• Member Since 21st May, 2013
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


"Late night, come home. Work sucks! I know!"


It's the night of the biggest fashion show of her career, yet all Fleur de Lis can think about is how she would rather be anywhere else. Just one night away from the prim and proper lifestyle she's surrounded by couldn't be so bad, could it?

Luckily, with Spike to chaperone her around town, she's able to see just how fun life can be.... at least for one night.

Edited by Curify.
Coverart by Doctor Disco!

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 134 )

... I actually really enjoyed the story. I'm sure you've been told this plenty already, but you make Spike into an actual, enjoyable character in a way that most authors here can't or don't even try to match. Also, crackships are my crack.

Big chapter for big men.

Down to earth and mature Spike, fun Fleur, a rare pair, pleasant dialogue, and Rarity being dramatic... there's only two words for this:

Good stuff.

Well, this is going well. ANd I'm loving it already!!!

Fun Fleur, and interesting plotline and pair. Tracking.

Great chapter. Man talk about a reminder of a old classic from my past. That wins some major points in my book for the inspiration material alone lol

And how does Fancy Pants feel about all of this?

Dang dude I always get a big smile on my face when I see you've posted a new story, can't wait to give it a read.

...........this story is based on that movie. It's been a while since I've seen it, but hopefully you do that thing justice.

Very nice. Like this unusual shipping. :moustache:

So Flitter had a hayburger too????:pinkiegasp: name goof...:pinkiesick: "Flitter couldn't remember the last time she saw a morsel of"

:twilightoops: Spike, What happened?
:raritydespair: Spike & Fleur!
:rainbowhuh: So you didn't need to beat him break his leg and crack a few of his spines just look at him! Jealous much?
:duck: not at all ask Spikey.
:rainbowderp: SERIOUS?
:moustache:Duh? really Rarnbow?
:raritywink: VERY!

Fleur? In my story feed?


Dude... I was shocked to find that there are fewer than 450 stories with her in it on this site. She needs more love.

Thanks so much, dude! I've always prided myself on giving Spike real character and personality.

Rarity being dramatic just might be the best part.

I love those old Disney Channel original movies.

Stay tuned and find out. :heart:

I can only hope. But for the fans of the world, I'll do my best.

Weird Spike ships are my specialty. It's all I know.

Jesus Christ, first Derpy now Fleur?


My boy Spike's a full blown pimp :moustache:

Interesting concept for a story. I haven't seen that movie in so many years. But I'd rather stick with your story :twilightsmile:

Keep up the good work my good man :pinkiehappy:

You should watch the movie Roman Holiday.

Spike + Fleur = Forbidden romance.

Also Where was Sassy Saddles?

Finally! Been waiting to read the story I made art for. Woo!

Allons-y :heart::twilightsmile:

Weird Spike shippings are my thing. Let's count down the list of ponies I've shipped Spike with:
Fleur de Lis
Berry Punch
Rainbow Dash
Bon Bon
Countess Coloratura
Sweetie Belle
Silver Spoon
I'm sure there are a couple others out there somewhere, lol.

Anyway, I thank you very much for your readership. I'm glad you like what you've read so far.

Well I must say you do them masterfully :moustache:

I oddly love this. And honestly Fleur needs a vacation, a more protein based diet, and an honest to Celestia good personal trainer, because the only models that take the "bird" diet are those that do not have the time to go to the Gym. Really, a good balance of a hearty but carbohydrate low or out-right free meals could do wonders, she might get a bit of extra muscle but if she plays her cards right she would still be the most desired mare in Equestria.

„Flitter couldn’t remember ...“

When did Flitter came into the game? I think it needs to be Fleur there.

Duuuuuuude like and a definite fav XD Keep up the good work!

Have not read yet, but now have the song stuck in my head. Thank you for that.:ajbemused:

On the other hand, at least this isn't likely to get into the horrors of dug abuse, so there's that.

Fleur seemingly lost in his dangerous smile

REALLY? She was captivated by THAT? I would've thought a female supermodel in a female dominated world would've seen a SHIT-TON of male supermodels with egos so far up their own asses that they can probably loop around three times over... or was she SO isolated from literally EVERYONE that she has never spoken to ANYONE not directly related to her agent?

Interesting, and although I can see them doing it, leaving that dress that Rarity worked on just lying on the floor was a little rude. They could have at least hung it up and left a note or something for Rarity explaining why they weren't there.

