• Published 19th Jun 2018
  • 31,545 Views, 607 Comments

Student Six Watch Fallout Lore: The Storyteller Series - Rated Ponystar

The Student Six learn about the Fallout World thanks to a series of lore videos from The Storyteller

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Caesar's Legion Part 2

It took a long time for everycreature to sleep, but they eventually did. Some like Ocellus and Silverstream slept with their arms wrapped around Sandbar and Gallus, two of whom didn’t mind if it helped their crushes get to sleep easier. Smolder took the longest to fall asleep as she spent the night silently thinking in her head all that she learned before finally closing her eyes. Yona was the first to sleep, but from the amount of movement she made told that it wasn’t a pretty dream.

When Dawn came, Ocellus was the first to wake up before noticing she was snuggling against Sandbar like a teddy bear. If it was possible to die of embarrassment, Ocellus would have just dropped dead right there. She managed to transform herself into a fly before turning back to escape. Realizing that the others wouldn't wake up for awhile, she decided to get everyone breakfast and left the room.

Very few students were up this early. In fact, save for Professor Applejack who was making breakfast in the cafeteria, there were only a few bat ponies who looked ready to hit the hay with night classes being over. “Mornin’ Ocellus. Had a nice night?”

“Not really,” Ocellus muttered as she looked at the options presented to her. Levitating some trays over to pick everycreature’s favorites. “It started off nice when I was at Helio-One and then I got caught in a battle between the Brotherhood of Steel and the NCR.”

Applejack tilted her head. “Helio-What? The Brotherhood of Who?”

Realizing her mistake, Ocellus nervously replied, “Oh! Um, sorry! Just this uh... new series I’m reading. I dreamed I was in it last night.”

“Oh, what’s it about?” Applejack asked, putting a bowl of apples on one of the trays.

“Um, it’s about the world coming to an end... and various groups try to rule it with different intentions,” Ocellus answered.

“Sounds mighty interestin’. What’s the series called?” Applejack asked, smiling.

“Um... The Wasteland?” Ocellus half lied.

“Ah’ll look into it. Need anythin’ else?” Applejack asked as Ocellus finished.

The changeling was about to say ‘no’ when she paused and asked a question. “Professor? Can I ask you a question? Do you think there are some places where friendship can’t work? That no amount of magic can help?”

Applejack pondered for a bit before sighing and answer, “Well, don’t tell Twilight this, Ocellus, but Ah’m kinda of a realist. Friendship can work in many ways. Yer kind and the dragons are proof of that. But Ah’ve met terrible creatures who just can’t change their ways nor will they ever. And there are some places Ah’ve been too that are just down right rotten. So maybe there are places where friendship can’t work out. But, Ah think what matters is tryin’ and taking the victories that ya can get. Ya can’t always win, but yer never gonna always lose either.”

“I see,” Ocellus replied, thinking a bit harder before nodding. “Thanks Professor Applejack.”

Applejack tilted her head as Ocellus walked away with her head deep in thought.


By the time Ocellus got back, everyone was awake and talking about their dreams last night. Ocellus had just answered as Silverstream and Sandbar were hugging a teary-eyed Yona. “... and mean Caeser man took Yona’s siblings and Yona do nothing. Yona watch home burn... Yona saw scary Legion humans come and... and... Yona woke up...”

“Hey, it was just a dream, Yona. They’re aren’t any Legion here and if they ever come here I’m sure the Princesses will send them back to that hellhole of a wasteland,” Sandbar said, comforting the sniffing yak.

“Yeah, and if they dare try to do the crap they pull on others here? I’ll burn them alive,” Smolder vowed, letting out a huff of dragon breath just to iterate.

Smiling softly, Yona hugged Silverstream and Sandbar. “Yak lucky to have great friends.”

Coughing into her hoof, Ocellus got everyone’s attention as she gave them their trays. “I got breakfast for everycreature. I bet you’re all hungry.”

“Starving,” Gallus said, biting into some toast. “You know, if there is one thing these stories of the wasteland are doing right. It’s making me value what we have in our world.”

“Yeah, I can’t imagine a world where Equestria is a Wasteland from some super war,” Sandbar said, sipping some juice. “Still, should we continue? I mean, it can’t get any worse.”

