• Published 1st Jun 2018
  • 3,985 Views, 132 Comments

The Legends of Magic: Enter the Dragons - Phantom-Dragon

Spyro, together with Spike and the ponies, joined forces to rebuild a team of heroes and fight evil.

  • ...

A New Adventure Part 4 - The Castle of The Two Sisters

"No dawdling! Hurry up!" Pop Fizz called, as both he and Double Trouble lead the friends through the thickets of the Everfree Forest.

"Slow down, will you?" Spike asked, while clinging onto his brother's horns as he bounces up and down on his back.

"Hey! Wait!" Twilight shouted, falling behind her friends.

"Come on, hurry up you slowpokes!" Pop Fizz called again.

"Hey! Who are you calling slow?!" Rainbow asked, taken aback by the insult.

The heroes continued chasing after the little blue gremlin and his tiki-masked friend, when suddenly they realized the area around them grew darker and darker, until at last, it was totally pitch black.

"Great Scott! I can't see a thing!" Rarity exclaimed, before she and everyone all tripped and crashed into each other.

"Ow! My nose!" Rainbow grunted.

"Someone is crushing me," Spike groaned.

"Oh, sorry Spike!" Twilight apologized.

"Hang on, Spike. I'll help you up," Spyro said, as he blindly helps his brother in the dark. "Hey Spike? Since when are you as soft as a marshmallow?"

"You've got one second to get your claws off my dragon," Rarity threatened.

"Oh! Sorry."

"Hey Sparx?" Spike called out. "Can you brighten your light a little more?"

"What do you think I run on? AA batteries?" The dragonfly buzzed, feeling undignified.

"Hold on, I got this," Twilight insisted, focusing her magic into her horn, conjuring up a bright aura, illuminating the area in her light, banishing the darkness away. Or, so she thought.

Upon illuminating the area around them, the friends were all frightened at the sight of trees with terrifying faces.

The ponies all screamed loudly, with Pop Fizz and Double Trouble coming back, "Hey, what's with all the screaming? What?" When the two turned their heads, they were just as frightened as the ponies.

"AAAAAHHH!!!" Pop Fizz screamed, jumping into Double Trouble's arms. "Mama! Mama!"

Sparx and Spike both cling to Spyro, as the boys stood terrified before the trees.

"Big brother! Do something!" Spike screamed.

Shaking his fright away, Spyro was about to spring into action, when someone else beat him to it. Instead of screams of terror, there was laughter, and everyone all turned their heads and are bewildered to see Pinkie Pie, laughing at the faces.

"Pinkie Pie?" Twilight shouted. "What are you doing? Run!"

"Oh girls. Don't you see?" Pinkie giggled, before she broke out singing.

The Laughter Song

[Pinkie Pie]

When I was a little filly and the sun was going down...

Twilight Sparkle: Tell me she's not...

[Pinkie Pie]

The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown...

Rarity: She is.

[Pinkie Pie]

I'd hide under my pillow
From what I thought I saw
But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way
To deal with fears at all

Rainbow Dash: Then what is?

[Pinkie Pie]

She said, "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall
Learn to face your fears
You'll see that they can't hurt you
Just laugh to make them disappear."

Ha! Ha! Ha!

With that, the face just disappeared in a heartbeat. The heroes were all amazed at what they had just witnessed. With that, they all joined in the laughter.

[Pinkie Pie]

So, giggle at the ghostly
Guffaw at the grossly
Crack up at the creepy
Whoop it up with the weepy
Chortle at the kooky
Snortle at the spooky

And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... hahahaha... heh...


[End of Song]

"Pinkie," Twilight began. "Sorry we ever doubted you."

"Eh, it's alright," Pinkie smiled.

"Whoever says laughter is a good medicine, wasn't kidding at all," Sparx chuckled.

"Yeah," Spike laughed in agreement. "Now can we go now?"

"Oh yeah, that's right," Pop Fizz chuckled, while struggling to catch his breath. "Anyway, the castle's this way. C'mon, let's go."

With that, the little gremlin and Double Trouble guided the heroes through the forest, before they stopped at a raging river, filled with powerful rapids, too dangerous to swim across.

"Whoa, what's going on here?!" Pop Fizz exclaimed.

