• Published 20th Feb 2018
  • 5,680 Views, 134 Comments

Semi-Charmed Life - FamousLastWords

Fleur de Lis wants a taste of life outside the prim and proper walls of high society. Luckily, Spike is there to be her guide.

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Semi-Charmed Kind of Life

Spike and Fleur wandered down the lamp-lit sidewalks. Spike meandered a bit behind whilst Fleur ooh’d and ah'd at every building they passed. It wasn’t a particularly dangerous part of town, but he still wanted to keep an eye on the surroundings.

“I’ve never been to this part of town, before,” she said, voice trembling with wonder. “I didn’t even know there was a south side of the city.”

Spike nodded. “Yep! It’s not all glitz and glamour around these parts. Believe it or not, even middle-class ponies have homes and businesses here.”

Although it wasn’t anywhere near the metropolitan scene that Manehattan was, this part of Canterlot was a stark contrast from what the public eye was accustomed to seeing in the Canterlot Chronicle. Instead of lush mansions illuminated by the glowing crystals of Canterlot Palace, there were modest apartments, small brick homes and much more affordable looking restaurants.

Fleur took a moment to sniff the air, licking her lips. “Woah, what’s that smell?”

Spike paused and smelled for himself. “Hmm, I’d say that’s a grilled carrot dot… or a herd of stray cats. They’re pretty—” Spike was interrupted by a cast of cascading kittens crossing the concrete. “Yep, it was the cats.”

“Oh,” Fleur said, blushing lightly. “I guess there’s still a lot I don’t know.”

“You’re not wrong,” Spike said, putting an arm around her neck and pointing down the street. “But fear not, because where we’re headed, there’ll be so many new sights and senses you won’t know what to do with yourself.”

Fleur immediately perked up. “Really? I can’t wait. You said we were going to a concert, right?”

“Yep,” the dragon said with a nod. “There’s a place around here that books some decent shows from time to time. Like I said, if you really wanna try something new, you gotta see it. It’s gonna be awesome!” Spike hopped in the air, punctuating his excitement. “It’s been too long since I’ve been to a concert.”

“But, Spike,” Fleur said, “I’ve been to concerts before. I’ve seen Octavia at least three times at charity events. Why will this be any different? And how will we get good seats if we’re showing up so late?”

Spike chuckled. “This isn’t going to be like any concert you’ve been to, before, trust me. Now, let’s hurry up. It’s seven, so we should be in plenty of time to catch the headlining act for tonight.”

Fleur shrugged. She had nothing to lose and everything to gain on a night like this. He seemed to know what he was talking about and he hasn’t let her down yet.

“Lead the way,” she stated with a bright smile.

“Of course.”
Despite the area not being the most beautiful part of the city, the night was beautiful enough to cover the lackluster sights surrounding the two. What would appear like rusted rooftops and cracked concrete during the day became a shadowed canopy and a winding trail beneath the darkness. At this point, the moon was hanging high and strong in the sky and the wind had calmed enough to lend just a soft coolness to the night air. The occasional rustle of the sparsely populated trees or the distant sound of a hoof on sidewalk provided the perfect ambience.

It was the perfect scene for a nightly stroll.

Spike, despite his best efforts to enjoy the scene as a whole couldn’t help but let his eyes draw to the pony in front of him. Fleur was beautiful, that was no question. Everypony and their grandmother knew that. She didn't get so far into the modeling business for nothing. But now… seeing her letting loose, dressed casually and actually getting to know her little by little, he couldn’t help but see her as a little more beautiful than usual.

Maybe it was the fact he was seeing her as a pony as opposed to on a magazine cover. Maybe it’s because he was getting to know her as a pony as opposed to a prop used to sell clothes. Either way, he liked it. It wasn’t a date, he knew that. But getting one-on-one time with her… was kinda nice.

“So, Fleur,” Spike spoke up, racing up to walk beside her. “I was thinking just a bit about what you mentioned earlier. What I want to do in the future and all that jazz.”

“Oh?” she replied, turning to him. “What’d you come up with?”

“Bear with me here, but how does SpikeCorp Inc. sound?”

Fleur stopped in her tracks and faced the dragon. “Umm, what?”

“Yeah,” Spike said, spreading his arms. “SpikeCorp, Inc.! I was thinking It might be kinda cool to run my own corporation. Be a big wig, wear a three thousand bit suit… the whole shebang.”

Fleur chuckled and started trotting forward again. “I can see that. What would be the basis of your company?”

“Hmm,” Spike said, scratching the back of his head. “I haven’t really thought that far ahead yet. It’d probably some kind of pyramid scheme. As long as I stay at the top I should be able to bring in a nice profit without having to do any actual work. That’s the Equestrian Dream, right?”

“That’s what the nobles would have you believe, for sure,” Fleur said, smiling and shaking her head. “Between looking fancy and congratulating each other on their investments, they don’t do much. Trust me, I’ve spent enough time with them, I know these things.”

Spike blushed slightly. “You know, can I be perfectly honest with you, Fleur?”

She nodded. “Sure. What is it?”

“Well, the nobles you just described… That’s honestly how I always imagined you were. Well, not specifically you because we haven’t ever really done anything together before. But I kinda just lumped you and the rest of Canterlot society together.” Spike let out a nervous laugh. “I guess you learn something new every day, huh? I suppose I owe you an apology of sorts. You’re honestly a lot more fun than I imagined.”

