• Published 1st Jun 2018
  • 3,988 Views, 132 Comments

The Legends of Magic: Enter the Dragons - Phantom-Dragon

Spyro, together with Spike and the ponies, joined forces to rebuild a team of heroes and fight evil.

  • ...

Welcome To Ponyville Part 3: Dark Clouds

"So, you've been harboring two dragons, and they did this?" A mare asked in a stern voice.

"It wasn't my idea, to be exact," Chancellor Neighsay replied bitterly. "It was Princess Celestia's idea to give them a home here in Canterlot, under the guardianship of the Sparkle Family. All in an attempt to earn 'friendships' with the dragons. I tried to warn her, how those fire breathing reptiles can't be trusted, but she wouldn't listen! And then they've recruited several creatures to oust us!"

"Humph, why am I not surprised?" The mare grumbled. "Goes to show how you can't trust Princess Celestia these days. There was so much potential for Equestria to be a stronger nation, had the magic not been wasted so much on parties."

"You're absolutely right about that," Chancellor grumbled in response. "All of Equestria should've been more focused on improving its magic, preparing for when invaders chose to strike. Then we would be ready to fight back and defend our home! Not hang on false hopes of winning allies from creatures who are foreign to our cultures and our way of life!" Chancellor glowered as he looked at an article of Equestria Daily which talked about some recent attacks and disappearances that continued to plague all of Equestria, "And even in the crisis we're facing, Princess Celestia thought it was best to send those two dragons and Twilight Sparkle to Ponyville! She fails to see the danger she is spreading to the lives of ponies! They must be stopped! I want those dragons eliminated at once!"

"Don't worry Chancellor," The mare said, beneath her hood. "I'll take care of those dragons. You can trust me."

"Good. If there's anyone who can handle creatures like those dragons, it's you Ms. Berrytwist."

"Please, I prefer to be called, Shadow, if you'll please," The mare identified as Shadow replied, before she took her leave. "Tempest Shadow."


Twilight was walking through the streets of Ponyville, looking over her To-Do List, "Let's see," She talked to herself. "It says here that Rainbow Dash should be clearing the skies of some clouds," Looking up, Twilight was greeted by a whole canvas of clouds decorating across the blue skies above. "Well, doesn't look like she's doing a good job, is she?" The lavender unicorn asked herself, before she was greeted with a sudden explosion of speed and adrenaline that collided with her and suddenly crashed into a cold, wet puddle of mud.

A really deep, raspy voice chuckled, "Oops. Excuse me?" Twilight groaned before she looked up to see it was none other than a grown up Rainbow Dash. "Here, let me help you." With flap of her wing, Rainbow Dash flew away to retrieve a large dark cloud, which she quickly jumped on to release a downpour of water onto the lavender unicorn, cleaning her of the mud. "Oops. I guess I overdid it," Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"Oh you think?" Twilight asked rhetorically.

"Um, here, how about this?" Before Twilight knew it, she was surrounded by a series of rainbow blur and was encased in a rainbow tornado, "My very own, patented, rainbow blow dry!" Rainbow Dash announced proudly. "No, no. Don't thank me. You're quite welcomed."

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, and was immediately greeted at the sight of a Twilight Sparkle with a very bad hair day.

Starting out with a few snickers, tears welling up in her eyes, Rainbow Dash instantly burst out laughing as she fell to the ground at Twilight's misfortune. Then, as if to further the unicorn's humiliation, Spyro, Spike, and Sparx just happened to arrive, and the three boys quickly joined in the laugh fest.

"Okay, very funny," Twilight scowled. "Rainbow Dash. Right?"

Instantly ceasing her laugh, Rainbow Dash stood up, "Yep! The one and only," She confirmed, before she looked closely at Twilight Sparkle. "Hey, I remember you! You're that unicorn filly from Canterlot a few years ago, right?"