"Now how do we cross this?" Pinkie asked.

Before any of the heroes can answer, they all heard a loud sobbing nearby, which they decided to investigate, discovering the source of all the rapids. There, splashing out and about in despair, is a large purple sea serpent, with brilliant orange hair with yellow highlights.

"What a world! What a world!" The sea serpent sobbed.

"Yo, Steven Magnet!" Pop Fizz called out. "What's going on? What's with all the drama?"

The serpent, now identified as Steven Magnet, looked up as he recounts, "I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when all of a sudden, these crazy monkeys jumped out of the trees and tore half of my beloved mustache, clean off!" Steven said, pointing to a little stump where his other mustache used to be. "And now I look simply horrid!" With that, Steven let out another wail as he dramatically falls back into the river and splashed more waters on the heroes.

"Oh c'mon, gimme a break," Rainbow groaned.

"Seriously?" Spyro asked incredulous. "That's what all this fuss is about?"

Why, of course it is," Rarity shouted. "How can you be so insensitive? Oh, just look at him. Such lovely luminescent scales."

"I know," Steven agreed.

"And your expertly coiffed mane."

"Oh, I know, I know."

"Your fabulous manicure."

"It's so true!"

"All ruined without your beautiful mustache."

"It's true, I'm hideous!"

"I don't know. He looks okay to me," Sparx buzzed.

"I simply cannot let such a crime against fabulosity go uncorrected," With that, Rarity took a firm grip of one of Steven's scale and plucked it off.

"AH! What did you do that for?" Steven asked.

"Rarity? What are you doing?" Spike asked, watching as the unicorn raises the scale up, and swings it across her tail, chopping it off, much to everyone's shock, including Steven who fainted dramatically.

"Keep it together man!" Sparx buzzed.

Everyone all watched as Rarity levitated her curly tail up to the stump on Steven Magnet's snout, and tied it in place, "Oh-hohohoho! My mustache!" Steven cried happily at having his facial hair restored. "How wonderful!"

"You look smashing," Rarity smiled.

"Oh, Rarity," Twilight frowned, as she and everyone looked at what's left of the unicorn's tail. "Your beautiful tail...."

"Oh. It's fine, my dear. Short tails are in this season," Rarity reassured, while giving her flank a little wiggle to emphasis, "Besides, it'll grow back."

"So would the mustache," Rainbow added.

"Well, tail or no tail, you still look beautiful Rarity," Spike smiled, to which Rarity blushed from the compliment.

"Oh, why thank you, Spike," She chuckled.

Twilight giggled before she gasped, "We can cross now. Let's go!"

"Oh, why allow me," Steven Magnet offered, as he carried the friends across the river. "So, might I ask, but where are y'all heading too anyway?"

"We're just bringing our friends here to the Castle of the Two Sisters," Pop Fizz answered. "Yeah, they're looking for some very important treasures called the Elements of Harmony to fight off the bad guys who had taken over their town."

"Diabolical!" Steven exclaimed, appalled. "What fiends would do such a thing?"

"Some jerk who calls himself the Storm King, that's who," Rainbow frowned. "His goons of rhinos and monkeys, lead by this evil dragon called Red, just came out of the blue, and trashed our whole town like they owned the place!"

"The nerve!" Applejack added.

"Worst party crashers ever!" Pinkie added.

"How dreadful!" Steven commented.

"That's not the worst of it," Twilight muttered, as she looked down in despair. "When Princess Celestia came to save us....she died."

The serpent was further shocked by the news, "What?! The princess. Dead? It can't be!"

"I wished it was," Twilight sighed. "But it's true," Spike and Spyro both came up to the lavender unicorn's sides and hugged her in comfort.

"Well, enough the sob story," Rainbow stamped her hoof. "We came here looking for the Elements of Harmony, because that's what Princess Celestia wanted us to do! And when we find those elements, we'll bring them to justice!"

Wiping a tear away, Twilight looked up with determination, "Yes. Justice."

After Steven had helped them across the river, the heroes were on their way.

"It's not too far now," Pop Fizz said. "It's just past that tree!" Double Trouble said something unintelligibly, which Pop Fizz answered, "That's what I said."

