> Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of Scootaloo > by PonyJoel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > First Day in Military School Part 1! Surprising New Friend! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is now the second day of the new year. Scootaloo is now awake. She put on her military uniform and headed downstairs to see her mother and father. Sombra and Hope were in the living room waiting for her. Scootaloo hugged her parents. Sombra would be driving Scootaloo to school. He has the next few months off from the war as Spitfire will be taking control of the Equestrian Armed Forces. Sombra will have the honor of teaching the students of the Equestrian Military School. "Are you ready for an awesome day at school?" Hope asked. "Yes, mom. I can't wait to begin my new life and follow the footsteps of my father. Not to give up on me when times are bad." "Good," Sombra said. "You have the warrior's spirit deep inside of you. Also, there may be a possibility that I get to teach you a thing or two at the school but don't get your hopes up. I'm gonna treat you like any other student in the school." "I won't take you for granted dad!" "Good. Now eat up kid. We have a long day today." Scootaloo ran towards the kitchen to eat her breakfast. "She's going to enjoy my cooking more than you Sombra." "Hah, very funny." They kissed each other as Scootaloo was eating. After 10 minutes, Scootaloo and Sombra were on their way to the Equestrian Military School. It'll take 45 min to an hour before school starts. "Scootaloo, what are your expectations for today?" Sombra asked as he driving his truck. "Hmm...I guess to figure out where I belong and make new friends as well. To create a pact like you and my father had when entering the war. Also to see if I really do have the skills like my dad." "Good answer and you do have the skills like Speedy Bullet. I can already see it in your eyes. The will and determination. You'll be fine. Also when we have a lunch break, every other day, I'll be joining with you so we can have a bond going. Not only to teach but be the father I can be for you right now." "Thanks, dad and I'll...make you proud!" "You already have, the fire and desire in your heart will make you emerge victoriously. As long as you have the warrior's spirit and hope then you'll do well." "Thanks. I needed to hear that." "It's no problem. " As Sombra drove at a red light, the two hugged each other. Sombra made a turn and Scootaloo saw the Equestrian Military School for the first time. It's quite bigger than Canterlot High. The school has everything to prepare for war. "Scootaloo, the school hours are from 9:00-2:00. 6 hours a day. Lunch is only 35 minutes. I don't know what classes you'll be in that I might end up teaching but just know when you need me, I'm here. Just ask the drill instructor and he or she will send you to me." "Alright, dad. Thanks for the heads up." Sombra parked the truck in the lot. He escorted Scootaloo to the front building. They both went inside. "On the wall over there," he pointed on the left side, "is where you'll find your platoon with the classes of the day. Each day, the classes switch depending on the drill instructor. Please note that everything here is serious but you can slip a little humor every now or then. " "Sounds good." Sombra headed towards the office to see what classes would he'd be teaching for the day. Scootaloo went up to the wall and saw her name in room 41. She saw another name but was cut off. "Hi, Scootaloo." Scootaloo turned to see Silver Spoon in her uniform. "Silver Spoon! Wha...how....what are you doing here?!" "I transferred here. My former friend Diamond Tiara made a huge mess of herself and things at Canterlot High were not looking good for me especially with Anon-A-Miss making the school a living hell. Even after all that has happened, I didn't want to be encouraged by the students over there screwing with each other lies for good laughs. My family has a rich title to their name but I wanted to do more than being a spoiled rich brat. I needed discipline and what a better way to go than here at the Equestrian Military School. Also, I figured out what I should do with my life. To serve my country then donate my wealth to those who need it most. I never thought you would be here." "Wow Silver Spoon, that's nice of you. I saw your name on the list of classes we'll be in. Its all of them for today." "So, would you like to become friends since we're both starting the new year fresh?" "You know, the last time we've met weren't on good grounds. We hated each other and wanted to make each other burn but since all of that is in the past. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom no longer my friends after all the pain they inflicted on me. I am more than willing to let our differences aside and accept your friendship." "Thank you Scootaloo. I do want to apologize for how I was treating you back at Canterlot High. I only did it because Diamond Tiara was the only rich friend I had. I didn't really have anyone else until today." "Hey, it's no problem. New year, new friends, new beginnings. Things are already looking good for the both of us." "Don't forget, the new memories we'll be making together." "By the way, when was the last time you saw Diamond Tiara?" "On New Years Eve. I went to jail to visit her. Letting Diamond Tiara know that our friendship is over after she killed your mom and basically burned your house down. I feel awful knowing what she did. It makes me sad knowing I was friends with a murderer. Now I'm looking to forget her and focus on today. Starting with my first day here. Starting a new with you Scootaloo." The two of them hugged and headed to their first class together. It'll be an exercise class for the next hour. Things so far are already looking promising for Scootaloo and her new friend Silver Spoon. Soon, they'll see what Military School has for them. > First Day in Military School Part 2! Lunch Break! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo and Silver Spoon are in room 41. The students are lined up facing each other in 2 rows for the drill sergeant to walk through. Everyone chatted among themselves until the door was shut behind them. Sergeant Slaughter will be instructing the unit for the hour. "Attend hut!" Slaughter commanded. "It seems we have two new cadets today in our unit." He walked up to Silver Spoon. "What is your name cadet?." "Silver Spoon sir!" Silver shouted. "What's your sole purpose in this academy?" "To become the best soldier to ever live! Fight to protect my country and to take down the enemy sir!" "Wise words cadet! You will become a fine addition to the army!" Slaughter saluted to Silver Spoon respecting her answer. "You!" he shouted at Scootaloo and walked up to her. "What is your name cadet!" "Scootaloo Bullet sir!" "Another Bullet in this academy! What an honor! Sorry for your loss! Tell me, what's your sole purpose in this army?" "To do whatever you tell me, Sergeant Slaughter!" Scootaloo shouted. "Goddammit Scoots! You're a goddamn genius! That is the most outstanding answer I ever heard! You must have a goddamn IQ of a 160. You are goddamn gifted already cadet!" The other cadets in the room were surprised that Scootaloo made Sergeant Slaughter react differently also knowing that she's the daughter of a legend in the academy. "Listen up cadets! In the next 45 minutes, you'll be heading outside on the obstacle course. There you will be geared up. The cadet that finished the obstacle course taking less damage will be the winner. Our soldiers outside will be using airsoft weapons. This will help you train yourself mentally. To adapt to the situation. Please know that the BB's pellets will hurt but won't kill you. They won't aim for the eyes or face. If you are surrounded by soldiers with the airsoft guns, that's an automatic 30 seconds added to your timer as they will reroute you in the right direction of the maze. You fall in the plank alley that's an automatic 10 second added to your time then you'll be escorted towards the near end of the maze. If you somehow make a wrong turn at the near end, you will be brought back to the beginning of the maze. For each cadet, the turns will be altered so that way no one can cheat their way through after seeing someone loses due to a bad turn. Now let's move out!" The cadets marched outside of the school. Silver Spoon and Scootaloo were amazed by the size of the obstacle course. They saw the soldiers with the airsoft guns in sniping position. They gulped at the scenery. Sergeant Slaughter had everyone lined up. There's a timer for the trial with each cadet's name on the board to determine a winner. The obstacle course has 3 different trials. The rock climbing, the swing and finally, the maze. Within the maze are several tires to hop on, dirt crawls with barbed wires on top, planks to walk on. The soldiers will most likely shoot at the rock climbing trial and in the maze. "Connor your up!" Slaughter yelled. Connor walked up to the starting line of the obstacle course. In 3 seconds, Connor sprinted towards the rock wall. Soldiers took steady aim and shot at Connor. Connor used his hearing advantage to dodge to BB's from hitting him as he climbed up. Connor then grabs the rope and swung down towards the maze. From there he entered the maze. Connor went in the wrong direction and met with 2 soldiers that aimed at him. He groaned loudly and was escorted to the middle of the maze. Connor ran in the right direction. He turned to the right and found the plank alley. Connor tried to balance himself but he fell over right after he got shot in the back. His time on the obstacle course is 5 minutes 23 seconds. The other cadets prepared themselves while Scootaloo and Silver Spoon were a bit nervous. Each of them had setbacks which time was added to their scores. So far Connor had the best time. Everyone but Scootaloo and Silver Spoon went over 6 minutes on the timer. "Silver Spoon you're up!" Slaughter yelled. Silver Spoon was shaking a bit but Connor and the others cheered her on. Silver Spoon was quite surprised by the others cheering her on. "Wait...why are you guys and gals cheering a new cadet?" Scootaloo asked. "We are a type of unit that helps support one another when things seem hard at first. We are not like those who are isolated or in groups like in regular schools. We're here together to grow and become a unit ready to handle anything that faces in our direction." Connor said. "Wow...I'm speechless." "Don't be Scoots. In war, we're a family. Brothers and sisters armed to fight the enemy but support each other." "So does the unit have a name?" "Yea we do. We're called The Dragon Army." "Sounds cool." Silver Spoon ran towards the rock wall. She had a hard time climbing since it's her first time rock climbing. She got shot by the BB's pretty bad but she kept going. She swung down into the maze. Silver Spoon ran down the maze making a right turn. She winds up finding a long path with no turns so she went forward. At the end of the path, there are two turns she can choose from. She chose right and she went through plank alley. She took her time a little crossing the planks but wind up falling. As she gets escorted out of the maze, her time is 5 minutes 38 seconds. The unit cheered as Silver Spoon made it back to Scootaloo and Connor. "Nice run cadet Silver. Scootaloo, you're the last one. Come up!" Slaughter yelled. With everyone behind her cheering. Scootaloo felt something she hasn't had in a long time. Happiness from friends. Scootaloo remembered her father Speedy Bullet's message to never give up. She has the warrior's spirit inside of her ready to burst into an everlasting flame. She closed her eyes and ran towards the rock wall. She climbed up fast as she was getting shot at. She swung down into the maze and ran straight down. She turned left then right at the far end. Scootaloo turns didn't lead her to any other obstacle courses. Scootaloo exits the maze with a new leading record time of 4 minutes 8 seconds. Connor was surprised that his record was beaten by a minute and 15 seconds. "Nice timing Scoots. Everyone go to your next class. Unit dismissed!" Slaughter yelled. The Dragon Army went to their next class together. Everyone among themselves congratulated Silver Spoon and Scootaloo for their first try in the obstacle course. Next class will be weapons practice. Two instructors will be with the Dragon Army. Commander Sombra and Lieutenant Fleetfoot. Scootaloo is quite happy that Sombra is there to teach her how to use a weapon. "Dragon Army, today you'll be doing some target practices on the range today. You are to take a 5-minute survey and give it to either Somrba or myself. We'll decide what weapon you'll be shooting for today. There is no contest here. It's all about precision. In combat, time is longer but today no one will be shooting at you. Your grade for today will be based on the targets you hit, the time spent and the accuracy you have depending on the type of gun given to you." Fleetfoot said. "Don't rush through the survey. If you do then you'll be using pistols instead of the actual gun you're supposed to have." Sombra stated. "Hi, dad," Scootaloo said smiling. "It's Commander Sombra to you cadet." "Oh right. Sorry, Commander Sombra sir!" "It's alright cadet. Just fill out the survey." Sombra handed The Dragon army their surveys. 5 minutes later they gave Fleetfoot and Sombra the surveys back and waited to receive their guns for the day. Some of the cadets received SMG guns, assault rifles and one cadet named Rollin Thunda received a heavy machine gun. Fleetfoot gave Silver Spoon a sniper rifle. Silver Spoon liked the sniper she was holding on to. Sombra came and gave Scootaloo a sniper rifle as well. "This sniper rifle belong to your dad Speedy Bullet. He was the best here in the academy. Seems only fitting that I pass this to you Scoots." "Thank you, commander." "Now go out there and hit those targets." "Yes, sir!" Scootaloo and Silver Spoon decided to snipe side by side. There wasn't a ruling about going at it alone so they decided to team up. Sombra and Fleetfoot watched how the two get along. They observed the others. They were having fun getting to shoot their weapons. Rollin Thunda having a blast with his heavy machine gun hitting everything but some of the targets. "Same as last week Sombra. Some of the cadets in this unit don't have discipline. They are triggered happy morons who won't last long despite being one of the better units in the academy. I'm glad that you have a couple months off from the War against Discord's Regime." "Please don't bring Discord into this conversation. Things are already bad enough that he took over Saudi Arabia." "My apologies Commander. I've forgotten about the loss your platoon suffered. Still, it's nice to see Speedy Bullet's daughter following her dad's footsteps. How is it being the father?" "It's going well. She has already started calling me dad and Hope mom. She adjusted to that. When I first saw her, I saw depression written in her very soul. I'm glad that I was able to adopt her since my comrade's last message to me was to look after her." "Well, judging from the view we have up here while The Dragon Army is down there on the range, Scootaloo and Silver Spoon are working nicely together. Notice the resemblance the two have right now?" Sombra looked down at the two and does see the resemblance. Silver Spoon and Scootaloo are working together like he and Speedy used to in the academy. "Aim to the right Silver!" Scootaloo shouted. "On it!" Silver Spoon shot the target and two more that opened up. "On your left Scoots!" Scootaloo shot three targets that popped open. "Well, seems that Scootaloo and Silver Spoon are in sync already. They could be the best duo since you and Speedy Commander." "No, they have the potential to be better than us. In 5 minutes sound the alarm to stop the shooting." "Will do Commander. Also, I have a nice nickname for Silver Spoon down there since Scootaloo already have hers." "Sounds good Fleetfoot. I'll see you down." Sombra left the spectators and headed towards the range. He went to observed each cadet's target scores to determine the proper grading. 5 minutes have past and the alarms for the cadets to cease firing. The cadets groaned that they had to give their weapons back. They had a lot of fun shooting in the range. Rollin Thunda didn't listen as he kept shooting until he ran out of ammo. A few moments later, Rollin Thunda ran out of ammo. Sombra and Fleetfoot collected the weapons from the cadets. "Alright, you'll receive your scores in a few minutes. Take the time to clear your mind for a sec." Fleetfoot said. "Hey nice sniping Scoots," Silver Spoon said. "Thanks, but you did a great job as well," Scootaloo stated. "You both did fantastic working together," Sombra said. "Here are your grades." Sombra gave both Scootaloo and Silver Spoon their grades. "Yes! A+" Scootaloo shouted. "Me too!" Silver shouted. Some of the cadets got B's and C's except for Rollin Thunda who got a D-. "Yo? Why did I get a D? I obliterated everything on my end." "You lack discipline with a gun your size! Anyone can shoot crazy like you but they end up dying first. You gotta hit your target before they hit you! Sometimes in war, it'll be you against them and judging from your scores, you took out 11 out of 65 targets. You have the lowest grade you happy triggered moron!" Sombra yelled. Rollin Thunda lowered his head in defeat. "I understand that in the range, this is your first time holding and shooting the gun but those who are happy trigger winds up dying first. You will become unbalance with yourself and your comrades. You cannot take the range for granted. It's here to help you develop into a better shooter when the time comes. If you don't fix yourself then you are not meant to join the Equestrian Armed Forces thus wasting your time and our time." Sombra stated. "As for our newest cadets to join The Dragon Army, I have nicknames for the two of them. Scootaloo will keep her nickname Scoots but as for Silver Spoon, she'll be known as the Silver Bullet." Silver Spoon loved her nickname. The Silver Bullet has a unique title. "Thanks for the nickname Feeltfoot." Silver said. "You earned it. You have the best sniping score out of everyone here. Scoots are tied with you but your precision and accuracy speak for itself. I see that you found a flow that most cadets would take years to master." The Dragon Army chanted Silver Bullet. Even Scootaloo chanted along. Fleetfoot and Sombra saluted to Silver Bullet. "Alright Dragon Army, session dismissed! Now go to the cafeteria. It's 5 minutes before lunchtime." Sombra commanded. The Dragon Army marched together heading into the cafeteria. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon saw the other armies within the academy sitting together in their designated seating grounds. "Silver Bullet, Scoots!" Sombra yelled. The two walked over to Sombra. "Today, you'll be seated with me. Both of you are really good sniping so I decided to put the two of you with the best snipers in this academy. There are only three snipers in the group so I want you two to tag along. Become the best sniping unit in the school. They'll be joining us in a few minutes." "Alright Commander. Thank you for the heads up." Scootaloo said. "You're welcome. If you excuse me, I see Lieutenant Fleetfoot trying to get my attention." Sombra went towards Fleetfoot to have a minor discussion. "Three other snipers that are the best in the academy. I wonder who they be?" Silver said. "Beats me but I hope they are friendly as the Dragon Army," Scootaloo said. "Hope so too otherwise things will become ugly." Sombra came back to Silver and Scootaloo and took them to his table in the cafeteria. A few moments later three familiar cadets came towards the table. Both Scootaloo and Silver were quite surprised and horrified a little. "Commander Sombra, it's nice to see you again after all these months you were in the war, sir." Adagio Dazzle said saluting to him. "Yes, the last time we've met, I was already on my way to war. Fleetfoot told me everything you, Sonata and Aria have accomplished since you transferred here." Scootaloo and Silver sweated a bit uncontrollably. "Commander, permission to speak with the newest cadets in private," Adagio asked. "Permission granted." Sombra got up and went to the back line to grab 6 trays of food. "Wait...how...what are you three doing here?" Both Scootaloo and Silver Spoon asked. "Sonata, Aria and I have changed our ways ever since we were defeated back at the Battle of the Bands. Since our amulets broke, the negativity that stood by us were released. We were no longer bound to evil. It took us quite a while to decide what to do next." Adagio said. "Yea so by redeeming ourselves, we decided to enlist ourselves here in this academy. Hoping to be drafted and bring justice and harmony to this world since we still can no longer go back to our world." Aria stated. "That and also, this academy has a dorm to house us all. We don't live in a house and pay taxes so by coming here, it's easy for us to have food in our stomachs, a warm bed, and clothes on our backs." Sonata added. "So when we came here, it took us quite a while to become the best snipers in this school. Now we can be a sniping unit if you girls are willing to give us a chance after all the bad we've done to your school." Adagio said. "If Silver Spoon and I can put our differences aside for the new year than we can put yours as well," Scootaloo said, she offers her hand in friendship. Silver does the same. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata shook their hands. Sombra came back with a huge tray of food for everyone. Tacos, salad, chili and water bottles for everyone. The girls took their food. Sombra smiled knowing that the sniping unit just became friends. "I want to let you know girls that on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you'll be working together. Tactical Teamwork. You'll be put together against other teams within the academy. Each unit is a different specialist group. Tactical Teamwork will start next week since you and Silver are new here." "Thank you, Commander Sombra sir!" Adagio, Aria, and Sonata shouted. "No problem. Now let's eat." Sombra and the girls ate their meals. The alarm sounded off letting everyone know they have 5 more minutes to eat. Adagio, Sonata, and Aria won't be joining Silver Spoon and Scootaloo's next class. They have two more classes left before they can meet up for their final class. Things so far are looking good for Silver Spoon and Scootaloo as the day is coming by. The second alarm rang and everyone is headed off to their next class. > First Day in Military School Part 3! Hangout in Canterlot City Mall! Beautiful Night! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo and Silver Spoon were on their way to the next class. They will be in the history of warfare. To learn about different weapons that were manufactured, different tactics to winning a battle, clips from previous wars and battles that happened either last year or other wars that surfaced in their world. Either way, history is history to them. Sure they'll learn and adapt to their new army/squad but for now, they will have to listen and take notes depending on the subject. Since Scootaloo and Silver Spoon are the new cadets, the history instructor decided to play a movie for everyone to watch. A Movie called Battleship. Everyone in the class was happy to see the movie that their instructor was playing. It was really giving them a day off from the other footages they were to watch. The class ended in an hour and 15 minutes. They'll continue to watch the film the next day. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon enjoyed the movie. They have seen it before and liked it. If the instructor were to give a test based on the movie, they'll ace it for sure. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon were on their way towards the computer room. They sat next to each other waiting to see what happens next. "Alright Cadets!" Slaughter yelled out. "Today and for the rest of the week, I will be replacing Sergeant Moose. I know Sergeant Moose had something quite interesting for you all so I will carry out his objective here. Everyone turn on your computer and open the draw to pick up the items inside so we can begin today's class!" Slaughter commanded. The cadets turned on the computer and took out the only items inside. A gaming controller and a mic. Some of the cadets were confused while the rest were happy to see what they may end up doing. "Today, you'll be playing Call of Duty Battleground! Each of you will be randomized into 4 different teams. Then you'll be playing against each other in team deathmatches! Use this game to your advantage for the team tactical coming up this Thursday. It'll determine how you would like to play the game. Now choose your team. Once you picked the team you choose, there are no take backs or trades. You must commit to your team even if it means that some of your teammates will suck playing the game." Some of the cadets didn't care. They wanted to play the game and crush anyone who isn't on their team. "What team are you choosing Silver?" Scootaloo asked. "Black Wing. Why you asked?" "We should be on the same team sniping so we can have a plan when we team up with the Dazzlings." "Oh, smart idea Scoots." The two chose the Black Wing team. They'll be joining with Connor and Rollin Thunda. The rest of the teams goes as follows, Red Hawks, Green Cheetahs, Blue Sharks. "Alright, now that the teams are set. Time for death battle!" The cadets cheered and began to play the game. "Alright, what classes are you choosing from?" Connor asked. "You know me, Connor, I roll with the heavy duty. I love the LSAT in the game. Reminds me of the heavy machine gun I was using before Sombra basically disciplined me in front of everyone." "Silver and I will be using the stealth class. We're good at sniping so it does make sense for us to use it in the game." "Good point, I'll use the assault class. Rollin and I can cover ground as you scope ahead. Taking anyone out that comes near you or us." "Perfect. That settles it. Let's begin playing shall we." "Team Black Wing. 1, 2, 3!" "Black Wing!" Connor, Rollin, Silver, and Scootaloo shouted. Some of the other cadets shouted their team's name as the countdown began. In the game, Connor and Rollin were scouting ahead searching for the Red Hawks which consists of Dynamite, Iron, Brandon, Cube. Scootaloo and Silver sniped both Dynamite and Cube pissing them off immediately. "Goddamn, you campers!" Dynamite shouted. