• Published 31st Mar 2019
  • 2,561 Views, 196 Comments

My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - The Friendship Chronicles - Hotspot the 626th

The mystery of the world. That neverending adventure. And new friends to meet you at every stop. The journey of the new Straw Hat Pirates has only just begun!

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Episode 5

On the other side of the cliff which the Expedition Society building stood upon, there is a grove of trees each bearing their fruit of unique shape and color. The sign outside called this area the “Berry Grove.” Right next to it, sleeping soundly beneath a tree was the grove’s guardians. They are massively large creatures appearing like an overstuffed bear, Snorlax. While they laid slumbering peacefully, much was going on within the field of Berry trees.

Earlier, Sanji and his group were following Munchlax into this area. They were now walking through the grove with baskets in hoof and trunk. Franky had taken off to find some wood that was not these fruit-bearing trees; most of them were too small and thin to be useable. The others collected the new food these trees bore. Applejack was a natural pick for this task, having been born and raised on a farm. Also, with Funkfreed as their carrier, they could collect plenty for everyone to try these strange but interesting tasting fruits.

“Yee-howdy!” exclaimed Applejack, carrying a bucket of red-and-yellow Berries on her back. “I don’t know what these are, but they nearly taste like apples!”

Sanji, carrying a bucket with a variety of Berries, smirked with content. “All these other Berries are pretty interesting too. I can’t wait to start testing dishes out.”

Trailing behind them, Funkfreed held a blue Berry in his trunk. He immediately ate it, and he began to trumpet happily at the taste. Both Applejack and Sanji glanced back with a smile as the elephant’s trumpeting became like a song of joy. Munchlax was even jumping to the rhythm with a spiky purple Berry he was munching on.

Then, there came a shout. “Yo!” The group looked over to see Franky walking towards them with many pieces of lumber over his shoulder.

“I’ve got all I could get. Looks like you two collected a whole super heap of fruit.”

“Ya darn tootin’!” replied Applejack jollily.

“Munch munchlax!” spoke the Pokémon happily.

Suddenly, after they all convened together, there came a flash of light. The group’s conversation paused as they all instantly took notice of the event. An unearthly sound, like whizzing, drew all their attention back towards from where Applejack, Sanji, and Munchlax came. In the middle of the path they took, there was now a tunnel-like hole that appeared as if it had broken through a painting, causing many cracks to form around the gape.

“What is that?” asked the entire group; Munchlax speaking similarly.

Then, without warning, a red muscular arm reached through the opening. The sight of it bursting through shocked the group thoroughly. The arm tried to pull the rest of its body out of the small hole but it could not. It then retreated inside for the moment only for a bulbous and muscular red body with a pair of orange insect wings to enter through instead. Despite its bigger size, the creature was able to force its way through the tunnel, backward. It immediately landed on four legs that lacked any foot. The being began to stand, now seen clearly taller than Franky but not quite at Funkfreed’s height. It then turned around to reveal its full muscular physique, its metallic proboscis that appeared like a needle, and its head that was of that of an insect’s own. Upon seeing the group with its compound eyes, the creature let out a loud grunt and flexed its entire body, making its muscles protrude out threateningly.

Immediately, Sanji stepped forward in front of everyone protectively. He also shouted with confusion, “What the hell is that?!”


A new roar attracted the group’s and the creature’s attention. They looked over towards the entrance of the grove where all three Snorlaxes now stood awake and angry. The group of Pokémon began to walk forward, eyeing specifically the newcomer to the orchard. Sanji’s group quickly stepped aside to let these big guardians take care of the unknown being. For some reason, it allowed the slow-moving Pokémon to surround it, but it did not look afraid.

In fact, this creature – Buzzwole – looked to be relishing the challenge.

The Intense Fight of
Pony and Pokémon

“I think he went over here!” shouted Spike to the others.

In the gym area, the other Straw Hats except Zoro were approaching the others, Nami, Rarity, and Fluttershy as well as Eevee and Riolu. They had been found by Spike who had been looking for Luffy after he went flying. The group was not alone as they trotted over. They had with them many more Pokémon that had taken an interest in them. Among the group was a Nuzleaf, a Marill, a Machop and Machoke, an Aipom, Staravia, a Tranquill, a Pancham, a Crabrawler, and a Bagon. They all walked over to the sidelines near the other ponies, who were watching something ahead.