“No need to be sorry,” Fleur said. “In a way, you’re not wrong. You are who you hang out with, so I can’t blame you for making that assumption. That’s part of the reason why I’ve been wanting to get out and do something like this for some time. I wanted to break away from that crowd… at least for a little bit. You kinda pushed me over the edge.”

“I’m glad you did,” Spike said with a wide grin. “And I’m glad I could be of service. You wouldn’t be having such a fun night, otherwise.”

“No joke,” Fleur said. “I’d be putting my hours of prep to use by walking down an aisle and back for two minutes.”

“That’s it?” Spike asked. “I guess I figured it’d be a bit more prominent than that.”

“Oh, hardly,” she replied. “But, it doesn’t really matter right now, I suppose. Where is this concert venue you mentioned? I assume we’re almost there?”

“You would be correct,” Spike said with a sly grin. The dragon lifted a claw to a building just down the street. It was nothing if not worn looking. “Might I introduce you to Canterlot’s only underground music club… Star 69.”

The pair quickly sauntered over to the building. As they got closer, they could feel an echoing in their ears accompanied by a soft vibrating beneath them, as if something was punching the ground. The feeling got more intense with every step they took.

“W-What is that?” Fleur asked, eyes wide. “Is there an earthquake?”

“Nah,” Spike said, waving his claw. “That is the sound of brutal blast beats and unholy riffs. Sounds like they’ve got a more wild group playing tonight. They’re probably testing out the instruments as we speak. You think you can handle it?”

Fleur nodded swiftly. “I think so. I guess we’ll find out, right?”

“That’s the spirit!”

Spike and Fleur went up to the ticket booth where they were greeted by a middle-aged earth pony with a long shaggy mane.

“Asuh, dudes. Two of you?”

Spike nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“That’ll be eight bits,” the pony replied. “It’s gonna be a sick show. You and your lady friend are in for a treat.”

“Speaking of that, who’s playing tonight?” Spike asked. “We’re in time for the headliner right?”

“Yep,” he said. “It’s gonna be Mare of Maya. Absolutely crushing riffs and insane vocals.”

“Crushing riffs?” Fleur asked, looking between the two males. “What does that mean?”

“Oh, it’s your first show?” The ticket pony asked. “Well, in that case, I won’t spoil it for you. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.”

“Thanks bro,” Spike said before turning to Fleur. “C’mon, let’s go inside and try to get a good spot.” He gently took her hoof and led her inside.

The initial room was dimly lit and filled with the scent of alcohol. The venue doubled as a bar, of course, so it was expected. Ponies were lounged around all over the place, enjoying their liquor and chatting. However, as they progressed a bit farther in, the place really livened up.

The entire back area was a giant open floor with a stage at the far end. Several hundred ponies were cramped together as tight as possible near the stage and spreading backwards through the room. There were a few lights lit, just enough to keep yourself from tripping and just enough to illuminate the stage, which was covered with a giant curtain.

“Wow…” Fleur said as they looked over the room. “This is a concert hall?”

Spike nodded. “Yep, one of the best. The crowd goes crazy here. And the way the music flows through the room… perfection.”

“No seating?”


“No waiters or attendants?”

“Not a chance.”

Fleur looked around at the surroundings once more. “Well, I imagine this could get exciting then. I’m curious as to what these ‘blast beats and riffs’ are that you mentioned. Do you think they’ll play electric guitar… or is it just an acoustic show?”

Spike once again took her hoof and led her down into the growing crowd of ponies. It was a bit harder to hear at this point so he leaned up to her ear. “Let’s just wait and see.”

Meanwhile at the Canterlot Boutique…

Rarity paced back and forth, practically punishing the ground with every thrust her hoof made into it. Her mane, although still gorgeous, was being more frazzled by the second as she continued to think about what could possibly be happening to her friends.

“Oh, why has there not been any word yet?” she uttered, spitting the words out. “Why, it’s been all of thirty minutes already! What do my taxes even pay for? Laziness and lunacy, that’s what!”

She sighed deeply and crumpled onto a conveniently located fainting couch. She made sure to supply one at every one of her shops in case the need arose.

“Oh, Rarity, how could you let this happen?” she said with a sniffle. “All you wanted was a piece of ribbon for Fleur’s dress. And of course, the evils of the universe preyed upon your generosity and whisked away poor Spike and Fleur for Celestia knows what purpose. Erm…”

She hid her face behind her hoof and contemplated the meaning of life for a brief moment. Why was she here? What did she do to deserve such pain? What would death feel like when Twilight finds out she lost Spike? So many questions… so few answers.

She let out a huff and rose to her hooves. “Come now, Rarity. Now is not the time for soul-searching and self-pity wallowing. That’s scheduled for three in the afternoon tomorrow, anyhow. Now is the time for action!”

Rarity dashed to the back room and rummaged through the small refrigerator she had set up there. “Aha!” she exclaimed, pulling out a tub of Oats n’ Berry Ice Cream.

She returned to the couch and spoon-fed herself, the sweet treat at least working as a band-aid solution for the time being. Maybe that was all that was needed and hopefully the police would show up at her door, dragon and pony in hoof.

Once again… she could only hope.