• Published 1st Jun 2020
  • 621 Views, 20 Comments

Stargate SG1: Children of Equestria - Megaskullmon

A long history of friendship on a world long forgotten.

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Chapter Ten: The start of the story The mother arc

Author's Note:

Forgive the quick chapters but I want to stretch this as much as I can. Also since some don't like overly long chapters since I do that with FOE I don't wish to do that with everything so bear with me.

The morning sun comes over the Wyoming mountains allowing the sun to shine in the mountain state. Not many ponies have seen such a sight for so many years. Some ponies have started living here even after the dragons took over the state. They haven’t forced out every pony some even were allowed into dragon families so they could stay. Even some cities are just pony but it’s rare.

I stood outside watching the cars dragons used to get through the roads. I stood near Jack and Daniel while we watch.

“You know I don’t get it they allow ponies in this state. But only the ones that kneeled to the dragon lord. I see why many don’t want to screw with them.”

I glance at Jack and then Daniel.

“Something on your mind Carter?”

I took a deep breath sighing

“What if we learn something about Equss or the princess or something else something so awful we can’t bear, to tell the truth.”

Jack turns his head to look at me.

“Carter I understand your feelings I am sure Daniel and Teal’c understand your feelings too. But this is our mission. No matter what we learn we need to tell them the truth of what we learn. If we can hear that humans did exist for a time then all our hunting for the past of this world wouldn’t be for nothing.”

I shake my head and before I could do anything Ruby comes out of the house offering Jack something to eat.

“I found some food for you ponies it’s pretty good.”

Jack stares at Ruby confused.

“Wait you’re not eating meat?’

Ruby chuckles.

“Meat is good and at all but food for ponies always has the best flavor.”

Rubies crest then wilts she leans to whisper to Jack. Jack leans to listen and his ears pin back looking up at her.

“You’re kidding?”

Ruby shook her head.

“She told me a lot of things, Jack. Not everything but she asked me not to tell you anything.”

Jack nods.

“I am sure whatever she told you made you upset.”

Ruby weakly smiles.

“Oh, upset is a safe way to say it. Enraged is something else. I wish I could tell you Jack I wish I could.”

Jack sighs

“Let’s see where this goes Ruby then I will take you out to dinner would it make you happy?”

Ruby wraps her wings tightly around Jack holding him close to her. I look away hearing them kiss and It just makes me chuckle how Jack doesn’t care how he looks to the rest of us ponies. Daniel knew her when he was growing up. I just know about her because she is close to Jack.

Teal’c comes out of the house.

“The old one is ready to explain the story to us.”

I follow the others inside and the old dragon is back in her chair holding the book. She looks at all of us looking at Ruby.

“You didn’t tell them anything Ruby?”

Ruby shook her head.

“Alright, what I am about to tell you soon is what happened and how it happened. Are you willing to hear more? What you may hear from me might upset you more than give you questions so again you willing?”

Jack nods.

“I am willing I am sure the rest of us are.”

Ruby nods.

“I am ready Carter you ready hon?”

I look over to Ruby a weak smile forming on my face.

“Yes, I am.”

The old dragon opens the book.

“Ember asked Spike so I could help make friends with a pony.”


The past

It wasn’t very easy for me to leave. I left with Spike a few days after and to make it easier for me he had me meet a zebra named Zecora. Now Zecora would speak to me in rhyme but me remembering her rhymes wasn’t easy for me to write in this book.

“Welcome welcome I understand you wish to make friends with ponies? I warn you now it’s not easy ponies are very full of themselves it took them a while to accept me. I can’t promise they will accept you very quick.”

It was hard for my brain to understand her. I did try to answer back the best way I could.

“I am sorry miss Zecora it is not easy to understand you because of the rhymes is there any way I can make a friend?”

Before Zecora could say anything else a strange commotion outside her hut made her and I confused she looks out the door seeing ponies running away from something. One of the ponies stops looking over to Zecora and me.

