• Published 1st Jun 2020
  • 617 Views, 20 Comments

Stargate SG1: Children of Equestria - Megaskullmon

A long history of friendship on a world long forgotten.

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Chapter Five: Dragons of Wyoming part two.

It’s been a few hours since the bomber got off the ground even though it doesn’t take that long to get into Wyoming through flying. Just when it comes to flying overhead a land of dragons it would be death.

The pilot speaks on the PA system

“I am sorry for doing this. But it’s the only way to get into Wyoming these days. The bigger issue is we won’t be able to land till the dragon lord speaks to the rest of the community. From what she told us it could be another hour before. If we get an okay we will be landing outside of Buffalo Wyoming. Even for dragons, it’s even harder for us to get into Wyoming. The dragons in there broke off from the rest of us.”

The pink Chinese dragon curls around her old friend Carter. The two old friends stare into each other’s eyes. There is no fear from either of them. They haven’t seen each other since the war when they broke off their friendship.

“Hello.. Sam. I am sorry about your family. I heard that your father died recently from cancer. I wish I was able to go see him one last time.”

Carter sighs shaking her head.

“No, I would have told you Lotus. If I was able to find you. Just that silly war that broke our friendship apart. I just hope we don’t have to deal with that ever again.”

Lotus laughs softly.

“I never cared for the war myself. It was just the only way to please the dragon lord at the time. After he was killed the dragons just kept what they got and allowed ponies into the lands. Just Wyoming I don’t know what is wrong there. Something is up they even refuse to allow other dragons in there.”

Sam smiles.

“My father never hated you even after the war started. He always hoped that we would return as friends. Just I am sorry if we got into any battles on the field Lotus. I just wish again the dragons and ponies could have agreed.”

Lotus nods.

“Yes, I heard you joined that odd StarGate program. I am happy Ruby got us back together at least. Just I am worried about going to Wyoming. I heard stories of this crazy dragon. She has told stories about some creature called the mother. That is all I know about her this mother did so much she said. That I don’t know I wish I could understand.”
While the two old friends talk Teal’c sat alone. He looks towards the little red dragon who stares at him like he is some kind of monster. Teal’c of course had no issue with this. He just sat in the seat of the crystal-made plane.

“Do you feel like a prisoner with that thing inside you?”

Teal’c looks up at the red dragon. He tilts his head a bit wondering what he means. Then he understands he thinks on the best way to speak his words. He is not used to being asked these questions outside of the Stargate program.

“I don’t feel like a slave. Being a jaffa is a great honor. I used to be the first prime to my former god faults god of course. When we get older we consider it an honor to hold the young of the gods. But would I go back on it if I knew everything I do now? No, I wouldn’t it’s part of who I am and my culture. I know sooner or later I will lose control but that day is not today. Does this answer your question?”

The dragon smirks.

“So jaffa is just as prideful as dragons. I am sure that is going to be peaceful.”

The pa system comes on again.

“We just got confirmation that we can land. But we can only go into Buffalo. We can’t go anywhere else in the state because they don’t even know we are here. If they learn outsiders are here be prepared for a fight. We will land and then meet with the dragon lord and the mayor of Buffalo.”

Jack took a deep breath he sat beside Ruby. It was harder for him to relax since he remembers everything he did back during the dragon pony war. He jumped out of plans like this he fought he killed and he broke many bones in his own body.

“Nervous Jack?”

He glances up at Ruby. He chuckles quickly nodding.

“I haven’t been in Wyoming since the war. All I know is that some ponies still live here and that the Moose and cows are still welcomed here. Unless your species have a hate-on for them. I don’t fully know but just trying to relax is harder to do when you’re very unsure if the dragons will keep their word.”

Ruby nods.

“You can never trust a dragon.”
Jack stares at Ruby.

“Well present company excluded of course.”

She smirks showing her sharp teeth. Jack laughs softly shaking his head it’s rare for ponies and dragons to get along like this they used to all the time before the war. Jack looks back at all the friends he had to put down because of the war. He will never forget why this silly war started.

“I am hoping we never go through another war like that again.”

A few hours later the crystal plan flys through Wyoming to try to bypass any of the towns that would cause some of the dragons to lose their minds. When they finally land it takes a while for the system to shut down. Since the magic system causes many sparks in the system.

Finally, the plan turns off. A dragoness stands near a large group of police and guards. The dragon lord holds a heavy golden tooth. She leans on it and smiles at the group.

“Welcome. But first, you will be brought into Buffalo and your gear will be taken apart and put back together just in case. Let’s just say some of the citizens of Buffalo are worried about outsiders. First, though you will be asked to stay near a checkpoint outside of Buffalo you will be there a day and then before we even allow you into the mountains we got some rules you need to follow understand?”

The dragon lord turns her large yellow eyes to Ruby. The anger in her eyes is shown. They have met before and it’s not new for dragons to have issues like this. Ruby didn’t back down she stood proud growling softly.

“I see you’re still in the pony military Ruby. You and I will have a long chat at the checkpoint.”

Ruby nods growling smoke coming out of her nose.

“I look forward to finally ending this feud between you and me. Let’s see if you grew up over the years or are still a helpless hatchling.”.

The dragon lord growls deeply. She clicks her claws and bags are placed over the group and chloroform soaks the bags and the group’s vision went completely dark.