• Published 5th Oct 2018
  • 2,630 Views, 98 Comments

Overqueen in Equestria - Xinrick

Mayan death timer is a thing, and I'm now a hero of a world...just in a very weird situation.

  • ...

Chapter 11

"Well… that was… eventful…" John said, tired and barely catching his breath.

“Y-yeah…that was…wow…” Tina panted.

"Sorry about the uh… pulling thing…"

"No no…it was hot."

"Seriously? Huh…" John said. "So… that was… fast." He added, looking at her now enlarged stomach. Tina's body looked as if she was nine months pregnant with either twins or one large baby.

"Uh…yeah…I mean sure, you were more pent up than a dam about to explode but…" Tina frowned, putting a hand on her stomach and feeling a kick. "I…shouldn't be this deep into my pregnancy…"

"Well, he did say you were a… what was it? Den Mother?"

"Yeah…I'm a Den Mother…and I don't know what I expected from it…"

"Maybe it means you… reproduce faster or something?" John offered, looking around the void area. "Surprised he hasn't shown up yet."

"Yeah, you'd think after we did the deed he'd show up finally."

"I just hope he shows up before you a… actually, will you lay eggs or live birth or… what?"

"I…don't know and that concerns me…"

We sat around for a while feeling… awkward but eventually we fell asleep.

When we woke up, there was the sun in our faces, grass under our butts and a few boxes nearby.

We were in a large grass field with some trees, a pond, I heard birds and such…

What in the god damn…

I helped Tina stand up and first we went over to the boxes. On top of them was a note.

Dear Tina and John,

This planet has no other sentient life forms on it, but does possess plenty of natural resources, as does it's moons and belt. Please make use of them all as you see fit. This planet will be the new home of your offspring. Here you two will bring a new species into existence and population the planet over the centuries to melania. You two will not age, know sickness, ECT, but can still die from injuries. Keep that in mind. These boxes contain some basic terraforming and crafting tech and supplies for your use here and will help you two build this planet and your new offspring species to thrive.

Sincerely, Blake.

P.S. don't worry about incest your offspring will all be asexual reproducers with a several century lifespan. Books in boxes.

"Did… he just… Adam and Eve us?" John asked dumbly, he and Tina staring at the note in shock…

"Bu-but why?" Tina asked, super confused as to why this is happening. "Were supposed to be tacticians fighting against Amon…the fuck…"

They flipped the note around.

P.P.S. It will take time for you both to populate the numbers needed to face Amon's Army. Don't worry, time in this world compared to Equis is faster. A year here will be a second there.

"... I don't see how this is gonna help us… but looks like we're stuck here for… a while…" John sighed.

"So…he wants us to…breed an army?" Tina asked weakly. "I know we're half zerg but…I thought my first kids would be adorable and not know any problems not…be used to fight a monster…"

John sighed, rubbing his eyes at the new information. "They are not making this easy… I guess… we make sure they have a good childhood…"

"At…least we'll give em that at least…" I sighed.

"Well, let's see what crap he left us." John said, opening the first box.

"Not bad for an old man." Helix said, she and Imago lay covered by bedsheets alone at her home. A cigarette in her mouth as she and the changeling finished their regular nightly activities.

"Oh please, you were howling with pleasure for this 'old man'." Imago chuckled, sighing happily at the afterglow.

"Fair, but I was worried you'd break your back doing moves like that." Helix chuckled. "Besides, you did take a few minutes to recover from the foreplay~"

"I will concede your mouth is good for something finally." He countered playfully.

"Hmm, well I still say leadership wise you might consider retiring. After all, your true purpose seems right at home here." Helix replied with a smirk, taking a puff before putting the rest out. "Haven't felt this… relaxed in years…"

"You were certainly happy when I took charge." He said, gently wrapping an arm around her. "And…yes, I haven't felt like this in ages…"

"... Was this a mistake?" Helix asked, a somber expression on her face as she seemed to be thinking.

"Only if you think it is…" Imago said carefully. "I…I don't want this to be a mistake, even if we fight like cats and dogs…"

"Then Fuck like rabbits." She sighed. "Not even sure what to call this whole situation?"

"Some people would call it 'hate fucking'." The changeling pointed out. "But…I want this to mean something important for us…"


"An actual relationship? Or at least…something positive between us, so that this wasn't a mistake…"

"What can make it positive?"

"Going on a date after this?" He suggested. "An actual date, not some bullshit set up by Auntie…just the two of us doing…something."

"Like what? I have no social life aside business related stuff, and you probably haven't been on a date since all the continents on this planet were once one big one or underwater."

