• Published 21st May 2018
  • 2,528 Views, 202 Comments

Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of Scootaloo - PonyJoel

During a brutal week before the winter break, Scootaloo was having a difficult time in her life. She went through a deep depression, loss her family but found salvation in a new family. These are now the Tales of Scootaloo's new life.

  • ...

Freedom Friday! Confrontations! Blaze's Takedown! Revealing the Truth!

Author's Note:

Quick Disclaimer: With Blaze going through his day battling Demon Bloom and Ne, certain things from Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of Rainbooms will be placed here since, in this chapter, I'm writing from Blaze's perspective.

Today is Friday, Scootaloo now have a new rival within the Equestrian Military School while Blaze is fighting for the survival of the planet. It's a rough day for some but it'll get better. Eventually.

Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

It is now 5:30 in the morning. Blaze is wide awake and knows what he has to do. Right before Sweetie Belle's laptop crashed, he managed to see the Archfiend Ritual and four out of 6 stages of the ritual. He tried looking on his laptop but the site is no longer there. Blaze will be in town later today to be on the lookout for either Sweetie Belle or Apple Bloom looking for a random child to sacrifice. As Blaze gathered what he needed for today, Sombra came down knocking.

"It's open."

Sombra entered the room.

"Hey Blaze got a minute?"


"What are you planning now with your investigation?"

"I have to take down the demon possessed kids before they bring something far worse to our world than what's Discord is bringing. I should be able to take them down later today or possibly tomorrow."

"Alright then. Just one more thing."

"What is it?"

"Is Scootaloo gonna be any part of this?"

"No, there is a strong possibility that Scootaloo would not be involved with this any longer. What happens today or tomorrow will be the end of it."

"Thank you."

"No problem. I'll see you around later tonight."

Blaze left the room. He got into his car and drove into town. An hour later, Scootaloo is up and getting ready for today's school day. Hope is making breakfast in the kitchen. Sombra is heading towards the kitchen.

"Morning Hope."

"Morning Sombra."

They kissed each other.

"Had a good night sleep, dear?"

"Not really due to yesterday's fiasco."

"Figures." Sombra sat down on the chair in the kitchen. "Blaze will be gone for a long while and he told me that Scootaloo won't be part of this any longer."

"That's good. Any idea on how he's gonna stop the possessed child?"

"Not sure how but he's gonna do it. It may not be pretty."


Scootaloo came downstairs and entered the kitchen.

"Morning mom. Morning dad."

"Morning Scootaloo." Hope and Sombra said at the same time.

"Are the two of you alright?"

"I'll be fine Scootaloo. Just need a breather." Hope said as she made bacon and pancakes.

"I've been through worse Scoots. This is nothing."

"Alright then."

Scootaloo sat next to Sombra near the kitchen table. Sombra got up and grabbed the orange juice from the fridge. Hope put 3 layers of pancakes on each plate and 4 strips of bacon on each plate. She places the plates on the table as she sat down.

"Hey, dad?"

"Yea, Scoots."

"Where is Blaze right now?"

"He went to work early. He'll be back sometime later tonight."

"Okay then."

Hope, Sombra, and Scootaloo enjoyed their breakfast. A half hour later, Sombra drove Scootaloo to the Equestrian Military School. Hope decided to relax for today. After seeing a child being possessed, walking on all fours, seeing ritual websites, and hearing the possibility of an apocalypse coming, she needed to clear her mind not only for herself but for her daughter as well. Hope's phone rang but she decided not to answer. Taking Blaze's suggestion for not going to work for a long while.

At the Equestrian Military School, Sombra dropped off Scootaloo in front of the building as he is needed in the gymnasium. Scootaloo meets up with her friends in the cafeteria.

"Hey, Scoots! Over here!" Sonata said waving at the far end of the table.

Scootaloo approached her friends with a smile on her face.

"Hey, Shooting Stars. How are you today?"

"I'm good Scootaloo." Silver Spoon said.

"I'm feeling great today!" Sonata said energetically.

"Doing fine, can't complain." Adagio said.

"Same." Aria said.

"So, now that it's Friday, what is today's agenda for Dragon Army?" Scootaloo asked.

"For all armies today, it's Freedom Friday."

"Freedom Friday?" Scootaloo and Silver Spoon questioned.

"Basically, the first Friday of the new month is a day off for all cadets in the academy. Everyone can choose to come in or stay in their dorms and do whatever. Normally, Sonata, Aria, and I practice at the range and workout. Now that we're the best sniping unit, let's get to work on becoming better. You two with us?"

