction is in order,” Mawile stated politely.

“We are the Pokémon, most of our species live here on the continent of New Earthia, and this is our home, Lively Town.”

“Pokémon?” repeated Twilight confused.

“New Earthia,” Robin said seemingly recognizing the name.

“Oh, Lively Town,” Pinkie Pie said relieved. “For a while, I thought this place really was called ‘Liver Town.’ Wouldn’t that be weird.”

“Again, I apologize for his crude language skills,” Mawile said apologetically.

Then, the Straw Hat Pirates noticed that three of the four Tapus took off flying, leaving behind Tapu Koko. The rest were heading towards the mountains. As for Tapu Koko, it sent a glare towards the pirates before flying off as well but only into the forest nearby. Ampharos was approaching the group now, grinning with triumph.

“Lo-ooks like I bou-ght you all some time,” spoke Ampharos proudly.

Nami immediately asked, “What do you mean?”

Ampharos was about to speak but immediately stopped itself. He looked as if he had not a clue on how to talk to the group. So, he spoke to Mawile using his native tongue. The creature known as a Pokémon nodded and then addressed the group.

“It appears that our leader has convinced the Tapus to report your arrival to Lord Arceus, which is a three-day trip by flying.”

Robin asked, “Who is ‘Lord’ Arceus.”

Mawile took a moment to think before answering. “He is…the Original One. The great Alpha Pokémon that rules and guides us along with many Legendary and Mythical Pokémon that serve as his assistants in watching over our lands.”

Immediately, Usopp let out a gasp. “This sounds a little too awfully familiar,” he whispered frightenedly.

“Meanwhile, Tapu Koko will keep track of you all to make sure you do not try anything deemed evil or bad while in our care,” Mawile continued bluntly.

“That’s…assuring,” Rarity stated with some nervousness.

Then, Ampharos suddenly let out a squeal in delight, which nearly scared the group. “I cannot…be-leave it! Fine-al-ly! We haa-ve a cha-ance to le-urn aboot the mist-ter-ious ponies dat live be-yond our shores! Wat a dr-eem come true!”

While the Straw Hats were confused by Ampharos exclamation, they turned to Mawile who was giggling at the same scene. “Excuse our leader. He is a very boisterous soul who loves to uncover new mysteries,” she told the group.

Twilight smiled instantly. “That sounds familiar,” she said before eying her brother, who only chuckled in return.

Now that their introductions were out of the way, Ampharos and Mawile both felt it best to invite their guests inside their base, the building at the top of the cliff. There they could provide them with food, and in exchange, they hoped they could swap information. Luffy instantly accepted the offer, on account of food, but everyone else felt it would be a good idea regardless. They all joined the two Pokémon and traveled up the road straight ahead. It would be a slight walk, but it gave the Straw Hat Pirates a chance to notice their surroundings again.

For all around them, the town seemed to come quietly to life.

All manner of creatures began peering from behind their hiding places. Some from within the buildings, some from atop buildings, some from around buildings and objects, and some even coming up from underground. Many creatures were slightly showing themselves everywhere around the group as they somehow gained the courage to do so.

Zoro then asked the question on everyone’s minds. “What are those?”

“They are Pokémon too,” replied Mawile. She then explained, “We come in all shapes and sizes.”

Ampharos spoke as well. “They…are the city-zens of Lively Town,” he explained.

The crew was amazed by their surroundings. The pirates could see that these creatures were truely of many shapes and sizes. Some appeared like animals, others similar to plants, some looked like bugs, and many others seemed like living objects. Many were small, but some were big, surprising that they felt the need to hide.

Eventually, the group reached the compound that was the Expedition Society’s base. It looked very different up close than it had from the sea, more like an observatory. The walls surrounding it were, in reality, large stones cut or made into rectangular shapes. At the front of the building, next to the door, there was a billboard with many posts attached to it. On their way in, some of the group looked it over out of curiosity. Not surprisingly, they could not read it; but more surprisingly, it appeared that their way of written communication was nothing more than a paw print.

“How does anyone read this?” asked Applejack baffled.

Mawile quickly explained, “We Pokémon are very intuned to each other. Its how we can all speak so differently yet completely understand each other.

Everyone sounded impressed by the answer; however, Robin remained skeptically. For her, the creature’s explanation did not account for the plaque in the center of town. It had a written language that was not what the modern-day Pokémon was utilizing. However, for now, she kept quiet and would bide her time for an opportunity to search for answers.

Once inside, with Funkfreed being asked to stay outside, everyone got to see the spacious hall of the Expedition Society. Franky could even fit inside but just barely. The room was very cozy and comforting with a circling desk opposite of them. On both sides of the counter, two doorways lead further into the building. As the Straw Hat Pirates became settled, Ampharos and Mawile seem to be preparing for something.

“And now,” started Mawile in a showy manner, “meet the rest of our Expedition Society.”

“Ampharo!” Ampharos called out immediately, directed towards the inside of the building.

Suddenly, the Straw Hat Pirates could feel the floor rumble with movement. They all looked at the doorways in anticipation of what kinds of Pokémon would come out. It was only a few seconds of waiting when nine creatures dashed out from the back. While they stumbled a little over themselves, they quickly got in line and stood before their guests. Of course, Luffy and many others were amazed.

“Unfortunately, not many of our members have been able to pick up your language quite yet,” Mawile stated evenly. “So, I’ll be giving the introductions.”