“I think we can all agree that this world these humans live in is... how did Professor Dash put it once? BUBAR?” Gallus asked, rubbing his chin.

“Yeah, I can’t think of a way friendship can save a world like this... Not with things like Super Mutants, The Enclave, The Legion, and everyone just trying to kill themselves over land that’s pretty much dead,” Sandbar agreed.

“... I disagree,” Smolder replied, getting their attention. “We should learn all of this. We should learn everything.”
“Why? I mean, we kind saw the worst thing ever in our lives just last night,” Silverstream pointed out, shivering. “I don’t want to see more people suffering.”

“I know but...” Smolder bit her lip and sighed. “Guys... when the narrator told us about Caesar... It reminded me a lot of dragon's back home.” The others were silent as their eyes widened. “Look, I know that I haven’t been as boisterous about dragons as Yona is about Yaks-”

“Because Yaks are best!”

“-but there is a reason for that,” Smolder took a moment to take a breath before continuing. “Most dragons would rather see other races bow down to them or hurt the if in means dominance. Heck, my brother even believes that once. He said that if he was the Dragon Lord instead of Ember he would have made all the ponies bow down to them or burn their homes down.”

“But you aren’t doing that! The dragons are trying to be friends with us!” Sandbar pointed out.

“Yeah, cause Ember is the Dragon Lord now. But what happens when she’s no longer the Dragon Lord? What if someone else becomes the Dragon Lord and decides to enslave everyone else or kill them for some bit of building an empire!” Smolder replied, shaking her head. “Power is everything to dragons. Strength is the foundation of our society. It’s survival of the fittest and I used to think that way, even when I came here, but meeting you guys and seeing... what power can do to others... I feel like I don’t know what to believe anymore.”

Smolder closed her eyes as her friends looked at each other. Unsure of what to do. It was true that out of all the cultures they came from it was Smolder who came from the most brutal. The thought of the Dragons acting like Caesar's Legion painted a terrible future for them all if such a thing were to happen.

“So... what should we do?” Silverstream asked.

“I think... we need to see these videos. Just because its not happening now, doesn’t mean it can’t happen in the future. The future is never set in stone as my dad always says,” Smolder reasoned.

“...I guess we can watch a couple more,” Ocellus said, softly.

“Maybe there will be some good ones instead of horror ones,” Gallus suggested.

“Yak... kinda interested to learn.”

Sandbar saw that he was outnumbered and sighed. “Alright, I really don’t want too, but I see your point. Let’s at least get the rest of the Caesar one finished.”

(AN: Head to 6:20 to continue where they left off)

The group slowly nodded their heads and turned back to the sphere which had been at paused mode since last night. Setting it to play again, the narrator continued where he left off about how Caesar's hypocrisy knew no bounds as Legion soldiers armed themselves with guns and advanced weapons. For all his love and value of old time martialism and ethics, he was quite a lover of modern day weapons and gear. The Legion’s main advantage was their skill in hand to hand combat, something that they all preferred to fight under. Even using power gauntlets to crush the heads of their enemies.

The group nearly lost their breakfast upon seeing a set of burning tires that were the final resting place of those burned on the pyre. Blackened skeletons decorated it which only served a reminder of just how brutal the Legion was. Failure was punished by death and the executions were both slow and horrifying. Burning. Crucifixion. Even fighting to the death in gladiatorial combat. The punishments served as a reminder to the soldiers of what failure could bring and that it was better to die in combat then to return home in defeat.

“What a monster,” Silverstream said, shaking her head.

“Still, there is something to be said for his fear tactics if they make such a strong army,” Gallus pointed out. “I mean, he defeated and took over eighty-six tribes to build an empire. That’s a lot.”

Such brutal tactics did bring forth a mighty army that had crushed almost every foe it had come across. However, it eventually came to stand with the one force big enough and equally powerful enough to challenge them: The New California Republic.

The two nations clashed at the banks of the Colorado River at the site of Hoover Dam. It was here that the Legion face their first real defeat at the hands of the NCR and it’s Rangers. This brought a cheer to the others who quickly sided with the NCR. For all its problems, it was still a better choice then the slave nation the Legion had become.