Imago sighed. "I suppose we can ask…Chrysalis for help." He said, having a small amount of hole shed know what dating really was.

"Didn't she spend the better part of her life stuck here in hiding and the rest until you got here a fugitive?"

Imago sighed. "Fine, then let's talk to Cadence, her whole thing is love so she'd be best."

"I know you're right but the idea of asking her triggers a sense of dread and terror for me for some reason."

"Which is worse? Asking Cadence, or getting Auntie to try and force it when we're not sure how to go about this?" He inquired, considering how his auntie is, he's surprised she hasn't tried to force it more.

"Hmm… Fair point. Still… this whole situation is pretty odd."

“I know…” He sighed. “Just…don’t want this all to be ruined ya know? I’m finally able to feel calm and relaxed after millenia of bullshit…and all we’re doing is second guessing it…”

"Wanna go another round and think about it after?"

“I am perfectly fine with that.”

John and Tina's house was decent. Made from logs harvested and carved by drones left to them by Blake to scout, harvest materials, and construct buildings. It was simple and it was home.

After their first month on this world, they greeted their first borns. Norman, Sophie, and Alex. All three were a perfect mix of their parents in looks, and despite, according to Blake's notes on being asexually reproductive, acted like two brothers and a sister.

"While the regular sex is fun, I do miss TV… heck, even a book would be nice…" John sighed as Tina lay next to him, stomach large again with their next clutch of children.

They could hardly believe it's been a year, and already their kids walked, talked and acted more like ten year olds.

“Yeah…while this place is nice, getting a little bored…” Tina admitted. “But hey, not like I’m really complaining here.” She smiled as she rubbed her large baby bump lovingly.

"The fact you developed a pregnancy fetish is both kinda hot, and a little weird."

“I mean…it is a little weird with how fast I got it…” Tina admitted nervously. “But…it is also really hot…I suppose being a Den Mother has something to do with that?”

"Maybe. I guess it also helps that our kids all seem to grow… scary fast. A year old and they're already preteens."

“Yeah…that is a little sad to be honest.” Tina sighed. “Wanted to take care of them longer…”

"You mean nurse them?" John asked, making Tina blush. "You know that was your favorite part. Poor kids drank so much it's a miracle they didn't pop."

“I mean…yeah, that is a big part of it.” Tina admitted.

John chuckled, wrapping an arm around Tina, gently over her belly and partly pressed against her breasts. "You know, since the kids are basically growing up at accelerated rates, they might be adults in another year… meaning we can try and see how many a Den Mother Zerg can carry, bare and tend to, if you want~" John said, giving Tina a kiss on the cheek.

It had only been a year, yet he felt like Tina was his. And he hers.

“That would be awesome.” Tina said with a warm smile. “Love you John.”

"Love you Tina." John replied, sharing a kiss with his mate.

"Eww! Mom and dad are kissing again!" Alex called out, his room being closest to their own.

The two laughed. They might need to make a special place for the more private moments in the future.

“We really need to find a private spot so our adorable kids don’t see.” Tina chuckled.

"Or hear." John added with a laugh.

“That is also true.” Tina agreed. “Never really thought all this would happen to be perfectly honest.”

"Yeah. Guess we'll have to start planning their future home out of home… meaning we're definitely gonna have to make a town and… things a town needs to function. Guess the bots days of hunting and gathering for us are gonna be over. Gotta work on actual farms now."

“Yeah…this is gonna be really annoying to get everything done.” Tina sighed.

"At least they do the hard part. We just gonna design the stuff. Guess work on it to… unless… I'll check and see if they can also make other bots. Preferably ones with specific purposes in mind."

“That would be a good idea.” Tina nodded. “If they can make other bots for specific purposes then thing’s will be a lot smoother…just hope they don’t do some skynet nonsense.”

"Yeah. So, shall we quietly entertain ourselves before getting to work?"

“Yes please.” Tina purred seductively.

"It's not like I don't want a relationship." Helix started. After the third round of rutting, she and Imago both got to talking again. Another cigarette lit in her hands, and Imago had one as well. "But aside from our shared hatred of Faust and our Immortality, what do we have in common?"

“Well, literature and science for a start, and not just because that’s our jobs.” Imago brought up.

"We talked about that stuff at that dinner thing Faust locked us in. What about personal things? Like music?"

“I have listened to so many different kinds of music from so many different cultures…” Imago hummed. “What’s your favorite? Just to narrow thing’s things?”

"Well… in some of the records I found in Faust's computer there was some Terran music. It's newer but they called it Death Metal and it sounded neat."

“While Death Metal is nice…ugh, half the time it sounds like the singer was gargling gravel.” Imago sighed. “Now, if we’re talking about Terran music, Symphonic Metal is amazing.”

