• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Diplomacy and Loose Ends

Kerrigan and the Equestrians managed to escape from the Void as the rift began to close. Thankfully, the Xel’naga could survive in the vacuum of space while Lyra had her own air supply within her own shield.

The Hyperion was nearby waiting to pick up any stragglers so the Equestrians teleported aboard.

Raynor was the first to speak, “What happened? What took you so long to get back?”

“Amon took the fight into overtime. Don’t worry, were pretty sure he’s dead now,” Sweetie said.

“So does this mean it’s over?”

“I think so. Guess this means we need to start saying our goodbyes to our friends.”

“Not quite yet,” Celestia interjected. “Luna and I have been talking and we want to explore the sector a little. We don’t get to leave Equus often…”

“...More like ever,” Luna added.

“We want to see the marvels of technology that our people have been missing out on because of our stagnating system of government,” Celestia finished after rolling her eyes at her sister.

“If it’s advice on runnin’ a government, you should probably talk to Emperor Valerian. He’s young, but he knows how to run a regime better than most in this sector,” Raynor said.

“After that, you should have a talk with Tassadar,” Lyra said. “He’s been talking to me about meeting you and discussing a proposal for establishing a colony on Equus.”

Celestia smiled, “Then I shall meet with him after we have explored the sector and spoken with Emperor Valerian.”

Suddenly, a concerning thought struck Sweetie, “What about Equestria? Is it alright to leave the kingdom unattended for so long?”

“Don’t worry, Equestria is in good hands.”


At Canterlot Castle, a lavender Alicorn could be heard screaming in frustration, “WHY IS TAKING CARE OF EQUESTRIA SO DIFFICULT!”

While the Princesses were out exploring the worlds of the Koprulu Sector, Sweetie decided that she had time for one last experiment. Projecting her will into one of her Larvae, she planted a certain part of her mind and three competing Pony gene sequences into it.

Lyra observed Sweetie’s experiment with the utmost curiosity. She saw the target Larva encase itself into an egg. She and Sweetie looked into the egg as best as they could and watched the Larva develop.

“So, what are we gonna name the little one?” Lyra asked.

“I don’t know yet. Even I don’t know what to expect from this,” Sweetie responded.

After watching the egg develop for a few hours, the shell started showing signs that the life within was ready to hatch. A few seconds later, the Zerg Egg shattered and revealed a black colt with strands of a crimson mane and tail. The foal had a horn on his head to show that the unicorn gene won the competition.

Sweetie picked up the foal and cradled him in her arms. After a few minutes the foal was passed to Lyra who had collected a number of supplies for the foal after she heard what the experiment was going to be about.

The two spent several hours taking care of the foal before he tuckered out and was put in a bed to sleep.

After the battle in the Void, Zagara had declared herself as Overqueen of the Zerg Swarm. All Broods, with the exception of Sweetie’s Brood, acknowledged her as their Queen. Since Sweetie was planning on leaving for Equus with her Brood soon, Zagara gave the new Xel’naga Pony a parting gift by ordering Kilysa to give one of her Leviathans to her.

Since they would be leaving the sector soon, it was time for Sweetie to fulfill her end of the bargain with Hanson by taking her to Haven. During the travel time, Sweetie taught Hanson, Stetmann, Stukov and DuGalle how to use their new Changeling forms to shapeshift. After a number of tries, Hanson was able to shapeshift into her human self. She pulled out a mirror that she kept in her lab coat to make sure everything was in order. She became ecstatic when she saw herself as human again. Although she knew that she was no longer human, it was enough for her to look like her old self.

Once Sweetie’s Leviathan was over Haven, Sweetie teleported herself and Hanson to the colony.

Sweetie wanted to look familiar to the colony so she shapeshifted into her Earth Pony form wearing her Hostile Environment Suit. The colonists immediately recognized her as one of the heroes that made their colony possible.

Sweetie asked where Bernard Hanson was. The colonists led her and Ariel to the building where he was. Surprisingly, they discovered that Talise Cogan, Ariel’s mother was also there.

