• Published 5th Oct 2018
  • 2,630 Views, 98 Comments

Overqueen in Equestria - Xinrick

Mayan death timer is a thing, and I'm now a hero of a world...just in a very weird situation.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Amon sat in his laboratory. Pain was an Invaluable source of information. She taught him ways to twist and mutate the building blocks of life in ways he never thought possible before. It was like breaking apart the foundation of nature itself and making his own.

Which, it was.

"How goes the Experiments?" Pain asked, appearing next to Amon in a new form. Her appearance resembled a Terran, a Terran corpse. Pale white skin, fogged lifeless eyes and wet void black hair while dressed in wet, ragged shorts and a pale white shirt covered in grime.

"Beyond my wildest dreams.” Amon said simply. “This is…beyond anything I could have imagined when it comes to Biology.”

"I expected. What you know and what I have shown you are but foot notes in the knowledge you don't know. Still, in the end, everything can be reprogrammed and rebuilt into something new." Pain smirked, looking over at the growing vats. Inside were thrown chunks of the collected dead or prisoners forced Into them.

What will emerge will bring a new generation of Hybrids to Amon's army.

“These new races have been especially helpful in my new research, no matter what other race in the galaxy I have gathered, they always seemed to mix together without any kind of adjustment.” He said, looking at the vat’s that had those ‘Griffons’ in them and was excited to see how well it was working with the other races.

"True, but some genetic factors still can not be… overlooked." Pain said, handing Amon several files. "You'll be wanting to capture these twelve specific individuals. The last two are dead so just dig up their corpses and rebuild their bodies."

Amon nodded, grabbing the files and looking through the many files to see who he had to capture and or grave rob.

"Once you have, set them up to become new… breeding factories."

Amon looked the files over. All twelve, even the two dead, seemed rather… uninteresting.

“These people all look…uninteresting…” He hummed. “But why would I want them to be breeding factories?”

"Tell me Amon." Pain spoke, an almost playful tune in her voice. "When you were making your perfect Hybrids, you took the best of both sets of DNA from the best of the two species available to you, yes?"

“Correct, cause if I didn’t then the entire being would have deteriorated and died within seconds due to how finicky Protoss and Zerg DNA were.” Amon said.

"Now tell me, what is the difference between bioengineered, mass produced entities, and bred and birthed ones?"

“Well, difference being is that one is the ‘natural process’ of creating new life, and the other is taking their very cells, DNA and Genome of a being and creating something completely different, or enhancing such a being.” Amon answered simply.

"Now tell me, what happens when you combine both processes?" Pain asked, earning a look from Amon. "Take the two sources of your prime species, merge into into a new form, one unendingly breeding out your perfectly bioengineered species as if nature made them. Do you know what you have then, Amon?"

Amon’s eyes widened. “I…see where you are going with this…”

"You have Truly, a new species. One I can assure you, will be the best at what they do." Pain said as she talked the files in Amon's hands. "The twelve here are all parents. Mother's, father's, to these Elements of Harmony, these six mare's these parents bred into the world are regarded as heroes. Bio-Locked to an old and powerful set of relics. I want to know if you can make their… new siblings, better at this than them."

“I’m sure I can do just that.” Amon nodded, though for some reason in the back of his mind he thought that this was less about his road to revenge and burning this entire pitiful galaxy to the ground and more…to spread new life around.

"In no time at all, you'll have quite the armies. Of course you'll also need to arm and have the means to feed them."

"With how I work, they won't need food to function properly." He shrugged, finding the biological needs for food and hydration to be a detriment, an extremely exploitable flaw if his enemies know how to exploit it.

Pain eyed him with a side glance for a while, Amon taking notice of this and felt a growing… worry.

"How long?" She asked simply.

“W-well,” Amon gulped. “With the work of Protoss and Zerg DNA, they functionally don’t need to eat or drink ever, due to Protoss being more Plant Like where they absorb the Sun’s rays to get their sustenance, and the Zerg having long since Evolved to ignore such baser needs to continue functioning.” The god explained carefully. “If…if the ponies are just the same flexible template like the Griffon’s, it shouldn’t take long to create such beings.”

