• Published 21st May 2018
  • 2,527 Views, 202 Comments

Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of Scootaloo - PonyJoel

During a brutal week before the winter break, Scootaloo was having a difficult time in her life. She went through a deep depression, loss her family but found salvation in a new family. These are now the Tales of Scootaloo's new life.

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Reliving the Final Battle of Speedy Bullet!

Author's Note:

Quick Disclaimer: Sorry for my absence. I was on a long writer's block and took a lot of time to conquer it. I do plan on writing more chapters as I go on.

As Scootaloo and her friends headed to her room to get ready for tonight's slumber party, Sombra relieves his last battle with Speedy Bullet.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

Sombra and Blaze entered the household and sees Hope. Scootaloo and her friends went upstairs to her room to change. Sombra, Hope, and Blaze started setting up the party in the living room. Sombra and Hope want to make this party special for Scootaloo and hoping that her trauma decreases with the right people in her life. Sombra hands Blaze the money to go out and buy Chinese food. Blaze leaves the household after everything was set up. Sombra then decides to step out and look at the night sky. Then he enters a state of consciousness. He began to pant heavily as he collapses on the floor holding his head. Hope realized what was happening the moment Sombra said; Tirek. Sombra roars as he is now reliving the last battle he fought with Speedy Bullet.

27 days ago

"Everyone! Get your asses down that alley! We gotta finish planting these charges against Discord's tanks!" Speedy Bullet shouted towards his platoon.

"Speedy," Sombra said. "Do we have eyes on the rooftops?"

"Not yet. Let's go Sombra."

Speedy and Sombra headed towards a broken down building that is stable enough to snipe. Sombra's and Speedy's platoon finished planting the charges and scatter as instructed. Sombra and Speedy took out their sniper rifles to scope the area.

"Sombra, I see the tanks rolling five clicks south from our position."

"Nice find... Get down!"

Sombra pushes Speedy down as a missile nearly hits them. Then the two scope and found a fleet of soldiers aiming high.

"We need to move now, Commander."

"Agreed. Let's meet up with our squadron and ambush these suckers."

Sombra and Speedy slowly made their way down as the infantry entered the premises. The tanks Speedy spotted drove down the road that was planted with explosives earlier. As the tanks drove down the street, Speedy orders his men to light it up. Tanks were blown up then soldiers on both sides were shooting at each other. As the shooting goes on, soldiers fall in agony on both sides. Sombra and Speedy took care of the rest and made sure there are no surviving soldiers from Discord's forces.

"Incoming mortar strikes!" Jet called out.

The mortar strikes blew up half of Speedy's and Sombra's platoon as body parts were splatters everywhere. The cries of fallen men and women are all they can hear.

"Grabbed the wounded and fall back!" Sombra commanded.

Speedy took out his M4 rifle and covered fired as everyone retreated. Several soldiers who didn't carry any wounded soldiers did the same as they fall back. Everyone that fell back headed to the drop off zone so the wounded can be taken care of as for the rest to recuperate from today's event.

"Soarin, when are those strikes coming inbound?" Sombra asked as he radios in.

"15 minutes from your position, sir," Soarin said in response.

"Make it sooner. Can't have Discord destroy this city as well."

"Yes, Commander."

"15 minutes till the rain comes in, brother?" Speedy said.

"Yes, Discord's forces are 2 miles away from their camp. With Soarin and the Deadly Wonderbolt clan of his, should allow us to move forward and take over another factory of his." Sombra said as he observes the map.

"How many factories are still in working order?"

"Too many, which is why we need to put an end to his chaotic weaponry."

"Does, Soarin know the coordinates of the next weapon factory?"

"Yes and no. Yes, for when I tell him and no because I don't want Discord's forces to pick up our frequency of communication much. Now that he has access to morse code and can counterattack our next move."

"Right, I forgot about that."

"How many of us are still left after the mortar strikes?"

"37 but we have more inbound in a few minutes. In the meantime, I'll be writing in my journal."

"More like a diary to me." Sombra laughed.

"Always with the jokes about what I write."

"Just make it quick."

Speedy groaned as he writes his message in the journal.

"Done, happy?"

"Yea, " Sombra said as he extends the map. Then soldiers came in to hear a briefing. "Alright, some of Discord's army is residing at this factory 20 miles Northeast from our position. According to some reports, Discord's newest chaotic weapon is at the factory which is heavily guarded by his troops. We have a limited time window as I'll be coordinating Soarin's Wonderbolts for the strike package. Take note for two possibilities that may lie. One, the whole operation is a ruse set up by Discord. Two, we come closer to winning the war.

The soldiers cheer as Soarin radios Sombra.

"Commander Sombra! We are arriving in 2 minutes, over."

"Roger that, hover your jets as we get into our choppers."

"Copy that, sir!"