You and b25 are my favorite writers here since make spike fun and not a giant butt or background noise.



Consider yourself followed my good man :pinkiehappy: I really should get to reading your other stories then :moustache:

And um...if you ever have any time, and I completely understand if you don't, but from a pros opinion, since you've clearly done Spike ships for a while, if you could give your thoughts on the Spike ship I wrote. I don't ever write stories in general so...yeah :twilightblush: If you don't have time you don't.

All I ask is you keep up your own good work my good man :pinkiehappy:


:moustache: I'm so scared

I was waiting for one of your drawings to pop up on here.

Take advantage of the technological gap in Manehattan and watch a movie.

This line made me laugh way too hard. :rainbowlaugh:

[sad lyrics about meth addiction]

8746957 Spike and Little Strongheart.

8748181 Meth addicts thought they had it bad...

Fentanyl-laced heroin said, "Hold my beer..."

“Perfect!” Spike gave her a wink. “Now, let’s get you out of that dress and have some fun! …And that didn’t come out the way I wanted it to.”

Spike, Spike, Spike, Spike! You naughty little boy, saying much a inappropriate nonetheless to a beautiful lady like that, shame you! :rainbowlaugh:

Anyways, this is an quite the interesting concept & pairing, I hardly see any shipping between Spike and Fleur, so this is gonna be fun to read! :twilightsmile:

“So, Rarity, let me get this straight,” Fancy Pants said. “You think aliens are responsible for the disappearance of Spike and Fleur?””

Rarity bobbed her head. “And throwing the dress on the floor. Let’s not forget thatnegligibleact.”

“Ah, yes, I see.” Fancy Pants paused for a moment wipe his monocle on his shirt before continuing. “Well, I do value your creative thinking in the world of fashion, but I must say this notion seems just a tad implausible.” Fancy Pants wandered over to his easy chair in the living area of his home and took a seat, leaving a rather disheveled Rarity standing in the middle of the room.

“B-But,” Rarity began. “I simply haven’t the slightest idea of what else could commit such a crime. Taking away the most prized model in all of Canterlot and my poor Spikey Wikey to boot! No creature in all of Equestria could be so dastardly.”

Rarity, never change...:rainbowlaugh:

Fleur stepped from behind the door revealing herself in totality… and she looked stunning. She had picked out a charcoal black dress, just short enough to accentuate herself, but long enough to still give off an air of formality. It had lace trimming that danced around her legs. Her mane was tied up in a ponytail with a matching black hairband and the front was parted to the side, hanging over one eye.

She certainly didn’t look the part of the fashion conscious model everypony knew, but she looked amazing nonetheless. Somehow, she managed to keep her mature level of beauty and grace while creating an undertone of fun and freedom that she was missing before.

Spike, who had now been staring for a borderline inappropriate amount of time at this point, finally shook his shock off enough to speak. Of course, all he could muster was a single word.


Hello Fleur. Think Spike's just hit puberty... Again.

Cant wait for more. Rarity is hilarious!!

Flour being unaware is precious.

This whole story is weirdly cute.

Also yay chemistry!

It was funny. I had a conversation with my editor about this chapter and he pointed a line out to me and was like "This doesn't sound like Fleur."

Of course, in my obstinance, I was like "What does Fleur sound like, though? Nobody knows!"

I ended up taking his advice, but it made me realize that writing her is more difficult than I anticipated because there's really nothing to go on. I've written background characters before, but most of them are a bit more flexible. Fleur... all the show tells us is she's fancy. Everything I'm doing with her here I'm kind of just making up as I go. I

Long story short, I'm glad you like it!

At the rave concert glow sticks, smoke machines and weird beings jumped and gyrated all about :duck: I told you it was aliens! ponies from outer space!
:moustache: Neighjersy?
:trollestia: The Bronks! Oh.....please continue as if I wasn't here....

:moustache: Mom! What are you doing here?
:trollestia: nothing
:twilightoops: You always do 'nothing'!
:trollestia: Don't I?

:raritycry: They're everywhere! run!
:unsuresweetie: bot bot bot

Rarity is losing her mind, while Fleur is having the time of her life. :rainbowlaugh:

This is why he should've left a note. As much as I love tormenting my friends, the mane six are very good at creating problems or making them far worse.

Does Rarity forget that she somewhat of a detective?

Hmmmm, is dis a fluer/spike ship, if foo hubhubhubhuba

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