• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Liberty: Prison Break

After narrowly escaping the supernova energies from the Typhon system, the Hyperion received a transmission from the Moebius Foundation. They wished to rendezvous at a set of coordinates that were transmitted to the Hyperion.

Since the location was on the way to Folsom Prison, they agreed to the meeting.

Once the Hyperion had arrived at the location, the crew of the Hyperion nervously waited for the arrival of the Moebius ships.

It wasn’t long before ships arrived in the area, including the current flagship of the Dominion fleet, the Bucephalus. Once alerted to the presence of Mengsk’s ship, Raynor got up to prepare for the final confrontation that he assumed was now.

Matt told Raynor that their shields were still down, but Raynor took it as an invitation to head over to the Bucephalus and cause havoc. Matt pleaded with Raynor to reconsider his actions, but he simply ignored him.

Sweetie was not going to let Raynor make an ass of himself in case Arcturus was not aboard, so she turned to Lyra, “If you would…”

Lyra bound Raynor in a Maelstrom. Raynor struggled to get free but couldn’t. Sweetie had Matt seal the access points from the bridge.

Once the Maelstrom wore off, Raynor growled at Sweetie, “What the hell are you doin’?! That’s Arcturus’ flagship! This is the best chance we could have hoped to bring him down!”

Sweetie took a deep breath. “Or, this would be the perfect chance to make an ass of yourself in the event that Arcturus is not on board. Do you know how dangerous it is to make blind assumptions around here? Lives could be needlessly lost because you assumed Arcturus was on board.

“Also, listen to Matt for once and just heed his advice. At least he keeps a level head unlike you. Now, since the Bucephalus has neither raised their shields nor powered up their weapons, I can guess that they are intending diplomacy.” Sweetie turned to Matt, “Matt, open a channel. Let’s see who’s leading this group.”

The Bucephalus answered their hail. On the video screen appeared a young man with blond hair and grey eyes. He was wearing a pair of ornate pauldrons, a red cape, a dark grey dress uniform with gold bordering. He wore a black and gold sash that had a few medals pinned to it.

“Greetings, Raynor’s Raiders. I am Crown Prince Valerian Mengsk. And yes, I am Emperor Arcturus’ son. I own the Moebius Foundation and through them, I own you as well.”

“I wouldn’t word it that way if I were you,” Sweetie warned. “If you’re aiming to be the next Emperor, you really need to work on your diplomacy.”

Valerian was surprised not only by Sweetie’s appearance, but the subtle warning she gave him. After a moment of regaining his composure, he continued, “I shall take your advice to heart. At any rate, I have heard about your exploits, Jim Raynor, Sweetie Drops and Lyra, but I did not come here to recall your actions. I suspect that you know what the artifacts are capable of?”

“Yes, I know they are parts of a single device. It’s not hard to imagine when you take the time to look at them. Based on what I imagine the final appearance will be, we only need one more piece to complete the device. Once we do, I imagine that you want to lead an expedition to Char to take down the Queen of Blades using the completed artifact to undo her infestation. Am I wrong so far?”

Once again Valerian was taken aback by Sweetie’s response. She had mostly revealed everything that he thought that only he and the Moebius Foundation knew about the artifact. “Uhh...that’s what we figured in theory anyway,” he said with whatever composure he had left. “Since you still need a powerful force to infiltrate Kerrigan’s primary hive cluster, I would like to enlist your aid in the invasion.”

Raynor interrupted the conversation, “Tell me, Junior, what’s your stake in all this? And no talkin’ around it.”

Valerian was actually glad that Raynor spoke as he had, because he could use the opportunity to regain the momentum of the conversation. To answer Raynor’s question, he spoke frankly, “I wish to prove that I am ready for the throne; that I am a better man than my father. What better way than to reform the biggest mass murderer in the sector?”

“So we’re just cogs in your little plan?”

“If it gets you what you want? Does it matter?”

Raynor simply grumbled. “I guess not...”

Matt walked up to Sweetie and whispered to her, “Please tell me you’re not seriously considering this deal.”

Sweetie took a deep breath, the usual sign of a lecture. “Please remember that we’re fighting for a better tomorrow. As things are now, Kerrigan stands as the biggest obstacle in front of us. Even if we miraculously depose Arcturus, it’s merely a pyrrhic victory until the Zerg threat is diminished.

“I might not like the Dominion, but I know when to be realistic. We might have upgraded our tech but our numbers are still nowhere near enough to take down Mengsk or Kerrigan. We are an army of volunteers and if we want to actually make a difference instead of simply annoying Arcturus for years without landing a crippling blow, we need to take part in high risk and high reward operations every now and then.

“Also, I know for a fact that there is an even bigger threat over the horizon. This operation is not only to save Kerrigan from being manipulated by said threat, but also to bring her to our side. We need the Zerg to be facing the bigger threat.

“Also, if we have the Zerg supporting us, overthrowing Arcturus may actually be doable. Even if we broadcast Arcturus’ war crimes, we would only damage his image, but it won’t remove him from power. We need a coup and hope that Valerian is as legit as he claims.” Sweetie finally finished.

“That sounds like an ideal situation, but how do you know that Kerrigan would even help us?” Matt asked.