Pain was suddenly in front of Amon. The god only still upright because the wall behind him stopped him from falling back. "How long has it been since you tasted?" Pain asked, the worry in Amon mixing with confusion now. "Drank? Held flavor on your tongue?"

“For…many millenia.” Amon said carefully. “But I don’t need food or drink, hell, even before I turned into a Xel-Naga I didn’t truly need it to live.” Amon said carefully, now super confused as to what Pain was going for here.

She stared at Amon. A look of pity in her expression quickly replaced by a chuckle. "I forget you're still so young." She said, raising her hand and forming in it, offered the conjured item to him.

Amon recognized it as a Terran fruit, commonly called an Apple. While several planets had them or variations of them he knew off, he took it gingerly.

“Well…alright…” He said, knowing he really didn’t have to given his biology but he brought it up to his mouth and took a bite of the Apple since Pain seemed insistent on him learning the feeling’s of food.

He felt like a shockwave hit his mouth. Senses so long neglected sending signals of the flavors, texture, consistency. His mind felt almost flooded by the information his tongue was sending as his first bite slid down his throat and his maw demanded more.

Unconsciously, he obliged his maws desire, stopping only when the apple was all gone now.

He looked back over at Pain, confused but felt an odd… satisfaction, in the act.

"We, beings like you, and like me, need not food, drink, air or even a physical body, but my Family and I do anyway. Know why?" She asked, spinning on her heel and taking a few steps away from Amon. "Because when you live as long as we do, with no way to escape living, it's the little satisfactions that make the eternity more bearable. Be it in good company, enjoyable but fleeting moments, or, simply watching and messing with the multiverse and the realms around it for fun."

“I…suppose that’s why I’m here then.” Amon nodded. “To help you mess with the…multiverse…” The ageless being muttered slowly, still trying to wrap his head around the fact that there’s a Multiverse out there.

"Maybe." Pain said with a shrug. "I haven't decided yet."

That…extremely concerned Amon to know that she was still ‘deciding’ his fate outside of his current objective. “Right…” He said carefully.

She walked over to the console, a wave of her hand and a basket of various food and drink items appearing on it before she turned around and vanished.

Amon felt his knees buckle as he slid down the wall behind him and sat on the floor. He hadn't realized how… terrified, he was, until now.

He knew whatever Pain was, far surpassed him and all God-Like beings he knew. Still, she was still an unknown, an enigma that intentionally and knowingly seemed to take delight in causing everything strife, himself included.

When he collected himself, he got up and sat at the console, eyeing the basket of drinks and foods she had left. Some he knew, others were new to him.

For the first time in his entire life, Amon felt and heard the craving of nourishment, despite his body needing none, it wanted to consume and relish in the flavors and experience. It was something his body, once uncaring for the act now seemed to be adamantly craving.

He wondered if Pain had done something to his biology, or if this was something long dormant now awakened.

“This better not cause problems later…” Amon grumbled, grabbing one of these drinks, a ‘Mountain Dew’, opening the cap and taking a swig of it. “Now…onto kidnapping some parents…”

The day had been going slow. Helix sifted through the documents of the Changeling ship for hours, each file producing nothing of interest.

"Find anything of interest?" Imago inquired.

"Lots of data on all kinds of species but mostly nothing of interest."

“That’s fair.” Imago nodded. “So, what do you think about our new friend’s forms?” Imago inquired, having seen the two humans become those natural born hybrid and Zagara’s new…form.

"Knowing Tardigrade she's debating on approaching them to flirt." Helix huffed. "Personally, I don't honestly care."

"Yeah, knowing auntie she would." Imago sighed.

"Mostly just looking for any other mentions of these All Maker beings in the records."

"I don't believe there will be anything on them, considering we haven't heard anything about them through the many centuries of our lives."

"That's because you were in The Void for a long time and also not looking in the right places." Helix said, sifting through more and more files.

"And have you found anything yet?" Imago asked, cause while half of that was true, he did scrounge through a lot of the files they had and there was a lot.

"A few potentials but nothing concrete." She said.

