• Published 1st Jun 2020
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Stargate SG1: Children of Equestria - Megaskullmon

A long history of friendship on a world long forgotten.

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Chapter Eight: An old dragons mind The Mother arc

I met the mother many years after the ponies. The dragons knew nothing about her. I was kind of one of those dragons that kept to themselves. Our Dragonlord known as Ember tried to get us into what is called friendship.

“Friendship to the ponies is another form of power. A power we can’t take from them. I wish you to be friends with the ponies for we dragons have been on our own for years.”

Just the fact we dragons had to lower ourselves to the ponies made a lot of us angry. For me, though, I always wanted to get to know ponies. Even though I have been raised to hate anything weaker than me.

The old dragon lowers the book looking at Jack.

“No offense stallion”

Jack stares at her like he is shooting her with laser eyes. He grunts wanting to give an insult back though It would have been best if he didn’t. I put my hoof on Jacks’s shoulder.

“Relax sir.”

He sighs, nodding.

“I get it, Carter saving the world and all.”

A smile forms across my face.

“Getting bored of it sir?”

Jack chuckles.

“A bit Carter.”

I nod to the dragon.

“Please continue the old one.”

She begins to read the book again.


The past

I wanted to become the first one to try to make friends with a pony. Now I have never talked to any other of my kind so I felt maybe a pony would be best to first. So I did what I felt was best I went up and talked with our Dragonlord

“Excuse me Ember.”

I was pretty shy back during the day. I was kind of a blushy golden-scaled gal. Around my kind, though I had to hide that side of mine. I kept myself from losing it from the shyness and stress of talking to a dragon so powerful. It took her a while to notice it was me talking to her. I was weaker than most of our kind. To some, I was just a stepping stone.


The powerful blue dragon had the rage of a normal dragonlord but her temper was legendary. So I had to make it quick.

“I would like to become the first one to try to make friends with a pony even though I have no idea what it would mean to do so.”

Ember was still new to being a dragonlord and new to this idea of friendship. I sometimes wonder why we even tried getting along with the ponies. Equestria is a beautiful land under the control of ponies. They tamed everything, even stole the sun from us which I have been told is an old legend.

“Excuse me.”


Back to earth.

The old dragon looks at Jack. I am worried she is going to lose her temper with him.


Jack lifts his wing to silence me.

“You have been to Equestria, do you know why we are even on this planet then?”

The dragon puts a bookmark into the book, closing it for a moment. She stood up from the chair for an old dragon she can walk like a normal dragon. She may be old but her body is keeping together than most females I know.

“You ask a good question Colonel. I got a request of my own. Do you wish to learn or keep asking questions?”

Jack groans.

“Listen, we just want to know why we are here. Why have we been forced to forget Equestria? We knew it existed from legends. Just why can’t you outright tell us the answer rather than making us want to ask more questions.”

Daniel stares at Jack. I stare at O’Neill as well. Daniel and I look at each other then we look back at Jack. We are both worried he has something human in his brain like old stories of ancient technology infusing information into humans. Still, we haven’t found anything of the sort and it got us worried humans didn’t exist till that recording.

“From the looks on the faces of your friends you don’t ask these questions. I wonder if you want to know more about this planet and those who controlled it before. I can’t tell you that as of yet because you haven’t proved to me you deserve it other than the information I am giving you now.”

Daniel quickly covers Jack’s mouth with his wings. Jack stares at him like he is going to shoot him.

“Jack please we just need the information and we can leave the nice dragon alone.”

The old dragon chuckles.

“Frankly, I like the company. My species thinks I am insane because I remember old stories and tell them the history of how our kind used to act.”

Ruby puts her claw on Jack’s shoulder shaking her head to him.

“Let the wise one speak.”

Daniels removes his wings from Jack’s mouth. Jack shakes his head sitting down beside Ruby since she will keep him silent. I go to sit on the other side of the dragon. Ruby cleans a gun she has with her and I wish I could ask what it’s called but she seems focused on the old dragon.

“Now I can get back to my story. It will take this book and at least one more till we get to the mother. Now, remember this is the event I was there for.”

The dragon sits back in her chair curling her tail around her tail. Using her fire breath to start a fire in her makeshift fireplace to give us some warmth.

“It didn’t take long for Ember to answer me.


Old history.

“I don’t even know your name. You must be one of those of my kind who keeps to themselves. My question is why are you willing to lower yourself for this?”

Ember notices what she said feeling a little upset with her words.

“Sorry, It’s going to take longer to remove our habits. Ponies hate new things they don’t understand. Some of them get to the point they can’t handle conforming to things. They’re so set in their ways welcoming any new species is the hardest thing for them”

I understood this perfectly most of us still can’t agree on anything most will fight over just a crystal or a piece of meat. Recently most of us would try to harm the ponies because they have it too easy. I’m sure now it’s not true they have it too easy. I have heard stories about how many creatures wish to destroy them.

“ Habits are something I am willing to work on to at least try to make friends with ponies. Is there a way I can do this with no problem?”

Ember shrugs her shoulders.

“Only thing I can think of is talking to Spike. I got a letter from Spike recently. He will be coming back to at least try to help me get used to ponies. So I could ask him what he thinks. He said he should be here today. Are you willing to wait with me?”

It took us a few hours to wait. But that is it for now.



The old dragon closes the book standing up.

“It’s late and time for sleep. Before you even ask, no I am not staying up to satisfy your curiosity. There are guest rooms. Only three though it seems the dragoness and the pegasus are an item so you two may take one of them.”

Teal’c doesn’t say a word walking into one of the guest rooms closing the door. I watch the light turn off and the sound of many candles being lit. I stood on my hooves looking at Daniel.

“Well, Daniel shall we get some sleep then?”

The griffin nods and we both go into the other guest room. I close the door using my magic. Taking off my uniform going fully down to the bare fur naked body of a pony. Daniel has been around our kind long enough not to get upset with this fact we mostly walk around naked.

Daniel sits on the other side of the bed and sighs stroking his head.

“Do you think we are making a mistake Sam?”

A mistake life is full of mistakes. It was a mistake I never took my father’s deal to become part of the space program. I wish I could understand my mistakes and I know sooner or later I might learn. I hope I will.

“What do you mean by mistake Daniel?”

He turns his head to glance at me.

“Is it our right to learn about Equestria? Maybe something happened to the world, maybe we are descendants of a penal colony? I wish I could understand I don’t think we ever will. We would have to pry so much into this dragon’s mind.”

I shrug my shoulders getting into the bed.

“I wish I could answer. I don't know if I want to learn by myself.”

I get under the covers and Daniel gets under the covers on the other side. I lay my head on the pillow wondering if he is correct. Are we making a mistake trying to learn? I take a deep breath blowing the stress out of me or trying to. I close my eyes hoping something will finally give us the ability to bring hope to our old home.

To be Continued. The dragon has just begun to tell the story to SG1. What will they learn about what twists and turns are coming next? Find out the next chapter.