• Published 31st Mar 2019
  • 2,561 Views, 196 Comments

My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - The Friendship Chronicles - Hotspot the 626th

The mystery of the world. That neverending adventure. And new friends to meet you at every stop. The journey of the new Straw Hat Pirates has only just begun!

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Episode 1

Some time after their last adventure, the Thousand Sunny continues to sail through the ocean towards its next unwitting adventure. Until then, the Straw Hat crew had much downtime to use. One deck, some crew members were fishing; Luffy and Spike. Not to eat but to fill their fish tank with more colorful fish species. They had yet to catch anything. Behind them, Fluttershy and Chopper were cleaning up Funkfreed together. Others were enjoying the peace and serenity like Nami and Rarity, who were both sunbathing. Likewise, though not sunbathing, Rainbow Dash was taking a nap on a cloud-tethered to the crow’s hangar. At the same time, Zoro was in the nest lifting a combined thousand pounds. The rest were doing something else: something exciting.

All around, many of the crewmates were running around the Thousand Sunny. Pinkie Pie hopped around inside the ship cheerfully having much fun. As she did, she stuck little domes with crystals within them along the corner of the wall and ceiling. Giving them even spacing as she jumped along skillfully. In another part, the upper cabins, Applejack was doing the same task. She too had these crystals spaced out. Others were doing the same in different areas of the Thousand Sunny; Sanji in the kitchen, Usopp setting them up on the exterior of the ship, and Twilight and Robin the same around the deck. Finally, there was Franky installing something near the helm, opposite the lever to the Soldier Docking System. What he was installing was something similar to the compass post behind the helm. Only this time, within the dome, there was a large, glowing crystal inside. After a little tinkering and a few adjustments, the cyborg Minotaur finished his contraption.

“Alright,” Franky said with a smirk proudly. He then turned to look out onto the deck. He hollered out, “You guys done yet?”

Applejack was the first, coming out of the kitchen cabin. “All done here,” she replied loudly.

Twilight answered next. “Robin and I just finished,” she stated.

From high above, Usopp was walking on the yard to its end. He quickly placed his last crystal at the end and then looked downwards. “Got it all set up here,” he shouted down.

Finally, with the hatch opening up, Pinkie Pie popped up. “What’s up, Doc?” she asked cheerfully.

Since he was nearby, Chopper looked over. “Hi Pinkie,” he greeted happily.

“Hiya Chopper,” Pinkie replied.

“Well, Pinky?” asked out Franky impatiently.

Shooting out of the utility hole, Pinkie Pie then landed on the deck giving the Minotaur a dutiful salute but with a goofy smile. “All the thingies are set,” she declared.

Franky grinned. “Good,” he said enthusiastically. He then stated, “It’s all set then…”

Having garnered their attention, those on the deck soon stopped what they were doing. The group joined the others who had placed the crystals around the ship to walk up to the helm deck. Once there, they all gathered around Franky with Twilight joining next to the male. They both stood around the newly positioned crystal post. Both of them looked pretty excited and proud.

“So, what is it that you had us run around the Sunny like prairie dogs,” Applejack asked out curiously.

First, Franky began to grin proudly. “Well, since you asked, remember what I told about the properties of the wood used to make the Sunny?” he asked back encouragingly.

Sanji answered nonchalantly, “Something about how tough it is.”

“I recall that you had mentioned something about imbuing magic,” Rarity spoke up.

“That’s it, Sis,” Franky stated.

Spike asked, “Is that why you guys have been attaching these lacrima things we got from Magnolia?”

“Yes,” Twilight answered. She then further explained, “Seeing how lacrima can be used, and recalling the properties of the Adam Wood, Franky and I have potentially devised a special new ability for the Thousand Sunny…”

“Making her even more super than she already is!” declared Franky proudly.

“Whoa! Awesome!” shouted Luffy amazed.

“Cool!” Pinkie Pie shouted as well.

On the other hand, Nami looked a little skeptical. “What is this ‘new special ability’?” she asked out, silencing the enthusiastic group.

Snickering, Franky grinned and happily obliged to the mare’s skepticism. To do so, he turned to Twilight with a knowing smirk. “You’re on, First Mate Sis,” he told the mare.