"And that is?"

“It’s honestly rather simple, take the elegance of an Orchestra, and put it together with the power of Metal.” Imago said honestly. “There are some really good songs based in that genre.”

"I can give it a try. Okay… what about dreams? Like… if you could be anything, doing anything else at all… what would you do? Who would you be?"

Imago sighed, looking up at the ceiling and taking a puff of his cigarette. “I…I have thought that so many times…that I could just, turn myself into the local life from the planets we visited centuries ago, and just…try to be normal for a change, meet someone special, fall in love…but I’m a Changeling…and we were slowly making our way to Equis where I became ‘Perfect’...I never once have lied or stroked my ego when I said that I was Perfect, because I was created to be Perfect, and it was a success…I just want to…feel normal again…” He turned to Helix. “And…you’ve helped me feel that way after so long…”

Helix looked at her own slowly burning cigarette, taking a deep puff bring it near the butt and exhaling the mini cloud of smoke. "When I was a filly, I wanted to be a teacher." She started. "With my parents taking me everywhere in their travels with the Guard I wanted more than anything to share my learned knowledge with others. After that day, the day Faust found my broken dying body and rebuilt me, that dream faded into obscurity. Yet the curiosity never faded.

"To this day I read and research the files on all the planets you lot explored from before and documented. So many of them are just gone, some don't even have bones as proof something existed there. It's sad really, in a way I felt I could relate. After all, the filly I was died that day, and Faust rebirthed me as this. Helix. I don't look like I used to, don't sleep or wish or dream, hell I don't even need to eat or drink like I used to. New biology makes it I can go months without food and just as long without water.

"I guess all I want now is to remember who I used to be. The filly who had a mom and dad, who was full of wonder of the world and wanted to share that wonder."

Imago sighed. “Knowing her…” The changeling shook his head. “But…I can help you with that dream if you want?” He asked carefully.


“While I…can’t give you back your mother and father…I can help you get back the wonder of the world, and wanting to share it with the people.”

"Doubtful but go on."

“It’ll be a long process, but currently Chrysalis and my family is…reviving other species that were once lost to time…and once this damnable war is over, I can show you so much, not just the wonder of the world, but the wonder of the stars.” He said, waving a hand as magic sprung up and showed the beauty of space like a planetarium/

"Heh. Cheesy, but it does look amazing."

“Cheese it maybe, but it is a very fine cheese.” Imago chuckled.

"Cheesy, dorky and an old man? If I didn't know better I'd say you were a Dilf."

“Only thing that stops me from being a full on Dilf is not being a dad, and as we both agreed…rather not be a parent when Faust is still lurking around at the moment.”

Helix laughed. "Well, since children are not on the table shall the old man like to pretend he's gonna be one." Helix offered. A flash of green and suddenly her stomach looked much more round. "I am still part changeling. My Shapeshifting isn't on par with yours I'll admit but I can alter various parts of my body."

“Why…why are breeding fetishes so universal?” Imago groaned bitterly, rubbing his face with one hand. “Father or Auntie must have done something to me with that…”

"I'll admit I picked it up from the bitch." Helix shrugged. "Now are you gonna see how real it feels or what?"

Imago gently put a hand on her ‘pregnant’ belly to feel how real it was.

He has to admit, it felt authentic. The warmth, the tension and resistance when pressed. The tightness of her skin and-


Imago nearly pulled his hand back… he felt the illusion… kick.

“Did…h-how?” Imago asked honestly. “This…is rather impressive for a simple changeling shapeshift…”

"I've had a lot of practice with this one actually." Helix admitted, rubbing her own illusionary pregnant stomach. "It helped me when I was in some dark places. Tricked myself into thinking… I won't be like her. That the little one in here will be mine to love and… one day hold. Can't tell you how many times I almost made it reality with some bar drunks."

“You’re too good for drunks.” Imago stated simply. “I…I would love to make this a reality…” He admitted. “Ugh…that fucking whore of an aunt of mine…” Imago growled, hating how the both of them can’t take the one last step because of her.

"Well, if we're lucky and things work out… it will be reality." Helix said, sliding over to and against Imago, pressing her body against his. "Till then… we can at least dream and pretend."

Imago put the cigarette butt in an ashtray as he held Helix in both his arms. “Dream and Pretend huh…well, I won’t have to pretend that you’re a Dream come true.”

"Oh you are so gonna tease the hell out of whatever children we have with endless dad jokes I know it." Helix chuckled, nuzzling into Imago.

"Oh yes I am." Imago chuckled warmly.

To be continued...