• Published 5th Oct 2018
  • 2,630 Views, 98 Comments

Overqueen in Equestria - Xinrick

Mayan death timer is a thing, and I'm now a hero of a world...just in a very weird situation.

  • ...

Battle(And Party) at Ponyville

I stood in the command center of mine and Zegara’s Leviathan, looking down on Equis and also seeing the Spear of Adun close by. “Izsha, what do you think of this world?” I asked.

“It is so full of life.” Izsha said. “Like Zerus it is brimming with both life and energy, but I don’t sense any Primal Zerg here.”

“You won’t be sensing any Zerg here Izsha, cause...I have a feeling I know this world.” I sighed out.

”What do you mean?” Zagara asked me.

“Where I come from...it’s a show called ‘My Little Pony Friendship is Magic’. I wasn’t very into it cause I was busy with work and other things.” I said. “It is a land filled with a powerful energy called magic, and it’s capable of doing damn near anything, from levitating to teleporting, to firing off beams of energy and transforming things that shouldn’t be that.” I explained.

”Interesting.” Zegara asked. ”And from what that mineral did to me...you think I’m able to use this ‘Magic’?”

“Most likely...but I’m concerned on what it’ll do to the Swarm, if there will be any...unwanted mutations.” I said nervously. “Where’s the Evolution Pit? Might as well see if Abathur knows something.” I said honestly while Zegara took bodily control and lead me to the Evolution Pit. When I got there I saw Abathur crawl up from his hole and having several scars, most likely from when Zegara beat the shit out of him. “Hello Abathur.”

“Something...different.” Abathur said. “Essence changed, unforseen mutation with foreign energy source.”

“Not on me jackwipe.” I said with a ‘frown’.

“Voice changed, second mind inside Overqueen’s body, unclear.” Abathur said, his eyes seeming to have a small spark of wanting to experiment with such new things.

“It’s complicated. But have you noticed anything different with the Banelings?” I asked curiously.

“Baneling essence changed, unknown energy source changing baneling acid, when exploding near allies, mends wounds.” Abathur told me. “Strange mutation, helpful, but curious.”

“Curious how?” I asked.

“Foreign energy provoked healing mutation in Baneling, energy alive and changing, much like essence.” Abathur explained in his own way.

“Interesting…” I hummed. “What do you think about being...replaced?”

“Essence used, sequences stronger, not evolution.” He said, sounding half proud that he’s making something from himself and able to make something better, but half upset that it isn’t an evolution to make himself better.

“Your not being replaced Abathur, I call it...insurance that you won’t betray the Swarm again.” I tell him.

“Insurance?” Abathur asked.

“Yeah, if you have an equal that shares your devotion to creation and evolution, but still has a sound mind to not betray your superiors for very stupid reasons that doesn’t help the Swarm in anyway, then I call that insurance that the new zerg will help keep you in check so you don’t do something stupid.” I said, given that I was on such a roll I seemed to tap into Zegara’s queen power as my eyes glowed. “Or you’ll learn first hand that the new mind in Zegara can be very unforgiving against traitors.” I growled.

“Noted…” Abathur said slowly, sensing the anger I held for the fact he tried to send everyone back into a blind war and was actually a bit scared.

“So, can you integrate the new energy with any existing mutations?” I asked curiously.

“Energy alive, bonds with Essence, capable of fusing with existing mutations.” Abathur said.

“If I were to get you more energy, could you make new Zerg?” I asked curiously.

“Unsure, Energy in motion, constant. Unable to clearly see without study.” Abathur said, which was a bit of a surprise to me.

“Thank you.” I nodded as I went back to the bridge to see what today’s mission might be.

”I sensed your bloodlust against Abathur...what horrors could you have thought of to make Abathur scared even after what I did to him?” Zegara asked.

“You don’t want to know Zegara.” I told her.

(On the Protoss Ship)

“My god...this is so fascinating!” John said, practically geeking out at all the sciency shit on the Spear of Adun, the Protoss Flag ship that was stunningly pretty and really cool.

Karax meanwhile was chuckling to himself at how eager the Terran was to learn about Protoss engineering. ”Yes it is Friend John.” He said.

“Um...sir?” A Protoss Templar asked.

“Oh, sorry.” John said a little nervously. “Um...oh dear how to explain this…”

”It’s alright, I can still talk to my fellow Protoss.” Karax said.

“Who is the one currently talking sir?” The Templar asked curiously.

”This is John, a new friend of ours.” Karax said to the templar.

“It’s nice to meet you.” John nodded.