In response, Twilight nodded readily. She stepped forward towards the crystal and stuck her hoof on the glass. Breathing out calmly, Twilight began to focus using her new technique she had learned from her friends at Fairy Tail. Instead of sending the magic from her horn, she now channeled it through other extensions like her leg in this case. Thus, magic fluidly but slowly flowed from her hoof into the crystal which made it glow. After a minute of doing so, Twilight eventually stopped feeling exhausted but was okay.

“Oooh,” said many in the crowd impressed.

Franky then got to explain. “So, once the magic is stored in the main lacrima here…” he then places his hands on the rim of the device, “...we can disperse the magic across the ship thanks to all the receivers you guys placed.”

Then, the Minotaur turned the rim around the glass. For a moment, the lacrima crystal shined before becoming dull though still alight with magic. Meanwhile, all around the ship, the little crystal “receivers” began glowing brightly, every last one of them. As they did, a white glow began to spread over the wood from each crystal. It spread quickly enough until each one meet and filled every space with a white aura, including the ponies and creatures themselves. All over the Thousand Sunny, this occurred until the whole ship was glowing dimly with magic aura. Everyone onboard, even Zoro, marveled at the sight of magic flowing around and on them.

“Whoa,” Sanji said amazed. “This magic stuff feels pretty nice.”

Luffy spoke up amazed as well, “Wow, Twilight! You made all this magic?”

“Actually,” Twilight began to state knowledgeably, “we - Franky and I - discovered that Adam Wood doesn’t just take in magic easily, but it also enhances the magic it absorbs as well.”

Twilight then further explained, “By placing lacrima crystals in strategic spots in and around the Sunny, we can cloak the entire ship, and anyone on it, in magic.”

At that moment, Robin realized what her student was implying. “Does that mean that, through that post, a spell can be used on the whole ship?” she asked intelligently.

Instantly, Twilight began to beam happily. “That’s exactly what it means, Sensei!” she stated excitedly.

“Whoa,” awed many in the group.

“Wait,” Nami said aloud with realization. “That means we could-”

Before the orange-mane Pegasus could finish her sentence, Twilight stuck her hoof back onto the dome. Without hesitation, she had her magic connect to the overflowing magical energy. Finally, she willed forth a spell she knew very well, and that would be all too important for escapes.

In a flash, the entire Thousand Sunny and all on her disappeared. Completely vanished without a physical trace. Moments later, the Thousand Sunny reappeared now several feet from its original spot. Everyone was still where they had stood before as if nothing had happened with Nami about to finish her sentence.

“...teleport away from danger at any time?”

Taking her hoof off the glass, Twilight smiled and nodded. “Well, yeah,” she stated.

“Wait a minute,” blurted Usopp. As he looked around, he asked, “Did we just teleport a moment ago?!”

“Yeah,” Twilight admitted.

After looking around, most of the crew looked confused. Fluttershy thus asked out, “How can you tell?”

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash’s shout attracted everyone’s attention. They all looked off to the left to see the cyan Pegasus flying over to them. Once she had reached them, she looked at all of them confused.

“Why you guys leave me back there?” Rainbow Dash asked first. She then followed up with another question, “And how’d you guys get over here?”

Realizing quickly, Twilight made a bashful smile. “Whoops,” she said, “forgot to factor in that the magic field only works on anyone touching the Sunny directly.”

“At least we only traveled a couple of feet,” Franky stated mildly.

Rainbow Dash scoffed in disbelief. “A couple?!” she repeated, “Try a hundred!”

“Oh good,” Twilight said relieved. “That is how far I attempted to teleport us.”

“That’s so cool!” Luffy exclaimed excitedly.

Usopp added to that sentiment, “It may not be much, but that’ll be awesome in maneuvering.”

“Nice work, guys,” Applejack complimented.

Nami also complimented, “Yeah, it’s a pretty good idea.” She also had some more thoughts about this new ability. Most of them being about how potentially dangerous it could be as well as some more practical problems.

Except, Nami suddenly felt a shift in the atmosphere and a very sudden one at that. So much so that she even had to take a second take of the situation. “What the…” she began to say.

Without warning, a massive wave rocked the boat violently. Everyone onboard was nearly thrown off balance. Then, another came and almost did the same. The Straw Hats soon began to grab ahold whatever was nearest. As they did, Nami finally shouted out her realization.


Instantly, too instantly even, dark storm clouds began to form. Already, thunder flashed across the darkening sky. Lightning danced through the clouds. Some even touching down into ocean presumably but very far away. A low rumble as evidence. The wind began to pick up, tossing the helpless ship even more so. The waves helped as well as they grew larger and rougher. Rain soon fell fast and sharp with a cold sting upon the group. So much that it felt almost like they were in the water already. It all happening in the span of just a few seconds.

