• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Liberty: The Final Piece

Once everyone’s nerves calmed down and Raynor was ready to discuss what happened in the lab, the first person that he talked to was Sweetie. “So, that’s what we’re up against? These Protoss and Zerg Hybrids?”

“Yeah, apparently there are countless more labs like that one hidden everywhere,” Sweetie said. “Four years ago, me, Lyra and Zeratul found one on an uncharted moon. Turns out, Kerrigan’s former assistant, Samir Duran, wasn’t as loyal as she thought he was. He was apparently the one who had been leading the Hybrid project.”

“Duran? Haven’t heard anything from that guy in years. Wonder where he is now?”

Sweetie knew where Duran was, but it wasn’t time to reveal that info yet. A premature confrontation with him could lead to him going back into hiding and resurfacing as someone else. If he found out that she could sense his aura, he would take steps to either avoid her or find some way to conceal his aura. If she needed to confront him, she would have to be prepared to face him in combat.

Sweetie continued the discussion, “Nevermind him, you know that we found those classified documents on Korhal of all places. You know what this implies?

Raynor thought about it for a moment before coming to the same realization, “Mengsk! It’s always Mengsk! The end of the universe is coming and I should have known he’d be behind it!” he growled.

“I think he just wants the Hybrid to protect him. He never was one to think about the consequences as long as he got what he wanted in the end.”

“True, though now we know he’s more dangerous than ever.”

“We can deal with Mengsk later. For now we need to focus on saving Kerrigan.”

Sweetie asked Matt to contact Valerian. When the prince answers Matt’s call, his expression showed a combination of irritation, anticipation and resignation. Apparently, the media’s harassment of the prince had taken its toll on him. <“Greetings Commander Raynor, Lieutenant Sweetie Drops. In case you ask, I am not upset about my father’s crimes being leaked to the public. On the contrary, I had been prepared for that to happen. Though no one can truly be prepared for a media circus.”>

“For what it’s worth, I am sorry that you have to end up suffering because of your father. Anyway, has Moebius found the last artifact fragment?” Sweetie asked.

<“Thank you for your consideration. Yes, our mutual friends have found the last fragment. It’s on a derelict Xel’naga worldship in the Sigma Quadrant.”>

“Pretty far off the beaten path, junior,” Raynor said.

Valerian indicated the exact location of the fragment as well as the huge Tal’darim force protecting it. “The ship has several Rip-field Generators which disintegrate everything at a molecular level in a matter of moments. The Tal’darim are protected from the effects of the Rip-field generators thanks to their shields. Fortunately, our new Minotaur class Battlecruisers should be able to survive the fields long enough to destroy the generators.”

Tychus was concerned about the dangers of such an operation but Sweetie reassured him that they had their own secret weapon: Lyra.

“I have a different Idea on how we make our entrance to the ship. We are going to deploy Lyra via drop pod. The Tal’darim defenses at the back of the ship are minimal. She will be able to destroy the generator there and any resistance near it by herself. It also helps that she has energy shields to protect her from the rip-field. Once the generator is destroyed, we can set up our base and force our way through the rest of the Tal’darim defenses.”

Valerian was surprised by Sweetie’s strategy, he hadn’t anticipated that they had someone who could fight from within the rip-field without feeling the effects. “That actually sounds like a much better strategy, I had forgotten about Lyra’s Protoss abilities.”

Lyra piped up, “Remember, if Nyon shows up, he’s mine. I wanna take him down, Tal’darim style.” Sweetie giggled at that.

Matt had something to say next, “Swann mentioned buying some useful upgrades for the Battlecruisers. Also, Mira Han found something useful for you, Sweetie. Apparently her forces came across some experimental ammunition that can drain Protoss shields. After figuring out how they work, Swann was able to produce more of it.”

Sweetie was happy to finally have something very useful against Protoss, even if she really needed it for a long time. She was grateful to have it now.

After visiting Swann to grab the ammo, Sweetie prepared for deployment, deciding to assist Lyra with her preemptive strike after all.

A trio of Stalkers stood guard near a Rip-field Generator discussing their dwindling faith in Executor Nyon after his series of losses to a small Terran group. One still held faith in their Executor while the other two were considering deserting Nyon and either fleeing to the Daelaam or return to Slayn and try to find their place among their tribe.

Suddenly, a single drop pod landed near their location, just outside the rip-field. The three Stalkers stared at the lone pod. Since it appeared Terran-made, they assumed the enemy had arrived. Once the pod opened, however, there was no one inside. The Stalkers moved closer to investigate.

A pulse of energy suddenly hit them and left them deprived of their shields. Just as quickly, they each received an impact that sent them flying back into the rip-field. The trio soon found themselves breaking apart and quickly disintegrated.

Moving into the rip-field, one of the assailants deployed her warp and bane blades and slashed apart the generator, disabling the rip-field.

Sweetie decloaked and headed in Lyra’s direction. “Nice teamwork!” she said.

Lyra smiled and nodded, “You too!”

With the area clear, the Raiders began moving buildings into the area to set up their base.