As the group followed the two, Spike walked over to Twilight and her her close, "What are you doing, Spike?" The unicorn asked.

"I just thought you could use the company," Spike replied. "This is what you and big brother would do, whenever I feel lonely. Remember?"

"Oh, thank you, Spike," Twilight smiled sadly. "But don't worry. I'll be fine."

"Nope. Sorry girl, but we're not buying it," Sparx buzzed, as both he and Spyro joined their little brother.

Seeing the boys aren't going to leave her alone any time soon, Twilight spoke up, "You guys are nice and all. But I just want to be alone right now."

"Oh c'mon Twilight. Princess Celestia taught you better than that," Spike said.

"She's gone, Spike."

"Celestia is still here."

"No. Everypony would keep saying she's not really gone as long as we remember her. But it still hurts."

"I know."

"And if anything, I still say they should've taken me instead," Spyro spoke up, to which Spike, Twilight, and Sparx all looked at him in shock. "This whole thing's my fault. Those goons came all the way out here for me. I should've been taken, not her."

"Big brother, not you too!" Spike frowned.

"No, Spike. It's true," Spyro replied. "They wanted me to begin with. I'm an Aetherian, just like they wanted."

"But if they took you, then just think of all the bad things they would've done to you! To everyone! To all our friends!"

"Then maybe we should never have come to Equestria then."

"But then if you never came to Equestria, then I'd have no one else to talk with, besides a couple of bug friends!" Sparx buzzed in.

"Stay out of this!" The two dragons shouted at the dragonfly.

"None of this would ever have to happen, if I had fought off those monkeys from the start!" Spyro continued.

"Then why didn't you?" Spike asked.

"Because the last time I did, I lost my fire and came out with a broken wing!" Spyro revealed, much to the shock of Twilight and Spike.

"Well finally, the truth comes out," Sparx buzzed. "But hey, don't mind me. I'm just a bug."

"But you said that happened in an accident!" Spike said.

"It was an accident," Spyro admitted. "Just a few missing details I didn't want to go into."

"So then, what really happened to you?"

Looking around, before noticing how far behind they were from their friends, Spyro quickly ran off, "Talk later! Right now, let's get those Elements!"

Seeing how they won't get the truth anytime soon, the three all exchanged agreement, before they caught up to their friends.

At last, upon arriving towards a clearing, the heroes arrived at their destination, "There it is," Twilight gasped excitedly. "The ruin that holds the Elements of Harmony. We made it!" With that, the lavender unicorn took of galloping.

"Twilight, wait for us!" Applejack called as she and the ponies followed.

"Whoa, hold your horses!" Pop Fizz shouted, receiving strange looks from Double Trouble, the dragons, and Sparx. "What?"

"We're almost there!" But Twilight spoke too soon, when she nearly fell off the edge of the cliff. "Ah!"

"Twilight!" Spike screamed, lunging forward to grab the unicorn by the tail.

"Hold on little fella!" Applejack shouted, as she grabbed Spike by the tail, with Spyro holding the apple pony by the tail, and together they all hauled Twilight back up to solid ground.

"I told you to hold your horses," Pop Fizz said. "The bridge was out."

"You couldn't have just told us that sooner?" Applejack asked.

"Don't worry. I got this," With a flap of her wings, Rainbow Dash dives down into the chasm, and grabbed the other end of the bridge, and brought it back up to the other cliffside, where she was about to tie the ropes on some structures, when a voice called out.

"Rainbow Dash...."

"Huh? Who said that?" Rainbow asked. "Who's there?"


"I ain't scared of you!" Rainbow said, trying to look tough. "Show yourself!"

"We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flyer in Equestria." The voice continued.


"Why, you, of course."

"Really?!" Rainbow asked excitedly, before attempting to act all cool and casual about it. "I mean... Oh yeah, me. Hey, uh, you wouldn't mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would ya? 'cause I've been trying to get into that group for like, ever.

"No, Rainbow Dash. We want you to join us," The voice said, before revealing itself to be a trio of pegasus in dark purple, black, and yellow uniforms. "The Shadowbolts." The leader introduced herself. "We're the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest, and soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria, but first, we need a captain. The most magnificent-"




"Bravest flyer in all the land."

"Yes," Rainbow chuckled, having her ego stroked. "It's all true."