"Uh, yeah! That's right!" Twilight answered. "Twilight Sparkle, in case you forget."

"Yeah, yeah, that's right," Rainbow tapped her chin, before turning her head and noticed the boys, "Yo, Spyro! Sparx!" The pegasus called. "Long time no see!"

"Hey Rainbow Dash!" Spyro greeted the pegasus. "I see you're looking well."

"I'd say the same for you!" Rainbow smiled, when Sparx buzzed in front of her face. "And how can I forget you, Sparx?" Rainbow Dash looked down and noticed Spike was hiding behind Spyro's wing, "Hey Spike," The pegasus greeted as gently as she could. "Hey, it's okay. Don't you remember your pal, Dash? I'm not going to hurt you."

Spike slowly walked out from behind his brother and greeted, "Have we met?"

"Yeah!" Rainbow replied. "I mean, you were just a little baby dragon when we first met. I was there when you hatched!"

Spike smiled as he stood proudly before the pegasus, "Well, I'm not so little anymore, now am I?" He asked.

"Yes, we'll nice of you two to catch up," Twilight began, interrupting the bonding moment. "Anyway, we were sent here by orders of Princess Celestia to look over the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebrations which is taking place here in Ponyville. And one of the biggest agenda was to clear the sky of clouds, which unfortunately, you're doing a bad job of!" Twilight pointed up to show a sky full of clouds.

"Oh don't be such a worrywart, Twilight," Rainbow waved her hoof. "I'll do it in a jiffy, just as soon as I'm done practicing."

"Practicing?" Spyro asked. "For what?"

"For the Wonderbolts!" Rainbow answered excitedly. "They're gonna perform at the celebrations tomorrow! And I'm gonna show 'em my stuff!"

"The Wonderbolts?" Spike asked.


"The most talented flyers in all of Equestria?" Spyro second.

"That's them!"

"Pfft! Please," Twilight scoffed. "They'd never accept a Pegasus who can't even keep the sky clear for one measly day."

"Uh oh," Sparx muttered. "Them's fighting words!"

"Hey!" Rainbow barked. "I can clear this sky in ten seconds flat!"

"Prove it!" Twilight challenged.

"Ten bits that Rainbow Dash can do it," Sparx buzzed.

With a flap of her wings, Rainbow Dash was zipping through the skies, back and forth, bucking clouds with her hooves at a speed that is uncommon to most pegasi, " Loop-de-loop around, and wham!" Rainbow exclaimed, after she kicked the last cloud into tiny puffs. "What'd I say? Ten. Seconds. Flat. I'd never leave Ponyville hanging."

"Wow! That was so cool!" Spike shouted. "How can you move that fast?!"

"Number one, years of intense training and experience!" Rainbow answered proudly. "And number two, I'm awesome!"

"Awesome and AMAZING!!!" A voice shouted, and a little orange pegasus filly with purple mane and tail about Spike's height came running up. "That was so cool! You're way past cool, Rainbow Dash! Truly the best of the best!!" Before long, the little filly was followed by a whole herd of fillies who were all holding out pictures of the rainbow maned pegasus, randomly shouting, "Can I have your autograph?!"

"Well, that's my cue to answer my reputation," Rainbow said proudly to herself. The pegasus turned to the four, "Well, it's been nice seeing you guys again. I can't wait to hang out some more!"

Snapping out of her shock, Twilight stammered, "Um, yeah. Sure. I see weather's been taken cared of, so let's check that off the list."

Spike complied as he crossed the said objective off the list, "She's amazing!" Spike exclaimed with excitement.

Spyro sighed with a look of longing, "What I'd give to be able to fly again."

"There, there buddy," Sparx comforted the dragon. "Not everybody with wings can fly. Take Scootaloo for example. She's a pegasus filly, and yet she can't fly well like the rest of the pegasi fillies her age." Spyro looked back at the pegasus filly with piqued interest, seeing her looking up at Rainbow Dash with starry eyes, "And yet, she still looked up to Rainbow Dash, and never gave up believing in herself. Reminds you of anyone?"

