• Published 5th Oct 2018
  • 2,620 Views, 98 Comments

Overqueen in Equestria - Xinrick

Mayan death timer is a thing, and I'm now a hero of a world...just in a very weird situation.

  • ...

Chapter 9

John and Tanya stood in a large… space, of sorts. They felt a ground under them, breathed air, but saw nothing but an emptiness around them for .. seemingly everywhere.

Blake, stood between them, going off a checklist on his clipboard.

“So…where the hell are we?” John inquired.

"Pocket dimension." Blake said as he wrote something on his clip board down.

“Very descriptive there my guy.” Tanya said. “Cause all we see is a whole bunch of nothing and not sure what we’re supposed to do.”

"Well now that I've checked your new bodies physical health over and made sure none of your prior bodies illnesses somehow transferred over, we'll begin some basic exercise to get you both better accustomed to your new bodies."

"Alright, what do you want us to do first?" Tanya inquired.

"Start with the basics. Run."

The both of them nodded, and started to run, the both of them thinking they would do about average considering how they weren’t really active in exercise but not really lazy either.

Given the nature and emptiness of the pocket dimension the two were unaware of how fast or far they ran. They only stopped when they suddenly came up to Blake again.

"Good job." He said.

“I…guess?” Tanya said. “How fast were we going? We couldn’t really tell since this is…well, a complete empty void.”



“Wha?” John blinked as to why ‘void’ echoed.

"Well you two were going just shy of the speed of sound." Blake informed.

“Hold up what?” John asked in surprise. “We almost ran at the speed of sound? How?” He asked, not believing they were honestly that fast.

"Your bodies are not fully human, since you're forgetting that. You can run much faster than a human but not as fast as a Zerg or Protos."

“No…that’s faster than a vast majority of both races.” Tanya said nervously. “Unless we’re forgetting something about them…though they did fight a lot of things that are a lot faster and stronger than them so…I guess you might be right.”

"Well, next up is jumps." Blake said.

“Fair enough.” Tanya nodded, the two getting ready for their jumps exercises.

The two crouched down, limbering up a bit before jumping up. This time the two had a better sense of their height. Yet, somehow to their complete and utter confusion, Blake appeared next to them and suddenly their jump of what they felt was an impressive height ended as their feet suddenly touched ground that was not present earlier.

"Good job." Blake said.

“Okay…this is really weird.” John frowned. “Where are we really?”

"A pocket dimension." Blake repeated.

“That…doesn’t explain what the hell is going on with this dimension but whatever.” Tanya rolled her eyes. “What next?”

"Strength tests." Blake said, two large metal walls appearing before John and Tanya. "Punch those."

“Uh…sure.” Tanya nodded, both of them punching the solid metal wall.

The pain exploded up their arms from knuckles to shoulders.

"Huh. That's interesting." Blake said, writing more things down.

“Fucking ow!” Tayna snapped in pain.

“Interesting how!?” John asked, in equal amounts of pain.

"Well your projections and biology suggest you two should have been able to dent and break it."

“We were average people before we became this, why would you think that!?” Tanya rubbed her arm, thinking it was less their strength and more they didn’t actually know how to punch properly.

"You don't have average bodies." He said. "Huh. Odd. Well, we'll come back to this on a later date." Blake said, snapping his fingers and suddenly their arms felt back to normal, no pain and the metal walls were gone. "Guess that just leaves abilities."

“Alright, what abilities do we have?” John asked. “Cause we can kind of guess a general idea, psionic capabilities at the very least.”

"Well, yes, you have all those fancy psionic stuff and Tanya… well…"

“What’s special about me?” Tanya inquired.

"Well, as you know you are a Zerg Overqueen… plus a bit of the Den Mother thrown in for effectiveness so…"

“So…” Tanya thought for a moment. “That’s…good to know…” Tanya blushed, looking down at her assets and now knowing why they felt and looked…bigger.

"But, being a Den Mother also means you can't… produce, asexually."

“I…guess that makes sense.” Tanya said honestly.

"Good news, Den Mother variants of species are naturally compatible with all species, so, you have options."

“Well, good to know I do have options.” Tanya shrugged.

"You're taking this rather well."

“Cause mentally I’m trying to do a lot of thing’s to keep it together so I don’t screech like a banshee.” Tanya said with a strained smile.

"Fair. So, I'll give you two privacy-"

Before John or Tanya could speak up, Blake was gone. Leaving the two alone in the empty odd pocket dimension.

