• Published 19th Jun 2018
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Student Six Watch Fallout Lore: The Storyteller Series - Rated Ponystar

The Student Six learn about the Fallout World thanks to a series of lore videos from The Storyteller

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The New California Republic

Chapter 6: The New California Republic

The narrator didn't waste any time in telling the listening students on how things such as humility and virtue was no longer a common daily occurrence in the Wasteland. It was rare to come by, and people had to take comfort in the fact that they had to be thankful for what they had because it could all disappearing in a single moment's notice. Things had changed so much now that people who were once privileged in the world were now just as equal as those of lesser status. From the regular farmer to the begging ghoul to the orphan child running in the ruined streets. Everyone was coming from a more humble beginning, then most were before the war. And it was these humble beginnings that helped build those who would one day build armies, lead empires, and change the Wasteland for better or worse.

The students focused on statues of two different armored beings shaking hands while Sandbar noted a fact that came to him. "You know, other then Professor Sparkle, all the other Elements were born or lived here in Ponyville. Most of them from average or lesser off families."

"Kinda shows how you don't need some rich noble to change the world," Gallus said.

The narrator agreed with that statement. While many had tried to build a new world out of the ashes of the old, only one has come to making one, and it came from the middle of nowhere. A place named Shady Sands.

A little village whose people came from a vault fifty years after the war, each made out of people who Vault-Tec knew would not get along. Despite this, they managed to survive until the Vault opened and various groups went their separate ways. Many of which would become gangs and raiders who would terrorize the Wasteland for years including the famous Great Khans.

"Why would they just split up after finally getting out of the vault only to become a bunch of murderers and thieves?" Silverstream said in disgust. "Wouldn't it make more sense to work together?"

"You heard what the narrator said. Vault-Tec purposely made it so that they wouldn't get along. I'm surprised they didn't kill each other for fifty years," Ocellus stated.

Thankfully, not everyone from the vault decided to become a gang. Some chose to settle down in a town called Shady Sands. The six watched how the small farming town ended up being an oasis in the desert with water, food, hospitality, and everyone working together like a real town. It was small and homey, just like Ponyville, though some parts of it were still looking like ruins like Griffinstone.

"Yona like Shady Village. Looks nice. Not as good as Yak's home," she proclaimed.

"Yeah, but I bet all that niceness isn't going to account for the dangers," Gallus pointed out as raiders dressed in bones and rags began attacking a trading caravan who were doing their best to fight back.
The town indeed dealt with danger from all directions regularly. Even the Mayor's daughter was kidnapped, making the group fear for the little girl as she was taken away by raiders. However, a strange heroic like music began to play as the screen then showed a man in a Vault 13 jumpsuit fighting giant scorpions with a gun. The narrator went on to say how the man they saw, The Vault Dweller, was believed by many to have arrived in Shady Sands due to the wheels of destiny. For Shady Sands was the Vault Dweller's first stop in his quest to save his home and would eventually become the hero of the Wasteland.

"Wait, isn't this the same guy who defeated that creepy Master and his Super Mutant army?" Sandbar asked.

"I guess so, but I wonder why we can't see his face?" Smolder asked, leaning in closer. He didn't look like much from what she could see, and yet this skinny thing defeated that abomination? Then again, if she had learned anything from her time in Equestria, it's that you never underestimate the smaller creatures.

A map soon appeared with the logo of a two-headed bear (Which some of them found funny) that had names and locations written on it. It was the map of the entire New California Republic which was all started thanks to the actions of the Vault Dweller who would inspire the people of Shady Sands, and its neighboring cities, to begin a dream that would grow over time.

The Mayor of Shady Sands, Aradesh, would gather those who helped save the Wasteland and those of like-mindedness into forming a new nation that would work together to see a new future for the survivors of the Great War. Even the Brotherhood of Steel was an ally for a time.

"Kinda reminds me of the founding of Equestria," Sandbar started with a smile. "All the tribes putting themselves together for the greater good of the group."

"It's good to see that friendship can help make a nation in such a nightmarish world as this one," Silverstream said with a smile.

"United cities would also be usefully in fighting off evil raiders," Yona pointed out.

"And hey, if the Brotherhood were allies at one point, I guess they were cool," Gallus said, smirking.

"But didn't they break away from each other and cause that big fight by Helios One?" Smolder pointed out.

"True, but good thing something like that never happened in Equestria," Sandbar said with a prideful smile.

"What about the Night Pony persecutions?" Ocellus asked, making the others turn to her in shock. "Wait, you didn't know that?"

"Woah, woah, woah! Are you saying that the ponies of Equestria, the happy go lucky and smiles for everyone creatures of the world, actually persecuted their own race?!" Smolder shouted in shock.

"I... I never heard of this!" Sandbar shouted in horror. "What happened?"