"Decorations. Check!" Spike announced, checking the item off the list. "Beautiful!"

"Well, I see Rarity has outdone herself," Sparx mused, buzzing his wings around to check the surroundings, before he smiled, "And speak of the pony."

The marshmallow white unicorn was levitating some ribbons in the air, before she tied them in certain parts of the festivity, "Oh yes, sparkles always does the trick!" She said to herself in satisfactory, before she turned and gasped at Twilight's messed up mane and tail. "Oh my stars, darling! Whatever happened to your coiffure?!" She asked.

"Oh, you mean my mane?" Twilight asked. "Well, it's a long story. I'm just here to check on the decorations, and then I'll be out of your hair!"

"Out of my hair? What about your hair?!" Without giving Twilight a chance to speak, Rarity quickly ushered the lavender unicorn away.

"Wait! Where are we going?!" The lavender unicorn asked. "Help!" But it was no use. Nobody answered the unicorn's desperate cry for help.

Meanwhile, a loves trucked Spike asked, "How are my spines? Are they straight?"

"You look fine, little brother," Spyro answered, before grinning, "Oh, I see you've got it bad for the mare, do you?"

"Oh yeah," Spike swooned, before he snapped out of his daze. "I mean, no! No, of course not!" Spyro and Sparx, however, weren't buying it. "Okay, yeah, I maaaay have a crush on her. I mean, can't I help it if Rarity looked so beautiful? With her sapphire eyes that dazzled, snow white coat that is as soft as marshmallow and everything? I'd call her a diamond in the sky...." Looking up, seeing his fellow boys failing to suppress a laugh, Spike scowled, "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing, Spike," Spyro chuckled. "It's just...."

"You're never that passionate before!" Sparx buzzed. "Young love already?!"

His face turning red with mixed anger and embarrassment, Spike countered, "At least I get to know what love is from the start!"

Spyro and Sparx both ceased their chuckles, "Whoa, strong words there, Spike," Sparx complimented.

"Yeah, take it easy little brother. We're just having some fun," Spyro assured. "We're not trying to hurt your feelings."

Feeling calmer again, Spike took a deep breath, "Still, what do I do now?"

The dragonfly and the older purple dragon both looked at each other, then back at the younger dragon, "It's simple," Sparx began. "Just open up and talk to her!"

"Yeah, just talk to Rarity," Spyro advised. "Show her how nice and friendly you are. But be cool, okay?"

"Yeah, don't scare her like Spyro here did with Fluttershy once," The dragonfly grinned mischievously.

Spike looked up and smiled with confident, "Okay, I'll do it!" The little dragon was about to turn and follow Twilight and Rarity, but hesitated, "I can't do it. I don't know what to say to her."

"Just say anything Spike," Sparx replied to the little dragon. "Just say anything nice, whatever's natural. Just say the first thing that comes to your mind," Spike nodded as he tried to think. "Well, anything?" Sparx asked.

"I was thinking how her diamond cutie marks make me hungry for gems," Spike answered.

Spyro and Sparx both moved their heads into a facepalm, "That's going to send the wrong message," Spyro muttered.

"Okay, forget what I said about the whole natural thing," Sparx said. 'There's no way she'll ever go out for dinner with you if you say that to her,' He thought. "Just say that she is the most beautiful mare you've ever laid eyes on. She's only the most amazing unicorn you've ever seen. Tell her that she's the star of your night, and the sun of your days. She's the diamond in the your sky. Girls like that!"

"Oh wow, that's good stuff!" Spike smiled, before he grabbed Sparx and walked away. "You gotta help me remember all that!"

"Hey! From where I come from. Dragonflies don't like to be grabbed!"

"Oh, sorry!"

"Okay, you want to woo the mare? Then you gotta do exactly what I say."