"We need... you." The leader said.

The cyan pegasus could hardly believe her ears, "WOOHOO! Sign me up," She squealed. "Just let me tie this bridge real quick and then we have a deal."

"No!" The leader said, pulling Rainbow Dash away. "It's them or us."

"Rainbow, what's taking so long?" Twilight asked.

"Hey! Who is she talking to?" Spike asked.

Squinting her eyes, looking even further, Twilight gasped in horror, "Oh no," She exclaimed. "Rainbow! Don't listen to them."

But it was no use. The leader of the Shadowbolt's eyes glowed in a menacing aura that made the mists grow thicker, omitting Twilight's warning.

"Well?" The leader asked.

Rainbow Dash thought for a moment, before she answered, "You..." The Shadowbolts grinned deviously. "Thank you! For the offer, I mean," Rainbow clarified, much to the Shadowbolts's shock. "But I'm afraid I have to say no."

With that, Rainbow Dash resumes her role, fixing the bridge, and quickly reunites with her friends, "Alright, Rainbow Dash!" They cheered for her.

Rainbow simply brushed it all off, "See? I'd never leave my friends hangin'."

"YOU FOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLSSSSS!!!!" The Shadowbolts leader roared in anger, before the Shadowbolts burned away into dark smokes, before they merged together to reveal the terrible creature that had terrorized the once happy town of Ponyville, the Storm King Armada's fiendish beast, and Princess Celestia's killer.

"YOU!!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Friend of yours?" Pop Fizz asked, to which the beast fired bolts of lightning at the heroes, and they all scattered. But Pop Fizz was not so lucky, and stood with his furs blacken, and one of his hair singed. "I'll take that as a no."

"So, looking for the Elements of Harmony?" Nightmare glowered, as she emerged from the shadows with her whole body. "WELL YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!" With her eyes glowing intense, and a crack of thunder, a powerful lightning bolt cracks across the air.

"Look out!" Everyone screamed, as they jumped clear of the lightning bolt, as it struck the ground, exploding upon impact.

"Oh! Oh dear goodness!" Fluttershy panicked, jumping behind a tree for protection.

"I didn't come this far just for a storm creature to stop me!" Rainbow Dash snarled, flapping her wings and launched herself at Nightmare, in a flying kick.

Reacting fast, Nightmare disappeared into shadows, evading the pegasus's flying kick, before her tail thrusted up, ensnaring the pegasus and thrashed her around.

"I am no mere storm creature pegasus," Nightmare snarled in amusement, as she tossed Rainbow Dash to the side, crashing into Applejack. "I have lived thousands of years, long before you were born, and when both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were still young."

Further furious, Rainbow Dash got back up on her hooves, as she launched herself at Nightmare again, "It was I who looked deep within Princess Luna's heart and helped her release her full potential," The storm creature snarled, slashing Rainbow away. "But her sister got in the way, and used the Elements of Harmony to banish me into the moon," Nightmare sent a strong bolt of lightning that zapped Rainbow Dash out of the air. "However, thanks to the aid of the Dark Master, he released me from my prison and gave me a new body. And for that, I have succeeded in achieving my revenge, and your precious princess paid dearly, with her life."

Rearing on her legs, Nightmare stomped her claws down onto the ground, sending a powerful shockwave through the ground, knocking everyone over the edge of the cliff.


Reaching out, Spyro dug his claws into the cliffside, grabbing onto a vine, before he reached out and caught Spike by the tail, "I got ya, Spike," Spyro said, while clinging the little dragon by the tail, in his teeth.

Meanwhile, Applejack quickly pulled out her rope from her hat, spinning a lasso and hurled it in the air to catch a branch. With that, Applejack swings herself to the cliff, catching Rarity and Pinkie Pie along the way. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy both caught Twilight in the air.

"Phew, thanks girls," Twilight breathed a sigh of relief, before she looked up to see Pop Fizz and Double Trouble plummeting towards them. Thinking fast, Twilight caught the two in her pink telekinesis aura.

"Whoa, my whole life just flashed before my eyes!" Pop Fizz said, breathing heavily. "Thanks for the save there, Twilight." Double Trouble quickly said something, as he pointed his staff in the air, to show a whole swarm of dreadwings flying overhead.

