• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Legacy: Retrieving the Keystone

With the situation with Sky Shield under control, Lyra and the Protoss returned to the Spear of Adun to plan their next move.

Raynor thanked everyone for their assistance in saving the city from a catastrophe.

However, while Tassadar was eager to get the Keystone as soon as possible, a complication arose. There was suspicion that the incident with Sky Shield was only a distraction while Moebius agents snuck into the imperial palace and stole the Keystone.

The agents were tracked to a port preparing for extraction. The Protoss and Dominion would have to be quick to intercept the transport of the Keystone.

Despite the urgency, Lyra wasn’t going to foolishly rush in her preparations. She learned that much from Bon Bon. If they were to retrieve the Keystone, they needed to be ready to deal with Moebius Corps and their Hybrid masters.

In the war council room, Lyra decided on which troops would go with her to reclaim the Keystone. She decided to test out the effectiveness of the poleaxes that the Zealots were wielding. After seeing the Dragoons in combat, she realized that despite their increased durability and firepower, their overall size was also a hindrance for the melee warriors and Dark Templar. Despite that, she knew that they would need the firepower to deal with the armored Hybrids. Since Artanis decided earlier that he would bring robotic assault units against Moebius, he tasked her with deciding which faction’s technology would be more beneficial for the operation. After viewing clips about the Immortal’s defensive capabilities and the destructive potential of the Annihilators, Lyra decided that the extra firepower would be needed to deal with Hybrids.

Once finished, Lyra tried to leave the room but was stopped by Rohana. “I do not understand how one who is not a firstborn is able to wield our technology,” she said.

“I’m not sure either. Maybe it’s because my race has Purity of Form like yours.”

“I did not think it possible for two races to be chosen by the Xel’naga.”

Lyra looked at Rohana questioningly, “You didn’t know the Zerg were also uplifted by Amon who also uplifted your race?”

“Why would he choose to bless such loathsome creatures and then turn them against us?”

In the end, Lyra spent a few minutes telling the uninformed Preserver about what she knew about the workings of the Xel’naga and Amon’s purpose for the Zerg.

“I see...It would probably be in our best interest to use the Khala to look into Amon’s memories and discover what his plans are,” Rohana mused.

“Remember, if your resistance falters, I will personally sever your nerve cords,” Lyra warned.

“I do not forget so easily, creature.” Rohana said condescendingly.

Lyra turned to glare at the Preserver, recognizing the condescending tone. “You can cut the ‘superior species’ bit, Rohana. You have no idea how much times have changed since you’ve been in stasis. I suggest you stay silent, learn about the world around you and adapt to it. I know that’s a difficult concept for you Protoss, but the fact that you’re adapting now means that you might just survive this war.

“Also, there are people on my world that talk like those with horns like myself are better than the other types of ponies. And neither me nor Bonnie--I mean Sweetie Drops, like them at all. One among those condescending types is someone my marefriend wants to kill. My advice: Don’t use that condescending tone and we will get along.”

Rohana remained silent as Lyra left the war council room.

Once ready, Lyra warped to the surface of Korhal with a few of Artanis’ forces to set up a Nexus Point.

Looking around, Lyra noticed the area, Bennet Port, was a warzone. There were burning buildings and crashed ships everywhere and Moebius was running amok. Raynor and Valerian had set up separate bases to push against Moebius.

Once Lyra arrived, Raynor sent her a transmission, <”Welcome to Bennet Port. At least what’s left of it. Moebius Corps’ entrenched themselves here to keep us from the artifact. Valerian’s setting up his base now. Once he gets--”> Raynor shouted in pain over the comms as a powerful psionic wave overcame them. During this time, A Hybrid Destroyer attacked Raynor’s camp in the meantime. But Artanis managed to warp in a pair of Annihilators to blast the Hybrid while Raynor’s forces recovered.

Karax found the source of the Terrans’ woes: a trio of Hybrid Dominators, a green version of the Hybrid Destroyers, were channeling void energies into the Keystone. However, Moebius Corps was also affected, meaning that while after each burst from the Keystone, only Lyra, the Protoss and the Hybrid will be unaffected.

After the Terrans recovered, Raynor began sending troops to attack Moebius Corps. Artanis’ base was still being set up so they would not be able to offer assistance, yet.

