• Published 19th Jun 2018
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Student Six Watch Fallout Lore: The Storyteller Series - Rated Ponystar

The Student Six learn about the Fallout World thanks to a series of lore videos from The Storyteller

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Super Mutants and Nightkin

Chapter 2: Super Mutants and Nightkin

“Oh, great. I was hoping we wouldn’t see these guys again,” Gallus muttered as he saw the usual explosion that indicated the start of a new chapter. The others couldn’t help but agree. The sight of that green monstrous ogre like creature filled with rage in its eyes was the stuff of nightmares.

“What are Nightkin? Are they like night versions of Super Mutants? Does this mean normal ones only come out in the day?” Silverstream asked.

“That would be an interesting weakness. Strong during the day, but weak at night while the reverse for these Nightkin,” Ocellus said.

“Yona still think she can take one on.”

The narrator finally started as the images on the screen showed ruined stores, homes, and buildings. The survivors may have lived through the apocalypse, but they had lost everything to do so. Family, friends, leaders, and personal objects were all lost in the annihilation of America. It was a daily struggle to find food, water, medicine, weapons, and other means of survival. However, the worst of it was the culture of America was gone. The identity of these people lost as they struggled to find who they were and what to make in the ashes that lay before them.

The thought of losing their people’s culture was something most of the six didn’t want to experience. For Sandbar, the idea of Equestria’s philosophy of peace, harmony, and friendship being wiped out from existence was unthinkable. Ponies were able to survive the Great Winter because of this philosophy. Would the three races go to war again if it was ever gone? Ocellus felt the same. Her people were just beginning to develop a new culture and identity for themselves ever since Thorax came into power. To lose it all again, forced to return to the old ways? Ocellus didn’t like thinking it often, but she knew that deep down she never would have survived for long in Chrysalis’ method of living as she got older.

Both Yona and Silverstream were slowly turning white at the thought of losing their culture. For their races, culture was everything. From the yaks method of stomping things to their music and good. All of it was important to yaks and they would die before losing it. Hippogriffs had lost much when the Storm King took over their lands. What little they managed to preserve was kept as sacred as any treasure while their new freedom allowed them to restore old unused aspects of their society for the first time in years.

Only Gallus and Smolder didn’t feel too attached to their culture. Having been in Equestria for so long and learn more about other races, Smolder realized, as much as she hated to admit it, that dragon culture was way behind. It wasn’t always that way. Stories told of how dragons once had an empire that lasted for thousands of years all over the world, but it crumbled. The fact that they were still fighting for treasure instead of making a suitable government was proof of how low they had fallen. Gallus, of course, didn’t care if griffin culture was lost. Heck, in was already lost thanks to the lost Idol of Boreas. Now they just barely stopped each other from killing one another. He could only hope that griffins one day found a new identity compared to their current one.

The humans seemed to have had the same problem, as they were left with bits and pieces to put together to establish new civilizations for their people. The scene then showed the giant green monsters, working underground as they lifted large metal objects and began to weld them together. It turned out that there was a bigger threat to humanity instead of just lost identities. Their very humanity was at stake by something that was even more dangerous than the bombs even a century after the war.

“I can’t think of anything more dangerous than those nukes. Whatever it is it must be pretty deadly,” Smolder replied.

The screen then showed something that made all six of them tilt their heads. They didn’t know what it was but it was grey and moving. “Is that a fish or something?” Ocellus asked, as it split into two

“I’ve seen a lot of fish, but that doesn’t look like a fish,” Silverstream answered.

The narrator didn’t help either. He just went on about something called DNA which could cause tumors while radiation could cause wild and unpredictable results when exposed to someone. It didn’t make sense, but that confusion was replaced by yelps as the screen showed what look to be dogs from hell. Their skin turn inside out, balding, and filled with sharp teeth that could rip a filly in two. Their pure yellow eyes filled with barbaric rage and the spines of teeth on their bodies only further ruined their grotesque appearance. “I pretty sure that’s a puppy that even Professor Fluttershy couldn’t tame,” Ocellus remarked.

