• Published 19th Jun 2018
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Student Six Watch Fallout Lore: The Storyteller Series - Rated Ponystar

The Student Six learn about the Fallout World thanks to a series of lore videos from The Storyteller

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Caesar's Legion Part 1

“So what kind of an army could be giving one as big as the NCR trouble?” Gallus asked, raising an eyebrow. The NCR had managed to beat both the Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel despite its losses. Not to mention it had expanded its territory like none other had managed to do in the Wasteland. “For this Legion to be giving them a challenge, they sound mighty powerful.”

“I don’t know, but they must be something,” Sandbar replied as he and the others waited for the narrator to start. “I just hope we don’t see too much bloodshed.”

Sandbar would later regret saying those words.

Chapter 7: Caesar's Legion

The scene started in a way that seemed a bit strange: a bunch of human looking children in a school learning about history. Silverstream cooed and said the human children were so cute looking while Smolder just snorted and said they looked like monkeys. The narrator started the lesson by saying a very important line that the others couldn’t help but take to heart: “Those who never learned from the past are condemned to repeat it.”

“Wish dragons could do that,” Smolder muttered, crossing her arms. How many times had the dragons, claiming their might and superiority, managed to be beaten by the other races or fall into infighting? One thing she hated to admit, ever since coming to Equestria, was that the dragon race might have been mighty beasts of terror, but they were among the least technological, economical, and cultural nations in the world. Heck, even the tribes and nations in the Wasteland had done more then the dragon race had done in the last three thousand years.

Yet, according to the narrator, it seemed that even the Wastelanders were doomed to repeat their own historical mistakes as well. Most of their books, knowledge, and documents had been destroyed in the Great War. They were forced to start over and learn again. Yet, there was one man who was deliberately causing those mistakes. And his name was...

“Wait, is it Sea-zar?” Silverstream asked.

“I think it was Kai-sar,” Gallus pointed out.

“I think his people call him Kaisar and everyone else calls him Caesar,” Ocellus said, writing both names down. “Maybe they’re titles?”

“Why have two names? Yak confused,” Yona pondered.

They took a look at this “Caesar” person who sat on his throne under a big red tent decorated with gold including a bright shiny place of his face written in a language the group couldn’t understand. Flanking him were soldiers who wore armor very similar to the Royal Guard armor in Canterlot, only it was red and black with scars showing wear and tear through battle and bloodshed. Equally as intimidating, were the large black dogs growling beside them and showing their terrible teeth.

The fire pits surrounding Caesar gave him an unearthly glow as he stared at them. His cold dark eyes making each of them shiver from top to bottom.

“Yona not like bald creature.” A statement that the rest of Yona’s friends agree with. There was something about this human that was bad news and you could tell just by looking into his eyes. There was a level of intelligence in them, but also a spark of madness.

Apparently, this Caesar was named after a famous general and warlord who ruled an empire two thousand years ago. This new Caesar was out to finish what the original started, as they saw the ruler standing before his troops which numbered so far that it was enough to fit a small gorge. He was giving a large speech that, while unheard to the others, seemed to be rally the troops who saluted in unison to him.

Rather then try to make America great again as it was in the old days, like the NCR was trying to do, Caesar was trying something different. He wanted to create a new nation with new ideas and purpose, while using the old Roman Empire as an inspiration behind it.

“Oh yeah, that’s a king’s attitude alright,” Smolder said, nodding her head. “I can tell he’s the military type. Reminds me a bit of Ember’s father when he ruled.”

“It kinda bothers me how similar those uniforms look to the Royal Guard’s armor,” Sandbar pointed out.

“Hmm, that is an interesting point. I wonder which world created the armor first and how did it advance to this sort of level?” Ocellus asked, writing down more notes. “I wonder if this guy is that original Caesar’s descendant or something?

According to the narrator he wasn’t. Caesar wasn’t even his real name. He was really Edward Sallow, born in the NCR territory known as the Boneyard. There he was raised by the Followers of the Apocalypse.

“Oh not another doomsday cult,” Silverstream groaned, facepalming.

“Wait, you know a doomsday cult?” Sandbar asked, eyebrows raised.

“Kinda. Let’s just say there are some hippogriffs back home who believe the ‘old ones’ will rise again and flood the earth to devour us all,” Silverstream replied, rolling her eyes. “Auntie Novo has to keep dealing with them and their insane babble every six months or so. Personally, I think they’re just eating purple seaweed. That stuff messes with your mind.”

