• Published 1st Jun 2018
  • 3,986 Views, 132 Comments

The Legends of Magic: Enter the Dragons - Phantom-Dragon

Spyro, together with Spike and the ponies, joined forces to rebuild a team of heroes and fight evil.

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A New Adventure Part 3 - Dawn Of The Heroes

“Would you care for a nice spot of tea?” The enchantress asked, pouring a few cups for the heroes. “It will put your mind at ease.”

“Uh, thank you,” Twilight hesitantly thanked, levitating her cup for a sip.

“Careful Twilight,” Applejack said cautiously. “It could be poison.”

“Now that’s rude!” The monster scowled. “What a way to show respect for our hospitality, after all the trouble we went to saving your behinds!” Suddenly, the creature shrunk into a little blue gremlin, carrying assorted vials of potions.

"Whoa! You just shrunk!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Aw, so cute!" Fluttershy cooed.

"Yeah, this is how I really look. But so what?" The gremlin continues to grumble. "I can still turn back into that raging monster again if you don't start showing proper respects to our hospitalities." Shaking their heads in disapproval at the gremlin’s behavior, both the tiki-masked creature and the enchantress shot threatening glares at the gremlin.

The tiki-masked creature then said something to the enchantress who nodded in agreement, "You seek the Elements Of Harmony, I see," The enchantress said.

The friends all exchanged looks, “You could say that,” Applejack answered hesitantly.

“How do you know?” Spike asked.

“She’s psychic!” Pinkie whispered.

“Darkness is in the air,” The enchantress began. “All of Equestria and beyond is in despair. A powerful, raging storm is brewing, with the darkness concocting its wicked scheming.” The zebra took a sip of her cup before she resumes, “For you to be here in such a dark hour, it’s no wonder you seek harmony’s power.”

There was a moment of silence, as the friends all stared at the zebra in astonishment.

“Wow! You’re good!” Spike complimented, breaking the ice.

“If you don’t mind the long winded words and everything,” Sparx muttered. “Gee, what’s with you talking lady? Can’t you speak proper English?” Sparx buzzed in aggravation.

“Mind your buzzing, Sparx!” Fluttershy scolded the dragonfly.

“What? It’s not like she can hear me or anything,” The dragonfly shrugged.

“Don’t be so sure, my little dragonfly friend,” The enchantress spoke up, catching Sparx by surprise. “My ears can hear, I’ll assure.”

“You mean you can hear Sparx, too?!” Spyro asked, to which the zebra nodded.

“Whoa!” The three boys all exchanged looks of bewilderment.

“Fascinating!” Twilight expressed her enthusiasm. “You too must have the innate ability to-“

“Okay, okay, so you can hear me,” Sparx buzzed. “Look, not to be rude or anything, but what’s with the crazy talk? You trying to sound wise or something?”

“The words I chanted were from olden times,” Zecora explained. “Something you call a nursery rhyme.”

“It’s sort of her thing, you see?” Pop Fizz said. “Makes her sound wise,” The tiki-masked creature said something in agreement.

“Oh! How rude of me,” The zebra exclaimed. “In all the excitement, I forgot to introduce myself and my friends!” With that, the zebra began, “I am Zecora.”

“Enchantress Of extraordinaire!” The gremlin exclaimed. “And I’m Pop Fizz. And tiki guy here is Double Trouble.” The tiki-masked creature said something unintelligible, as if to express his pleasure of their acquaintance.

“Oh, well nice to meet you all!” Pinkie beamed excitedly. “I’m Pinkie Pie! You already know Sparx! These are Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie - Oh wait, that’s me!” The pink pony giggled. “And that’s Spyro and that’s Spike!”

Zecora looked curiously at the two dragons, with Spike smiling and waving, nervously trying to look more friendly.

“Aye me!” Zecora began. “Do my eyes deceive? Are you-“

“Pleasure to make your acquaintance and all,” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “But in case everyone is forgetting! We’re here to look for some important relics that can help us drive off the Storm King and his army. So can we just skip the idle chit-chats and go straight to, say the directions to the Castle of the Two Sisters, please?”

“Rainbow Dash! Don’t be rude!” Rarity scolded.