"Well, from what I read in the book I found, for about two hundred years after Nightmare Moon's rebellion, Night Ponies aka the Bat Ponies, were often discriminated against the others because they were often associated or loyal to Princess Luna before she turned. They faced a lot of prejudiced for a long time. Many ended up being exiled from their homes, overpriced for foods and goods, and some were ever hurt really bad by angry mobs," Ocellus explained, much to their growing disgust.

"Didn't Princess Celestia ever get involved?" Silverstream asked.

"Well, during those times Equestria's enemies were often trying to go to war or attack the nation due to losing one of their princesses," Ocellus continued. "The nations of Griffinstone, the Dragons, the Minotaurs were always attacking. Even Saddle Arabia was an enemy at the time. There were even Nightmare Moon worshiping cults that Celestia had to constantly fight from all over the nation, and it didn't help that some of the Night Ponies felt there was no choice but to join them to save themselves."

"How Night Ponies become equals?" Yona asked.

"Princess Celestia came up with an idea on using the Night Ponies as a night strike group on their enemies. Over time, they became respected again. Generations went on, and ponies forgot about Princess Luna over time, so the hatred dissipated."

The others were silent as they pondered over what they had just learned from their bookworm friend. For so long they had assumed, especially Sandbar, that Equestria hadn't done anything negative like the things they saw from this Wasteland. Yet, even Equestria wasn't immune to things like prejudice, war, and hatred.

"Well, no nation goes through things perfectly, and they get better over time. So let's see how the New California Republic did," Ocellus said before they continued to watch, however, she noticed how Sandbar looked a lot more down now upon what she revealed. It wasn't a surprise. He took pride in his home country's principles and to learn they were broken once must have been a severe blow to him.

Ocellus made a mental note to talk to him when they took a break.

After the NCR was formed, Aradesh was made "President For Life" and lived for a long time until he decided to wander out into the Wasteland and disappeared. Maybe he went to find his old friend the Vault Dweller? Regardless, his name would forever be remembered in the history books for starting something more significant than he ever dreamed. But while he may have made the NCR's starting grounds, his daughter, Tandy, made it the powerhouse it was today.

While the official records didn't talk about her kidnapping for obvious propaganda reasons (a fact that made all six of them snort), it was apparent that being pulled into that situation made her into the ambitious leader she became after her father left.

"Woah, Old Lady lived to be one hundred? Long-lived," Yona said, nodding her head in respect.

"Kinda not that big of a deal when you got ageless alicorn princesses," Sandbar stated.

"Or long-lived changeling royalty."

"Or thousand-year-old dragon lords."

They turned their attention back to the screen which showed troops of the NCR scouting and taking over various lands. While some cities and areas were willing to join the NCR, others had to be taken over with force. The Republic had some of the pre-war technology from their original vault home, but that was nothing compared to Vault City. One of the few Vaults that actually went right, Vault City was a paradise in the Wasteland with advanced technology, food, and servants. While it may have been advanced, the residents were very tight on their control to the point of even having outsiders being forced to serve them just for a safe place to live in paradise.

"Guess some people will do anything to be safe," Gallus snorted. He would never trade his freedom for servitude.

Vault City wasn't the only group that didn't want to join the NCR. Some other cities like New Reno or Vaults like Vault 13 didn't want anything to do with them. The six could see why with the latter as it turned out, the Vault was filled with the most dangerous kind of creatures in the Wastelands. One that nearly made the group pass out from the terror that was the Deathclaw.

It was a monster of a beast that looked like a horned demon with sharp claws and teeth that could tear a house apart in seconds. Tartarus itself must have birthed these monsters because they were taller than even Super Mutants while their ash burned skin and red eyes made them look like your worst nightmare.

"And there is a Vault full of these things? I wouldn't even go in there for all the gems in the world," said Smolder, shivering.

For all its good intentions, The New California Republic wasn't keen on just letting these areas like Vault City and New Reno go. They expanded and forced others to join, whether they wanted to or not, using diplomacy, sabotage, or even forced to become a part of them.

"I don't like the idea of forcing others to join you," Sandbar stated, shaking his head. "That's not friendship, even if your intentions are good."

"I think the rules apply differently here, buddy," Gallus replied, crossing his arms. "The world's gone to the crapper so I think it would be best to get everyone together and work on making it a better place. Sure, they might complain about it, but they'll get used to it."

"But what stops the NCR from becoming a dictatorship?" Ocellus asked while writing notes. "I mean, it's good that the goal is to help everyone work together, but what if it gets too powerful or someone gets to be too controlling, and it becomes corrupt like the previous US government?"

"You can't get rid of corruption forever, Ocellus. It's something that happens, regardless. The best you can do is control it," Smolder said. "Personally, I think the NCR's got the right idea in taking over places. You build a new nation out of the ashes of the old one and make it better then it was before."