Despite the name, the followers weren’t a doomsday cult, but rather a group of doctors, scientists, and historians who gathered knowledge of the old world. With it, they dedicated their lives to make the world a better place. They shunned violence, and advocated for a world without weapons which put them at odds with groups such as the Brotherhood and even the NCR.

“Sounds like my kind of group!” Ocellus cried out with cheers. “I’d love to be working for a group that uses science and learning to help make the world a better place.

“When you think about it, the school already does that,” Sandbar pointed out. “After all, we all come from different places and we can use what we learn her to help our people.’

The others all nodded in agreement, smiling as they thought about how each of their races could benefit from learning friendship. The griffins and dragons could actually end their isolated and depressed states to seek help from others and grow their societies. Hippogriffs could adapt better to the world after being in the ocean for so long. Yaks could seek more peaceful means of cooperation rather than just using force. And ponies could learn more about the other races rather then being afraid or shunning them.

Yet sadly, it seemed that such a vision was not going to be easy in the Wasteland. It was hard to imagine that the man who would be an Emperor would come from such a humble and kind place, but life was ironic in many ways. When he became a young man, Edward Sallow was chosen to go on an expedition into researching various tribes of the wasteland to learn about their cultures. Yet Edward seemed to be too smart for his own good. He saw the tribes as barbaric savages that he held both in contempt and pity. He felt it was his duty to civilize them.

“Does that mean he educated them with knowledge and wisdom?” Silverstream asked, hopefully.

“Somehow I doubt it,” Gallus answered, getting a bad feeling in his stomach.

It was among the so called “savages” that Edward found books related to the original Caesar and the Roman Empire. They watched as the young sandy blonde read book after book faster than even Twilight could read. Each sentence enticing him further and further like a siren searching for her next meal.

“Looks like Ocellus on an average day,” Smolder jokes, getting a high five from Gallus.

“Hey!” Ocellus snarled before changing into a skunk and aiming her tail end at the dragon. “Care to have another tomato bath with Professor Pinkie Pie?”

“Sorry, sorry,” Smolder replied, raising her claws as Ocellus turned back into a changeling and continued her notes.

“When did she skunk you the first time?” Gallus whispered, curious.

“When I caught her checking out Sandbar’s rump during gym practice,” Smolder giggled before turning her attention back to the narrator.

The Romans by their time were the most civilized empire the human world had seen for its time. An empire that spread throughout the world. Advance medicine and technology. Art and culture unlike anything ever seen before. One of the most advanced forms of government and more. Even when it fell, its discoveries and actions would influence the western sphere of the world for a long time. The problem was the Roman way was born of brutal conquest, cultural takeover, subservite, slavery, and elitism. It’s moral decay and lost principles gave way to corruption, apathy, and destitution. Eventually, Rome fell to the armies of the barbarians they had long taken over. Even though Edward could have avoided the same mistakes Rome made during its time, Edward believed he was smart enough to avoid them.

Edward took the title of Caesar and forged a new army, his Legion, under the tribes of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado. The group watched in horror as the Legion butched an entire tribe with brutal tactics that left hundreds dead and in pieces. Women and children were torn apart by the various swords and spears. Heads of tribal leaders were put on stakes. And entire villages burned with the ashes of its owners smoking the heavens. It was something nothing seen before in Equestria. It was total warfare.

“I’m gonna be sick!” Silverstream shouted as she rushed into the bathroom, her gagging sounds heard soon after.

“Yona too!” Yona shouted, making for the nearby trash can.

“By Celestia and Luna... why?” That was all Sandbar could say as he began to shed tears upon seeing the Legion utterly destroy a family despite their pleas for mercy. Ocellus had long stopped taking notes and just turned into a rabbit out of fear to hid behind a pillow. Gallus was doing his best to hold his lunch as well, nearly tempted to just leave and find a toilet to throw up in.

“This is... this is wrong...” Smolder muttered, trying to hide the fact she was starting to tear up as well. Dragons were fighters, it was true, but this wasn’t fighting. This was slaughter.

In the end, eighty-six tribes had been united under one leadership. Something never before seen in the wasteland. There were only two fates for those who stood again the Legion: Assimilation or Annihilation.

“I can’t believe some nerd from a bunch of pacificts did such a thing...” Gallus stated, shaking his head in disgust. “Like, was he born wrong in the head or something?!”