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon laughed a little as they concentrate on the game. Connor and Rollin got killed by Iron and Brandon. "Lucky shot!" Connor yelled. The score is 2-2. Silver and Scootaloo went into a different position to snipe. They wind up killing the entire team as they shouted in disgust. As the game went by, Scootaloo and Silver lost their life only 3 times each. They both killed 15 times. Connor killed 12 times but died 8 times. Rollin killed 23 times but died 18 times. The final score between the two teams, the score is 65-32. Black Wing obliterated the Red Hawks pretty badly. The Green Cheetahs obliterated the Blue Sharks. 72-35. The losing teams will face each other while the winning teams will face each other. The Green Cheetahs consist of Heather, Woody, Damien, and Rain. Rain and Damien work best with the assault class. Woody is their sniper and Heather uses the heavy class. "Alright Black Wing, let's do this!" Connor shouted. As the game went on, Black Wing and Green Cheetahs were neck and neck. The score is 54-54. Time is not on their side. Scootaloo and Silver had fewer deaths than the guys but they had more kills than the girls. The same goes for the Green Cheetahs. The girls had fewer deaths while the guys had more kills. Time is winding down as the game got more intense. Silver got killed but Scootaloo got the final kill. When the game ended, the final score was 59-57 Black Wing. Woody and Heather groaned loudly as they were part of the final kill cam. Turns out that Scootaloo got the two for one in her final kill of the game. Sergeant Slaughter saw everything and called the game off. The cadets groaned not wanting to stop playing. Sergeant Slaughter allowed the cadets to leave the room so they can head to their class of the day. It is now 1:25 in the afternoon. Just 35 minutes to go until the first day at the academy comes to an end. Silver and Scootaloo met up with Adagio, Aria, and Sonata heading into their final class which takes place outside of the academy. "Alright, everyone! You will be running 3 laps around the academy's track. After that, you can go home." Fleetfoot shouted. "3 laps? That it?" Scootaloo asked Adagio. "Yea, every day we all gotta do 3 laps. That's how the day will end. The faster to finish the better." Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata ran on the track. It took them 30 minutes to complete the dreadful track. Sombra was waiting for Scootaloo near the parking lot. He saw Scootaloo interacting with her new group of friends. He smiles and called everyone who was tired from the running. "I figured since you 5 will be a great team together that you should all spend the rest of the afternoon leading to the night together. I'm taking all 5 of you to Canterlot City Mall. I will pick you girls up by 6:00. Sounds good?" Sombra asked. All 5 girls nodded and went into Sombra's truck. From there he drove towards the mall. The first day of military school started off with a bang. Everything went well for Scootaloo. New friends, new group and now a new army. Dragon Army. Scootaloo gaining a lot of respect from the other cadets in the academy. They know she's the daughter of the legend Speedy Bullet. Scootaloo's new life in the new year is going perfectly. An hour later, Sombra arrived at Canterlot City Mall. It is now 3:00 and the girls have a good 3 hours to spend time and learn more about each other. "We'll take good care of them, Commander. No need to worry." Aria said. "Good, see you later," Sombra said as he drove out of the mall. "So, let's grab a bite to eat then we can talk," Adagio said. The girls went to Canterlot City's food court. They each bought food and brought it to the table nearby. "So tell us? Why did you come to the Equestrian Military School?" Adagio asked. "I'm here because my life last year was a living hell. My dad Speedy Bullet went to war. My mom and I had each other while dad was away. Ever since the Battle of the Bands, Rainbow Dash been hanging out with Sunset Shimmer. She spends more time with her than me. I was going through a deep depression. My mom barely had time for me. Going home, I would normally get picked on and beaten up by Gilda and Lightning Dust on my way back home. Rainbow Dash used to walk me home from school but since Sunset Shimmer became a priority for her, she stopped walking me back. My former friends Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle came up with an idea to go along with..." "Former friends?" Sonata questioned. "Sonata hush!" Aria said jamming a taco into Sonata's mouth. "You were saying," Adagio said. "Yea. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are no longer my friends. Apple Bloom created Anon-A-Miss after being jealous of her sister Applejack spending more time with Sunset than her. Apple Bloom told everyone on MyStable using the Anon-A-Miss account about Piggly Wiggly. Sweetie Belle felt the same thing with Rarity. Sweetie Belle actually helped Rarity set up a slumber party and she was gratefully thanked by getting kicked out of the slumber party." "Ouch," Sonata said eating her taco. "Sonata please," Adagio said with a stern look. "Like I was saying, Sweetie Belle got kicked out by her sister so she snuck in when everyone was asleep and took Sunset's phone and uploaded the pictures. It didn't feel right with me messing the girls up on the internet. I decided to stick with it to see how it plays out. I was depressed and having the idea Rainbow Dash to come back into my life was worth it at the time. When Principal Celestia called me into her office, she told me the devastating news. I knew what it was about but it hurt a lot. She was the one that told me that my dad, Speedy Bullet died in the war. I was completely devastated. Depressed out of my mind. Celestia told me that I can have the rest of the week off. A few hours later, I called the school. I called Vice Principal Luna letting her know that I was part of Anon-A-Miss. I didn't reveal Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle's names to Luna. I was trying to protect them. I was hoping they can see why I stepped away from Anon-A-Miss but things took a darker turn from there. Sunset Shimmer fell apart throughout the school. She was saved by Princess Twilight Sparkle. However, the portal at the statue is disconnected to Equestria. Sunset and Twilight went back to their Equestria. As for me, I was at the funeral home visiting my dad. Unfortunately, ever since Anon-A-Miss was caught when the account was deleted, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were caught red-handed by Queen Chrysalis and the Changelings." "Whaaaaaaaaa?" Sonata interrupted as she got another taco shoved into her mouth but this time it was by Adagio. "Next time Sonata, I'm gonna put duct tape around your mouth and tape your hands behind your back if you keep on interrupting Scootaloo's story here. Capisce?" Adagio said angrily. Sonata nodded and stay silent. "Thanks, Chrysalis had an assembly about Anon-A-Miss. Then some students led by Diamond Tiara torched my house along with killing my mom in the process. Then the very next day, there was another assembly in the school. The National Guard came and delivered a message. They apprehended the arsonists and Diamond Tiara but Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were happy that they saw Diamond Tiara taken away because she led the charge to kill my mom!. I showed them a lesson of my own before I was taken away from the shithole Canterlot High. Commander Sombra is my new father now. Radiant Hope is now my new mother. Ever since I moved in with them, my life turned for the better. Now I go to the Equestrian Military School. Made new friends and you know what, I don't need Rainbow Dash or anyone from my past anymore. Except for you girls of course. You weren't part of my depression or Anon-A-Miss. I learned to accept you as part of my new family." Silver Spoon, Sonata, Aria, and Adagio shed some tears after hearing Scootaloo's story. "I'm here because my former best friend turned out to be a murderer. Her name is Diamond Tiara. Anon-A-Miss turned the school into a living hell. If you three had your amulets and demented minds, you'll be having a feast at the school. Those are the words of Princess Twilight Sparkle herself. I couldn't and didn't want to deal with the negativity in Canterlot High so I decided to come here. To serve my country first then donate my wealth to those who really need it." Silver Spoon said. "Now that leads to us," Adagio said, "ever since the Battle of the Bands, we've lost our magic and our hunger for hatred. Our minds became clearer and we started to change for the better. We still have those horrid memories from our past and we were pretty much homeless. By coming here to the Equestrian Military School, they give us food to eat, clothes on our backs and a warm bed but you know that already. We were actually hoping to find Sunset Shimmer and Twilight one day to say thank you for freeing us from the curse of the amulets. Now that you're telling us that the portal is closed, it's too late to thank them. Oh well, on to the next chapter in life right?" "Yea. A new year and new beginnings. Right now, we should have a name for ourselves since we're the best sniping unit in the school." Scootaloo stated. "Yes, we should. When the time comes, the name will pop in our heads." Aria said. "Now let's check out some of the stores." The girls checked out the stores in the mall. Having a good time looking at the newest tech, gadgets, and clothes. Time went by pretty quick as Sombra came on time to pick up the girls. He drove Silver Spoon, Adagio, Sonata and Aria back to their dorms. He then drives Scootaloo back home. An hour later, Scootaloo headed inside and quickly gave Hope a hug and kiss. She then tells her mother everything that has happened in Military School. Hope smiled and kissed her daughter on the head. "Change out of that uniform. We're having steak and fries tonight." "Alright, mom," Scootaloo said headed upstairs to her room. "My favorite," Sombra said as he kissed his wife. "So I guess you'll be Scootaloo's instructor for now on?" "Until my vacation is over Hope." "Well, at least she leaves at 2:00. Giving me time to bond with her as a mother." "Yea and I'll be back same as always when teaching and instruct at the military school. 4:00 in the afternoon." The two kissed once more as Scootaloo came back down in her pj's. Sombra, Hope, and Scootaloo ate their dinner in the kitchen. Having a good time as a family. Scootaloo can't help but smile. They talked and laughed. After dinner, they hugged and watch a movie together. They wind up watching The Warriors. A classic film about an NYC gang heading back to Coney Island. After the film ended, Hope and Sombra took Scootaloo outside to watch the beautiful night sky. Scootaloo got to see a shooting star and made her wish. After that, she smiled once more. They stood outside watching the stars in the sky for another hour before heading back inside. Sombra kissed Scootaloo on her cheek. Hope did the same and hugged together. Scootaloo went up to her room, read Speedy Bullet's journal again before going to sleep. Sombra and Hope went to their room and made sweet love before going to sleep. Today been a great day for everyone and tomorrow going to be a better day for Scootaloo and her new friends. > Remembrance of Anon-A-Miss! Discord's Plan of Action! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo woke up. She decides to get ready now so she can have the morning to spend a little time with her family. As she went downstairs to the living room. Hope and Sombra were watching the news as something horrid has happened. Scootaloo came and saw what they were seeing. Discord's Forces burned down innocence with his new chaotic mortem strike. It causes people to turn into ashes leaving no bones behind. Discord's new weaponry also causes breathing to be intoxicated. The blood inside of people goes from a liquid state to a solid state. Making it harder for people to move. Basically turning their bodies into a statue. An easier way to kill. Sombra threw the remote at the tv shattering it. Scootaloo gasped and both he and Hope saw the reaction from Scootaloo. Wishing that she didn't saw any of it. "Was that the monster who's been terrorizing everyone on the planet?" Scootaloo asked. "Yes. It's him. He's the definition of chaos. The one who's been taking countless countries in our world, ruling it with an iron fist. He won't win the War. That's for sure." Scootaloo remained where she is standing. Frozen that is was his armed forces that took her father away. Scootaloo would love to get a piece of him one day. Sombra decided to take Scootaloo to the Military School now to get Discord off her mind for a while. Seeing her friends would help her calm down from Discord's chaotic new weapon. Hope decided to take the broken tv out of the room and leave it outside. It's a good thing they bought spares in case Sombra's rage get the better of him. She hooked up the new tv and began to watch the news to see if anything else that is happening. After a 35 minute drive to the military school, Sombra escorted Scootaloo to the cafeteria. Silver Spoon, Adagio, Sonata, and Aria were already there having breakfast. Sombra and Scootaloo joined the group. Scootaloo's mood wasn't the brightest as Sombra got up and headed towards the kitchen. "Scoots, what's wrong?" Sonata asked with her mouth full. "Sonata, please talk when you are not eating," Aria said. "I saw the news. I saw Discord's new chaotic weapon. How devastating it can be towards the innocence. His forces are the ones that took my dad away..." Scootaloo now feeling enraged. "I want to kill Discord myself!" she shouted. The girls remained silent as they saw Scootaloo in tears a little. They got up and hugged Scootaloo. They saw the pain in her eyes. Sombra came back with a tray of food for him and Scootaloo. He can sense the sadness that still lingers inside of Scootaloo's heart. He put the tray aside and looked at Scootaloo. She hugged him and cried. The pain still haunts her. As time went by, it is now 9:00. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon went to their history class together. The Dragon Army unit watched the rest of the Battleship film. They had to take notes about the movie for strategies purposes and possibly a test to go along with the film. Scootaloo during that time didn't even bother taking notes. She knew the film already but she had Discord in her mind. Then a slowly crept terror reminded her of Diamond Tiara. How she came up with a diverse plan to make her life a living hell. She began to have horrid memories about Anon-A-Miss. She winds up screaming with her eyes shut. Scootaloo started shouting at Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle who aren't even present. She's picturing them in her head as it was happening right now at Canterlot High. Drill Instructor Tracer called in Sombra to take Scootaloo. Sombra rushed in and picked up Scootaloo. "She's having a PTSD. I'm gonna take her to my office." "Can I come with you?" Silver Spoon asked. "Yes, she can use some friends right now. Tracer, call in Fleetfoot for me. Send the Razzle Dazzles to my office." "Will do Commander!" "Razzle Dazzles?" Silver Spoon questioned. "It's the trio you met yesterday and had a fun time at the mall." "Oh." Sombra carried Scootaloo out of the classroom and headed straight for his office. Silver Spoon followed Sombra. She then saw Adagio, Sonata, and Aria rushing towards Sombra's office. When everyone was in the office, they saw Scootaloo twitching a lot. She's fighting Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle about the whole Anon-A-Miss ordeal. How happy they were when Diamond Tiara was called out to be a murderer. How happy they were when other bullies were also being called out. To see them suffer for murdering Ember Light. Scootaloo also had a rough time with abandonment issues and the constant beatings from Gilda and Lightning Dust. Scootaloo's depression came back at the worse time. Scootaloo woke up and cried. Everyone hugged her. The pain hasn't left her yet as it clings on to Scootaloo. The second day at the Equestrian Military School wasn't pleasant to anyone. Scootaloo had to suffer a lot with her memories. She thought that she can move on with a new family and friends. However, the depression that clings on to Scootaloo made it worse. It somehow found a way to torment her. Was it a demonic force from the unknown. Was it karma for how she was part of Anon-A-Miss. No one really knew what was the cause here. Sombra could only think of the PTSD. It happens with soldiers all the time but for Scootaloo's case, it's more reasonable to believe that she can go through a tragic horror like that. Sombra hopes that this is only the first of few. Hoping that Scootaloo doesn't suffer as each day comes. Around the exact same time across the Globe, Discord is having a little meeting with Tirek about his mission for tonight. "I have eyes throughout Equestria in case there is someone fitting to be my apprentice. As you know, we've had a little setback thanks to Spitfire." "Yes my Lord of Chaos. What would you like for me to do?" "There is someone that is young enough but capable of the hatred to spread." Discord gave a folder to Tirek. After examining the folder he looked at Discord, "My Lord, it shall be done. You'll have your apprentice the very next day." "See to it Tirek and remember. Don't get caught." "Of course." Tirek boarded a jet that'll take him to Canterlot. It is now 5:30 in the afternoon. Scootaloo stayed in her room ever since she came back home. Sombra told everything that has happened today. She can only feel sadness. She made several attempts to have Scootaloo unlock her door to her room but to no avail. Sombra and Hope remained in the living room until Scootaloo either comes down or asks them to come up. After another half hour, Scootaloo finally came downstairs. Hope got up and ran towards Scootaloo. Hugging her and comforting her. Sombra could only watch from the couch. He knows what PTSD can do to some people. Scootaloo went up to Sombra. "I'm sorry for making you worry about my freak out earlier today...." "You have nothing to be sorry about Scoots. I know the pain you're going through. It's never easy at first but with the right people in your life, it'll become easier to overcome. I want you to relax for the rest of the day. Is that clear?" "Yes, dad." Sombra hugged Scootaloo. She then sits on the couch. Hope sat next to Scootaloo and enjoyed the peace and quiet. 2 hours later, Tirek is now hovering over the police station in Canterlot. He jumped out of the jet heading towards the backside. The jet then fired two missiles at an apartment nearby to draw the attention. As the missile made contact with the apartment, people in the surrounding area flee for their lives. The Jet flew towards the apartment and shot at the people below. Most of the police officers got into their cars and drove towards the scene. This allowed Tirek to come in as there were very few officers inside to make sure that the prisoners don't attempt to escape. Tirek used his AA-12 fully automatic shotgun to kill the remaining officers inside. The arsonist that helped burned down Scootaloo's house along with her mother saw Tirek heading near them. "Mister! Are you going to free us?!" Lightning Dust shouted. "You are not my target." Tirek headed towards the isolation cell. Diamond Tiara is still in bad shape but Tirek didn't care. He busts the door wide open terrorizing Diamond Tiara a bit. "Do you want out of this place and have a new life?" "Yes! Get me out of here! I don't want to stay locked up anymore!" Diamond Tiara pleaded. "Good. Then there is something else that you must answer." "Just say it!" "Would you like to get even with those who put you in here someday?" "Yes! I want to make sure those who hurt me and put me in here bleed slowly and miserably." "Congrats kid. You have your freedom." Tirek lifted Diamond Tiara out of her cell and walked out of it. When Diamond Tiara saw Lightning Dust, Gilda, Fido, Rover, and Spot, she had an idea. "Tirek, there is one thing I would like for you to do before we leave." "What is it, kid?" "Can you kill those punks that beat me down to a pulp over there?" The bullies in their cell quiver in fear. Hoping they don't die today. "Sure. It'll be my pleasure." Tirek shot and killed everyone in the cell. The screams of death were joyous for the two. Diamond Tiara felt happiness for the first time in a long time. As the police and Airforce showed up to take down the jet that brought Tirek, a stealth ship came and picked up the two heading back to Discord. New broke out of a terrorist attack. Scootaloo didn't see or heard of it as she was outside with Hope stargazing. Sombra saw the news and felt a cold chill that something achieved in Equestria. He didn't know what it was but now everyone can see that the dangers of Discord Regime are rising up. 6 hours later, Tirek returned to Discord with a banged up Diamond Tiara. He left Discord so he can have a private talk with Diamond Tiara. "You're probably wondering why you're seeing me? You're probably wondering why this is your new life. Well, I can explain all of that right now. I had eyes in Equestria for some time now. I need an apprentice with a hatred so vile it can spread throughout generations to come. After seeing the stunt you pulled and how well organized you put a crew up, I realized that you would be a perfect candidate for Commander of the Chaotic Regime. To start your new life, you will need time to heal. I understand that. When you are 100% your real training begins. Your new life begins and whatever your heart desire, you can have it." "Even if it means killing some friends of mine that left me and my family. Also, those who made me do it in the first place?" "Whatever floats your boat Diamond Tiara but that name is the old you. You'll need a new one for your new life" "Then what will my new name be?" "Diamond Doom shall be your new name." "Alright then, Diamond Doom it is." "Good. Judging from your injuries, you have at least a good 5 months to recover. My medical staff will help accelerate your healing process. Tirek! Escort Diamond Doom to her quarters." Tirek came back and escorted Diamond Doom to her room. There she saw everything about Discord. She even saw a tape and watched it. She saw how Speedy Bullet died. Knowing that this is Scootaloo's real father, she smiled at the misery that Scootaloo has to deal with as being an orphan. As Diamond Doom fell asleep, Scootaloo is already dreaming about her new family and friends which brought a smile to her face. The next day for Scootaloo will be a better one from today's incident. As for Diamond Doom, her new life and beginning start the next day with the healing process. She couldn't wait to see the horrors other people have to suffer from the tapes there are in her room. > Dragon Army vs Leopard Army! Hope's Newest Patient! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo got out of bed early. Her second day at Military School wasn't pleasant but couldn't wait for her third day to commence. She had a good feeling that her third day will be better. She headed downstairs and found Sombra working out. He's doing push-ups with 160 lbs on his back. Hope is getting breakfast ready. Scootaloo went passed Sombra not wanting to disturb his exercise and entered the kitchen. "I see someone is up bright and early." Hope smiled. "Oh, so you're finally noticing?" Sombra shouted in a mocking tone. "Not you. Scootaloo is up early." Scootaloo laughed a bit then Sombra stopped doing push-ups. "I made omelets for us to enjoy. Also, you won't be seeing me later today Scootaloo." "How come?" "Canterlot Hospital needs me to fill in for the next few days. They can't survive without me for a week due to my hidden ability that most doctors don't have." "Which is?" "I have a talent for healing purposes. I'm the only doctor thus far that can fix any injury whatsoever. I have the title as the Master Healer. Due to my prestigious title, I get to choose how many days off I'll need for coming in and fixing up the docs horrible mistakes in surgeries." "Your mother, Hope is the definition of hope for healing purposes. She can help those who are too heavily damaged when their bodies break down. She's the only one that can help someone who is handicapped to being normal again. She performed many surgeries that changed people's lives." "Oh great, now you are making me sound like a living legend. Thanks for showing off for me." Hope said mockingly. "You're welcome, sweetheart." Scootaloo, Hope, and Sombra ate their breakfast. They enjoyed the next hour as a family then Sombra drove Scootaloo to the Equestrian Military School. Outside of the school's entrance, Scootaloo saw Silver Spoon, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata waiting for her. Scootaloo approached them as Sombra entered inside to see today's chart of classes. "Hey, girls, what's up?" Scootaloo asked. "We have some good news for the two of you," Sonata said. "Yea, Sombra was nice enough to have Eagle Army trade us for three other soldiers from the Dragon Army. Woody, Dynamite, and Iron. We'll be part of the Dragon Army for the remainder of the school year." Aria stated. "That's awesome!" Scootaloo shouted. "It gets even better. Since now we're in the same army, we'll be able to practice more together but still, we've got to come up with a name for our group." Silver Spoon stated. "How about we each think of a name then discuss it during our lunch break," Adagio said. "Sounds good to us," the rest of the girls said at the same time. "Good. Let's check the boards and see what our class will be doing." Adagio said. The girls check on the boards in the school. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon were surprised to see one event for the Dragon Army. "Total War? What is that?" Silver Spoon asked. "Total War means that two armies of the academy will go through a series of tasks during battle before capturing the flag. Looks like we got Leopard Army. Second best in the academy. Salamander is number one as Dragon Army is third in the standings. Also, Total War is similar to Team Tacticals." "Sounds like fun," Scootaloo said proudly. "Think again, Total War is a place where fun goes to die," Adagio stated. "How come?" Silver Spoon questioned. "Total War is basically war but without killing. It takes all of us cadets' skills to a different level. Also, the training will be more serious. This is to show where we stand as a unit. If there are too many screw ups then the army that loses will have to far more difficult training that the academy has to offer. If there are no major mistakes by either team then we're good. However, the team that wins will have an extension on lunch break and less homework for the week," Aria stated. "Wow, we've better start planning a little. Please tell us what you know about Leopard Army." Scootaloo asked. The Dazzlings explained everything they could about Leopard Army. How they can sometimes cheat they're way through tough situations, how quick they are on foot for advancement operations, how diverse they are when it comes down to stealth. Leopard Army may be second best in the academy but they far exceed Salamander Army in tactical wins than Total Wars. Every battle can have some losses but the war must be won. Salamander Army is the only army undefeated in Total Wars. After all that was explained, the group started to jot some ideas for the possibilities of the Total War. They have 1 hour to plan before it begins. The other armies in the school have the option of going to their classes or witness the Total War unfold. Around that time when Sombra and Scootaloo were heading towards the academy, Hope drove towards Canterlot Hospital to take care of some business. As she went towards the locker room to change, her board clip and info for the patient was in front of her locker. As she examined through the paperwork, she knew who the patient was. She's not happy to assist but it's her sworn duty as a doctor to heal anyone who is not 100%. Hope made her way down the hallway and saw sleeping bags on the floor. She felt irritant that she has to deal with Scootaloo's former friend that ruined her family. She entered room 18 and saw Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie in the room visiting Sweetie Belle who's still sleeping in the bed. Rarity turned and saw Hope who looked displeased but stepped forward anyway to check on Sweetie Belle. "I'm guessing she couldn't handle the sort of punishment that was given to her when she ruined Scootaloo's life. Am I right?" Hope said with a little disgust on her tongue. "Hey, that's not nice to say from a doctor like you!" Rarity shouted. "Considering the fact that you're the ones who drove your sister into pure insanity from negligence. All she needed was to spend a little time with you and you ignored it. Good job to say the least." Hope said while examining Sweetie Belle's condition. "Are you supposed to be hopeful Doctor?" Rainbow questioned in an eerie tone. "You got jokes, don't you. Look, I wish I can be more relaxed about seeing all of you but it's because of her and Apple Bloom that Scootaloo no longer has her biological mother anymore. Also, the house she grew up in and her personal belonging burned down turning into ashes. If it weren't for Anon-A-Miss then you'll all be having a better life." Hope said checking Sweetie's pulse in her heart. Checking her lungs as well. "We've made our mistakes but that doesn't give you any right to condemn us!" Rainbow shouted fiercely. "Actually I can. One action always has a reaction that leads to consequences. Sombra told me what he heard, Chrysalis told me what she found, Celestia and Luna told me everything else that transpired. Now if you excuse me, I have to save a life from being destroyed by the hands of tainted family members." "Harsh!" Pinkie shouted. "It's the reality when the line is crossed. Thus far that line has already been crossed over by you and several students with hatred in their hearts. I'm surprised that a demon didn't come looking for you to feed on." The girls sweated a little just by hearing the word demon. They called Sunset Shimmer a demon in the accusation of Anon-A-Miss. Rarity and Applejack did witness a demonic possession just yesterday. Silenced reigned as Hope finished checking on Sweetie Belle. "Well, the good news is that her breathing is stabled but the bad news is, she's in a coma. It'll take time for her to wake up from devouring the pills she consumed." "What?! You can't be serious?! She's can't be in a coma!" Rarity shouted while grabbing Hope sides from her knees. "Sorry but her condition is far worse than any other patient I've seen when taking pills for suicide. Her emotional state, the heaviness of breathing and her body collapsing took a toll on her. I'll check her later today to see if the results are the same. Until then, visiting hours are still active but please, make sure that the other one doesn't commit suicide." Hope said as she left the room. "Other one? What does she mean?" Pinkie questioned. "Probably Apple Bloom. She is the main reason Anon-A-Miss was born in the first place. She has to endure mental trauma after seeing Scootaloo drop their friendship a while back." Fluttershy said quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear. Rainbow sighed. "I wonder how Scootaloo is doing." 45 minutes later, Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, Adagio, Sonata, and Aria met up with the rest of the Dragon Army. They devise a plan well organized to take down the Leopard Army. Connor and Rollin Thunda liked the idea along with the other cadets in the Dragon Army. "So it's settled, we counter their sneak attack with a booby trap. Then we counterattack their assault from the heights. We'll scope and navigate everyone into positions. They won't know what'll hit em." Adagio said. "I'll stand by and provide cover fire as you'll snipe," Connor said. "I should have no problem in redemption for obliterating the enemy," Rollin said. "Good. Then if all goes well, we'll emerge victoriously," Aria stated. The rest of the Dragon Army got up and marched the obstacle course. Apparently, with Scootaloo being the daughter of Speedy Bullet, all the other armies wanted to see if Scootaloo has any resemblance to Speedy Bullet's skills in combat, weaponry, and tactics. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon were amazed by how many armies wanting to watch this Total War. "Well, this is unexpected. Mostly the top armies would be watching but all of them. This is going to be harder than I thought." Aria said. "Listen up!" Sombra shouted. "Today's Total War will consist of 3 major battles. Stealth, Assualt, and Capture! The team with the most wins will advance in their standing. The losing team will take Sergeant Slaughter's obstacle course in the morning and afternoon for the next month! If either team play's the game and has little flaws, there won't be any penalty. Depending on the battle, I will explain the rules of the battle. If you don't listen then that tells us you aren't willing to take any command. When I speak, the entire school will be able to hear me so don't worry if you plan on going outside of the zone. Last but not least, take this seriously. This can be a real battle someday for all of you. Good luck Dragon Army! Good Luck Leopard Army!." Dragon Army and Leopard Army shook hands and went their separate ways as they prepare themselves for the first battle. They have 30 minutes to plan out for any possible event during the Total War. Fleetfoot and Sombra picked up the paintball weapons that both teams will be using for battle. Everyone on both sides of the army got the weapons they used during the shooting range. Rollin received a machine gun instead of the heavy machine. It'll help him with accuracy and precision. After the guns were given, Sergeant Slaughter handed Sombra a mic for him to talk. "Today's first battle will be an assault battle. Headshot is worth 10 points, body shot is worth 6 points, legs and arms are worth 3 points and feet are worth 1 point. The team with the most points will win. However, when you're hit, you have to keep moving no matter what. If you fall, trip over or have a miss footing, you are out of the game. Dragon Army's paint will be orange and Leopard's Army will be yellow. One more thing for assault is that both teams are forbidden to shoot inside of the school." Both teams went to their positions and waited until the countdown starts. Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, and Adagio decided to go on the roof of the to scope out any leopard heading their way. Connor is with them to provide cover fire in case some leopards decides to snipe on the rooftops. Both have Bluetooth radios to communicate with. Only 10 seconds until the assault battle can commence. Leopard Army already communicating with each other. 10 seconds later, a loud horn can be heard signaling both teams that the battle has started. Adagio already have 3 leopards heading west from Rollin, Damian, and Rain. "Watch it, 10 o'clock west from your position Rollin!" Adagio shouted into her mic. "Copy that," he nodded at the two and immediately shot at Griever, Ripper, and Pearl. They got hit hard as they were not expecting to get shot that quick. Rollin and the others went to another position as two more leopards ambushed them on the south side. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon shot the two leopards that ambushed them on the heads. Then Adagio, Silver, and Scootaloo ducked down to avoid being caught. "Chandler, Wilson, and Margaret. Check the rooftops for any snipers!" CJ commanded. They went inside of the of the school but remembered not to shoot inside of the school. It annoyed them a little but an order is an order. Chandler went up the stairs and found the entrance leading up to the rooftop. Chandler opened the door and was immediately shot by Connor. Chandler closed the door after getting hit in the head. "Freaking campers man," he complained as the other two were upset by this tactic. Then he messaged CJ." I saw two snipers and one gunner. They have planned out our assaults from the heights and can't get any closer without taking fire CJ." "Go for the human shield. Try to take out the gunner and the snipers the best way you can." CJ commanded. "Will do." After 5 seconds, Chandler dropped his weapon and spread his arms wide. Wilson opened the door and Connor shot immediately again. Chandler took the hit but Wilson and Margaret used Chandler to shoot down Adagio and Scootaloo. Silver Spoon wind up sneaking behind them, grabbing Chandler's weapon and shot both Wilson and Margaret. The two were made as they fell for an ambush. Connor, Scootaloo, and Adagio made their way off the rooftops. They found another way to snipe. Connor closed the door as Wilson and Margaret tried to shoot them but failed miserably as they were shot by Sonata who was hiding behind the trash cans. Chandler got mad and shot Sonata but winds up missing her. Sonata left the rooftops but now Chandler, Wilson, and Margaret have the advantage now. They are able to see everything that the Dragon Army is doing outside. Connor made sure that no one was following them as they entered a different room of the school where they can still see the Leopard Army. Scootaloo radioed everyone letting them know to watch out for the rooftops. Aria is down with the Dragon Army but has clear shots at the Leopards on the rooftops. Chandler and the other's don't have sniper rifles but they have their binoculars to see where the enemy will be at. As Wilson made himself wide open, Aria shot him. The paintball hits Wilson in the face as he fell back. Chandler decided to see where the other sniper came from but it was a bad decision. Aria shot him in the face as well. Margaret decided to leave the rooftops as Aria can see them plain as day from the ground. Connor stood by the door as he heard footsteps coming and heading towards their direction. Margaret was leading Chandler and Wilson out of the school and back to CJ. Adagio decided to stay and not make an attempt to head back to the rooftops. Most of the Dragon Army and Leopard Army are in the middle taking cover as they were shooting at each other. Aria noticed that no one is no longer on the rooftops so she decided to meet up with Heather and Damian. They decided to go around and flank the Leopards. Leaving them wide open for another attack. Rollin decided that he should create a diversion. He would be taking the hits but it'll allow Silver, Scoots, and Adagio to snipe them from their positions. Rollin went in the middle shooting like a happy triggered moron and he paid the price. The entire Leopard Army fully shot Rollin as Scootaloo, Silver, and Adagio shot most of the Leopard Army. Then Sonata found a different room and shot CJ from behind. Time is ticking as there is 1 minute left on the clock. Leopard Army was no matched against the Dragon Army. They even blamed the Dragon Army for having the Razzle Dazzles at the last second. It wasn't fair to them but at the end of the battle, Dragon Army won the battle. The armies of the academy half cheered and booed the two armies. Sombra and Fleetfoot collected all of the weapons from both teams. The clear winner is the Dragon Army as they have far less paint on them than Leopard Army. "Now we know for sure why they're called Leopard Army!" Rollin shouted as he pointed out all of the spots each of the Leopard cadets had on them. Some laughed while others didn't think the joke was all that funny. Sergeant Slaughter grabbed the mic. "Alright maggots! Listen up! Next battle will be a stealth battle. Objective, the two teams would have to sneak their way in the school to take down an enemy. Each cadet on both teams can only attack by sneaking up and chopping them on the necks. When the cadet gets chopped, he or she will have to play dead for the remaining of the stealth battle. There are no second chances, unlike the assault battle. Lieutenant Fleetfoot is the enemy to take down but be warned, she is not someone to mess with. In order to take her down, you need the element of surprise. That is the only hint you'll get in this battle. First team to take down the Fleetfoot without being caught by the guards in the surrounding area wins. Both teams will have 15 minutes to come up with a plan of action." This is an event that Leopard Army can win. They have the advantage in this battle as they are known for sneaking around. They should be calling themselves the Snake Army but they're not. Dragon Army is trying to figure out a way to handle the situation but time is not on their side for planning. Everyone in the Dragon Army agreed to play it by ear. Leopard Army already devised a plan to take down Fleetfoot. They have a plan to lure the guards away. They may not have guns but they have other means to grab their attention. "One more thing cadets, the school inside will be dark so use it to your advantage. That is all." Slaughter said as he and the other armies began the countdown. The Dragon Army and Leopard Army are divided into small groups throughout the school. As the horn went off, all groups from opposing teams went inside the school. Immediately, Silver Spoon and Sonata were caught for talking too loud. They are not out of the game. Wilson and Chandler made their way through down the hall. They saw an opposing guard making a turn. Chandler grabbed a rock from his pocket and threw it far away alerting the guard that someone else is nearby him. Chandler and Wilson went passed the guard unseen as she was walking towards the noise the rock made. Damian and Rain saw the guard and turned the other way. They entered a room and hid behind a desk. The guard went by and Damian chopped the guard. He fell and now is out of the stealth mission. Rain and Damian left the room. Time went by as most of the Dragon Army was being caught by the guards. Leopard Army threw the guards' attention towards them. CJ was mad that he got caught but saw his platoon went up the stairs as the guard paid attention to him. In his mind, he smiled but let out a frustration. Some of the other guards were taken down by Leopard Army. Adagio, Scootaloo, and Aria are left from the sniping unit in Dragon Army, Rollin and Connor are all that's left from the rest of the Dragon Army. Everyone else that wasn't caught by the guards was taken down by Leopard Army. Rollin and Connor wind up finding the room where Fleetfoot was in and backed up a little only to get chopped by Margaret and Garnet. Adagio found them and backed up a little alerting Aria and Scootaloo about incoming enemies. She observed as Garnet entered the room. She screamed as Fleetfoot took her down. "Nice try but you got to do better than that," Fleetfoot said now leaving the room. She accidentally punches Margaret from behind as her instincts told her to do so. "Sorry cadet. I have reflexes for a reason." Adagio had an idea but needed a distraction. Scootaloo got up and made her way down the hallway. She put up with her best fake PTSD. In her mind, she knew it was wrong but Sergeant Slaughter did say use the element of surprise. After a few moments, Scootaloo closed her eyes, covered her ears and screamed as loud as she could. This caught Fleetfoot by surprise and saw Scootaloo having an episode. She quickly ran towards Scootaloo but before Adagio and Aria can make a move, Wilson and Chandler both chopped Fleetfoot from behind. When Fleetfoot turned around and Scootaloo opened her eyes, she was quite angry that Leopard Army stole the win. "Hah! Little faker, that was a good try but thanks for the opportunity! Woo! Leopard Army ties the Total War Series!" Both Chandler and Wilson said high fiving each other. "Little...faker?" Fleetfoot turned around to see Scootaloo waving with a smile of embarrassment. "You little sneak." She radios both Sombra and Slaughter to let them know that Leopard Army wins. "Sorry for faking something that is serious but Slaughter told us to use the element of surprise. I thought maybe if you saw me like that, my teammates Adagio and Aria could have gotten a better opportunity to take you down." "Hey, it's no problem. That is a nasty trick up your sleeve and would have worked if it weren't for Leopard Army to steal the win. Right now, it's lunch hour so regroup with your team . Hopefully, you can return the favor to Leopard Army by winning the Total War." Fleetfoot guided the Leopard Army outside to celebrate for a moment with the crowd while the Dragon Army went towards the cafeteria. The armies outside like the last time booed and cheered for Leopard Army. Everyone else headed towards the cafeteria. Sombra, Slaughter, and Fleetfoot couldn't join because they were setting up the obstacle course outside for Capture the Flag. Around the exact moment of time when everyone is heading towards the cafeteria, Hope came back into room 18 to check on Sweetie Belle. The girls that stood by Sweetie Belle remained there. Not caring about missing school for the day. Hope couldn't make eye contact with any of them so she went on with checking Sweetie Belle. She still hasn't woke up from the coma. The girls remained silent not wanting to annoy Hope's work. When she opened the eyelids of Sweetie Belle, they were red. It didn't catch Hope off guard but for someone to be in a coma with eyes that are red, the only thing that can come into her mind is none other than two popped blood vessels. After checking on Sweetie Belle, Rarity decided to have a little chat with Hope. "Well, how is my Sweetie Belle?" "She has two popped blood vessels in her eyes. Never seen that happen to a person who's in a coma before." "What..?" "You're sister has two popped blood vessels in her eyes. As for everything else, she's fine but she won't be waking up any time soon." "Is there anything you can do for her?" "Yes. I can keep track of her symptoms every hour instead every few hours." Sweetie Belle then wakes up from her coma. She yawned and Hope went back to check on her as Rarity rushed over to Sweetie Belle. "Ugh...what happened?" Sweetie Belle asked. Unsure of what she's doing in a hospital. "Sweetie, last night, you tried killing yourself by taking pills. If it weren't for me, you would have passed." Rarity said now hugging her sister. "Sweetie Belle, the last time we've met weren't on good grounds. My name is Radiant Hope. Scootaloo's new mother. I am a Doctor here in Canterlot Hospital. The best of the best. Right now, you'll be here for the next several days as your breathing is alright for the time being." "How is Scootaloo?" "She's been better. That's all I can say to you." "Why is that? What's going on with her?" "Scootaloo wants nothing to do with you anymore. It is best for her to move on and that means for her to move on without you. Sorry but its better for Scootaloo like this." Sweetie Belle felt the rage inside growing. She wanted to know more about Scootaloo as she hasn't seen her since the week before the break. Her breathing became heavy as she laid back down on the bed. Hope check her heart monitor. It spiked out of control for a second before the numbers reduce back to normal. Hope sighs as the girls remained silent. "Is it really true that Scootalooo wants nothing to do with us anymore?" Rainbow asked. "Yes. Scootaloo has new friends now." "Can you tell Scoots that I'm sorry for everything?" "I can try even though she wants nothing to do with you." "Alright then. Thanks." Sweetie Belle sat up as and looked at everyone. She twitched a little. Hope saw her twitching so she checked on Sweetie Belle. "How are you feeling overall?" "Tired. I want to see my friend Scootaloo and apologize to her." "I can't let you go see her. She's in school right now and she'll have no intention of coming here even if I were to tell you that you're in a hospital." "I said, I want to see Scootaloo!" The room shook around as lights were flickering. Everyone in the room thought it was an earthquake but the alarms in the hospital weren't going off. "I want to see Scootaloo!" The shaking stopped as Sweetie Belle passed out. Hope didn't know what to do here. The room shaking on its own when Sweetie Belle wants something. It seems demonic in some cases but it has to be consequential. Hope decided to check Sweetie Belle and she's vastly asleep. "Would it be possible if I were to take Sweetie Belle home today and have a doctor check on her 4 times a day?" Rarity asked. "Yes. Just need to fill out some paperwork on that request and you should be good to go." "How long will I have to wait?" "2 hours at most. I have to start filling out. As I go and get the paperwork, another doctor will come by and inspect on Sweetie Belle." Hope left the room and headed towards the office to start writing forms. "Why did you asked about Sweetie Belle coming home?" Rainbow questioned with a concerned look. "I don't want anyone here to think that there are forces beyond our world that can have an effect in the hospital. I saw a demonic possession yesterday with Tree Hugger thanking Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. If the demon is here trying to make itself known, it worked. It is better to take her home and have Zecora handle Sweetie Belle in her current state." "Good call Rarity." Pinkie said. "I think I'll be going, girls. I want to stop by at the zoo and see if I can see Angel before visiting hours are up." "Alright Flutters, be safe," Rainbow said. "I will. See you, girls, later." Fluttershy left the hospital and took the bus heading towards the Canterlot Zoo. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash stayed with Sweetie Belle. Hoping to see if something out of this world may happen as she slept. 20 minutes ago in the Equestrian Military School, Adagio, Sonata, Aria, Scootaloo, and Silver Spoon sat together to discuss their team name before planning for Capture the Flag. "So, does anyone here has a name for our sniping team?" Adagio asked. "Well, Razzle Dazzles worked before. Why not keep the name?" Sonata said. "If we cannot come up with a name then we'll keep it. How does that sound?" Adagio stated. The girls nodded in agreement. "How about Eagle Eyes?" Silver Spoon said. "Eagle Eyes?" The rest of the group questioned. "It means that we see everything from above like the Eagles. They can soar through the landscape, they have superior eye vision and can detect an enemy on sight." "Wow, that was well thought out Silver Spoon, we'll add that name to the list." "I have nothing. I'm used to Razzle Dazzles." Aria said. "I have one," Scootaloo said. "How about Shooting Stars?" "Interesting name. Explain why you chose Shooting Stars Scoots." Adagio asked. "We're already the best sniping unit in the academy, Silver Spoon is known as the Silver Bullet, I'm the daughter of a Legend here and you 3 are amazing here. Already breaking new records. Basically the popular ones here in the academy. When we shoot, it's basically lights out." Changing the name from Razzle Dazzles to Shooting Stars sounds like a good name to everyone. Then they got out of their table and joined the rest of the Dragon Army to discuss a plan for Capture the Flag. Leopard Army already has their plan thought out. A loud thunderstorm erupted and rained heavily outside. Sombra, Slaughter, and Fleetfoot made their way to the cafeteria to make an announcement. "Due to the rain outside of the facility, Capture the Flag will commence within the school. Instead of paintball guns, you'll be using airsoft guns." Fleetfoot said. "Rules is simple. Hide your flag. 3 cadets protect the flag. Once it has been taken, you have to take it across the line to win. Since there is no line, the cafeteria will do. The team to make it into the cafeteria first wins. It's only 1 round. Sudden death. Good luck to both teams." Slaughter said saluting to everyone. "Capture the Flag will start in the next 35 minutes. Take the time to rethink your plan now that outside is off limits." Sombra said. The two armies groaned but dealt with it. They rearrange their plans and maneuvers. Trying to come up with ideas to exploit the other team. 35 minutes later, the two teams left the cafeteria. Sombra gave Leopard their yellow flag to protect. Fleetfoot gave Dragon their orange flag to protect. Then Leopard Army and Dragon Army went opposite ends of the school to place their flag. Dragon Army decided to play a nasty trick on Leopard Army. Rollin has an orange bandana and grabbed a pole to make a makeshift flag to fool Leopard Army for stealing a victory away from the Stealth Battle. Rollin, Heather, and Rain would be staying with the makeshift flag guarding it by Sombra's office. Connor, Damian, and Aria took the actual flag and hid it in a locker. Aria thought it'd be necessary to lock the locker while showing the presence of the flag to piss off Leopards. Leopard Army placed their flag near a trash can by the gym. Instead of 3 cadets guarding the flag, it'll be half of their army that'll be staying. They want payback for all the hits they have taken from the Assault Battle. For the armies of the academy that want to watch, drones will be flying all around the school so everyone could not only watch but observe their opponent for future Total Wars and Team Tactical. Sombra and Fleetfoot handed out weapons from the Assault Battle. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon would be guarding the actual flag with Connor and Damian. Aria headed back to Sonata and Adagio. They would be scouting with Brandon, Cube, and Parks. The horn went off signaling everyone that the battle has started. Both teams are now protecting their flags and scouting ahead. CJ went with Wilson and Chandler to search for the flags. Some of the Leopards decided to join them in providing cover fire in case they were to get ambushed. 