"Did I say okay?"


"What did I say?"

"Do exactly what you say."

"Exactly! What I say."

Spyro grinned as he shook his head, "Well, guess it's just me then," With that, the older dragon decided to have himself a look around of Ponyville, looking for something to do, "Huh, where should I even begin?" He asked.

"Stop thief!!" A pony shouted, just as a hooded figure ran past the dragon.

"Hey, what's going on?" Spyro asked.

"That scoundrel!" The pony gasped. "He just robbed my shop and has run off with my merchandise! He's too fast for me to catch him!"

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" With that, Spyro sprinted after the thief.

At the same time, Pinkie Pie came jumping out from the sidings, "Ooh! When my Pinkie senses are this tingly, it always means one thing!" Reaching into her mane and tail, Pinkie dons herself up a whole assort of instruments. "CHASE MUSIC!!"

The thief was running through the streets of Ponyville, while carrying his loot in a large brown bag he was heaving over his shoulder. Taking a chance to see if he was being pursued, the thief looked behind him to see Spyro hot on his tail. With a loud yelp, the thief took off running like he's never run before.

"Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah!" The thief taunted, which only encouraged Spyro to run faster.

"Oh you're gonna get it when I'm through with you!" Spyro snarled.

The chase soon made its way into a busy street of ponies. Many of the villagers quickly ceased what they were doing as they moved out of the way of the running thief and pursuing dragon. All except for one unfortunate merchant pony. The thief took hold of his cart and shoved it to the side, spilling its content of cabbages in an attempt to slow Spyro down, which failed as Spyro leapt over the destroyed cart.

"My cabbages!" The merchant exclaimed.

The thief kept on running, weaving through the civilians of Ponyville. Seeing how difficult it is to pursue though a large crowd, Spyro looked up to see many houses lined up in a long row, with rooftops built out of hay. With that, Spyro went into a gap between two houses, jumping from one wall to another to reach the top of the roofs. From there, the dragon continued his pursuit after the thief, who was completely unaware of the dragon's whereabout, falsely believing he lost Spyro.

"I may not be able to fly again," Spyro said to himself, as he spreads his wings. "But at least I can still glide!" With that, Spyro leapt off the roof and descended towards the thief, tackling him from behind.

"Alright, thief!" Spyro snarled, as he ripped the loot away. "Game's over!" Soon enough, the dragon and a couple of police officers in Ponyville brought the thief to a local jailhouse, where the culprit was locked behind bars.

"A good night sleep in jail should be enough to make you think twice about breaking into someone's place and robbing them, mister!" The officer snorted as he and his officer locked up the barred door, before turning to Spyro, "Thanks for doing your part, Mr. Spyro. We'll take it from here."

Little did both ponies and dragon knew, however, the thief reached into his coat and pulled out a communicator, "Hey, it's me!" The thief cackled. "Our informant was solid! The dragon is here! I repeat, the dragon is here!"

After catching the thief, and returning the loot to the pony whom the thief had robbed earlier, Spyro began looking for a secluded place to rest, when he heard a haunting, angelic voice with a harmony of birds singing. Following the sound, Spyro arrived to see none other but Fluttershy herself, conducting a whole flock of birds singing from their perch, while singing a song herself.

So Much More To Me - Fluttershy

Spyro had no words to say, aside from describing how beautiful the shy pegasus's performance was, 'Wow, for being so quiet, she's got a good set of pipe,' Spyro thought, feeling her angelic song washing over him, tenderly soothing his pent up anxiety.

The dragon kept on listening the pegasus's song, until she came to the end, in which he applauded for her performance, "Wow, that was beautiful!" He complimented to the bashful pegasus.

"Oh, Spyro!" Fluttershy gasped in fright, while her birds flew away. "Uh, how long have you been there?"

"Long enough to know you have such a beautiful voice," Sypro answered. "It's very soothing. Very relaxing."