Ariel entered the house where her father lived but Sweetie stayed out since the matter was not something she should have been involved with. Sweetie heard some yelling and an occasional impact of an object which she expected since Ariel and her mother had issues. She could only hope they would be able to come to a mutual understanding.

Ariel exited the house and saw Sweetie nearby. She walked up to the Pony before Sweetie asked, “How did it go?”

“Well, my parents are glad to know that I’m alive, especially my mother since she figured I died on Meinhoff. I told them about a long term project that I have volunteered to participate in and they supported me, both of them. I told mother how I felt about her deciding what’s best for my life and she decided to let up on me...may have to do with her thinking I died on Meinhoff.”

“So, have you said your goodbyes?”

“They hope I will come back to visit often and I hope that can be the case.”

“I’ll see what I can do. I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to come back to the Koprulu Sector very often but I’ll bring you along when I do. You sure you don’t want to spend more time with your parents? You may not see them for years.”

Hanson sighed, “I know, but I need some time to process my emotions. I hope to see them again soon, but since my mother and father are living together again, not too soon.”

Sweetie’s next trip was to Korhal. Celestia and Luna had their fill of the galaxy for the time being and decided to meet with some of the leaders of the sector’s dominant factions.

Raynor had called ahead and told Valerian that Sweetie and Lyra were coming to visit him along with the leaders of the Ponies.

During their ascent to the throne room, Sweetie came across a person she had been wanting to see before she returned home. She told the others to go on without her while she had a chat with the person. Celestia nodded and she and the others entered the elevator that would take them further up in the palace.

Sweetie walked up to Nova and the two spent a minute in silence staring at each other. Sweetie decided to speak first, “Are you still upset that I called you out on your lies and staged a prison break of New Folsom?”

“Did you know that a portion of those escaped prisoners became members of Moebius Corps? I hope you realized the pros and cons of your actions. Tosh may not have been the psychopath that I made him out to be, but certain parts of that prison break came back to bite him when a number of his Spectre comrades were part of the attack that devastated Augustgrad two years ago. I have Lyra to thank for helping to minimize civilian casualties in that battle.

“As for you and I, I’m not mad that you called me out. I’m not mad that you evaded me and escaped with Kerrigan back at the Umojan facility. I’m not mad that you were right about not all Spectres being violent psychopaths. What I am mad about is that you, someone who has never trained at a Ghost Academy, still had the talent to be one of the best practitioners of covert ops in the Koprulu Sector. Me and countless other Ghosts and Spectres still couldn’t compare to your skills, Xel'naga powers or not. Though no one will say it to your face, I will: every covert ops unit in the Koprulu sector envies you and your skills and we will knock you off the top of the mountain one day.”

Nova walked off.

As she walked away, Sweetie gave a smirk as she realized that she may have some newfound respect for the Dominion assassin.

Deciding to let Nova have this moment, Sweetie remained silent as she entered the elevator to catch up to the others.

In the throne room, Sweetie saw Celestia and Valerian exchanging political experiences with one another while Lyra and Luna looked bored just watching them.

Valerian had noted that the nobility system was a highly outdated system that died out long before humanity traversed the stars. The young emperor gave Celestia some ideas on other governmental systems to try out when she got back. While they would take many years to implement, the alabaster Alicorn had hope that the government that she ruled over could be streamlined with some of Valerian’s proposals.

The talks carried on for hours. Luna had one hand holding up her head and Lyra had fallen asleep. Sweetie was on the border between sleep and wakefulness herself.

When the meeting finally ended, everyone shook off their sleepy feelings and teleported to Sweetie’s Leviathan for the last matter they needed to deal with during their stay in the Koprulu Sector.

When the Leviathan arrived over Aiur, a nearby patrol ship requested identification. The passengers were allowed to teleport to the surface once Sweetie and Lyra identified themselves alongside Celestia and Luna.