"Uh…so…" Tanya blushed. "About our…predicament…" The new apparent Queen Hybrid tried to talk, a bit shy at the implications that Blake just put these two in here to bang.

Amon sighed as he examined the logs. So far the new breed of Hybrids have been meeting expectations.

"So far things are going swimmingly, but I'd like it less if they would stop asking me about meeting the locals like this is some fucking field trip…" The evolved Xel-Naga grumbled, grabbing another Grape and popping it into his mouth. "I'm building an army for universal conquest damn it." He grumbled.

He did wonder, however, why did Pain want them capable of breeding. They were far more their own species than he had have liked, yet still, they preformed as good as manufactured.

The first generation of bred hybrids was due any day now. They bred fast at least.

"As long as they breed my army, I don't care." He shook his head bitterly.

With a sigh, he popped another grape into his maw-

"Please let my wife be safe in her birth."

Amon stood, hearing a voice in the back of his mind, like someone calling out to them but in his mind.

"What?" The god questioned, looking into why he just heard…a prayer towards him.

"You've been a God how long and never heard a prayer before?" Pain asked, appearing next to Amon.

"Never, no Xel-Naga has ever heard a prayer before." He shook his head. "But why am I hearing this now?"

"Hm." Pain laughed lightly. "This is your species. You are their God. Not just some all power no real title bullshit you were before. When you craft a species that can breed, you Truly become a God."

"But I'm going to send them all to slaughter billions because I hate the lies the other Xel-Naga spouted for eons! And they want me to be their god?" Amon asked, flabbergasted at both the official title he's gotten, and that these bioengineered beings he wanted as bloodthirsty monsters would…think him as a god

"You are their God. You made them. You gave them the ability to breed, be self aware and intelligent. They know you exist, are among them in flesh and blood. The first generation owe you their species existence, like a parent and child. They look at you with wonder and curiosity. They want to know you more, but they are unsure how to approach, so, they pray. It's up to you on how you answer those prayers."

Amon was taken aback by this. The beings he created to cause destruction and death…wanted to know him more? They saw him like that? "I…what?" He asked, completely floored by this realization.

"How little you know about the real divine." Pain said with a smile. "Well, go on then."

Amon shook his head, snapping his fingers as he gave the wish to the person. "Better they believe I'm a benevolent god so they follow my orders better."

Pain chuckled. "Trying to keep distance between them and you?"

“I created them for the sole purpose of burning the entire universe to the ground.” Amon said. “And yet…they ask me to help them seed new life?”

"Tell me Amon. What happens after a fire?"

“Ash covers the land, whether from plant or creature doesn’t really matter.”

"My my." Pain chuckled. "Still such a child. Alright then, tell me this Amon. The void is emptiness. Full of nothing, yes? So, tell me, why is it too full of life?"

"The void is…weird…." Amon said carefully. "It's a place that shouldn't…but the Xel Naga were born in it, empowered by such a vast and hostile place."

"Heh. Life, Death, and the Void. Three quarters of the cycle known as Existence."

"And what's the last quarter?"

"It doesn't really have a name. We call it all kinds of things. The Beginning. The Origin Point. Ground Zero. The Heart of Creation. It's where all things begin, and where they are reborn. Life, death, time space, even the void."

"Interesting." Amon hummed. "So much more to learn about reality…"

"Now tell me, knowing this, what do you think happens when a reality dies?"

"Either it ceases to be all together…or somehow another big bang happens to replace it."

"Both. See, when one universe ends another begins. That is what the Origin Point does."

“So it’s an endless cycle…just my version would be faster than the heat death of the universe.”

"So your goal is to end the universe to prevent the slow death of it as a whole?"

“No, my plan is to kill everything and end this fucking charade the Xel’Naga were propagating for countless millenia!” Amon snapped. “Their ‘Infinite Cycle’ is broken, just to fuel their egos and race, ‘shepherds’ for all the life they sow into the universe only to strip away their lives to be fat bloated sacks of energy to push more races to be just like them!” He growled. “I gave up my life, my family, for falsehoods and I will burn this universe down to the very last atom to spite their ‘Grand Design’!”

"Wouldn't it be better to target the source and kill them directly if revenge is your desire?"

“The only Xel’Naga left is Karrigan, who’s still struggling to keep her refugees alive.” Amon said. “But the Xel’Naga wanted to be ‘Life’s Shepherd’, continuing to guide and spawn in life into this broken existence. So what better way than to finally prove them wrong as I burn everything they worked so hard for to nothing as they watch in whatever afterlife they’re in as I laugh.”