“How many tribes do you think got killed off out of those eighty-seven?” Smolder asked, grimly.

“H-H-He killed them? Even the children?” Silverstream asked, poking her head out the door while wiping her beak. “How can someone be so... evil... not even the Storm King did this.”

“Or Chrysalis,” Ocellus whispered, still in her rabbit form, teary eyed. “She was cruel, but never like this...”

It only got worse. The males who survived the attacks were forced to become Legionaries. Their entire culture was wiped out with any traces of what they once were eliminated. They were no longer the savages but the “enlightened” members of the legion. The had no will of their own and only one purpose: To fight and die in the name of Caesar.

“Some of those soldiers look to be just children! He lets children fight in his wars?!” Sandbar shouted in horror and disgust. What looked like a teenager boy was holding a heavy machine gun and marching with men much taller than him. Yet he was showing no sign of complaints. “This flankhole is sick! A sick sick monster!”

“Not even the Enclave was this bad,” Ocellus replied, slowly making her way towards Sandbar and hiding behind him. He noticed and quickly took her into his hooves, keeping her close and calm against his chest.

Yona had finally stopped puking before shaking her head and looking less green. “Yona don’t feel good.”

“Neither do I,” Gallus muttered, holding his stomach. Even he couldn’t crack a joke or sarcastic statement against this.

Yet for all the brutality, it had indeed brought order to the territory that Caesar had taken over. He ruled with fear and violence, but peace was the result. A brutal peace that spoke of death if you dare questioned the might of Caesar, but for some it was enough.

“This isn’t peace, its tyranny,” Smolder muttered.

“Isn’t that how Dragon Lords usually rule?” Silverstream asked, tilting her head. “I thought strength and violence was the norm?”

“Yeah, but... not like this... this is just...I don’t know...” Smolder brought her knees to her chest and felt small. All her life she was told that strength was the greatest thing a dragon could have. Strength made others follow and respect you. It got you a horde, land, even a mate if you could woo him or her with your abilities. After all, the Dragon Lord was always chosen among the strongest. Coming to Equestria had made Smolder realize there was more to life than just strength. There was friendship, love, trust, and kindness. Thing she didn’t fully understand until meeting her friends and teachers.
Seeing the Legion not only live that same philosophy of ‘might makes right’, but utilize it to the fullest of extent, made her wonder if dragons would go down such a road one day. Ember might have been trying to change things, but she was still just one Dragon Lord. A Dragon Lord trying to change thousands of lifetimes traditions and philosophies. There was no telling the next Dragon Lord would keep the same viewpoint as Ember, or if Ember would even live long enough to bring real progress. Dragon Lords died after all, sometimes from those challenging them for the position or from the many dangers of their land.

Would the dragons ever, at some point, be just like Caesar's Legion? It made Smolder sick just thinking of such a thing. If they ever did, she would have to not only abandon her friends but even fight them... maybe even kill them to prove her dominance. She could never do it. Even if Ember ordered her to betray her friends, she couldn’t do it.

“At least this not any worse,” Yona pointed out, thinking they had seen the worst yet.

And then they learn what happened to the females. Their reactions were instantaneous.

Silverstream screamed in horror and had nearly fainted. Yona started puking in the trash again. Gallus couldn’t hold it in this time and rushed to the bathroom to let out his dinner. Ocellus started crying into the chest of an equally crying Sandbar who looked like the last of his innocence had been shattered. Smolder just stood there in horror upon seeing the utter evil in front of her as she began to tear up as well.

The women of the legion were, for lack of a better word, sex slaves. Their entire purpose was to be to the subservatude of the males. To be raped over and over again and producing more children. Those who were girls were taken away to be made into slaves and baby makers. Those who were boys were trained to be soldiers to die for the legion.

There was no freedom, no dignity, not even a single care for the females. They were just tools for Caesar to increase his army’s ranks. It didn’t matter how strong, wise, or talented a female was. They were only good for breeding an nothing more. It was a fate worse than death for many, and a fate all tired to avoid when dealing with the Legion.

While slavery had been practiced by many in their worlds history, almost every creature was able to finally end the barbarici practice in the years since the ancient days save for a few kingdoms. The last official nation to do it were the Centaurs, but Equestria defeated them in a war and forced them to end the practice. Since then, only tyrants like Sombra and the Storm King, had ever practiced it but they were often defeated before they could spread the practice.