As he held onto the seat in front of the helm, Usopp looked utterly frightened.“Wh-Wh-Where did this storm come from?!” he shouted.

There was no time to answer the terrified unicorn. Everyone quickly got into action. Twilight gave out orders quickly, and the crew followed them with haste. They first secured themselves by tying on safety lines. When each line was secured correctly, several members began to climb the mast to secure the sails. Being closest to it, Franky took to the helm to keep the Sunny from capsizing altogether. There were many close calls, but each of them supported each other. Even in this storm, the Straw Hats teamwork was unstoppable. Unfortunately, the hurricane was not letting up.

Over wind and rain, Twilight called out loudly, “Franky! We need to use the paddles now!”

Just barely hearing her, Franky replied as loudly as possible, “You got it!”

From the helm, the cyborg Minotaur turned a lever on the wheel. He quickly changed the number from ‘1’ to ‘0’. Then after, he pulled the lever to his right. The internal mechanisms soon came to life as they began to rotate and move into place. All this adding up to the rotation of the rooms that made up the Soldier Dock System. Like on the turning lever, the numbers too rotated in the same order until reaching zero. At which point, the doors opened to reveal large paddle wheels that extended out into the water. They immediately began to turn and thus propel the Thousand Sunny forward.

Unfortunately, despite this added benefit, the waves were just too strong. The ship could only move forward a few a feet as the swirling, rough sea began tossing the boat around like it was its plaything. The experience tough for the Straw Hat pirates. Now done with their tasks, the group could only now hold on as the wild sea and the raging storm-battered and bashed them endlessly. Still the same, there came many close calls — too many. Eventually, someone’s luck was going to run out.

As another wave crashed over the Sunny’s deck, many of the crew held on tightly to something secured. Some unfortunately slipped and nearly fell off, but they were fortunate it enough to have a security line keeping them on board. Except, one of them broke.

“Luffy!” shouted Nami; the first to see.

Everyone soon looked out as best they could to see their captain as he was about to fall into the ocean. His flailing rope in the air and taunting the group like so many of their enemies. The most any could do as a first reaction was a gasp and call out Luffy’s name in fear, but some were able to act. Removing her safety line immediately, Twilight surprisingly moved to rescue her brother in all but blood. Nami too had shot forth, also removing her safety line, in a mad flight to her captain’s rescue. Neither female knew of the other’s attempt and both soon jumped or flew into the ocean after their friend.

“Nami!” shouted one half of the crew (the original Straw Hats).

“Twilight!” shouted the Mane Six and Spike group.

Now, in the water, the two mares swam against the motioning, swirling, darkened water to reach their sinking captain. As he is a Devil Fruit user, Luffy lost the ability to swim altogether. He had managed to catch some air into his lungs before falling in, but it was only a little. Twilight and Nami knew this and hurried tried their best to get to the stallion before he ran out it. With all their strength, Twilight then Nami was able to reach him. Luffy struggled for a second, but his instinct quickly told him that he was in good hooves. Together, both mares pulled and swam towards the surface. They tried hard; unfortunately, they were fighting the strong currents and tiring out fast. Neither one was going to give up, not for their important pony. As hard as they tried to reach the surface, their air had run out, and they were losing consciousness.

Then, just as all three lost consciousness, a melodic and yet titanic roar echoed through the sea. Beautiful yet commanding. Before blacking out, the two mares saw something in the water. It was large and swimming towards them. They were unable to see it clearly but there was one distinctive feature they both could see just before everything went dark.



Twilight could hear something in the distance. What?


The second time the voice was louder and became very familiar. Who is that?


Now the voice was very audible, and soon, Twilight recognized the voice. It was Usopp’s voice, and he sounded anxious.

Immediately, Twilight began to wake up. The first thing she did consciously was to start coughing out some of the salty water she had unconsciously ingested. She quickly released the extra water onto the deck, where the grass and dirt would absorb it. Once finished, she opened her eyes to see her surroundings. Slowly, her vision began to clear up. She soon could see her where she had landed; back on the Thousand Sunny. All her friends were around, including Zoro. They all were looking worried at first and then relieved; though, not all sentiments directed directly at her. Off to her side, she saw that Luffy and Nami were also recovering. She was relieved to see they were okay, but she now was confused about how they got back on the ship.