"Plus, it would provide safety and comfort for all, wouldn't it?" Silverstream asked.

"But it's not a choice to be NCR. You join or forced to join. Not free will" Yona countered.

Before their discussions could be continued, the narrator talked about how the NCR continued even after Tandy, but not in the glorious days as it was. Despite gaining so much land, the NCR continued to move forward in its efforts to expand spreading all over the west and heading towards the east towards a place called Nevada. However, other factions ruled the area for a long time such as the Brotherhood of Steel as shown with two members of the military organization arguing with some NCR troops.

Despite having been allies for a time, the amount of pre-war technology soon divided their friendship as the group remembered the events from the previous videos. It was Helios One that their conflict came: a mass station that could provide energy for half the country while also using its power to activate a powerful satellite weapon that could fire a beam of energy onto the earth like the wrath of a god.

"Cooool," Smolder, and Gallus said with awe, imagining the destructive power of such a weapon.

"Naturally, the two didn't agree, and they fought. Why are they showing this again?" Sandbar asked.

"Nothing wrong with going over some of your past notes. I do it all the time," Ocellus said with a smile.

"Yeah, and we're always late on the lunch line because of it," Smolder muttered causing the changeling to blush.

Since the Brotherhood was all about weapons, they didn't want anybody else but them to control Helios One, even if the NCR had good intentions of using it for energy. Once again, the Student Six were forced to watch the battle that had lead to many needless deaths that could have been resolved if someone, anyone, just decided to talk instead of fight. But it was as the narrator said in the beginning.

War never changes.

Sandbar turned away, not wanting to see the deaths while the others stomached it in. Despite having seen it before, even admitting that it was cool to see such a battle in an action movie sort of way, it was still the fact that this was a real event that caused them to hold their applause. Even if some of them did hold respect for the warriors dying for their cause.

"Remind me to never visit this place," Silverstream said, shivering. "I have a feeling I'd go only a few miles before something tried to kill me."

While the Brotherhood has their paladins and their armor, the Republic had an army of patriotic and loyal soldiers who were willing to die for their country and their dream of a united world. Although numbers weren't the only thing the NCR had.

The also had the Rangers.

A cool and yet dramatic tone in the music changed as the video showed armored humans dressed in cowpony hats shooting with such precision and skill that it was like watching a dance of death. With one shot, heads burst, and bodies went down as the Rangers were swift like water but struck like lightning. All while doing it with a level of coolness and aura that the others couldn't help but stare... while also wishing that they had those shades. There was even a squad of armored soldiers with long barrel guns aimed at enemies far away with the sun shining beside them as it fades to dusk. Their brown coats blowing in the winds as the darker skies allowed their glowing red eyelids on their helmets to give an early specter-like glow that only further increased their frightening aura.

According to the narrator, the title of "Ranger" was usually given to special lawmen who traveled around the country delivering justice and order upon the wicked and corrupt. Similar to the ancient knights in the medieval days. In this new west, they were the best of the best in the NCR. Not for their weapons or armor, but their skills and abilities to get the job done. They were not born or forged to fight like the Brotherhood or the Enclave, they were trained in the harshest way possible to create a loyal soldier who would die for their country and fellow Republicans.

With this edge, it wasn't a surprise now how the NCR managed to beat the Brotherhood of Steel for Helios One. Even if it did take a good number of them out. Of course, it kinda seemed like a waste because despite all that sacrifice the NCR couldn't get the thing fully powered yet.

"Well, that seems like most of those soldiers died for nothing," Sandbar grumbled.

"Still, taking down the Brotherhood of Steel was an impressive feat in of itself," Gallus pointed out. "Despite all those laser weapons and power armor, it looks like the numbers game and Rangers managed to prove the deciding factor."

"Dragon Lord Torch said it best once," Smolder nodded in agreement. "You can have the most powerful weapons in the world, but it's useless against somebody more skilled than you."

However, Helios One was only one of many ways the Republic was planning to save the world as the slide showed a great big dam with a large river. It made the others give an impressive whistle based on how well designed and big it was.

"Ooohhh, Yak wants to try smashing that!" Yona yelled with stars in her eyes.

"Sure, if you can avoid getting drowned to death afterward," Ocellus joked making Yona start to second guess.

The Hoover Dam wasn't just a means to bring about freshwater, but it also could provide electricity to the nation. Yet, the dam was also blocking something else. Across the Colorado River was another nation. Another army, one that the NCR had never faced before, with a leader that could rival the Master in terms of both charisma and cruelty.

A nation of tribes united as one.

A band of fearless and bloodthirsty warriors.

A legion intending on dominating all.

But that was a story for another day.

Author's Note:

You know what's next and dear god I can't wait to write it.