“Hmmm,” Zecora pondered in deep thoughts. “The castle that holds the Elements Of Harmony is where you wish to be?”

“What kind of a question is that?!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Yes that’s where we wanted to be!”

“Y’know we don’t have to take anymore of your sass talk, rainbow head!” Pop Fizz muttered. “If you don’t appreciate our hostess, you can just see yourself out!”

To get everyone back on topic, Double Trouble tapped his staff several times on the floor, emitting a bright flash of light.

Everyone all turned their attention to Zecora, who began, “To find the Elements Of Harmony, you must find harmony within thee,” The zebra pointed.

The heroes all exchanged questionable looks, before Spike asked, “Meaning?”

“There are five Elements of Harmony. Five spirits of harmony. You must discover the spirits within, to use the powers within.”

Again, everyone were all confused at what the zebra said. Even Pop Fizz and Double Trouble haven’t got a clue.

“Uh, If you insist,” Sparx shrugged.

A sad sigh was heard, which everyone all turned to see Twilight, slumping her head down on the table, “Twilight?” Spike asked in concern. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

With her bangs hiding her eyes, Twilight quietly said, “I wished Princess Celestia was here,” The ponies and boys all looked at the lavender unicorn with empathy, sharing her grievance.

“I know, Twilight,” Spike said, gently stroking her back. “I know.”

“What? What happened to the princess?” Pop Fizz asked.

“She’s gone,” Spyro answered glumly.

“She went on vacation or something?”

“No! She’s not on vacation!” Rainbow shouted angrily, before she calmed down and answered solemnly. “She’s dead.”

“WHAT?!!” The gemlin gasped. “The princess is dead?!”

“Yes,” Rainbow turned her head to see Twilight’s head was in her hoof, crying loudly and sobbing excessively.

“Oh Twilight,” Spike frowned, as he tried his best to comfort his friend. “It’s going to be okay.”

“No,” Twilight whimpered. “It’s never going to be okay! Princess Celestia is gone, forever!” The young unicorn continues to cry, with the pipes bursting as her friends crowded around her to exchange their consultants.

Though, none looked more sympathetic than Spyro, shedding a tear at the sight of the unicorn, with memories of a similar event flashing before his eyes.

“Your tale of woe upsets me so,” Zecora said to Twilight. “The sun has set, but hope isn’t lost yet,” The zebra said. “Princess Celestia may be gone, but her spirit still lives on. And she is still watching you now, my little ponies. She is counting on you to retrieve the Elements Of Harmony.”

Twilight’s breathing began to steady as she slowly calmed herself, looking to the heroes surrounding her.

“We were all there when it happened, darling,” Rarity said. “We will all miss Princess Celestia.”

“She’s given her life to save us,” Applejack added. “Let’s not let it be for nothing.”

Twilight nodded in understanding, as she dried her eyes, before Spike offered her a box of tissue, “Thank you,” With that, Twilight blew her nose, before she stood up. “Okay everyone. For Princess Celestia!”

“Alright!” Rainbow Dash shouted, leading the cheer with the others. “So, where do we begin?”

“My friends know where the castle is,” Zecora spoke up. “They shall guide you, as I insist.”

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go already!” With her wings springing to life, Rainbow Dash was ready to take actions.

“Wait! Before you go, there is one more thing you must know,” With that, Zecora lead everyone to a large cauldron in the room.

“Harmony alone can do much to insure your victory,” The Zecora lectured, as she waved her hoof over her cauldron, revealing an image of the state Ponyville is in.

The friends all watched in horror to see the once colorful town that is their home, was now overrun with creatures of darkness and destructions, dark vines consuming the houses, and dark gems littering the roads.

“Land sake!” Applejack exclaimed in horror. “What have they done to Ponyville?!”

“The seeds of darkness have been sowed,” Zecora explained. “Now darkness will only grow. And harmony cannot defeat such strong forces alone.”

“Then, what do we do now?” Fluttershy quivered.

“To attain complete victory, you need harmony and an army.”

“An army?!” The heroes exclaimed.

“B-but where can we even get an army?” Rainbow asked. “All the guards are in Canterlot! The Wonderbolts are in Cloudsdale, and-“

“Find Harmony! That is your top priority,” Zecora instructed. “We will talk later, after a few more chapters.”