Silver Spoon and Scootaloo nodded in agreement.

"Good. Let's hit the range."

Aria, Adagio, Sonata, Silver Spoon, and Scootaloo were on their way towards the shooting range. Everyone grabbed their sniper rifle from the weapon's vault. Scootaloo got her sniper which belonged to her father Speedy Bullet. Holding the rifle gave Scootaloo the determination to hit every target on the shooting range.

"Let's do this!" Scootaloo shouted proudly.

Aria turned the settings to fast pace shootout within the range. Allowing multiple targets to appear at a time. Countdown setting is 10 seconds.

"We got to take out as much as possible within a time limit. Everyone, eyes peeled and remember, communication is key." Adagio said.

"Right!" Everyone else said.

"Now who said you get the range all to yourselves Bitches of the West?" Johnny said as he restarted the countdown to 60 seconds.

"Oh great, it's Johnny Bravo," Aria said in a mocking tone.

"Shut the hell up, Bitch!" Johnny said.

Some members of the Salamander Army got to their positions in the range.

"Hey Johnny, let's make things interesting," Adagio said.

"What you have in mind?"

"Winning Army gets to shoot the losing Army with paintballs in the range for 5 minutes."

"Hah! You made a death wish and Salamander Army will grant you that wish. You are on Bitches of the West!"

The countdown winds down as multiple targets appeared. As Salamander and Dragon Army have their shootout, Blaze drove by the Canterlot Park nearby. Lots of kids with their parents today and it can be easy picking for either Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle. Blaze has already met with several police officers about a parking violation but he didn't care about that. He basically told each officer about his business and all they did was laugh at him. Calling him a crazy idiot as they went away.

"Such a nice day for easy picking. Let's see if I chose the right park to have my stakeout."

10 minutes later, Salamander Army and Dragon Army were tied at the shooting range. They both scored 50 points.

"Bitches of the West, ya lucky we're letting you go free."

"More like you got lucky that we weren't able to finish you off as the timer expired. Save by the bell. Literally!" Aria yelled.

"Anyways, Bitches of the West! We'll settle this on Total War this week coming up! Salamander Army, let's go."

Johnny Rocket led Salamander Army out of the range except for one who wanted to stay. Scootaloo said that she's gonna stay for a while longer. Aria, Adagio, Sonata, and Silver Spoon left the range and headed towards the gym to use the workout equipment on the second floor.

"Have to be better than this."

One cadet from Salamander Army shoulder bumps Scootaloo.

"Move it, will ya?"

She too has a sniper rifle.

"What's your problem?"

"You, you worthless dragon."

"Oh really?

"You are a daughter of a legend here and everyone has eyes on you while I'm earning my way to the top to get noticed. You've only been here less than a week and everyone sees you. You are pathetic and everyone knows it!"

"Why does that bother you?"

"Because I hate you."

"Fine then."

Scootaloo went to her position and start sniping out the targets against the cadet from Salamander Army. Throughout her time on the range, she pictured those she hated in her life as the targets on the range. She imagined Diamond Tiara, Gilda, Lightning Dust, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Discord, and even Rainbow Dash. One by one, Scootaloo aimed for the head. The other cadet did the same on the range. Aiming for the head. It came to a point that Slaughter came in and saw the two going at it.

"Attend hut!"

Scootaloo and the Salamander Cadet stand in attention to Sergeant Slaughter.

"I know that today is Freedom Friday but after seeing you two going at it in the range, let's spice it up a little. Scootaloo Bullet! Scarlett Rose! Get in positions! This'll be a 10-minute session to see not only who is the best but to see who has a better accuracy."

The countdown is ticking. 10 seconds until it starts.

"Good luck maggots!" Slaughter said as he went towards the observation booth.

"Good luck, Bitch of the West."

"Good luck, Scarlett Bitch."

As the two go at it in the range, Sombra came by to the observation booth to see who's in the range.

"Morning Slaughter."

"Morning Sombra."

"Seems that Scootaloo is in a shootout against Scarlett Rose."

"I arranged that Commander Sombra. To test and see who really is one of the best."

"Scarlett Rose is a worthy candidate. Shame that the Razzle Dazzles didn't pick her up before I made them merge with Silver Bullet and Scoots."

"Not only that Commander but other armies haven't taken her for the past two years here in the academy. Salamander Army is the only army willing to accept her. Now she has a mean streak. She's taken down more upcoming snipers by the minute. Especially in Team Tactical. I don't blame her though. She has the better IQ as a sniper."

"Anything that I need to know about, Sergeant?"