10 minutes into the battle and both Leopard and Dragon armies are now shooting at each other. CJ told Wilson and Chandler to move on without him. They did so as CJ shot back at the Dragon Army. They were outnumbered but held their ground. Wilson and Chandler went towards a different room to climb out of the window and walk through the pouring rain to get to the other side of the hallway. From there, they went up the stairs undetected. Brandon, Cube, and Parks decided to check the gym as that would be the better place to put a flag. As they entered, Cube saw the flag behind the bleachers. As he kept his guard up, the other half of the Leopard Army that stood behind shot Cube as he got hit hard. "Retreat Cube! Retreat!" Brandon yelled. Cube ran back but he shut off the lights by accident. There was a loud groan in the gym. It was loud enough to pinpoint how many of them were in there. "Damn, that's a lot," Parks stated. "Can you girls be able to pinpoint their locations in the dark?" Cube asked. "Not with the lights off. We don't have night vision or a thermal imager scope." Adagio said. The guys groaned. Then Cube went back out the same way he did. He figured by retracing his steps, he can recreate the attack and see if he can get the lights back on. It didn't work but a lightning strike from outside the of gym gave little light to pinpoint the exact location of the Leopards. The gang used hand signals to alert Cube to return back to them. "Why you wanted me to come back?" "We saw our window of opportunity. When lightning comes down, Sonata, Aria and I can shoot down the Leopards. Getting their attention while you, Brandon and Parks retrieve the flag." "Sounds good. If the storm gets worse outside then we can't let that time go to waste." "Agree. Now get into positions Dragon Army. We have a flag to capture." "Yes, Ma'am!" During that time, Chandler and Wilson saw Rollin, Heather, and Rain protecting the flag. Margaret and Garnet came to Chandler and Wilson. They decided to go in blazing and take the flag by force. "Hey, I see movement," Rollin shouted. Heather and Rain now have their guard up. Waiting for an attack. Wilson and Margaret went blazing in shooting at Rollin, Heather, and Rain. Bad move for them as they were getting shot. Garnet decided to help Wilson and Margaret. Evening the odds in the shootout. Chandler snuck passed everyone and grabbed the flag. He ran out the door. Wilson and Garnet followed Chandler as Margaret provided cover fire. Rollin cursed out but as they were out of range, they were laughing. Adagio radios everyone who's not guarding the flag to come to the gym. 5 minutes later, half of the Dragon Army is now at the gym. The thunderstorm actually eased up so Cube turned on the lights and once again, he was fully shot by Leopards. Half of the Dragon Army saw and decided to use desks from different rooms as shields. Now that they have the desks, they entered and formed a barricade. The Leopards and Dragons are now having a shootout once more. Parks went with Brandon to retrieve the flag as Cube shot back at some Leopards. Once the flag has been taken, Leopard Army ran the other way trying to block all ways to the cafeteria as possible. Adagio took the flag and ran with it with. She decided to jump out of a window and headed towards the cafeteria by using the back door. Chandler ran and took a shortcut leading to the cafeteria. Adagio ran and opened the back door to the cafeteria. Everyone witnessed the action from the drones. The drones covered a lot of ground with all sorts of footages. Slaughter took the flag from Chandler and Fleetfoot took the flag from Adagio. They both gave the flags to Sombra to determine a winner. "You Dragon can never learn to fly, that is why you're always behind Leopards," Chandler said in a mocking tone. "Are you sure Leopard. I think Dragons can soar ahead than a Leopard could." Adagio said sitting on a chair with her legs and arms crossed. Dragon Army and Leopard Army returned to the cafeteria. The drones alerted them that Capture the Flag was over. Connor and Damian came to the cafeteria holding the actual flag behind their backs. They smiled and couldn't wait to see Leopard's reaction. "Dragon Army wins the Total War!" Sombra shouted. "What?! How is that possible Commander!" Chandler said. The Leopard Army fell into a state of shock after hearing that the Dragon Army won. "You're saying that because of Scootaloo being your daughter in Dragon Army! That is not fair Commander Sombra!" Sombra turned to the cadet. He is not happy for how he reacted and made a bogus claim. Chandler felt fear struck his very soul when Sombra approached him. Everyone in Leopard Army remained silent. Not wanting to see the shadow of fear Sombra uses on people. "First, everyone here is treated the same every time I come in. I have no favorites. Scootaloo is now my new daughter but I am not giving her any favoritism here in the academy. Second, Adagio brought the flag in first. You may have got here but this," he shoved the makeshift flag at Chandler, "isn't a flag that was given out. It's a bandana you little cheat. Third, never disrespect your Commanding Officer. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes...S-Sir," Chandler said shakingly. "Commander, if that's a bandana then what happened to the actual flag?" Wilson questioned. "We have it right here actually?" Connor said holding the flag. Eyes widen as Leopard Army couldn't believe that they had a better place to hide the flag. "Explain your method cadet," Sombra commanded. "With Pleasure sir. After Leopard Army stole our victory away from the Stealth Battle, we figure that we can trick em into taking that makeshift flag that belongs to Rollin Thunda. We took the actual flag but hid it inside of a locker. It's still visible to the naked eye but they would have to open the locker to take it out. They did not. The makeshift flag was hidden in your office. By having the enemy thinking they won, we used that to our advantage by having everyone lower their guard into thinking they were going to win. It allowed us to gain the upper advantage and thus, we won the Total War, sir." "Good work Dragon Army, you are dismissed for the day as you've won the Total War. As for Leopard Army now that the thunderstorm is easing up, get ready to do some laps with Sergeant Slaughter." Leopard Army turned to see a sinister smiling Sergeant Slaughter ready to punish the army for losing the Total War. The other armies that witnessed the Total War were sent home. After seeing what Dragon Army can do with their newest cadets made them rethink all their strategies for future Total Wars and Team Tactical. Sombra drove Scootaloo home while the others went to their dorms to rest for the rest of the day. An hour later, Hope returned to room 18 to tell Rarity that the paperwork has been filed up. All she has to do is write a signature then Sweetie Belle will be able to go home as she will be going to them instead for the remainder of the week. Rarity was hoping for a different doctor but she had to take what she gets. After signing her signature. Hope told Rarity that she'd be coming by tomorrow in the morning around 9:30. Rarity called Hondo to pick her and Sweetie Belle up. 15 minutes later, he came and took both girls back home. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash left the hospital. They were heading home. Hope went back to the locker room to change and call it a day at Canterlot Hospital. She drove back to the house and crashed on the couch. Not wanting to get up. Sombra thought it'd be nice to bring Hope some pizza after a long day at Canterlot Hospital. When he and Scootaloo entered the house, Hope was watching tv. She had a look that Sombra didn't like. Scootaloo relentlessly went up to Hope and hugged her. She returned the hug back and smiled. Sombra put the pizza in the kitchen and came back. "Hope, how was your day today?" "Very unpleasant." "Why is that?" "I saw familiar faces today in room 18 today." "Is it someone that I know?" "Yes and no. It's more like someone who knows Scootaloo very well." Hope said as she turned to look at Scootaloo. "Me? Who was in the hospital mom?" Hope sighed heavily. "Your former friend Sweetie Belle was in the hospital today Scootaloo." "Uh, why?" Scootaloo said without showing any emotion. "From my reports, she tried to commit suicide. I guess its the stress from Anon-A-Miss that get the best of her." "That and her sister neglecting her for months," Scootaloo said adding into Hope's report. "Yes. Also, Rainbow Dash wanted me to tell you she's sorry for a lot of things." "Fine but the damage has already been done. I really don't want anything to do with Rainbow Dash, her friends, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle. I want to move on with my life without them being any part of it ever again." "I know Scoots. I told them that but they wanted to send their apologies anyway. Also, Sweetie Belle wants to see you again." "Tell her that I don't exist in her life anymore. I'm done with her. I'm moving on so should she." "I'll tell Sweetie Belle those exact words. Now I need to speak with your father alone." "Alright then. I'm grabbing my two slices in the kitchen before I head upstairs." "That's fine with me." Scootaloo went into the kitchen. She grabbed a plate, put her two slices of pizza and headed upstairs. Now Hope has a chance to have a private conversation with Sombra. "What is it that you have to tell me, Hope?" "Something weird happened in the room. When I told Sweetie Belle that she couldn't see Scootaloo, her tone became hostile. The room shook around. I believe she may be possessed by a demon. Also, I have to go and see Sweetie Belle at her household for the rest of the week." "You got to be kidding me. Not only you have to go to Scootaloo's former friends' house but have to deal with a possible demonic possession. You need help if that is the case." "I know. I never dealt with any demonic forces before." "I know someone who handles with demonic possession. I've met her years ago before seeing you the for the first. Her name is Zecora. She is an expert on demonic forces. Also, there is one other person that I know of. He's known as The Demon Slayer. His actual name is Blaze. He can help you if you like." "I think I would prefer both just to be safe." "Alright. I'll message both of them in a few. Relax my love." Sombra kisses Hope. "I will. Thanks." Sombra headed upstairs to his room and called Zecora. She answered him and told him about her awareness of Sweetie Belle's little incident with a demonic possession. She is unable to help due to Tree Hugger's current state. When the demon took over her body, it also took something precious to Tree Hugger. Sombra hangs up the phone. "Well, some much for that," Sombra called Blaze who immediately picked up. "Somrba, what an honor for you to call. What's up?" "Look, man, I need your help with something important." "I'm all ears." "My wife Hope is going to help a young child name Sweetie Belle with her sickness. She believes that there is a demonic possession in the young girl. Could you provide back up in case something was to stir up trouble?" "Sure. I'll do. How long will this be?" "For the rest of the week." "Alright, you got yourself a deal under one condition." "Ugh, what is it?" "I'm staying at your house for the remainer of Hope's visit to Sweetie Belle's house. Then a bonus of three days." "Graah, fine. Just don't drink." "I'm not going to get drunk. Those days are over." "See you tomorrow." "Later." Sombra hung up the phone. He went back downstairs to tell Hope everything from the phone call. She was quite surprised to hear that Zecora has dealt with this and is unable to assist but was a bit happy to know that Blaze will be helping her. She became quite uncomfortable knowing that Blaze will be staying over for the next week and a half. An hour later, Sweetie Belle is vastly asleep in her room. Rarity stood in the room to make sure that Sweetie Belle doesn't attempt to commit suicide a second time on her watch. Sweetie Belle woke up from her slumber and saw Rarity. "Rarity, would it be alright if you were to hand me my laptop. There is something that I want to read." "Sure Sweetie Belle." Rarity got up and handed Sweetie Belle her laptop. "Thanks." "You're welcome. I see your quite better home than from that dreadful hospital." "Home just feels better you know." "Yea, I do know. I'll be sitting over there reading a book. If you need me, just holla." "I will Rarity." Rarity went to her chair and began to read a book. Sweetie Belle's eyes turned red and she went to a cryptic website where she can read all sorts of black magic. They are very different than in Equestria. There is also a pentagram where they said portals that reach the unknown existed. The demon enjoyed looking at the site as Rarity was reading her book. Sweetie Belle bookmarked the sites she visited. She gained some valuable knowledge about earth's black magic. It enlightens the demon very much as now he figured out a gateway to hell. Time is on his side. He closed the sites down and blinked twice allowing Sweetie Belle to gain control once more. The demon knew how much time to use without being detected. Sweetie Belle puts her laptop down and sat up for a while. An hour later, Scootaloo thought about her former friend's best memories. The fun they used to have before it all came to an end. Scootaloo wants to move on with her life. Not wanting to hold on to the past anymore. Even if it means drastic measures from Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and even Rainbow Dash. When that day comes, she'll be the assertive one and let them know she is done with them. She has a new group to call friends. A new school and a new family. One that won't be taken away by an internet mishap and hateful emotions. Sombra and Hope came to check on Scootaloo. They saw a little sadness in her eyes so they decided to stay with her for a while. The rest of the night went by having fun. Playing some console games and board games. They had good laughs and Scootaloo's mood lighten up for the better. Hope's mood-lit up slightly. She still doesn't want to go through with helping Sweetie Belle and dealing with a possible demonic force but she has to as a Doctor but she now has someone to look after her in case a demon does make itself known. Blaze will be there to help out when it's needed. Blaze is home preparing for anything that may happen tomorrow. He packed up his weapons and tools to use against the demon. As a Demon Slayer, he knows how to show no mercy because demon lies all the time. They do tell some truths but they mostly lie all the time. Blaze got up and looked at the sky. "Have a good night sleep you demon. Tomorrow, you'll be dealing with me as I will end you once and for all." The demon inside of Sweetie Belle heard a familiar voice. He was not ready to deal with him yet. He's still stronger but not at his strongest point. "I like to see you try little man. You are no match for me. There is nothing you can do to stop me." The demon rests as Sweetie Belle was wide awake. Unable to sleep. She questions why though but brushed it aside. She grabbed her laptop and began to look back on memories on MyStable. Tomorrow, everything will change for everyone. Things are about to get worse. No one could have predicted how dangerous the demon really is. > Blaze's Arrival! Team Tactical! Investigation! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today is the day that Blaze will be heading over to the home of Sombra and Hope for the next week and a half. Sombra didn't like the fact that Blaze will be staying over but for something that is demonic, Blaze's family has a history of defeating the toughest demons known to man. Blaze comes from a bloodline of Demon Slaying since the medieval times. His sword has holy properties that can burn and hurt the demon into submission. Blaze can perform exorcisms without the bible which terrifies other demons in the world. Blaze is now in front of Sombra's house. It is 5:30 in the morning. He knocked once and that's all it took for Sombra to open the door. "Hello, my friend, please come in." Blaze entered the household with his belongings as Sombra escorted Blaze into a guest room near the back. He and Sombra sat down on the chairs in the room. "Blaze," Sombra took a deep sigh as he felt uncomfortable knowing that Scootaloo will see him some point later today. "I want you to know that I have a daughter. Her name is Scootaloo. I want you to stay away from her when dealing with the demonic situations for today. Right now, she has her own demons to conquer." "I understand Sombra. Know that if something, in theory, does come up, I'll have to ask her some things that are more pivotal. Do you understand that?" "Yes. I understand my friend." Sombra got up. "Just hope it doesn't happen at all." "Of course King Sombra." "Graaah, I told you to stop calling me king!" Blaze chuckles as he left the household and went on towards the library. Hours later, Hope and Blaze were on their way towards Sweetie Belle's house to check up on her. Sombra and Scootaloo headed off to the Equestrian Military School. "Hey, dad?" "Yes, Scootaloo" "Since Silver Spoon and I arrived at the school earlier in the week and there is no Team Tactical, what would happen with my classes and unit?" "Team Tactical is still in effect. You and Silver Bullet would not be participating this week. The Razzle Dazzles will be joining you so they can tell you how Team Tactical works. Also, to give you an idea for future Team Tacticals." "Alright, dad, thanks for letting me know." "Of course, Scoots. This Tuesday coming up will be your first." "Dad?" "Yes?" "What would you be doing for today?" "Observe the armies in Team Tactical. I won't be joining you, Silver Bullet, and the Razzle Dazzles. During lunchtime, yes but during Team Tactical, no." "Ok, dad." Sombra drove his truck into the parking lot. He went off in a different direction of the school as Silver Spoon and Aria meet up with Scootaloo. They took her to the cafeteria for breakfast. "So Aria, where is Adagio and Sonata?" Scootaloo asked. "They're with the Dragon Army getting ready for Team Tactical today. They missed last week's session due to illness so they have to make up the time. I'll be telling you and Silver Spoon about Team Tactical for the day." "So, uh, what would they be doing with possibly Connor and Rollin Thunda?" Silver Spoon asked. "More likely close quarters teamwork. If sniping is not on their agenda then it's close quarters. They do allow us to use hand-to-hand combat on the fields. We're just not allowed to kill anyone or else risk being expelled." "Wow..." Both Scootaloo and Silver Spoon said. Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, and Aria finished eating their breakfast and headed outside towards the bleachers. Salamander Army is sitting by the bleachers. "Hey, Johnny Rocket, what is Salamander Army doing up here? Aren't you guys supposed to be engaging in Team Tactical today?" Aria asked. "You kidding me after we scorched Eagle Army and Lizard Army in our Total War last week, we received a day off from this event. Giving us the advantage to see how bad your new army plays out." Johnny sees Scootaloo. "No offense to you Scoots but you're in the wrong Army. Dragon Army is weak. I should ask Commander Sombra to trade our weakest link for you." "Excuse me?" Scootaloo questioned. "Your excused Scoots." Johnny laughs but winds up getting shot with a bb pellet. "Ah dammit!" Johnny looks and saw Adagio and Sonata smiling and waving. "You'll regret that next week in Total War Bitches of the West!" Aria got mad and sucker punched Johnny in the face causing him to fall back. "Never mock my sisters, you punk ass bitch. We will see you next week crying like the bitch you are when your mother took your pacifier away." Aria got up and escorted Scootaloo and Silver Spoon far away from Johnny and the rest of the Salamander Army. "What was that guy's problem?" Scootaloo asked while looking at Aria. "That was Johnny Rocket, the biggest loudmouth jerk you'll hear throughout the school. He's the commander of the Salamander Army which is why his team is undefeated in Total War. His army sucks which is why they have the lower record in Team Tactical but due to their winning streak in Total War, they can skip Team Tactical and strategize on their next target. Now that he sees Adagio, Sonata and myself joining Dragon Army, he needs to renew his strategies to take us down but now that we have the best sniping unit, we'll be able to shut him up once and for all." "I hope so, I would love to shoot his ass with my sniper." Silver Spoon said. "Same here for calling out the Shooting Stars like that." 10 minutes later, Sergeant Slaughter and Lieutenant Fleetfoot came outside and gave the orders to both Dragon Army, Hawk Army, Lizard Army, and Bull Army about their objectives for today's Team Tactical. Adagio and Sonata got Rollin Thunda and Connor together to discuss their plan for taking out the other armies. Salamander army watched but didn't bother of engaging to see who'll come out on top. It doesn't really matter to them. Just looking out and finding new ways to counter the army's strategies. A loud horn was blown and all armies went their separate ways. "Where are they going?" "Into the fields Scootaloo. It's a bit of stealth and close quarters first. Depending on the objective. Could be similar to the Stealth Mission we worked with against Leopard Army." "Before they stole the win from us." "Yea, Silver Spoon. Those Leopards are snakes." "That they are. Still, it surprises me that the army never changed its name. Oh well." "So, Aria, how many battles will commence for Team Tactical?" "Normally it's five but due to having 4 armies participating, it's more likely 3 battles for today. It's a free-for-all Team Tactical so based on the points each team scores will determine the winner." "Points?" "Yes, Scoots. Ranking points to be more precise. The team that comes in first place gains 4 points. The second team gains 3 points and the last two teams gain no points whatsoever." "How come?" "It's Sergeant Slaughter's method for pushing armies to engage more. They keep a close eye on every army based on their movement and thinking. No army slacks off otherwise they get a heinous penalty for being lazy." "What is the penalty for being lazy Aria?" "50 laps around the track, 100 push-ups, curl-ups, and pull-ups." Eyes widen in horror for Scootaloo and Silver Spoon. "Have your army ever...." "Yes, Silver Spoon. Eagle Army was caught for being lazy thus we got the penalty not once but three times. It was brutal." "Yikes." "Yea, well, now that I'm with Dragon Army, I don't have to worry about it. Dragon Army is loyal, hardworking and an actual team when facing the most difficult battles throughout the school year. We're in good hands. Also, Adagio and Sonata are kicking Hawks and Bull's asses in hand-to-hand combat." Sonata and Adagio are taking down cadets left and right. They are not doing so well. Apparently, Sonata and Adagio are pressure point specialist. They are overwhelming them. As for the Lizard army, they remained hidden during the fight. Sergeant Slaughter blows his horn signaling the armies that the battle is over. Sonata and Adagio walked out with the Dragon Army like it was nothing. Lizard Army came out of the bushes and followed the Dragon Army. Hawk Army and Bull Army dragged themselves out of the fields. It looked like zombies were crawling, trying to get up and walk. "Oh damn...Look at them." "Lizard Army are cowards. They always hide when things are tough." "How can you be certain about that Aria?" "Simple Scoots, they hide during the fights until one team is remaining. Then they ambush the tired army. That's how they win their battles but sometimes, it cost them to win the war." "Wow. Here I thought they can get away by and steal the victory just like Leopard Army has done." "Yea, well, Leopard Army puts in the work. Lizard Army doesn't. It's a darn shame too. If it weren't for that tactic, Salamander Army would be 4th easily." "What was that Bitch of the West?!" Johnny Rocket shouted as he overheard about his army. "You heard me, dickhead. Are you deaf or something?." Johnny got up and left the bleachers. He and his Army went with him back inside the school. "Wow, send him running as well. He must be scared." "He's a pussy. What do you expect from loudmouth jerks?" "To be cowards in disguise I guess." Adagio and Sonata came to Aria, Silver Spoon, and Scootaloo. "Enjoyed the view?" Sonata said. Silver Spoon and Scootaloo nodded in agreement. "I think they saw what we can do to those other cadets." "For sure. The way the other two armies came out of the forest terrified them." Aria said. "So, is Dragon Army in the lead?" Silver Spoon asked. "Yes, Silver Spoon. Dragon Army takes the lead in Team Tactical. Next battle is Take the Fort." Adagio said. "So what's that like?" "Goes down like this. The two top armies such as Dragon Army and Lizard Army will be teaming up vs Bull Army and Hawk Army. The two sides are given a fort to control. Within each fort, there is a flagpole. The first side to raise their flag on enemy territory signifies victory." Adagio said. "Also, instead of airsoft guns, we're using customized paintball guns. Kinda like capture the flag but on different grounds." Sonata said. "That's cool." "Sure is Silver Bullet. Luckily for us, that battle is in the next hour. We have a break till then." "Sweet." The Shooting Stars headed inside the school to regroup with Dragon Army and discuss with Lizard Army about the upcoming battle between Hawk Army and Bull army. Sombra came by and noticed something in which Sergeant Slaughter did not. Sombra and Slaughter remained outside to have a discussion about today's first battle. "Slaughter." "Yes, Commander Sombra." "Did you noticed anything about Lizard Army in today's battle?" "Yes, Commander. They were hiding like cowards again sir." "You think of it as hiding but I think you're condemning on the army." "Pardon me, Commander." "Lizard Army was treating today's battle like it's a stealth mission. Am I wrong Slaughter." "Yes...I mean...No....Uh....." "Lizard Army are not cowards as you think they are. They waiting until the time is right for them to strike." "Well, Commander, any army can do that, Sir." "You're right Slaughter but have you've seen an army that has the patience to wait it out for long periods of time?" "No, Sir but the point is that all armies needed to not only be stealthy but be ready for combat. Lizard Army has not had any hand-to-hand combat in nearly three months, sir." "Why is that Slaughter?" "You know the reason Commander, time restraint." "So with what you witnessed from Lizard Army, you can't see the potential they have against all other armies?" "No, Sir. Lizard Army is not capable of passing with their scores as of late." "Slaughter. You are not seeing the bigger picture as I do." "Commander Sombra, what are you seeing from Lizard Army?" "The next Equestrian Special Forces." Silenced reign for a few moments. Sergeant Slaughter has forgotten about the Equestrian Special Forces. They are used to handling more difficult tasks, especially