When it came to rape? It was just unthinkable to even imagine such a practice being normal for a nation. No race on this planet ever approved of it. Not even dragons or changelings under their cruelest of leaders had made such a disgusting act legal. Such a thing was not only unthinkable but rarely ever done. When it was done, it was punished so harshly that it all but encouraged the fear of performing the action. The last pony to even try such a thing in Equestria was over eight hundred years ago, successfully attacking six mares before he was caught. Celestia didn’t just jail him for life, she used him as an example by publicly cutting of his... equipment, and burning the rest off with her horn. Since then, no other attempts at rape had even been seen in the land of ponies.

Other races just straight up executed rapists or had them thrown into Tartarus as punishment. It was one of the worst acts one could do to another living being. Yet here was a society, a nation, that not only practiced such horrible acts as genocide, rape, and slavery, but encouraged it. Prided itself on it. Lived on it. Every evil villain from Sombra to the Storm King to Triek himself was nothing compared to this lone human. This Edward Sallow. This Caesar.

The silent six watched in horror as the women were huddled in iron pens like animals. Their clothes, if they even had any, were washed out rags that looked covered in mud and waste. Their bodies brutally bruised to the point where it was hard to find a single area not damaged. Some were crying in masses, others were just staring out into the abyss with void like eyes. The souls dead inside of them as they prayed for a quick death to their endless nightmare.

According to Caesar, this was a better option than their previous lives. In his mind, being a slave was a way for the defeated and punished loser tribes to become something of worth. Something greater than the savages they once were.

“He needs to die...” Silverstream whispered, much to the shock of everyone as she stood up. There was something in her eyes that only Gallus had seen once during their trials with the Tree of Harmony. Silverstream looked ready to jump at the smiling smug face of Caesar himself and rip his throat out. “I don’t care if its the NCR, Brotherhood, Enclave, or even some courier in the desert. Someone needs to kill him.”

“Silverstream...” Gallus said in shock.

“Don’t say you don’t want it either!” she shouted at the others, eyes weeping despite her angry expression. “Don’t you dare say that someone this... evil deserves to live! If I ever met this horrible, disgusting, death worshiping, tyrannical piece of filth I will personally take my Aunt’s Spear and shove it down his bucking throat!”

She turned away and then started to sob sofly, trying to hide her rage and sorrow at the fact that there were so many dying and being raped. And she could do nothing to stop it. Gallus got up and slowly hugged her, letting her cry on his shoulder. The others soon joined in. Their tears mixing as one as they continued to hear the horror before them.

It would horrify their teachers to think this, but they believed Silverstream was right. Friendship couldn’t stop such a man as Caesar. Only death could. Even the narrator agreed with them while stating that nothing Edward Sallow did justified his actions. Even if it was ultimately a path for greater peace despite all dying in the name of servitude to a tyrant.

“I think... I think we need to stop here,” Ocellus said, turning back to her normal form as she ordered he sphere to stop. “We can continue tomorrow, but... I really just want to go to bed.”

None of the others could disagree with her, but Silverstream didn’t let go of Gallus much to his embarrassment. Although a part of him kinda liked it. “Um, Silver?”

“Can I stay here tonight?” Silverstream asked, her eyes pleading. “With every creature here? I... I don’t want to sleep alone...”

The others look at each other and nodded. Yet for some reason they doubted they were going to get any sleep tonight.

Author's Note:

If you're wondering why I split the chapter in 2 its because of a simple reason. Those who play Fallout New Vegas know just how bad the Legion is. Now introduce the concepts of the legions to those who live in a sugar bowl world like MLP? They would pretty much need some time just to even get over the savageness of such a nation while also becoming so sick they would be unable to continue for some time.

As for why the ruthless hatred for Caeser? Because I find him the most evil character in the history of the entire Fallout series. You can say what you want about The Master, but he was, in his mind, trying to create a new race for the earth. The Enclave, for all their genocide, believed in their cause to make America the old glory it once was. The Institute, while immortal "FOR SCIENCE" bastards were ultimately just raised in an environment that had them fearful of others and believed only they could just change Humanity for the better.

The Big Empty Scientists were just insane, caused by their own failures as brains in jars and isolation. The Brotherhood of Steel is a Grey Moral society. The NCR at least tries to do go and is the biggest good despite having problems. Even House, despite his aristocrat nature, is a good employee to those he cares and appreciates.

But Caesar? It's just a psychopathic manchild who uses his lust for supremacy, power, and killing under the guise of "fixing the wasteland". There is nothing good about him.