"Scarlett Rose hates Scootaloo."

"What else is new?"

"Scarlett Rose might have found a new rival and from previous upcoming snipers, she dominated them. She's the reason why we don't have many snipers in this academy."

"Talking about pushing the limit."

"She's a monster Sombra. Best to keep an eye on her."

"Point taken. So, who's winning?"

"Right now, it's neck and neck. Neither of them has missed a target. It's been spot on. Headshots mostly."


"They have another eight minutes to go, Commander. Question?"


"Why you brought Scootaloo for Commander? You could have used the day for father-daughter time or family time."

"Scootaloo needs to know more about the academy and regulations. She needs to be more involved with not only her army but her group. The Shooting Stars is what they are. I want her to grow and so far, she's doing that on her own against Scarlett Rose. I'm proud of Scootaloo in more ways than another. Speedy Bullet would be proud of who she's becoming."

"Still miss him, Commander?"

"Every day, I miss my friend. He's more like a brother to me than anyone else. Sometimes, I feel that I should have taken the bullet and not him. It was my mistake in battle and he paid for it thus allowing us to win the fight and drive Discord's forces back. Now, I see Speedy Bullet within Scootaloo. Getting stronger and better."

"Commander, you think someday, you and Scootaloo be right beside each other against Discord's forces?"

"I can see it happening Slaughter. I'll be ready for that day when it comes."

As Scootaloo and Scarlett Rose having their shootout in the range, hitting every target, Silver Spoon came back into the range to check on her friend.

"Scootaloo, got a minute?"

"Not now Silver Bullet!"

Scootaloo hits another target 50ft away and looks for another one.

"Who is that you're going against?"

"Scarlett Bitch of the Salamander Army!"

"Shut the hell up Bitch of the West!"

Scarlett Rose shot two targets 50ft away and looks for more.

"Scootaloo, I'll speak to you when you are done."

"Alright Silver Bullet."

There is a malfunction in the shooting range as a target dispenser had troubles rising up. Slaughter came down and apprehended the sniper rifles from both Scootaloo and Scarlett Rose.

"Since the target dispenser is having problems, no more shooting in the range for today. Needs to be fixed and tested for a while." Slaughter said as he went towards the closet to grab some tools.

"Oh, great. The Bitch has magic to stop everything knowing that she is losing." Scarlett said.

"The target probably didn't want to see your ugly ass face anyways." Scootaloo said.

Scarlett Rose shoulder bumps Scootaloo a second time as she headed out of the range and headed towards her dorm.

"You alright Scoots?"

"I'm fine. Guess Diamond Tiara in a way, toughen me up a little with her insults on me over the past few years."

Sombra came down from the observation booth.

"You were up there, Commander?"

"Yes. Here to say that there is no winner from the range. Both you and Scarlett Rose are even. Hit ratio and accuracy."

"Wow, that's amazing Commander." Silver Spoon said.

Scootaloo grunted a little.

"Have to be better. Just have to be."

"You will be Scoots. With time, practice, and discipline, you'll be great."

"Thanks, Commander."

"Silver Spoon, there was something you wanted to tell me about."

"Yea, Adagio wanted to know if you would like to hang out with us for the rest of the day."

"Here or someplace else?"

"Here and there."

"Commander?" Scootaloo asked while looking at Sombra.

"Of course, if you're heading out, let me know so that way I know where you going to be at."

"Thanks, dad."

"You're welcome and it's Commander to you."

"Oh, right. Sorry Commander."

"It's fine."

Scootaloo and Silver Spoon went on their way to meet up with Aria, Adagio, and Sonata. An hour later, Blaze received a call from Granny Smith.

"This is Blaze, what's your situation?"

"Blaze...this is Granny Smith from yesterday. Applejack hasn't woken up from yesterday's fiasco. Can you please come and see if it something uh superstitious."

"Sorry Granny, I’m handling a different situation. When I’m done here, I’ll check out Applejack for you.“

Granny sighs. “Thanks, Blaze.” She hangs up her phone.

Blaze saw Apple Bloom observing the park. Checking for other kids like her age or younger. He knows that Apple Bloom is up to something. In a matter of moments, Apple Bloom saw a kid wandering off and took the child. She lifted her up and ran like there’s no tomorrow. Blaze drove his car and follows Apple Bloom all the way back to her house. Apple Bloom went inside her house as Blaze drove behind the house and parked his car. He got and climbed up. He checks the rooms to see which one is Apple Bloom's room. After he found Apple Bloom's room, Blaze saw the Archfiend Ritual taken place. From the dead pig to the leftover black ooze and blood on the floor. The child Apple Bloom brought back home is asleep. She has no idea what is happening. Just like the pig, Ne and Apple Bloom placed the child on a pentagram. Ne drew satanic symbols all over the chest area. Blaze sighs in relief a little as there is still plenty of time to stop the ritual from happening. He opens the window and held his sword.