for stealth missions. Sergeant Slaughter realized how blind he is for not realizing Lizard Army sooner. "Slaughter, I want you and Fleetfoot to give Lizard Army more stealth Team Tacticals for the next two months. Test on their abilities instead of the strengths of every army but them." "Yes, Commander. My apologies for being blind sir." "Apologies accepted my friend. Now, help me set up the forts for the two sides. Things are going to be heated up soon." "Yes, Commander." Around the same time as Sombra and Slaughter were setting up the two forts, Blaze left Rarity's household. He's pissed that Hondo was in his way when confronting the possessed Sweetie Belle. Hondo took a cab and headed towards the library. He needed to read what Sweetie Belle bookmarked. The websites that he looked on were the same old nonsense he's used to seeing. Rituals, animal sacrifices, human sacrifices, pentagrams. Demons love to try and bring misery upon everything that has light. After checking out the last website that was bookmarked frightened Blaze. He found out about the Archfiend Ritual. Archfiends are more corrupted than any other demon in hell. After reading about the first few stages, the website crashed. The laptop is hacked as FBI sent a warning about visiting a dark website. It didn't bother Blaze but one thing he has to do now is mentally preparing to see Apple Bloom and hope that she is not possessed. Blaze left the library and threw out the laptop as it is no longer needed and took a cab back to Sombra and Hope's house. As he got, Hope is home and trying to ease today's mishap at Rarity's house. Blaze entered the household and sat on a chair near Hope in the living room. Silence reign until Blaze spoke. "How are you holding up Hope?" "I guess you can say I'm in the middle. With Discord out there plus demons, I think we all are going to hell..." "Well, Discord is an ass but he'll be taken down before you know it. As for the demon you saw within Sweetie Belle, sorry you had to see that." Hope covered herself as she remembers seeing Sweetie Belle walking on all fours in a demented disturbing way. She shudders herself, hoping to forget what she witnessed for today. "Never easy at first until you get used to it. At least you will never see anything like it unless you are watching a movie." "Yea..." "Hope, there is something that I'll have to do later today if my theory is correct." "Please don't. I don't want my daughter getting involved with this. She's been through enough." "I understand but for me to complete my work, I will have to question her. I need all the answers I can find in order to solve this case. Even if it means for her to relive some horrible memories, it'll be worth it at the end of this madness." Hope sighs. "Better hope your theory is wrong." Hope headed upstairs to her bedroom to take a nap. Blaze headed towards the guest room and laid on his bed for a while. As he closed his eyes, all he can think of is kicking Hondo's teeth down his throat for allowing a demon to get away, 35 minutes later, the second battle is about to commence. Bull and Hawk Army are in discussion on how to take down Dragon Army mostly since Lizard Army doesn't really do anything. Dragon Army and Lizard army came to an agreement to take down the fort. Sombra, Fleetfoot, and Slaughter came to give each cadet their gun. "Alright maggots!" Slaughter yelled into the megaphone. All the armies turn their attention to Slaughter. "The task is simple. Take the enemy fort by raising your flag in enemy territory. You have 90 minutes to complete this task." "Sergeant" Sombra gave Slaughter a slight look of the Shadow of Fear. "Excuse me...I meant to say the first team to complete the task is the winner. No time restraint whatsoever..." Sombra left and headed towards the observation booth. Fleetfoot stayed as Slaughter went with Sombra. She sounded the alarm and headed towards the observation booth. Dragon Army and Bull Army shot at each as Lizard Army are getting themselves ready to take down the fort. "Excuse me Commander Sombra." Aria said. "What is it Aria?" "Would it be alright if Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, and I stay here with you in the observation booth." "Permission granted cadet." Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, Aria stayed with Sombra and Slaughter. "Scootaloo? What you think Team Tactical so far?" "It's similar to Total War. One thing I wasn't expecting is two different armies working together dad." "It's Commander to you, cadet." "My apologies da...Commander." "Apologies, accepted. What's your intake on Lizard Army cadets?" "Easy Commander, Lizard Army are cowards." "From what Aria said Commander, I want to say they are sir." Silver Spoon said. "I think they hide until the time is right to strike sir." "Hmm...Only Scootaloo has the mindset of Lizard Army." "What?!" Aria shouted. "Before, you question me, cadet, let me save your breath." Scootaloo looked at Sombra. "Lizard Army has a different mindset than any other army within the school. Sure, at first they seem like cowards but that's because Slaughter has a time limit. For this Team Tactical, there is no time limit and therefore, Lizard Army can finally show their true potential. Watch and witness what Lizard Army is really about. You'll learn something." Silver Spoon, Scootaloo, Aria, Sombra, and Slaughter watched as they see Lizard Army getting prepared while Hawk, Bull, and Dragon Army are shooting at each other. Moments before Fleetfoot sounded the alarm, Lizard Army and Dragon Army were in discussion. "Alright, now that we understand your tactic Lizard Army, how are you going to infiltrate Bull and Hawk Army's fort?" "Simple Adagio, Mara, Lucy and I will lead the first stealth team in the front while Kate, Jade, and Joel the second team from behind. They have a longer path but with no time limit, we can easily sneak in and take down the fort. We just need cover fire from you to grab their attention. Some of us Lizards will remain here guarding the flagpole in case they come in." Kara said. "Excellent, and forgive us for calling you cowards for the last few months. We didn't know exactly what you were really capable of." "Apologies accepted my friend. From this day on, Lizards and Dragons are now allies." Joel said. Everyone cheered. "Just make sure that the Bulls and Hawks get splattered with paintballs for us." "Will do Joel. Dragon Army!" They rise with Adagio. "Let's show these armies what Dragon Army is truly capable of!" Dragon Army roared like dragons as best as they could. They went to their positions in and outside of the fort. "Get ready Connor! Get ready Rollin! It's time to light it up!" "RIght Sonata!" Both Connor and Rollin said at the same time. Fleetfoot sounds the alarm. Bull Army charged at Dragon Army and shot at them. It's a back and forth shootout between Bull Army and Dragon Army outside as Hawk Army came out from behind and try to move with Bull Army. They provided cover fire for Bull Army as they make there way close. "Fools," Kara said. "They'll be in for a surprise." Kara, Mara, and Lucy divided their squad into pairs of three. They crawled in their ghillie suits as both Bull and Hawk Army didn't recognize them moving. They were moving slowly so they don't get spotted or trip either army up. As some of Bull and Hawk cadets fell back a little by Dragon Army's forces, Joel, Jade, and Kate were deep in the forest area. Like many times when they had their run in the forest during a time limit, no other army or cadet were in there. "So far, so good Kate and Joel. No other army or cadet is here. Given with a no time limit, taking down the Bull and Hawk's fort will be easy." "Nothing is ever easy Jade but today, every army will know that Lizard Army is an Army you should not sleep on." "Let's keep moving. We don't want to keep them waiting." "Right." Kate and Jade nodded as they lead their squad. Sombra smiled as the drone picked up the action. Slaughter is amazed by Lizard Army's tactics. "Commander Sombra, you were right about Lizard Army. Bull and Hawk Army can't even see them moving on the grounds sir!" "There's more to it than that Slaughter. Lizard Army is not only on the grounds moving but using the area as well. Joel, Jade, Kate, and their squads are leading an attack on the back end of the fort." "I feel ashamed for mocking them for being cowards when in disguise, they were brilliant." "You should be ashamed, Sergeant. All armies within the school are special in their own way. You should never condemn an army for being different from any other army. That is how we, ourselves, are defeated from within." "Yes, Commander. My apologies, Commander Sombra." "Apologies accepted, Sergeant. Don't fail me again." Aria, Scootaloo, and Silver Spoon are amazed by what Lizard army is capable of. No one can see them. Bull and Hawk Army are unable to see them moving on the ground as they moved forward. "How can you idiots not see them moving!" Aria shouted. "They're right there! Easy targets!" "So, Aria, which Army are you rooting for?" Sombra asked with a smile on his face. Aria blushed as she realized she was rooting for the opposing army to shoot at Lizard Army. Silver Spoon and Scootaloo laughed. Sombra couldn't help but chuckle at the situation. "Commander! Look!" Slaughter yelled. Sombra looked and sees Jade and Kate entered the fort from the back as Joel climbed up on the fort. "Hmm, wonder why he's climbing up." The drone got a bit closer to him and Sombra saw why he was climbing up. "He has the flag." Eyes widen for Slaughter, Aria, Scootaloo, and Silver Spoon. A few seconds later. "Dammit! Dragon Army just won't go down." Decker said. "Don't worry Decker, it's only a matter of time before they run out of paintballs. Then we can barge right in, have a little rematch with those pressure point gals and their army." Travis said. "Finally, we can score a victory and tie with both Dragon Army and Lazy Army," Mitchell said. Hawk and Bull Army had a good laugh. This enraged Kara. Mara and Lucy and they decided to let their squads move forward and ambush Hawk and Bull army out in the open. Cherry takes the lead for the squads as they crawled towards the fort. They are within reaching distance as they crawled. Kate and Jade opened the doors for them to come in. "Three," Kara said. "Two," Lucy said. "One," Mara said. "Now!" All three shouted and stood up behind both Bull and Hawk armies. Bull and Hawk Army looked and were blasted by the Trio Triplets. As they made themselves known behind the enemy, Some of Hawk and Bull forces that were left behind in the fort shot at the Trio Triplets. This gave the distraction Joel needed as he sneaks in. Kate and Jade shot squads shot Bull and Hawk forces from the lower grounds of the fort. Cherry and her squad came upstairs making loud noises to draw the other cadets towards them. Joel came in and pulls down Hawks and Bulls' flag. He removed it and raised his and Dragon's flag while the shooting is happening outside and inside of the battlefield. "Amazing, isn't it Slaughter?" "I have no comment, Commander. I'll go down and sound the alarm." "While you at it, tell the armies that this is last Team Tactical." "Why, Commander?" "It's past lunch hour. Also, I want them to rethink their strategies for Tuesday's Team Tactical. Today is an observation for our newest cadets. They have seen enough." "Understood, Commander." Sergeant Slaughter left the observation booth and headed towards the forts. He sounded the alarm that the battle is over. Dragon Army, Bull Army, and Hawk Army will never ever underestimate Lizard Army. He and Fleetfoot took the paintball guns away from the cadets. Lizard Army and Dragon Army met with each other. Saluting to one another as Bull and Hawk Army took the walk of shame. "Alright, maggots! Commander Sombra is waving off Team Tactical for today. Winning Army is Dragon Army. Follow-up is the Lizard Army. Losing Armies are both Hawk and Bull. Rethink on what you learned today! No more shutting down an army for their true potential! All of you, go down to the cafeteria! Dismissed!!!" All four armies headed down to the cafeteria. Sombra, Aria, Silver Spoon, and Scootaloo met up with both Dragon and Lizard Army. "Enjoyed the view, Commander?" "Yes, Joel. You Lizards are something." "Thank you for the no time limit, Commander Sombra," Kate said. "You're welcome, cadet. I knew you all have hidden potential and without a timer, you'll excel. I know exactly where Lizard will fit in the most in the Equestrian Armed Forces." "Where, Commander?" Jade asked. "The Equestrian Speical Forces." Eyes widen for the Lizard Army. "You have the mindset of them. You work things like how they would. There is no denying the truth cadets. When graduation year comes up, I'll let all of you come forth into the Equestrian Special Forces. From there, you'll be a great use to them and for our nation." "I speak for the Lizard Army as a whole. Thank you, Commander Sombra." Joel and the entire Lizard Army saluted to Commander Sombra. "You earned it. All of you. Now let's get moving." In the cafeteria, Dragon Army decided to merge their tables with Lizard Army and get to know each other better. Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Silver Spoon, Scootaloo, and Sombra sat at their table. Sombra got up to grab a big tray for the six of them. "Wow, I can't believe that Lizard Army is that good. They can give Salamander a run for their money." Scootaloo said. "Well, only if there is no time limit. Most of the time, there is a time limit and Salamander Army is better under pressure than Lizard Army Scoots." Adagio said. "How are you and the others holding up from today's Team Tactical?" Silver Spoon asked. "Adagio and I are fine. Surprised by what the Lizards can really do. We were the only few Dragons that didn't get hit with paintballs as the others have." "So are there any other armies that have allies?" Silver Spoon asked. "Most armies within the school have allies. I think we are the first to have Lizard Army as an ally." Aria answered. "What about Salamander Army? Do they have any allies?" Scootaloo asked. "No, Johnny Rocket and his Salamander Army are good enough. They feel that other armies within the school are not compatible with them. Just a few selective cadets to join their army." "Like how he was hitting on me?" "Yes. Johnny feels by having the daughter of a legend within the school can make his army superior to all armies put together but there is no way Salamander Army will ever get their hands on you. You are a Dragon now." "Yea, and I can't wait to shoot him for the next Total War coming up." Sombra came back with two pies of pizza. "Seems that the school had order pizza. Everyone take your slice. After we eat, Dragon Army and Lizard Army are allowed to head home early as both Bull and Hawk have to stay in for extra hours. Helping the janitors clean up the academy here." "Wow, aren't we lucky right Scoots?" "Right, Silver Bullter." "Wrong." "Huh?" Both Scootaloo and Silver Spoon questioned. "Despite not participating in today's Team Tactical, never leave a soldier behind. If Dragon Army were to lose today, the same penalty applies to the both of you. Be glad that you aren't in Bulls and Hawks position." Scootaloo and Silver Spoon took a deep breath. They grabbed their slices and ate. 10 minutes later, Blaze has woken up from his nap. He grabbed his sword and supplies and he left the household. He noticed Sombra's motorbike and took it. He drove into town for a while. He looked around the area in hopes of finding where Sweetie Belle had possibly run off to. He checks abandoned buildings, haunted locations within the area and even an underground bunker with a horrific history. There weren't any signs of Sweetie Belle and her ritual presence. After an hour of searching throughout the town area for Sweetie Belle, it was obvious to him that she'll be at Sweet Apple Acres. It's the last place to go and possibly meet up with the creator of Anon-A-Miss. Blaze drove back to Sombra's house and parked the bike in the exact spot where he took it. Around the same time, Sombra drove up to the driveway with Scootaloo. Sombra was not happy to see Blaze at the moment with Scootaloo. "That idiot. Why now?" "Dad, are you alright?" "I'm fine. Just need to take care of something. Go inside, I'll catch up." "Alright, dad." Sombra parked the truck and Scootaloo ran inside of the house. "You alright, Sombra?" "Blaze, what are you doing? "What do you think I'm doing?" "Getting a drink." "You got jokes don't you Sombra." Sombra sighs. "What exactly are you doing?" "My job. I'm investigating the demon case. Right now, there is one on the loose." "What?" Sombra is now showing his Shadow of Fear look at Blaze. "Oh please, your Shadow of Fear doesn't work on me. There is a demon on the loose thanks to Hondo the dumbass father who allowed his possessed daughter to get away from me. Now that I know the full story on why a demon has resided with Sweetie Belle, I need to more about the Anon-A-Miss ordeal." "You will not ask my daughter about this!" "I'm gonna have to Sombra! It is my duty as a Demon Slayer to get the job done. Even if it makes some feel uncomfortable!" "My daughter has been through enough with the Anon-A-Miss ordeal. She has her demons to conquer. I refuse to allow you to talk to her about it." "Not enough if you ask me!" Sombra punches Blaze but Blaze caught his punch with his left hand. "You call me up for a reason. You understood earlier today that I have to what is necessary. I will carry on with this." Blaze dropped both his and Sombra fist. "I want my daughter to move. Not look back. She is trying to have a new life with her new family and friends." "I understand my friend, but to move forward, some things must be talked about in order to remove the pain of the past. Holding onto it, will come back and haunt you." Sombra sighs and looked at Blaze. "Fine. Allow me to be with you and my daughter for when she speaks. It'll be a heartbreaking moment for her to reflect on." "I understand and know that she'll be protected if a demon tries and to possess her. It'll have to go through me and you know that no demon has ever defeated me." "Give me a half hour to speak to my daughter about you. Then I'll bring to your room for questioning." "Thank you, my friend." "No problem. I'll see you in." Sombra entered his household and headed straight to Scootaloo's room while Blaze entered and headed straight to his room. Hope got up as she heard Sombra coming up the stairs. "Hey Sombra," Hope kisses him. "how's your day?" "It's alright but it's about to get serious in the next half hour." "Why is that love?" "Blaze is going to question Scootaloo about Anon-A-Miss." Hopes takes a deep breath. "I was hoping he doesn't. I could only assume from his investigation that the fate of the world is on the line." "What?!" Sombra shouted which caught Scootaloo's attention. "You have to be kidding me right! Please tell me your joking Hope!" Hope remained silenced. "Sweetie Belle is possessed and the demon bookmarked various sites about a ritual to bring all sorts of demons. Our best chance of Blaze succeeding is to allow him to do what is necessary even if it means having to see Scootaloo cry..." "Alright, I'll go talk to Scootaloo about this. I'll meet you down to his room." Hope kissed Sombra on his cheek and left the room. Sombra came out of the room and knocked on Scootaloo's door. "It's open dad." Sombra entered the room and saw Scootaloo in her pajamas. "Scootaloo, we need to talk." "Sure dad." Sombra took a deep breath as it won't be easy to explain. "You know that guy outside we saw today?" "Yea, what about him?" "He's a close friend of mine. Something did happen to Sweetie Belle and I have asked him to go with your mother. Apparently, Sweetie Belle is possessed by a demon. Blaze is a Demon Slayer. He's capable of handling the situation. Hondo accidentally helped the demon escaped and Rarity explained a lot about Anon-A-Miss and Blaze wants to talk about it." "No...I won't talk to him about Anon-A-Miss! I refuse to relive the tail of that demented life. I'm done with it!" "I know you are but," Sombra took another deep breath which Scootaloo noticed that he's being serious. "in order for this to be dealt with, he'll need to know what you know. Hopefully to prevent a demon from possessing you and that other child that started the Anon-A-Miss ordeal." Scootaloo is having problems breathing as her heartbeat pounded a bit faster. The idea of a demon possibly possessed her is a true nightmare. Tears streamed down her eyes as she accepted what Blaze will have to do. She accepted taking in the pain to prevent a demon from possessing her. "So...when will I have to talk to him...?" "Now." Sombra and Scootaloo went downstairs. Instead of meeting Blaze in his room, he is sitting in the living room with Hope. Scootaloo sat next to Hope and Sombra sat next to Scootaloo on the couch. He put his arm around Hope. Blaze grabbed a chair and sat down on the opposite end. "Hey Scootaloo, my name is Blaze and I have some questions to ask you." "Alright then, what's your first question?" "I know this is going to be unpleasant but trust me when I say this, you'll be happy at the end of this and be happier with who you have in your life." Scootaloo smiled weakly. "What was the purpose of Anon-A-Miss?" "To bring Rainbow Dash back into my life and ruin Sunset Shimmer's friendship with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. By having her friends turn on her, I can be with Rainbow Dash again. I missed her and was miserable with the constant bullying. Also, my depression was eating me alive." "Who was involved in Anon-A-Miss?" "Apple Bloom is the creator of Anon-A-Miss. My friend Sweetie Belle is the accomplice. Then I came as well but I didn't post anything on the internet. I couldn't and it didn't feel right with me." "Do you know why Apple Bloom created Anon-A-Miss in the first place?" "She wanted her sister back. Applejack spends more time with Sunset Shimmer than with her own sister. All Apple Bloom wanted is a sisterly day but was denied about it for weeks which turned into months." "Is that the same for Sweetie Belle?" "Yes. What got Sweetie Belle into being an accomplice with Apple Bloom was getting kicked out of a slumber party that happened in her house." "Really?" Blaze raised an eyebrow. "Yes. Rarity basically escorted her out of the slumber party after helping her and Pinkie set it up nicely. She did most of the work and was rewarded by getting kicked out." "Interesting to say the least. Quite sad when thinking about. The feel of betrayal. I can see why a demon would possess her." "You can?" "Yes. As a Demon Slayer myself, I understand the laws and technicality of a demon. They thrive on weak minded people, hatred within their hearts and finally, vengeance in their minds." "Then why isn't everyone possessed then?" "I'll tell you what. You're like King Sombra with the jokes." Sombra groaned at Blaze. Hope and Scootaloo couldn't help but laugh a little. "What's wrong with being King dad?" "For starters, no one likes someone being a smart ass." Blaze laughed. "And second, being king means being lazy and I am not lazy." "Anyways, demons only feed on the true hatred and vengeance of someone wanting to be gone for good. Out of their lives and ruin those who were with them." "Alright then, so what's your next question?" "Hmm, what happened during Anon-A-Miss reign of terror?" "Hell on Earth to be more precise. Everyone in school was either turning on each other, laughing at each other or hating at each other. Most of the school played the blame game and assumed that Sunset Shimmer was the culprit." "Why was Sunset Shimmer targeted?" "She has a history throughout Canterlot High before the Battle of the Bands. She was a bitch. Blackmailing everyone, getting other students to fear her including some of the teachers in the school. So by making an account with her colors on Mystable, we can have everyone assume that she is back to her antics." "Hmm, so what happened to Sunset Shimmer?" "Do you believe in magic?" "Yes. Magic does exist in our world. I have battled many demons so if there is magic that has a good purpose, I believe that all sorts of magic can take place. Why you ask?" Scootaloo said a brief summary about Princess Twilight Sparkle, the magic she brought and her taking that very magic right back. Scootaloo explained everything she can about the Fall Formal and the Battle of the Bands. She made sure that Sombra, Hope, and Blaze swore to not reveal anything she said about the sirens nor have any judgment on them as they are better now. "Very interesting Scootaloo. Mind if you show me the statue where the portal was. I want to see if I can feel anything?" "Sure but why the stature?" "Demons need a gateway and they can possibly use the statue as a power source." "Any more questions you have to say to Scootaloo, Blaze? "Yes Sombra, I have a few more. Scootaloo, what you did during your time with Anon-A-Miss?" "I stretched the truth about Sunset Shimmer and that's about it. I didn't partake in any action of putting things on the internet or anything. When Principal Celestia called my name to come into her office..." Tears started to stream down on Scootaloo a little. "She told me...that my dad passed away I..." Scootaloo began to cry and hugged into Hope as she missed her father Speedy Bullet very much. Blaze got up to get some tissues for Scootaloo. Sombra came close to hug Scootaloo. Blaze came back with some tissues for Scootaloo to use. After a good 10 minutes, Scootaloo calmed down a little and is ready to answer more questions Blaze have in mind. "Alright Blaze, I'm ready." "What happened next?" "I was told to take the rest of the week off. When my mom came and picked me up, I felt guilty for what I was doing. I called in Vice Principal Luna to inform her about my doing with Anon-A-Miss. She was a bit mad at me but can understand my sincere. She knows that I'm depressed and knows the struggle I was going through. I didn't tell her that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were involved. I was hoping that they can see the light as I have. I was dead wrong about that." "What did they do?" "They're the reason why my mom died and my house being scorched. Since they were caught, Diamond Tiara led a group of students into burning down my house. They wind up killing my mother and going to jail. Soon to be in prison. Anyway, the reason why I put the blame on Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle is due to the fact that they were smiling that Diamond Tiara and her crew were caught red-handed. It was like they were enjoying the torture of others so much. When they saw my face. When I was tearing up, everything changed. I changed. I gave them a lesson they won't forget as, from that point on, they are no longer my friends." "Good for you Scootaloo. I will say that you gave me good enough reason why demons will come after you