Fluttershy's lips trembled, "I, uh....thanks for the compliment," She began modestly. "But-I-Oh, it's so embarrassing!"

"What? What's there to be embarrassed about?" Spyro asked. "I mean it when I said you have a beautiful voice."

"Um, thank you," Fluttershy whimpered timidly. "But I-I-I-I don't like to perform in front of a large crowd. It's just so...so...so scary!"

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Spyro asked, to which Fluttershy repeated in an even quiet mutter. "I still can't catch that. What?" Fluttershy repeated, even more quiet. "What? Speak up! I can't hear you!" However, like last time, it was still a quiet mutter for Fluttershy. Finally, Spyro shook his head, giving up, "Oh forget it."

"I'm sorry," Fluttershy apologized in fright.

"Hey, hey, no need for apologies," Spyro replied. "But still, beautiful voice you got there. I'd like to hear it again, someday."

From the last compliment, Fluttershy couldn't help but blush a shade of pink.

Just then, Twilight, Spike, and Sparx arrived, "Hey Spyro!" Twilight called, catching the purple dragon's attention.

"Oh, hey guys!" Spyro returned the greening. "So, how did it go with Rarity?"

"Oh she's amazing," Spike swooned. "I think she likes me.~"

"Focus casanova," Twilight snapped the little dragon back to reality. "What's next on the list?"

"Oh, um, music," Spike answered. "It's the last one on the list."

"No worries, I already checked that," Spyro confirmed, while gesturing to Fluttershy with his wing. "And let me tell you something. Fluttershy here has a good set of pipe!"

"Really?" Twilight asked, turning her attention to the bashful pegasus.

"Oh believe me," Sparx buzzed. "You should hear her singing when she's in the shower."


After everything was checked off the list, Spyro, Spike, Sparx, and Twilight returned to the Golden Oak Library, ready to enjoy themselves some down time.

"Whoo, I'm bushed," Spike stretched his arms out.

"Me too," Twilight replied. "All this checking is so exhausting. I can't wait to enjoy myself some peace and quiet reading time."

"Does she ever do anything else besides reading books?" Sparx asked.

"Not unless you count pleasing the princess," Spyro answered.

"You know, maybe I should find a spell that can help me understand what you boys are saying," Twilight commented, as she opened the door, and both she and the boys stepped in. "Whoa, it's really dark in here. Where's the light?"


"SURPRISE!!!" A whole herd of ponies shouted, startling the unicorn, dragons, and dragonfly.

"Surprise!!" Jumping from the crowd is none other but Pinkie Pie herself. "I threw this party just for you!" Pinkie said to Twilight. "Were you surprised? Were ya? Were ya? Huh huh huh? It's your Welcome to Ponyville Twilight and Spike Party/ Welcome Back to Ponyville Spyro and Sparx Party!!!!"

"Wow, what a mouthful," Spyro commented.

"Very surprised," Twilight began sarcastically. "Libraries are supposed to be quiet."

"Well, that's silly! What kind of welcome party would this be if it were quiet? I mean, duh, bo-ring!" Pinkie giggled.

"Right," Twilight replied, pouring herself a drink in a cup, before sipping the liquid content though a straw.

"Uh, Twilight!" Spike began. "That's not a drink! That's-" Too late.

Twilight's eyes cringed and watered when she realized she drank herself a whole cup of Ghost Jalapeño Pepper Hot Sauce. As a result, smokes were flying out of her ears, and her mane and tail caught on fire.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Twilight screamed, as she ran around the room, like a blazing comet.

Twilight grabbed a cup of water from a nearby pony and drank the whole cup, which did little good to douse the flame. Frantic, she picked up a book and desperately struggled to fan herself, with a spell she hexed on the book to make its pages turn quickly. Unfortunately, due to the spiciness from the hot sauce, Twilight struggled to maintain focus on the spell, and the book ended up repeatedly closing its binders on her head, as if it was chewing on her.