Thus, Twilight tried to speak up. “How…?” she asked out hoarsely.

The entire group heard the unicorn, but they all seemed troubled by the question. Eventually, someone did speak. Robin told her, “We’re not very sure how Twilight.”

Recovering, Twilight looked at her teacher with an arched brow of confusion. “What?” she asked.

After coughing, Nami looked to the crew confused as well. “You mean one of you didn’t rescue us?” she asked astonishedly.

“It’s not that we weren’t,” Applejack told the pegasus. “With how dat storm was harassing us, we could barely move to do anything without nearly being thrown off ourselves.”

Spike then spoke up, “But then, there was this sound and the storm just calmed down like that…” The baby dragon then snapped his claws in a demonstration.

“It was so beautiful,” Rarity added dreamily.

Zoro then spoke, “We were right about to go after you, but then you appeared on the deck suddenly.”

The three formerly drowning ponies blinked with surprise. “What?” they voiced out confused.

“That’s what we thought,” Usopp stated. “We even thought Twilight had used her magic…”

Chopper then spoke, “But I checked your horn, and there was no sign that you had used magic.”

Twilight thought over the situation for a moment. “No,” she said calmly to the surprise of everyone. She then followed up by saying, “I was blacking out. There was no way I could use magic in any way to get us out of that situation.”

Concerned, Sanji asked, “Then how did you guys get back onboard?”

As she rubbed her head, Nami began to recall something. “I remember hearing something,” she stated unsurely. “It sounded beautiful... I think it might have been what you guys heard.”

“And then,” Nami continued as she tried hard to remember. “I remember seeing something...silver…”

As Luffy recovered finally, he sat up and looked around confused. He had missed much of the conversation already. As he looked around though, as a bit of sunlight shined between the space within the grey clouds, something caught the stallion’s eye. Curious, he looked over at Nami and stretched his hoof out into Nami’s tail. He had grabbed something but did not realize how his action could be perceived.

First, Nami turned to see who was touching her tail, and gasped in surprise.“Luffy?!” she shouted confoundedly.

Second, Sanji immediately kicked the Earth pony’s face. “What the hell do you think you’re doing to Nami-swan?!” he both shouted furiously.

Luffy recovered quickly, gaining a pretty sizable bruise from the kick (despite being rubber). “Ow!” he shouted out firstly. He then immediately responded indignantly, “There was something in Nami’s tail.”

Everyone looked at their captain confused. Luffy thus held up the item that he had grabbed from his navigator’s tail. To their surprise, the thing their captain held up was marvelous. It looked like a feather yet it seemed like no feather anyone here had ever seen. From the stem, it looked normal enough; yet, midway it split into two ends curving outward. Though its shape was unique, its most impressive feature comparably was that it was entirely silver in color. The entire crew was near speechless at the sight of it.

“A silver feather....” Rarity said amazed. “It’s so beautiful…”

Rainbow Dash was astounded entirely as well. “There’s not a single Pegasus I know of with silver feathers or fur, especially not with that design,” she said.

“It looks completely otherworldly,” Robin stated with intrigue.

Seeing the feather herself, Twilight was utterly perplexed. “I’ve studied tons about birds…”

“What for?” asked Usopp disbelievingly.

“And I’ve never seen a feather like that,” Twilight continued.

“So then,” Nami asked out confused, “what and where did it come from?”

For once, Luffy looked to be actually thinking of the situation. “Whatever it is,” he spoke up to the intrigue of everyone. He then stated seriously, “It’s definitely a mystery feather.”

Nearly everyone face-faulted, dumbstruck by the obvious statement.

Then, after recovering, Zoro looked out towards the sea. “Hey,” he spoke up concerningly, gaining everyone’s attention. He then gestured his head in the direction he was looking. He told them, “There’s land that way.”

Immediately, everyone looked out. In the distance, the crew could see land as it covered the entire horizon line. Everyone could tell, this was no small island but an entirely new land. The storm had blown the crew off course severely; not like they had a destination beforehand. This new, mysterious land attracted them like moths to a flame. Both scary and exciting, the Straw Hat crew regardlessly sailed towards this land. They voyaged to it in the hope of recovering after that vicious storm. Their only concern was that whoever called this land home would be friendly enough to them when they docked.

Little did they know of what awaited them once they make landfall…

Part 2
An Ultra First Encounter