• Published 1st Jun 2018
  • 3,986 Views, 132 Comments

The Legends of Magic: Enter the Dragons - Phantom-Dragon

Spyro, together with Spike and the ponies, joined forces to rebuild a team of heroes and fight evil.

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Countdown to Darkness – Day 1 – Dark Clouds Setting In

Last time, Spyro and friends had succeeded in recovering the Elements of Harmony, only to use it to heal the Tree of Harmony, replenishing its magics of light. As a reward from the Tree of Harmony, the purple dragon's wings were healed and his fire power was restored, thus balance is restored to his controls over the elements. Furthermore, Sparx was gifted with the ability to talk to, not only Spyro and Spike, but to all of the six ponies.

Unfortunately, the heroes' victories was only a minor fraction of an ongoing war between good and evil. The Storm King's armada is still on the march, darkness continues to grow, and the death of Princess Celestia was only the tip of the iceberg for the worst that is about to come. The Storm King is coming.

Meanwhile, On The Storm King's Flagship

The Storm King was in his quarters, standing over a cauldron and reading a book, "Alrighty Strife, I think I got it." He said as he closed the book.

At the other side of the room stood, or rather floated, was a small cloud like creature, "Are you sure this time your majesty?" Strife asked.

"Trust me Strife, this time I'm sure I got it right." The Storm King said with confidence.

"Yeah that's what you said the last seven times." Strife said, rolling his eyes, "Your summer home is still in repairs thanks to that razorhail storm you conjured up last week."

The Storm King gave Strife the stink eye, "Have a little faith in me will ya, besides I said I was sorry." He then brings out a couple potions and poured their contents into the cauldron, "Now stop your griping and prepare to be amazed!"

Strife groaned, "Oh, this is gonna suck..."

The Storm King began waving his hand over the cauldron and started chanting in an ancient language that was long forgotten. Just then the liquid within the cauldron began to swirl on it's own until lightning began shooting out of it and a small tornado appeared. The Storm King Smiled with joy, "Yes! It's working! See Strife what did I tell-!" He stopped when he noticed the tornado was getting out of control and things around the room were blowing everywhere.

"Ah, crap!" Strife yelled as he ducked for cover.

"D-Don't worry, I can fix this!" The ape yelled as he ran towards a cabinet and brought out multiple potions. He then starts throwing them in the cauldron one by one and each time the tornado changes. First it spews out snow, then fireballs and finally sand until it eventually died down, "Faust bucking dammit!!!" The Storm King yelled, "I thought for sure that would work! How can I conjure up a storm if I can't even control a simple tornado." He finished as he slumped head first into a couch.

"Yeah, while Gaul can summon up a lightning storm with just a snap of a finger." Strife mumbled. Unfortunately for him however, the Storm King heard that.

"What. Was that. You said?!" He growled, raising his head and staring daggers at Strife.

"Ah, double crap..." Strife said as he suddenly reminded of the golden rule within the Storm Armada; never, ever bring up the Storm King's older brother, especially if his highness is in earshot of it. Strife gulped, "Look sire, I'm just saying-." However, he is interrupted when the Storm King threw an empty beaker bottle over his head.

"Stop criticizing me! That's all my dad did was criticize me!" Storm King yelled as he picked up a jar of darts and brought one out. He then turn towards a portrait of Gaul with darts already on it, "It was always 'Gaul this', or 'Gaul that', or 'son, why can't you be more like your brother, GAUL!!!!!!" He yelled that last part as he threw the dart which landed on Gaul's jewel eye. "Oh but I'll prove my daddy wrong!" the Storm King smiled sadistically, with his eyes twitching to display his growing insanity. "Because my brother couldn't kill a single little dragon. I can feel it! I'll succeed the one thing that my brother never could! TOTAL DOMINATION OF THE WORLD!"

The Everfree Forest | Zecora's Hut

It was another day for the heroes to resume the progress of their combat trainings. Spyro was still in the process of refreshing himself of his fire powers, together with his other elemental powers, while making time to train Spike with his. In the meantime, their pony friends made progress with their trainings.

Rainbow Dash was able to make quick sharp turns and was no longer crashing as often as she did before. Applejack's lassoing skill has improved, which she demonstrated by whipping a row of 10 empty tin cans, without even missing a single one on the first run. Fluttershy was building up her courage in her dodgeball trainings, by dodging and catching a few balls to hurl back, with her tail. Pinkie Pie has sharpened her pie throwing skills, by fixating her concentration on the targets, becoming more focus and accurate with her aims. Furthermore, Rarity too has made improvements in her combat skills, by using her surprisingly, graceful dancing skills and flexibility to evade projectiles that were thrown at her, while looking good doing so, much to Spike's enchantment.