“You two are finished!"

Ne and Apple Bloom froze in fear a little and turned to see Blaze.

"How did you know?"

“I saw you Apple Bloom or should I say Demon Bloom abduct the child. Are you two really that desperate to summon an archfiend in this world?"

Demon Bloom and Ne stared at Blaze and charged at him.

”Get ready to be phase five!”

Blaze ducked and slashed at Ne which cause Ne to burn in holy water and salt.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” Ne is now holding on as he feels pain unlike any other.

Blaze then slashed at Ne cutting his throat which caused him to bleed and fall over. Ne was losing control as the body is bleeding badly.

”I got you now!”

Demon Bloom used the knife and tried to jab Blaze in his eyes but fails miserably. Blaze dodge the attack and punched Demon Bloom in the gut. This gave Ne enough time to attack from behind but Blaze counterattack Ne with his sword. Blaze stabbed Ne in the heart and ripped it out of him.

“One down, one to go."

Blaze looked at Demon Bloom but what’s bothering him is her smile. Blaze turned around only to realize that a dark entity came out of Sweetie Belle’s body. It observed Blaze thoroughly and entered through a pentagram.

”Four down two to go.”

Blaze eyes widen that he just helped the demons complete phase four of the Archfiend Ritual.

”Phase five, the blood of a holy one.”

Blaze held his sword now.

“Not a chance."

Demon Bloom and Blaze fought in the room. The fire that lit up the room is deceased. Without Ne, the fire had no energy source to build upon. Slashing after slashing in Apple Bloom’s room, neither of the two were able to get any blood on the floors.

An hour later, Granny returned and all she can hear is slashing upstairs. She figured that Apple Bloom is watching a movie on her laptop which caused Granny to shout.

“Apple Bloom! Lower the volume!"

Blaze heard Granny for a split second and that’s all it took for Demon Bloom cut Blaze’s neck which causes blood dripping. Blaze quickly cover his cut and cleaned up his blood but it was too late to clean up. His blood dripped to the floor which caused another Dark Entity to come out of Blaze’s mouth. It looked at him and went towards the pentagram on the ceiling.

”Five down, one to go.”


Blaze grabbed Demon Bloom choking her. Granny heard all the commotion and went up the stairs. As she opened the door, she saw Blaze choking Apple Bloom.

”Help me Granny! Help me!” Demon Bloom said in the voice of Apple Bloom.

"Forgive me, Granny Smith."

Blaze kicked her out of the room. Granny stumbled backward and fell back down the stairs. She landed on her neck which caused her to die.

”The final stage is completed.”


”Take the life of an innocent.”

Granny Smith’s body lit up and levitated as the final dark entity came out of her mouth. It went upstairs in the room and entered the pentagram under Apple Bloom’s bed. The whole house shook violently.

"This is not good."

Blaze saw the pentagrams disappearing as the room changed. Fire rising up as a demon is taking form.

"Oh no, you don't!"

Blaze threw Demon Bloom out of the room and stabbed the Demon with his sword. The sword did significant damage as the demon collapsed from its form. The gate that allowed it too transformed closed. Demon Bloom saw and enrage she yelled.

”You…You…You Bastard! I’ll kill you! You."

"Shut it. It's over and so are you."

Demon Bloom jumped in the air only to have Blaze chopped her head off.

"Forgive me." Blaze said as he picked up the unconscious child.

"Sacrifice the few to save the many."

Blaze stared at the dead bodies in the room. From the pig to Apple Bloom to Sweetie Belle. As he made his way downstairs, he looked at the lifeless body of Granny Smith.

"I'm sorry for what I committed. I couldn't allow another parent getting in my way and to ruin our planet's survival on one child. It's never easy being a Demon Slayer but it is best that we ended like this. Hopefully, someday, Applejack and Big Mac will forgive me for my actions."

Blaze texted 911 to come and clean up the house. Blaze put the child in the back of his car. She is waking up from her slumber.

"Oooooh....what happened?"

The child looked around her surroundings.

"Mommy? Daddy? Where are you?!"

"Hey, kiddo. You were taken away from your parents and I'm here to bring you back to them."