"That doesn't look good!" Rainbow Dash muttered.

"When has it ever been a good thing to see dreadwings?" Twilight asked.

Upon landing in the ruined structures of the castle, the baboons all leapt off and screeched maniacally as they swarmed a huge statue, removing five stone orbs from their perch.

"All this trouble for a bunch of rocks?" One of the baboons grunted.

"These are no mere stones, you fool!" Nightmare snarled. "I can assure you, they are the fabled Elements of Harmony, and they must be destroyed at once!"

"Not gonna happen!" A voice cried out, to which Nightmare and the primates turned their attention to the entrance to see Twilight Sparkle, with Sparx, Spike, and Spyro at her side.

"Oh dear, someone's angry," Nightmare snarked.

"You've already ruined our lives!" Twilight frowned. "You killed Princess Celestia! I won't let you destroy the elements!"

"You miss her?" With a cackle of lightning, the Nightmare beast's maws were lit, "Then go and JOIN HER!!" She roared, firing a bolt of lightning at the unicorn and the boys, which exploded upon impact.

Nightmare and the baboons all laughed menacingly, when another flash of light burst, and there stood the unicorn and her boys, unscathed, but disoriented.

"Whoa, warn us next time you're going to do that," Spike groaned dizzily.

"We'll be taking these!" Spyro said, charging headfirst at a baboon, then thrusted his leg out in a kick, and tail whipped another.

Spike ran towards a baboon, trying to throw a punch at him, but the evil monkey laughed tauntingly as he held the little dragon back, with his hand over his little head. Having enough, Spike snapped his jaws onto the baboon's hand, causing the monkey to screech in pain.

Concentrating her magic, Twilight swiftly blasted several bolts of magic at the baboons, while levitating the elements away, "C'mon, c'mon," Twilight said anxiously. "Just one spark!" Feeling her head and horn burning from exertion, Twilight focused her powers into the stone orbs, and felt a twinge of power.

"C'mon, Twilight!" Spike cheered.


"AH!" Twilight screamed, thrown off her hoof by a sudden explosive impact from Nightmare's lightning.

"Twilight!" The boys called out to her.

"The Elements!" Twilight shouted, only for her and the guys to watch in horror, as Nightmare crushes orbs into millions of crystal shards.

"What elements?" Nightmare sneered, before she and the baboons all cackled at the four heroes.

"No!" Twilight wailed in despair. "The Elements!"

"You're all fools to think you have a chance to save your realm," Nightmare cackled. "You have all sealed your doom, just as your precious princess had! Say farewell to each other, while you still can!"

Before anything else happened, Spyro stepped forward, "You want Twilight? You have to go through me first!" He said in defiance.

"Ha! You want that disappointment?" Nightmare asked. "What makes you think a dragon like you can stop someone as powerful as I?"

"I'm the dragon you're after!" Spyro continued. "I'm the Aetherean you're after. So take me, but leave my brother and Twilight out of this!"

The baboons all cackled as they surrounded Spyro, with Nightmare sneering, "How touching. An Aetherean, such as yourself, lost to the brother within."

"And proud of it," Spyro spoke up. "If Princess Celestia can give her life to secure mine and our friends, then I can do the same. Now, do we have an agreement?"

Nightmare pondered, before she nodded, "I can agree to your terms," She snarked. "There's just one problem. I don't make agreements."

Surprisingly, Spyro grinned, "I thought you might say that. Now you guys!"

Taken by surprise, Nightmare and the baboons looked to see Pop Fizz and Double Trouble jumping from their hiding spots, throwing bottles of potions and bolts of magic at Nightmare and the baboons.

Pop Fizz's potions all exploded upon impact with Nightmare and the baboons, distracting them in blind dazes, while Double Trouble waved his staff to fire beams of energy at the baboons, blowing them away, before he turned his attention to Nightmare and fired a powerful bolt of magic at the beast.

"Hi-yah!" Rainbow screamed, diving from the air to land a kick to the monster's head, before she flips backward and flies back up to land an uppercut, before she was suddenly grabbed by the tail. "AH!!" The pegasus was thrashed around, by Nightmare who held onto the pegasus's tail in her jaws.