The templar looked confused. “How...do you have another mind in you? Your not an Archon…” The templar said, Archon’s being two High Templar Protoss fused together to become a being of pure energy.

”That is...a bit complicated.” Karax said nervously.

“Magic.” John said.

“What?” The templar asked, several other protoss coming closer to the new thing that’s happening.

“Ever heard of Magic?” John asked.

“‘Magic’ is something that Terrans say to explain things that aren’t possible correct?” A protoss asked curiously.

“Pretty much.” The terran inside the phase smith said honestly.

“So...this ‘magic’ put…a Terran’s consciousness inside of you?” A high templar asked.

”Yes.” Karax said. ”The planet we are orbiting at the moment is literally bathing in this magical energy, and from what I learned from one of the worlds leaders, it can do many different things.” Karax explained. ”Its like the Xel'Naga themselves blessed this world with their power, but there isn't a trace of void energy anywhere after the attack yesterday.” Karax said telepathically.

“Yeah...which begs the question, why were Amon’s forces here? Isn’t Amon dead?” John asked curiously.

“Yes, Amon is dead.” A protoss said in acknowledgement. “But his forces outside of the Koprulu sector is concerning.”.

“Alright…” John said slowly. “How soon can we get into contact with the Hierarch? I’m pretty sure he would want to know...what happened.” He said nervously.

“Within the hour.” A protoss said.

“Thank you. Contact the Leviathan, Hierarch Artanis will need to know Overqueen Zegara is also here.” Karax said, taking over as he he headed to the bridge to prepare some things to tell Artanis.

(An hour later)

“You think Artanis will enjoy these new revelations?” John asked me over space age version of Discord.

“He’ll be confused and worried for his friend, but I’m sure he’ll understand.” I said honestly, waiting for Artanis to appear on screen.

“Incoming transmission.” A templar and Izsha both said at the same time as Artanis appeared on the screen.

“Greetings Hierarch.” John nodded.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Hierarch.” I said with a slight bow to show respect to my equal.

“Zegara? What are you doing here?” Artanis asked. “And...why do you both sound so different?” Artanis asked curiously.

“There is a lot to talk about Hierarch.” Karax voiced before explaining what’s going on right now, with Zegara pointing out some extra things.

Atranis’s blinked at what he was just told. “It’s...no, this is the strangest thing I have heard out of my time being Hierarch.” He said honestly.

“I have a feeling it’s the strangest thing you’ve heard period.” I pointed out.

“That to.” Atranis said. “So...what are you two going to do while inside Karax and Zegara?” Atranis asked.

“Right now-” I was about to say before Izsha came down as well as alarms blaring in the Spear of Adun. “What’s going on?”

“Void signatures have been detected.” Izsha said.

“Void Rifts are appearing near a settlement templar!” A protoss said quickly. “If we don’t get there quickly they’ll be overrun.”

“And here I was hoping a nice calm day.” I sighed out as Izsha showed me the area where the void rifts were opening. “Izsha, ready my drop pods and get a Hive cluster going near the settlement, and get my forces that are in the badlands to make some Nydus worms, we’re gonna need some backup.” I told her quickly while I headed off to where the drop pods are.

“Right away.” Izsha nodded.

“We’re going to need a Nexus point readied now!” John said quickly. “Warp down some pylons and try to get a defense going so Tanya can get things readied.” John said. “I’m so sorry Hierarch.”

“No need, we’ll finish this when your done protecting the people. En taro Adun.”

“En Taro Artanis.” John said while running off to the teleporter room to get beamed down to the surface.

“Everybody get behind the barrier!” Twilight ordered as she tried her best to keep up the barrier she made up from the attacks of these strange creatures. The purple alicorn was just enjoying a normal day but then strange portals opened up out of nowhere, spewing forth things that attacked the town and severely injured people. “Please...if anyone can help…” Twilight muttered hopefully.

The drop pod landed as well as John and others being beamed down from the Spear of Adun, myself as well as a drone and a few Hydralisks appeared as my drone got to work on a Hive Cluster, John setting up his Nexus point while having a small group of Stalkers with him as well. “Alright people, protect the barrier! We don’t know how long it’ll hold but make sure it holds long enough! For the Swarm!” I shouted while…”Oh my god that feels weird!” I mentally yelped as spawning Banelings felt really weird.

”Oh suck it up, you’ll get used to it quick.” Zegara sassed me.

”You did not just sass me!” I complained, sending my forces to help protect the barrier.

“Set up a perimeter with Proton Cannons as soon as you can. We need to protect the barrier. En Taro Adun!” John called out as he and the Stalkers moved over to help me fight off the Void enemies.