"Flawed beings playing God. A tale as old as time. So, tell me, what about this existence is broken?"

“Everything.” Amon growled.

"That doesn't exactly clarify my question."

The newly created God took a deep breath. “The whole ‘Cycle’ is broken.” He said. “Everything that the Xel’Naga did, it was all corrupt, broken, and just to fuel their ‘need’ to keep it going.” He said, the tendrils on his back writhing in barely contained rage, so many billions of years festering in his rage and changing the Void around him to suit his anger.

"Broken how? The need to produce life? Or the need to extend it?"

“The Xel’Naga were born of the Void, but they went around universe after universe to sow life just so they can set the next generation of Xel’Naga, forcing their own creation’s into a cycle to become them without any choice otherwise.” Amon explained. “I’m one of the many that ‘ascended’...but this is a damned curse, I was forced to give up everything just to cater to their cycle…”

"From the void? Well, in that case they did as they were born to do." Pain said, puzzling Amon. "The Void down to it's core is corruption. Mutation. Chaos. When it makes contact with anything of the three other parts of creation, things like this are bound to happen. Though admirably it usually is much, much worse."

“I have…noticed.” Amon said carefully. “So…their entire ‘Cycle’ was just…what they were meant to do?”

"Corrupt, kill, or consume. Those are the three primary forces that drive the void and it's more basic life forms."

Amon looked down at himself, how…how he was apparently corrupted by these ‘Shepherds’, claiming their Infinite Cycle was not only for their survival but the survival of the universe as a whole…”I’m…I never thought I could experience such white hot rage before…”

"It's their nature. They're oblivious to it. But perhaps we can sate your rage."

“What can we do?” Amon asked, wanting to know whatever they can do to sate his growing rage at the fact that the damned Cycle was less strong being’s playing god’s and more that their just fucking insects fucking with life because they were supposed to!

"If they originated from here in the void, then why don't you test your armies out at their neck of the woods?"

“You…want me to send my armies against Void itself?” Amon asked in surprise. “I…I can do that?” He asked, cause as far as he knew there wasn’t really much in the Void besides what he could have shaped from his growing seething rage after he killed almost all the Xel’Naga

"If you're going to be working with me then you best get familiar with The Void and its nature. I will warn you now, it's nothing like you will expect. Many of the laws of physics and nature you know here will not apply there."

“There’s already a lot of things that shouldn’t be applying here, you being the prime candidate. But what’s the worst that can happen?”

"Would you like that list in alphabetical, chronological, or in a list based on the amount of horror it would be for you?"

“Anything scarier than you?” He asked, which was a fair point all thing’s considered.

"No but unlike me, they will be trying to kill you."

“Fair.” Amon said. “Well…best try this new Void realm out.”

"Hard to believe so little survivors made it." Helix said, she and Imago running through the senses data of the various survivors of Amon's attacks.

“Yeah, so far there’s only five hundred thousand Primal Zerg, a Million Protoss, and Five Million Terrans.” Imago said, looking over all the data and seeing all the more injured having the best medical care Genetech can offer. “We’ll have to talk to the Ambassador’s for each of the Refugee groups to see what truly happened…”

"Assuming they have any. According to these few of the survivors even held positions in any of their planets military. Amon's army was thorough." Helix huffed.

“Yes, and while the Protoss and Zerg are quick to combat, due to the Zerg always being a ‘survival of the fittest’ kind of race and Protoss being who they are…Terran’s will be in need of some help as most of their builders were killed and need to be retrained.” Imago sighed, rubbing his temple. “We wanted to prepare you all for Amon and the Void’s assault…not play damage control for the entire Galaxy getting burnt to ash.”

"My confidence in you all is at an all time high." Helix said sarcastically as she pulled out a cigarette and began to light it, taking a deep breath of the tobacco and sighing.

“Wouldn’t be sassing me if you saw how strong we truly are…” Imago grumbled, more of his perfectionist persona cracking as everything was going so absolutely sideways you’d think life was trying to turn into a 2D Side Scroller.

“Lady Helix, Sir Imago.” A Genetech soldier interrupted their possible lovers quarrel.

"Yes soldier?" Helix asked.

“Five representatives from the Refugee’s would like an audience with you ma’am.” The soldier said. “Lady Vorazun of the Protoss, Dehaka of the Primal Zerg, Swann, Hann and Horner for the Terrans.”

"Bring them in." Helix said, the soldier leaving. "Swear if this is a revenge speech I'm going to knock them into a month long coma."