Lastly, Twilight Sparkle has memorized some of her favorite offensive and defensive spells, to the point where she no longer needs books, flashcards, or Spike's assistant to make quick decisions in a fight. Though the recent death of her fallen mentor continues to leave a sting to her heart, with Nightmare's taunts and sadistic laughs echoing, Twilight continues to push through, knowing all of Equestria is counting on her and friends to save them.

Watching the progress of their training, Zecora exchanged smiles with her two companions, Double Trouble and Pop Fizz, before she returned to her tree hut, where she consulted her cauldron, only to soon be met with utter horror, "Aye me! This cannot be!" she moaned. "Is this really the current event unfolding before me?!"

"What is it? What's wrong?" Pop Fizz asked, as both he and Double Trouble looked into the cauldron, and they too share the zebra's dismay. "Oh no."


After he received the unfortunate news of Princess Celestia's untimely demise from Tempest Shadow, the chancellor was left in mixed distraught and unsettling conscience, as if the world was now aching on his shoulders to deliver the heart wrenching news to the public.

Knowing that justice must be served, and knowing the perpetrators responsible for Equestria's supreme leader's death must be punished, Chancellor Neighsay steeled himself, making his way up to the balcony, before a crowd of Canterlot ponies who were all anxious to hear what the chancellor had to say.

“Citizens Of Canterlot,” Chancellor Neighsay began. “I’m afraid I stand before you all with grieving news," he struggled not to choke on some of his words, as he continued, "The Storm King has invaded Equestria!" with that, the Canterlot ponies all exchanged concerns, before the chancellor continued, "I'm afraid the news only gets worse from there. In light of the recent attack in Ponyville. Grave misfortunes have befallen, upon our beloved rulers."

The Canterlot ponies all let out frighten gasped as they chattered and exchanged worriments upon themselves, "Chancellor Neighsay," a unicorn stallion dressed in tuxedo and a monocle asked. "What do you mean? What has become of Princess Luna and Princess Celestia?"

"Princess Luna has been taken prisoner, while Princess Celestia herself was murdered!” he uttered grimly at the last part, which didn't go unheard.

"Murdered?! By who?"

Opening his eyes to show a pure rage that burned intensively on his face, Chancellor Neighsay revealed, "She was murdered in an orchestrated coup de tat," he said venomously. "They signaled an invasion to take place in Ponyville, knowing it would endanger our fellow little ponies, and that it would bring the attention of her majesty to come to their rescue!"

"But who?! Who is the mastermind of it all? Who killed her?"

"THE TRAITOROUS PURPLE DRAGON, SPYRO!" with that, the chancellor used his great magic to display an image of the charred remains of Princess Celestia's tiara, with claw and burnt marks as evidence.

Once again, doubts and worriments exchanged among the ponies as they were left in crippling fears and shocks, "How can this have happened?" they'd all asked. "How could Spyro do this to all of us, after what he has done for all of us? What do we do now? What will become of Equestria without its princesses?"

"Chancellor Neighsay? What should we do?" one of the ponies asked.

"It is clear now. Spyro cannot be trusted," the chancellor said in bitter hate. "Our beloved Princess Celestia gave him the benefit of the doubt, despite my warnings, and she died for it. But I swear to you, justice will be served. From this day forward, Spyro is hereby a public enemy to all of Equestria! He must be found and arrested immediately on sight! Do whatever it takes! I want that traitorous dragon prosecuted, his wings shackled until the day he dies! And should his misguided pony allies interfere, then restrain, but do not harm them! IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?!" with that, all the ponies of Canterlot voiced their agreements on hunting down the purple dragon who had been framed for a crime he didn't commit.

Watching from the shadows, the true evils behind the sun princess's untimely demised all laughed in amusement at the sight of their master's plan, bearing fruit.

"Excellent, my plan has been set in motion," a sinister voice said in sadistic bemusement. "Equestria is now teeming with so much negative emotions, all ripe for the corruptions, my little ones. I can hardly choose where to start. But as a quick demonstration of my prowess to our adversaries, let's start with just one," thunders rumble, lightings cracked across the sky, as the earth trembled in the presence of a power with such intensity, before the voice called out, "Fly away my little darkling, and evilize their grievances!"