The child had a sad face on her as she looked up. Not knowing if Blaze is telling the truth or a lie.

"What is your name kid?"

"Sapphire Rock."

"Sapphire, where do you live?"

"1123 Wilson Avenue."

Blaze drove the child back home to 1123 Wilson Avenue. 15 minutes later, he found the household where police investigators were outside talking to the parents. Blaze got out of his car and so did Sapphire Rock. Her mother and father ran towards their child and hugged her.

"She's home! My baby's home now!"

One of the investigators looked at Blaze.

"Hey, that's the guy that I saw earlier today at the park!"

"Oh really? Let's have a chat with him."

Two investigators approached Blaze.

"You have a minute or two to talk?"

"Yea, what's on your mind officers?"

The investigator that saw Blaze earlier today went up to him.

"Hey, remember me?"


"My name is Officer Johnson."

"Magic Johnson?"

"Funny but no. Dragic Johnson. Magic is my brother."

"I see. So what's on your mind?"

"I saw you earlier today at the park. You had a parking violation and several parking tickets."

"Yea, which I mentioned to you that my business allows me to bypass several laws of the state but you didn't believe."

"Bypass?" The other police investigator said.

"This is my partner. Travis Steel."

"Who's more experienced? Travis or you Dragic?"

"I have more experience than this rookie here," Travis said as he patted Dragic.

"How many years?"

"Fifteen years."

"Do you know what a Demon Slayer is Travis?"

"Yes. Demon Slayers are rare in these parks, however, they hold an incredible responsibility to the world. Ridding all evil entities in our world and stopping the chaos before it happens."

"Wait, I thought Demon Slayers are some hocus pocus BS."

"Dragic, Demon Slayers have been around for many centuries. There are a few families that practice these types of holy magic. We're lucky to have one in the neighborhood."

Dragic looked at Blaze with a nervous look.


"It's alright. I have a lot of skeptics looking down at me all the time. I'm used to it."

"Alright then."

"Here." Blaze said as he gave the tickets he received.

Travis took the tickets.

"You don't have to pay for them."

"Huh? He still broke a parking violation, sir."

"Dragic, Demon Slayers are allowed to bypass any law when it comes to demonic possession or activity. Anything outside of that, he isn't allowed to do."

"Alright, Demon Slayer, what is your name? I have to file a report about this."

"My name is Blaze and I'll tell you about my investigation today."

After a few minutes of explaining the whole situation alongside with the Anon-A-Miss ordeal, Dragic and Travis couldn't believe that the demons that possessed the young kids came from the creation of a cyberbullying, identity theft crime. Blaze told them that they aren't allowed to intervene with the situation and that all other police force should not engage. Travis respected Blaze's request while Dragic refused. Travis made it clear that Dragic should heed this warning from Blaze as he knows what's best. Dragic headed back towards the family to see if he can help them out a bit more.

"Thank you for understanding Travis."

"Pleasure is all mine Blaze. I'll let everyone know that a Demon Slayer is in control of the situation."

"Take care, officer."

"You too, Demon Slayer."

Blaze got back in his car and drove to Canterlot Hospital to see Applejack and Big Mac. On the way there, he's gonna have to see if Applejack is or isn't possessed. If she is, he'll perform an exorcism if not then he'll tell her and Big Mac exactly what has happened today. It won't be pretty but it must be done.

15 minutes later, Blaze parked his car and headed straight inside the hospital. He asked the front desk that he wishes to see Applejack. The nurse told Blaze that Applejack is in room 218 on the second floor. Blaze thanked the nurse and went to room 218. Once he got there, he knocked twice then enters the room to see Applejack wide awake talking with Doctor Bones.

"Hey, Skull Bones. It's been a while."

"Will you stop calling me that!" Doctor Bones turns to see Blaze at the door. "Blaze should have known. You should know that I prefer being called Doctor Bones. Not Skull Bones."

"Alright, then Skully."

Doctor Bones groans.

"What are you doing here Blaze?"

"I need to speak with Applejack. Alone."

"Alright then, I'll be back in a half hour. Gotta go check on another patient anyway."

Doctor Bones left the room.

"Hey, Applejack. How are you feeling?"

"Feeling fine. Why?"

"Where's Big Mac?"

"Home with Granny and Apple Bloom. Why are you asking?"

Blaze remained silent.

"Did something happened to ma family?"

Blaze still remained silent.

"What did you do to my sister!?"

"I'm sorry for your loss Applejack."

Applejack is starting to tear up a little.

"What did you do?!"

"It's time to tell you everything that has happened today."