“They just had their home sector destroyed by an enemy they thought long dead, give them a little slack.” Imago pointed out.

"I give people slack and Equis ends up like them and there aren't exactly many habitable planets left we can escape to."

“Well, with what we have planned, we’re going to have plenty of habitable planets.” Imago said, knowing that they could put some plans into motion to start creating planets, but hopefully they wouldn’t and could just terraform some destroyed planets if Amon wasn’t a prick and core cracked them.

"Isn't that a lengthy process? Besides, Amon nearly killed off thousands of species and that took less than a week."

“Do you have a better idea?” He inquired.

"Well, we can nuke them with spare suns in the area." Imago nearly fell off his chair. Utilizing a sun for energy was common among every advanced species… weaponizing one… less to never heard of.

“Excuse you, weaponizing a sun is very dangerous, which is why no one’s done it before.” Imago said quickly.


“Ah, yes, calling me a chicken when one wrong move when trying to weaponise a star like that would set off a supernova, cause that makes sense.” Imago rolled his eyes.

“You two love birds done or should we give you two some privacy?” They both jumped a bit at the sudden voice interrupting their argument. They both saw an aging terran man of average height, but a rather stocky build, brown hair leading into a moustache from his sideburns, a stained and patched up orange engineering jumpsuit, and a robot arm ending with a claw that looked like an adjustable wrench.

"Say that again and I'll show you a new use for that arm of yours." Helix said, taking another puff of her cigarette. "And who would you be?"

“I’m Rory Swann, head engineer of the Terran’s.” The man said, the seasoned engineer letting the threat slide off him like it wasn’t said. “The other four are outside, thought we’d want to do some ‘interviews’ with your group that’s been helping us relocate.”

"I believe the employer requests for an interview, not the employee."

“Ah, yeah.” Swann said, scratching the back of his head in nervousness. “Listen, I’m not really…good with this kinda stuff, but one of your higher ups said it’s best to get our stories straight one at a time.” He said, Imago and Helix feeling like their talking to an older generation that was more used to talking with his hands or ‘like the old days’ and honestly he looked tired and run down.

"Hm. Very well." Helix said, taking a final, long puff from her cigarette before crushing the remaining bud in her hand and tossing it into the trash. "So mister Swann, what makes you think you are Gentech material?"

“Give me an engineering bay and some spare hands for my crew, and I can make damn near anything, especially something’s better than your tech I’ve seen so far.” Swann says, his tone not being boastful or demeaning, but that of a seasoned engineer that’s seen and built his fair share of nonsense.

"What you've seen and what we have are not the same thing mister Swann. I'd keep that in mind when addressing your potential employer."

“I sure hope so, cause those flying fortresses and golems? I can show you some improvements I have in mind.” He said, again his tone being that of aged experience.

"Really? You have experience in Magicite powered Automaton Clockwork Mana Golem Engineering?"

“Automaton’s I know.” Swann said honestly. “This Magicite stuff I’ll have to look over cause, again, another fancy energy source that can make my life less of a headache when I have to patch up a Warp Core meltdown with scrap metal, duct tape and dreams.” Swann groaned.

"Hm. Tell you what Mister Swann. I'll give you a job in our Engineering department, if, you can solve this simple problem." Helix said, writing down on a sheet of paper before handing it to Swann. The paper contained detailed, advanced instructions, directions, some formulas and a diagram of the machine all these came together to create. "There is one error in that design, where is it?"

Swann first looked over the paper, and gave a quick sigh, muttering something about ‘universal common language’ as he looked over the sheet and frowned. “Well, your power input’s crap in this…” Swann said as his claw went into his arm before coming out with a pen as he, impressively, wrote down the solution onto the paper with said wrench robot hand. “And there.” He said, handing back the paper with the solution to the power input problem which matched the complexity that Helix tried throwing at him.

She smirked. "This input is doable. Enough for a basic functionality of the device. So, congratulations Mister Swann, you're employed as of now. Go speak to the Sergeant for deployment to the nearest engineering bay."

“Thank you.” Swann nodded. “Won’t let ya down Skippy.” He said as he left the room, Helix blinking at that.

“Skippy?” Helix asked in confusion as Imago snorted and stifled a laugh at the old man nickname.

"I will castrate you." Helix said, shutting Imago up.

“I didn’t laugh, I promise.” He said with raised hands defensively even if he still had a smug grin.

"Well, that was interesting. Have to admit, he surprised me."

“Yes, I am surprised he immediately caught the power problem, I have a feeling he was also thinking there was a secondary problem with it, but he shows promise.”