“Who in the world!?” Twilight yelped worriedly, panicking at the two of us just appearing out of literal nowhere.

“Don’t worry lady, we’ve got this.” I said while Zegara took the reigns for fighting, while Zegara noticed that I was mentally commanding the swarm like a mad woman, telling Larvae to transform into more drones to mine the very convenient minerals and Vespene Geyser, the Overlords to move around so we could get a better view of things, and micromanaging all the Hydrolisks so they always were attacking but backing away just out of range of the melee soldiers and trying to dodge ranged units.

Karax was also surprised at how quickly John was ordering their units psionically, trying to build more Pylons and Proton Cannons to set up a quick parameter to get gateways set up without anything attacking them, Stalkers being told to teleport out of range when their shields were down to recharge them while still being in range. “I’m surprised at how fast your ordering our troops. All of the Effective Actions done is way faster than anything I've seen before.” Karax said honestly.

”That’s what happens when you play Real Time Strategy games, you gotta be fast on your commands and making sure you know full well what you need to do to maximize efficiency.” John said honestly.

”My Queen, Nydus worms are en route to your location.” Izsha mentally told me and Zegara.

”Thanks Izsha.’ I told her while seeing on the HUD that we had about ten minutes before the Nydus worms came here with reinforcements. “Yo! Ten minutes till our Nydus Worms get here with Reinforcements!” I called out to John.

“Got it!” John said while grabbing onto a void Terran with the robot arms Karax had and using them to rip the guys head off and threw it at a Zergling and smacked the thing so hard it’s head snapped and killed it.

Zegara fired serrated darts at our enemies as well as using two long stingers to pierce into enemies quickly and efficiently. ”Where are the Void Rifts?” Zegara asked.

“Two hundred feet that way, behind the trees!” I said, thirty Zerglings with Adrenaline Boost bolting after the void rift, dodging physical and ranged attacks.to get to the Void Rift and destroy it. “Hey! I’ve got Zerglings going after a Void Rift, mind sending some back up!?” I called out to John.

“Good thing I was massing Stalkers.” John muttered as he ordered seven stalkers to help out the Zerglings. “Have the people gotten to safety?” John called out to the purple alicorn.

Twilight couldn’t speak considering she was too dumbfounded at her prayer being answered, two new groups of beings she’s never seen before appearing out of nowhere, and how easily the two of them seemed to change the tide within such a short time. “Uh…”

”Speechless.” Zegara chuckled.

”Was it something we did?” Karax asked worriedly.

”Another void rift has been detected.” Izsha told me, and the Protoss must have told John the same thing as I sent my upgraded Overseer to check on that. I sensed my Overseer being attacked as I quickly pulled it back.

“Not good…” I muttered, the HUD saying the objective was a timed battle, which was until reinforcements arrived. ”Interesting…” I thought, thinking it was kind of convenient that the enemy forces might withdraw when my reinforcements appear. “We need to hold out until my Nydus worms appear...should be simple…” I muttered as I tried to mass Mutalisks and upgrade my units as quick as possible in case these bastards threw an unexpected curveball.

”Sir, we’re picking up a strong energy radiating off in the distance.” A protoss told John and Karax. ”It’s the same signature as the minerals from the Badlands.”

”If we can gather those minerals maybe we can figure out what they are.” Karax said honestly.

”My Queen, the protoss are heading off to the strong energy signature.” Izsha said honestly.

”Must collect. Energy source might bring about evolution.” Abathur told me and Zegara.

“Might as well…” I shrugged while heading off with a small group of Mutalisks, following after John and his group of Immortals. As our group fought through groups of Void enemies and Hybrid, we found two crates full of the materials.

“Wonder why their in crates?” I wondered.

“Says here it’s traded from the Crystal Empire.” John said, seeing the crate had a sender and receiver label on the box. “It was going to this town…” John said while I walked up to my case and checked it.

“Ponyville? Really?” I frowned.

“Well...we both have a crate of the stuff.” John said while beaming up the crate to the Spear of Adun as a few Mutalisks picked up the ropes on the crate and flew it off towards the Leviathan.

“That’s the bonus objective...but I wonder why those minerals were being sent here?” I wondered.

“We’ll figure it out later.” John said as the two of us went back to the fight, seeing Ultralisks and Khederian Towers dealing with any units as my Nydus worms finally appeared.

“Finally, reinforcements.” I sighed out thankfully.