"Considering we're working with beings above Gods…" He frowned, thinking about if there was anything he experienced or learned that could help.

"Exactly. Most of what I found that's plausible is in very old myths and legends about god's or god makers in various planets cultures and religions. It's why I'm specifically searching through the ones with old history, well before you took a void nap and Equestria was still space dust."

“It was the war on this planet that made us take our ‘void nap’...though mostly because the Void was corrupting father and a few others.” Imago shrugged, remembering some ancient texts now that she mentioned it.

"Either way it's easy to overlook something in myth and religion when the proof is either long gone or obscured." She said.

"Fair." He nodded. "Though there was…one race now that I think about it…" he hummed.

"Got a name to go with that?"

Imago looked through some of the files she didn't look through yet, looking through as he sooner came across it. "Ah, here we are. The Chimera, a rather interesting race that naturally evolved with multiple races in them, you'd probably know them with the multiple heads and snake tails." He explained, showing off the race in particular. "Now, if memory serves, they believed in twin gods, Typhon and Echidna, the Gods of Monsters, but there was always…something behind them." He said, bringing up a photograph of said twin gods, but behind the two stood a figure, a simple human form with hair covering most of their face, besides a very terrifying grin.

"Well, that's not creepy and concerning at all." Helix huffed.

"This being, always in the background," he brought out more pictures showing their gods but always the vague figure. "The Creator of All Monsters, the Shadowed Grin…Pain…" He said, the two shuddering in true fear at the spoken word, the air growing cold at the mere mention of this being.

"Well that's one. Now what about the others? We know there are more so they have to appear somewhere."

“Hmm…” He hummed, digging through more Files as he found another…he could of sworn there wasn’t anything with this race? “That’s…that’s not right…” He frowned, looking over the race’s file in specific seeing that there was…more somehow. “So…this is new…” He said, putting down a picture showing six four armed lizard folk at a Poker Table with a very well dressed being, it’s face obscured by the wide brimmed top hat. “This wasn’t in the files before…this race of Lizard Folk had a penchant for games, mostly card and dice based games…but I don’t remember him.”

"Sounds about right… hmm…" Helix said, typing in some data and, to Imago's surprise, pulled up the file for the Changeling Homeworld.

“Man, having a body again feel’s…kinda weird.” Tanya hummed, stretching again to get a better feel over the very strong and…plump body of her’s after a long time of being a voice in Zagara’s head.

"On the bright side we don't have to argue with a co-pilot anymore." John said.

“Oh yeah.” Tanya nodded. “Sure, I also had to deal with a Hive mind stuck in there…but Zagara is extremely busy mentally.” She explained, still getting used to the new hybrid physiology. “So, how you handling our new super bodies?”

"Feels… different." John admitted. "I mean, I feel like me but… stronger. I guess."

“Same…I also feel…bigger…” She said nervously. “So, just waiting for our trainer to see how capable we are…hopefully it won’t be too bad…”

"Capable as in?"

“Well, what we’re physically capable of, or I suppose psychically cause we’re Hybrids.” She shrugged.

"I mean, we should be capable of whatever it is normal ones are and, well, super human stuff."

"Well…we're also in a war so might as well make sure?" Tanya said nervously.

There was a bit of a delay until eventually the two were met by-

"Hello I'm Blake and I'll be your physical fitness instructor."

The guy looked human. Dark brown hair and a small patch of white along the sides, golden yellow eyes and Caucasian skin tone. He wore an all black shirt, pants and shoes.

Immediately John and Tayna's senses went into overdrive upon seeing him. Screaming Danger and Flagging him as something to fear.

"Uh…who are you, why are you here, and should we start running?" Tayna asked worriedly.

"I am Blake and I am here to evaluate your Physical Fitness." He said, pulling a clipboard up from seemingly nowhere. "Now, Tanya Krithtin?" He asked as he looked up at Tanya.

“Uh…y-yes?” Tanya asked nervously. “What are you going to do to us?”

"Uh, Physical Exams. Duh." He then pulled a pen out from behind his ear. "Possible hearing difficulties." He said as he wrote

Tanya frowned. “I’m not hard at hearing, the both of us are just currently scared shitless you’re going to murder the both of us.”

