• Member Since 21st May, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


"Late night, come home. Work sucks! I know!"


Not even a Princess of Friendship is exempt from going to the dentist. Despite her best efforts, it's finally time for Twilight to brave the cold halls and mind-numbingly villainous chair of horrors.

However, through casual conversation, things go a direction she didn't expect.

Sometimes, the one's who can help us the most are those we least expect.

A gift for someone very special to me: ChappedPenguinLips
Love you, bro.

Art by: Karpet-Shark

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 71 )

cute story dude. I say just go back over it once more, you missed a couple things

Minuette's not horsing around with her dental tools. :rainbowwild:

Minuette, that was a very nasty fakeout to pull on Twilight like that. :pinkiecrazy:

May or may not be based off my personal dentist. Love the dude, but he needs to learn when comedy is appropriate.

I do love these kinds of cute, almost bittersweet slice of life fics, it hits the spot just right.
And it seems a valid worry of Twilight- in fact it'd be nice to see more of it rather than just her thoughts, but totally works for a little one-shot like this.

Daww that was cute :) Spike is a great friend for Twily :)

Thanks! I really appreciate it! I feel this particular idea worked great for a one-shot, but I'd love to find lengthier stories that go more in-depth about Twilight's struggles.

It wasn't very nice to lie to Twilight about those cavities. At least Twilight still has good friends.

The importance of friends can never be overstated. :twilightsmile:

If Alicorns get cavities, does that mean that Celestia, given her fondness for cake and centuries of dental visits, is wearing dentures by this point? :pinkiecrazy:

(Maybe Alicorns just yank 'em and then they grow new ones, I dunno...)

Clever, well written and completely original.
Nice work!

Godd work, shows that a talk with a friend can make you fel better about fears and other things.

guy wat buck

This is a lovely piece and I'm glad to have read it.

Funny how something as simple as a visit to the dentists can be used to reflect multiple unrelated insecurities, kudos to you for managing to incorporate all of that without disrupting the flow of the story or letting the narrative become convoluted.

And then there's the fact that I actually felt as if I was at the dentists, at points. The descriptions were apt in their simplicity, the lack of medical jargon helped to reinforce that confused and slightly fearful feeling I have when I have an uncomfortable metal object slid into my mouth in a white, steralised room with a relative stranger standing over me. Nasty stuff!

Still, Twilight had one of the best ponies out there looking after her. Minuette characterisation was great. Whole thing flowed well too, went from A to B in a good amount of words without too much being spent on one detail, the time scaling felt almost as realistic as it might have if things were happening in real time.

I also very much like that Twilight's the focus of this, and the inclusion of details such as the fact that she intentionally skips dentists appointments made me laugh. You're good with your dialogue as always, and near everything comes across as very realistic. It's an interesting pair to see interact too, even since Amending Fences I've not seen many stories with Minuette and Twilight as the only characters.

Of course, you had an obligatory Spike does something nice moment, but it's believable. Twilight's concerns are feasible too, I know what it's like to be too busy to interact with friends at times, and you do have those concerns at least intermittently. Besides, we all know that Twilight can be insecure about her friendships, we saw that from the Discord episode.

I could say more about this, but I'll sum up here. Very good story, accomplishes its objective, made me smile.

There are a few errors and other details you could catch on another glance, but nothing so bad as to break immersion. Let me know if you'd like me to go over it with you, mate.



And then there's the fact that I actually felt as if I was at the dentists, at points. The descriptions were apt in their simplicity, the lack of medical jargon helped to reinforce that confused and slightly fearful feeling I have when I have an uncomfortable metal object slid into my mouth in a white, steralised room with a relative stranger standing over me. Nasty stuff!

That double entendres though...

Maybe picturing my dentist as a blue unicorn will make my next cleaning more bearable...

*Starts imagining Minuet/Colgate stalking towards me, drill whiring as the occasional spark reflects off her blood splattered welding mask.*

No... It's worse. Sooo much worse.

“The bad news is I was joking about the good news."

Oh, I am using this! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for more Minuette, she is a most excellent pony.

Great story!!

Perhaps you should do a bit of research in equine dentistry. Equestrian dentists have their work cut out for them!!!:twilightsmile:

nope the moment she pulls the drill im out the freaking door she can drill the the teeth of the dust cloud shaped like me

Fantastic story, mate! You really hit home with some of the things Twilight confessed to Minuette.

As my good ol' bud AAIQU said, there are a few minor errors here and there such as a lowercase singular 'i' among them, but they don't break the flow of the story. As for the story itself, it really shows off how much a dentist tries to make you feel relaxed and amiable because a tense patient of anything is always more dangerous than one that's relaxed. That's why laughing gas exists! And it's fun to see how Twilight just starts spouting her troubles because she feels she's in a safe state, until she realises what she's done. And the bad news is that the good news was a joke? Hah! Classic!

And of course, it wouldn't be you without Spike, even in reference! Ehehehe :rainbowlaugh:

Love this dude. Great stuff. :heart:

Thanks so much, mate! As always, if you know of a way I can improve, hit me up on Discord!

Thanks for reading, man! I really appreciate it

Good lord...don't dentists in Equestria use novocaine? Or is she just gonna start drillin' away without painkillers?! It makes my teeth ache just thinking about it!