First, there was pink Pokémon that looked like a star wearing red teacher’s glasses, Clefairy. As most members had jobs or positions, she had a job as the secretary for the society. She collected rewards, missions, and handled much of the paperwork. Next came an orange weasel, Buziel. He played the part of being the group’s underwater expert, and confident in his title. To the pirates' surprise, the bird Pokémon Trumbeak was also a member and used her flying capabilities to be their stoic air specialist. Then came a very tough-looking, steely, and large mole creature, Excadrill. He took his job as an underground professional serious. The chipper Dedenne, a little mouse Pokémon with red cheeks with whiskers on them, acted as the society’s communicator. There was a green bearlike creature, who was currently munching on an apple, whose skill as a chef was unmatched in town, Munchlax. Also, there was the angelic creature with feathery ears with two long and curled earlobes, Audino. She took care of the injured and sick for not only the society but all of Lively Town. Finally, there came the group’s last three members.

“And these are our newest members to join,” Mawile said before introducing them one by one.

“Pichu…” He was also very mouse-like but stood only slightly taller than Dedenne with a black bent-shaped tail. His head had a tuft of yellow fur sticking out, and his cheeks had a black zigzag on each one.

“Eevee…” This creature looked similar to a fox but was mostly brown. She also had some fur tied into a small ponytail that hung off the side of her head and behind her ears.

“And lastly, Riolu.” The group could recognize this creature as being a black-and-blue, bipedal dog. It stood the tallest out of its group with piercing but gentle red eyes.

Most of the females except for Robin gushed over these three creatures. “They’re so cute!” they all stated in unison.

Ampharos then spoke jovially, “And dat’s most of our grr-oup!”

Mawile quickly explained, “We have one more member, but he’s probably still sleeping in the observatory.”

“He’s…scare-ee if he’s wo-ken up earl-lee,” Ampharos stated with some nervousness.

“Oh, like Zoro,” Chopper stated innocently.

“Oi!” shouted Zoro.

The Straw Hat Pirates immediately introduced themselves back to the Pokémon of the Expedition Society. Ampharos then declared, both in his language and Ponish, that there would be a feast in honor of their guests. Of course, being the Straw Hat Pirates, they would never turn down a party and free food. It seemed that, likewise, the Expedition Society members were also exuberant about throwing a party. In moments, the whole Expedition Society building was erupting to joyous laughter and cheerful shouts. Within the society’s banquet hall, the pirates feasted with the Pokémon and made new memories.

Being the chef, Munchlax prepared all the food. He also nearly ate half of it but settled on a quarter as he also had to deal with Luffy’s equally ravenous appetite and a knack for stealing food. When Munchlax was not trying to eat the food, he was instead showing Sanji the food he prepared and how it cooked. Once Sanji showed him his ability to cook, the two together cooked up a storm to fill all stomachs. The others sat around the mat – not a table – and enjoyed themselves with the other Pokémon much like Sanji had.

Luffy took a liking to not only Ampharos but to the three newcomers that made up a team, Team Indigo. Thanks for Ampharos partially, but also badly, translating, he learned of the group’s exciting missions to discover new places and help out other Pokémon. Usopp, Chopper, and Spike joined in too, and they all told stories, both real and lies, to the group of their adventures out at sea.

Many of the mares sat around some of the cuter Pokémon like Dedenne and Clefairy and occasionally conversed with others around the dining mat. Clefairy seemed to have a firm sense of organization and tidiness with an educator’s attitude. It shocked no one that Twilight got along considerably with her. The rest cuddled with Dedenne, who did not mind whatsoever.

Zoro seemed to have sensed a warrior’s spirit in both Excadril and Buziel. All three sat together and shared a drink, called merely “Berry Juice,” only to make a competition out of it. Franky soon joined them, even sharing some of his stash of emergency cola. The two Pokémon found the new taste exhilarating.

Rainbow Dash took an interest in the bird Pokémon Trumbeak. She even wanted to do a sky obstacle race with her to see her skills in action.

While soft-spoken, Fluttershy and Audino were a perfect conversational pair. Both were a little shy, but it would seem that shyness had its own language that allowed them to communicate with each other.

That left Robin and Mawile practically by themselves. Despite their noisy friends all around them, both held a refined and patient appearance. They equally displayed their comfortability in such a chaotic setting. Moreover, while everyone else had their fun, they were probing each other for information.

“Where is that you come from?”

“Equestria, a land full of ponies,” replied Robin. She then asked her own, “How many kinds of Pokémon live on this continent?”

“Over 800 confirmed, but New Earthia is a big and wide place.” Mawile then asked her next question, “Do you have a position within your group?”

“Archeologist.” Mawile reacted with surprise, stopping Robin from asking her question.

“I too am an archeologist.” Robin immediately smiled.

Both then raised their drinks, sharing the comradery as seekers of the knowledge from the past. The action did not go unnoticed by Luffy, who instantly copied the gesture but only as a sign of cheer. Soon, everyone around the dinner mat began to do the same. Neither Robin nor Mawile minded, and they too joined in the toast.

Meanwhile, none of the group had noticed the audience they had unintentionally gathered. The town Pokémon had allowed their curiosity to rule our their fear and stood around the Expedition Society building. Small, tall, short, broad, and all sorts of shaped and sized Pokémon wanted to see these new creatures they once were so afraid of. From their observations now, they began to feel less worried over their guests. They all could feel the positive energies coming from the building and the dining hall specifically.

And they came to realize; no creature that laughed and smiled like these “ponies” could be entirely bad.


Author's Note:

Congrats to all the super-geniuses who figured out my little mystery. I tried my best, though I am just an amateur :derpytongue2:

As you can see, Pokemon too is included in the large verse that is Nakama is Magic. But maybe some of you - don't blame yourself - might remember that this isn't the first mention of Pokemon. In the main story, there was a subtle hint that a character (from One Piece) within this world is, in fact, a Pokemon.

But if you didn't, don't worry; I'll make it clear by the end of Part 2 :raritywink: