• Published 21st May 2018
  • 2,527 Views, 202 Comments

Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of Scootaloo - PonyJoel

During a brutal week before the winter break, Scootaloo was having a difficult time in her life. She went through a deep depression, loss her family but found salvation in a new family. These are now the Tales of Scootaloo's new life.

  • ...

Dragon Army vs Leopard Army! Hope's Newest Patient!

Author's Note:

Every now and then within the Military School, two different armies will collide with each other and a series of events. Radiant Hope returns to Canterlot Hospital to check on a new patient she seen before but wished she didn't have to deal with the drama that came along with her.

Quick Disclaimer: Several chapters will co-exist with Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of Rainbooms. So this would be a 3rd chapter into the other story.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

Scootaloo got out of bed early. Her second day at Military School wasn't pleasant but couldn't wait for her third day to commence. She had a good feeling that her third day will be better. She headed downstairs and found Sombra working out. He's doing push-ups with 160 lbs on his back. Hope is getting breakfast ready. Scootaloo went passed Sombra not wanting to disturb his exercise and entered the kitchen.

"I see someone is up bright and early." Hope smiled.

"Oh, so you're finally noticing?" Sombra shouted in a mocking tone.

"Not you. Scootaloo is up early."

Scootaloo laughed a bit then Sombra stopped doing push-ups.

"I made omelets for us to enjoy. Also, you won't be seeing me later today Scootaloo."

"How come?"

"Canterlot Hospital needs me to fill in for the next few days. They can't survive without me for a week due to my hidden ability that most doctors don't have."

"Which is?"

"I have a talent for healing purposes. I'm the only doctor thus far that can fix any injury whatsoever. I have the title as the Master Healer. Due to my prestigious title, I get to choose how many days off I'll need for coming in and fixing up the docs horrible mistakes in surgeries."

"Your mother, Hope is the definition of hope for healing purposes. She can help those who are too heavily damaged when their bodies break down. She's the only one that can help someone who is handicapped to being normal again. She performed many surgeries that changed people's lives."

"Oh great, now you are making me sound like a living legend. Thanks for showing off for me." Hope said mockingly.

"You're welcome, sweetheart."

Scootaloo, Hope, and Sombra ate their breakfast. They enjoyed the next hour as a family then Sombra drove Scootaloo to the Equestrian Military School. Outside of the school's entrance, Scootaloo saw Silver Spoon, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata waiting for her. Scootaloo approached them as Sombra entered inside to see today's chart of classes.

"Hey, girls, what's up?" Scootaloo asked.

"We have some good news for the two of you," Sonata said.

"Yea, Sombra was nice enough to have Eagle Army trade us for three other soldiers from the Dragon Army. Woody, Dynamite, and Iron. We'll be part of the Dragon Army for the remainder of the school year." Aria stated.

"That's awesome!" Scootaloo shouted.

"It gets even better. Since now we're in the same army, we'll be able to practice more together but still, we've got to come up with a name for our group." Silver Spoon stated.

"How about we each think of a name then discuss it during our lunch break," Adagio said.

"Sounds good to us," the rest of the girls said at the same time.

"Good. Let's check the boards and see what our class will be doing." Adagio said.

The girls check on the boards in the school. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon were surprised to see one event for the Dragon Army.

"Total War? What is that?" Silver Spoon asked.

"Total War means that two armies of the academy will go through a series of tasks during battle before capturing the flag. Looks like we got Leopard Army. Second best in the academy. Salamander is number one as Dragon Army is third in the standings. Also, Total War is similar to Team Tacticals."

"Sounds like fun," Scootaloo said proudly.

"Think again, Total War is a place where fun goes to die," Adagio stated.

"How come?" Silver Spoon questioned.

"Total War is basically war but without killing. It takes all of us cadets' skills to a different level. Also, the training will be more serious. This is to show where we stand as a unit. If there are too many screw ups then the army that loses will have to far more difficult training that the academy has to offer. If there are no major mistakes by either team then we're good. However, the team that wins will have an extension on lunch break and less homework for the week," Aria stated.

"Wow, we've better start planning a little. Please tell us what you know about Leopard Army." Scootaloo asked.

The Dazzlings explained everything they could about Leopard Army. How they can sometimes cheat they're way through tough situations, how quick they are on foot for advancement operations, how diverse they are when it comes down to stealth. Leopard Army may be second best in the academy but they far exceed Salamander Army in tactical wins than Total Wars. Every battle can have some losses but the war must be won. Salamander Army is the only army undefeated in Total Wars. After all that was explained, the group started to jot some ideas for the possibilities of the Total War. They have 1 hour to plan before it begins. The other armies in the school have the option of going to their classes or witness the Total War unfold.

Around that time when Sombra and Scootaloo were heading towards the academy, Hope drove towards Canterlot Hospital to take care of some business. As she went towards the locker room to change, her board clip and info for the patient was in front of her locker. As she examined through the paperwork, she knew who the patient was. She's not happy to assist but it's her sworn duty as a doctor to heal anyone who is not 100%. Hope made her way down the hallway and saw sleeping bags on the floor. She felt irritant that she has to deal with Scootaloo's former friend that ruined her family. She entered room 18 and saw Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie in the room visiting Sweetie Belle who's still sleeping in the bed. Rarity turned and saw Hope who looked displeased but stepped forward anyway to check on Sweetie Belle.

"I'm guessing she couldn't handle the sort of punishment that was given to her when she ruined Scootaloo's life. Am I right?" Hope said with a little disgust on her tongue.

"Hey, that's not nice to say from a doctor like you!" Rarity shouted.

"Considering the fact that you're the ones who drove your sister into pure insanity from negligence. All she needed was to spend a little time with you and you ignored it. Good job to say the least." Hope said while examining Sweetie Belle's condition.

"Are you supposed to be hopeful Doctor?" Rainbow questioned in an eerie tone.

"You got jokes, don't you. Look, I wish I can be more relaxed about seeing all of you but it's because of her and Apple Bloom that Scootaloo no longer has her biological mother anymore. Also, the house she grew up in and her personal belonging burned down turning into ashes. If it weren't for Anon-A-Miss then you'll all be having a better life." Hope said checking Sweetie's pulse in her heart. Checking her lungs as well.

"We've made our mistakes but that doesn't give you any right to condemn us!" Rainbow shouted fiercely.

"Actually I can. One action always has a reaction that leads to consequences. Sombra told me what he heard, Chrysalis told me what she found, Celestia and Luna told me everything else that transpired. Now if you excuse me, I have to save a life from being destroyed by the hands of tainted family members."

"Harsh!" Pinkie shouted.

"It's the reality when the line is crossed. Thus far that line has already been crossed over by you and several students with hatred in their hearts. I'm surprised that a demon didn't come looking for you to feed on."

The girls sweated a little just by hearing the word demon. They called Sunset Shimmer a demon in the accusation of Anon-A-Miss. Rarity and Applejack did witness a demonic possession just yesterday. Silenced reigned as Hope finished checking on Sweetie Belle.

"Well, the good news is that her breathing is stabled but the bad news is, she's in a coma. It'll take time for her to wake up from devouring the pills she consumed."

"What?! You can't be serious?! She's can't be in a coma!" Rarity shouted while grabbing Hope sides from her knees.

"Sorry but her condition is far worse than any other patient I've seen when taking pills for suicide. Her emotional state, the heaviness of breathing and her body collapsing took a toll on her. I'll check her later today to see if the results are the same. Until then, visiting hours are still active but please, make sure that the other one doesn't commit suicide." Hope said as she left the room.

"Other one? What does she mean?" Pinkie questioned.

"Probably Apple Bloom. She is the main reason Anon-A-Miss was born in the first place. She has to endure mental trauma after seeing Scootaloo drop their friendship a while back." Fluttershy said quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear.

Rainbow sighed. "I wonder how Scootaloo is doing."

45 minutes later, Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, Adagio, Sonata, and Aria met up with the rest of the Dragon Army. They devise a plan well organized to take down the Leopard Army. Connor and Rollin Thunda liked the idea along with the other cadets in the Dragon Army.

"So it's settled, we counter their sneak attack with a booby trap. Then we counterattack their assault from the heights. We'll scope and navigate everyone into positions. They won't know what'll hit em." Adagio said.

"I'll stand by and provide cover fire as you'll snipe," Connor said.

"I should have no problem in redemption for obliterating the enemy," Rollin said.

"Good. Then if all goes well, we'll emerge victoriously," Aria stated.

The rest of the Dragon Army got up and marched the obstacle course. Apparently, with Scootaloo being the daughter of Speedy Bullet, all the other armies wanted to see if Scootaloo has any resemblance to Speedy Bullet's skills in combat, weaponry, and tactics. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon were amazed by how many armies wanting to watch this Total War.

"Well, this is unexpected. Mostly the top armies would be watching but all of them. This is going to be harder than I thought." Aria said.

"Listen up!" Sombra shouted. "Today's Total War will consist of 3 major battles. Stealth, Assualt, and Capture! The team with the most wins will advance in their standing. The losing team will take Sergeant Slaughter's obstacle course in the morning and afternoon for the next month! If either team play's the game and has little flaws, there won't be any penalty. Depending on the battle, I will explain the rules of the battle. If you don't listen then that tells us you aren't willing to take any command. When I speak, the entire school will be able to hear me so don't worry if you plan on going outside of the zone. Last but not least, take this seriously. This can be a real battle someday for all of you. Good luck Dragon Army! Good Luck Leopard Army!."

Dragon Army and Leopard Army shook hands and went their separate ways as they prepare themselves for the first battle. They have 30 minutes to plan out for any possible event during the Total War. Fleetfoot and Sombra picked up the paintball weapons that both teams will be using for battle. Everyone on both sides of the army got the weapons they used during the shooting range. Rollin received a machine gun instead of the heavy machine. It'll help him with accuracy and precision. After the guns were given, Sergeant Slaughter handed Sombra a mic for him to talk.

"Today's first battle will be an assault battle. Headshot is worth 10 points, body shot is worth 6 points, legs and arms are worth 3 points and feet are worth 1 point. The team with the most points will win. However, when you're hit, you have to keep moving no matter what. If you fall, trip over or have a miss footing, you are out of the game. Dragon Army's paint will be orange and Leopard's Army will be yellow. One more thing for assault is that both teams are forbidden to shoot inside of the school."

Both teams went to their positions and waited until the countdown starts. Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, and Adagio decided to go on the roof of the to scope out any leopard heading their way. Connor is with them to provide cover fire in case some leopards decides to snipe on the rooftops. Both have Bluetooth radios to communicate with. Only 10 seconds until the assault battle can commence. Leopard Army already communicating with each other.

10 seconds later, a loud horn can be heard signaling both teams that the battle has started. Adagio already have 3 leopards heading west from Rollin, Damian, and Rain.

"Watch it, 10 o'clock west from your position Rollin!" Adagio shouted into her mic.

"Copy that," he nodded at the two and immediately shot at Griever, Ripper, and Pearl. They got hit hard as they were not expecting to get shot that quick.

Rollin and the others went to another position as two more leopards ambushed them on the south side. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon shot the two leopards that ambushed them on the heads. Then Adagio, Silver, and Scootaloo ducked down to avoid being caught.

"Chandler, Wilson, and Margaret. Check the rooftops for any snipers!" CJ commanded.

They went inside of the of the school but remembered not to shoot inside of the school. It annoyed them a little but an order is an order. Chandler went up the stairs and found the entrance leading up to the rooftop. Chandler opened the door and was immediately shot by Connor. Chandler closed the door after getting hit in the head.

"Freaking campers man," he complained as the other two were upset by this tactic. Then he messaged CJ." I saw two snipers and one gunner. They have planned out our assaults from the heights and can't get any closer without taking fire CJ."

"Go for the human shield. Try to take out the gunner and the snipers the best way you can." CJ commanded.

"Will do."

After 5 seconds, Chandler dropped his weapon and spread his arms wide. Wilson opened the door and Connor shot immediately again. Chandler took the hit but Wilson and Margaret used Chandler to shoot down Adagio and Scootaloo. Silver Spoon wind up sneaking behind them, grabbing Chandler's weapon and shot both Wilson and Margaret. The two were made as they fell for an ambush. Connor, Scootaloo, and Adagio made their way off the rooftops. They found another way to snipe. Connor closed the door as Wilson and Margaret tried to shoot them but failed miserably as they were shot by Sonata who was hiding behind the trash cans. Chandler got mad and shot Sonata but winds up missing her. Sonata left the rooftops but now Chandler, Wilson, and Margaret have the advantage now. They are able to see everything that the Dragon Army is doing outside.

Connor made sure that no one was following them as they entered a different room of the school where they can still see the Leopard Army. Scootaloo radioed everyone letting them know to watch out for the rooftops. Aria is down with the Dragon Army but has clear shots at the Leopards on the rooftops.

Chandler and the other's don't have sniper rifles but they have their binoculars to see where the enemy will be at. As Wilson made himself wide open, Aria shot him. The paintball hits Wilson in the face as he fell back. Chandler decided to see where the other sniper came from but it was a bad decision. Aria shot him in the face as well. Margaret decided to leave the rooftops as Aria can see them plain as day from the ground. Connor stood by the door as he heard footsteps coming and heading towards their direction. Margaret was leading Chandler and Wilson out of the school and back to CJ. Adagio decided to stay and not make an attempt to head back to the rooftops.

Most of the Dragon Army and Leopard Army are in the middle taking cover as they were shooting at each other. Aria noticed that no one is no longer on the rooftops so she decided to meet up with Heather and Damian. They decided to go around and flank the Leopards. Leaving them wide open for another attack. Rollin decided that he should create a diversion. He would be taking the hits but it'll allow Silver, Scoots, and Adagio to snipe them from their positions. Rollin went in the middle shooting like a happy triggered moron and he paid the price. The entire Leopard Army fully shot Rollin as Scootaloo, Silver, and Adagio shot most of the Leopard Army. Then Sonata found a different room and shot CJ from behind.

Time is ticking as there is 1 minute left on the clock. Leopard Army was no matched against the Dragon Army. They even blamed the Dragon Army for having the Razzle Dazzles at the last second. It wasn't fair to them but at the end of the battle, Dragon Army won the battle. The armies of the academy half cheered and booed the two armies. Sombra and Fleetfoot collected all of the weapons from both teams. The clear winner is the Dragon Army as they have far less paint on them than Leopard Army.

"Now we know for sure why they're called Leopard Army!" Rollin shouted as he pointed out all of the spots each of the Leopard cadets had on them. Some laughed while others didn't think the joke was all that funny.

Sergeant Slaughter grabbed the mic.

"Alright maggots! Listen up! Next battle will be a stealth battle. Objective, the two teams would have to sneak their way in the school to take down an enemy. Each cadet on both teams can only attack by sneaking up and chopping them on the necks. When the cadet gets chopped, he or she will have to play dead for the remaining of the stealth battle. There are no second chances, unlike the assault battle. Lieutenant Fleetfoot is the enemy to take down but be warned, she is not someone to mess with. In order to take her down, you need the element of surprise. That is the only hint you'll get in this battle. First team to take down the Fleetfoot without being caught by the guards in the surrounding area wins. Both teams will have 15 minutes to come up with a plan of action."

This is an event that Leopard Army can win. They have the advantage in this battle as they are known for sneaking around. They should be calling themselves the Snake Army but they're not. Dragon Army is trying to figure out a way to handle the situation but time is not on their side for planning. Everyone in the Dragon Army agreed to play it by ear. Leopard Army already devised a plan to take down Fleetfoot. They have a plan to lure the guards away. They may not have guns but they have other means to grab their attention.

"One more thing cadets, the school inside will be dark so use it to your advantage. That is all." Slaughter said as he and the other armies began the countdown.

The Dragon Army and Leopard Army are divided into small groups throughout the school. As the horn went off, all groups from opposing teams went inside the school. Immediately, Silver Spoon and Sonata were caught for talking too loud. They are not out of the game. Wilson and Chandler made their way through down the hall. They saw an opposing guard making a turn. Chandler grabbed a rock from his pocket and threw it far away alerting the guard that someone else is nearby him. Chandler and Wilson went passed the guard unseen as she was walking towards the noise the rock made. Damian and Rain saw the guard and turned the other way. They entered a room and hid behind a desk. The guard went by and Damian chopped the guard. He fell and now is out of the stealth mission. Rain and Damian left the room.

Time went by as most of the Dragon Army was being caught by the guards. Leopard Army threw the guards' attention towards them. CJ was mad that he got caught but saw his platoon went up the stairs as the guard paid attention to him. In his mind, he smiled but let out a frustration. Some of the other guards were taken down by Leopard Army. Adagio, Scootaloo, and Aria are left from the sniping unit in Dragon Army, Rollin and Connor are all that's left from the rest of the Dragon Army. Everyone else that wasn't caught by the guards was taken down by Leopard Army. Rollin and Connor wind up finding the room where Fleetfoot was in and backed up a little only to get chopped by Margaret and Garnet. Adagio found them and backed up a little alerting Aria and Scootaloo about incoming enemies. She observed as Garnet entered the room. She screamed as Fleetfoot took her down.

"Nice try but you got to do better than that," Fleetfoot said now leaving the room. She accidentally punches Margaret from behind as her instincts told her to do so. "Sorry cadet. I have reflexes for a reason."

Adagio had an idea but needed a distraction. Scootaloo got up and made her way down the hallway. She put up with her best fake PTSD. In her mind, she knew it was wrong but Sergeant Slaughter did say use the element of surprise. After a few moments, Scootaloo closed her eyes, covered her ears and screamed as loud as she could. This caught Fleetfoot by surprise and saw Scootaloo having an episode. She quickly ran towards Scootaloo but before Adagio and Aria can make a move, Wilson and Chandler both chopped Fleetfoot from behind. When Fleetfoot turned around and Scootaloo opened her eyes, she was quite angry that Leopard Army stole the win.

"Hah! Little faker, that was a good try but thanks for the opportunity! Woo! Leopard Army ties the Total War Series!" Both Chandler and Wilson said high fiving each other.

"Little...faker?" Fleetfoot turned around to see Scootaloo waving with a smile of embarrassment. "You little sneak." She radios both Sombra and Slaughter to let them know that Leopard Army wins.

"Sorry for faking something that is serious but Slaughter told us to use the element of surprise. I thought maybe if you saw me like that, my teammates Adagio and Aria could have gotten a better opportunity to take you down."

"Hey, it's no problem. That is a nasty trick up your sleeve and would have worked if it weren't for Leopard Army to steal the win. Right now, it's lunch hour so regroup with your team . Hopefully, you can return the favor to Leopard Army by winning the Total War."

Fleetfoot guided the Leopard Army outside to celebrate for a moment with the crowd while the Dragon Army went towards the cafeteria. The armies outside like the last time booed and cheered for Leopard Army. Everyone else headed towards the cafeteria. Sombra, Slaughter, and Fleetfoot couldn't join because they were setting up the obstacle course outside for Capture the Flag.

Around the exact moment of time when everyone is heading towards the cafeteria, Hope came back into room 18 to check on Sweetie Belle. The girls that stood by Sweetie Belle remained there. Not caring about missing school for the day. Hope couldn't make eye contact with any of them so she went on with checking Sweetie Belle. She still hasn't woke up from the coma. The girls remained silent not wanting to annoy Hope's work. When she opened the eyelids of Sweetie Belle, they were red. It didn't catch Hope off guard but for someone to be in a coma with eyes that are red, the only thing that can come into her mind is none other than two popped blood vessels. After checking on Sweetie Belle, Rarity decided to have a little chat with Hope.

"Well, how is my Sweetie Belle?"

"She has two popped blood vessels in her eyes. Never seen that happen to a person who's in a coma before."


"You're sister has two popped blood vessels in her eyes. As for everything else, she's fine but she won't be waking up any time soon."

"Is there anything you can do for her?"

"Yes. I can keep track of her symptoms every hour instead every few hours."

Sweetie Belle then wakes up from her coma. She yawned and Hope went back to check on her as Rarity rushed over to Sweetie Belle.

"Ugh...what happened?" Sweetie Belle asked. Unsure of what she's doing in a hospital.

"Sweetie, last night, you tried killing yourself by taking pills. If it weren't for me, you would have passed." Rarity said now hugging her sister.

"Sweetie Belle, the last time we've met weren't on good grounds. My name is Radiant Hope. Scootaloo's new mother. I am a Doctor here in Canterlot Hospital. The best of the best. Right now, you'll be here for the next several days as your breathing is alright for the time being."

"How is Scootaloo?"

"She's been better. That's all I can say to you."

"Why is that? What's going on with her?"

"Scootaloo wants nothing to do with you anymore. It is best for her to move on and that means for her to move on without you. Sorry but its better for Scootaloo like this."

Sweetie Belle felt the rage inside growing. She wanted to know more about Scootaloo as she hasn't seen her since the week before the break. Her breathing became heavy as she laid back down on the bed. Hope check her heart monitor. It spiked out of control for a second before the numbers reduce back to normal.

Hope sighs as the girls remained silent.

"Is it really true that Scootalooo wants nothing to do with us anymore?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes. Scootaloo has new friends now."

"Can you tell Scoots that I'm sorry for everything?"

"I can try even though she wants nothing to do with you."

"Alright then. Thanks."

Sweetie Belle sat up as and looked at everyone. She twitched a little. Hope saw her twitching so she checked on Sweetie Belle.

"How are you feeling overall?"

"Tired. I want to see my friend Scootaloo and apologize to her."

"I can't let you go see her. She's in school right now and she'll have no intention of coming here even if I were to tell you that you're in a hospital."

"I said, I want to see Scootaloo!" The room shook around as lights were flickering. Everyone in the room thought it was an earthquake but the alarms in the hospital weren't going off. "I want to see Scootaloo!"

The shaking stopped as Sweetie Belle passed out. Hope didn't know what to do here. The room shaking on its own when Sweetie Belle wants something. It seems demonic in some cases but it has to be consequential. Hope decided to check Sweetie Belle and she's vastly asleep.

"Would it be possible if I were to take Sweetie Belle home today and have a doctor check on her 4 times a day?" Rarity asked.

"Yes. Just need to fill out some paperwork on that request and you should be good to go."

"How long will I have to wait?"

"2 hours at most. I have to start filling out. As I go and get the paperwork, another doctor will come by and inspect on Sweetie Belle."

Hope left the room and headed towards the office to start writing forms.

"Why did you asked about Sweetie Belle coming home?" Rainbow questioned with a concerned look.

"I don't want anyone here to think that there are forces beyond our world that can have an effect in the hospital. I saw a demonic possession yesterday with Tree Hugger thanking Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. If the demon is here trying to make itself known, it worked. It is better to take her home and have Zecora handle Sweetie Belle in her current state."

"Good call Rarity." Pinkie said.

"I think I'll be going, girls. I want to stop by at the zoo and see if I can see Angel before visiting hours are up."

"Alright Flutters, be safe," Rainbow said.

"I will. See you, girls, later."

Fluttershy left the hospital and took the bus heading towards the Canterlot Zoo.

Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash stayed with Sweetie Belle. Hoping to see if something out of this world may happen as she slept.

20 minutes ago in the Equestrian Military School, Adagio, Sonata, Aria, Scootaloo, and Silver Spoon sat together to discuss their team name before planning for Capture the Flag.

"So, does anyone here has a name for our sniping team?" Adagio asked.

"Well, Razzle Dazzles worked before. Why not keep the name?" Sonata said.

"If we cannot come up with a name then we'll keep it. How does that sound?" Adagio stated.

The girls nodded in agreement.

"How about Eagle Eyes?" Silver Spoon said.

"Eagle Eyes?" The rest of the group questioned.

"It means that we see everything from above like the Eagles. They can soar through the landscape, they have superior eye vision and can detect an enemy on sight."

"Wow, that was well thought out Silver Spoon, we'll add that name to the list."

"I have nothing. I'm used to Razzle Dazzles." Aria said.

"I have one," Scootaloo said. "How about Shooting Stars?"

"Interesting name. Explain why you chose Shooting Stars Scoots." Adagio asked.

"We're already the best sniping unit in the academy, Silver Spoon is known as the Silver Bullet, I'm the daughter of a Legend here and you 3 are amazing here. Already breaking new records. Basically the popular ones here in the academy. When we shoot, it's basically lights out."

Changing the name from Razzle Dazzles to Shooting Stars sounds like a good name to everyone. Then they got out of their table and joined the rest of the Dragon Army to discuss a plan for Capture the Flag. Leopard Army already has their plan thought out. A loud thunderstorm erupted and rained heavily outside.

Sombra, Slaughter, and Fleetfoot made their way to the cafeteria to make an announcement.

"Due to the rain outside of the facility, Capture the Flag will commence within the school. Instead of paintball guns, you'll be using airsoft guns." Fleetfoot said.

"Rules is simple. Hide your flag. 3 cadets protect the flag. Once it has been taken, you have to take it across the line to win. Since there is no line, the cafeteria will do. The team to make it into the cafeteria first wins. It's only 1 round. Sudden death. Good luck to both teams." Slaughter said saluting to everyone.

"Capture the Flag will start in the next 35 minutes. Take the time to rethink your plan now that outside is off limits." Sombra said.

The two armies groaned but dealt with it. They rearrange their plans and maneuvers. Trying to come up with ideas to exploit the other team.

35 minutes later, the two teams left the cafeteria. Sombra gave Leopard their yellow flag to protect. Fleetfoot gave Dragon their orange flag to protect. Then Leopard Army and Dragon Army went opposite ends of the school to place their flag. Dragon Army decided to play a nasty trick on Leopard Army. Rollin has an orange bandana and grabbed a pole to make a makeshift flag to fool Leopard Army for stealing a victory away from the Stealth Battle. Rollin, Heather, and Rain would be staying with the makeshift flag guarding it by Sombra's office. Connor, Damian, and Aria took the actual flag and hid it in a locker. Aria thought it'd be necessary to lock the locker while showing the presence of the flag to piss off Leopards. Leopard Army placed their flag near a trash can by the gym. Instead of 3 cadets guarding the flag, it'll be half of their army that'll be staying. They want payback for all the hits they have taken from the Assault Battle.

For the armies of the academy that want to watch, drones will be flying all around the school so everyone could not only watch but observe their opponent for future Total Wars and Team Tactical. Sombra and Fleetfoot handed out weapons from the Assault Battle. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon would be guarding the actual flag with Connor and Damian. Aria headed back to Sonata and Adagio. They would be scouting with Brandon, Cube, and Parks.

The horn went off signaling everyone that the battle has started. Both teams are now protecting their flags and scouting ahead. CJ went with Wilson and Chandler to search for the flags. Some of the Leopards decided to join them in providing cover fire in case they were to get ambushed. 10 minutes into the battle and both Leopard and Dragon armies are now shooting at each other. CJ told Wilson and Chandler to move on without him. They did so as CJ shot back at the Dragon Army. They were outnumbered but held their ground. Wilson and Chandler went towards a different room to climb out of the window and walk through the pouring rain to get to the other side of the hallway. From there, they went up the stairs undetected.

Brandon, Cube, and Parks decided to check the gym as that would be the better place to put a flag. As they entered, Cube saw the flag behind the bleachers. As he kept his guard up, the other half of the Leopard Army that stood behind shot Cube as he got hit hard.

"Retreat Cube! Retreat!" Brandon yelled.

Cube ran back but he shut off the lights by accident. There was a loud groan in the gym. It was loud enough to pinpoint how many of them were in there.

"Damn, that's a lot," Parks stated.

"Can you girls be able to pinpoint their locations in the dark?" Cube asked.

"Not with the lights off. We don't have night vision or a thermal imager scope." Adagio said.

The guys groaned. Then Cube went back out the same way he did. He figured by retracing his steps, he can recreate the attack and see if he can get the lights back on. It didn't work but a lightning strike from outside the of gym gave little light to pinpoint the exact location of the Leopards. The gang used hand signals to alert Cube to return back to them.

"Why you wanted me to come back?"

"We saw our window of opportunity. When lightning comes down, Sonata, Aria and I can shoot down the Leopards. Getting their attention while you, Brandon and Parks retrieve the flag."

"Sounds good. If the storm gets worse outside then we can't let that time go to waste."

"Agree. Now get into positions Dragon Army. We have a flag to capture."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

During that time, Chandler and Wilson saw Rollin, Heather, and Rain protecting the flag. Margaret and Garnet came to Chandler and Wilson. They decided to go in blazing and take the flag by force.

"Hey, I see movement," Rollin shouted.

Heather and Rain now have their guard up. Waiting for an attack. Wilson and Margaret went blazing in shooting at Rollin, Heather, and Rain. Bad move for them as they were getting shot. Garnet decided to help Wilson and Margaret. Evening the odds in the shootout. Chandler snuck passed everyone and grabbed the flag. He ran out the door. Wilson and Garnet followed Chandler as Margaret provided cover fire. Rollin cursed out but as they were out of range, they were laughing. Adagio radios everyone who's not guarding the flag to come to the gym.

5 minutes later, half of the Dragon Army is now at the gym. The thunderstorm actually eased up so Cube turned on the lights and once again, he was fully shot by Leopards. Half of the Dragon Army saw and decided to use desks from different rooms as shields. Now that they have the desks, they entered and formed a barricade. The Leopards and Dragons are now having a shootout once more. Parks went with Brandon to retrieve the flag as Cube shot back at some Leopards. Once the flag has been taken, Leopard Army ran the other way trying to block all ways to the cafeteria as possible. Adagio took the flag and ran with it with. She decided to jump out of a window and headed towards the cafeteria by using the back door.

Chandler ran and took a shortcut leading to the cafeteria. Adagio ran and opened the back door to the cafeteria. Everyone witnessed the action from the drones. The drones covered a lot of ground with all sorts of footages. Slaughter took the flag from Chandler and Fleetfoot took the flag from Adagio. They both gave the flags to Sombra to determine a winner.