"Listen up, everyone! Soarin and his Deadly Wonderbolts are coming near! Let's get moving!"

"Yes, Sir!" Everyone shouted.

"Speedy, come with me. We're going into Crystal's chopper."

"Don't need to tell me. I'm way ahead of you."

Everyone got into their choppers and took off. Soarin and his clan followed up on Sombra's tail. They are now 2 miles away from the factory. Everyone exits out of the choppers as they took flight heading back south for more recruitment. Sombra radios Soarin.

"Soarin, Discord's factory has more tanks and missile launchers. Take them out. Also, watch out for the sniper vision from the towers that Speedy is scoping out. "

"Copy that Commander Sombra. My clan and I will bring in the rain."

Soarin and the Deadly Wonderbolts took flight and headed towards the factory.

"Everyone, listen up! Soarin and his clan are bringing the rain. It's up to us to secure the factory. We will take it while everyone else will be focusing on the air force. Let's move!"

Everyone gathered up and made their way towards the factory. Sombra and Speedy were in front as everyone else were in groups scouting around. Surprisingly, Discord's forces aren't around the area. Then a few moments later, snipers from the factory starting shooting.

"Sniper!" Jet shouted.

Then several soldiers saw a fleet coming from behind.

"Ambush!" Shield shouted.

Things were heated up as both sides were shooting each other. The ambush worked as soldiers were dying right then and there. Speedy used a smoke grenade to blind the enemy as they made a hasty retreat. Snipers from the factory saw some and picked them off one-by-one. The snipers were then blown up by Soarin's missile.

"Thank you for taking a heat check," Soarin said as he took out several tanks outside of the factory's premises.

Sombra was able to hear all of that as Soarin's radio is still active. Then Sombra saw a missile hitting Soarin's jet as it fell out of the sky. Soarin crash lands near their position. Sombra and Speedy ran towards Soarin to help him out. They were taking heavy fire from Discord's forces. More choppers were inbound as they shot their missiles at Discord's forces providing cover fire.

"Perfect timing," Speedy said.

"Soarin, you alright?" Sombra said.

"Yea, just a scratch. I'll be fine," Soarin said.

"Grab your weapon, Soarin. We can use another gunman like you right now." Sombra said.

"Copy that, Commander," Soarin said as he picked up his M16.

"Let's move."

Sombra, Speedy, and Soarin regroup with the remaining soldiers as the new fleet arrives by chopper. They pressed on forcing Discord's forces to retreat. The leftover Deadly Wonderbolt clan had to reroute their flight pattern as heat-seeking missiles were launch. They now have no air power for the time being. Discord's forces barricade the front doors of the factory as they got into positions. Sombra, Speedy, and Soarin are now in front of the factory doors with the remaining troops. The other wave is wearing down the ambushers and any soldier that are in trenches of the factory after spotting them.

"Who got C-4s?" Sombra asked.

"Luckily for you Commander, I have plenty on me," Soarin said as he plants the C-4s on the door.

"Everyone, take cover now!"

Everyone moved away from the door as Soarin finished planting the charges. Then Soarin gets in position and detonates the charges blowing up the door. It was then that Discord's forces shoot immediately but wind up missing every target.

"Now!" Sombra shouted.

He, Speedy, Soarin, and the remaining soldiers go in and shoot at every soldier of Discord's army. No survivors were left.

"Search the area!" Speedy commanded.

Everyone searched high and low for Discord's chaotic weapon.

"Where the hell is it?!" Sombra shouted infuriated.

A monitor tv displays Discord smiling and waving.

"Well, my-my look what the cat dragged in."

"Discord!" Sombra said.

"Hello, Sombra. I see you managed to fail again. Hah, trying to take my devilish chaotic weapon."

"Where is it?!" Sombra said angrily.

"In good hands but you won't live long enough to see it."

A timer display as the clock is ticking 60 seconds.

"Everyone! Out of the factory. It's going to self-detonate!" Speedy said.

Everyone inside booked and took cover as the factory self-detonates. Due to the factory being blown up, it skyrocketed a flare in the sky.

Sombra, Speedy, Soarin, and what's of the remaining soldiers got up and recovered. Sombra tries to radio in the other soldiers that were behind but no luck. He assumed that they were caught in the explosion or were taken out by other soldiers under Discord's forces.

"Ugh... We're on our own for a while. Let's get moving." Sombra commanded.

Sombra and Speedy led the way as Soarin tries to get in contact with Spitfire. No answer.

"Commander, no word from Spitfire. For now, we have no air power." Soarin said.

"Fine. Let's get back to evac. There have to be some choppers on their way with another wave." Sombra stated angrily.

As Sombra and Speedy led the way, another missile was fired, heading their way.

"Missile!" Soarin shouted as everyone hit the dirt. The missile winds up exploding from behind killing 15 soldiers in the process.

Speedy got up and took out his sniper. He went behind a tree and scope where the missile was fired.