"Now why would I do that?" He asked as he suddenly now held and equipped a Stethoscope, his pen and clipboard vanishing suddenly.

“Our instincts are telling us to run from you?” Tony said carefully.

"Oh that? Yeah I would be setting those off." He said. "Uh, mind?" He asked Tanya, motioning her to sit or kneel. She did and he began using the Stethoscope on her. "You did meet my uncle, well, yeah you did, you got these bodies."

“You’re uncle being…Genie?” Tayna inquired. “But yes, we have met him.”

"Well, that's what he's going by now, yes." Blake shrugged.

"So…are you like him or somehow related to him?" The female hybrid inquired.

"Yes." He said, moving the Stethoscope around her upper chest. "Breath in." He asked and she did.

"We kinda expected someone from Genetexh or the Changelings to be here for a…more rough physical." John brought up. "Why'd you come here for us?"

"Well for starters I probably can better evaluate you both medically and physically than them." Blake said, the Stethoscope was gone and now he held several other medical devices in his grasp. "Plus, I have some experience in this."

“Really?” Tanya inquired. “You’re used to…our brand of situations or just being a doctor for weird hybrid races?”

"Both." He said.

"Really?" Tayna asked. "Well…there's still a lot of things we don't know…"

"That's putting it mildly." Blake said as he strapped an inflating blood pressure reader on Tanya's arm and began letting it inflate.

“So…who brought Amon back?” Tanya inquired. “Cause as far as we knew, Amon was one dead motherfucker.”

"That would be my aunt." Blake said.

“Fucking what!?” John shouted, Blake seeing Tanya’s blood pressure spike at that realization.

“Yeah…just…someone in the same league as Genie helping a Genocidal Maniac…that’s…that’s cool…” Tanya said nervously.

"Considering the stakes at play and such. Don't worry, she's not directly involved. If she was you'd all be having it way worse off by now."

"And that both eases some worries…and only brings up more worries…" John said carefully.

"Well, consider it an ease." Blake said as he swapped the pressure checker for an Arthroscope.

“So, might as well ask, what are we capable of doing?” Tanya inquired.

"Well, everything you can think of. Maybe just shy of twice the normal power levels for the regular base races with the benefit of always being able to get stronger."

“Well…true.” John nodded, remembering that the Hybrid’s could handle Primal Kerrigan so they must have been stupidly strong. “Just gotta figure it all out through trial and error I suppose.”

"You'll want this then." Blake said, handing John a book titled 'So you're now a Protoss-Zerg-Human Hybrid'.

"Uh…right." John said, opening up the book and starting to read it. “Didn’t think there’s just…a book about this…”

"You'd be surprised what exists in the Multiverse of Multiverses."

“Right…” John said slowly. “So, what is this all about? Genie told us that our…being here was because someone was spiteful about current events…so what the hell happened?”

"That's a long, old story. I was a kid when that all went down. Well, kind of a kid, but that's not important. They were once a… well, an important part of the old reality. Think… like a CPU in a computer. Doesn't really work without it, well, after a long war and rebuilding reality itself, they were no longer needed. One of my mother's made sure of that, despite being removed, replaced and destroyed, it left a piece of itself, an echo in Reality. It's always causing issues or problems or sending people like you where they don't belong."

“Well then.” Tayna frowned. “So…this whole weird thing went from full blown The Matrix to Agent Smith just being a douche?”

"I don't get that reference." Blake said.

He finished up his exam on Tanya and began the next on John.

“So…has this happened to others?” Tanya inquired.

"Yes. Lots."

“Think we’ll ever meet any of the others?” John asked, wondering if they would be able to meet any of the other’s tin their current situation.

"Doubtful but not impossible."

“So…your family…” Tayna started. “Considering you said you're related to Genie and this mystery lady that’s helping Amon…how crazy is it?”

"Well, for me, it's normal. It's a big family. Lots of mother's, father's, siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles. Always growing. Guess it makes sense. After the war nobody who was there wanted to do much of anything aside relax and, well, start/grow the family."