”Go my Swarm! Kill all these Void Creatures!” Zegara mentally commanded all of the Zerg that just got here and out came a ton of different Zerg units.

“Well, that settles that.” I muttered while me and John moved over to the barrier. “Hello?”

“Uh...Hi…” The alicorn said nervously. “Um...who are you two?” She asked worriedly.

“That’s a bit...complicated.” John said nervously.

“My names Tanya.” I said simply.

“I am Overqueen Zegara.” Zegara said, making Twilight look so super confused why two voices came from the same Zerg.

“My names John.” The terran inside the Protoss said honestly.

“And I am Phase Smith Karax.” The protoss said honestly.

Twilight took a moment before putting down the shield. “Well...it’s nice to meet you all. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I’m the princess of friendship.” She said honestly.

“Um...princess of friendship?” I asked.

“Yes, Friendship.” Twilight nodded.

“Um...and what does Friendship do that’s so special it needs a princess? Also, if your a princess...wouldn’t there be a king and queen?” John asked curiously.

“Oh no, there hasn’t been a King or Queen in a few thousand years.” Twilight said honestly. “It kind of died off.” She said honestly. “And Friendship is a special kind of magic, a magic that can conquer anything.” Twilight said with pride.

“Have you just tried killing the problem?” Zegara asked, causing Twilight’s face to turn green.

“K-kill!?” She yelped. “Oh nonono, we don’t kill.” Twilight said, taking a deep breath to try and calm her stomach.

“Then what were you going to do about all the void beings that were going to murder you?” Zegara asked honestly.

“Well...we could have protected ourselves fine but...the weapons they were using were so strange…” Twilight said nervously.

“Yeah, that’ll happen when you put modern and future ages against medieval ages.” I said honestly.

“Um...what’s going on with the ground?” Twilight asked worriedly, seeing what was once healthy and lush grass...decay into a flesh like cover that seemed to writhe around all the Zerg.

“That is Creep...which I should probably keep in check…” I muttered while Zegara helped me contain the creep so it didn’t hurt the local people or animals.

“Creep…” Twilight looked at John/Karax with worry.

“Creep is a flesh like substance made by the Zerg to keep them alive. It absorbs the life out of plants and any small animals to sustain it and any Zerg standing on top of it.” Karax explained. “But from what I learned from some time studying Creep it could also be used to return life to barren area’s if used correctly.”

“Fascinating.” Twilight said honestly, her eyes sparkling at the thought of all the things she could learn. “But...what are you...four?” She asked, not entirely sure if she said it right.

“Well, me and Tanya are Terran’s.” John said, which confused Twilight. “Here…” He started as Karax helped him bring up a hologram of what a terran male and female looked like.

“Interesting…” She said, looking at the terrans with interest.

“I think it would be best if we explained who we are.” Zegara spoke up. “I am what is known as a Zerg, a race of beings that are of several different races integrated into the Swarm.” She said simply.

“And I am what’s known as a Protoss, or Firstborn, an ancient race of Psions.” Karax said.

“And your also a plant.” I pointed out.

“What?” Twilight asked, both curious and confused on such a thing.

“Protoss aren’t plants per say, but photosynthesis is at least a common occurrence, but on a much wider electromagnetic scale.” Karax corrected, while Twilight seemed fascinated.

“Fascinating!” Twilight said, pulling out a pen and paper while writing down all this stuff. “But wait, why do the Zerg look more bug like and...where’s your mouth, nose and ears on a Protoss?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Because said insects have strong essence, strong DNA to use and evolve with.” Zegara said honestly. “An Ant can lift ten to fifty times it’s weight, and move at fourty eight kilometers an hour. Beetles not only have immense strength, Dung Beetles being able to move over one thousand times their own body weight in mass, but have very durable shells.” Zegara stated while going on about other bug facts.

“But...the Square Cube Law says that shouldn’t be possible.” Twilight pointed out.

“Not when the Zerg specifically mutated and evolved to have such strengths and take out any flaws.” Karax said honestly. “I’ve helped fight the Zerg enough to know that...if there’s a flaw, they will evolve past it, even if the laws say otherwise.”

“And to answer your question about why Karax doesn’t have any facial features...well their skin can do all of that.” John said honestly. “They can smell, and hear through it, while communication is through telepathy for the most part.” John explained.

“Fascinating.” Twilight said while the town’s folk moved out of cover cautiously.

“Is everything alright?” A pony asked worriedly.

“Yes, everything’s alright.” Twilight told the people. “And we have these two commanders to thank.”