"Let her go you big bully!" Pinkie Pie shrieked, throwing an unlimited supply of cupcakes at Nightmare and the baboons. As of complying to Pinkie's demand, Nightmare released Rainbow Dash from her maws, and the pegasus crashed into the pink pony. "But not like that," Pinkie groaned.

Most of the baboons ran back to their dreadwings. With a firm kick, the giant bats sprang to life, flapping their wings and screeched loudly as they swooped down onto the heroes, when a loud roar filled the air, and everyone looked up to see the manticore from before, standing on top of the walls, before it spreads its wings and swoops down on the dreadwings.

"Oh! You came here to help us!" Fluttershy smiled, to which the manticore nodded, before it was blown off its feet by a bolt of lightning from Nightmare. "Oh dear goodness! Are you okay?"

"You shouldn't have interfered, feline!" Nightmare snarled, raising her razor sharp claw up for the killing blow.

"No!" Pop Fizz shouted, appearing before Nightmare in his monstrous form, catching the beast's claws mere seconds away from killing the manticore. Summoning all his strength, Pop Fizz forced Nightmare back, before he took out another vial of potion and chugs it down.

His face turned red with heat, before he screams a torrent of fire from his mouth.

"Hey! Check that out!" Spike pointed, before he runs up to the monstrous Pop Fizz. "Excuse me, uh Pop Fizz?" The little dragon asked, getting the monstrous gremlin's attention. "Could I borrow that potion you used to breathe fire?"

"Sure, knock yourself kid," Pop Fizz handed the potion.

"Thanks!" Spike quickly ran over to his brother's side, "Big brother! I've got your medicine!"

"Medicine?" Spyro asked, as he was being given the potion. "What's this?"

"You're going to love it, Spyro!" Spike smiled. "It's your medicine to bring your fire back!"

"What? Are you serious?! But how–"

"Just drink it! Trust me!"

Looking at the vial, then his brother, Spyro shrugged, "I hope this works," Popping the cork off, Spyro took the first sip of the potion, and his eyes blinked wide open from the heat that burns in his throat. "AH!!!" He groaned, tossing the vial up in the air, which Spike caught. "What is this?!" The older dragon coughed, with smokes flying out of his nose. "It's burning my throat!" With that, a little spark of flame burst from his mouth. "What the–"

"Whoa!" Sparx buzzed. "Was that fire dude?"

Clearing his throat again, Spyro exhaled another burst of flame from his mouth, "Whoa!" He breathed in a raspy voice. "I-I can breathe fire again? I can breathe fire again!" Feeling happier than he has in a long time, Spyro picked up Spike off his feet and spun him around, "Spike, you wonderful little dragon you! What did you do?!"

"I just borrowed this stuff from Pop Fizz!" Spike answered, before another blast of lightning snapped their attention back into the fight. "Actually, how about we talk this stuff later, and fight for our lives like right now?"

"Oh, right," Regaining his focus, and setting his thoughts in the fight, Spyro thought, 'It's great to be back, dad. Now I'm all fired up!'

With a burst of speed, Spyro charged into the fray, ramming his horns into the baboons, knocking them to the side, before he appears before Nightmare. The storm fiend fired a bolt of lightning at the purple dragon, who quickly rolled to the side to dodge the attack, before he coughed a stream of fire at the monster's face.

Shaking the burn off, Nightmare snapped her jaws at the dragon, who quickly dodged to the side, evading her snapping jaws, before he jumps up and spins his whole body in a horizontal tail spin, landing a hit to the monster's face, before he twists his body forward in a vertical spin to land a tail hammer onto Nightmare's head, before he lands a punch.

Irked, Nightmare disappeared into the shadows, "Where did she go?" Spyro asked hoarsely, coughing up some flames.

"Look out! She's behind you!" Spike shouted.

"Where?" Before Spyro had the chance, he was snatched up, by the tail and was thrown towards a wall.

Recovering from the throw, Spyro looked to see a shadow darting towards him. With another inhale, Spyro exhales another burst of flame, which suddenly died out, "What? No! Not now!" He moaned, before he was snatched up, off the ground, in Nightmare's jaws.

"Big brother!!" Spike screamed.

"Spyro!" Everyone screamed.