The Ponies were escorted to the Citadel where Hierarch Tassadar resided. As they walked, they noticed that the Protoss were acknowledging Lyra in reverence.

“You certainly seem popular here,” Celestia commented.

“Apparently I’m a hero to these people. They even regard me in their salutations. It’s kinda like a hall of fame to them in that regard,” Lyra responded.

“Huh, maybe I should be using it as well,” Celestia giggled, which Lyra responded by blushing.

The group saw Tassadar alongside his advisors Artanis, Fenix, Aldaris, Rohana, Vorazun, Zeratul, Talandar and Alarak.

There appeared to be a conversation going on between Alarak and the others.

“I told you that this alliance is only temporary. As soon as Lyra arrives, I will have her fulfill her end of the bargain and have her turn over leadership of the Tal’darim to me,” Alarak said.

“I’m here,” Lyra said.

Alarak stared at Lyra, “If you have responded that quickly to what I just said that means you heard it. Now, are you going to do so or do I have to duel you for it?”

Celestia tilted her head, “That voice...Is that you, Discord?”

“Of course not you stupid Pony. What in this entire universe gave you the impression that I was some amalgamation of beasts?”

“Because you have the same voice as him,” Lyra responded.

Discord appeared in front of the group as suddenly as usual. He was holding an Ihan Crystal. “Yes, yes, we all have good ol’ de Lancie to thank for that,” he said indifferently which earned him confused looks from everyone in the room. “Anyway, here is the memory for your archives.” He handed the Crystal to Tassadar.

“You have my thanks for recording this glorious moment in our people’s history.”

Discord ignored Tassadar and turned his attention to the Ponies. He held out another crystal and gave it to Sweetie. “This crystal will guide you home. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a tea party to get back to.” With a snap of his fingers, Discord disappeared.

Multiple matters were discussed afterward. Lyra talked to Alarak about handing leadership of the Tal’darim to him but not before giving whoever wished to follow her a chance at a new life and creating a new culture alongside the Equestrians while those who liked their old culture were allowed to follow Alarak. The Tal’darim became divided that day. The divide had created two Highlords who would lead them to different destinies.

Celestia and Tassadar discussed the matter of the colony on Equus and the pros and cons of such an action. They discussed what Equestria and the colony could offer each other and a place in the world they could settle. Since the Protoss could travel with interstellar ships, the Pony nation would be a stone’s throw away no matter where they settled.

Celestia also discussed a matter with Sweetie. Since she intended on bringing her Brood to Equus, she needed a place to set up a primary hive cluster. Since there wasn’t a lot of places to put a race of constantly evolving organisms, they agreed that if she removed or integrated Chrysalis’ hive in the Badlands, they could set up there. Celestia also noted that she was hoping an Alicorn that specialized in essence would ascend so the failed experiments would be able to find purpose again. She wanted Chrysalis to have a future when Equestria entered a golden age.

In exchange for going along with Celestia’s idea, Sweetie didn’t want the Equestrian royalty to recognize her as a Princess of Equestria yet until she was ready and the nation was ready for her.

In the meantime, she would bring in specialists in to educate the Equestrian scientists to jumpstart the nation’s technological development. She also hoped that Stukov and DuGalle could contribute their knowledge of military strategy and tactics in case other nations got rowdy. The other nations would be brought in on Equestria’s bid for space exploration in time.

When an agreement was made, the Equestrians enjoyed what little time they had left in the Koprulu Sector until the colonists were ready to follow the Ponies back home.

Sweetie had her Brood board her new interstellar lifeform along with those who volunteered to take part in her Equus advancement project. Swann was uncomfortable with not only being inside a Zerg organism, but also being the only actual human on the ship. Thankfully, the Leviathan was stocked with enough supplies for the long journey to Equus.

Author's Note:

Finally, everyone's either going home or making a new home. Time for Sweetie to put some of her plans into action and a reckoning to bring about.

Next Chapter: Going home and taking care of a matter that has been a long time coming.

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