Blaze explained what Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were doing today. They were performing the Archfiend Ritual. They successfully completed the ritual with the help of Blaze by accident. He told Applejack that he kicked Granny Smith out of the room, he didn't mean to be the reason why she died. He told Applejack that he feared Granny would allow a possessed Apple Bloom to get away just like how Hondo allow a possessed Sweetie Belle to get away. Blaze explained how a child would have been sacrificed if he didn't step in. An innocent young child. Blaze explained that a Demon Slayer's drive sometimes leads to separation of the family. Sacrifice the few to save the many. In this case, scenario, sacrifice the few to save the entire planet from impending doom. Applejack couldn't believe not only her sister but Granny is gone. She cried her eyes out as Blaze hugged him.

"If you want to blame someone, blame the demons that possessed them. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom have been put through too much trauma. If there was a better way, I would have done it in a heartbeat. I'm sorry for your losses."

Applejack continued to cry and started to curse herself. If she would have spent time with her sugarcube, then all of this wouldn't be happening. Blaze got up.

"I have to get going. I have to tell, Hondo, Cookie, and Rarity the same news. Bye Applejack."

Blaze left the room and Doctor Bones came back in to check on Applejack. Blaze left the hospital, got into his car and drove towards Rarity's house. Twenty-five minutes later, he parked his car in front of Rarity's house and knocked three times. Hondo came to answer the door.

"Blaze...What are you doing here?"

"I have some news to tell you, Cookie and Rarity."

"Is it about our Sweetie Belle?"


Hondo allowed Blaze to enter his home. Hondo escorted him to the living room where Cookie and Rarity were on the couch. They are nervous and worried about Sweetie Belle. As Blaze sat down on a chair, Rarity ran up to Blaze with tears in her eyes.

"Where is my sister?! Tell me if my Sweetie Belle is alright." Rarity said as she collapsed crying her eyes out.

"I'm sorry. Sweetie Belle won't be joining with you. She's gone for good."

Rarity, Hondo, and Cookie burst into tears.

"I had to do what was necessary in order to save an innocent child from having her life taken away."

Blaze explained about Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom's doing. Performing the Archfiend Ritual and explaining each of the six stages in order to complete the ritual. Blaze even included his unfortunate doing with completing the ritual. He told the family that he's the one who killed Sweetie Belle first, then Granny Smith then finally Apple Bloom. He's not proud of killing love ones but reassured that it's his duty as a Demon Slayer to get the job done. Hondo punches Blaze in the face.

"You killed my daughter!" Hondo yelled.

Blaze rubbed his face where Hondo punched.

"You know, if you hadn't stopped me yesterday, she could have been around today."

"How dare you?!" Hondo cried out.

"How dare me? How dare you allow a possessed child escape when I could have taken the demon out of her!"

"With what?! Your sword?!"

"No stupid. An exorcism to extract the demon in this."

Blaze places a Holy Bottle Containment. Within the HBC, there are tons of demonic demons trapped inside. Unable to set themselves free due to the true nature of its holy properties.

"This is an HBC. Holy Bottle Containment. By performing the exorcism, I can direct the demon into this bottle imprisoning it for all of eternity. I carry six bottles wherever I go."

Hondo began to pant and started to have a panic attack. Realizing that Blaze did have everything under control yesterday and he allowed his fatherly instincts to get the better of him.

"Uh...have the bottle been broken and demons unleashed?" Rarity asked.

"You would think so but no. The bottle is made of lead but drenched with holy water on the outside and inside. Making it harder for demons to be set free even if I were to drop the bottle."

Hondo took deep breathes.

"Look, you messed up. There was nothing else I could have done to perform the exorcism on both Apple Bloom and your Sweetie Belle. There was no time for it. Once the Archfiend Ritual starts, its either you stop the ones performing the ritual or allow it to be complete. Unfortunately, I didn't know all the details of the ritual therefor completing it. Good thing is, my sword is strong enough to take down the Archfiend with one stab as it was still forming. There is nothing else I can do to help them. All I can do is send you money for you to bury your Sweetie Belle. The rest is up to you to decide on what is next within your own lives. Now, I have to get going"

Blaze left the household and got into his car. As he drove back to Sombra's house, Scootaloo is texting her dad to let him know that she's going to Canterlot Mall with her friends for a while and to come to pick her up around 3:30-4:00.

"There, message sent. Let's go girls."

Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Silver Spoon, Scootaloo are taking the bus to Canterlot Mall. It is now 12:15 in the afternoon. They were having a fun time hanging out with the Lizard Army. Getting to know them better and having some laughs. Now that the Lizard Army is going to watch a movie, this gave the girls a nice idea to head back to the mall again.