“Yona don’t like strange dogs.”

The narrator continued to talk, explaining more about DNA and mutation. Finally, Ocellus figured it out. “The radiation! It makes them mutate!”

“Wait, that’s what radiation does? Geez, I’d think I’ll take oblivion over that,” Smolder stated.

While this explained many of the monsters out in the wasteland, it didn’t explain all of them as a Super Mutant, decked in steel armor, appeared in the darkness. The description of them being big, bad and dangerous only continued to make the group fear them more. Yet the surprise was that these beings were not made by accident, but manufactured in a sense.

Switching to a scene where scientists were working with chemicals, it was revealed that the United States at one point started with good intentions. Rival nations had used biological weapons against America, resulting in a plague epidemic that resulted in many deaths. Some of students remembered learning about the Black Death Plague in history, which resulted in half the world's population being wiped out. The idea of using sickness as a weapon only further showed just how deadly humans could be in warfare. In response to this, America decided to create a virus of their own, only it would make normal human beings into super like beings. Faster. Stronger. Smarter. Able to survive against anything and any disease. The Perfect Race.

The Forced Evolutionary Virus, or FEV, did indeed work, but not as intended. The group was grossed out by the sight of a bunch of naked vermin looking critters with large pincer buck tooth teeth. It turned out that the cost of all that power and intelligence was a monstrous ugly form if animal testing was any proof. “I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t give up my looks for super powers,” Sandbar stated.

“Amen,” the others replied.

In some place called Maryland, the FEV virus was stored in one of Vault-Tec’s vaults, but for one of their cruel experiments. The group watched in horror upon seeing one of the mutated humans. A giant sack of flesh and meat, its bones horrible disfigured or grown out of size. The agonizing look on it’s face as it died screaming in pain. “Gods, I hope he didn’t live long...” Smolder whispered, shaking her head. To be forced into a mutation that was not only painful, but robbed you of your very looks? Death was a better fate.

And it wasn’t just one, according to the narrator. Vault-Tec had continued to expose people to the virus which only made their hatred of the sick bastards grow even higher. What the poor souls thought was their ticket to salvation ended up becoming their path into a nightmare. It was either painful death, or turned into a monster for those dipped in the virus. Neither of which were great fates as far as its victims were concerned.

“I’d rather slit my own throat,” Gallus muttered, cross his arms.

“I get the feeling Chrysalis would do this if she had the choice,” Ocellus thought out loud as she continued to take notes. She took note of the five heavy green giants who wielded metal weapons and armor that only partially covered them as they charged forward screaming in rage. “I really hope these Super Mutants got their revenge.”

Apparently, being turned into a monstrous green brute wasn’t just enough of a problem you had to face. According to the narrator, the Super Mutants also suffered from reduced cognitive capability. Or as Ocellus explained, they became stupid despite the FEV’s initial design to increase intelligence. In fact, their brains were so small they were barely the size of a peanut which made some of the group laugh at that.

“Man, these guys must be dumber than Yona,” Gallus chuckled.

“Yeah... wait a minute!”

After preventing Yona for gorging Gallus with her horns, they continued to watch as they saw bigger and bigger Super Mutants. While losing their intelligence was a problem, the fact that they got super strength was still a nice bonus. Plus, they could grow up to be really tall. Up to ten to fifteen feet tall. The only one unimpressed was Smolder who grew up with dragons even taller then that. Still even she had to whistle in impressment as a giant Super Mutant, wielding a fire hydrant as a club charged against a group of wanders while ignoring their gun and laser fire. Some of them were even in Power Armor but still got their butts handed to them.

“Man, it would take the princesses to bring them down. Together,” whispered Sandbar in awe.

“Yaks could defeat green monsters... if there were a lot of yaks that is,” Yona said.