The plan that lead to their defeat was a tactical masterstroke. After hours of heavy fighting, the NCR faked a retreat and lured the blindsided Legion to their doom at the abandoned Boulder City. While Caesar himself might have realized this was a trap, his soldiers were too high on their own bloodlust and upcoming victory to see the end coming. It also didn’t help that his highest ranking Legate was just as clueless as the rest of them. The students watched with wide eyes as the Legion was blown to bits thanks to explosions placed all over the city.

“Holy... that’s awesome!” Smolder shouted with awe.

“A bit overkill, but considering who fell before it I can’t feel any sympathy,” Ocellus replied.

The result was an NCR victory with them controlling Hoover Dam while the Legion was forced to retreat to the other side of the river to lick their wounds. Meanwhile, the Legate who lead the attack, Joshua Graham, was forced to face his punishment. He was one of Caesar's oldest friends, back when he was known as Edward Sallow, but this wasn’t enough to save him from his wraith. For the first time since it was formed, the Legion had known defeat. Their once streak of invincibility was now done.

The students watched as Graham was pushed near the edge of one of the biggest canyons they had ever seen as Legion soldiers with tanks on their backs with hoses aimed as the failed Legate. Suddenly, flames shot out of the hoses like the breath of a dragon. Silverstream and Ocellus screamed as they saw Joshua set a blaze before falling down what was known as the Grand Canyon.

“Oh my Celestia, he set him on fire!” Sandbar shouted in horror.

“Geeze, they can shoot out fire like dragons! Woah!” Smolder said in awe.

Yet to the shock of everyone, it turned out that Joshua Graham survived! Not only had been set aflame, thrown off a deepest cliff in the Wasteland, and survived the impact, but he also walked out to recover from his execution. A tall proud man wrapped in bandages all over his face stood over a park with a pair of pistols by his side, the sun beaming down on him like a miracle from heaven. The narrator went on to explain that rumors of his survival was one of the few things that scared Caesar in fear of his old friend coming to exact revenge.

“How the hay can anyone survive that?! He must be made of iron or something!” Gallus said in awe.

“Yona don’t think any yak could survive that,” Yona confessed. It was rare for her to say anything was better than a yak, but this time she couldn’t deny what she was seeing.

“At least he’s alive... but he must be suffering from all that pain,” Silverstream whispered, solemnly.

But Josha wasn’t the only fear Caesar had on his plate. He knows his army must continue to conquer if it is to survive. It produces little, and only takes what it can get while leaving nothing but destruction in its wake. However, the Legion is now stalled. It’s enemy equally waiting on the other side of the Hoover Dam. A final clash was coming to decide the fate of not only two nations, but the Wasteland as well.

Hoover Dam might mean nothing to the Legion, but in truth to Caesar it’s everything he’s been wanting. It’s the key to turning his vast horde of slave soldiers into the Empire he’s been dreaming of making for years. Until that final battle, Caesar does his best to weaken the NCR by sending in small troops and camps to the other side. Each with various missions to raid, attack, or cause chaos to weaken the NCR’s chances of winning in the big battle. The horrific attacks remind everyone that the Legion is eventually coming in full force.

The NCR isn’t just the enemy Caesar needs, but one he wants. To him, it will be the final testament to everything he’s been working so hard to achieve. If he cannot defeat the nation that is the opposite in everything he has built, then he has no right to rule as the next Emperor of the Wasteland.

“I think I speak for everyone when I say: Go NCR!” Sandbar shouted, which the others agreed with cheers of their own.

However, the Dam isn’t just the only key location Casear wishes to take on the Mojave. There’s another equally important jewel in the desert that he wishes to own. It’s a city he needs to make his new Rome, one that was bright and shining in the dark as the students saw a sign with towers in the background. A sign that said “Welcome to New Vegas.”

A place with walls to keep out the worst dangers. A safe area with security robots designed to protect its citizens. And plenty of vices and girls to entertain the fair folk.

“Woah...” Gallus said, turning red as half naked females began dancing rather.. Provaciably.

“Wow, that’s an interesting dance,” Silverstream said with interest.

“I think the word you are looking for is perverted. These females are whores!” Ocellus buzzed angrily.

It was home to those who lived in the city of New Vegas. However, the city already has a ruler. One who has been alive since before the Great War. A man who planned on living much longer if he plays his cards right.

But that is a story for another day.

Author's Note:

And here is part 2. House is next.