45 minutes later, the girls arrived at the mall. They entered inside and decided to check out a clothing store nearby.

"Hmm, they have similar clothes to what we wore back at the Battle of the Bands," Adagio said.

"Yea, the dresses here are nice though," Sonata said.

"You know, I'm not really fond with dresses as much. Normally I'm fine with what I wear."

"Same with me Scoots," Aria said.

"Just got to know which one you see yourself in. That's how you know you'll love it," Silver Spoon said.

"True but when would you find the time to put a dress on now that we are in a Military school."

"Good point, Scootaloo. Guess during the holidays or when our academy says that we have a half day or day off like Freedom Friday."

"Better not get your hopes up, Silver Spoon. The next holiday after the 21st will be a long stretch," Aria stated.

"Oh." Both girls said.

"Anyway, let's check out some of the other stores."

Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Silver Spoon, and Scootaloo left the store and looked around once more. As they made there way up on the escalator, they ran into an unexpected group of three.

"Squirt?" Rainbow said.

"Silver Spoon?" Fluttershy said.

"S-S-Sirens!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie remained in place. So have the others. Silence reigned for a few moments.

"Scootaloo! What are you doing with the sirens?! What are you doing with Silver Spoon?! Why are you hanging out with bullies and evil creatures from another world?!" Rainbow shouted in disgust.

"They're my new friends now Rainbow Dash. Unlike you, they never abandoned me."

"Abandon you... Scootaloo, listen to me."

Rainbow Dash went up to Scootaloo but Adagio, Aria, and Sonata got in front of her.

"Look, she is trying to live her life without the like of you," Adagio said.

"It is best for you to take a hike," Aria stated.

"So leave her alone," Sonata said.

"I will not take a hike you evil Siren!"

Rainbow Dash throws her punch at Adagio but he grabbed her hand and pulls Rainbow Dash into an armbar.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow OW!" Rainbow cried in pain a little.

"Now, I could pretend that this never happens but I think you wanted this to happen," Adagio said as she puts pressure on Rainbow's arm.

"Please, let Dashie go." Pinkie said.

Adagio released the grip of the armbar allowing Rainbow Dash to get up and shake off her arm a little.

"I think you three should get moving. We don't want to cause a scene here now do we?"

"You got lucky, that's all," Rainbow said. Then tries to look at Scootaloo who turned away from her. "Look, I made my mistakes and just want to talk to Scootaloo."

"No. I don't want anything to you Rainbow Dash."

"Scootaloo, please."

"Just go away."

"I'm sorry."

Scootaloo turns around.

"I'm sorry for the mess that you were put into. I'm sorry about your loss and sorry that I wasn't the best sister I can be for you."

"Is that it?"


"I'm not accepting your apology Rainbow Dash. You abandoned me for Sunset Shimmer."

"You're still mad about Sunset Shimmer?! She's gone! Forever!" Rainbow said irately.

"When you abandoned me, I was relentlessly bullied whenever I walked back home. My mom doesn't pick me up and you used to walk me back home. Ever since Sunset Shimmer became a priority to you due to Princess Twilight's favor, all you do is hang out with Sunset Shimmer all the time. All I had was Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle and you know what happened after being neglected for so long? Chaos! Chaos spread like a wildfire throughout the internet and in school. My mom died because of Diamond Tiara and Anon-A-Miss. Have I made my mistakes?! Yes! And I Confessed the very next day! I knew that Anon-A-Miss was not the answer I was looking for. The only reason why I joined it was that I wanted you back. My depression was killing me and you know what? I'm happy that now I have new friends, a new family and a new life away from you! I don't want to see you ever again! All three of you! Even Applejack, Rarity, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle. You can all rot in hell for all I care!"

Scootaloo ran the other way as Silver Spoon followed her from behind. Adagio and her sisters remained still as Rainbow Dash has tears in her eyes a little. Pinkie Pie hair deflated and Fluttershy remained silent.

"You really messed this poor girl up by ignoring her. Hope you are proud of yourselves." Adagio said as calm as she can be.

"If we ever see you try and make an attempt to talk or fix this, we would gladly teach you a real lesson about life." Aria said as she popped her knuckles.

"You all make me sick just by looking at you and knowing what you did to Sunset Shimmer and to Scootaloo. Talk about real friendship." Sonata said.

Rainbow Dash got pissed after hearing the sirens mentioning about friendship.