Fortunately, the only reason they hadn’t taken over the East Coast was because of one factor. Every Super Mutant was sterile. Meaning they couldn’t breed. “I really don’t want to think of the idea of these things breeding,” Silverstream muttered, closing her eyes in disgust.

“Ugh, why did you have to give me mental images,” Gallus grumbled as he rubbed his eyes in an effort to rid them.

Unfortunately, according to the narrator, they found a way to get around that. Just like Ocellus hoped, the Super Mutants turned on their creators and managed to get their revenge by dipping them into the FEV virus as well, turning them into what they had created. It was a grim ironic outcome, but the others didn’t feel to bad for them. What did become a problem was when the entire Vault became nothing BUT Super Mutants who soon ran out into the world and began causing chaos. Anything that wasn’t a Super Mutant was an enemy to this angry bunch of giants. Small villages of survivors fled or were destroyed by their rampaging raids. Many were even kidnapped and brought back to the vault so they could become Super Mutants as well, thus growing the army. They couldn't be reasoned, and they were such filled with rage at their change from being human they saw all humans as enemies, whose only advantage was that they outnumbered the giants.

“I wonder what would happened if our races were made into Super Mutants?” Ocellus asked as everyone quickly visionsed themselves, green, big, ugly, and stupid. They quickly shook their heads and shivered; agreeing that it wasn’t worth it.

Back in the West Coast, they were facing problems involving the Super Mutants as well, but in a much different way. Unlike their East Coast brethren, who were part of a sinister experiment that went to far, these West Super Mutants were part of a plan to set the world right in someone else’s image. Not only did these West Coast mutants look just as mean and bad, they looked more organized and methodical. Something different from the brutal and barbaric methods of the eastern ones. Both sides were smart enough to kidnap humans to make more of themselves, but the eastern ones wanted those with as little exposure to radiation as possible.

“I see,” Ocellus stated as the narrator explained the reasoning for wanting pure DNA humans to build their master race, “the radiation must do something to change the humans body, even if they aren’t mutanting like the ghouls or Super Mutants. So the less radiation you have on you, the more likely you’ll keep your mind when you mutate.”

“But everywhere is filled with radiation. Even the water and sky,” Silverstream recalled.

“Not the vaults,” Sandbar realized. “Those people weren’t affected by the bombs.”

The narrator stated that the Super Mutants were trying to create a new master race to replace humanity. One that would be united without the mistakes of their past selves. With organizations such as the New California Republic, Enclave, and Brotherhood of Steel not yet formed, hidden, or reluctant to act, there was nobody to stop an army united by such a simple and yet powerful unity. The others watched as innocent humans were kidnaped by the Super Mutants from their homes to be dragged to a painful death or a painful fate that awaited them.

Yet, to the Super Mutants, this was to fix the mistake that was humanity. They weren’t bothered by such things as race, religion, or philosophy. They all believed in some Dark God that was uniting them, and destroying the problems of the old world to build a new. Said Dark God appeared before them and in an instant, everyone’s instincts reacted to it. Ocellus screamed as she hid behind the bed with Sandbar, their shaking rumps shivering at the sight. Despite roaring and breathing fire, Smolder backed up on all fours with her wings spread out and her teeth ready. Gallus was the same, only he used his claws to position himself on the ceiling and screech. Silverstream took a lesson from Fluttershy’s class on avoiding scary animals by playing dead while Yona did her best to stomp and intimidate this... monster.

Even if it was not there, just an image on a floating screen, all six of them could feel a terror in their souls that was begging for mercy to every god above it. It was... an abomination was the closesting thing one could say about it. It was like something from the darkest pit of the underworld. A nightmare that even Nightmare Moon couldn’t dream of. It was a pus like blob of flesh and bone, mixed together in an ooze of tentacles, eyeballs, and wires. A giant computer machine was fused into it, making it both flesh and steel. Computer screens with numbers and graphs glitched as part of its body, while it's sinister stretched face glowed with eyes like fire and death. Just looking at it, even from a video, you could feel a sense of darkness, madness, sinisterism, and evil. Despite the narrator's questioning tone, it was clear that his was the master of Super Mutants.