The Raiders were quick to set up their defenses near a gap that the Tal’darim sent Warp Prisms over to drop enemies on the rebels. Thankfully, the Battlecruisers were able to quickly repel the attackers. Lyra was quick to eliminate any straggling enemies on the island.

A trio of Photon Cannons guarded the other side of the gap. A trio of Battlecruisers moved in and destroyed the cannons from afar with their Yamato Guns. After rallying a few more Battlecruisers, the small fleet set a direct course for the next Rip-field Generator.

A squadron of Scouts and Phoenixes moved in to defend the generator and were shot down one by one. The Battlecruisers unleashed everything they had and blew the generator to pieces.

With the generator down, a Medivac was called in to transport Sweetie and Lyra to the other side of the gap so they could support the capital ships by tearing apart the buildings. Sweetie used her EM shots to disable Tal’darim shields before using the rip-field to her advantage by kicking enemy soldiers into it.

A small group of imprisoned Dark Templar noticed the attacks against the Tal’darim and sensed Lyra’s presence. Regarding her as a sister, the Nerazim asked Lyra and the others to free them so they could exact their vengeance on the Tal’darim. Lyra shattered the prison and set the Dark Templar loose.

With the area cleared, the Raiders established a forward position near Sweetie’s location. At the same time, Reapers were deployed to scavenge the areas of the ship for resources to help move against the Tal’darim.

Noticing another Nerazim prison, Sweetie called in Dusk Wings to free their Protoss allies. She also called in Jackson’s Revenge to add their firepower to the Battlecruiser fleet. Hel’s Angels were also called in to support the Dusk Wings.

Taking advantage of their Shadow Walk ability, Lyra and the Dark Templar attacked any Tal’darim that gathered to attack them. Foolishly, Nyon only relied on stationary Photon Cannons to sense their locations.

With the help of Science Vessels and Bio-steel material used in the making of the Battlecruisers to allow the frames to regenerate, the growing fleet of capital ships were repaired and ready to attack the Tal’darim once again. The ships quickly engaged a nearby Rip-field generator.

In reaction to this, the artifact fragment was sealed in a vault built into the ship. Nyon finally appeared aboard a massive Protoss Mothership to defend the vault.

Using hit and run tactics, the fleet moved around and attacked a number of Pylons, Warp Prisms, Photon Cannons as well as another Rip-field Generator before fleeing from the Mothership. A number of Protoss ships were shot down in the process.

After a while of repairing the fleet, the ships attacked another Generator, leaving only the three near the vault.

With all means of detection and power lost in the main base, Lyra led the Dark Templar to clean up the ground clutter.

Luring the Mothership out of the rip-field with the Battlecruisers, Sweetie moved in and started firing numerous EM shots at the massive ship. The capital ships then fired a couple of Yamato Guns at the ship. Suffering major damage while temporarily disabling the fleet with a Vortex, the Mothership teleported back to the vault.

With its shields gone, the Mothership started disintegrating in the rip-field. Nyon realized that his ship was not going to last much longer and teleported himself to the surface of the worldship.

While the Raider fleet move away to deal with the rest of the Tal’darim fleet, Nyon watched the losing battle in front of him and mentally prepared himself for death.

That was when he heard the clopping of hooves against the stone surface of the ship. Nyon looked around and saw a familiar aquamarine-colored creature walking toward him unarmed. Before he could question her lack of armaments, a green blade appeared from her right palm and a red blade appeared from her left palm. She continued advancing toward him menacingly.

Nyon was enraged by the display he saw, “You dare wield the blade of my people against ME!?”

Lyra gave a wicked smirk. “I am here to finish you properly. Consider this an impromptu Rak’Shir. I am going to show you, once and for all, that you are unworthy in the eyes of the Xel'naga.”

Pushed beyond his patience, Nyon deployed his Bane Blades and charged at Lyra. After a brief clash of blades, Nyon attacked with a series of horizontal slashes and thrusts. Lyra dodged each attack like they were nothing. Nyon attempted to unleash a Psionic Storm on her with reckless abandon to his own safety. Lyra noticed that and countered with a Feedback which nearly sent him kneeling while grasping his head. Capitalizing on his brief distraction, Lyra unleashed a powerful psionic blast at the Executor before following up with a blast of magic from her horn which sent him flying back a moderate distance. Lyra chased after Nyon and unleashed a Psionic Shockwave that sent Nyon flying toward the edge of the world ship. In a desperate bid to regain footing, Nyon channeled all of his psionic power to force Lyra back, but the attack was too weak because he was still recovering from the Psychic Feedback. Lyra caught up with the Executor who tried to block her next attack. What surprised him was that she quickly turned around so her back faced Nyon before she jumped down on her hands and bucked him off the world ship with both hooves.

Without his plasma shields, Nyon succumbed to the vacuum of space.

The Battlecruisers blew open the vault and the Raiders collected the last of the artifact fragments.

Sweetie was quite enthralled with Lyra’s battle. She was very impressed with how far Lyra had come in four years. Though her drive to not be outdone by her marefriend had hardened her resolve to go through with her future plans.

She just hopes that Lyra will still love her after they come to fruition.

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