three." "Three?!" Sombra and Hope shouted. "Yes, three. Now Scootaloo is heading in the right direction so chances are a demon will still show up but end up failing at possessing her. Also, I put enough salt in this household to prevent any spirits from coming in here." "Salt?" Scootaloo, Sombra, and Hope questioned. "Isn't salt used for cooking and eating?" "Yes but this salt I'm using has holy purposes. Anything that is evil will not be able to enter. They'll feel nothing but pain and agony. Never eat this salt." "Why not?" "You'll get sick and need to be hospitalized." "Alright then. Curiosity kills the cat." "That'll be enough questions. Sombra, can you give me a lift to the statue?" "Sure, Scootaloo, wanna come with us?" "Sure dad. Also, I can help Blaze find the statue." "Sounds good. Let's go." Blaze, Sombra, and Scootaloo went off to Canterlot High. Hope stayed and started making dinner for four. Along the way, Scootaloo started to have a nervous breakdown about visiting the school that was basically hell for her. Sombra and Blaze took noticed and Sombra dropped off Blaze a block away from the school. "The statue is in front of the school. You can't miss it unless you are blind." "Thanks, my friend. Hope everything is alright with Scootaloo. I'll be back at the house later today. After this, I'm going straight to Sweet Apple Acres." "Take care Blaze." "You too, King Sombra." Sombra flipped the finger at Blaze and drove back home. Blaze couldn't help but laugh. "Alright, where is that statue." Blaze walked towards the school and sees the statue. He senses powerful magic from the statue as he came closer to it. "Yea, there is a ton of magic power coming from this statue." Blaze touched the statue and his hand slide right through it. "Interesting. I thought Scootaloo said that the portal is shut down. It appears that this Princess Twilight Sparkle needs to destroy both portals and not just one." Blaze stick his head through the statue and saw things he never has seen before. A swirling vortex with stars in between. Blaze's sword absorbed the magic power within the portal a little. He also saw that his sword is creating rippling effects in which he pulled himself out of the portal. "Note to self, do not bring sword in here when I don't know what else the portal can do." Blazed looked around as no one was around. "Seems that if a demon were to come in here, they'll be imprisoning themselves. Also, the energy is too light and strong. They'll be ripped apart." Blaze looked at the time. "Better head off to Sweet Apple Acres." On the way to Sweet Apple Acres, Blaze is preparing himself mentally as he'll be inspecting Apple Bloom. Hoping that there won't be any demons possessing her. 20 minutes later, Blaze is in front of the Apple House. He knocked and Big Mac answered. "You must be Blaze that Rarity mentioned to Applejack." "Yes, may I come in?" "Sure, come on in." Blaze entered the household and immediately he felt the presence of another demon. The force is strong but remains quiet to see what kind of demon is possessing Apple Bloom. He sits down on a chair in the living room. "I'll get Apple Bloom." Applejack said. "Weirdo." Applejack knocked on Apple Bloom's door then peeped inside. "Sugarcube, what are you doing?" "I thought that I should do a little redecorating in my room." "Why red?" "It's the color for apples silly." Applejack had a cringed look on her face. A while ago she saw Apple Bloom in the break of violence and self-inflicting and now just acting as nothing has happened. "Something wrong sis?" Applejack shook her head. "Apple Bloom, we have a visitor and he would like to see you. " "Is it Sombra and did he brought Scootaloo with him." "No, but someone who may know her." "Alright, I'm coming down." Blaze stayed silent. He was meditating on the demon's next move. Applejack and Apple Bloom are now in the living room. The entire family is now present. Blaze opened his eyes. "So, this is Apple Bloom." "Yea, that's me. Why are you here and why you want to see me?" "You're friend Sweetie Belle is possessed by a demon known as Ne. I want to check and see if you are not possessed by one." "Why would I be possessed?" "Demons loves hatred more than anything else. They don't feed on love. Whatever love may be left inside someone is normally easy prey. You are the creator of Anon-A-Miss. Chances are, a stronger demon would come for you." "Wow, thanks for checking on me. Now I can get going." Apple Bloom rushed her way back upstairs. "Apple Bloom!" Blaze called out. "What is it?" "What are you doing?" "Hey, I asked you first, don't try to answer a question with another question." "You're hiding something." "I am not!" "Yes, you are. One thing that I've seen over the past 15 years of doing this, demons have their way to sneak out of a situation when things are troubling them." "What proof do you have?!" "You're eyes are mildly red. Behavior is different. No sane person can change that quickly" Apple Bloom glared at Blaze as he remained calm. Apple Bloom's eyes bother her a little which she used as a distraction. "My eyes are red because the blood vessels in them popped a little. I can't be here anymore and I want to be alone!" Apple Bloom stomped her way back up her room. Blaze didn't buy it one bit. He gave the Apple Family salt. He also explained to them that the salt has powerful properties when dealing with vicious forces such as demons. Then all of a sudden, Applejack felt sick to her stomach and winds up throwing up. Granny Smith and Big Mac shouted Applejack's name. Blaze texted 911 and gave them the location to pick up Applejack. As Blaze made his way up the stairs, he can feel a stronger presence unlike any other. He made his way into Apple Bloom's room and looked around. "Hey! That's breaking and entering!" Apple Bloom shouted. "I sensed something up here. I have my rights to investigate the situation at hand. I'll even give you my lawyer's number so she can talk things through to you." Blaze can feel all sorts of demonic activity in this single room alone. Thoroughly, he looked around and left the room as EMT's came in and took Applejack to the hospital. Granny Smith yelled to Apple Bloom that Big Mac is going with Applejack to the hospital. As Blaze left the household, he looked back. "You will see me again. When I come back, the Archfiend Ritual will be nothing more than a complete waste of time and effort. Then, I'll do what is necessary to rid you demons for good." Blaze called a cab and headed back to Sombra's house. Tomorrow he'll be on the lookout for phase four of the Archfiend Ritual. The heart of a child. Only then, everything else will fall in place to stop the evil from within... > Freedom Friday! Confrontations! Blaze's Takedown! Revealing the Truth! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is now 5:30 in the morning. Blaze is wide awake and knows what he has to do. Right before Sweetie Belle's laptop crashed, he managed to see the Archfiend Ritual and four out of 6 stages of the ritual. He tried looking on his laptop but the site is no longer there. Blaze will be in town later today to be on the lookout for either Sweetie Belle or Apple Bloom looking for a random child to sacrifice. As Blaze gathered what he needed for today, Sombra came down knocking. "It's open." Sombra entered the room. "Hey Blaze got a minute?" "Yea." "What are you planning now with your investigation?" "I have to take down the demon possessed kids before they bring something far worse to our world than what's Discord is bringing. I should be able to take them down later today or possibly tomorrow." "Alright then. Just one more thing." "What is it?" "Is Scootaloo gonna be any part of this?" "No, there is a strong possibility that Scootaloo would not be involved with this any longer. What happens today or tomorrow will be the end of it." "Thank you." "No problem. I'll see you around later tonight." Blaze left the room. He got into his car and drove into town. An hour later, Scootaloo is up and getting ready for today's school day. Hope is making breakfast in the kitchen. Sombra is heading towards the kitchen. "Morning Hope." "Morning Sombra." They kissed each other. "Had a good night sleep, dear?" "Not really due to yesterday's fiasco." "Figures." Sombra sat down on the chair in the kitchen. "Blaze will be gone for a long while and he told me that Scootaloo won't be part of this any longer." "That's good. Any idea on how he's gonna stop the possessed child?" "Not sure how but he's gonna do it. It may not be pretty." "Figures." Scootaloo came downstairs and entered the kitchen. "Morning mom. Morning dad." "Morning Scootaloo." Hope and Sombra said at the same time. "Are the two of you alright?" "I'll be fine Scootaloo. Just need a breather." Hope said as she made bacon and pancakes. "I've been through worse Scoots. This is nothing." "Alright then." Scootaloo sat next to Sombra near the kitchen table. Sombra got up and grabbed the orange juice from the fridge. Hope put 3 layers of pancakes on each plate and 4 strips of bacon on each plate. She places the plates on the table as she sat down. "Hey, dad?" "Yea, Scoots." "Where is Blaze right now?" "He went to work early. He'll be back sometime later tonight." "Okay then." Hope, Sombra, and Scootaloo enjoyed their breakfast. A half hour later, Sombra drove Scootaloo to the Equestrian Military School. Hope decided to relax for today. After seeing a child being possessed, walking on all fours, seeing ritual websites, and hearing the possibility of an apocalypse coming, she needed to clear her mind not only for herself but for her daughter as well. Hope's phone rang but she decided not to answer. Taking Blaze's suggestion for not going to work for a long while. At the Equestrian Military School, Sombra dropped off Scootaloo in front of the building as he is needed in the gymnasium. Scootaloo meets up with her friends in the cafeteria. "Hey, Scoots! Over here!" Sonata said waving at the far end of the table. Scootaloo approached her friends with a smile on her face. "Hey, Shooting Stars. How are you today?" "I'm good Scootaloo." Silver Spoon said. "I'm feeling great today!" Sonata said energetically. "Doing fine, can't complain." Adagio said. "Same." Aria said. "So, now that it's Friday, what is today's agenda for Dragon Army?" Scootaloo asked. "For all armies today, it's Freedom Friday." "Freedom Friday?" Scootaloo and Silver Spoon questioned. "Basically, the first Friday of the new month is a day off for all cadets in the academy. Everyone can choose to come in or stay in their dorms and do whatever. Normally, Sonata, Aria, and I practice at the range and workout. Now that we're the best sniping unit, let's get to work on becoming better. You two with us?" Silver Spoon and Scootaloo nodded in agreement. "Good. Let's hit the range." Aria, Adagio, Sonata, Silver Spoon, and Scootaloo were on their way towards the shooting range. Everyone grabbed their sniper rifle from the weapon's vault. Scootaloo got her sniper which belonged to her father Speedy Bullet. Holding the rifle gave Scootaloo the determination to hit every target on the shooting range. "Let's do this!" Scootaloo shouted proudly. Aria turned the settings to fast pace shootout within the range. Allowing multiple targets to appear at a time. Countdown setting is 10 seconds. "We got to take out as much as possible within a time limit. Everyone, eyes peeled and remember, communication is key." Adagio said. "Right!" Everyone else said. "Now who said you get the range all to yourselves Bitches of the West?" Johnny said as he restarted the countdown to 60 seconds. "Oh great, it's Johnny Bravo," Aria said in a mocking tone. "Shut the hell up, Bitch!" Johnny said. Some members of the Salamander Army got to their positions in the range. "Hey Johnny, let's make things interesting," Adagio said. "What you have in mind?" "Winning Army gets to shoot the losing Army with paintballs in the range for 5 minutes." "Hah! You made a death wish and Salamander Army will grant you that wish. You are on Bitches of the West!" The countdown winds down as multiple targets appeared. As Salamander and Dragon Army have their shootout, Blaze drove by the Canterlot Park nearby. Lots of kids with their parents today and it can be easy picking for either Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle. Blaze has already met with several police officers about a parking violation but he didn't care about that. He basically told each officer about his business and all they did was laugh at him. Calling him a crazy idiot as they went away. "Such a nice day for easy picking. Let's see if I chose the right park to have my stakeout." 10 minutes later, Salamander Army and Dragon Army were tied at the shooting range. They both scored 50 points. "Bitches of the West, ya lucky we're letting you go free." "More like you got lucky that we weren't able to finish you off as the timer expired. Save by the bell. Literally!" Aria yelled. "Anyways, Bitches of the West! We'll settle this on Total War this week coming up! Salamander Army, let's go." Johnny Rocket led Salamander Army out of the range except for one who wanted to stay. Scootaloo said that she's gonna stay for a while longer. Aria, Adagio, Sonata, and Silver Spoon left the range and headed towards the gym to use the workout equipment on the second floor. "Have to be better than this." One cadet from Salamander Army shoulder bumps Scootaloo. "Move it, will ya?" She too has a sniper rifle. "What's your problem?" "You, you worthless dragon." "Oh really? "You are a daughter of a legend here and everyone has eyes on you while I'm earning my way to the top to get noticed. You've only been here less than a week and everyone sees you. You are pathetic and everyone knows it!" "Why does that bother you?" "Because I hate you." "Fine then." Scootaloo went to her position and start sniping out the targets against the cadet from Salamander Army. Throughout her time on the range, she pictured those she hated in her life as the targets on the range. She imagined Diamond Tiara, Gilda, Lightning Dust, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Discord, and even Rainbow Dash. One by one, Scootaloo aimed for the head. The other cadet did the same on the range. Aiming for the head. It came to a point that Slaughter came in and saw the two going at it. "Attend hut!" Scootaloo and the Salamander Cadet stand in attention to Sergeant Slaughter. "I know that today is Freedom Friday but after seeing you two going at it in the range, let's spice it up a little. Scootaloo Bullet! Scarlett Rose! Get in positions! This'll be a 10-minute session to see not only who is the best but to see who has a better accuracy." The countdown is ticking. 10 seconds until it starts. "Good luck maggots!" Slaughter said as he went towards the observation booth. "Good luck, Bitch of the West." "Good luck, Scarlett Bitch." As the two go at it in the range, Sombra came by to the observation booth to see who's in the range. "Morning Slaughter." "Morning Sombra." "Seems that Scootaloo is in a shootout against Scarlett Rose." "I arranged that Commander Sombra. To test and see who really is one of the best." "Scarlett Rose is a worthy candidate. Shame that the Razzle Dazzles didn't pick her up before I made them merge with Silver Bullet and Scoots." "Not only that Commander but other armies haven't taken her for the past two years here in the academy. Salamander Army is the only army willing to accept her. Now she has a mean streak. She's taken down more upcoming snipers by the minute. Especially in Team Tactical. I don't blame her though. She has the better IQ as a sniper." "Anything that I need to know about, Sergeant?" "Scarlett Rose hates Scootaloo." "What else is new?" "Scarlett Rose might have found a new rival and from previous upcoming snipers, she dominated them. She's the reason why we don't have many snipers in this academy." "Talking about pushing the limit." "She's a monster Sombra. Best to keep an eye on her." "Point taken. So, who's winning?" "Right now, it's neck and neck. Neither of them has missed a target. It's been spot on. Headshots mostly." "Hmm..." "They have another eight minutes to go, Commander. Question?" "Hmm...?" "Why you brought Scootaloo for Commander? You could have used the day for father-daughter time or family time." "Scootaloo needs to know more about the academy and regulations. She needs to be more involved with not only her army but her group. The Shooting Stars is what they are. I want her to grow and so far, she's doing that on her own against Scarlett Rose. I'm proud of Scootaloo in more ways than another. Speedy Bullet would be proud of who she's becoming." "Still miss him, Commander?" "Every day, I miss my friend. He's more like a brother to me than anyone else. Sometimes, I feel that I should have taken the bullet and not him. It was my mistake in battle and he paid for it thus allowing us to win the fight and drive Discord's forces back. Now, I see Speedy Bullet within Scootaloo. Getting stronger and better." "Commander, you think someday, you and Scootaloo be right beside each other against Discord's forces?" "I can see it happening Slaughter. I'll be ready for that day when it comes." As Scootaloo and Scarlett Rose having their shootout in the range, hitting every target, Silver Spoon came back into the range to check on her friend. "Scootaloo, got a minute?" "Not now Silver Bullet!" Scootaloo hits another target 50ft away and looks for another one. "Who is that you're going against?" "Scarlett Bitch of the Salamander Army!" "Shut the hell up Bitch of the West!" Scarlett Rose shot two targets 50ft away and looks for more. "Scootaloo, I'll speak to you when you are done." "Alright Silver Bullet." There is a malfunction in the shooting range as a target dispenser had troubles rising up. Slaughter came down and apprehended the sniper rifles from both Scootaloo and Scarlett Rose. "Since the target dispenser is having problems, no more shooting in the range for today. Needs to be fixed and tested for a while." Slaughter said as he went towards the closet to grab some tools. "Oh, great. The Bitch has magic to stop everything knowing that she is losing." Scarlett said. "The target probably didn't want to see your ugly ass face anyways." Scootaloo said. Scarlett Rose shoulder bumps Scootaloo a second time as she headed out of the range and headed towards her dorm. "You alright Scoots?" "I'm fine. Guess Diamond Tiara in a way, toughen me up a little with her insults on me over the past few years." Sombra came down from the observation booth. "You were up there, Commander?" "Yes. Here to say that there is no winner from the range. Both you and Scarlett Rose are even. Hit ratio and accuracy." "Wow, that's amazing Commander." Silver Spoon said. Scootaloo grunted a little. "Have to be better. Just have to be." "You will be Scoots. With time, practice, and discipline, you'll be great." "Thanks, Commander." "Silver Spoon, there was something you wanted to tell me about." "Yea, Adagio wanted to know if you would like to hang out with us for the rest of the day." "Here or someplace else?" "Here and there." "Commander?" Scootaloo asked while looking at Sombra. "Of course, if you're heading out, let me know so that way I know where you going to be at." "Thanks, dad." "You're welcome and it's Commander to you." "Oh, right. Sorry Commander." "It's fine." Scootaloo and Silver Spoon went on their way to meet up with Aria, Adagio, and Sonata. An hour later, Blaze received a call from Granny Smith. "This is Blaze, what's your situation?" "Blaze...this is Granny Smith from yesterday. Applejack hasn't woken up from yesterday's fiasco. Can you please come and see if it something uh superstitious." "Sorry Granny, I’m handling a different situation. When I’m done here, I’ll check out Applejack for you.“ Granny sighs. “Thanks, Blaze.” She hangs up her phone. Blaze saw Apple Bloom observing the park. Checking for other kids like her age or younger. He knows that Apple Bloom is up to something. In a matter of moments, Apple Bloom saw a kid wandering off and took the child. She lifted her up and ran like there’s no tomorrow. Blaze drove his car and follows Apple Bloom all the way back to her house. Apple Bloom went inside her house as Blaze drove behind the house and parked his car. He got and climbed up. He checks the rooms to see which one is Apple Bloom's room. After he found Apple Bloom's room, Blaze saw the Archfiend Ritual taken place. From the dead pig to the leftover black ooze and blood on the floor. The child Apple Bloom brought back home is asleep. She has no idea what is happening. Just like the pig, Ne and Apple Bloom placed the child on a pentagram. Ne drew satanic symbols all over the chest area. Blaze sighs in relief a little as there is still plenty of time to stop the ritual from happening. He opens the window and held his sword. “You two are finished!" Ne and Apple Bloom froze in fear a little and turned to see Blaze. "How did you know?" “I saw you Apple Bloom or should I say Demon Bloom abduct the child. Are you two really that desperate to summon an archfiend in this world?" Demon Bloom and Ne stared at Blaze and charged at him. ”Get ready to be phase five!” Blaze ducked and slashed at Ne which cause Ne to burn in holy water and salt. “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” Ne is now holding on as he feels pain unlike any other. Blaze then slashed at Ne cutting his throat which caused him to bleed and fall over. Ne was losing control as the body is bleeding badly. ”I got you now!” Demon Bloom used the knife and tried to jab Blaze in his eyes but fails miserably. Blaze dodge the attack and punched Demon Bloom in the gut. This gave Ne enough time to attack from behind but Blaze counterattack Ne with his sword. Blaze stabbed Ne in the heart and ripped it out of him. “One down, one to go." Blaze looked at Demon Bloom but what’s bothering him is her smile. Blaze turned around only to realize that a dark entity came out of Sweetie Belle’s body. It observed Blaze thoroughly and entered through a pentagram. ”Four down two to go.” Blaze eyes widen that he just helped the demons complete phase four of the Archfiend Ritual. ”Phase five, the blood of a holy one.” Blaze held his sword now. “Not a chance." Demon Bloom and Blaze fought in the room. The fire that lit up the room is deceased. Without Ne, the fire had no energy source to build upon. Slashing after slashing in Apple Bloom’s room, neither of the two were able to get any blood on the floors. An hour later, Granny returned and all she can hear is slashing upstairs. She figured that Apple Bloom is watching a movie on her laptop which caused Granny to shout. “Apple Bloom! Lower the volume!" Blaze heard Granny for a split second and that’s all it took for Demon Bloom cut Blaze’s neck which causes blood dripping. Blaze quickly cover his cut and cleaned up his blood but it was too late to clean up. His blood dripped to the floor which caused another Dark Entity to come out of Blaze’s mouth. It looked at him and went towards the pentagram on the ceiling. ”Five down, one to go.” “Enough!” Blaze grabbed Demon Bloom choking her. Granny heard all the commotion and went up the stairs. As she opened the door, she saw Blaze choking Apple Bloom. ”Help me Granny! Help me!” Demon Bloom said in the voice of Apple Bloom. "Forgive me, Granny Smith." Blaze kicked her out of the room. Granny stumbled backward and fell back down the stairs. She landed on her neck which caused her to die. ”The final stage is completed.” "What?!" ”Take the life of an innocent.” Granny Smith’s body lit up and levitated as the final dark entity came out of her mouth. It went upstairs in the room and entered the pentagram under Apple Bloom’s bed. The whole house shook violently. "This is not good." Blaze saw the pentagrams disappearing as the room changed. Fire rising up as a demon is taking form. "Oh no, you don't!" Blaze threw Demon Bloom out of the room and stabbed the Demon with his sword. The sword did significant damage as the demon collapsed from its form. The gate that allowed it too transformed closed. Demon Bloom saw and enrage she yelled. ”You…You…You Bastard! I’ll kill you! You." "Shut it. It's over and so are you." Demon Bloom jumped in the air only to have Blaze chopped her head off. "Forgive me." Blaze said as he picked up the unconscious child. "Sacrifice the few to save the many." Blaze stared at the dead bodies in the room. From the pig to Apple Bloom to Sweetie Belle. As he made his way downstairs, he looked at the lifeless body of Granny Smith. "I'm sorry for what I committed. I couldn't allow another parent getting in my way and to ruin our planet's survival on one child. It's never easy being a Demon Slayer but it is best that we ended like this. Hopefully, someday, Applejack and Big Mac will forgive me for my actions." Blaze texted 911 to come and clean up the house. Blaze put the child in the back of his car. She is waking up from her slumber. "Oooooh....what happened?" The child looked around her surroundings. "Mommy? Daddy? Where are you?!" "Hey, kiddo. You were taken away from your parents and I'm here to bring you back to them." The child had a sad face on her as she looked up. Not knowing if Blaze is telling the truth or a lie. "What is your name kid?" "Sapphire Rock." "Sapphire, where do you live?" "1123 Wilson Avenue." Blaze drove the child back home to 1123 Wilson Avenue. 