They watched in horrified silence, those whose eyes were still on the screen anyway, as humans were experimented on and pushed through the FEV vats to become Super Mutants. What made this worse than the others was this Dark God did trial and error until he found that those with low levels of radiation exposure could keep their intelligence after mutation. How many souls suffered from this creature’s experiments and wraith?

Even if they all could admit that Humanity was a flawed species, there was no reason to force them to change into something they didn’t want to be. Neither of them could even imagine changing their current bodies, even if was for a good cause. Especially for something as evil as this thing despite its reasoning.

It was like the friendship they were all learning... but twisted.

Just as Sandbar reasoned, the Super Mutants learned about the vaults from old age computers and set out to overtake them for their precious pure human gene pools. Thankfully, much to their relief, the Super Mutants were stopped thanks to the actions of a Vault Dweller who saved the Wasteland from the conquest of the Super Mutants and their master. The others relaxed and soon gained control of themselves although Silverstream continued to play dead until Gallus poured cold water on her.

“I’m just glad that thing is dead,” Smolder muttered as she shivered. “I hate to admit it, but that thing was scary.”

The others nodded in agreement, praising whoever it was that was brave enough to kill that thing. Despite their master’s death, however, the Super Mutants still existed and wandered around for a new purpose. One of the groups was their leader’s personal guard, the best of the best called Nightkin. Not only were they super strong, but they also had the ability to go invisible.

“Wait, wait wait! These things had access to technology that made them disappear?! Ugh, I don’t know how I’d be able to sleep at night knowing that,” Gallus muttered, before rubbing his chin. “Although, turning invisible would be kinda fun.”

“Knowing you, you’d be pulling pranks left and right,” Sandbar chuckled.

“That and a few other things,” Gallus said, smirking at the thought of sneaking into each Professor’s office and copying the answers to future tests.

The Nightkin today still had their Stealth Boys, but it came at a cost. Using them too much caused their skin to turn dark grey while slowly turning them insane with hallucinations and schizophrenia. One of the easier ways to tell if a Nightkin was nearby was if it was talking to itself or some imaginary friend. Still, a crazy Super Mutant was just as dangerous as a sane one; maybe even more so.

There was some positivity that did happen as the screen showed one Super Mutant with goggles standing outside a town that had a sign that said “Jacobstown” in white paint. Some of them formed communities or even managed to follow charismatic leaders who guided them to better paths. Of course there were insane ones like some female Super Mutant with funny heart glasses that wanted to become the next master of their race, but the narrator was doubtful and the others were too based on her silly look.

Yet not all Super Mutants were insane or looking to cause trouble. Some of them were good guys who helped others out. They saw one Super Mutant, armed with a laser cannon, firing beside a vault human who was using a rifle against enemies off screen. The students realized that having such a strong and long lived friend as an ally sounded really appealing, and it made them smile knowing not all the Super Mutants were bad. This was a bit squandered when the narrator noted that even though some communities allowed humans, ghouls, and Super Mutants to live together, there were still those on all three sides that hated each other. If there's one thing the Dark God did get right, it was that humanity would never fully get along with itself or with others.

“Even when the world is burning around them, they still can’t get along,” Sandbar whispered, shaking his head in pity.

Thankfully, if the Super Mutants do ever form an army again, they’ll find the Wasteland a bit harder to take over. There were powerful factions now that had taken over parts of the Wasteland. And one of them was an order of Power Armored knights with a vow to never let the old worlds mistakes lead to another catastrophic event.

But that was a story for another day.

Author's Note:

Next time: The Brotherhood of Steel (West Coast)