"So, who or what is next?"

“That would be me.” As from the shadow’s and slight mist out came a female protoss, dressed in sleek, skin tight armor and semi loose robes that seemed to stay still even with her silent steps even to the two, a Hydralisk Skull shoulder pad on her right shoulder, which arm was sporting a brand new Genetech Prosthetic, her skin was a pale purple and her weapon staying closely on her back. “I am Matriarch Vorazun of the Dark Templar, and acting leader of the Protoss until we find our Hierarch Artanis.”

"Right. And what kind of position are you hoping to acquire within Gentech?" Helix asked.

“Information Gathering, Assination…as some Terran’s would say, ‘Spy Work’.” Vorazun said.

"Right. Well, officially Gentech doesn't have any positions for one with your skills." Helix stated. "Off the books, there are programs in place but given current state of things it's been a second priority. Why put resources into an espionage program when the real threat is from the void itself."

“The Void hold’s Shadows, and from the Shadow’s we work best.” She answered, snapping her fingers as two Dark Templar, protoss of the same color as Vorazun with the same theme of armor, came out of the shadow’s holding a box and the other an unconscious terran. “And to prove that our work can be vital, I offer you some gifts from when we were retreating from Amon’s assault.”

“Oh? We have a hostage and information?” Imago questioned, rather surprised that these three got into this room without anyone else detecting them, especially with a hostage and a box.

“This terran was marked by Amon,” Vorazun said, showing their forehead held an insignia of their resurrected foe. “And the box hold’s some valuable information about what Amon’s been truly doing with his new hybrid.”

"Hm. This is definitely useful." Helix nodded. "How would you like to take lead on Gentechs espionage program?"

“Our enemies won’t know what hit them till they feel our blades.” Vorazun said. “Oh, and I must thank you for the new arm.” Vorazun brought up their prosthetic, which was the same clockwork style Genetech was using before with some Protoss tech mixed in.

Vorazun took her leave, taking the prisoner and box with her.

"Well, so far so good." Helix said.

“What did you think of their Stealth abilities?” Imago said.

"They're definitely unique."

“Wonder how their invisibility works? Cause they were rather skilled in their stealth.” Imago said, writing down some notes about the two people they’ve seen so far.

"Well, one left. Come on in!" Helix called out.

They heard stomps, as they saw their first Primal Zerg, but it seemed to have changed it’s size to accommodate it’s surroundings. This Primal Zerg had blue chitinous skin with black shell like plates from it’s back to the pointed tip at the bridge of it’s nose and spread around it’s arms and legs, four glowing predatory eyes looked between the two as it’s body looked well built, strong with four arms ending in clawed hands and a long thick tail. “I am Dehaka.” The Zerg said, it’s voice coming out as a gravely mixture of beastial growls and common tongue if you gargle cement every day.

"Right. Any skills or position in mind within Gentech?" Helix asked.

“I am a Collector,” They answered. “Essence, DNA, Biomass, I know well.” He explained. “Smell alone, forced half breed,” He points one of his smaller arms towards Helix which caused her eyes to widen. “You, shapeshifter, close to perfect…” The Primal Zerg pointed at Imago, though they trailed off as if thinking about that trail of thought on scent alone.

Helix smirked. "Impressive." She said with a small chuckle. "But keep that information to yourself, alright big guy?"

Dehaka nodded, understanding that secrets need to be kept as they might be seen as a weakness. “Primal Zerg strong, Pack’s unified against the Dark one, gain strength through Essence of our foes…help heal through integration with the Pure Corruption.” He said.

“Pure Corruption?” Imago inquired, not knowing what he meant by that.

“Magicite,” Dehaka answer growled. “Part of the Void, part of the Corruption, but Pure like Primal Essence.”

"Makes sense given how it's made." Helix nodded. "I imagine you people need a place to recover and recuperate. More importantly there is someone from Imago's family here I imagine you will want to meet."

“Yes, must rebuild, must strengthen, must consume Essence to Evolve.” Dehaka said. “Amon Evolve, no longer Xel-Naga…Beast Mother support him…” The Primal Zerg shuddered.

"Beast mother?" Helix asked, sharing a look with Imago.

“Older than Primal Zerg, Older than Xel’Naga, send’s Beast’s to fight, but Primal Zerg strong…Beast Mother chose Champion, Champion create Hybrid Beasts…Amon Champion.” He explained. “Primal Zerg need to grow stronger, need to evolve…”

"Hm… well, then I guess Imago and his family are the best to help your people get stronger."

To be continued...