“Zecora there is a strange monster in the forest. A creature witch looks like an Alicorn. The others and I are running away from her we have no idea who she is. We are going to run as far as we can and warn the princess. Make sure to keep your door closed and don’t open it for anypony.”

Zecora closes the door looking back at me she shrugs her shoulders.

“Seeing an Alicorn is not strange. Ponies are very easy to spook I have a feeling though I might as well be prepared just in case. Can you do me a big favor what did you say your name was?’

I am finally able to give my name the zebra. I didn’t give my name to Spike. It took me a while to remember since I am too shy for my name to even be used. When I dig deep into my mind I finally remember my name.





The dragon lowers the book and we all stare at Jack.

“You’re the dragon who tried to run for president of the united states years ago before the war. Then you accused the ponies of stealing the election!!”

The old dragon frowns.

“I figured you would be the one who knew me. Before you lose your mind Jack I will tell you what I told Ruby.”

Kadia sighs taking a deep breath. She closes the book to stare right at Jack and looks at the rest of us.

“The war started because the old dragonlord who died during the war didn’t want to listen to me and not go to war over the election being stolen. I even admitted to him I knew it was stolen. Because I knew full well giving our kind the type of power as president is unwise.”

Jack stares at her he looks at me then at Daniel and Teal’c

“You mean it was stolen?”

Kadia nods.

“Yes, I wanted it to be stolen because my kind doesn’t deserve the type of power of leading an entire country.”

Kadia sighs shaking her head.

“I regret it led to so many lives being uprooted so many deaths and dragons taking over states. It's why when I die the dragonlord is going to tell everyone the truth and demand the dragons to give back what they can.”

Kadia opens the book.

“I know you ponies will never forgive me for what I caused but you have to understand I can’t allow my kind to have power such as that.”

Jack takes a deep breath.

“I will be honest I expected as much. It took me a while to fall for Ruby. Daniel is the one who got me to do so since she helped him through his hard life.”

Ruby laughs.

“Well, we both grew up together. I adopted him as my brother it was the only way to keep him from hurting himself after his parents died.”

Kaida sighs stroking her head.

“May I get back to what I was telling you about?”

I nod while the others agree Ruby wraps her wing around Daniel holding him close to her. Since Ruby and Daniel are now families since he has been adopted into her family years ago. I look at Jack who is still reeling from what the old dragon spoke of.

She opens the book back up.

“Zecora and I didn’t go deep into the woods. We didn’t want to deal with whatever this Alicorn was. I did much I could while Zecora tried to teach me a good way to learn friendship.”


The past Equss

Many would say it would be easier to teach dragons manners and how to be respectful to ponies to be friends with them. I had a feeling though she wasn’t teaching me anything but trying to get me upset.

“Zecora may I ask you a question?”

The zebra tilts her head.


I sigh deeply

“You’re not trying to teach me anything but showing me to control my temper just in case I run into ponies like this am I correct?”

Zecora chuckles

“You would be correct. I will be honest with you if you’re ever taken to Cantorlot you would be expected to be proper. Trust me don’t do it. It’s not worth the time to do such a thing in that city. So someday you will have to accept it.”

Before I could say anything else a strange sound came outside. Zecora opens the door and we both see a strange vessel flying above a yellow bullet smashes into the vessel and it blows up. The fiery vessel falls to the ground not far from us making the ground shake.

When the shock wave hit me I flew to the wall of the tree getting knocked out. The book closes.



“How about something to eat before we go on?”

Jack growls and sighs defeated we all agree to get something to eat. She gets up and the others follow her I look back at the book wanting to read it. I stood on my hooves and I walk to the book Jack stops me shaking my head.

“No Carter she is a dragon it will take time for her to tell us everything. You have to allow her to do it on her own time.”

I walk with Jack to the kitchen looking back at the book I am upset I wish to know. I am surprised Daniel is not the one who wishes to know.

The story has just started the next few chapters of the story shall be the mother, The invasion, The resistance, and then hope. Tune in next to my friends for Stargate SG1 the children of Equestria.