15 minutes later, he found the household where police investigators were outside talking to the parents. Blaze got out of his car and so did Sapphire Rock. Her mother and father ran towards their child and hugged her. "She's home! My baby's home now!" One of the investigators looked at Blaze. "Hey, that's the guy that I saw earlier today at the park!" "Oh really? Let's have a chat with him." Two investigators approached Blaze. "You have a minute or two to talk?" "Yea, what's on your mind officers?" The investigator that saw Blaze earlier today went up to him. "Hey, remember me?" "Yea." "My name is Officer Johnson." "Magic Johnson?" "Funny but no. Dragic Johnson. Magic is my brother." "I see. So what's on your mind?" "I saw you earlier today at the park. You had a parking violation and several parking tickets." "Yea, which I mentioned to you that my business allows me to bypass several laws of the state but you didn't believe." "Bypass?" The other police investigator said. "This is my partner. Travis Steel." "Who's more experienced? Travis or you Dragic?" "I have more experience than this rookie here," Travis said as he patted Dragic. "How many years?" "Fifteen years." "Do you know what a Demon Slayer is Travis?" "Yes. Demon Slayers are rare in these parks, however, they hold an incredible responsibility to the world. Ridding all evil entities in our world and stopping the chaos before it happens." "Wait, I thought Demon Slayers are some hocus pocus BS." "Dragic, Demon Slayers have been around for many centuries. There are a few families that practice these types of holy magic. We're lucky to have one in the neighborhood." Dragic looked at Blaze with a nervous look. "I'm..." "It's alright. I have a lot of skeptics looking down at me all the time. I'm used to it." "Alright then." "Here." Blaze said as he gave the tickets he received. Travis took the tickets. "You don't have to pay for them." "Huh? He still broke a parking violation, sir." "Dragic, Demon Slayers are allowed to bypass any law when it comes to demonic possession or activity. Anything outside of that, he isn't allowed to do." "Alright, Demon Slayer, what is your name? I have to file a report about this." "My name is Blaze and I'll tell you about my investigation today." After a few minutes of explaining the whole situation alongside with the Anon-A-Miss ordeal, Dragic and Travis couldn't believe that the demons that possessed the young kids came from the creation of a cyberbullying, identity theft crime. Blaze told them that they aren't allowed to intervene with the situation and that all other police force should not engage. Travis respected Blaze's request while Dragic refused. Travis made it clear that Dragic should heed this warning from Blaze as he knows what's best. Dragic headed back towards the family to see if he can help them out a bit more. "Thank you for understanding Travis." "Pleasure is all mine Blaze. I'll let everyone know that a Demon Slayer is in control of the situation." "Take care, officer." "You too, Demon Slayer." Blaze got back in his car and drove to Canterlot Hospital to see Applejack and Big Mac. On the way there, he's gonna have to see if Applejack is or isn't possessed. If she is, he'll perform an exorcism if not then he'll tell her and Big Mac exactly what has happened today. It won't be pretty but it must be done. 15 minutes later, Blaze parked his car and headed straight inside the hospital. He asked the front desk that he wishes to see Applejack. The nurse told Blaze that Applejack is in room 218 on the second floor. Blaze thanked the nurse and went to room 218. Once he got there, he knocked twice then enters the room to see Applejack wide awake talking with Doctor Bones. "Hey, Skull Bones. It's been a while." "Will you stop calling me that!" Doctor Bones turns to see Blaze at the door. "Blaze should have known. You should know that I prefer being called Doctor Bones. Not Skull Bones." "Alright, then Skully." Doctor Bones groans. "What are you doing here Blaze?" "I need to speak with Applejack. Alone." "Alright then, I'll be back in a half hour. Gotta go check on another patient anyway." Doctor Bones left the room. "Hey, Applejack. How are you feeling?" "Feeling fine. Why?" "Where's Big Mac?" "Home with Granny and Apple Bloom. Why are you asking?" Blaze remained silent. "Did something happened to ma family?" Blaze still remained silent. "What did you do to my sister!?" "I'm sorry for your loss Applejack." Applejack is starting to tear up a little. "What did you do?!" "It's time to tell you everything that has happened today." Blaze explained what Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were doing today. They were performing the Archfiend Ritual. They successfully completed the ritual with the help of Blaze by accident. He told Applejack that he kicked Granny Smith out of the room, he didn't mean to be the reason why she died. He told Applejack that he feared Granny would allow a possessed Apple Bloom to get away just like how Hondo allow a possessed Sweetie Belle to get away. Blaze explained how a child would have been sacrificed if he didn't step in. An innocent young child. Blaze explained that a Demon Slayer's drive sometimes leads to separation of the family. Sacrifice the few to save the many. In this case, scenario, sacrifice the few to save the entire planet from impending doom. Applejack couldn't believe not only her sister but Granny is gone. She cried her eyes out as Blaze hugged him. "If you want to blame someone, blame the demons that possessed them. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom have been put through too much trauma. If there was a better way, I would have done it in a heartbeat. I'm sorry for your losses." Applejack continued to cry and started to curse herself. If she would have spent time with her sugarcube, then all of this wouldn't be happening. Blaze got up. "I have to get going. I have to tell, Hondo, Cookie, and Rarity the same news. Bye Applejack." Blaze left the room and Doctor Bones came back in to check on Applejack. Blaze left the hospital, got into his car and drove towards Rarity's house. Twenty-five minutes later, he parked his car in front of Rarity's house and knocked three times. Hondo came to answer the door. "Blaze...What are you doing here?" "I have some news to tell you, Cookie and Rarity." "Is it about our Sweetie Belle?" "Yes." Hondo allowed Blaze to enter his home. Hondo escorted him to the living room where Cookie and Rarity were on the couch. They are nervous and worried about Sweetie Belle. As Blaze sat down on a chair, Rarity ran up to Blaze with tears in her eyes. "Where is my sister?! Tell me if my Sweetie Belle is alright." Rarity said as she collapsed crying her eyes out. "I'm sorry. Sweetie Belle won't be joining with you. She's gone for good." Rarity, Hondo, and Cookie burst into tears. "I had to do what was necessary in order to save an innocent child from having her life taken away." Blaze explained about Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom's doing. Performing the Archfiend Ritual and explaining each of the six stages in order to complete the ritual. Blaze even included his unfortunate doing with completing the ritual. He told the family that he's the one who killed Sweetie Belle first, then Granny Smith then finally Apple Bloom. He's not proud of killing love ones but reassured that it's his duty as a Demon Slayer to get the job done. Hondo punches Blaze in the face. "You killed my daughter!" Hondo yelled. Blaze rubbed his face where Hondo punched. "You know, if you hadn't stopped me yesterday, she could have been around today." "How dare you?!" Hondo cried out. "How dare me? How dare you allow a possessed child escape when I could have taken the demon out of her!" "With what?! Your sword?!" "No stupid. An exorcism to extract the demon in this." Blaze places a Holy Bottle Containment. Within the HBC, there are tons of demonic demons trapped inside. Unable to set themselves free due to the true nature of its holy properties. "This is an HBC. Holy Bottle Containment. By performing the exorcism, I can direct the demon into this bottle imprisoning it for all of eternity. I carry six bottles wherever I go." Hondo began to pant and started to have a panic attack. Realizing that Blaze did have everything under control yesterday and he allowed his fatherly instincts to get the better of him. "Uh...have the bottle been broken and demons unleashed?" Rarity asked. "You would think so but no. The bottle is made of lead but drenched with holy water on the outside and inside. Making it harder for demons to be set free even if I were to drop the bottle." Hondo took deep breathes. "Look, you messed up. There was nothing else I could have done to perform the exorcism on both Apple Bloom and your Sweetie Belle. There was no time for it. Once the Archfiend Ritual starts, its either you stop the ones performing the ritual or allow it to be complete. Unfortunately, I didn't know all the details of the ritual therefor completing it. Good thing is, my sword is strong enough to take down the Archfiend with one stab as it was still forming. There is nothing else I can do to help them. All I can do is send you money for you to bury your Sweetie Belle. The rest is up to you to decide on what is next within your own lives. Now, I have to get going" Blaze left the household and got into his car. As he drove back to Sombra's house, Scootaloo is texting her dad to let him know that she's going to Canterlot Mall with her friends for a while and to come to pick her up around 3:30-4:00. "There, message sent. Let's go girls." Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Silver Spoon, Scootaloo are taking the bus to Canterlot Mall. It is now 12:15 in the afternoon. They were having a fun time hanging out with the Lizard Army. Getting to know them better and having some laughs. Now that the Lizard Army is going to watch a movie, this gave the girls a nice idea to head back to the mall again. 45 minutes later, the girls arrived at the mall. They entered inside and decided to check out a clothing store nearby. "Hmm, they have similar clothes to what we wore back at the Battle of the Bands," Adagio said. "Yea, the dresses here are nice though," Sonata said. "You know, I'm not really fond with dresses as much. Normally I'm fine with what I wear." "Same with me Scoots," Aria said. "Just got to know which one you see yourself in. That's how you know you'll love it," Silver Spoon said. "True but when would you find the time to put a dress on now that we are in a Military school." "Good point, Scootaloo. Guess during the holidays or when our academy says that we have a half day or day off like Freedom Friday." "Better not get your hopes up, Silver Spoon. The next holiday after the 21st will be a long stretch," Aria stated. "Oh." Both girls said. "Anyway, let's check out some of the other stores." Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Silver Spoon, and Scootaloo left the store and looked around once more. As they made there way up on the escalator, they ran into an unexpected group of three. "Squirt?" Rainbow said. "Silver Spoon?" Fluttershy said. "S-S-Sirens!" Pinkie Pie shouted. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie remained in place. So have the others. Silence reigned for a few moments. "Scootaloo! What are you doing with the sirens?! What are you doing with Silver Spoon?! Why are you hanging out with bullies and evil creatures from another world?!" Rainbow shouted in disgust. "They're my new friends now Rainbow Dash. Unlike you, they never abandoned me." "Abandon you... Scootaloo, listen to me." Rainbow Dash went up to Scootaloo but Adagio, Aria, and Sonata got in front of her. "Look, she is trying to live her life without the like of you," Adagio said. "It is best for you to take a hike," Aria stated. "So leave her alone," Sonata said. "I will not take a hike you evil Siren!" Rainbow Dash throws her punch at Adagio but he grabbed her hand and pulls Rainbow Dash into an armbar. "Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow OW!" Rainbow cried in pain a little. "Now, I could pretend that this never happens but I think you wanted this to happen," Adagio said as she puts pressure on Rainbow's arm. "Please, let Dashie go." Pinkie said. Adagio released the grip of the armbar allowing Rainbow Dash to get up and shake off her arm a little. "I think you three should get moving. We don't want to cause a scene here now do we?" "You got lucky, that's all," Rainbow said. Then tries to look at Scootaloo who turned away from her. "Look, I made my mistakes and just want to talk to Scootaloo." "No. I don't want anything to you Rainbow Dash." "Scootaloo, please." "Just go away." "I'm sorry." Scootaloo turns around. "I'm sorry for the mess that you were put into. I'm sorry about your loss and sorry that I wasn't the best sister I can be for you." "Is that it?" "Yea?" "I'm not accepting your apology Rainbow Dash. You abandoned me for Sunset Shimmer." "You're still mad about Sunset Shimmer?! She's gone! Forever!" Rainbow said irately. "When you abandoned me, I was relentlessly bullied whenever I walked back home. My mom doesn't pick me up and you used to walk me back home. Ever since Sunset Shimmer became a priority to you due to Princess Twilight's favor, all you do is hang out with Sunset Shimmer all the time. All I had was Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle and you know what happened after being neglected for so long? Chaos! Chaos spread like a wildfire throughout the internet and in school. My mom died because of Diamond Tiara and Anon-A-Miss. Have I made my mistakes?! Yes! And I Confessed the very next day! I knew that Anon-A-Miss was not the answer I was looking for. The only reason why I joined it was that I wanted you back. My depression was killing me and you know what? I'm happy that now I have new friends, a new family and a new life away from you! I don't want to see you ever again! All three of you! Even Applejack, Rarity, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle. You can all rot in hell for all I care!" Scootaloo ran the other way as Silver Spoon followed her from behind. Adagio and her sisters remained still as Rainbow Dash has tears in her eyes a little. Pinkie Pie hair deflated and Fluttershy remained silent. "You really messed this poor girl up by ignoring her. Hope you are proud of yourselves." Adagio said as calm as she can be. "If we ever see you try and make an attempt to talk or fix this, we would gladly teach you a real lesson about life." Aria said as she popped her knuckles. "You all make me sick just by looking at you and knowing what you did to Sunset Shimmer and to Scootaloo. Talk about real friendship." Sonata said. Rainbow Dash got pissed after hearing the sirens mentioning about friendship. "You don't even know what friendship is! Are you ever do is making it worse for everyone! Feed on their hatred to satisfy yourselves!" "Like yourselves when you got rid of Sunset Shimmer instead of hearing her out?" Adagio stated with her arms crossed. Looking displeased at Rainbow Dash. "Wow," Aria claps, "you are a hypocrite." "Apparently, we know more about friendship than the three of you. The scary part of it is that you used to have the magic of friendship and now it's gone. Now if you excuse us we have to comfort our friend." Adagio said. Sonata started to walk the same path as Scootaloo and Silver Spoon. Adagio followed her and finally, Aria glared back and gave them a warning that she has eyes on them. Rainbow Dash pants and ran the other way. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy try to keep up with her. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata met up with Silver Spoon and Scootaloo outside of the gates. "Adagio, Scootaloo already texted Sombra. He's on his way to pick her up." Silver Spoon said. "Alright, we wait until he shows up." 20 minutes later, Sombra arrives at the mall and sees Scootaloo looking down. As he exits the truck, Silver Spoon and Adagio explained to Sombra about what has happened. Apparently, Sombra is pissed at Rainbow Dash for having the audacity of calling out Adagio and her sisters. Sombra is pissed that Scootaloo had to see Rainbow Dash in a time like this. "Alright, everyone, in the truck. I'm taking us home." "Alright, Sombra." Everyone got into Sombra's truck and drove towards his house. The other girls but Scootaloo were wondering why Sombra isn't taking them back to their dorm. "Commander Sombra, why aren't you taking us back to our dorm?" Adagio asked. "Ever heard of a sleepover?" All eyes looked at Sombra. Even Scootaloo. "We're having one at our house. Fleetfoot already packed some things for all of you to bring which I've done for you." "A sleepover?" Sonata said excitedly. "Yes. A sleepover." Sombra said. Aria and Adagio looked at each other for a second. "You girls had one before right?" "I have but with Diamond Tiara." "We never had a sleepover Commander Sombra," Aria said. "I have but that's all in the past now." "Well, this one going to be different. We're all involved together." "Even Blaze, dad?" Sombra's eyes widen by hearing Blaze's name. "Who's Blaze, Commander?" Aria asked. "An old friend. He'll be joining us tonight." Sombra sighs. "You alright, Commander?" Adagio asked. "Yea, I'm fine. Blaze can sometimes be a headache once in a while." "We know that feeling, Commander." Adagio and Aria pointed their finger towards Sonata. Sombra chuckled a bit. As he pulled up on the driveway, he sees Blaze waiting for him. "You girls, head inside and get comfy, I'll be there soon." The girls got out of Sombra's truck and headed inside. Sombra parked his truck and got out of it. "Hey, Sombra, I see you brought home many friends. There's gonna be a party tonight?" "Yea, a sleepover party for Scootaloo and her friends." "Am I invited?" "Yea, just don't cross the line." "Sure thing, King Sombra." "Ugh." "So, how was your day?" "Busy, tiring. I had a situation to take care of earlier today." "Hmm, same with me." "Is that why you're here early?" "I've completed my task. The world is saved from impending doom." "What did you do?" "I've taken the life of a possessed Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and an Archfiend while it was still transforming. I even accidentally took a life of an innocent." "You have to be joking. You don't take lives away from an innocent." "I did today and it was an accident." "Why?" "I feared that Granny Smith would have tried to stop me when I was choking the demon-possessed Apple Bloom. Just like the dumbass that helped the demon-possessed Sweetie Belle escape." "Why didn't you perform the exorcism?" "They were in the middle of the ritual. If they would have seen the HBC they could have broken it while I perform it. It is my decision and I stood by it. At the end of the madness though, I saved a child from becoming a sacrifice." "Did you tell Applejack and Rarity about the situation?" "I did. It was not pretty." "So, you think that the demons may come back?" "It's possible that they may find a new host but without a body, they are weakened. I didn't see Big Mac in the Apple House or in Canterlot Hospital. I can only assume he's taking care of business with Filthy Rich." "Make sense." "So, what you had to deal with Sombra?" "An annoying pest who won't leave Scootaloo alone." "Bummer." "Blaze?" "Yea?" "Can you pick up some Chinese food for all of us later tonight?" "Sure thing. Hand me the money and I'll go." "Thanks." "No problem my friend." Sombra and Blaze entered the household. The girls are getting ready for possibly one of their best day and night as friends. Hope, Sombra, and Blaze will have their hands full with today's games and fun with everyone else. > Reliving the Final Battle of Speedy Bullet! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sombra and Blaze entered the household and sees Hope. Scootaloo and her friends went upstairs to her room to change. Sombra, Hope, and Blaze started setting up the party in the living room. Sombra and Hope want to make this party special for Scootaloo and hoping that her trauma decreases with the right people in her life. Sombra hands Blaze the money to go out and buy Chinese food. Blaze leaves the household after everything was set up. Sombra then decides to step out and look at the night sky. Then he enters a state of consciousness. He began to pant heavily as he collapses on the floor holding his head. Hope realized what was happening the moment Sombra said; Tirek. Sombra roars as he is now reliving the last battle he fought with Speedy Bullet. 27 days ago "Everyone! Get your asses down that alley! We gotta finish planting these charges against Discord's tanks!" Speedy Bullet shouted towards his platoon. "Speedy," Sombra said. "Do we have eyes on the rooftops?" "Not yet. Let's go Sombra." Speedy and Sombra headed towards a broken down building that is stable enough to snipe. Sombra's and Speedy's platoon finished planting the charges and scatter as instructed. Sombra and Speedy took out their sniper rifles to scope the area. "Sombra, I see the tanks rolling five clicks south from our position." "Nice find... Get down!" Sombra pushes Speedy down as a missile nearly hits them. Then the two scope and found a fleet of soldiers aiming high. "We need to move now, Commander." "Agreed. Let's meet up with our squadron and ambush these suckers." Sombra and Speedy slowly made their way down as the infantry entered the premises. The tanks Speedy spotted drove down the road that was planted with explosives earlier. As the tanks drove down the street, Speedy orders his men to light it up. Tanks were blown up then soldiers on both sides were shooting at each other. As the shooting goes on, soldiers fall in agony on both sides. Sombra and Speedy took care of the rest and made sure there are no surviving soldiers from Discord's forces. "Incoming mortar strikes!" Jet called out. The mortar strikes blew up half of Speedy's and Sombra's platoon as body parts were splatters everywhere. The cries of fallen men and women are all they can hear. "Grabbed the wounded and fall back!" Sombra commanded. Speedy took out his M4 rifle and covered fired as everyone retreated. Several soldiers who didn't carry any wounded soldiers did the same as they fall back. Everyone that fell back headed to the drop off zone so the wounded can be taken care of as for the rest to recuperate from today's event. "Soarin, when are those strikes coming inbound?" Sombra asked as he radios in. "15 minutes from your position, sir," Soarin said in response. "Make it sooner. Can't have Discord destroy this city as well." "Yes, Commander." "15 minutes till the rain comes in, brother?" Speedy said. "Yes, Discord's forces are 2 miles away from their camp. With Soarin and the Deadly Wonderbolt clan of his, should allow us to move forward and take over another factory of his." Sombra said as he observes the map. "How many factories are still in working order?" "Too many, which is why we need to put an end to his chaotic weaponry." "Does, Soarin know the coordinates of the next weapon factory?" "Yes and no. Yes, for when I tell him and no because I don't want Discord's forces to pick up our frequency of communication much. Now that he has access to morse code and can counterattack our next move." "Right, I forgot about that." "How many of us are still left after the mortar strikes?" "37 but we have more inbound in a few minutes. In the meantime, I'll be writing in my journal." "More like a diary to me." Sombra laughed. "Always with the jokes about what I write." "Just make it quick." Speedy groaned as he writes his message in the journal. "Done, happy?" "Yea, " Sombra said as he extends the map. Then soldiers came in to hear a briefing. "Alright, some of Discord's army is residing at this factory 20 miles Northeast from our position. According to some reports, Discord's newest chaotic weapon is at the factory which is heavily guarded by his troops. We have a limited time window as I'll be coordinating Soarin's Wonderbolts for the strike package. Take note for two possibilities that may lie. One, the whole operation is a ruse set up by Discord. Two, we come closer to winning the war. The soldiers cheer as Soarin radios Sombra. "Commander Sombra! We are arriving in 2 minutes, over." "Roger that, hover your jets as we get into our choppers." "Copy that, sir!" "Listen up, everyone! Soarin and his Deadly Wonderbolts are coming near! Let's get moving!" "Yes, Sir!" Everyone shouted. "Speedy, come with me. We're going into Crystal's chopper." "Don't need to tell me. I'm way ahead of you." Everyone got into their choppers and took off. Soarin and his clan followed up on Sombra's tail. They are now 2 miles away from the factory. Everyone exits out of the choppers as they took flight heading back south for more recruitment. Sombra radios Soarin. "Soarin, Discord's factory has more tanks and missile launchers. Take them out. Also, watch out for the sniper vision from the towers that Speedy is scoping out. " "Copy that Commander Sombra. My clan and I will bring in the rain." Soarin and the Deadly Wonderbolts took flight and headed towards the factory. "Everyone, listen up! Soarin and his clan are bringing the rain. It's up to us to secure the factory. We will take it while everyone else will be focusing on the air force. Let's move!" Everyone gathered up and made their way towards the factory. Sombra and Speedy were in front as everyone else were in groups scouting around. Surprisingly, Discord's forces aren't around the area. Then a few moments later, snipers from the factory starting shooting. "Sniper!" Jet shouted. Then several soldiers saw a fleet coming from behind. "Ambush!" Shield shouted. Things were heated up as both sides were shooting each other. The ambush worked as soldiers were dying right then and there. Speedy used a smoke grenade to blind the enemy as they made a hasty retreat. Snipers from the factory saw some and picked them off one-by-one. The snipers were then blown up by Soarin's missile. "Thank you for taking a heat check," Soarin said as he took out several tanks outside of the factory's premises. Sombra was able to hear all of that as Soarin's radio is still active. Then Sombra saw a missile hitting Soarin's jet as it fell out of the sky. Soarin crash lands near their position. Sombra and Speedy ran towards Soarin to help him out. They were taking heavy fire from Discord's forces. More choppers were inbound as they shot their missiles at Discord's forces providing cover fire. "Perfect timing," Speedy said. "Soarin, you alright?" Sombra said. "Yea, just a scratch. I'll be fine," Soarin said. "Grab your weapon, Soarin. We can use another gunman like you right now." Sombra said. "Copy that, Commander," Soarin said as he picked up his M16. "Let's move." Sombra, Speedy, and Soarin regroup with the remaining soldiers as the new fleet arrives by chopper. They pressed on forcing Discord's forces to retreat. The leftover Deadly Wonderbolt clan had to reroute their flight pattern as heat-seeking missiles were launch. They now have no air power for the time being. Discord's forces barricade the front doors of the factory as they got into positions. Sombra, Speedy, and Soarin are now in front of the factory doors with the remaining troops. The other wave is wearing down the ambushers and any soldier that are in trenches of the factory after spotting them. "Who got C-4s?" Sombra asked. "Luckily for you Commander, I have plenty on me," Soarin said as he plants the C-4s on the door. "Everyone, take cover now!" Everyone moved away from the door as Soarin finished planting the charges. Then Soarin gets in position and detonates the charges blowing up the door. It was then that Discord's forces shoot immediately but wind up missing every target. "Now!" Sombra shouted. He, Speedy, Soarin, and the remaining soldiers go in and shoot at every soldier of Discord's army. No survivors were left. "Search the area!" Speedy commanded. Everyone searched high and low for Discord's chaotic weapon. "Where the hell is it?!" Sombra shouted infuriated. A monitor tv displays Discord smiling and waving. "Well, my-my look what the cat dragged in." "Discord!" Sombra said. "Hello, Sombra. I see you managed to fail again. Hah, trying to take my devilish chaotic weapon." "Where is it?!" Sombra said angrily. "In good hands but you won't live long enough to see it." A timer display as the clock is ticking 60 seconds. "Everyone! Out of the factory. It's going to self-detonate!" Speedy