“You know, just happy to be helping.” I said, honestly wanting to help the people here but still curious and concerned about the new minerals that were just so infused with energy and why Amon’s forces are here of all places.

“Well, welcome to Ponyville.” Twilight said honestly, before a pink blur appeared in front of us.

“Hi! My names Pinkie Pie!” The pink mare said before going on a rapid fire tirad about...something.

”Um…” Karax started.

”I don’t even know her...and yet I hate her.” Zegara told me bluntly.

“Listen, can you just skip to the part where we know why your rambling like a mad pony?” I asked bluntly.

“Oh, silly me.” Pinkie giggled. “I wanted to know what kind of sweets you four eat.” Pinkie said with a smile.

“We...don’t eat.” John said nervously.

“That’s silly, everyone eats.” Pinkie Pie said honestly.

“No seriously, Protoss literally can’t eat food, they get sustenance from the sun and water.” John said.

“And as long as there’s Creep the Zerg don’t need to eat either.” I said honestly.

“Well….I can still throw you two a ‘Thank you for saving Ponyville’ and ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party right?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“I mean...we’re pretty busy…” John said nervously, not really wanting to have a party done

“Not to mention the townsfolk don’t entirely think we’re friendly.” I said while pointing to the people that looked a bit worried.

“Oh they’ll get used to you both with a party!” Pinkie said with a giant smile.

”A...party?” Zegara asked, not really knowing what the hell that is.

“You’ve never had a party!?” Pinkie gasped at Zegara as if she could read her mind.

”Oh no…” I thought to myself worriedly.

“One Pinkie Party coming up!” Pinkie Pie said before grabbing me/Zegara and John/Karax and immediately pulling us into the center of town as she ran off a lot faster than any normal pony should and...pulled out a cannon.

”Uh…” Zegara was honestly flabbergasted, only for Pinkie to fire said cannon and...the entire center of town was covered in party decorations and other such things.

”That...shouldn’t work…” John frowned.

”I mean...if the cannon has a warp gate in it…” Karax thought, at least trying to make some sense out of this but fearing he’ll only give himself a headache.

And then a massive town wide party happened...and Zegara was not happy. ”I am not enjoying this.” Zegara told me.

”Well it’s a good way to help the people get used to us.” I mentally told her. ”Better to have a people that won’t run in fear of you or think your a monster after helping them right?” I suggested.

”Well...we have made progress with the people…” Zegara said slowly, thinking having allies that knows this world would be a good idea.

”Exactly.” I told her.

(with John)

”So, this is a party…” Karax told him.

”Yep, surprised it was made so quickly.” John said honestly.

”I still wonder about those minerals. They had so much energy stored into them yet we couldn’t tell what it was for…” Karax thought.

”Sir, there seems to be a name on the crate of materials you sent us.” A protoss told both John and Karax.

”Who does it belong to?” Karax asked.

”A company called ‘Genetech’.” The protoss reported.

”Why would a company literally named Genetics Technology want those materials?” John wondered.

”Well we at least have a lead to who might want these materials.” Karax pointed out.

”Yeah.” John nodded. ”Have you learned anything else?” John mentally asked.

”The minerals are strange, some give off lower energy readings while others are off the charts. It...reminds me of Solarite.” The protoss said honestly.

”The minerals are like Solarite?” Karax asked. ”I’ll have to look into this, cause if it’s just like Solarite then we can use these materials to increase the effectiveness of the Spear of Adun!” Karax said, sounding a bit giddy about the thought of a new mineral he could use to help his work.

“Ma’am, our shipment has been taken.” A stallion reported.

“By who?” A mare asked simply, checking several papers of things the stallion didn’t know.

“By two new creatures ma’am. The two found the cargo while in the middle of fighting against the Void Incursion of Ponyville.” The stallion reported. “One was of that strange grey alien race and the other was those insect like creatures, neither of which radiated any Void energy.” The stallion said.

“Do they have any idea what the material is?” The mare asked honestly.

“No ma’am, but the grey aliens might be able to tell what it could be with their tech.” The stallion said honestly.

“Hmm…” She hummed.

“Ma’am?” He asked.

“Two new races that are just like the Void creatures appearing and fighting against the Void? That is rather interesting.” She said while looking out the window towards the city down below. “Interesting...what about our...attempts?” She asked.

“We are having trouble with it, but we have managed to recreate the power core.” The stallion said. “Just on a much smaller scale.”

“Good…” The grey coated mare said. “If we’re going to survive the oncoming tide...we’re gonna need it…”

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry if this chapter doesn't really have much to it, getting back to solo writing is a pain. Hope you all enjoy it