“Hey, guys!” called out Usopp to their friends. “Have you seen Luff-”


The shout grabbed Usopp’s group’s attention and looked out onto the field. The Straw Hat Pirates gasped with surprise when they saw their captain fighting the little mouse Pokémon Pichu. However, more so, they were amazed to see what they were gazing on.

On the field, under the watchful eye of Kommo-o, Luffy and Pichu’s battle was well underway. Pichu was encircling his pony opponent with blinding that was causing multiple images of himself to appear around, all merely afterimages. Luffy stood in the middle watching this with utter amazement, almost forgetting he was in a fight. Altogether, the Pichus began charging at the Earth pony, jumping into the air and hurtling towards him with the same attack ready.

“Gum-Gum…” However, Luffy already knew what to do for this kind of technique. “Gatling!”

Luffy struck out wildly with a flurry of hooves out at the many Pichu images. The hooves hit a Pichu one by one but never hitting the real target. Eventually, one of his hooves connected and he punched the little mouse back, ending the afterimages. The electric mouse soon got back up, looking to fight still.

“Whoa!” shouted Usopp with surprise, as he joins the audience. “The little guy sure can take a hit!”

“What’s going on?” asked Rainbow Dash.

Nami explained, “Luffy thought it would be fun to spar with Pichu since he appears to be in training.”

“I’m surprised Pichu could take a hit from Luffy,” Chopper commented with amazement.

Fluttershy only frowned. “I hope he can avoid taking any more hits. I don’t know if my heart can take anymore.”

“I agree with Fluttershy,” Rarity said evenly. “While the little cutie is undoubtedly tough, this match-up is hardly fair.

“He is trying to help, right?’ asked Spike worriedly.

“That’s how I figured,” Nami stated though sounding slightly unsure.

“Ah, come guys!” Pinkie Pie chirped. She then zipped away for a quick second and then reappeared back now dressed as a cheerleader. She then told the group enthusiastically, “We just gotta give the little guy our support! Cheer him on!”

The Pokémon around them, who – of course – did not understand what the ponies were saying, at least understood partially what the pink Earth pony was conveying to them. All the Pokémon except Eevee and Riolu began calling out towards the little mouse. It surprised the Straw Hats Pirates and Team Indigo, but soon Pinkie Pie along with Chopper, Rainbow Dash, Usopp, and Spike began cheering too. Even Riolu became swept up in the support. And though they were not as vocal, the others also were giving their support in spirit. It was only Eevee that remained worried, not sure what to do in this situation.

Back on the battlefield, the two fighters had noticed the commotion going on. Both took a momentary look to the side to see everyone cheering. It was all for Pichu, but it made Luffy begin to grin proudly. On the other hand, Pichu was looking confused and looked back at his opponent to express it.

Luffy understood but snickered cheerfully, showing that he had no problem with the cheering section.

It made Pichu feel better, and now, more determined than ever to win this battle. Like new energy was building up inside of him, ready to explode.

Unfortunately, right when the two were about to trade attacks again, the sound of an explosion echoed from a distance on the other side of town. Everyone instantly noticed, even Zoro and the Pokémon that were with him. The battle was put to a halt immediately, and all the Pokémon began to hurry towards the center of town. As they were both equally as concerned, all the Straw Hat Pirates joined them.

In town, Pokémon were gathering in the square with members of the Expedition Society trying to keep the crowd calm. Along with Ampharos and Mawile, Twilight Sparkle and Robin were with the society members looking around for their crewmates. They soon spotted them coming in with every Pokémon from the gym area and moved to join them. Once so, everyone began asking questions, but neither they nor Ampharos and Mawile knew anything about the explosion earlier.

Then, suddenly, the group of pirates felt the ground shake beneath them. It immediately grabbed their attention bringing them to look down the road opposite them. The Pokémon soon noticed this as well and looked down the same direction. It was a far stretch to see, going all the way to the ocean almost. But then, turning the corner, there came a panicking Funkfreed carrying the others and three more in a one-elephant stampede. Everyone was surprised, and then confused as someone on the elephant began to shout.