"You Dragon can never learn to fly, that is why you're always behind Leopards," Chandler said in a mocking tone.

"Are you sure Leopard. I think Dragons can soar ahead than a Leopard could." Adagio said sitting on a chair with her legs and arms crossed.

Dragon Army and Leopard Army returned to the cafeteria. The drones alerted them that Capture the Flag was over. Connor and Damian came to the cafeteria holding the actual flag behind their backs. They smiled and couldn't wait to see Leopard's reaction.

"Dragon Army wins the Total War!" Sombra shouted.

"What?! How is that possible Commander!" Chandler said.

The Leopard Army fell into a state of shock after hearing that the Dragon Army won.

"You're saying that because of Scootaloo being your daughter in Dragon Army! That is not fair Commander Sombra!"

Sombra turned to the cadet. He is not happy for how he reacted and made a bogus claim. Chandler felt fear struck his very soul when Sombra approached him. Everyone in Leopard Army remained silent. Not wanting to see the shadow of fear Sombra uses on people.

"First, everyone here is treated the same every time I come in. I have no favorites. Scootaloo is now my new daughter but I am not giving her any favoritism here in the academy. Second, Adagio brought the flag in first. You may have got here but this," he shoved the makeshift flag at Chandler, "isn't a flag that was given out. It's a bandana you little cheat. Third, never disrespect your Commanding Officer. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes...S-Sir," Chandler said shakingly.

"Commander, if that's a bandana then what happened to the actual flag?" Wilson questioned.

"We have it right here actually?" Connor said holding the flag.

Eyes widen as Leopard Army couldn't believe that they had a better place to hide the flag.

"Explain your method cadet," Sombra commanded.

"With Pleasure sir. After Leopard Army stole our victory away from the Stealth Battle, we figure that we can trick em into taking that makeshift flag that belongs to Rollin Thunda. We took the actual flag but hid it inside of a locker. It's still visible to the naked eye but they would have to open the locker to take it out. They did not. The makeshift flag was hidden in your office. By having the enemy thinking they won, we used that to our advantage by having everyone lower their guard into thinking they were going to win. It allowed us to gain the upper advantage and thus, we won the Total War, sir."

"Good work Dragon Army, you are dismissed for the day as you've won the Total War. As for Leopard Army now that the thunderstorm is easing up, get ready to do some laps with Sergeant Slaughter."

Leopard Army turned to see a sinister smiling Sergeant Slaughter ready to punish the army for losing the Total War. The other armies that witnessed the Total War were sent home. After seeing what Dragon Army can do with their newest cadets made them rethink all their strategies for future Total Wars and Team Tactical. Sombra drove Scootaloo home while the others went to their dorms to rest for the rest of the day.

An hour later, Hope returned to room 18 to tell Rarity that the paperwork has been filed up. All she has to do is write a signature then Sweetie Belle will be able to go home as she will be going to them instead for the remainder of the week. Rarity was hoping for a different doctor but she had to take what she gets. After signing her signature. Hope told Rarity that she'd be coming by tomorrow in the morning around 9:30.

Rarity called Hondo to pick her and Sweetie Belle up. 15 minutes later, he came and took both girls back home. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash left the hospital. They were heading home. Hope went back to the locker room to change and call it a day at Canterlot Hospital. She drove back to the house and crashed on the couch. Not wanting to get up.

Sombra thought it'd be nice to bring Hope some pizza after a long day at Canterlot Hospital. When he and Scootaloo entered the house, Hope was watching tv. She had a look that Sombra didn't like. Scootaloo relentlessly went up to Hope and hugged her. She returned the hug back and smiled. Sombra put the pizza in the kitchen and came back.

"Hope, how was your day today?"

"Very unpleasant."

"Why is that?"

"I saw familiar faces today in room 18 today."

"Is it someone that I know?"

"Yes and no. It's more like someone who knows Scootaloo very well." Hope said as she turned to look at Scootaloo.

"Me? Who was in the hospital mom?"

Hope sighed heavily. "Your former friend Sweetie Belle was in the hospital today Scootaloo."

"Uh, why?" Scootaloo said without showing any emotion.

"From my reports, she tried to commit suicide. I guess its the stress from Anon-A-Miss that get the best of her."

"That and her sister neglecting her for months," Scootaloo said adding into Hope's report.

"Yes. Also, Rainbow Dash wanted me to tell you she's sorry for a lot of things."

"Fine but the damage has already been done. I really don't want anything to do with Rainbow Dash, her friends, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle. I want to move on with my life without them being any part of it ever again."

"I know Scoots. I told them that but they wanted to send their apologies anyway. Also, Sweetie Belle wants to see you again."

"Tell her that I don't exist in her life anymore. I'm done with her. I'm moving on so should she."

"I'll tell Sweetie Belle those exact words. Now I need to speak with your father alone."

"Alright then. I'm grabbing my two slices in the kitchen before I head upstairs."

"That's fine with me."

Scootaloo went into the kitchen. She grabbed a plate, put her two slices of pizza and headed upstairs. Now Hope has a chance to have a private conversation with Sombra.