Instead, Karax warped in a Pylon inside of Raynor’s base to warp in troops in case the Hybrid attack his base during the next disruption from the Keystone.

Valerian reported that his group suffered heavy casualties from the previous disruption and needed more time to get established. Karax warped in a Pylon into Valerian’s base to provide protection to the young Emperor who asked Artanis and Lyra to save the nearby labs that were under attack from Moebius Corps.

Shortly after, the Terrans were hit with another disruption and Hybrid Destroyers were attacking Raynor’s base. Lyra teleported to their target and started slicing up Hybrid. She was able to hold the line by herself before the Terrans recovered.

Lyra returned to the Nexus Point and began moving against Moebius with a force of Zealots, Dragoons, Dark Templar and Annihilators.

After clearing away from nearby Moebius troops who were randomly destroying city property, Lyra personally slew the troops attacking the nearby lab.

By the time the lab was saved, another disruption overtook the Terrans. This time Hybrid approached Valerian’s base with a number of Hybrid Reavers and Destroyers.

Lyra moved up the road from Valerian’s base and attacked the helpless Moebius forces and the Hybrid that approached. The bombardment from the Annihilators greatly weakened the Hybrid while Lyra and the Dark Templar dismembered the abominations.

Since Moebius would be stunned for a little longer, Lyra’s group made quick work of the Moebius camp.

When the disruption ended, the Protoss continued their assault on the second Moebius camp while supporting fire from the Spear of Adun made attacking Moebius Corps much easier.

The Hybrid approached Valerian’s base again during the next disruption and were quickly intercepted by Protoss blades and a barrage of Annihilator cannons.

Lyra took advantage of the disruption and effortlessly saved another lab.

Her forces briefly engaged part of the main Moebius base before Lyra realized that the disruption was about to end. While she was retreating, she grabbed a Hybrid in her magic and hurled it into a Factory.

Raynor sent a garrison to protect the lower road from Moebius while Lyra defended it from enemy incursions. Karax deployed a Pylon with reinforcements while Lyra’s army was bolstered by Dark Templar and Annihilators, courtesy of Artanis.

The Hybrid attacked the northern road during the next disruption. While the rest of the Protoss caught up, Lyra teleported to intercept the Hybrid attack. Since the attacking Hybrid were not detectors, she slashed them into pieces.

After stopping the Hybrid, Lyra and her forces moved to free the remaining lab in the area. As an act of repayment, the labs sent their Medics, Medivacs and Science Vessels to assist the Dominion and patch up any wounded or damaged Protoss.

The next disruption was when Lyra was unable to handle the Hybrid alone. The attacking Hybrid were accompanied by Hybrid Dominators who could sense Lyra’s presence. Although she and the Protoss had a more difficult time defending against the waves of Hybrid that were becoming more numerous with each wave, Lyra was still able to disable the Dominator’s psionic abilities with her Feedback ability. More Annihilators and Dark Templar were needed to deal with the Hybrid.

Once the disruption ended, Everyone pushed into the Moebius base in hopes of making it to the Keystone in time.

To make sure of this, Lyra stole the life force of Moebius minions and unleashed a devastating energy wave that destroyed many of the Moebius structures in one blast. Raynor and Valerian’s forces entered the Moebius base to assist in the devastation while Lyra and the Protoss pushed against the Dominators guarding the Keystone, weakening them with her Feedback ability before leaving their lives in the hands of some angry Terrans and Protoss.

Lyra snuck past the Dominators and began slashing, smashing, and blasting the device holding and manipulating the Keystone.

Once freed, the Spear of Adun warped the Keystone aboard the vessel.

After Moebius retreated, everyone looked around Augustgrad, surveying the devastation left in the wake of the Hybrid and the maddened cultists. Valerian, Horner and Raynor personally assisted and tallying the casualties while Lyra shed tears for those who fell in the battle. She also assisted in the damage assessment.

Artanis and Raynor spoke while Raynor buried the dead and marked their plots with their rifles and dog tags. Amon’s forces have brought death to many Dominion-held worlds up to this point.

While the Dominion will be focusing on recovery after the battle, Raynor made a pledge to help the Protoss in whatever way he could once the Dominion was ready to deal some payback.

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