Looking around for something to help, Spike picked up a bottle of ketchup, "Here you go, Twilight!" Spike shouted, reaching into Twilight's mouth, pulling her tongue out and sprayed ketchup on it, before he lets it go. "Feel better?" The little dragon asked.

"Yeah," Twilight sighed in relief. "Much better. Thank you, Spike."

"Hey! What's the with the sudden change of fight music?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Is there going to be a fight?"

As if answering Pinkie's question, a commotion was heard from outside, which everyone walked out of the Golden Oak Library to investigate.

"What the-" Before anyone could question any further, a flash of magic erupted the air, and everyone were horrified to see Ponyville being overrun by a horde of horrendous armored creatures that resembled a mixture of toads, frogs, goblins, and trolls. They are called Gnorcs.

The gnorcs looked at all of the decors of the festivities in place for the Summer Sun Celebration, before they decided, they don't like them. With that, the gnorcs quickly started to trash the village, while everyone looked on in horror. Actually, not everyone.

Spyro charged into the fray and spewed an explosive fireball which exploded upon impact with one of the gnorcs, "Hey!" Spyro snarled. "Why don't you guys pick on someone your own size?" In response, the gnorcs all swung their club weapons at the dragon, who quickly dodged to the sides, "Okay boys," Spyro snarled. "You want a piece of me? I'm all fired up!"

With a loud roar, one of the gnorcs led the first charge as he swings his large hammer at Spyro, which the dragon dodged, before he charged headfirst and rammed his horns into the gnorc's armor, "Okay. Don't want to do that again," Spyro groaned, before he was knocked to the side by the gnorc's club, and his comrades set upon the fighting dragon.

One of the gnorc swung his club down on Spyro, which the dragon quickly evaded as he dived through the monster's leg, and jumped to evade an attack from the other gnorcs, resulting in their strikes to hit one of their own comrades, in the butt.

"Ha!" Spyro smirked. "I see your aims are still worse than your-Whoa!" Spyro narrowly dodged a large axe that was swung at him by one of the gnorcs. In retaliation, Spyro leapt towards the axe wielding gnorc, spinning himself in the air to swing his tail, striking the arrowhead end at the gnorc's face, followed by a vertical downward strike of his tail from above, and ends with a quick jab of the tail to the gnorc's face. The gnorc stumbled backwards for a moment, until it collapsed to the ground and disappeared in a flash of light.

In the meantime, the other gnorcs continued to swarm themselves around Spyro, lunging forward to attack. Spyro kept on fighting, but the growing numbers of gnorcs was becoming too overwhelming for the young dragon.

"Enough already!" Spyro panted, beginning to tire out.

Just when a gnorc was about to swing his club down on the dragon, a blur of rainbow pierced through the air and struck the brute away.

"Yo, Spyro!" Rainbow Dash flapped her wings as she landed next to the dragon. "Need some help?"

"He, what gave that a way?" The dragon asked.

"Don't suppose ya got room for one more, partner," Applejack said, as she too joined in the fray.

"Make that four, because we're fighting too!" Twilight joined, followed by Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Spike, while Fluttershy and Sparx watched from a safe hiding spot.

"This is our home, after all!" Rarity added. "And we'll teach these brutes about respecting others' property!"

"And what we do to PARTY CRASHERS!!!!" Pinkie screeched.

"Yeah!" Spike agreed. "C'mon everyone! Let's show these monsters what we're made of!"

But before any side could make a move, a loud dark cackle pierced the air, "An admirable, motivational speech I'm sure," A voice echoed. "Too bad it will not save you!"

Before long, the skies above were darkened by what appeared to be dark storm clouds.

"What the-" Twilight began. "What's going on?! Rainbow Dash?"

"Don't look at me!" Rainbow replied. "I'm not in charge of those clouds!"

"Ooh! I bet those are the clowns I ordered!" Pinkie chirped.