Besides all that, great story!

We can only hope, lol.

Thanks for the read and comment, my friend!

Btw, besides the point, but is your username based on the Skillet song of the same name?


But seriously, no. I'll have to look that song up now, though.

There's got to be a spell for that. Hopefully.

Minuette's attitude reminded me of this amazing comic: https://tritebristle.deviantart.com/art/Heartstrings-Extra-p8-What-has-been-seen-493397206

Myrtle the Magnificent. My goodness.

This is why I always ask for the bad news first, because then the good news makes it a little bit better.

“Okay,” Twilight stated. “What’s the good news?”

Minuette took off her mask, revealing a bright, toothy grin. “The good news is you have no cavities! Now, we do have to move along, though. Are you ready for the bad news?”

Twilight levitated the card to a nearby counter and turned to face her fears. “I’m ready. Hit me.”

“The bad news is I was joking about the good news. You’ve got three cavities in your back molars that are gonna need some drillin’.” :twilightoops:

Yah, that sounds about right.

Amazing story! :yay:

This was really cute, and I really feel like you nailed Minuette (despite moving her to Ponyville and giving her a job based on her old fan name, but who cares when the story is right?) I'm of the opinion that Amending Fences is the show at its finest, and so it's wonderful to be able to hear Minuette's voice in my head again.

I actually originally had a line in here where she mentioned that it was a hassle to set up an office in Ponyville just to service Twilight for the day because she lived in Canterlot, but I realized it took a bit too much focus away from the purpose of the story, so I left it out.

In my headcanon, she lives in Canterlot still and runs a private dentistry practice. But, as long as you enjoyed the story, that's what matters, right? :raritywink:

Apple Bloom visited Zecora for a potion to fix her chipped tooth. She took a swig, waited 5 seconds, and was good as new.

Celestia probably just sharks her teeth every now and then.

Ponyville is an exurb of Canterlot, so maybe Minuette practices at a clinic in each of them on different days.

That is a fantastic point.

“The bad news is I was joking about the good news. You’ve got three cavities in your back molars that are gonna need some drillin’.” Before another word could be said, Minuette produced a tool that looked nothing short of a power drill. “But good thing you’ve got friends waiting for ya' because this could get intense.” Minuette levitated a welding mask onto her face.

That... was a great ending. Even though the very first thing that came to my mind after I got over the humor was "uh-oh."

Also, I really liked this story; this was a nice, E-rated emotional piece!

Sometimes, they do not. Because when the cavity is small, there is really no need for painkillers - you won't feel much already. Or, in some cases, the dentist might advise not to use painkillers to lessen the chance of touching nerves. I had this situation with one of my incisors, and that really stung.
Remember to care for your teeth. Celestia does.

whats ironic about this story is that i have to go to the dentist in a few days, cant wait to see how that goes. 😓

That last part bucking killed me. I love this story, you sir are amazing, really great job.

This reminds me of one part in Some Beach by Blake Shelton. Good song:

Poor Twilight... ouch! :fluttershbad: Good thing her friends are there for her, cause this is gonna be REALLY painful!

Awesome one shot! :pinkiehappy:

Dude, this story is great. I can tell how much this meant to you when you wrote it. Love you, man.

They say that the best stories come from the heart, and it's easy to tell that this one came from somewhere inside that chest of yours. I think everyone goes through this struggle. Self-doubt, feeling like you're not enough for the people you care about, hating the dentist, all of that jazz.

Sometimes we all need a reminder that the people worth keeping in our lives will be there for us regardless. And at the risk of sounding sappy, just know that we love you and care about you. Keep rocking, Famous. :twilightsmile:


It wasn't just Twilight that I heard in this story. The best stories are written from the heart, but you certainly knew that already. :twilightsmile:

This one came from so deep down inside me, the fish at the bottom have never seen sunlight. :heart:


We need more of that. There's a lot more to find in a more simple and honest soul.

In friends we trust. Never heard more famous last words.

“The bad news is I was joking about the good news. You’ve got three cavities in your back molars that are gonna need some drillin’.” Before another word could be said, Minuette produced a tool that looked nothing short of a power drill. “But good thing you’ve got friends waiting for ya' because this could get intense.” Minuette levitated a welding mask onto her face.

I actually expected Twilight to have gingivitis. After Minuette was done poking around in he mouth the second time, Twilight spat out blood. If the dentist's thing, or even a toothbrush, causes blood to come out, it's likely it's a sign that your gums are infected more than a sign that your teeth have holes in them.

Minuette took off her mask, revealing a bright, toothy grin. “The good news is you have no cavities!”

“The bad news is I was joking about the good news. You’ve got three cavities in your back molars that are gonna need some drillin’.

If there are any dentists or would be dentists reading this, I'd ask you to please........never fucking do that. That is horseshit right there. That's being a dick. "Good news, we don't have to do this thing you're afraid of. Bad news, actually we do have do it."

An acceptable version would be "Good news, we don't have to do this thing. Bad news, we do have to do this other thing. In that situation I'd be like "Aw man." In the other I'd be like ".....what the fuck? Was that supposed to be funny? Because it wasn't." That's bad bedside manner right there.

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