said. Everyone inside booked and took cover as the factory self-detonates. Due to the factory being blown up, it skyrocketed a flare in the sky. Sombra, Speedy, Soarin, and what's of the remaining soldiers got up and recovered. Sombra tries to radio in the other soldiers that were behind but no luck. He assumed that they were caught in the explosion or were taken out by other soldiers under Discord's forces. "Ugh... We're on our own for a while. Let's get moving." Sombra commanded. Sombra and Speedy led the way as Soarin tries to get in contact with Spitfire. No answer. "Commander, no word from Spitfire. For now, we have no air power." Soarin said. "Fine. Let's get back to evac. There have to be some choppers on their way with another wave." Sombra stated angrily. As Sombra and Speedy led the way, another missile was fired, heading their way. "Missile!" Soarin shouted as everyone hit the dirt. The missile winds up exploding from behind killing 15 soldiers in the process. Speedy got up and took out his sniper. He went behind a tree and scope where the missile was fired. "Sombra! Tirek and his army are a mile away from our positions!" "Let em come! I'm sick of this hiding and running bullshit!" Sombra shouted as he got into position with his sniper rifle. "Soarin! Get Spitfire now!" "I'm trying Commander but no response!" Soarin stated. "Keep trying or I'll shoot you myself!" Sombra said now showing the Shadow of Fear side of him. "Y-y-yes...sir," Soarin said as he relentlessly tried to contact Spitfire. Tirek gets out of his tank and joins his comrades to take down Sombra once and for all. They charge as the last remaining survivors got into positions and fired back. It's now a close-quarters combat situation. Soarin finally got in contact with Spitfire. "Spitfire, we need air support now!" "Copy that Soarin, what's your location?" Sombra takes the radio off of Soarin's hands. "One mile away east from Discord's factory. There is a flare still hovering in the sky. Have to be blind to miss it." "C-Copy that Commander Sombra, I see the flare inbound. Two minutes from location, s-sir." Sombra tosses the radio back to Soarin as he bobbles it in his hands. Sombra decided to move in a different direction to shoot down Tirek's forces and hoping that he can take down Tirek as well. Tirek shot down the other soldiers that were hiding behind trees. He and Sombra see each other from a distance. Tirek smiled. Sombra and Tirek dropped their weapons and went after each other. Both of them in an enraged state. The two then have a knife and hand-to-hand combat. Each of them was able to leave knife wounds around their body. Tirek then pulls out his pistol and shot Sombra on his side. He screams in agony as Tirek kicks him, knocking Sombra on the ground. As Sombra and Tirek were fighting, Spitfire came and took out the tanks of Tirek's forces. Unfortunately, one of Tirek's soldiers shot down one of Spitfire's jets with an RPG causing it to crash near Tirek and Sombra. Tirek stood smiling and shot Sombra's leg with his pistol. "I'm gonna enjoy killing you slowly," Tirek said. Sombra spits at Tirek, pissing him off. Tirek then shoots Sombra in his left shoulder causing him to scream in agony even more. "Bad move, then again. There is not much you can do when I take your precious hope away. Then your wife." "As, long as there is scum like you, we will never surrender," Sombra stated as he pants. "I waited a long time for this," Tirek said as he aims his weapon at Sombra's head. Sombra closed his eyes expected the inevitable when he heard the roars of Speedy coming. Speedy tackles Tirek and beats him down the best he could. Speedy knocks out Tirek, then he took his gun and shot him multiple times in the chest. Speedy then goes over to Sombra and picks him up. "No way you're finishing the race without me," Speedy chuckle. "Wouldn't dream of it. Now let's go." Speedy helped Sombra walk but not far. Speedy looked back and saw Tirek getting back up. He pulled out his second pistol. Speedy shoves Sombra as Tirek shot Speedy. Sombra saw as his friend wind up being shot down by Tirek in a minute. Tirek came closer to Sombra and Speedy smiling the whole way. He picked up Sombra. "I'll let you live so you can suffer your friend's fall. Just know that I'll be coming for you next," Tirek said as he drops Sombra. Tirek walks away and radios his forces to retreat. Sombra crawls his way to Speedy who is coughing out blood. "Hey, you gonna be alright. You hear me?" "I hear you...but...I don't think I'll make it." Sombra goes into his Shadow of Fear mode. "You will make it damn you!" "Not me, you." Sombra gets a little teary. "I have a favor to ask of you." Speedy coughs more blood out. "What is it?" Sombra said gripping the hand of his brother. "Can you look after my daughter; Scootaloo?" "Yes, I will." "Hey, Sombra." "Yea?" "First place," Speedy said as he closes his eyes and dies peacefully. Sombra gets up. "I swear on Speedy Bullet's name that I will kill you Tirek and take you down Discord." What seems like hours of reliving the battle was only a half-hour in reality. Hope help Sombra get back up, she also helps him get inside of the house. Sombra sits on his chair and holds his head. "Sorry, you had to see me like that Hope." "Its fine Sombra. At least Scootaloo didn't see you like that. However, you'll need to explain how her father died." "In due time I will. For now, though, we need to focus on Scootaloo and her slumber party." "Agreed. In the meantime, I'll go up and check to see if Scootaloo and her friends are ready to come down." "Will do." As Hope went upstairs, Sombra took out his phone and looked at the last picture of him and Speedy Bullet. "My fallen brother, I'm sorry that my selfish actions were the cause of your demise. I should have called in for backup. Instead, I went solo and you died protecting me. I should have died. Not you." A tear came out of Sombra's eye as he wipes it out. "I will see you in the next life. Right now, I have a promise to keep," Sombra says as he hears footsteps coming down the stairs. > Slumber Party! A Reminisce of Speedy Bullet! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sombra, Hope, and Blaze are setting up the party in the living room as the girls are changing into their pajamas in Scootaloo's room. Sombra gives Blaze money for him to step out and buy Chinese food. The living room is all set. Twister floormat, disco ball hanging on the ceiling, karaoke machine, games, movies and much more. Sombra and Hope want to make this slumber party meaningful to Scootaloo. Scootaloo has suffered enough from the past with those who caused her pain and trauma. Its time to move on with the right people in her life. As Sombra finished setting up, he went outside and stared at the night sky wondering. He couldn't help but feel guilty that his friend, Speedy Bullet, sacrificed himself to save him from a mistake he made. He began to pant heavily as collapses on the floor holding his head. Hope realized what was happening the moment Sombra said; Tirek. Sombra roars as he is now reliving the last battle he fought with Speedy Bullet. Hope comforts Sombra. She understands the pain he's going through. Losing a close friend in a battle that should have been his demise. As this is going on, Sonata accidentally knocks over a journal which caught everyone's eye. "Sorry, didn't see it there when I was getting up." "It's alright Sonata," Scootaloo said. "Just be more careful next time." "I will." Sonata picks up the journal and hands it to Scootaloo. "So, is that your journal Scootaloo?" Sonata asked. "Yes well, technically it belongs to my dad. It was then passed down to me so I can read what he left for me. His notes are inspiring especially his last one. He wrote a letter to me in his journal in case he wasn't going to make it. I feel that he knew he wasn't going to make it. Like someone from the future told him what to do and he did it." "Did you had that feeling back in Canterlot High Scootaloo?" Silver Spoon asked. "Yes. I did even before Anon-A-Miss came to being. My depression during that time became a 6th sense for me. Then everything else escalated from there. Anon-A-Miss being born, bringing chaos to everyone which caused me to lose my mom and my home. I am happy to have a new family and friends to enjoy my new life away from those assholes." Scootaloo sadly stated. After hearing what Scootaloo said it got quiet in the room. Then Aria throws a pillow at Sonata shouting; "Pillow fight!" The girls grabbed their pillows and started hitting each other. As they were having fun in Scootaloo's room, Sombra calmed down long enough to dry up his tears. He too is suffering from his past. He and Hope went back inside. Then Hope decides to check on the girls as Sombra sits down on his chair. After a few moments, the girls stopped having their pillow fight. That is when Hope opened the door. "Girls, everything is set. Come down when you can." "Thanks, mom." "You're welcome." Hope heads back downstairs and sits next to Sombra. Sombra wiped his tears away and prepared himself for the party to start when his daughter and her friends come downstairs. Aria and Adagio had mixed feelings of excitement and steadiness. It's their first and trying to make the best out of it. "So, I guess you had a bloody battle with pillows. Who won the battle?" Sombra said. The girls laughed. "No winner, dad," Scootaloo said. "Darn shame. Oh well, there are other activities to determine a winner." "Dad, not everything has to be a contest." "We'll see, Scoots." "So, where's Blaze dad?" "Out to get food." "How long until he comes back?" "In an hour or so." "So, what should we do first?" Sonata asked. "What you feel like doing?" Sombra said. "Hmm, good question Commander Sombra," Aria said. "In my household, Sombra will do Aria." "Sorry, Comm..." Aria coughs a little. "Sombra. It's a habit." "Yea, its Aria, Sonata, and my first time in time in your home. Also, it's a first to call you Sombra, Sir." "Point taken Adagio." Scootaloo looks around and finds a twister floormat ready. "Hey, girls. I'm willing to defend my Twister Title tonight." Scootaloo said as she smirks. Tossing her dad the Twister Spinner. "Oh, you're on Scootaloo," Silver Spoon said as she stretches. "Let's do this!" Sonata shouted. "Meh, this'll be easy," Adagio stated. "Easy for me to win, as I'll watch you all fall." Aria laughs sinisterly. "Hold it right there," Hope said as she puts on a rainbow color bandana. "I gotta defend my title as well." Hope took off her sweat pants revealing her sport shorts. "M-Mom..?" "You're not the only one with a twister title to defend sweetie." "It's true. Your mother beat me more than once. I even tried to cheat once and I still lost." Sombra said. Everyone is silent. "This is one battle I'll suggest working together," Sombra chuckles a bit. "Everyone ready?" Everyone nodded. "Alright," Sombra spins the spinner. "Hope, right foot green." Hope places her right foot on green. "Yawn," Hope said mockingly. Sombra spins the spinner. "Aria left foot blue." Aria puts her left foot on blue and glares at Hope. "Glare all you want. I'm winning this battle." Sombra spins again. "Scootaloo, right foot green." Scootaloo puts her right foot on green. She sticks her tongue at Hope mocking her. Hope couldn't help but laugh at the silly face. Sombra spins again. "Silver Spoon, right hand red." "On it Sombra," Silver Spoon puts her right hand on red. "Pick me, pick me!" Sonata shouted. "In a second," Sombra spins. "Left hand on yellow, Sonata." "Finally!" Sonata places her left hand on yellow. Sombra spins the spinner. "Left hand on yellow, Adagio." "Oh goodie, next to Sonata," Adagio said as she places her left hand on yellow. "Round 1, completed," Sombra states timidly. "Let's see who'll survive." "Hurry up and spin, Mr. Monolog," Aria stated. Sombra grumbles and spins hard on the spinner. "This one is for you Aria, right hand green." "Ah, shit," Aria said as she had to turn herself around and reach. She's able to place her right hand on green but barely. "Don't mess with me in my own home. I'll make sure you'll regret it." Sombra said. "Anyone else has something to say before I move on?" Everyone stood silent. Just ready to continue the game. The game went on for 20 minutes. Aria is the first to fall after 3 more rounds Sombra placed her. She felt that Sombra was trying to make her fall which worked out. Then Silver Spoon fell after 4 more rounds. Her right hand couldn't reach red after placing her hand on green. Adagio and Sonata both fell after 2 more rounds. It was Sonata's fault tho. She sneezed as she tried to move her left foot from red to yellow. Now Hope and Scootaloo are left standing. It's been 13 rounds and neither of them is giving up. Hope has her left foot on blue, her right on green. She also has both hands on yellow. Scootaloo has both hands on red and both feet yellow. "Well, it's anyone's game now." Sombra spins the spinner then he receives a phone call. "Hello," he answers. "Wait, what the hell? What happened to Blaze? Yea. Yea... Alright then. See you in a few minutes. Bye," Sombra hangs up the phone. Hope left the Twister floormat after hearing Blaze's name. "What's wrong, love?" Hope said. "Well, I'll tell you in a..." Sombra is interrupted by Scootaloo. "I Win! I'm still the champ!" Scootaloo shouted. "No, wait! That didn't..." Hope was cut off by Sombra's laughter. "Finally, the undefeated Twister champion loses her title." "This doesn't count! I demand we continue where we left off." Hope said turning to Scootaloo now. "Sorry, mom. You didn't call a time out," Scootaloo giggles. "D'oh!" Hope slaps herself on the head. Then Sombra kisses her forehead. "Next time, you'll reclaim it," Sombra said. 10 minutes later, the Chinese food arrived. Sombra gives the delivery boy a tip. He knows that Blaze paid for the food and closes the door. Everyone stood by as Sombra put the food in the kitchen. "Take what you want. I'll put a movie for us to enjoy," "What movie, dad?" "Fury. It's a tank movie." "Geez, tanks a lot," Sonata said pun intended. Everyone gathers and watch Fury as they ate. They enjoyed the movie and the scenery. It gave the Shooting Stars an idea for their Total War this week coming up. After the movie, Hope tosses some microphones for the karaoke machine. Aria, Adagio, and Sonata opted not to sing. They are terrible singers and have no interest in singing whatsoever. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon sing Feel Invincible and Rise from Skillet. Sombra sings some of his favorite songs. His singing is worse than what Adagio, Aria, and Sonata combined but see how much fun Sombra is having. Scootaloo had to cover her ears but Hope is enjoying her man singing. "Dad! You sound like a screamo singer!" Sombra didn't care and continues to sing anyways. "My ears are bleeding!" Sonata shouted. "Well, if you can do better then rise to the challenge," Sombra tosses his mic to Sonata but Sonata kindly refuse. "That's what I thought." After Sombra finished singing Ready to Die, the girls sigh in relief that the torment is over while Hope claps and cheer for her husband beautiful singing. The rest of the night went by playing a 2 hour game of monopoly. All but Scootaloo couldn't help but question about Blaze's reason for not showing up to the party. It's Midnight and Everyone is getting a little tired. "Alright, everyone," Sombra yawns. "it's nearly time for bed." "Hey, dad, do you have any good memories of my father Speedy Bullet in the army or when you and he were younger?" "Yea, I have my many memories, and the times he would prank me." "Before my friends and I go upstairs, can you tell us a little story?" "I would suggest everyone bring their sleeping bags down here in case any of you happens to fall asleep when I tell you my tale." In a few moments, Silver Spoon, Sonata, Adagio, and Aria brought down their sleeping bags. Scootaloo sits in the middle of her friends. Hope sits next to Sombra. "For the tale, I'll be telling, it may humor you. When Speedy and I were in the Equestrian Military School, we were in the same unit. Dragon Army to be precise. We were actually with the Wonderbolts and a whole lot started on the first day of April..." 25 years ago "Listen Maggots!" Sergeant Hogan commanded. "Anyone fooling on this day will receive heavy-duty punishment. I do not care about the holiday and what it represents! I care about pushing you all to the limits and make you go beyond that limit! Is that clear?!" "Yes sir!" Everyone shouted. "Good! Let's head to the field!" Hogan opens the door and a bucket lands on top of him. Everyone laughed. "Who did this?!" Hogan tries to pull it off. "Goddamn it! It's stuck! I can't see a thing!" Several Cadets kicks Hogan in the back. Ow! You little punks! Little did he know that someone placed a kick me sign on his back. After a few minutes, Hogan pulls the bucket off of him. "Alright you little shit heads! Which of you do this to me?!" "That will be me, Sergeant." Hogan turns around to see Flash Magnus standing firm. "M-My apologies...Commander Magnus." "Learn to smile and have a good laugh. Also, Cadets. Today's war is a Prank War. Anything goes under the regulation of the school's ground." "Oh, shit..." Hogan looks backs and sees the cadets of Dragon Army with sinister smiles and faces. Speedy comes up and kicks Hogan's ass hard with his boot. "Let the prank war begin!" Speedy shouted. Every cadet in Dragon Army now kicks Hogan's ass for he is still wearing the kick me sign. Even Magnus kicks him. All Hogan can do is groan about the pain. "I HATE APRIL FOOL's DAY!" Hogan shouted. He then leaves the room as everyone else in the School kicks his ass. "Wait wait wait, what?" Scootaloo asked while everyone else is laughing thus far. "You mean to tell us that on April Fool's day, you, my dad and everyone else literally kick Hogan's ass?" "Yea," Sombra chuckles. "Speedy was the one who placed the kick me sign on Hogan's back. The bucket of glue was Magnus' idea. Now, where was I? Oh yes, I remember, Speedy and I were planning to..." "Sombra, we gotta get to the kitchen." "Why Speedy?" "We're finally going to mess with the Hawk and Eagle Armies for egging our dorm last week." "How exactly?" "Laxatives and we lock all the bathroom doors in the school. Then we radio our army to lock any interior stalls inside." Sombra couldn't help but laugh at the prank. "Not only laxatives but we get the paintball guns and blast the crap out of them when they can't hold it." "Now, you're thinking Sombra. I knew you have a brain in there somewhere." "Excuse me?" Sombra gives Speedy the Shadow of Fear stare that he's working on. "You're excused." Speedy laughed. Sombra grumbles a bit but carries on heading towards the kitchen. He and Speedy put laxatives in all the drinks in the kitchen. Speedy takes the purified water and pours in toilet water instead. Then he puts the filter back in. Sombra radios his squad to lock all the bathroom doors and stalls to make sure that no one cannot enter. "Let's get to Magnus' office to make a special announcement," Speedy said. "Sure thing." Speedy and Sombra made their way to Magnus' office. On the way their, they see every cadet pranking each other whether it's in the same army or different. The pranks are minor but things are about to change dramatically. The two finally made it to Magnus' office and snuck inside. Magnus is not in his office as he's on a prank watch throughout the school. "Hey, Speedy. You can still do the voice right?" "Yea, I'm just a bit rusty but I should be able to deceit those Eagles and Hawks." "Cool," Sombra radios Soarin. "Hey, Soarin. You and the rest getting the paintball guns?" "Yea, we're locked and loaded. Just waiting for the two of you." "Sounds good. We'll meet up with you after this announcement." Speedy rehearses a bit as he tries to sound similar to near-identical to Magnus. "Hawk and Eagle Army, we have a special lunch-in for our best two-way armies of the year so far. Please report to the cafeteria for your meal." "Hah, that should do it," Sombra said. "Let's find out if those deadbeats fell for it." Sombra and Speedy meet up with Soarin and the Wonderbolts in the hallway... "Hey, dad? Whose in Hawk and Eagle Army?" "Spitfire was in Eagle Army before she was traded. Fleetfoot, Slaughter, and Rocky were with Hawk Army. During the day, they were gruesome, remorseless, and ruthless. When the battle or war is over, they will still shoot either with the paintballs or airsoft weaponry. They didn't care until they were part of Dragon army when they matured and disciplined for the better. They'll never forget the day when all hell broke loose." "What day was that?" "The day I'm telling you, Scoots. Telling all of you. Now, back to the story..." Sombra, Speedy, and the rest of Dragon Army took their paintball gun and headed to the cafeteria. As they peak through the doors, they were fully shot by both Eagle and Hawk armies. "Try to prank us in the cafe with food you rejects?! You have another thing coming Dradumb Army!" Spitfire yelled out. The two armies join forces and go after the Dragon army. Dragon Army disengages as Hawk and Eagle army fully shot them with paintballs. Speedy and Sombra barricaded the doors so Hawk and Eagle army don't come forth. "Wow, that was a close one," Soarin said. "They fell for it," Speedy said. "What? What do you mean by that? Explain your methods Speedy cause I'm...no...we're confused." "You heard Spitfire. She mentioned food, not the drinks. The two armies are more likely to have a celebrational drink in which Sombra and I put some laxatives in. By saying having a special lunch-in they were thinking of food." Soarin's and the rest of the Dragon army were quite surprised after hearing that. "Even though we locked the doors to all the bathrooms and stalls, what are the chances of both armies breaking down the doors?" Soarin asked. "I thought ahead which would surprise Speedy here a bit. I made some arrangements within our army to superglue all the toilet seats. Also to remove all the toilet paper so they can beg for it." "Sombra, that is demented. I love it." Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, Adagio, Sonata, Aria had their eyes wide open with their mouths dropped open in shock and disbelief. Sombra and Hope couldn't help but laugh. The look on everyone's faces is priceless. "Dad... That's cruel even for you." "Hmph, you should have seen Prank Master Magnus during the day. Then you can decide which is crueler in terms of pranks." "Scootaloo did you know that your dad, Speedy Bullet was a prankster?" Silver Spoon asked. "No. My dad wasn't like that around me. He was more caring and protective. Though, I didn't see him a whole lot. He was needed during the war. He was needed until the time came..." Scootaloo said as a tear roll out of her eye. Sombra quickly goes back to tell his tale... "We should check out the security feeds back in the office," Soarin stated. "Agreed, let's move," Sombra said. Dragon Army made way for the security's office to check the cameras of all locations within the school's premises. "There we go. Hawk and Eagle army already banging on all the bathroom doors. Trying to get in." Speedy is cracking up, he sees Hogan getting his ass kick by other drill sergeants. "Guys, gals, take a look at this real quick," Speedy said. Everyone laughs as they see Hogan still getting kicked by everyone including his mother, daughter, and wife. They can't hear him but see his frustration as Hogan yell and swearing about April Fool's Day. Sombra took his eyes and checks the other camera feed. "Hey everyone. It's showtime." All eyes were focused on the doors being broken down by both Hawk and Eagle army. As they brake their way through and sat down, Dragon army leaves except for Scope who wanted to stay behind in case Sombra and Speedy need eyes and ears. Dragon army split into two parties. One male and one female to enter the bathrooms. Sombra and Speedy headed over to the bathroom near the instructor's lounge. Unfortunately for them, Magnus along with Rocky and Hawk army is stuck on the toilet seats having an agonizing time trying to get up. Sombra and Speedy couldn't help but laugh. The screams echo throughout the school. "Who's bright idea was to superglue the goddamn toilets!" Mangus yells. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! Ooooooooow!" Sombra and Speedy laughs loud enough for Rocky and Slaughter to yell back. "Damn you Dragons! Damn you to hell!" Rocky shouted. "Sombra! Speedy!" Magnus yells. Sombra and Speedy came to see Magnus holding onto his stomach while he's stuck on the toilet seat. "When I get out of this, you'll receive a punishment of a lifetime here. Now, get me something else to drink and hot water. I need to get up." "Hey, Commander Magnus, we need toilet paper!" Slaughter yell out. "Please, for the love of God, bring us toilet paper as well." "Will do, Commander Magnet," Speedy jokes as Magnus was trying to slap him for making fun of his name. In a few minutes, Sombra comes with a glass of water from the kitchen. As soon as Magnus drinks it, he spits it out. "Ah, what the hell is in that water?" Speedy and Sombra laugh a bit. "Toilet water, sir," Speedy said laughing uncontrollably. Magnus spits out everything as best as he could. Rocky and Slaughter do have a good laugh then remember the pain the two of them were in. "I'll get the two of you for this. Mark my words, cadets." Everyone in the room had a good laugh and imagined how it all played out. "Wow, Sombra. Never knew that you and Speedy would be able to catch Commander Magnus as well. What are the odds of that?" Adagio asks. "Slim to none really. Turns out that he was unfortunate to drink a laxative fruit punch from the cafeteria. He along with Hawk and Eagle army were celebrating together." "So, what happens next dad?" "Hmm, after we all chipped in to help Magnus and the rest of Hawk and Eagle army, Magnus commanded a cease-fire. He gave us Dragon Army the April Fool's trophy for winning the prank war. We got him to drink laxatives, have his ass superglued, and have him drink toilet water. That said enough for one day." "Whatever happened to Hogan?" Sonata asks. "He didn't come back to the academy for a week. His ass was sore from the kicking that his mother told the school that Hogan couldn't sit properly. He finally notices the kick me sign after he taken off his jacket; according to his mother." "Wow, that's sad," Adagio stated. "So, where's he now?" Aria asks. "He's now working in Crystal Prep as a dodgeball instructor. He left the life of the military behind after he retired." The girls yawned a bit as it is 1:30 in the morning. "Sleep now. When you all wake up, we're going to funfuzion." Hope has a blanket and a pillow for Scootaloo to sleep on the couch as everyone else got into their sleeping bags. "Hey, dad?" "Yes, Scootaloo?" "Is Blaze coming?" "...We'll...see." Sombra and Hope head upstairs to their room as everyone else drifted to sleep.