"What is it that you have to tell me, Hope?"

"Something weird happened in the room. When I told Sweetie Belle that she couldn't see Scootaloo, her tone became hostile. The room shook around. I believe she may be possessed by a demon. Also, I have to go and see Sweetie Belle at her household for the rest of the week."

"You got to be kidding me. Not only you have to go to Scootaloo's former friends' house but have to deal with a possible demonic possession. You need help if that is the case."

"I know. I never dealt with any demonic forces before."

"I know someone who handles with demonic possession. I've met her years ago before seeing you the for the first. Her name is Zecora. She is an expert on demonic forces. Also, there is one other person that I know of. He's known as The Demon Slayer. His actual name is Blaze. He can help you if you like."

"I think I would prefer both just to be safe."

"Alright. I'll message both of them in a few. Relax my love." Sombra kisses Hope.

"I will. Thanks."

Sombra headed upstairs to his room and called Zecora. She answered him and told him about her awareness of Sweetie Belle's little incident with a demonic possession. She is unable to help due to Tree Hugger's current state. When the demon took over her body, it also took something precious to Tree Hugger. Sombra hangs up the phone.

"Well, some much for that," Sombra called Blaze who immediately picked up.

"Somrba, what an honor for you to call. What's up?"

"Look, man, I need your help with something important."

"I'm all ears."

"My wife Hope is going to help a young child name Sweetie Belle with her sickness. She believes that there is a demonic possession in the young girl. Could you provide back up in case something was to stir up trouble?"

"Sure. I'll do. How long will this be?"

"For the rest of the week."

"Alright, you got yourself a deal under one condition."

"Ugh, what is it?"

"I'm staying at your house for the remainer of Hope's visit to Sweetie Belle's house. Then a bonus of three days."

"Graah, fine. Just don't drink."

"I'm not going to get drunk. Those days are over."

"See you tomorrow."


Sombra hung up the phone. He went back downstairs to tell Hope everything from the phone call. She was quite surprised to hear that Zecora has dealt with this and is unable to assist but was a bit happy to know that Blaze will be helping her. She became quite uncomfortable knowing that Blaze will be staying over for the next week and a half.

An hour later, Sweetie Belle is vastly asleep in her room. Rarity stood in the room to make sure that Sweetie Belle doesn't attempt to commit suicide a second time on her watch. Sweetie Belle woke up from her slumber and saw Rarity.

"Rarity, would it be alright if you were to hand me my laptop. There is something that I want to read."

"Sure Sweetie Belle." Rarity got up and handed Sweetie Belle her laptop.


"You're welcome. I see your quite better home than from that dreadful hospital."

"Home just feels better you know."

"Yea, I do know. I'll be sitting over there reading a book. If you need me, just holla."

"I will Rarity."

Rarity went to her chair and began to read a book. Sweetie Belle's eyes turned red and she went to a cryptic website where she can read all sorts of black magic. They are very different than in Equestria. There is also a pentagram where they said portals that reach the unknown existed. The demon enjoyed looking at the site as Rarity was reading her book. Sweetie Belle bookmarked the sites she visited. She gained some valuable knowledge about earth's black magic. It enlightens the demon very much as now he figured out a gateway to hell. Time is on his side. He closed the sites down and blinked twice allowing Sweetie Belle to gain control once more. The demon knew how much time to use without being detected. Sweetie Belle puts her laptop down and sat up for a while.

An hour later, Scootaloo thought about her former friend's best memories. The fun they used to have before it all came to an end. Scootaloo wants to move on with her life. Not wanting to hold on to the past anymore. Even if it means drastic measures from Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and even Rainbow Dash. When that day comes, she'll be the assertive one and let them know she is done with them. She has a new group to call friends. A new school and a new family. One that won't be taken away by an internet mishap and hateful emotions.

Sombra and Hope came to check on Scootaloo. They saw a little sadness in her eyes so they decided to stay with her for a while. The rest of the night went by having fun. Playing some console games and board games. They had good laughs and Scootaloo's mood lighten up for the better. Hope's mood-lit up slightly. She still doesn't want to go through with helping Sweetie Belle and dealing with a possible demonic force but she has to as a Doctor but she now has someone to look after her in case a demon does make itself known. Blaze will be there to help out when it's needed.

Blaze is home preparing for anything that may happen tomorrow. He packed up his weapons and tools to use against the demon. As a Demon Slayer, he knows how to show no mercy because demon lies all the time. They do tell some truths but they mostly lie all the time. Blaze got up and looked at the sky.

"Have a good night sleep you demon. Tomorrow, you'll be dealing with me as I will end you once and for all."

The demon inside of Sweetie Belle heard a familiar voice. He was not ready to deal with him yet. He's still stronger but not at his strongest point.

"I like to see you try little man. You are no match for me. There is nothing you can do to stop me."

The demon rests as Sweetie Belle was wide awake. Unable to sleep. She questions why though but brushed it aside. She grabbed her laptop and began to look back on memories on MyStable.

Tomorrow, everything will change for everyone. Things are about to get worse. No one could have predicted how dangerous the demon really is.