"-_-* Since when do clowns do that?" Sparx buzzed, which of course the pony was incapable of hearing and replying.

A clap of thunder pierced across the sky, striking the balloons and burning down the decorations, "....Or definitely not the clowns I ordered," Pinkie frowned.

Everyone continued to watch as a fleet of airships materialized themselves from the clouds, before they floated down and anchored themselves to the ground. In response, the gnorcs all got down to their knee and bowed their head in respect, as one of the airship's ramp came down and squashed a party animal underneath.

"Brian! NOOOOO!!!!" A random pony wailed.

Just then, a small creature appeared at the doorway of the airship and walked down the ramp, while carrying a huge box. The creature appeared to be a hedgehog. A chubby, pug-faced dark gray hedgehog with white quills. The hedgehog creature set down the box, which extends a large horn from the top. Once the horn was complete, the hedgehog picked up a mic and spoke, "Ponieth of Equethtria, we come on behalf of the fearsome, the powerful, the almighty...Thtorm King!"

With that, several banners from the sides of the airships drop down to reveal a picture of a tall, fearsome, white furred ape-like creature with long horns at the top of his head.

"The Storm King?!" Spyro asked, before he turned to the ponies, "Do any of you girls know who the Storm King is?" In response, the girls all shook their head.

"And now, to deliver the evil, evil methage, put your hooveth together for Reeeeeeeeed!" The hedgehog announced, as another figure appeared from the airship.

In appearance, the figure is a tall red dragon, with a peach colored underbelly and matching underside of his wings, piercing yellow eyes, blue fins that sprout from his elbow, and two large curvy dark purple horns that sprouted from the sides of his head, a row of dark purple spines that sprouted from the top of his head to the tail which ends in an arrowhead. The red dragon wore a pair of gold armbands around his wrists, a dark purple amulet around his neck, and carries a long staff, with a large crystal that was pulsing dark energies.

Spyro's eyes narrowed at the sight of the dragon, "Greetings, every pony," The dragon, identified to be Red, greeted. "So sorry to interrupt your little festivity in the progress."

"Oh, that's okay!" Pinkie smiled. "I'm sure you were just passing through!"

"Pinkie!" Rainbow hissed harshly at the pink pony.

".....Yes, um, where was I?" Red asked, before the hedgehog whispered in his ear. "Right. It seems that we are missing a dragons. A very special dragon. And we would like for your cooperations to return him to us."

"Spike," Spyro whispered to the little dragon. "Don't say anything. Let's go."

"But what about-" Spike was interrupted when Spyro placed a wing over the little dragon's mouth, as he was ushered away.

"Hey, guys? Where are you going?" Sparx buzzed, with Fluttershy turning her gaze to follow the boys.

"Um, excuse me, Mr. Red?" A pale, light grayish amber earth pony with an authoritative persona came forward. "Mayor Mare here. And if I may, how do you know for certain this particular dragon is even with us?"

In response, the red dragon tapped his staff to the ground, and a bolt of lighting was shot from the sky, striking the ground, startling the mayor, "DON'T QUESTION ME, PONY!!!" Red threatened. "We have our resources. And they have told us that our dragon is here in Ponyville. Bring him to me, and I promise you will all be left alone."

With that, the villagers all became unsettled, as fearful thoughts and questions were exchanged.

"Twilight?" Applejack asked. "What do we do? We're not gonna rat out Spyro and Spike to this dragon, are we?"

Before Twilight could speak, someone in the crowd shouted, "Look! There they go!" Before long, all eyes were set on Spyro, Spike, Sparx, and Fluttershy.

"Eek!" Fluttershy squeaked, diving behind a cart for cover.

"Leaving so soon?" Red asked, before he snapped his fingers. "SEIZE THEM!!!" With that, utter chaos broke loose.

Author's Note:

Thank alphasteel! He helped me correct this chapter.