“Guys!” shouted Sanji, looking visibly fearful. “We’ve got a problem!”

Before anyone could ask, a stronger quake rocked the square. From where Funkfreed had fled from, an explosion of dust, dirt, and loose leaves blew in from the side. Then, from this cloud, the significant figure of Buzzwole erupted forth with a mighty grunt and glowing with orange energy. It saw its prey – poor Funkfreed – and it flew straight after him.

“Who’s that Pokémon?!” shouted Twilight in shock.

Spike flipped through the book quickly. “I can’t find anything?!” he stated panicky.

As she stepped forward along with Ampharos, Mawile also appeared ready for a fight yet baffled. “I’ve never seen any creature like that before.”

“I don’t care what it is,” Luffy said as he too stepped forward. He then roared out, “He’s not messing with any of my crewmates!”

Without warning, Luffy threw his hoof back, stretching it far. “Gum-Gum…!”

All the Pokémon, including the Expedition Society members except Team Indigo, saw this and were shocked at the sight. They then watched as the pony retracted his arm to send his hoof stretching forward.


Luffy’s hoof smashed right into the unexpecting Buzzwole, just as it was about to reach his friends. The hoof struck right to its chest and sent it flying back down the path. It then crashed into the ground, looking confused.

Funkfreed thus made it safely with Straw Hats, comforted immediately by Fluttershy. Those on his back quickly got off the elephant.

“What’s going on?” asked Twilight Sparkle immediately. “And what is that?!” pointing back towards the Buzzwole.

“No idea, Magi-Sis,” Franky stated, aiming his left arm now a cannon towards the beast.

Applejack attempted to explain, “We were headin’ back over with our haul when that big feller over there came out of nowhere!”

As Sanji began carrying down three odd things off Funkfreed, he too explained. “These guys tried to fight him, but they lost.” Once the last of them were down, it was revealed to the Pokémon to be the Snorlaxes from the grove. They now appeared like slim and drained versions of their former selves but very much still alive. Sanji further explained how.

“That shitty bug sucked them until they were dry. Franky distracted him, and we retreated with these guys in tow.”

“I’ve never see-en an-nee kind of Po-kay-mon that co-ood do this?” Ampharos stated concernedly. He then turned to Audino and spoke to her in Pokémon.

The nurse Pokémon understood. She then had the Machoke and Machop help carry the drained Snorlaxes away from the fight. Many of the Expedition members went with her out of concern. There was now only Ampharos, Mawile, and the members of Team Indigo to remain with the Straw Hats. Many of the Pokémon townsfolk quickly took off with just a few remaining.

Buzzwole soon recovered. It stood back up and stared at Luffy, who was gazing fiercely back at it. The creature suddenly began to flex, filled with joy to find such a strong challenger. The bug-like being immediately charged forward at the pony, wanting its fight.

“Here he comes!” shouted Usopp frightenedly.

Luffy was ready to fight. Even as the bug’s fist began to glow, the Earth pony would handle it. He was not, however, prepared to see Ampharos and Mawile jump ahead of him. He quickly noticed that both had their fists glowing with Ampharos’ sparking with electricity. Both launched their fists out at the same time Buzzwole did, and the resulting connection not only stopped the creature but caused an explosion to erupt from it. Both members of the Expedition Society jumped out of the resulting smoke, looking uninjured. It was the same for Buzzwole as well. All of what happened only made Luffy confused.

“Why’d you guys do that?”

Mawile answered, “We saw he was using Focus Punch, so we were concerned.”

Twilight then replied, “Physical attacks won’t be effective on Luffy. He’s made of rubber.”

“I see,” Mawile said relieved but solemn.

“Regardless,” Ampharos said seriously, “we can-not allow another Pokémon to attack our new friends.”

“So that is a Pokémon,” Robin said surprised.

“But it is not in the book,” Spike stated.

“It might be a new species,” Mawile guessed unsurely. She then started to shake her head and spoke aloud, “No, this Pokémon is far stronger and more unusual than an average one.”

“It almost looks alien,” Pinkie Pie commented.