End of Rap

Before Nightmare had the chance to disappear into the shadows again, Rainbow Dash swoops in, and lands a kick at the beast, forcing her to release Spyro, who rejoins the other heroes.

"You fools!" Nightmare roared. "It is hopeless to defeat me! You cannot stop the darkness! Our master plan has just begun!"

"Maybe we can't stop you!" Spyro panted heavily. "At least, not without the Elements of Harmony! But we'll keep fighting you to our very last breath! For all of Equestria! For Princess Celestia! For the world! For–" Spyro was interrupted, when the crystals suddenly began to glow in multicolored auras, and they levitated off the floor.

"What?! How can this be?!" Nightmare exclaimed. "The Elements were destroyed!"

"Twilight? What's going on?" Spike asked.

"I-I don't–" Twilight gasped, having an epiphany. "I get it now! It's the spark!"

"Spark? What spark?" Spyro asked.

"She means me!" Sparx buzzed. "It's me, isn't it?"

With a look of confident, Twilight turned to Nightmare and grinned, "You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that?" She asked rhetorically. "Well you're wrong! Because the spirits of the Elements of Harmony are right here!" She said, gesturing to the Ponyville girls.

"What?!" Nightmare exclaimed in outrage.

"Ooooooooh," The boys all nodded in acknowledgement, before they exchanged confused looks.

"Uh, say what now?" Spike asked.

Twilight began to lecture, "Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of... honesty!"

With that, some crystal shards that glowed in Applejack's orange color swirled around the earth pony.

"Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of... kindness!"

Light pink crystals surrounded Fluttershy.

"Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of... laughter!"

Baby blue crystals surrounded Pinkie Pie who giggled in delight.

"Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of... generosity!"

Purple crystals surrounded the unicorn.

"And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the spirit of... loyalty!"

Red crystals surrounded the pegasus.

"The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us." Twilight smiled.

"Hey! What about us?!" Spyro asked on behalf of himself and the boys.

"You still lose!" Nightmare roared. "You still don't have the sixth element! Your spark didn't work!"

"But it did!" Twilight frowned, before explaining, "A different kind of spark," Turning to the ponies and the boys, Twilight continued, "I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you," The unicorn's eyes welled up with tears of happiness, as she smiled. "The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all... are my friends!"

"We're with you til the end, Twilight!" Spike cheered.

"C'mon! Let's get fired up!" Spyro joined in.

"You go girl!" Sparx buzzed, which to Twilight, it sounded more like. "Buzz buzz buzz."

With that, a flash of light erupted and another stone orb was created. Nightmare's eyes widened in disbelief, "It CAN'T be!"

"Oh but it is!" Sparx buzzed. "You're in trouble now, missy!"

"You see, Nightmare," Twilight continued. "When those Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of... magic!" She declared, as the crystals all formed together, to create five golden necklaces, each with a jewel of the pony's respective cutie marks embedded in the center. The sixth, however, took one the appearance of a tiara, with the jewel embedded at the top.

Spike, Spyro, and Sparx looked at themselves over, and were dismayed to see they don't get anything, "Oh, man!" They all moaned.

Back with the ponies, the Elements of Harmony were charging up, preparing to unleash their magic onto Nightmare, "That's an admiral speech, Twilight Sparkle," Nightmare frowned. "But there is only one problem. Who's going to save the tree?"

"Tree?" Twilight asked, as she and the ponies ceased what they were about to do. "What tree?"

Nightmare grinned menacingly, before she revealed, "The Tree of Harmony of course! The same tree where the Elements of Harmony came from! Didn't you know? It's dying! And it needs the Elements of Harmony to replenish its energy! Otherwise, our darkness will grow until it consumes every drop of magic in Equestria, including the tree!"

"Oh dear!" Fluttershy whimpered. "Twilight? What do we do?"

Twilight looked hesitant, "Don't listen to her, Twilight!" Spike called out. "It's a trick! She's trying to get you to surrender!"

"Stop her now!" Spyro added.

"Yes, listen to your friends, Twilight," Nightmare cackled. "Use the Elements to stop me, and let the Tree die and doom all of Equestria! Or save the tree, and let me free, and fail your chance to avenge your precious Princess Celestia! It's your choice! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

Author's Note:

Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place!