"Sombra! Tirek and his army are a mile away from our positions!"

"Let em come! I'm sick of this hiding and running bullshit!" Sombra shouted as he got into position with his sniper rifle. "Soarin! Get Spitfire now!"

"I'm trying Commander but no response!" Soarin stated.

"Keep trying or I'll shoot you myself!" Sombra said now showing the Shadow of Fear side of him.

"Y-y-yes...sir," Soarin said as he relentlessly tried to contact Spitfire.

Tirek gets out of his tank and joins his comrades to take down Sombra once and for all. They charge as the last remaining survivors got into positions and fired back. It's now a close-quarters combat situation. Soarin finally got in contact with Spitfire.

"Spitfire, we need air support now!"

"Copy that Soarin, what's your location?"

Sombra takes the radio off of Soarin's hands. "One mile away east from Discord's factory. There is a flare still hovering in the sky. Have to be blind to miss it."

"C-Copy that Commander Sombra, I see the flare inbound. Two minutes from location, s-sir."

Sombra tosses the radio back to Soarin as he bobbles it in his hands. Sombra decided to move in a different direction to shoot down Tirek's forces and hoping that he can take down Tirek as well. Tirek shot down the other soldiers that were hiding behind trees. He and Sombra see each other from a distance. Tirek smiled. Sombra and Tirek dropped their weapons and went after each other. Both of them in an enraged state. The two then have a knife and hand-to-hand combat. Each of them was able to leave knife wounds around their body. Tirek then pulls out his pistol and shot Sombra on his side. He screams in agony as Tirek kicks him, knocking Sombra on the ground.

As Sombra and Tirek were fighting, Spitfire came and took out the tanks of Tirek's forces. Unfortunately, one of Tirek's soldiers shot down one of Spitfire's jets with an RPG causing it to crash near Tirek and Sombra. Tirek stood smiling and shot Sombra's leg with his pistol.

"I'm gonna enjoy killing you slowly," Tirek said.

Sombra spits at Tirek, pissing him off. Tirek then shoots Sombra in his left shoulder causing him to scream in agony even more.

"Bad move, then again. There is not much you can do when I take your precious hope away. Then your wife."

"As, long as there is scum like you, we will never surrender," Sombra stated as he pants.

"I waited a long time for this," Tirek said as he aims his weapon at Sombra's head.

Sombra closed his eyes expected the inevitable when he heard the roars of Speedy coming. Speedy tackles Tirek and beats him down the best he could. Speedy knocks out Tirek, then he took his gun and shot him multiple times in the chest. Speedy then goes over to Sombra and picks him up.

"No way you're finishing the race without me," Speedy chuckle.

"Wouldn't dream of it. Now let's go."

Speedy helped Sombra walk but not far. Speedy looked back and saw Tirek getting back up. He pulled out his second pistol. Speedy shoves Sombra as Tirek shot Speedy. Sombra saw as his friend wind up being shot down by Tirek in a minute. Tirek came closer to Sombra and Speedy smiling the whole way. He picked up Sombra.

"I'll let you live so you can suffer your friend's fall. Just know that I'll be coming for you next," Tirek said as he drops Sombra.

Tirek walks away and radios his forces to retreat. Sombra crawls his way to Speedy who is coughing out blood.

"Hey, you gonna be alright. You hear me?"

"I hear you...but...I don't think I'll make it."

Sombra goes into his Shadow of Fear mode.

"You will make it damn you!"

"Not me, you."

Sombra gets a little teary.

"I have a favor to ask of you." Speedy coughs more blood out.

"What is it?" Sombra said gripping the hand of his brother.

"Can you look after my daughter; Scootaloo?"

"Yes, I will."

"Hey, Sombra."


"First place," Speedy said as he closes his eyes and dies peacefully.

Sombra gets up.

"I swear on Speedy Bullet's name that I will kill you Tirek and take you down Discord."

What seems like hours of reliving the battle was only a half-hour in reality. Hope help Sombra get back up, she also helps him get inside of the house. Sombra sits on his chair and holds his head.

"Sorry, you had to see me like that Hope."

"Its fine Sombra. At least Scootaloo didn't see you like that. However, you'll need to explain how her father died."

"In due time I will. For now, though, we need to focus on Scootaloo and her slumber party."

"Agreed. In the meantime, I'll go up and check to see if Scootaloo and her friends are ready to come down."

"Will do."

As Hope went upstairs, Sombra took out his phone and looked at the last picture of him and Speedy Bullet.

"My fallen brother, I'm sorry that my selfish actions were the cause of your demise. I should have called in for backup. Instead, I went solo and you died protecting me. I should have died. Not you." A tear came out of Sombra's eye as he wipes it out. "I will see you in the next life. Right now, I have a promise to keep," Sombra says as he hears footsteps coming down the stairs.