“Well…it was after a war so I can see that.” John nodded. “What’s your home…’realm’ I suppose, like?”

"Big. Always something to do."

“Well…I suppose when we’re in the middle of this…” Tanya motioned. “It would make sense that it would be big.”

"Not just for my family mind you, all kinds of people live there too."

“How many people live there?” Tanya inquired, taking the time to read the book John had while he was getting looked over.

"Roughly…Wanna say… forty Decillion? Give or take."

“Holy damn…” She blinked in surprise.

"That's a rough estimate. There's people who are either off the grid or not part of the Empire so, that's mostly just the rough population of the Empire. My family included."

"How do that many people just… live there?" John asked.

"They just do. My home realm is very different from this one or any other on this end of reality." Blake replied, finishing John's examination.

“Well, how’s the examination so far doc?” John inquired.

"All good. No irregularities or issues. Both of you are in prime health. Now I guess it's just onto the physical tests."

“Which will either be perfectly fine or…terrifying…” Tanya muttered, having gotten to how physically capable they were, and given they’re Protoss and Zerg hybrid…they are very strong.

Gentech mining operations were always labels as Historical Excitations. Most were. Others, used this as a cover story. Mining Magicite and the ancient technologies of the ancient past.

To the ponies digging up and photographing, cataloging, and moving these ancient relics, it was just another Tuesday. Very little at this point surprised or impressed these digging crews.

Until today.

"Hey Boss!" One of the workers yelled. "You might wanna come see this!"

The 'boss' was a large Earth Pony stallion, duLL grey coat with eyes to match, the only color on him was his mane and tail that were both a neon red.

His name was Coal, and he walked over to the source of his employees' concern. A large, toothed silo door. The one tooth, easily was three times his size.

“So uh…I think we found whatever we were looking for.” One of the archaeologists said nervously.

“This is…a lot different than our normal work boss.” Another brought up, finding the size of the silo door, hell even the tooth, to be gigantic compared to the other thing’s they found.

"Guess this must be what Helix was talking about. One of those huge finds she said would pop up sooner or later." Coal shrugged. "Dig the rest of it out and around the rest. Helix is gonna want this as cleaned up as possible when she gets here." At his orders the group got back to work.

It was almost two days by the time the entire silo door was unearthed. It was an impressive and terrifying three miles all around.

"So, this is where one of them is." Helix said as she approached the silo doors.

“Yes ma’am, this is where The First is being held.” One of the old changeling soldiers nodded, currently disguised as a griffon male.

"Don't suppose you know how to open it?"

"It has been many centuries since these have been open…" The griffon sighed, walking over to a small part of the giant door. "Let's hope the chief engineers knew what they were doing…" he muttered, putting a hand on the bone white door.

For a while, nothing happened, until the giant doors began to move, cracking open between the teeth blowing out a wave of dust, cool air and the distinct scent of metal and oil as they slid down and back.

Inside was long metal railings, and darkness the further down it went.

"Well, that's welcoming." Helix huffed.

"Very welcoming." The old man shrugged, heading down the many stairs. "The city should still be running…hopefully the sole occupant won't be too grouchy…"

"A whole city for one person?" Helix asked as she followed.

"Oh no, the whole city was built as a Shelter during the Void War." The changeling answered. "For many races to be safe during those bloody battles…but currently it's the resting place of the or were looking for. For they sleep until needed again…and some of us wish they wouldn't need to be awoken again…"

"Sounds like an old story about sleeping gods and apocalyptic end times." Helix notes as they walked, turning on flashlights as the natural light became less and less.

"Considering what the Void is, even on the Surface…you'd believe it too." The old man sighed

As they two walked they spotted several series of screens built into the wall, relaying data across it's dust covered glass.

Helix and the old changeling wiped the dust away.

"Hm, according to this everything is still operational but is set to minimum power."

"Which is fair, even Magicite has it's limits on elongated power usage." He shrugged, going over to another screen and bringing up a holo keyboard, typing in an access code to start things back up. "Good thing it's all still working…it's been a very long time since I've been here…"

"Hmm… says here the population count is just… a few hundred? I thought you changelings could have like, half a dozen eggs at a time? Population that low seems… off." Helix frowned.