"You don't even know what friendship is! Are you ever do is making it worse for everyone! Feed on their hatred to satisfy yourselves!"

"Like yourselves when you got rid of Sunset Shimmer instead of hearing her out?" Adagio stated with her arms crossed. Looking displeased at Rainbow Dash.

"Wow," Aria claps, "you are a hypocrite."

"Apparently, we know more about friendship than the three of you. The scary part of it is that you used to have the magic of friendship and now it's gone. Now if you excuse us we have to comfort our friend." Adagio said.

Sonata started to walk the same path as Scootaloo and Silver Spoon. Adagio followed her and finally, Aria glared back and gave them a warning that she has eyes on them. Rainbow Dash pants and ran the other way. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy try to keep up with her. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata met up with Silver Spoon and Scootaloo outside of the gates.

"Adagio, Scootaloo already texted Sombra. He's on his way to pick her up." Silver Spoon said.

"Alright, we wait until he shows up."

20 minutes later, Sombra arrives at the mall and sees Scootaloo looking down. As he exits the truck, Silver Spoon and Adagio explained to Sombra about what has happened. Apparently, Sombra is pissed at Rainbow Dash for having the audacity of calling out Adagio and her sisters. Sombra is pissed that Scootaloo had to see Rainbow Dash in a time like this.

"Alright, everyone, in the truck. I'm taking us home."

"Alright, Sombra."

Everyone got into Sombra's truck and drove towards his house. The other girls but Scootaloo were wondering why Sombra isn't taking them back to their dorm.

"Commander Sombra, why aren't you taking us back to our dorm?" Adagio asked.

"Ever heard of a sleepover?"

All eyes looked at Sombra. Even Scootaloo.

"We're having one at our house. Fleetfoot already packed some things for all of you to bring which I've done for you."

"A sleepover?" Sonata said excitedly.

"Yes. A sleepover." Sombra said.

Aria and Adagio looked at each other for a second.

"You girls had one before right?"

"I have but with Diamond Tiara."

"We never had a sleepover Commander Sombra," Aria said.

"I have but that's all in the past now."

"Well, this one going to be different. We're all involved together."

"Even Blaze, dad?"

Sombra's eyes widen by hearing Blaze's name.

"Who's Blaze, Commander?" Aria asked.

"An old friend. He'll be joining us tonight."

Sombra sighs.

"You alright, Commander?" Adagio asked.

"Yea, I'm fine. Blaze can sometimes be a headache once in a while."

"We know that feeling, Commander." Adagio and Aria pointed their finger towards Sonata.

Sombra chuckled a bit. As he pulled up on the driveway, he sees Blaze waiting for him.

"You girls, head inside and get comfy, I'll be there soon."

The girls got out of Sombra's truck and headed inside. Sombra parked his truck and got out of it.

"Hey, Sombra, I see you brought home many friends. There's gonna be a party tonight?"

"Yea, a sleepover party for Scootaloo and her friends."

"Am I invited?"

"Yea, just don't cross the line."

"Sure thing, King Sombra."


"So, how was your day?"

"Busy, tiring. I had a situation to take care of earlier today."

"Hmm, same with me."

"Is that why you're here early?"

"I've completed my task. The world is saved from impending doom."

"What did you do?"

"I've taken the life of a possessed Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and an Archfiend while it was still transforming. I even accidentally took a life of an innocent."

"You have to be joking. You don't take lives away from an innocent."

"I did today and it was an accident."


"I feared that Granny Smith would have tried to stop me when I was choking the demon-possessed Apple Bloom. Just like the dumbass that helped the demon-possessed Sweetie Belle escape."

"Why didn't you perform the exorcism?"

"They were in the middle of the ritual. If they would have seen the HBC they could have broken it while I perform it. It is my decision and I stood by it. At the end of the madness though, I saved a child from becoming a sacrifice."

"Did you tell Applejack and Rarity about the situation?"

"I did. It was not pretty."

"So, you think that the demons may come back?"

"It's possible that they may find a new host but without a body, they are weakened. I didn't see Big Mac in the Apple House or in Canterlot Hospital. I can only assume he's taking care of business with Filthy Rich."

"Make sense."

"So, what you had to deal with Sombra?"

"An annoying pest who won't leave Scootaloo alone."




"Can you pick up some Chinese food for all of us later tonight?"

"Sure thing. Hand me the money and I'll go."


"No problem my friend."

Sombra and Blaze entered the household. The girls are getting ready for possibly one of their best day and night as friends. Hope, Sombra, and Blaze will have their hands full with today's games and fun with everyone else.