The Deceiver Pokémon nodded, finding the description apt. “Judging by its look and attack style, I think it’s a dual-type, Bug and Fighting.”

“Oh!” Ampharos shouted. “The-n all wee ne-eed is some Flying-type ass-sist-tance!”

Then, as if accepting the task, the four sword-technique using Pokémon from the gym stepped forward. All their blades began to glow as to show that they were willing to take the problem on. Following their lead, Zoro too joined them.

“What are you doing, Zoro!?” shouted Usopp worriedly.

The swords-pony smirked. “I’m not going to be shown up by these amateurs,” Zoro stated enthusiastically.

Though they did not understand a word, the four sword Pokémon could feel a challenge through the pony’s tone. As Buzzwole began again to charge, the four Pokémon took off running straight at it. Zoro remained behind, bringing both his two swords out – as his third was in ruin – and raising them both horizontally to his shoulders. The first to strike was Scyther, stopping Buzzwole’s charge instantly. The next attack to follow after came from Grovyle, knocking it back further. Dewott came after, pushing the creature even more so. And finally Bisharp, who gave it one more slash to send it further backward. Each attack looked effective as the bug-like Pokémon could barely move, giving Zoro the moment to strike.

“72 Caliber Phoenix!” Zoro immediately launched out his attack. The air blade sailed pass the other Pokémon, and it hit Buzzwole. An explosion erupted, and the beast became shrouded in smoke.

“Aw, yeah!” shouted Rainbow Dash exultantly. “Way to go Zoro!

However, Zoro did not feel victorious. “It’s not over yet,” he warned.

Even the other Pokémon fighting could sense that this battle was not over, and they prepared for what was to come next. When a white glow shined through the smoke, silhouetting the large Pokémon, and feathers scattered from the black cloud. The fighters instantly went on guard. Buzzwole then rushed out of the smoke in a flash. It immediately struck the first two Pokémon, Scyther and Grovyle, into a clothesline and using its momentum to slam them into the ground one after the other. Both were instantly knocked out, and Buzzwole began to glow with fierce orange energy. It then fearlessly charged to its next opponents. Dewott attempted to attack first, but the brute Pokémon overpowered him with his fist. The result was the same as before with Buzzwole glowing more. Bisharp went on the defensive, but it was useless against another punch from the creature. Another knockout and the bug becoming more invigorated and shining. It then turned to Zoro, who could quickly tell that this beast was now more powerful than before.

“Oh, shit-” Zoro could not even finish his sentence when he had to block the Pokémon’s fist immediately. The pony used all his strength to hold back the beast. They were dead even, but Zoro was slowly losing.

Suddenly, Zoro began to glow with purple-colored magic, even over his green variety. He then disappeared, and Buzzwole’s fist smashed into the ground. It started looking around immediately, confused by the sudden vanishment of its opponent. As for Zoro, he found himself back with the group. While puzzled for a moment, he looked over to see Twilight, hoof aglow with magic for a moment before ceasing.

“Thanks,” Zoro said evenly.

Twilight nodded happily before becoming more serious. “So, judging from all that, I think that this…Beast, is powering up after every defeated opponent.”

“That’s 7!” exclaimed Nami fearfully. “That thing is gotta be ultra-powerful by now!”

“Definitely,” said Mawile agreeing. “But whatever it is, it is some kind of Pokémon as it used the healing technique Roost to heal itself after everyone attacked it and just attack with the moves Vital Throw and Dynamic Punch.”

Ampharos stepped forward in front of the group. “All the more ree-son to not let this…Ultra Beast, duu what-ever it whants.”

Luffy then stepped next to the Light Pokémon. “You can count me in to fight, Amphy!”

“Pi-chu!” Pichu scurried forward as well, joining the two leaders. It looked as determined as others.

While not stepping forward, everyone – more or less – agreed that they should fight together against this creature dubbed “Ultra Beast.” Said Beast took notice of the large group now unified to defeat it, and it made it all the more excited. It began to flex again, showing its willingness to fight them all. Orange aura was coursing through its body and giving it an aura-like glow. It was a challenge worthy of its increased strength.

Also, from above, Tapu Koko watched on. Its stern glare was keeping an eye on both the pirates and the new Pokémon as well.