“It should be the maintenance crew in cryo-sleep…” The old changeling hummed. “Though…something about this feels…off yes.”

They walked passed the screens and to the cryo chamber room, where every pod was empty. "Well, that's probably not good." Helix huffed.

“No, that’s not good at all.” He said bluntly. “Minimal power should keep the Cryo-pod’s active until necessary, the town’s systems working to keep it ready for an emergency, and for His needs…” He frowned. “What the hell is going on here?”

The two moved further, entering the town section proper and…

It was an underground village, Changelings with unique, pale grey chitin, bright white eyes and wings walked around the metal roads and such. Above and in the distance looking down at them all, was the behemoth sentient construction known as Genesis. It's almost reptilian like form looking down at them all with curiosity and anticipation.

“Genesis…” The changeling said, dropping his disguise to show his true self. “It’s been many a Century since I last saw you…” He said, looking up to the ancient and powerful construct.

Genesis looked down at them, and frowned. "Oh, it's you…old friend" It sighed.

“I am sorry, but your services are needed once more.” The changeling said. “The Void hunt’s once again, but under a new being that claims they are a God and ruler of the Void.”

"Pass." Genesis said.

The changeling blinked. “What?” He asked, rather confused as to why the being that is pretty much hard wired to answer the call against the Void just said that.

"I said no." They repeated.

“That’s…impossible for you to say that…” He muttered. “The hell happened?”

"Like my makers, I evolved. This," They waved a giant clawed hand over the town. "Is my world. Whatever happens up there, not my problem."

"This isn't the original crew is it?" Helix asked.

Genesis looked over at her and shook their head. "Nope. Twenty years into that sleep you put me in, Fuck you by the way, the whole facility had a sudden power surge. Systems were fried, mass reboots, and the original crew didn't make it. I woke up, reboot everything and activated the Artificial Repopulation Program. Unfortunately rather than do as it was meant to, it was also damaged in the surge. All the people it made had little if any information planted into them and some were not even fully grown. Some were children, grubs even. So, I taught them. Fed them. Watched over them, and have been for the last several thousands of years, generation after generation. They see me as a parent. Some a God but I'm quick to defuse that."

“That’s…that’s not…” The changeling ran over to a extremely high tech computer and started to furiously look through everything. “No…they all said it was fool proof, how the hell did it fail?” He asked, remembering what he was barely a teen that this place was a safe haven for whenever shit went sideways.

He scanned through file after file until…

A leak. A single leak from collected condensation over the years fried a few wires that had not been properly secured in place.

The old changeling slammed his head to the screen.

“I…we didn’t know…” Chitin, the old changeling, said bitterly. “We should have gotten a signal that there was something wrong, it should have been fine even with the surge…”

"We're three miles underground. Not exactly easy to send a signal let along get one."

“We set up a home in the hollow insides of the planet…” Chitin shook his head angrily. “Damn it…for Millenia…I’m so sorry Genesis…”

The Goliath shrugged. "I've had my people here in the village. It hasn't been lonely."

“It still hurts knowing one of the only friend’s I had during the War was in here by themselves without anyway to contact us for this entire time.” He shook his head. “Tardigrade wouldn’t have let it happen if she knew.”

"Probably not, but it's good to know she's still alive. I still don't want to fight."

“The Void is on our doorstep once again and can hurt these people…” Chitin said. “But…what do you want if you could fight again?”

Genesis seemed to mull that over. "I'd like… two things. First, a planet where my villagers and I can live. This planet has bad memories and this new war won't help."

"And the second?" Helix asked.

"I'd like a… wife."

“Well…” He frowned. “The second one will…be a bit rough to figure out, we’ll need to find the old R&D heads…Tardigrade can only do so much by herself…”

"It will take some time but it will be manageable." Helix said.

"I expected such. Until then, I just ask the village be kept safe in my absence." Genesis said.

“We’ll make sure everyone is safe, and we’ll hopefully find the other’s soon Genesis…”

To be continued...