Sweetie smirked, “Because she already has the motivation to kill Arcturus. We simply need to support her when the time comes. I just need to make sure she goes after the true threat once Arcturus’ reign has ended.”

Matt considered what Sweetie said for a few minutes before deciding, “Alright, I’ll tell the crew that we are entering a temporary alliance with Valerian in order to eliminate the Zerg threat to humanity before we focus all of our energies on taking down Mengsk. They should buy that at least.”

“Good, we need everyone on board for this if this is going to happen. For now, set course for New Folsom. I have a promise to fulfill.

The transmission alarm went off when they neared New Folsom, the prison planet. The transmission was allowed to go through.

The video displayed a woman with blond hair and green eyes and wearing the latest in Dominion Ghost gear.

<“Well, well - the infamous Jim Raynor and Ponies. My name is Nova. We should talk.”>

“Now what would one of Mengsk’s pet Ghosts have to say to me?” Raynor asked.

<“Tosh is lying to you.”>

Tosh sent his own transmission. <”We Spectres are the future! You just couldn’t handle it, little girl.”>

<”Every Ghost that became a Spectre has gone on a psychotic killing spree. The ones I’ve captured are held in New Folsom.”>

Sweetie decided to interrupt the argument. “I’m gonna have to stop you there, Nova. I’ve been exposed to the same drugs and chemicals that every other Spectre were exposed to and I have not had any desire to randomly kill people. Lyra even built up a tolerance to Terrazine during her time on a Protoss world that was lousy with the stuff. If you didn’t know that Jorium can counter the psychotic effects of Terrazine, then your intelligence network is quite fallible. If you did, then you’re a liar. Either way, your argument has lost its credibility.”

Nova tried to argue against Sweetie but could not find one. Even if she was a different race, she knew that Protoss were affected by Terrazine the same way as humans. Without an argument, Nova growled at Sweetie and ended the transmission.

<”Uploading New Folsom data now.”> Tosh said.

Raynor was impressed with the high security but realized that they likely wouldn’t be like that unless they received a tip, likely from Nova. “We’ll need an army to break into that place.”

<”Even an army couldn’t get you in there. But a pair of Spectres could in the right places.”>
Sweetie gave a wicked smirk as Tosh said that.

“Then our progress is all up to you, Tosh. I’ll push my boys as hard as I can, but they’re gonna need your help to gain ground. You both ready?”

“I’ve been waitin’ a long time for this. Let’s do this!” Tosh said.

“You should know me well enough by now, Jim,” Sweetie said.

Tosh, Sweetie and Lyra were deployed just outside the front gates of the prison. A trio of guards were the first obstacle. Each took one guard. A group of guards were further ahead and had their heads blown up by a pair of Mindblasts.

A group of guards surrounded a Missile Turret. Sweetie and Tosh used the same method to deal with the guards while Lyra sliced up the turret.

The next obstacle had a Missile Turret guarded by Marines and a Siege Tank. Lyra Mind Controlled the tank while the Spectres took advantage of the chaos to deal with the guards and turret.

Raynor began moving his troops into the prison complex while the Dominion sent guards to push back the Raiders.

The trio began tearing away at the next obstacle which had some tough defenses. Sweetie and Tosh took out a Bunker that was within range of their rifles but outside the detection range of the Missile Turrets. Lyra eliminated attack waves from the prison guards as they came. Tosh deployed a psionic shield to protect him while he shot up a Missile turret. The Spectres systematically dismantled the defenses to allow the Raiders to move in to support them. Once the last of the area’s defenses fell, Raynor established a forward position over the ruins.

A Ghost was waiting in ambush and used an EMP to drain the trio’s psychic power. Sweetie and Lyra ended up feeling mentally drained. However, the EMP did not affect the Ponies’ magic. Lyra grabbed the Ghost in her telekinesis and dropped him into the lava below.

Tosh suggested stealing a little life from their allies to restore their energy. Although Sweetie was against such a notion, some of the Marines volunteered to have their life force taken since they believed that Medics could somehow heal that. In the end, Sweetie decided to let her mental energy restore itself naturally while focusing more on the magic that she had been neglecting lately.

The next defenses required taking a small passage around to deal with the defenses from behind. Since the passage was also within a turret’s detection range, with Siege Tanks nearby, Tosh deployed his shield and dealt with the tanks from behind. Lyra fired a powerful magical laser from her horn that destroyed the turret protecting the two Bunkers. Lyra and Sweetie each cleared a Bunker.

Tosh decided to enter the nearby cell block while Lyra and Sweetie moved forward. Lyra took control of the Siege Tanks and made them blast at the defenses from within. The Raiders took advantage of the chaos and pushed into the enemy position. The Raiders soon overwhelmed the guards in the area and established another forward position.

Tosh entered the second cell block and left Sweetie and Lyra advancing on the prison once again. Raynor informed the duo that he had some Nukes ready for them to use. Sweetie used them to blow away large clusters of guards. Raven patrols were locked down to prevent them from finding her. The Raiders’ attacks were bolstered with Diamondbacks and Siege Tanks.

Knowing that they couldn’t stop the Raiders anymore, the guards retreated from the prison.

The prisoners somehow knew that they were gonna be freed and exited from the elevator to the surface, greeted by Tosh and the Raiders.

Only one question remains: will the prisoners be worth the effort it took to bust them out?

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